Arkivji Tag: Ryan Dibartolomeo

HARVEY tbassar ĠLIEDA għall-finitura MA DIBARTOLOMEO

GĦALL-ĦRUĠ IMMEDJAT: Lewiston, Maine (Awissu 21, 2015) - Tissielet New England (NEF), Amerika Numru ta 'wieħed promozzjoni ġlieda reġjonali, se torganizza mħallta marzjali arti-dsatax tagħha (MMA) avveniment, “NEF XIX: Homecoming,” nhar is-Sibt, Settembru 12, 2015 fil-Androscoggin Bank Colisée fil Lewiston, Maine. Headlining the amateur portion of the fight card will be Josh Harvey (4-1) tiddefendi l Titolu NEF MMA Dilettanti irqiq kontra Ryan Dibartolomeo(4-3). Recently, Harvey kien il-mistieden tal NEF ko-proprjetarju u matchmaker Matt Peterson fuq il-Podcast NEF.


Harvey was introduced to the mats early in life. He started wrestling in junior high school and continued through his high school years. He began boxing at the age of 15 and trained in the ring for the next seven years. It was not until he attended “NEF VIII: Nazzjonijiet jikkonfliġġu” fil Bangor li Harvey induna li seta 'jkollhom futur fl-isport tal MMA.


“Meta NEF waslet għall Bangor u I jaraw Ray Injam jaqbdu t-titolu, u I mfakkar lilu minn lotta iskola għolja, li kien CUÉ tiegħi biex jiksbu fl fuq dan,” Said Harvey. “I knew it was a true possibility to go somewhere in MMA. Wara l-kulleġġ, there’s nowhere for wrestlers to go. MMA, that’s the outlet. That’s why you see wrestlers dominating in MMA all the way to the top.


Ftit wara l-avveniment, then Young’s MMA wrestling coach Mark Heathcote reached out to Harvey through Facebook to invite him to train with the team. Harvey quickly found a home at the Bangor gym founded by Chris Young. He joined in on the massive success the team had already found in the MMA cages of New England.


“I kien milqugħ bi pjaċir ħafna fil ta Young,” Harvey recalled. “Everyone was very kind over there. Bruce (Boyington, NEF MMA attwali Professjonali Lightweight Champion) kienet l-ewwel persuna li tieħu me, ma jfissirx taħt ġwienaħ tiegħu, but to get together outside of the gym and we became friends. As far as the success Young’s has had as a team, Jien ma gonna jgħidu inti tista 'ġibs kollha up għall coaching superjuri, imma konna ltqajna l-aħjar madwar, mill-inqas f'dan l-istat, possibilment fi New England.”


Fi triqtu lejn titlob l-NEF MMA Dilettanti Ħfief Kampjonat dan Ġunju passat, Harvey finished all three of his NEF opponents in a total of just over three minutes. Harvey, madankollu, jara futur tiegħu fl-isport fid-diviżjoni featherweight.


“I do not ferrovija biex jintemm lilhom kollha fl-ewwel rawnd,” Said Harvey. “That’s just how it wound up. Maybe you’ll see me go the distance as the competition gets thicker. That’s why I love this fight with Ryan (Dibartolomeo). Huwa, Nemmen, -numru tnejn kklassifikati, so this is a good way to find out where I lay in that level. I’m not a 55er. As far as I’m concerned, I’m a 45er that’s fighting at 55. Best 45er? Amateur in New England? Iva. The game’s gonna change when I go professional. We’ll see where I stack up there.


Meta Harvey bdiet tiddiskuti l-avversarji potenzjali għall “NEF XIX” ma matchmakers NEF, he was very clear that he wanted the toughest opponent they could find for him. If he wanted tough, he will get just that in Ryan Dibartolomeo. Dibartolomeo is out of John Fain’s Team Triumph/Boston BJJ of Nashua, New Hampshire. After dropping his first three, Dibartolomeo rebaħ aħħar erba 'tissielet tiegħu fir-ringiela, l Streak impressjonanti li beda fl “NEF X” f'Settembru 2013.


“Tissielet kollha tiegħu li hu rebaħ ġew b'deċiżjoni,” Said Harvey. “Fil-fehma tiegħi, he let the judges win those fights for him. Fights aren’t won by judges. Fights are won by fighters. My prediction is it’s gonna be a finish. I’m gonna go out there, kill or be killed. He’s either gonna finish me or I’m gonna finish him. That’s how it’s gonna happen.


Inti tista 'tisma' l-intervista NEF Podcast kollu


Inti tista 'ssegwi Josh Harvey fuq Facebook fan paġna uffiċjali tiegħu “hookonharvey.” For more information on Young’s MMA, jekk jogħġbok żur il-paġna Facebook tagħhom “MMA żgħażagħ.”


New England tissielet’ avveniment li jmiss, “NEF XIX: Homecoming,” sseħħ fuqIS-SIBT, Settembru 12, 2015 fil-Androscoggin Bank Colisée fil Lewiston, Maine. Biljetti għall “NEF XIX: Homecoming” tibda fi ftit $25 u huma fuq bejgħ issa fil jew billi ċċempel l-uffiċċju kaxxa Colisée fi 207.783.2009 x 525. For more information on the event and fight card updates, please visit the promotion’s website at B'żieda, you can watch NEF videos at, jsegwu minnhom fuqnefights Twitter u jingħaqdu mal-grupp uffiċjali Facebook "New England Tissielet."


About New England tissielet


New England tissielet ("NEF") hija ġlieda promozzjonijiet avvenimenti kumpanija. Missjoni NEF huwa li jinħolqu l-avvenimenti ta 'kwalità ogħla għall-ġellieda Maine u supporters. Tim eżekuttiv NEF għandu l-esperjenza estensiva fil-ġestjoni isports miġġielda, produzzjoni avvenimenti, relazzjonijiet mal-midja, marketing, legali u r-reklamar.


Lewiston, Maine (Awissu 14, 2015) - Tissielet New England (NEF), Amerika Numru ta 'wieħed promozzjoni ġlieda reġjonali, se torganizza mħallta marzjali arti-dsatax tagħha (MMA) avveniment, “NEF XIX: Homecoming,” nhar is-Sibt, Settembru 12, 2015 fil-Androscoggin Bank Colisée fil Lewiston, Maine. Earlier today, il-promozzjoni ħabbret l-karta ġlieda għall-avveniment jidhru lavanja sħiħa ta 'matchups professjonali u dilettanti MMA.


L-avveniment huwa aptly intitolat “Homecoming” as it will feature the returns of several athletes who have either been recently inactive or competing outside the NEF umbrella. One such return will feature Darrius Heyliger (5-2) minn Ithaca, New York. Maine and the NEF cage became a home-away-from-home for Heyliger and several of his Bombsquad teammates during the early days of the promotion. Heyliger competed regularly for NEF in 2012 and early 2013. His last appearance in the cage was in May 2013 kontra Marcus “Il granati idejn Irlandiż” Davis (22-11) fil-każ prinċipali ta ' “NEF VII.” Heyliger will make his return on Settembru 12 kontra Brandon Chagnon (5-4) tal Sityodtong.


In-naħa professjonali tal-karta se karatteristika wkoll l homecoming ta Matt “Ken Doll” Denning (1-0) after a 10-month extended layoff from action. Denning made his professional debut last November with a win over Derek Shorey (2-2). He will return in front of his hometown crowd against Zenon “Ka-bar” Herrera(0-1).


Taħdit ta 'ġellieda Hometown, Jesse “Il Viking” Erickson (5-4), nattiv tal Auburn ġirien, Maine, se tfittex li testendi tiegħu win Streak għal tlieta meta huwa jiffaċċja Ricky “Savage” Sylvester (2-1). Sylvester’s previous appearance in NEF ended in controversy when many felt he held an armbar a little too long on Tollison Lewis (0-4).


Fuq in-naħa dilettanti tal-karta, Josh Harvey (4-1) is scheduled to headline in the first defense of his NEF MMA Amateur Lightweight Title. Harvey will meet the stiff challenge of Ryan Dibartolomeo (4-2) minn Team Triumph / Boston BJJ John Fain ta 'Nashua, New Hampshire. Harvey won the vacant title this past June with a first-round submission of Ricky Dexter (3-1).


Il-porzjon dilettanti tal-karta se wkoll karatteristika ma wieħed, but two women’s contests. Young’s MMA of Bangor, Maine will be represented in both bouts with Angela Young (0-0) u Kira Innocenti (0-0) making their respective debuts. Angela is the wife of Young’s MMA founder and head coach Chris Young. She will meet Rachel Reinheimer (1-0) minn Sityodtong filwaqt Innocenti se kwadru off kontra Hannah Sparrell tal-Ewwel Klassi MMA.


Il-karta ġlieda full (soġġetta għal bidla u l-approvazzjoni tal-Awtorità Sports Ġlieda kontra ta 'Maine):


265 Matt Andrikut 0-0 (Kundanna Martial Arts) vs Artie Mullen 1-14 (Southern Maine MMA)

205 Michael Hansen 2-2 (Berserkers MMA) vs Crowsneck Boutin 1-0 (Choi Istitut)


170 Darrius Heyliger 5-2 (Bombsquad) vs Brandon Chagnon 5-4 (Sityodtong)


155 Jesse Erickson 5-4 (CMBJJ) vs Ricky Sylvester 2-1 (Team Flo)


155 Matt Denning 1-0 (CMBJJ) vs Zenon Herrera 0-1 (Indipendenti)


150 Derek Shorey 2-2 (Club Ġlieda kontra shatterproof) vs Tollison Lewis 0-4 (CMBJJ)


135 Zech Lange 2-1 (Bombsquad) vs Jay Perrin 2-0 (Boston BJJ NH)




205 Ryan Glover 1-1 (Berserkers MMA) vs Zak Bergeron 0-0 (CMBJJ)


200 Chaz Gray 0-1 (MMA Young) vs Dominique Bailey 0-0 (Indipendenti)


200 Ian Milligan 0-0 (Team Kaze) vs Anthony Spires 0-0 (Indipendenti)

185 Ruben Redman 1-2 (Indipendenti) vs Nick Shea 1-0 (Ewwel Klassi MMA)


185 Caleb Farrington 2-0 (Team NEW) vs Jon McNeil 1-0 (Boston BJJ NH)

170 Ricky Dexter 3-1 (Team Irlandiż) vs C.J. Ewer 3-2 (MMA Young)


170 Scott Godbois 0-0 (Berserkers MMA) vs Phil Pearson 0-0 (MMA Athletix)


155*Titolu Josh Harvey 4-1 (MMA Young) vs Ryan Dibartolomeo 4-3 (Boston BJJ NH)


155 Cory Trial 1-1 (Bla ħniena MMA & Boxing) vs Rafael Velado 0-0 (Ewwel Klassi MMA)


150 David Thompson (Club Ġlieda kontra shatterproof) vs Jason Lachance 1-2 (MMA Athletix)


150 Kira Innocenti 0-0 (MMA Young) vs Hannah Sparrell 0-0 (Ewwel Klassi MMA)

145 Mike Pietersen 2-0 (MMA Young) vs Alex Johnson 2-2 (Bla ħniena MMA & Boxing)

140 Fred Lear 3-1 (MMA Young) vs Henry Clark 2-1 (Choi Istitut)

135 Clifford Redman 0-2 (Indipendenti) vs Wil Carrero 0-1 (MMA Athletix)


130 Angela Young 0-0 (MMA Young) vs Rachel Reinheimer 1-0 (Sityodtong)


125 Ryan Burgess 1-0 (Indipendenti) vs Michael Crespo 3-2 (MMA Athletix)


New England tissielet’ avveniment li jmiss, “NEF XIX: Homecoming,” sseħħ fuqIS-SIBT, Settembru 12, 2015 fil-Androscoggin Bank Colisée fil Lewiston, Maine. Biljetti għall “NEF XIX: Homecoming” tibda fi ftit $25 u huma fuq bejgħ issa fil jew billi ċċempel l-uffiċċju kaxxa Colisée fi 207.783.2009 x 525. For more information on the event and fight card updates, please visit the promotion’s website at B'żieda, you can watch NEF videos at, jsegwu minnhom fuqnefights Twitter u jingħaqdu mal-grupp uffiċjali Facebook "New England Tissielet."


About New England tissielet


New England tissielet ("NEF") hija ġlieda promozzjonijiet avvenimenti kumpanija. Missjoni NEF huwa li jinħolqu l-avvenimenti ta 'kwalità ogħla għall-ġellieda Maine u supporters. Tim eżekuttiv NEF għandu l-esperjenza estensiva fil-ġestjoni isports miġġielda, produzzjoni avvenimenti, relazzjonijiet mal-midja, marketing, legali u r-reklamar.


Lewiston, Maine (Lulju 3, 2015) - Tissielet New England (NEF), Amerika Numru ta 'wieħed promozzjoni ġlieda reġjonali, se torganizza mħallta marzjali arti-dsatax tagħha (MMA) avveniment, “NEF XIX,” fuq IS-SIBT, Settembru 12, 2015 fil-Androscoggin Bank Colisee fil Lewiston, Maine. Earlier today, the promotion announced the first amateur title bout on the fight card. Josh Harvey (4-1) se tiddefendi l-NEF MMA Dilettanti irqiq Kampjonat kontra Ryan Dibartolomeo (4-3). The fight will take place at the lightweight limit of 155-pounds.


Harvey rebaħ it-titolu fil “NEF XVIII” aħħar xahar mill jisfratta Ricky Dexter (3-1) via first-round submission. He is a perfect 3-0 in the NEF cage since debuting with the promotion in the fall of 2014. All of Harvey’s victories in Lewiston have been first-round stoppages. He is a member of Young’s MMA in Bangor, Maine.


“Kwalunkwe ħin li inti tista 'tikseb żewġ titolu azjenda, top-ranked fighters, huwa marbut li quċċata interessi u tikseb l-attenzjoni,” Said Harvey. “Since that is exactly what this title defense is, I believe we have all the necessary ingredients for the fight-of-the-night. This will be yet another step in the right direction. Ryan, mħejija li ganċ fuq, Bub.”


Ryan Dibartolomeo is no stranger to the NEF cage. He fought for the promotion at “NEF X” f'Settembru 2013, Nermin jisfratta Zilic (0-2) via deċiżjoni unanima. It was the start of a four-fight win streak that Dibartolomeo will look to continue on September 12 fil Lewiston. He recently captured his first amateur MMA championship on a fight card in New Hampshire. Dibartolomeo represents Team Triumph/Boston BJJ of Nashua, New Hampshire.


“Jiġġieldu għall-ċinturin NEF huwa pass kbir 'il quddiem fid-direzzjoni pożittiva fil-karriera tiegħi,” iddikjarat Dibartolomeo. “Huwa dejjem unur għall-ġlieda għal wieħed mill-promozzjonijiet reġjonali top, u issa jitfg ċans fil-ċinturin fuq quċċata ta 'dak – I couldn’t be more excited to go out and put on a show for the fans. Josh Michael Harvey is arguably the best ammy 155 fighter coming out of Maine right now. I’m going to have to be ready in all aspects of the game and look to eliminate as many mistakes as possible. I am going to show up ready to fight. I’m looking to bite down on my mouthpiece and press forward until he has had enough of me up in his face and looks for a way out. There is no room for error, but I am extremely confident in the fact that I have Coach Fain and Coach Olsen standing behind me in my corner.


New England tissielet’ avveniment li jmiss, “NEF XIX,” sseħħ fuq IS-SIBT, Settembru 12, 2015 fil-Androscoggin Bank Colisee fil Lewiston, Maine. Biljetti għall “NEF XIX” tibda fi ftit $25 u huma fuq bejgħ issa fil jew billi ċċempel-uffiċċju kaxxa Colisee fil207.783.2009 x 525. For more information on the event and fight card updates, please visit the promotion’s website at B'żieda, you can watch NEF videos at, jsegwu minnhom fuqnefights Twitter u jingħaqdu mal-grupp uffiċjali Facebook "New England Tissielet."