標記檔案: Sharahya-Taina Moreu

已故的約翰尼·塔皮亞 (Johnny Tapia) 對阿爾伯克基業餘拳擊手 Sharahya-Taina Moreu 的影響仍然很大

已故的約翰尼·塔皮亞 (Johnny Tapia) 仍然具有強大的影響力

阿爾伯克基業餘拳擊手 Sharahya-Taina Moreu

2020 美國拳擊國民, 十二月. 5-12, 什里夫波特, 路易斯安那州

科羅拉多斯普林斯, 膝部. (十一月 23, 2020) – 遲到, 偉大的名人堂拳擊手 約翰尼塔皮亞 在阿爾伯克基次中量級的發展中發揮了重要作用 Sharahya-Taina Moreu, 這位 3 級世界冠軍在她的生活中仍然具有強大的影響力.

在 COVID-19 大流行期間,她一直在準備參加 2020 美國拳擊全國錦標賽, 十二月 5-12, 在什里夫波特的什里夫波特會議中心, 路易斯安那州。

塔皮亞 (如下圖所示,他的背部紋身是給莫瑞的) 幫助 Sharahya-Taina 克服了她母親車禍造成的改變人生的悲劇。當時她只有八歲, 事故後躺在她母親身上, 第一個下車上高速公路尋求幫助。

“首先,”她談到了她與塔皮亞的關係, “我又後悔又生氣, 打架並走上糟糕的道路。我開始拳擊 12, 採取憤怒管理, 並變得有動力。”

塔皮亞, 作為業餘選手,他曾兩次獲得全國金手套冠軍, 對莫留的生活產生了巨大的影響, 永遠不會離開她的心和靈魂的東西。

“我們變得像家人一樣,”這位 21 歲的年輕人解釋道。 “首先, 他 (約翰尼) 不喜歡女孩拳擊, 所以他真的很努力地工作。我是一名出色的籃球運動員,他一直告訴我去打籃球。但他成了我生命中的大人物, 我想, 因為我在這麼小的年紀就失去了我的母親。他在很多方面幫助我進出戒指。約翰尼塔皮亞是最好的, 我見過的最謙虛的人。我們成了家人,直到健身房分崩離析。他只教了我大約八個月, 但他教會了我拳擊將你定義為一個人。我在環中感到安全。因為約翰尼和拳擊,我變得更好了。”

與父親/教練一起訓練約魯巴·莫魯 疫情期間, 雖然找到好的陪練很有挑戰性, 沒有像其他人那樣嚴重,因為她的健身房在後院。自去年 12 月的奧運選拔賽以來,她就沒有參加過比賽。

“我很高興能重返賽場,因為我已經很久沒有比賽了,” 莫留望向什里夫波特。 “肯定會不一樣, 因為有很多新面孔來爭奪第一名, 這讓戰鬥變得有趣且值得。”

自豪地代表美國參加比賽, Sharahya-Taina 為她的美洲原住民和波多黎各傳統感到自豪, 她開始為女性而戰。

“我喜歡擁抱我文化的雙方,”她評論道, “代表我母親的阿科馬方面和來​​自波多黎各血統的泰諾血統, 這就是為什麼我的名字是 Sharahya-Taina。每一天都是為女性而戰。我只是讓大家知道並明確我們會留下來。我不只是為自己而戰。我也在為我的家人而戰, 選擇拿起一副手套的祖先和下一代女性。我們的目標不僅僅是成為擂台上的冠軍, 但在外面, 也。”

Moreu在從青年到精英部門的發展過程中非常成功, 贏得 2017 青年全國錦標賽和西部地區公開賽, 以及 2016 和 2017 青年公開賽。她還獲得了亞軍 2018 精英全國錦標賽和西部精英預選賽, 加上 2015 全國青少年奧林匹克運動會。

Sharahya-Taina Moreu 是一名執行任務的年輕女性。她希望參加比賽 2024 巴黎奧運會, 尤其是和她的弟弟,如果他們都有資格的話, 正如她所說, “奧林匹克拳擊界的標誌性兄弟姐妹二人組。”



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關於美國拳擊:  美國拳擊的使命是要使美國的運動員和教練員,以實現持續的競爭優勢, 個性發展, 支持拳擊運動, 並促進和在美國長大奧運風拳。美國拳擊的責任是不僅要生產奧運金牌, 同時也監督和管理在美國業餘拳擊的每一個方面。

Sharahya-Taina Moreu to make USA Boxing Women’s Elite debut at home in Albuquerque

2018 Western Elite Qualifier and Regional Open Championships
海. 6-10 at Albuquerque Convention Center

ÇOLORADO SPRINGS, 膝部. (三月 1, 2018) – High school senior Sharahya-Taina Moreu, one of the top youth amateur boxers in the world, will make her USA Boxing in the Women’s Elite Division at home in Albuquerque, 三月 6-10, 在 2018 USA Boxing Western Elite Qualifier and Regional Open Championships.

The 18-year-old Moreu, who plans to attend community college next year, 是 2016 USA Boxing National Champion, in addition to a four-time Native American and 2014 Gene Lewis champion. She was a silver medalist at the 2015 Junior/Youth Open and 2014/2015 Junior Olympic championships.

拳擊, her father/coach, 約魯巴·莫魯, 已故 約翰尼塔皮亞 helped her overcome the life-changing tragedy of her mother’s death in an automobile accident, forging a new path for her as a role model and 2020 Olympic hopeful. “I was only eight when my mother died,” Moreu remembered. “I was laying on her when the car-rolled and she was thrown through the back window. I was the first out of the card and on the freeway asking for help.

I’m a better person because of that accident, 雖然. 首先, I was regretful and angry, getting in fights and on a bad path. I got into boxing, 採取憤怒管理, and became motivated. I didn’t realize that I’d become a role model until girls started asking me for advice. They do look up to me and some of them I now coach.
Moreu started boxing at the age of 12 and Tapia, 五年時間, 三個賽區世界冠軍, 除了 1983 和 1985 全國金手套冠軍, had a tremendous impact on Sharahya-Taina that will remain in her heart and soul for life.
We became like family,” Moreu said. “首先, he didn’t like girls boxing, so he worked me real hard. I was a good basketball player and he kept telling me to go play basketball. But he became a big person in my life, 我想, because I had lost my mother at such a young age. He helped me in and out of the ring in so many ways. Johnny Tapia was the nicest, most humble man I’ve ever met. We became family until the gym fell apart. He only coached me about eight months, but he taught me that boxing defines you as a person, 進出環. I feel safe in the ring. I’m a better person because of Johnny and boxing.

風格明智, Sharahya-Taina preys on her opponentsmistakes, adjusting in the ring the same as, she says, “Just like in life.At 5′ 10″, Moreu has a distinct height and reach advantage over most of her middleweight opponents, using those attributes, her speed and stiff jab to relentlessly pile up points.

She strongly believes that, because of Claressa盾gold-medal performances in the 2012 和 2016 奧運會, the doors are open wider for women in boxing. “I saw an American woman do what Clarissa did and become a dominant force in boxing,” Moreu remarked. “(2016 中美. Olympian and three-time USA Boxing National Champion)) 邁卡拉邁耶 (3-0, 2 KOs as a pro) has helped a lot, 太. She signed with a good promoter (熱門排名). Boxing is slowly getting better for woman, maybe not equal to men, but there are more girls boxing today than ever before and that’s a good sign.

Fighting at home in the Western Qualifier has a special meaning for Moreu. “I thought fighting in Albuquerque would be a lot of pressure,” she admitted, “but there’s not much pressure on me because of all the support I’m receiving. It’s easy here. Albuquerque isn’t like a big city but it’s becoming a fight town.

I like to travel and meet different people. 去年, I represented to United States in India at the Youth Championships, and I saw another part of the world, how people trained and had different life styles. I’m turning 19 在五月, so this is my first-time boxing in an Elite tournament, and it’s great doing it in my hometown.

Moreu also credits her father for a large amount of her success in the ring and life. “He’s been a single parent, but he’s always been there doing his best for me as a father and coach,” Sharahya-Taina noted. “Most people don’t know that he’s Puerto Rican, my mother a Native American (Pueblo).”

Like most young, elite athletes, Sharahya-Taina has a dream. “2020 in the Olympics,” she concluded. “I want to establish myself as an amateur and eventually go pro and have a good career.

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