标记档案: SFT

SFT 27 本周四在巴西 FITE 放映


SF7 27 中的两场冠军争夺战

本周四,来自巴西的 FITE

圣保罗, 巴西 (七月 12, 2021) – 2021 年第一届 SFT 活动,SFT 27, 将于本周四晚上举行 (七月 15) 圣保罗, 巴西, 包含两场 SFT 冠军争夺战, 这是 SFT 自去年 12 月以来的首场演出。

SFT 27 将通过 FITE 应用程序和网站在美国和全球范围内以按次付费的方式在 FITE 上独家播放 (www.FITE.tv), 开始 6:00 P.M. AND / 3:00 P.M. PT, 仅售 14.99 美元。

“等待已经结束,” SFT 总裁大卫·哈德森 宣布。 “我们在新星‘毛米托’和永远危险的比斯波之间进行的主要比赛将决定谁是今天的巴西轻量级之王。我们还将进行另一场 SFT 冠军争夺战,坎图阿里亚和博尔赫斯将争夺空缺的 SFT 女子蝇量级王冠。这张卡的其余部分也装载了一些巴西的后起之秀的战士

主要赛事是SFT的 2020 年度战斗机, 曼努埃尔·“毛米托”·索萨 (6-0-0, SFT: 6-0-0), 对老将“怪物”​​布伦登·毕肖普 (17-4-0, SFT: 1-0-0) 争夺空缺的SFT轻量级冠军。

23 岁的索萨是一位出色的前锋,他的综合格斗运动记录包括 23 跆拳道比赛的直接胜利, 18 淘汰赛, 他的所有六场职业 MMA 比赛都在 SFT 比赛中获胜, 没有人进入第三轮。

“我训练得很好, 地面上有很多, 因为我知道他有柔术黑带,” 苏萨报道. “但是由于我刻苦训练, 我对此并不担心。 MMA 汇聚了所有领域, 所以你需要做好准备。在培训中, 我们把自己置于危险之中, 就好像我们在战斗一样, 这增加了我的信心, 它可以控制气体。在 27 岁, 布伦多·比斯波 (Brendo Bispo) 在职业 MMA 方面的经验比我丰富 17 胜四负。 “马拉尼昂州”认为这一点是积极的, 然而, 他知道这并不是胜利的保证。所以, 他从迭戈·利马 Chute Boxe 的工作中受益匪浅, 国内主要球队之一。”

目前已取得6连胜, 在其他几位拳手放弃了这个机会后,比斯波接受了与热门新星苏萨的挑战。被誉为巴西顶级轻量级选手之一, 比斯波现在有机会证明他不是. 1 对阵苏萨。 Bispo 在著名的 Chute Boxeo 训练, 在知名人士的指导下查尔斯·奥利维拉(Charles Oliveira).  坚实的全能战士, 经验更丰富的比斯波通过淘汰赛取得了七场胜利, 以及另外五个提交的内容。

“每当我战斗时,”比斯波说, “我总觉得这是第一次. 所以, 我没有产生太多的期望,我的大脑一片空白, 这对我的日常生活和战斗有很大帮助。另一方面, 爬进笼子打架我学到了很多东西 22 时, 这有帮助。主要的一个, 然而, 是在迭戈利马Chute Boxe 进行的训练。现在, 在战斗的最后阶段, 我们走得更慢, 制定我们的战略, 休息, 和减肥。迭戈·利马是我的老师, 朋友, 和经理 (笑), 所以他一直和我在一起。很遗憾, 他将无法站在我的角落, 但他花了必要的时间。你可以期待一个更新的布伦多; 更具技术性, 快点, 并且更强。

在共功能的事件, 梅拉·坎特伯雷 (8-3-1, SFT: 2-0-0) 面孔帕蒂·博尔赫斯 (4-4-0, SFT: 2-2-0) 争夺空缺的 SFT 女子蝇量级冠军。坎图阿里亚, 谁参加过日本传统赛事, 帕克拉斯, 博尔赫斯在与坎图阿里亚的对决中赢得了最后两场比赛。

另一场精彩的对决是布鲁诺·“贝鲁特尔”·塔瓦雷斯 (13-5-1, SFT: 1-0-0) 对抗羽量级蒂亚戈·“曼钦哈”·席尔瓦(19-9-0 (SFT: 0-1-0). 其他激动人心的 MMA 比赛包括次中量级路易斯·“浩克”·费尔南多 (18-6-0) 与亚历克斯·“坎古鲁”·桑德罗 (10-3-0), featherweight马科斯·“马拉贾”·罗德里格斯 (16-5-0, SFT: 1-0-0) 与埃斯塔比尔·阿马托 (10-4-0, SFT: 1-2-0), 最轻量级离开莫拉 (5-2-0, SFT: 1-0-0) 与马诺埃尔·利马·“阿兰贾”·席尔瓦 (5-4-0, SFT: 1-1-0), 轻量级马西亚诺·费雷拉 (5-1-0, SFT: 1-0-0) 与安东尼奥·“皮奥伊”·罗德里格斯 (9-2-0, SFT: 0-1-0), 不败最轻量级费尔南多·“费尔南迪尼奥”·恩里克 (3-0-0, SFT: 1-0-0) 与“战神”阿波罗·戈麦斯 (5-0-0) 和职业选手首次亮相卢安娜桑托斯 VS. 最轻量级梅杰里·“残酷”·巴拉甘 (1-0-0). 

两场 SFT Xtreme 和两场柔术比赛也正在进行中。

两场 SFT Xtreme 比赛将作为次中量级举行西塞罗传道者 (SFT 极限: 1-0-0) 会见卡韦姆·“墨西哥人”·费利佩, 和轻量级尼古拉斯·佩斯蒂利 发生在拉蒙·“萨亚金”·科斯塔. 广受欢迎的, 独特有趣的 SFT Xtreme 竞赛让您脱颖而出, 踢腿和膝盖, 战士戴 4 盎司手套, 禁止在垫子上扭打、打斗。

两场柔术比赛将展示威廉·西利 (William Cilli) 对阵埃莱亚斯·“旭旭”·西尔维里奥, 和恩里克·“拉斯普京”·戈麦斯 与费利佩·“费利皮尼奥”·库西亚纳



Website: www.sftcombat.com 

Facebook的: /SFT.combat, 大卫·哈德森

叽叽喳喳: @SFTCombat, @SFTUSA

Instagram的: @SFTCombat, @ DavidHudson.SFT

你管: /SFT战斗, /美国金融时报, /SFT巴西

即将举行的 SFT 活动: 

七月 15 – SFT 27: 比斯波 vs. 苏萨在圣保罗, 巴西

八月 5 –SFT 28: 墨西哥 vs. 松本

九月 2 – SFT 29: 诺古列拉 vs. 桑托斯

SFT dominating Brazilian National MMA Rankings

圣保罗, 巴西 (五月 25, 2021) – Fighters in SFT’s stable, according to MMA Premium, dominated May’s Brazilian National MMA Rankings.

In the male pound-for-pound ratings, SFT stable fighters captured three of the top four positions: 2, Marcos “Babuino” de Santos (33-13-1, SFT: 3-0-), 3. Wellington “Predador” Prado (11-2-0, SFT: 5-1-0), 4. 蒂亚戈·“曼钦哈”·席尔瓦 (19-9-0, (SFT: 0-1-0).

“Babuino” and “Predador”, 分别, are also the top 2 ranked featherweights, while Junior andAcacio “Pequeno” dos Santos (13-3-0, SFT: 2-0-0) finished one-two in the light heavyweight division.

SFT women also placed second and third in the women pound-for-pound ratings, 分别, with strawweightsJulia Polastri (8-2-0, SFT: 1-0-0) 和Karine “Killer” Silva (13-4-0, SFT: 2-0-0). 

SFT swept the top three positions in female bantamweight rankings, 为了, with Karine “Killer,” who was SFT’s 2020 Submission of the Year recipientGisele “Gi” Moreira (9-4-0, SFT: 1-0-0) 和Sidy Rocha (12-8-2, SFT: 0-1-0).

“SFT was established in 2018 by our film and production company,” SFT 总裁大卫·哈德森 said. “Two events were produced, but then we were on hold for five years, and back then, I had nothing to do with SFT. When events were resumed in 2018, I wondered why a country that played a major role in the creation of MMA and UFC didn’t have a world-class promotion. After analyzing what was being done and attendingSFT 4 在巴西, I was sure the problem was how things were being done. I decided to walk away from the film industry and dedicated my life to MMA.

“Under my leadership, SFT has had a whole new way of promoting MMA. Each decision I made, I was told that by many that I was wrong, and it would result in the end of SFT. Numbers don’t lie and thanks to God, I I have the numbers that prove I was correct., 然而, as innovative and even crazy my ideas may have been, I knew that at the end of the day our fights had to be top notch. I had a 3-year plan and my goal was to have top 10 Brazilian fighters in each weight class in SFT, excluding those who had contracts outside of Brazil.”

SFT is tentatively prepared to return July 10th withSFT 27 在巴西.

“We were on track to reaching our goal, but the pandemic caused us to pause at the year of year too,” Hudson explained. “Due to inactivity, many of our fighters dropped out of the top 5 和 10 in national rankings. We still have a lot of the best of the best in Brazil in our stable and in July we will return with our monthly events. I am sure that in a year, things will be back on track, and we’ll be closer to our goal.

“Part of our strategy was to have events in the United States, but there are still travel restrictions for Brazilians going to the USA. As soon as we are able to bring our fighters to the United States to fight, we will, and then we will be one step closer to attaining my goal.”


Website: www.sftcombat.com

Facebook的: /SFT.combat, 大卫·哈德森

叽叽喳喳: @SFTCombat, @SFTUSA

Instagram的: @SFTCombat, @ DavidHudson.SFT

你管: /SFT战斗, /美国金融时报, /SFT巴西


Aaron Jeffrey punches-out Bruno Assis in 3rd round

MIAMI (八月 15, 2020) – The long-awaited American debut of SFT MMA & Xtreme(Standout Fighting Tournament), delayed several months due to the COVID-19 pandemic, finally happened this past Thursday night with a “closed show” at Wynwood Studios in Miami, Florida.

“SFT 23 VR: 杰弗里·VS. Assis” was streamed live and exclusively worldwide on pay per view via the FITE app and website (www.FITE.tv), as well as taped live to air at future dates on regional television throughout the U.S. on United Fight Alliance (乌发), as well as on Brazilian television.

“Putting this event together was the most difficult thing I’ve done in SFT,” SFT 总裁大卫·哈德森 说. “The fight card feels like it changed daily. At some point we had 12 fights with a very international main card, made up of highly ranked athletes. We probably signed around 20 matches and ended up with five. It was also our first time promoting in the U.S. and without everybody at full force made things very difficult, as well as the production side. We ended up with a much inferior show, 就生产而言, 与SFT始终推出的产品相比. 然而, 战斗真的很好, 并在一天结束时, 都是为了战斗. 我很高兴我们做到了.  这不是我所希望的开始, 但是现在我们准备全力以赴. 我们正在寻找十一月底, 十二月初, 为下一场美国演出。

我们希望尽快带回Jeffrey和Jornel。有往返巴西的航班限制, 以及限制公开活动的限制, 我不确定要如何将它们存入我们的卡中,但, hopefully, 我们今年仍然可以在巴西完成它。”

加拿大中量级亚伦·杰弗里(Aaron Jeffrey) (8-2-0) 走近一步,实现了他在UFC战斗的梦想, registering a sensational knockout on punches of his Brazilian opponentBruno “Brunao” Assis (9-5-0) in the opening round. The 27-year-old Jeffrey, 尼亚加拉大瀑布, 安大略, unleashed a barrage of lethal punches to end the fight for his sixth victory in his last seven fights. This was the SFT debut for both of these main event fighters. Jeffrey vs. Assis was selected as Fight of the Night and each fighter was awarded a $1000 bonus.

在共功能的事件, 路易斯·布希(Buiz)Firmino won a 3-round decision over fellow BrazilianMarkus “Maluco” Perez in a grappling match contested at a 198-pound catchweight.

Undefeated Floridian lightweightsJornel “Ai” Lugo (4-0-0), representing West Palm Beach, and Missouri’sCortaviousRomiuous (4-1-0) put on an entertaining show in their SFT debuts and Lugo emerged with a tough victory by way of a 3-round split decision.

在波多黎各轻量级战斗中, 詹姆斯·海 (3-1-0) 锁定在后裸Ch流中以提交奥兰多桑塔纳 (2-2-0) 在第二轮。

迈阿密轻量级约书亚·达席尔维拉 (2-0-0) 以壮观的方式保持不败, 淘汰亲首演科迪·罗兰, 从横幅麋鹿战斗, 北卡罗来纳,  在首轮中被完美踢到头部。达·西尔维拉(Da Silveira)收到了 $1000 奖金,因为他被选为“夜间淘汰赛”。


“ SFT 23”官方结果 

主要活动– SFT MMA –中等重量

亚伦·杰弗里(Aaron Jeffrey) (8-2-0, SFT: 1-0-0), 加拿大

WTKO3 (冲头– 1:26 

布鲁诺·阿西斯(Bruno Assis) (9-5-0, SFT: 0-1-0), 巴西

共同特征 — 抓斗–重量 (198 磅。) 

马库斯·佩雷斯(Markus Perez), 巴西


路易斯·菲尔米诺(Luiz Firmino), 巴西

SFT MMA — 轻量级

卢戈Jornel (4-0-0, SFT: 1-0-0), 美国

WDEC3 (29-28, 29-28, 28-29) 

腐蚀R (4-1-0, SFT: 0-1-0), 美国

SFT MMA — 轻量级

詹姆斯·海 (3-1-0, SFT: 1-0-0), 波多黎各

WSUB2 (后裸胆 -3:16) 

奥兰多桑塔纳 (2-2-0, SFT: 0-1-0), 美国通过波多黎各

SFT MMA –轻量级

约书亚·达西尔维拉 (2-0-0, SFT: 1-0-0), 美国

WKO1 (踢到头) 

科迪·罗兰 (0-1-0, SFT: 0-1-0), 美国


Website: www.sftmma.com 

Facebook的: /文件, /SFT.Xtreme, 大卫·哈德森

叽叽喳喳: @SFTMMA

Instagram的: @SFTMMA, @SFTEXTREME, @ DavidHudson.SFT

你管: /美国金融时报, /SFT巴西