标记档案: 瑞恩·伯吉斯

NEF 庆祝 10 周年,在波特兰举办精彩的战斗之夜; 宣布返回 L/A 区域

波特兰, 缅因 (二月 13, 2022) – 一名新的冠军和一名业余队伍成功卫冕,以及职业水平的一次惊人的命运逆转突出了新英格兰的战斗’ 10-周年纪念卡星期六晚上.

“NEF 46: 统治的十年”是一个挤满了人的, 15-在另一个售罄之前战斗 fusillade, 波特兰 Aura 充满活力的人群, 缅因.

迈克·默里 和扎克福克纳 早期的“年度最佳战斗”候选人在他们的喧嚣中为空置的 170 磅冠军头衔激怒了那些球迷. 穆雷 (4-2) 将他在之前输球中学到的教训应用到 NEF 的 Zac Richard 和 Tim Birkenhead 40 和 41, 分别, 通过团结一致决定战胜福克纳 (4-2).

在他最近的一场比赛中在记分卡上一致获胜之后, 福克纳在首轮打出雷鸣般的大满贯奠定了基调. 他在第二节中摆脱了断头台的尝试,并从穆雷早期的两次击倒中反弹回来,在第三节中施加了公平的惩罚.

穆雷通过在第四轮降落一捆炸弹将势头转向他的方向, 在穆雷与一系列身体拳打联系后,福克纳在第五节末段的击倒可能不足以达成交易.

另一场冠军争夺战花费的时间少得多,解释的时间也少得多。泰勒·斯迈思 (4-1) 在他对 125 磅重的皮带的第一次防御中具有权威性, 调度瑞恩·伯吉斯 (3-3) 通过后方赤裸扼流圈 2:37 的首轮.

Burgess 结束了 NEF 六边形为期四年的裁员,以挑战 Smythe, 谁以技术淘汰卡莱布奥斯汀赢得冠军.

他提早提出这个问题, 但是 Smythe 把 Burgess 扔到了垫子上,从而扭转了局面. 伯吉斯’ 报复性扶手的尝试失败了, 斯迈思最终被锁在断头台上,结束了他的夜晚.

在五场职业比赛中的一个亮点, 卡尔·兰斯顿 – 在经历了广泛的业余职业生涯之后,在之前的六场职业比赛中没有获胜 – 为他最近的失败报了仇理查德·扎克.

结局来了 81 开场钟声后几秒钟, 当理查德 (1-1), 过去的NEF业余冠军和装饰摔跤手, 下架了. 他最初成功了,但放弃了背部并成为窒息的受害者.

两位拳手仅在几天内就接受了 140 磅的比赛’ 在他们最初的对手变得不可用后通知. 理查德在兰斯顿击倒时降低了热潮 3:52 他在 11 月的职业首秀中的第一轮.

兰斯顿, 谁去 7-9 作为一名业余选手,他的六名职业征服者中有四名进入了记分卡, 在他的赛前讲话中承诺了不同的结果, 他交付了.

亚伦莱西 班戈, 缅因, 自九月以来首次出现在笼子里 2018, 提高到 7-2 在职业主赛事中以第二轮技术淘汰赛击败布朗克斯轰炸机和贝拉托老将杰罗姆·米克尔 (4-12).  在一个激动人心的时刻结束夜晚, 米克尔在近九年的笼子比赛后宣布退役.

莱西利用早期击倒的优势在 155 磅的展示中占据了第一轮的主导地位, 然后在第二章中将他的地面和冲击力提升到另一个水平,然后裁判挥手结束了比赛。 1:42.

在唯一的女子比赛中, 万人空巷沃森的荣耀 (2-1) 用以前不败的后方赤裸扼流圈继续她的胜利之路阿里贝丝·米利隆 (2-1) 在 2:23 在他们 115 磅的较量中的第二轮.

两位女性都获得了早期的干草机, 华生的面部表情表明她没有受伤. 她进一步证明了这一点,将米里伦带到画布上,在她第一次尝试熄灯时几乎没有时间了.

Milliron 在第二轮的单口比赛中做出了更多的提议. 快速的击倒和一系列的拳打给了沃森另一个扼杀的机会, 然而, 她完成了交易.

在两个 140 磅重的人的职业比赛中首次亮相, 内特·格里玛德 在整个过程中行使最高控制权并轻而易举地达成一致决定 安东尼回答.  Grimard 作为职业选手的成功对于粉丝来说并不意外。他是前 NEF 业余羽量级冠军,创造了 4-1 在业余队伍中.

穆罕默德·Kinani 还享受胜利潜入专业水域, 只需要 42 秒解散克里斯鲁尼 (0-2) 通过罢工 155. 阿尔·基纳尼(Al Kinani)急忙反击鲁尼的早期踢球, 丢下鲁尼并让他遭受另一场加速停工的弹幕.

一流的综合格斗选手科迪·基尔顿 和贾斯汀面料 在背靠背的业余比赛中通过评委的考验.

基尔顿 (2-1) 一致决定卡莱布·肯尼(0-2) 在 155. 织物 (1-3) 第一次尝到胜利的滋味乔恩·阿萨姆 (2-4). Kangas 在第二轮和第三轮比赛中保持对地面的控制,将期待已久的标记放在账本的左侧栏.


迈克·乔利科 用手臂三角来处理业务威尔史密斯 在 145. 在 125 磅的碰撞中, 关键巴尔塔扎 锁在后部赤裸扼流圈 1:33 第二轮对阵奎因·普瓦里尔. 巴尔塔扎尔的团队, 诺斯托斯综合格斗, 是一个不败的 3-0 在“NEF 46”。杰克伯克 打断他的胜利尼克·勒格朗德 用残酷的击倒 1:25 在他们 265 磅的隆隆声中打开框架.

柯蒂斯·欧莱特 (2-3) 宠坏了克里斯托弗·史密斯 在第三轮累积好球以将军澳出道.

另外两个业余废料产生了第一轮的成绩。杰夫雷诺兹 (3-2) 被后方赤身扼杀赢得大卫麦卡蒂 (1-1) 在 185, 和我渐变(3-0) 保持他的记录一尘不染布兰登MAILLET-Fevens (3-3) 在阻挡踢球时伤到手臂后无法继续。 Reynolds 的胜利让他的 Karasu 天狗学园队取得了完美的战绩 2-0 在晚上.

波特兰的快速结果, 缅因:


亚伦莱西高清. 杰罗姆·米克尔通过将军澳 (第二轮)

卡尔·拉格斯顿. 扎克理查德通过后裸扼流圈 (第一回合)

荣耀沃森高清. Alibeth Milliron 通过后裸扼流圈 (第二轮)

纳撒尼尔·格里马尔德. 安东尼·瓦斯塔一致决定

穆罕默德·阿尔·基纳尼 def. 克里斯鲁尼通过将军澳 (第一回合)


迈克·默里. 扎克福克纳一致决定

泰勒斯迈思DEF. 瑞恩·伯吉斯(Ryan Burgess)通过断头台 (第一回合)

迈克·乔利科尔 def. 威尔史密斯通过手臂三角形 (第一回合)

关键的巴尔萨泽 def. Quinn Poirier 通过后裸扼流圈 (第二轮)

杰克·伯克. 尼克勒格朗德通过 KO (第一回合)

杰夫雷诺兹 def. 大卫麦卡蒂通过后裸扼流圈 (第一回合)

本·格雷迪DEF. Brandon Maillet-Fevens 通过将军澳 (第一回合)

科迪·基尔顿. Kaleb Kenney 通过一致决定

贾斯汀·坎加斯. 乔恩·阿萨姆(Jon Assam)通过分裂决定

柯蒂斯·欧莱特. 克里斯托弗·史密斯通过将军澳 (第三轮)

NEF宣布下一部将重返双子城. “NEF 47: 好朋友们, Better Enemies”将在主赛事中让 Lewiston-Auburn 的中流砥柱 Jesse Erickson 和 Matthew Denning. 该卡定于周六, 四月 30 在奥本的挪威储蓄银行竞技场, 缅因. 欲了解更多详情或立即获得您的座位, 到newenglandfights.com/tickets.


新英格兰战斗 (“NEF”) 是打架事件推广公司. NEF的使命是创造战斗机和球迷的一致好评最高的质量事件. NEF的执行团队在作战体育管理方面拥有丰富的经验, 生产活动, 媒体关系, 市场营销, 法律和广告.


即时发布: 波特兰, 缅因 (十一月 26, 2021) - 新英格兰战斗 (NEF) 带着它的下一个混合武术回来 (MMA) 事件, “NEF 46: 多米尼加超级次中量级胡安索拉诺桑托斯,多米尼加超级次中量级胡安索拉诺桑托斯, 二月 12, 2022, 在Aura在波特兰, 缅因州。该活动将纪念NEF成立十周年. 领先的区域促销活动于2月启动 11, 2012. 今天早些时候,, NEF announced the addition of an amateur championship bout to the fight card. NEF Flyweight Champion泰勒·斯迈思 (3-1) is scheduled to defend his title against former NEF Flyweight Champion瑞恩“戈多”伯吉斯 (3-2) 在战斗重量 125 英镑.

Tyler Smythe notched his third MMA win and captured coveted NEF gold in the process when he recently stopped previously undefeated flyweight prospect Caleb “Dr. 感觉良好”奥斯汀 (5-1) in a “Fight of the Night” performance at “NEF 45: Uprising.” Down on the scorecards but not discouraged, Smythe waged a come-from-behind victory to earn the technical knockout (WHO) stoppage over Austin in the final second of the fourth round of their championship bout. Never one to slow down, Smythe, who is trained by Nate Libby out of Evolution Athletix in Saco, 缅因, is anxious to make an immediate turnaround and defend his title against a former NEF Champion.

“From bell to bell, every round, I’ll be going at this kid like he owes me money,” Smythe stated. “I want a quick finish. Ryan doesn’t deserve to be in that cage with me. February 12th, I’ll show why I’m the NEF flyweight champ.”

Ryan Burgess is no stranger to championship challenges. Hailing from Rumford, 缅因, Burgess is one of only four Mountain Valley High School mat men to ever win triple state crowns in wrestling. He amassed an amazing 151-23 overall high school record before graduating and turning his attention to mixed martial arts. Burgess quickly made a name for himself in MMA when he won the NEF Flyweight Championship in November 2015 with a split-decision nod over then Champion Dustin Veinott (5-4). When Burgess last competed, he displayed a dangerous Brazilian jiu-jitsu (巴西柔术) game off his back in defeating Nate Boucher (0-1) in a heated hometown rivalry. 伯吉斯, a BJJ purple belt, trains under Jason “JB” Bell and fights out of Bell’s Famoso BJJ.

“I’m super excited to make my return on NEF’s 10-year anniversary show,” Burgess stated. “It’s been a long time coming for me to return to the cage and I can’t think of a more perfect scenario than coming back and regaining my flyweight title with a finish over Smythe. It’s been three years since I’ve competed, but my coach, 杰森·贝尔, and I have been putting in work behind the scenes. I can’t wait to showcase my skills and put on a show for the fans.

“Smythe seems like a tough opponent, and it was no easy feat for him to defeat Caleb Austin for the belt,” Burgess continued. “With that being said, I see many holes in his game that I plan to exploit come February 12th. I hope he’s not expecting the same fighter he’s watching in the three-plus-year-old film he’s researching to better understand me. Mentally and skillfully, I am a far superior fighter compared to my previous bouts and only my training partners actually know the weapons I’ll be bringing into that cage to get the job done. Smythe may rethink his entire pursuit of a professional MMA career when I’m finished with him. The pressure I’m going to bring would melt any of these amateur flyweights in New England and come February they will all be on notice.”

“NEF 46: 统治十年”将于周六举行, 二月 12, 2022, 在Aura在波特兰, 缅因州。该活动将纪念NEF成立十周年. 门开处 6 下午与第一次战斗 7 下午。门票现已开始发售www.Ticketmaster.com


即时发布: 班戈, 缅因 (一月 23, 2019) – Nate Boucher’s journey inside the New England Fights’ (NEF) 混合武术 (MMA) cage has not been a course without its challenges and heartbreak along the way.

After winning his first two outings at the start of his amateur fight career, 鲍彻, a lifelong wrestler, earned a chance to compete for the NEF Flyweight Championship. His title shot came in November 2017 in front of a sold-out crowd when NEF made its highly anticipated Portland, Maine debut. 那天晚上, Boucher was outscored on the judge’s cards and dropped a close, controversial split-decision to NEF veteran Justin Witham. It’s a loss that continues to confound Boucher almost a year and a half later.

“As far as I’m concerned, I won the flyweight title that night,” Boucher stated recently in an interview with Ryan Jarrell and Bryan Stackpole on theBetween Rounds Radio播客. “I try to watch that fight and be optimistic the best that I can. I try to watch that fight and be respectful of what the judge’s could have seen. There’s not an absolute bone in my body that sees the fight going the way the judge’s said it went. 话虽这么说,, they decided that Justin Witham won that night. He knows I’m coming after him. I’m going to do what it takes to get back into that title conversation and I’m going to get that win back. “

The Witham loss would be followed by two more defeats for Boucher.

In Boucher’s first fight back after losing to Witham, he dropped another split-decision against his hometown wrestling rival, multiple-time state champion, and former NEF Flyweight Champion, 瑞恩“戈多”伯吉斯.

Jumping right back into the cage two months after his loss to Burgess, Boucher sustained the only stoppage defeat on his record when he lost via third-round technical knockout to former bantamweight title contender, 沃尔特·谢伊, who fights out of John Raio’s First Class MMA in Brunswick, 缅因.

Last November, down but not out, Boucher rebounded from three-losses-in-a-row by finishing 2018 off with a first-round submission victory over Jordan Young, a state champion wrestler from Belfast, 缅因. The contest took place in the 135-pound weight class.

“Jordan was coming off of a win against my teammate—a tough teammate of mine,”包润石说,. “Not many guys on a three-fight skid would take a fight with a guy coming off of a win and then beat him in the first round. 所以, I hope that opened some eyes for people so they know exactly what I’m about and they know that I’m strong mentally.

“I’m very happy with myself that I was able to fight like I train,” Boucher recounted regarding his win over Young. “The cut to 135 isn’t as much as it is to flyweight and I think that played a big part in my cardio. I was in great shape for that fight. 精神上, I knew I was going to win months before the fight happened.”

With six bouts already under his belt, 鲍彻, at only 22-years of age, knows that he still has limitless room to grow within the sport.

“I’m an amateur,” he noted to Jarrell and Stackpole. “I’m a student of the game and I’m learning and developing my skills. I haven’t even come close to what my full potential is. I knew what I can achieve—I know what is possible if I stay on the path.”

Boucher’s 2019 fight season officially begins on Friday, 二月 1ST when he’s scheduled to face newcomer Dillon Henry from First Class MMA. Henry is also a wrestler, having competed for Windham High School. Henry now trains with one of Boucher’s previous opponents, 沃尔特·谢伊. Regardless of being pitted against the teammate of the only fighter that’s ever stopped him in MMA competition, Boucher stated that he’s confident in the matchup.

“I know he’s going to be training with Walt Shea, 明显,”包润石说,. “I know that Walt Shea is going to pass down information he feels is going to help him. It won’t… He seems to look like a strong guy. All I am going to do is I’m going to prepare myself and I’m going to become a better fighter in this fight camp and I’m going to go out there and fight him. I think it will go my way, for sure.”

Squaring off in the cage against other talented wrestlers is nothing new for Boucher. He defeated four-time Maine state wrestling champion Jeremiah Barkac by first-round submission the last time he competed in Bangor. Ryan Burgess was a three-time state champion for Mountain Valley High School in Rumford, 缅因.

“I probably perform at my best against wrestlers,” Boucher stated. “They have really bad habits that a lot of wrestlers don’t seem to be able to shake off their first couple of fights, including myself. Fortunate for me, I have a coach like Jesse Erickson who’s a top-level guy when it comes to the jiu jitsu game around these parts, and he’s shown me the difference between what wrestling the sport is and what wrestling in a fight is. They’re different types of wrestling. I think he’s [亨利] going to expose himself and leave himself open. He’s going to make some rookie mistakes and I’m going to capitalize.”

While the prospect of defeating another wrestler in the NEF cage is an inspiring proposition to Boucher, he’s also excited by the opportunity to once again compete in Maine’s Queen City.

“I’ve never lost in Bangor,” Nate said. “I love that venue. I love the city of Bangor. I’m excited to be there and I’m excited to be sharing a card with some of the monsters that are on it. There’s a lot of great fights on this card and I’m very much looking forward to seeing some of them myself. It’s going to be a great show—I can’t wait.”

“I’m starting to earn my stripes a little bit in the cage,” Boucher added. “I’m starting to get more comfortable. I’m starting to feel more and more like a recognized name in the NEF—and I think all of that is going to play a factor. I think he’s [亨利] bit off a little more than he can chew for his first fight and, 可惜, he’s going to figure that out very hard on February 1.”

作为 2018 came to a close, 鲍彻, like many forward-thinking individuals, clearly defined his goals for the year ahead.

“I will be the flyweight champ in the NEF at the end of this year [2019],” Boucher stated confidently. “毫无疑问. That’s what my mind is set on right now.

“My teammate, 锦阿诺德, he’s going to carry that belt straight through at 135. 男人, the two of us together are some bad dudes. I’m fortunate to have him to push me through this mentally and be able to get me on the right mindset of what a champion is supposed to be—and I’m going to be there, right there with him at flyweight. 男人, it’s going to be one hell of a one-two punch, 这是肯定的。”

NEF的下一个混合武术事件, “NEF 37: 零度以下,” will take place on Friday, 二月 1, 2019 在班戈的交叉保险中心, 缅因州 响铃时间 8 下午。门票现已发售www.CrossInsuranceCenter.com.


新英格兰战斗 (“NEF”) 是打架事件推广公司. NEF的使命是创造战斗机和球迷的一致好评最高的质量事件. NEF的执行团队在作战体育管理方面拥有丰富的经验, 生产活动, 媒体关系, 市场营销, 法律和广告.


路易斯顿, 缅因 (二月 4, 2018) – Two years of traveling the world in pursuit of mixed martial arts glory had not even a shred of negative impact on Bruce “Pretty Boy” Boyington’s mystique in the New England Fights cage.





Battered, bloodied Taylor Trahan somehow made it to the end of the second round at Androscoggin Bank Colisee, but a relentless Boyington punctuated a dominant performance with a rear naked choke at 1:08 of the third in the 150-pound main event at “NEF 32: 超级 星期六.”





Boyington (15-11) had fought in such diverse locales as New York City and Moscow since his most recent NEF appearance. He extended his winning streak in the promotion to four fights at the expense of Trahan (7-9).





Four other professional bouts and 10 amateur affairs highlighted the busy evening.




J. Ewer’s bid to become the first simultaneous NEF champion in two different divisions fell short against Kemran Lachinov.





Lachinov (6-2), a Bellator veteran based out of Ludlow, 马萨诸塞州, captured the vacant welterweight crown with a tapout to a kneebar at 3:01 第一轮.




Ewer was undefeated in three previous pro fights, including a submission victory over Mike Hansen for the middleweight strap six months ago.





Hansen also absorbed a choke-out loss on this card. Coming off a week of controversy about their agreed-upon catch weight, Jesse “The Viking” Erickson showed that his apparent size disadvantage was no issue.





After dominating the early exchanges, 埃里克森 (10-7) applied a guillotine. With Hansen (5-9) appearing unresponsive, the referee stepped in and stopped the contest at 2:41 的首轮.





Aaron Lacey rebounded from the first loss of his career, thoroughly dominating veteran Josh Parker in a 145-pound tangle. 莱西 (5-1) controlled the lone round of the bout, dropping Parker (6-10) with a knee to the head. He maintained control with a vicious assault to the body, then sent Parker to dreamland via rear naked choke at 4:30.





Persistence paid off for independent mainstay Zenon Herrera, who picked up his first professional victory in his seventh try. Both Herrera and opponent Nate Charles have an extensive boxing background, but it was Herrera’s domination on the ground that paved the path to an unanimous decision.





In the headline amateur event, Ryan Burgess scored a narrow victory over Nate Boucher in a grueling, ground-and-pound flyweight fracas.





The bout between former Mountain Valley High School wrestling teammates was billed as a grudge match, fueled by a war of words on social media. Not surprisingly it ended in a lengthy embrace after the bell, with both men lying spent in the center of the cage.





There was little to choose between the Rumford rivals. 伯吉斯 (3-2) pushed the attack in rounds two and three and may have gained the final 29-28 edge on two scorecards with a few well-placed knees to the midsection. 鲍彻 (2-2) swept all three rounds in the other judge’s estimation.





凭借这场胜利, Burgess snapped a two-fight losing skid and earned a June title fight against Justin Witham. Burgess initially won the title back in 2015.





锦阿诺德 (2-0) left an indelible impression on both the crowd and opponent Kyle Kenney in his first-round victory. After patiently finding a seam, Arnold slammed Kenney to the canvas early in the bout and gained the TKO with a barrage of strikes at the two-minute mark.





Former amateur light heavyweight champion Ryan Glover (4-2) made a triumphant return in his first appearance since losing the belt exactly one year ago. Glover ended a slugfest with newcomer Joe Berube by verbal submission to strikes in the opening seconds of the third round.





Mohammad Al-Kinani ran his amateur record to 3-0 with a first-round TKO of Isaac Therrien. It was Al-Kinani’s stand-up acumen against Therrien’s wrestling background, and Therrien gained the early advantage with three takedowns. He was unable to keep the action on the deck, 然而, and Al-Kinani’s fistic prowess proved too tough to overcome.





同样地, Shawn Lunghi kept his record perfect through three fights with a first-round rear naked choke over previously unbeaten Devin Corson. The convincing, 68-second victory earned Lunghi an April shot at the amateur featherweight title against Taylor Costantino at NEF 33 在波特兰.





Former University of Maine football standout Carlton Charles delivered the quickest knockout of the evening. Charles rebounded from his initial loss in November with a 12-second stoppage of Delmarkis Edwards, who was making his debut at 175 英镑.





Stacy Lupo picked up his first win in the cage over David Hart. Lupo used knees and kicks to gain the advantage before gaining the TKO via strikes at 1:10 of the opening round of the 155-pound scrap.





In a wildly entertaining women’s bout to christen the card, B.J. Garceau made a successful amateur debut with a split decision over Sarah Ziehm. All three judges offered a 29-28 verdict, but a strong start and authoritative finish gave Garceau the edge. Garceau dedicated her debut to awareness of diabetes, a disease she battles outside the cage.






Two other women’s bouts went the distance. Catie Denning won her debut by unanimous decision over Chelsea Elizabeth, while Amanda Gallo made her trip from Florida pay off with a clean sweep of the cards against 2017 NEF rookie of the year Jayda Bailey.





NEF 重返波特兰, 缅因, 在灵气上 星期六, 四月 14. To purchase tickets for “NEF 33: Riptide,” go to www.auramaine.com and use pre-sale codeNEF.



新英格兰战斗 (“NEF”) 是打架事件推广公司. NEF的使命是创造战斗机和球迷的一致好评最高的质量事件. NEF的执行团队在作战体育管理方面拥有丰富的经验, 生产活动, 媒体关系, 市场营销, 法律和广告.


路易斯顿, 缅因 (一月 19, 2018) – The night before the National Football League (NFL) delivers its 2017-2018 season finale, 新英格兰战斗 (NEF) will return to the Androscoggin Bank Colisee in Lewiston for the first time in eight months as the fight promotion presents “NEF 32: 超级 星期六.” And while New England football fans will have to wait until this Sunday’s AFC championship game to find out whether their beloved Patriots will play in the Super Bowl, area mixed-martial-arts fans learned today which of their favorites will compete atNEF 32as promotion executives released the full fight card for the February 3rd 事件.



在晚上的重头戏, 布鲁斯 “漂亮男孩” Boyington (14-11) 发生在 泰勒·特拉汉 (7-8) at a catchweight of 150-pounds. One of the biggest MMA stars ever to come out of Maine, Boyington will make his return to the NEF cage after a two-year absence that saw him compete on the global stage in places like Russia and New York City’s famed Madison Square Garden. Trahan makes his third trip to Maine to compete. He is coming off a win over Connor Barry (3-2) last fall.



亚伦 “狠” 莱西 (4-1) 与面临关闭 乔什·帕克 (6-9) 在轻量级回合. Lacey suffered the first loss of his pro career in November when a fight he was arguably on the way to winning was stopped by a doctor due to a cut on Lacey’s head. Parker will look to continue his recent success in the MMA cage after recent victories over Andre Belcarris (0-2) 和德里克肖雷 (4-9).



CJ壶 (3-0) is out to make history by becoming the first competitor to hold NEF championships simultaneously in multiple weight divisions. Ewer is the reigning NEF Pro Middleweight Champion. 在 “NEF 32,” he has the opportunity to capture the NEF Pro Welterweight Title when he meets Kemran Lachinov (5-2) for the vacant strap.



Also in professional welterweight action will be 话筒 “小胡子” 汉森 (5-8) 和 杰西 “海盗” 埃里克森 (9-7) in a fight billed asThe Berserker vs. The Viking.Hansen and Erickson have developed a rivalry as coaches of local gyms Berserkers MMA and Central Maine Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (CMBJJ), 分别.



Speaking of which, 内特鲍彻 (2-1), a product of CMBJJ, 和 瑞恩·伯吉斯 (2-2) of Berserkers MMA will headline the amateur portion of the fight card. The flyweights, former teammates on the Mountain Valley High School wrestling squad, have engaged in a recent war of words heading into the bout. The winner will be in line for a shot at the amateur flyweight title later this spring.



2017 NEF “年度最佳新秀” 杰达 “里尔·基拉” 贝利 (1-0) returns to the cage on February 3rd to meet Florida’s 阿曼达·加洛 (0-1). Bailey made history in November atNEF 31by becoming the youngest competitor ever to compete, (and win), 在NEF笼. She turned 18, the legal age for competing in MMA in Maine, just a week prior to the event.



The full “NEF 32” fight card (如有变更,):






150 布鲁斯Boyington 14-11 (年轻的MMA) VS 泰勒·特拉汉 7-8 (Team链接)



170*TITLE Kemran Lachinov 5-2 (Team链接) vs CJ Ewer 3-0 (年轻的MMA)


170 杰西·埃里克森 9-7 (CMBJJ) VS迈克·汉森 5-8 (Beserkers MMA)



155 Zenon Herrera 0-6 (独立) vs Nate Charles 0-0 (Charles Fighting Family)



145 乔什·帕克 6-9 (无情的MMA & 拳击) VS亚伦莱西 4-1 (年轻的MMA)






205 瑞恩·格洛弗 3-2 (Fire & Iron Athletics) vs Joe Berube 0-0 (3罗宁田径)



175 卡尔顿查尔斯 1-1 (Charles Fighting Family) vs Delmarkis Edwards 0-0 (独立)



155 斯泰西·卢波 0-1 (The Outlet) vs David Hart 0-2 (肯尼的综合格斗)



145 德文 - 科森 1-0 (The Outlet) 对阵 肖恩·隆吉 2-0 (RMNU)



135 Chelsea Elizabeth 0-1 (头等舱MMA) vs Catie Denning 0-0 (年轻的MMA)



135 锦阿诺德 1-0 (CMBJJ) vs Kyle Kenney 0-0 (肯尼的综合格斗)



135 杰达·贝利 1-0 (年轻的MMA) vs Amanda Gallo 0-1 (RMNU)



125 内特鲍彻 2-1 (CMBJJ) VS瑞恩·伯吉斯 2-2 (Beserkers MMA)



115 BJ Garceau 0-0 (年轻的MMA) vs Jepha Mooi 0-0 (Gracie Brandon)




NEF的下一个混合武术事件, “NEF 32: 超级 星期六,” 将看到该公司使其回归到安德罗斯科银行Colisée酒店的Lewiston, 缅因. 该活动预定于 星期六, 二月 3, 2018. 门票现已在网上发售www.TheColisee.com.


路易斯顿, 缅因 (一月 10, 2018) – 在同一个蓝领社区长大,并通过相同的推进, 传奇的体育节目并不一定会让两个人最好的朋友.




前山谷高中队友, 和未来的新英格兰战斗混杂的武术对手, 瑞安伯吉斯和Nate鲍彻是古训的证据, “熟悉品种的蔑视。”




伯吉斯, 24, 鲍彻和, 21, 将在“NEF一个业余轻量级回合战斗 32: 超级 星期六“上 星期六, 二月 3. 在安德罗斯科银行Colisée酒店的斗争将确定在125磅重的部门的头号竞争者, 这不是一个标题出手对付冠军贾斯汀威瑟姆赢家.




近一年来,因为伯吉斯它会一直, 三时间缅因高中摔跤冠军和过去的NEF拳王, 走进笼子. 他呼吁NEF共同所有者和媒人马特·彼得森和具体请鲍彻斗争.




为什么? 一方面, 这是鲍彻收盘之后一个商业决定, 分裂决定损失威瑟姆在去年11月的冠军较量.




“我已经出了一年. 我希望能跳回到冠军的争夺,”伯吉斯解释. “内特与威瑟姆战斗之后, 我知道他会想立即复赛. 一旦它变得越来越明显,是不会发生,直到四月, 我问,如果我们能够做到在二月这场战斗, 和Nate抓住了它。”




伯吉斯 (2-2) 随后推出的一个或两个社交媒体榴弹似乎表明对他的同胞猎鹰敌意的一些水平. 很可能不是战术的人少; 伯吉斯感觉到以可乘之机他所认为的裂口之一鲍彻的盔甲.




“内特, 自从他还是个孩子, 有小便态度差,当他失去. 我希望他谦虚一点点,并确保他不必担心这场斗争中得到法官的手,”伯吉斯说. “内特可能本来是两- 或者,三次州冠军,如果他给自己的机会,这样做. 如果他还有他当时的态度相同, 这将结束以同样的方式。”




伯吉斯是MVHS历史上唯一四三时状态的冠军之一. 巧合的是, 鲍彻的哥哥, 阮经天, 还完成了壮举.




鲍彻, 谁已经取出四次缅因高中垫冠军, 和两次新英格兰决赛, 期间,他在NEF六边形时间德克斯特耶利米Barkac, 看起来和听起来像一个不同的性格比谁从垫子上挣扎掉作为一个十几岁的一个.




赢得他的第两个打架轻松之后, 鲍彻 (2-1) 是不是在建筑物唯一一个谁觉得自己做得还不够赢得波特兰带.




“我想我控制了前两轮的争夺. 三个全部, 真. 前两个我非常有 (威瑟姆) 哽咽了,”包润石说,. “它结束了对我的学习经验,你不能打留给法官. 关于业余队伍的伟大的事情是, 而我当然关心我的记录, 在一天结束的时候它是学习过程的一部分,让你更好的专业“。




为了应对伯吉斯’ 在Facebook上截击, 鲍彻赢得NEF带两个打架到他的职业生涯后,质疑前世界冠军的行为.




“我没有太多的垃圾话. 我很享受这项运动. 我喜欢打架,然后就回家. 他做它一点点地建立他的自我,我认为,”包润石说,. “他放下皮带,因为他遇到了麻烦,使重量, 这是非常无礼, 在我看来. 他出去了一会儿, 所以现在我在他的前面, 他知道他必须要经过我“。




伯吉斯说,他用的是裁员来完成他的大学教育,培养他的证件作为物理治疗师助理, 这表明,医学界更可能是他长期的职业生涯比MMA.




虽然他继续他的训练计划,在拉姆福德社区中心与狂战士MMA, 伯吉斯说,这是不太激烈,之前他对威瑟姆和达斯汀Veinott损失结构. 伯吉斯先前击败了对手.




“从身体我还是要击败他们, 但精神上我是不是准备为我本来应该. 现在,我更加专注,”伯吉斯说. “当时我正在完成学业, 兼职工作 20 到 30 一个星期小时去上学,为其他可能 40. 我失去了两个打架,我是下重. 我体重增加,而其他人正在削减重量. 我会去那里的限制,他们将穿上 10 到 15 英镑的称重和战斗之间“。




鲍彻承认从来没有达到他的潜力作为一个高中摔跤手. 他跟着比伯吉斯不同的路径, 在招收缅因州中部巴西柔术 - 在那里,他今天仍然列车 - 在年龄 13.




“我有一些在国家最困难的,最好的培训合作伙伴,”包润石说,. “My jiu-jitsu has come a long way, 几乎在那里它已经通过我的摔跤一点点点. 当然, 摔跤是我一直回去,当我需要它. 我引人注目的是夜间和天. 这是无可非议的,我的第一次战斗。”








伯吉斯指望鲍彻低估他的保留节目的其余部分. 正如有人谁拿起摔跤中学初中校队在七年级, 他说,他作为一个快速学习历史一直延续到柔道和拳击的境界.




“我想他会感到惊讶. 他认为他知道我带来的表,”伯吉斯说. “他所知道的关于我的是我的摔跤, 但我有很多比这更依傍. 我已经知道他带来的表. 而且他不打算学习 两个月 我学到的东西 在两年.”




开盘上 二月 3 被设定为 7 P.M. 门票可在 www.TheColisee.com.







新英格兰战斗 (“NEF”) 是打架事件推广公司. NEF的使命是创造缅因州的战斗机和球迷的一致好评最高的质量事件. NEF的执行团队在作战体育管理方面拥有丰富的经验, 生产活动, 媒体关系, 市场营销, 法律和广告.


路易斯顿, 缅因 (十一月 29, 2017) - 新英格兰战斗 (NEF) 返回刘易斯顿 星期六, 二月 3, 2018 与拼促销的下一个混合武术事件, “NEF 32: 超级 星期六.” 今天早些时候,, NEF announced the addition of an amateur flyweight bout to the card. 瑞恩·伯吉斯 (2-2) 将面临 内特鲍彻 (2-1) 在125磅重的战斗.

Ryan Burgess is wrestling royalty at his alma mater, 山谷高中, 位于拉姆福德, 缅因. Burgess is one of only four Mountain Valley wrestlers to ever win triple state crowns in wrestling. He amassed an amazing 151-23 overall high school record before graduating and turning his focus to mixed martial arts. He is currently a member of Berserkers MMA based in Rumford. Burgess is the former NEF amateur flyweight champion. NEF 32 will see him return to the cage after a year’s absence.

I’m very excited for this opportunity to get back in the cage,” 伯吉斯说. “I’ve taken some time off to make proper adjustments and focus on my career that started not long before my last fight. I’m ready to take my belt back and right now only one guy stands in my way. It’s not every day you can go to an MMA fight and watch two men who saw each other grow up scrap. 例如 February 3rd, 内特, we will see what you’re made of.

Nate Boucher began wrestling at five-years old and due to some off-the-mat issues, never achieved the high school statistics of his upcoming adversary, 伯吉斯. 然而, Boucher’s wrestling skills were on full display back in August 2017at NEF 30 when he defeated Maine wrestling legend and four-time state champion Jeremiah Barkac (0-1) 通过第一轮提交. 鲍彻, who grew-up admiring Burgessprowess on the mat, is anxious to test himself against such a decorated grappler and prove that his wrestling stands up against the best. He will be looking to rebound from a split decision loss to Justin Witham (4-4) earlier this month in an unsuccessful bid for the vacant flyweight title. It was a fight many in attendance felt Boucher had won.

“The disappointment of the decision going against me on November 3rd still stings,” said Boucher. “I’m confident that I beat Justin Witham that night, even though two of the three judges didn’t see it that way. 所以, I’m going to get right back on the horse—it’s what we do—and take on the guy that holds a win over Witham in Ryan Burgess. I grew-up watching Ryan wrestle. We’re from the same town and I know what he brings to the fight. 我会准备好的. I’m coming for my title and no one is going to get in my way.”

NEF的下一个混合武术事件, “NEF 32: 超级 星期六,” 将看到该公司使其回归到安德罗斯科银行Colisée酒店的Lewiston, 缅因. 该活动预定于 星期六, 二月 3, 2018. 门票现已在网上发售 www.TheColisee.com.



路易斯顿, 缅因 (十二月 15, 2016) - 新英格兰战斗 (NEF) 返回安德罗斯科金银行体育馆 二月 11, 2017 其未来的混合武术事件, “NEF 27: 再起。” 今天早些时候,, the fight promotion announced the addition of two amateur bouts to the card. 瑞恩·伯吉斯 (2-1) 将争夺 贾斯汀威瑟姆 (2-4) in a flyweight contest while his sister, 妮可·伯吉斯 (0-1), 发生在 莎拉·齐姆 (0-0) in the strawweight division.


This will not be the first time the Burgess siblings have competed on an NEF card together. Last June atNEF 24,Ryan and Nicole would taste defeat at the hands of Dustin Veinott (5-4) 和亚历克斯·沃克 (2-1), 分别. They will look to redeem themselves on 二月 11.


I’m super excited to get my sister back in the cage on the same card as me,” said Ryan Burgess. “She has always been a competitor and being able to train side by side with her throughout this fight camp will help me as much as it will help her. She is tough as nails and everything I will be helping her learn over the next two months will just reinforce the knowledge I have already obtained from my coaches. Her debut was against a seasoned fighter in Alex Walker and I can’t wait to see her take home her first win on 2月11日.”


Ryan and Nicole are based out of the Berserkers MMA camp in Rumford, 缅因. They grew up in neighboring Mexico, 缅因. Ryan was a three-time state wrestling champion out of Mountain Valley High School, while Nicole, a multi-sport athlete, also wrestled and excelled in field hockey. She has continued her field hockey career at Plymouth State University. Ryan captured the NEF MMA Flyweight Title last year. Both siblings are confident that Nicole can replicate his success in the cage.


Training with my brother is both a challenge and a blessing,” said Nicole. “We’ll get on each other’s nerves, but at the end of the day we want each other to succeed. 更多, he’s a good partner to have on your team.


Ryan’s bout at “NEF 27” will be a rematch. In their first meeting, he defeated Justin Witham via unanimous decision atNEF 18” 在夏天 2015.


Rematching Witham will be a perfect opportunity for me to showcase the huge strides I have made over the last year and a half since the beginning of my MMA career. He is a really tough dude and I know he will show up for a war, but I have made huge improvements in all aspects of my game since adding Jason Bell to my corner and I will be the one to decide the outcome of this fight. I will control the pace of the fight and whether I want to take it to him on the feet or take him down and submit him, there is nothing he will be able to do to stop me. This fight will not go three rounds.


Justin Witham is a member of the Shatterproof Combat Club. Since his loss to Burgess, Witham has gone 2-1 including an impressive submission win over Conner Murphy (1-1) 在他最近的郊游. Witham is certain that he can defeat Burgess in the rematch.


I’ve been wanting this fight since the second our first fight was over,” exclaimed Witham. “I can and will win!”


As for Nicole, she will be taking on the debuting Sarah Ziehm. Ziehm is a member of Central Maine Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (CMBJJ) based in nearby Auburn, 缅因.


I’m looking forward to getting back into the cage,” said Nicole. “I think my first fight was a good learning experience and I got out all my nerves that I didn’t expect to have. 现在, it’s my turn to come out with a ‘Wfor my team.


NEF的下一个活动, “NEF 27: 再起” 发生在 星期六, 二月 11, 2017 在 7 P.M. Tickets start at $25 而在销售现在 www.TheColisee.com or by calling the Colisee box office at 207.783.2009, 延期 525.


有关事件,并拼牌更新的详细信息, 请访问推广的网站 www.NewEnglandFights.com. 此外, 你可以在观看视频NEF www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, 在 Twitter 上关注他们 @nefights 并加入官方 Facebook 群组“新英格兰战斗.”




即时发布: 路易斯顿, 缅因 (九月 28, 2016) – He is the reigning NEF Amateur MMA Flyweight Champion, 并 星期五, 十一月 4, 瑞恩·伯吉斯 (2-1) will make his return to the cage following his first taste of defeat.


Burgess will compete at the Androscoggin Bank Colisee on theCES vs. NEF: 霸权” MMA super-show. The televised portion of the fight card, “CES 39,will air live on AXS TV. Burgess will appear on the non-televised portion of the card, “NEF 26,” 在那里,他将在 Tim Flores (3-2).


伯吉斯, a three-time Maine State wrestling champion for Mountain Valley High School, won the flyweight title last November from Dustin Veinott (5-4) in a split-decision. The two met in a rematch in June. Veinott would miss weight, resulting in the bout becoming a non-title affair. Veinott went on to submit Burgess in the second round. Burgess is confident that his coaches at Berserkers MMA will have him prepared to bounce back from the loss.


Flores seems like a tough dude and I’m expecting a gritty opponent,” 伯吉斯说. “Coming off a loss, I am eager to jump back in the cage for NEF and capture another victory. With new coaches in my corner, I will be a new fighter come November 4th, and he will be in for a rough night.


Tim Flores may be a newcomer to the NEF cage, but he is certainly no stranger to the New England MMA community. The Connecticut native was a fixture on Massachusetts fight cards from 2012 到 2014. In the fall of 2013, Flores sent shockwaves through the region with a vicious 18-second knockout of Dan Krall (1-3). Like Burgess, Flores will be looking to rebound from a loss in his last fight, but in doing so he will have to shake off some ring rust as Flores has not competed since the spring of 2014. He now represents Fighting Arts Academy (FAA) 斯普林菲尔德, 马萨诸塞州.


I have been out of competition for some time, but have been working while gone,” Flores stated. “I’m looking forward to testing my new skills and bettering myself as a fighter.


He is a great athlete with explosive power for a flyweight,” remarked Florescoach Nick Newell. “His skills have gone to the next level since joining FAA.


门票 “CES vs. NEF: 霸权” 开始 $25 and are available now atwww.TheColisee.com or by calling the Colisee box office at 207.783.2009, 延期 525.


有关事件,并拼牌更新的详细信息, 请访问www.CESMMA.comwww.NewEnglandFights.com.


路易斯顿, 缅因 (六月 18, 2016) - 新英格兰战斗 (NEF) 举办了格斗推广的最新活动, “NEF 24: 乐土(上帝允许给亚伯拉罕的地方” 周六 晚上在安德罗斯科银行Colisée酒店在路易斯顿, 缅因. 该活动的特色是完整的职业拳击, 业余综合格斗 (MMA) 和专业的综合格斗比赛. 差不多 2,000 挤满了穆罕默德阿里曾经与桑尼利斯顿捍卫世界重量级冠军的神圣大厅. 在活动开始前,为纪念阿里提供了一段特别的视频致敬.


自四月以来第二次, 布兰登·贝瑞 (11-2-1) 和 James Lester(11-9-1) 去距离. 这次, 与上一场打成平局的比赛不同, 有一个赢家. 莱斯特正在返回他的家乡底特律, 密歇根州在赢得一致决定后成为新的东北青少年次中量级拳击冠军.


亚历克斯·沃克 (1-1) 和 妮可·伯吉斯 (0-1) 保持女子格斗在 NEF 活动中抢尽风头的传统. 两位运动员在一场只能形容为 “惊悚片” 在震耳欲聋的人群面前. 沃克在第三轮通过臂杆提交获得了她 MMA 职业生涯的第一场胜利.


错过活动的粉丝, 或者谁在 Colisée 并想重温它, 可以通过在以下位置注册 FloPRO 帐户来观看节目的存档副本 www.FloCombat.com.


刘易斯顿的结果, 缅因:



詹姆斯·莱斯特. 布兰登·贝瑞(Brandon Berry)一致决定

拉塞尔·拉穆尔 def. 通过 KO 罗伯托·瓦伦苏埃拉, 圆 1

维尼·卡丽塔 def. 通过 KO 弗朗西斯科·米雷莱斯, 圆 2

凯西·克拉姆里奇. 通过TKO泽农·埃雷拉, 圆 3

史蒂夫·柯林斯, JR. DEF. Jose Humberto Corral 通过一致决定



杰西·埃里克森DEF. 阿莫斯柯林斯通过 KO, 圆 1

布兰登·布肖. 马特丹宁通过木村, 圆 3




达斯汀Veinott高清. Ryan Burgess 通过三角扼流圈, 圆 2

迈克Bezanson DEF. 通过 KO 肖恩·邦, 圆 1

德里克·戴利. 乔赫·斯蒂芬森(Johel Stephenson)通过将军澳, 圆 1

贾斯汀威瑟姆DEF. 康纳墨菲通过后裸扼流圈, 圆 3

Skyler Bang def. 埃迪·德罗奇(Eddie DeRoche)通过后裸扼流圈, 圆 1

史蒂夫爆炸, JR. DEF. Dom Cofone 通过断头台, 圆 1

亚历克斯·沃克. Nicole Burgess 通过 armbar, 圆 3

博士. 史蒂夫邦高清. 史黛西卢波通过将军澳, 圆 3


新英格兰战斗“下一个事件, “NEF 25: 英雄 & 恶棍,”发生在星期六, 九月 10, 2016 在安德罗斯科银行Colisée酒店在路易斯顿, 缅因. 门票开始只是 $25 而在销售现在 www.TheColisee.com 或致电在Colisée酒店票房 207.783.2009 X 525. 门票也将在活动当晚在门口提供.


有关事件,并拼牌更新的详细信息, 请访问推广的网站 www.NewEnglandFights.com. 此外, 你可以在观看视频NEF www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, 按照他们的Twitter @nefights并加入官方Facebook集团“新英格兰战斗。”




新英格兰战斗 (“NEF”) 是打架事件推广公司. NEF的使命是创造缅因州的战斗机和球迷的一致好评最高的质量事件. NEF的执行团队在作战体育管理方面拥有丰富的经验, 生产活动, 媒体关系, 市场营销, 法律和广告.