Tag Arsip: Serdar Hudayberdiyev

Salita’s ‘Detroit BrawlReturns on Saturday, Nopember 12, at Historic Masonic Temple

On Saptu, Nopember 12, once again at the iconic Masonic Temple in Downtown Detroit, Dmitriy Salita and Salita Promotions will host the latest installment of theDetroit Brawlseries of shows.
Already a favorite with Motown’s boxing fans, this Detroit Brawl will feature several series alums including James Gordon Smith, Jarico O’Quinn, Serdar Hudayberdiyev, Dorell Van Horn Jr., and Alexey Zubov.
Once again sponsored by Thomas Magee’s Sporting House Whiskey Bar, tiket pikeun “Detroit Brawlwill be priced at VIP $123, Balcony $100, Ringside $93, $63, $38, jeung $28 and available at all Ticketmaster outlets and Tickmaster.com.
26-year-old bantamweight James Gordon Smith (10-0, 6 KOs) of Detroit was last seen at a previous Detroit Brawl, dina Mei 14 taun ieu, going to electrifying war against Mexico’s tough Pablo Cupul. Smith won a unanimous six-round decision and the hearts of the fans with his thrilling back-and-forth victory.
21-year-old bantamweight Jarico O’Quinn (3-0, 2 KOs) of Detroit was last in the ring on Agustus 6 in Temecula, California, winning a unanimous four-round decision over local product Johnathan Quiroz on CBS Sports Network.
29-year-old super welterweight Serdar Hudayberdiyev (3-0, 2 KOs) tina Brooklyn, New York via Turkmenabat, Turkmenistan, was last seen on Juli 16of this year at yet another Detroit Brawl, winning a four-round unanimous decision over formerly undefeated Steven Andrade.
28-year-old super middleweight Dorell Van Horn Jr. (9-1, 6 KOs) of Detroit will be looking to rebound from suffering his first career loss in August of this year. Fighting on the undercard of a Showtime-televised event, Van Horn dropped an action-packed four-round unanimous decision to New York veteran Henry Beckford at Rhinos Stadium in Rochester, York Énggal.
29-year-old cruiserweight Alexey Zubov (12-1, 7 KOs) tina Brooklyn, New York via Magnitogorsk, Rusia, last fought in August was well. Zubov won a unanimous six-round decision over Eric George at the same Showtime show at Rhino’s Stadium.
I am proud of The Detroit Brawl and the fighter development and action for the fans the series provides,” said Dmitriy Salita. “We have several popular fighters returning from Detroit and around the world and they’ll all be in tough fights to further their careers and keep the Detroit fans on the edge of their seats. I’m also proud to announce that this show, like all the Forgotten Harvest, one of the nation’s largest food rescue organizations. The last show was able to donate over 3000 meals to worthy families.
More fights, opponents and rounds will be announced shortly. Dina perang peuting, panto dibuka di 5:00 WIB and the fights begin at 6:00 WIB.
Thomas Magee’s Sporting House Whiskey Bar offers patrons an old-school sports and whiskey bar in Downtown Detroit’s Eastern Market district. Thomas Magee’s prides itself on providing every sport, every game, sarta unggal tarung, plus great beer and whiskey!
For more information on theDetroit Brawlor Salita Promotions, nganjangwww.salitapromotions.com.
Thomas Magee’s Sporting House Whiskey Bar is located at 1408 E Fisher Service Drive in Detroit. Inpo nu leuwih lengkep, nelpon 313-263-4342 or visit their official Facebook page:

Fébruari. 29 Brooklyn tawuran TO ciri WORLD-dipeunteun Nikolay POTAPOV, Rising prospek NYC

Area pugilists to join Russian contender at Aviator Complex in South Brooklyn.
BROOKLYN, N.Y.. (Tujuh. 22, 2015) – Datang off an peuting electrifying of “Tinju di Basisir” dina Aug. 25 di Coney Island, Dmitriy Salita bakal sakali deui nyadiakeun NYC jeung peuting prowess pugilistic salaku theworld-renowned petinju-ngancik-promoter brings nya runtuyan Brooklyn tawuran deui ka Raja County dina Kemis, Oct. 29. Nu Aviator Olahraga sarta Kajadian Complex di South Brooklyn bakal ngawula salaku ngabuktikeun taneuh saterusna pikeun rupa-rupa New York City basis rising béntang, nu undercards seru ngawangun arah acara utama showcasing AS. debut of unbeaten Rusia jeung luhur-10 rengking dunya bantamweight contender, Nikolay Potapov.

“Seri Brooklyn tawuran kungsi usum panas gede. Dimimitian an inauguwengi ralnt di Brooklyn Cangkuang Teater di partnership jeung Barclays Center jeung tungtung di MCU Park, imah nu Brooklyn siklon. Boh ditembongkeun bakat-kelas dunya dina sababaraha gelut luar biasa, jeung fans némbongkeun support gede di unggal kajadian,” Ngadawuh Word, urut IBF, WBA jeung NABA International Junior Welterweight Jawara anu gelut kaluar of Flatbush, Brooklyn, salaku panarjamah. “Sarupa, urang Oct. 29 show bakal Fitur sababaraha the pangalusna fighters pangeusina, saperti-dipeunteun dunya Nikolay Potapov, jeung Sarbini, pejuang NYC basis dilakonan di matchups kalapa sabab nanjak nepi jajaran. Ieu bakal kartu sejen beredar pikeun fans wewengkon tinju ngarasakeun.”

Lawang kabuka di 6 p.m. jeung bout kahiji dijadwalkeun pikeun 6:30 p.m. salaku Brooklyn tawuran kasampak sakali deui captivate New York City jeung amukan fistic. Tiket dimimitian di $20 jeung sadia dimimitian Salasa, Tujuh. 22, ku nelepon 1-844-890-2120

Potapov – ayeuna rengking salaku No. 14 bantamweight di dunya ku WBO jeung ayeuna dipeunteun No. 10 global ku BoxRec – baris nempatkeun undefeated nya 13-0 catetan (6 KOs) dina garis manéhna ngajadikeun debut dina US. lemah. Puasa-rising battler piled up leuwih ti 180 amatir tilts jeung amassed sababaraha victories turnamén nasional jeung internasional, jeung ayeuna minangka pro 25 taun heubeul geus naek gancang tangtangan dirina jeung opat bouts 10 buleud jeung 12 rounder ngalawan kompetisi luhur. Dina meunangna pro pamungkas nya, Popatov earned judul WBA Asian ku ngéléhkeun Jason Canoy, anu dipeunteun No. 14 dina WBC jeung No. 12 dina IBF.

Prospek Welterweight “Pelatuk” Tresean Wiggins (7-1, 6 KOs) – seger off a knockout pihak-buleud di Aug. 25 Tinju Dina The Beach selingkuhan – bakal bisa balik deui dina kartu Brooklyn tawuran Aviator. Nu tarung sombong of Newburgh, N.Y., ieu impressive bulan puasa kamari ngalawan Baltimore sacara Kevin Womack JR. jeung kasampak pikeun nambahkeun meunangna stoppage séjén pikeun neruskeun nya burgeoning.

Undefeated contender lightweight junior Dimash Niyazov of Bensonhurst, Brooklyn, bakal boga mettle nya dites sakali deui di Complex Aviator. Patugas kapulisian Brooklyn, carita nu ieu chronicled ku Wall Street Journal bulan puasa kamari, ningkat ka 8-0-3 (5 KOs) jeung genep buleud tinju Dina The Beach kaputusan unanimous leuwih bajoang lokal Ariel “Seuneu” Duran dina Brooklyn-Queens crosstown sihungan bout.

Detroit sacara James Smith Gordon (8-0, 5 KOs) nyaéta béntang rising sejen putting catetan unblemished pikeun test dina Brooklyn. Dalapan-time Motor City Golden Sarung judul-meunangna jeung urut jawara amatir nasional nyaéta hajat dina nyieun ngaran dirina di jajaran pro.

A welterweight cahaya sareng Olympian nyieun debut professional, Serdar Hudayberdiyev datang ka Brooklyn tawuran sanggeus hiji karir amatir internasional dilakonan. Nu sombong tina n-Naative Turkmenistan dina Basisir Kulon Laut Kaspia, he direbut emas dina kaulinan Asian sarta dipilih bearer bandéra nagara urang di 2012 Summer Olympics di London.

Heavyweight Emilio Salas (3-1-1, 1 KO) Puérto Riko – anu dibuka nepi tinju Dina The Beach sabak jeung buleud TKO kadua di expense lawan Glenn Thomas – bakal nambahkeun sababaraha guludug ka Oct. 29 kartu bari welterweight Giorgi “Goga” Gelashvili (2-0, 2 KOs) of Brighton Beach, Brooklyn, bakal nyadiakeun kilat nu. Gelashvili, urut tilu waktu jawara nasional Georgian, lawan overwhelmed DeLoren Gray-Jordon Agustus pamungkas kalayan salvo KUMIS of blows di buleud dua, ngarah kana meunangna stoppage kadua di saloba gelut jeung saloba bulan.

Kanggo inpo nu tiket jeung apdet dina Kemis, Oct. 29, Brooklyn tawuran punten log asup toSalitaPromotions.com jeung AviatorSports.com. Turutan sadaya tindakan via media sosial ngarah nepi ka acara – jeung dina fight peuting – diBrooklynBrawlNY dina Twitter jeung Instagram, atawa ku ngakses hashtag nu #BrooklynB

Salita Signs Amateur Standout; Urut Olympian; Asian Games Champion Serdar Hudayberdiyev

The Salita Promotions stable continues to grow in size, and scope.

Brooklyn, Ny (Mei 7, 2015)--Dmitriy Salita, the New York City based boxing promoter, is proud to announce a new talent is coming aboard.

Serdar Hudayberdiyev,
a 2012 Olympian for Turkmenistan, and junior welterweight prospect, is now in the fold. He carried the flag for his country at the Olympics, and Salita expects him to make as much progress, if not more, in the professional ranks.
He will connect with his community as well as the Russian speaking community in NYC and he is looking forward to representing his people,” Kecap ceuk.

Fans can expect to see a seasoned product in his professional debut that will come this summer.

The 28-year-old boxer, named the 2009 Best Athlete of Turkmenistan by the State Committee of Tourism and Sport, is light on his feet and aggressive. He can lead or counter. He has been working on firming up his jab and setting down on his punches.

He is coming off an impressive showing at the Asian Games in Korea. His nation holds him in high regard and has immense hopes for him. He currently is the only professional boxer hailing from Turkmenistan.

He will join future heavyweight star Jarrell Miller, ti Brooklyn; Cruiserweight contender Junior Wright, ti Chicago; armada fisted Dimash Niyazov ti Staten Island; signee anyar Bakhtiyar Eyubov, a hitter KO ti Kazahkstan, middleweight contender Steven Martinez and other rising stars on the Salita roster.

Punten log asup pikeun www.salitapromotions.com pikeun inpo nu langkung lengkep ihwal pejuang Salita jeung promosi upcoming.