Tag Archives: Rusija

Sužeistas Shavkatas Rakhmonovas pasitraukia iš pusvidutinio svorio titulo kovos prieš. Aleksejus Kunchenko


M-1 Iššūkis 75, Kovas 3 Maskvoje, Rusija
ST. PETERSBURG, Rusija (Sausis 9, 2017) – Dėl sunkios kelio traumos, kuriai prireikė operacijos, Kazachstano varžovas buvo priverstas nepralaimėti Shaukat Rakhmonov (7-0-0, M-1: 4-0-0) trauktis iš pirmosios kovos dėl titulo, Kovas 3 prieš nepralenkiamą „M-1 Challenge“ pusvidutinio svorio čempioną Aleksejus Kunchenko (15-0-0, M-1: 7-0-0), Rusijos, į M-1 Iššūkis 75 Maskvoje.
“Aš labai norėjau šios kovos ir įdėjau daug pastangų ruošdamasis jai,” - paaiškino nusivylęs Rakhmonovas. “Deja, Plyšau kelio raiščius ir, pagal mano medicininę apžiūrą, Man greit reikės operacijos. Atsiprašau visų MMA gerbėjų, kurie laukė šios kovos. Aš padarysiu viską, kad grįžčiau stipresnis nei bet kada.”
Negu vidutinis svoris perspektyva Sergejus “Gatvės kovotojas” Romanovas (10-1-0, M-1: 3-0-0) priima Rusijos veteraną Magomed “Baltas Vilkas” Sultanakhmedov (18-5-0, M-1: 10-1-0) ant M-1 Iššūkis 75 korta.
M-1 Iššūkis 75 bus tiesiogiai transliuojamas iš Maskvos aukštos raiškos www.M1Global.TV. Stebėtojai galės žiūrėti preliminarius kovoja ir pagrindinę plokštę prisijungdami prie užsiregistruoti www.M1Global.TV. Ventiliatoriai gali stebėti visus veiksmus savo kompiuteriuose, taip pat "Android" ir "Apple" išmaniųjų telefonų ir tabletes.


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@ M1GlobalNews
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M-1 IŠŠŪKIO RENGINIŲ kalendorius:
M-1 Iššūkis 74 – Vasaris. 18, 2017 – St. Peterburgas, Rusija
M-1 Iššūkis 75 – Kovas 3, 2017 – Maskva, Rusija

Sergejus Romanovas ruošiasi sugadinti Magomedo Sultanakhmedovo sugrįžimo vakarėlį

M-1 Iššūkis 75, Kovas 3 Maskvoje, Rusija
ST. PETERSBURG, Rusija (Sausis 5, 2017) – Karšto pusvidutinio svorio perspektyva Sergejus “Gatvės kovotojas” Romanovas sunkiai treniruojasi, kad sugadintų Rusijos veterano sugrįžimą Magomed “Baltas Vilkas” Sultanakhmedov įdomiame mače Kovas 3 ne M-1 Challenge 75 Rusijoje.

The M-1 Iššūkis 75 Pagrindinis įvykis, featuring mūšis nenugalėtas pusvidutinio svorio tarp titulą Aleksejus Kunchenko (15-0-0, M-1: 7-0-0), Rusijos, priima Kazachstano varžovą Shaukat Rakhmonov (7-0-0, M-1: 4-0-0),buvo paskelbta anksčiau.
M-1 Iššūkis 75 bus tiesiogiai transliuojamas iš Maskvos aukštos raiškos www.M1Global.TV. Stebėtojai galės žiūrėti preliminarius kovoja ir pagrindinę plokštę prisijungdami prie užsiregistruoti www.M1Global.TV. Ventiliatoriai gali stebėti visus veiksmus savo kompiuteriuose, taip pat "Android" ir "Apple" išmaniųjų telefonų ir tabletes.
Dėl daugybės sužalojimų, Sulktanakhmedovas (18-5-0, M-1: 10-1-0) pastaruosius penkerius metus buvo neaktyvus, nes jis antrame jų raunde nokautavo Tysoną Jeffriesą 2011 kovoti ne M-1 Challenge 24.
Buvęs M-1 atrankos čempionas, Sultanakhmedovas numeta vieną svorio kategoriją nuo vidutinio svorio iki kovos su Romanovu. Per savo MMA karjerą, bijojo puolėjas Sultanakhmedovas išmušė panašius Dmitrijus Samoilovas, Viktoras Nemkovas, Pavelas Kušas ir Pliinio Cruz, Tarp labiau Aristokratija.
Jo nepaprasta nuojauta ir stilius daro jį gerbėjų mėgstamiausiu, ypač jo “vienas suvis, vieno žudymo” ataka. 32 metų vyras kovojo už savo gimtosios Rusijos ribų, JAV ir Japonijoje, ir kovos pertraukos metu jis ėjo teisėjo pareigas.
Nors jis nežiūri pro Sultanakhmedovą, kolega rusų kovotojas Romanovas tikisi, kad įspūdinga pergalė prieš Sultanhmedovą jam suteiks pirmąjį „M-1 iššūkio“ titulo smūgį prieš „Kunchenkp-Rakhmonov“ nugalėtoją.
Romanovas iškovojo įspūdingas pergales „M-1 Challenge“ varžybose, įskaitant sprendimą prieš Brazilijos priešą Carlosas Pereira pernai spalio mėn M-1 Iššūkis 71, taip pat pirmojo rato sustojimas per smūgius iš Andreas Birgels praėjusį birželį, val M-1 Iššūkis 68.
“Aš dirbau su savo jėgomis,” Romanovas sakė iš savo treniruočių stovyklos, “nes mano svorio kategorijos čempionas, Aleksejus Kunchenko, yra fiziškai stiprus. Man reikia pasivyti. Ne todėl, kad laukiu kovos dėl titulo, bet aš visada turiu grandiozinių planų, taip, ziuresim kaip cia bus. Dabar, Aš sutelkiau dėmesį į Sultanakhmedovą, ir manau, kad mano kova su juo būtų ne sunkesnė nei galima kova su Kunčenko.
“Treniruočių stovyklą pradėjau nuo dviejų treniruočių per dieną, bet pasijutau blogai ir nusprendžiau sumažinti tik vieną treniruotę per dieną, kol netrukus grįšiu į pilną režimą. Aš treniravausi namuose (St. Peterburgas) bet netrukus vyks į Riazanę į imtynių treniruočių stovyklą. Tada, Grįšiu į šv. Sankt Peterburge pasiruošti stovyklai, ir eikite į Borovaja boksuotis. Mano priešininkas yra kairiarankis, todėl man reikia tinkamų partnerių, bet mano stovyklos vaikinai labai padeda.
“Aš gerai pažįstu savo priešininką, kuris stebėjo jo kovas kaip jaunas, kai jis buvo čempionas. Dabar, turime jį iš naujo įvertinti. Jis buvo geras kovotojas, kuris treniruojasi „Gorets“’ kur yra, iš esmės, vaikinai, kurie yra aukščiausio lygio. Sunku pasakyti, kokia jo forma dabar, nes jis taip ilgai nekovojo. Dabar, jis yra didžiausias kovotojo amžius, 32, taigi pamatysime. Nemanau, kad šioje kovoje būsiu palankus, bet aš eisiu į priekį, nepaisant to, kad esu nepakankamas.”
Romanovas (R) yra tvirtas universalus MMA kovotojas


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M-1 IŠŠŪKIO RENGINIŲ kalendorius:
M-1 Iššūkis 74 – Vasaris. 18, 2017 – St. Peterburgas, Rusija
M-1 Iššūkis 75 – Kovas 3, 2017 – Maskva, Rusija

M-1 Challenge Champion Alexey Kunchenko vs. Shavkat Rakhmonov To headline M-1 Challenge 75 in Battle of Undefeated Welterweights

Kovas 3 Maskvoje, Rusija

ST. PETERSBURG, Rusija (Sausis 2, 2017) – M-1 Global has announced a battle of undefeated fighters to headline M-1 Iššūkis 75 as M-1 Challenge welterweight champion Aleksejus Kunchenko takes on top challenger Shaukat Rakhmonov, Kovas 3, Maskvoje, Rusija.
M-1 Iššūkis 75 bus tiesiogiai transliuojamas iš Maskvos aukštos raiškos www.M1Global.TV. Stebėtojai galės žiūrėti preliminarius kovoja ir pagrindinę plokštę prisijungdami prie užsiregistruoti www.M1Global.TV. Ventiliatoriai gali žiūrėti visus veiksmus savo kompiuteriuose, taip pat "Android" ir "Apple" išmaniųjų telefonų ir tabletes.
Kunchenko (15-0-0, M-1: 7-0), kovos iš Tiumenės, Rusija, used his tremendous Muay Thai skills to capture the coveted M-1 Challenge welterweight title belt last April at M-1 Iššūkis 65, kai gina titulą Murad Abdulaev ketvirto turo metu pasitraukė.
Kovoje be titulo, Kunchenko won a 3-round unanimous decision over Eduardo Ramonas „M-1 Challenge“ kl M-1 Iššūkis 70 Praėjusių metų rugsėjo mėnesį. His first title defense was December 5 į M-1 Iššūkis 72, in which Kunchenko (pavaizduota žemiau) won a 5-round unanimous decision over Abdulaev in a rematch.
Fighting out of Karaganda, Kazachstanas, Rakhmonov (7-0-0, M-1: 4-0-0) is a former MMA amateur star who captured gold medals at the World Mixed Martial Arts Association (WMMAA) world and Asia Championships. The prodigy has continued his dominance as a professional, consistently displaying his world-class Combat Sambo talent.
Rakhmonov (pavaizduota žemiau) received the M-1 Iššūkis 59 Submission of the Night on July 3, 2015, as he choked out Michalas Wiencek only 49-seconds into the opening round. In his most recent M-1 Challenge fight, Rakhmonov knocked out Marcelo Brito in the first-round last June at M-1 Iššūkis 67.


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@ M1GlobalNews
@ M1Global
M-1 IŠŠŪKIO RENGINIŲ kalendorius:
M-1 Iššūkis 74 – Vasaris. 18, 2017 – St. Peterburgas, Rusija
M-1 Iššūkis 75 – Kovas 3, 2017 – Maskva, Rusija



LAS VEGAS (Gruodis. 17, 2016) – In the aftermath of Saturday’s news that the WBC Interim heavyweight title fight in Russia between former heavyweight champion Auksinis čempionatas and top-ranked Aleksandras Archyvas: had been cancelled because Povetkin tested positive for drugs again, Garbės promotoriaus Don “Only In America” King offered a simple solution:


Declare his fighter, Stiverne (25-2-1, 21 Kos), Las Vegase, the interim champion.


“I’ve had a long-standing respect with the WBC, beginning with Jose Sulaiman and now with his son, Mauricio, who has done an incredible job filling his father’s shoes as WBC president and just got re-elected for four more years. I stand with them and with the WBC for trying to do things the right way and with their organization’s safety procedures in regard to the boxers and the sport.


“It’s sad but this guy, Povetkin, has become a total embarrassment. He’s now tested positive in two WBC heavyweight title fights in a row. I’m all for winning and losing fights in the ring, but it’s time for justice to prevail. I don’t know what’s going on over there with so many Russian athletes in so many sports testing positive for drugs, but it has to stop. They cannot be allowed to continue to do things the way they are.


“The WBC should declare Stiverne world champion, make him the mandatory for (WBC Heavyweight World Champion Deontay) Wilder, and let’s move on with it. There are a lot of great heavyweight fights that can be made with willing boxers who don’t break the rules every fight.


“I’m very disappointed for Bermane, who’s now gone through two training camps with nothing to show for it. Why put up all that money for travel and expenses and then have no fight. He was ready to beat Povetkin and regain a part of the WBC title.


“And then – worse yetfor them to try and put it on Bermane for not fighting is just ludicrous. They’re taking the victim and trying to set him up as the criminal in this.’’


Stiverne pulled out after the WBC withdrew its sanction because Poverkin tested positive for the banned substance Ostarine. WBC President Mauricio Sulaiman revealed the positive test by the Voluntary Anti-Doping Association (VADA) on Saturday morning. Tada, the WBC withdrew its recognition of the fight.

“There’s no reason to fight if the WBC won’t sanction the bout,” said Stiverne, who could have gone through with the bout but without the sanction opted not to. “I’m very disappointed in the actions of Povetkin. I’ve been training for months to be victorious.

“To wake up the day of the fight, have breakfast, take a nap and then find out he tested positive is the worst possible situation.”

This is the second time in seven months Povetkin (30-1-0, 22 Kos) has tested positive for a banned substance. He tested positive for Meldonium ahead of a scheduled May bout with Wilder, cancelling that fight.

If it had transpired, the winner of the fight for the WBC interim heavyweight title would have become the mandatory challenger to Wilder. Stiverne lost the WBC title to Wilder on a 12-round decision on Jan. 15, 2015. He’s the only fighter to go the distance with Wilder.

Warriors Boxing Congratulates Murat Gassiev for Title Winning Victory and Issues Challenge to the Entire Boxing World

‘Explain to me why Denis Lebedev is still world champion.
Warriors Boxing and Ural Boxing wish to congratulate the fighter they co-promote, brand-new IBF Cruiserweight World Champion Murat “Geležis” Gassiev, for his title-winning victory on December 3 against Denis Lebedev at the Khodynka Ice Palace in Moscow, Rusija.
In an entertaining fight, Gassiev (24-0, 17 Kos) iš Vladikaukazas, Rusija, dropped his countryman Lebedev in the fifth round and won a split decision by scores of 116-112 ir 116-111 against a score of 114-113 for the now-former champ.
In losing, Lebedev remained the WBA World Champion, as that belt was not on the line in the fightwhich is where Warriorschallenge to the boxing world lies.
I challenge anyone in the boxing world to give me a logical explanation why Denis Lebedev was allowed to keep his WBA title after losing,” sakė Leonas Margules, Prezidentas Warriors Boksas. “Neither fighter was over the cruiserweight limit. This was a unified champion defending his titles. It’s absurd and it sets a dangerous precedent in boxing. Why would any unified champion ever put all their belts on the line again if they could keep one or two, even if they lose?”
The pair were supposed to meet for both the WBA and IBF belts, but somehow less than a week before the fight, the WBA was convinced to allow this highly irregular move, which allowed Lebedev to remain WBA Super World Cruiserweight Champion, laimėti ar prarasti, above WBA “reguliarus” World Champion Beibut Shumenov and WBA “Tarpinis” World Champion Yunier Dorticos.
We went along with this travesty and fought anyway, but only because Lebedev’s team threatened to pull the fight if we didn’t. It’s a ridiculous situation and I want the boxing world to know what went down here.
Margules says Lebedev’s camp are now using the Russian media to claim Gassiev is refusing a rematch.
Let me set that straight right now. We would LOVE to fight Lebedev again. We’ll beat him even more easily this time. But only if he actually puts the WBA belt on the line, the one my guy has already won from him in the eyes of everyone but the sanctioning body.
Boxing politics aside, Margules and his team say they are happy with the way the 23-year-old Gassiev looked in going 12 rounds for the first time in his life.
Murat fulfilled the promise he has shown throughout his ascension to the top of the division,” said Margules. “He was in his first 12-rounder and he kept his composure. He didn’t blow his energy when he had the guy down in the fifth. And he didn’t panic when the champion, who is a very tough guy, had a few good rounds in the middle of the fight. I am very happy to be promoting a terrific fighter like him.

He reminds me of a young Rocky Marciano,” said Warriors Boxing’s COO Luis DeCubas. “He’s like a tank coming forward that you can’t stop. He will get to you eventually. He’s a star in this sport. I am sure the Shumenov/Dorticos winner would much rather fight the real unified champion Gassiev, instead of the loser Lebedev. These types of situations really hurt our sport.

Apie Warriors Boksas
Įkurta 2003, Kariai Boksas veikia filosofija paprasta-duoti geriausius boksininkų pasaulyje kovoti ventiliatoriai, juos suderinti konkurencingose ​​seansų, ir tokiu būdu padeda atkurti bokso sporto naujos kartos.
Su sėkmingų Pay-Per-View šou serija ir supakuoti namų į savo kredito, Kariai verslo modelis veikia stebuklų sporto, kad buvo skaudžiai reikia inovacijų ir energijos, kad kompanija atneša prie stalo.
Kai jis ateina į ją, nors, reklamos įmonė yra tik tokia gera, kaip kovotojų ir kovoja ji skatina. Kariai Boksas PAREIŠKĖ visais frontais, su žymiais seansų pvz Lara-Molina, Cayo-Peterson, Abraomas-Miranda I ir II, Miranda-Pavlik, Miranda-žalia, Archyvas: Briggs, Archyvas: Vardas, Urango-Hatton, Urango-Bailey, Cayo-Maidana ir Ibragimov-Holyfield.
Daugiau informacijos apie Warriors Boksas, visit their website at www.WarriorsBoxing.com.

KO & Submission of the Night M-1 Challenge 73 co-winners announced

ST. PETERSBURG, Rusija (Gruodis 15, 2016) – M-1 Global has announced Knockout of the Night and Submission of the Night bonus performance award co-winners for last Friday night’s M-1 Iššūkis 73: Mūšis Narts Ingušijoje, Rusija.

Co-Knockouts of the Night
Feared striker Magomed Idrisov (7-0-0, M-1: 4-0-0), of Russia captured the M-1 Challenge bantamweight title by knocking out defending champion Jonas “Tai yra” Buchinger (31-5-0, M-1: 6-1-0), kovoti iš Slovakijos, who rode a 10-fight win streak into M-1 Iššūkis 73, Idrisov put Buchinger to sleep with one devastating punch in the opening round for a shocking ending.
American bantamweight “Baudėjas” Joshas ištaisymas Namas (14-4-0, M-1: 2-0-0) knocked out his Kazakh opponent, Sergejus Morozovas (6-2-0, M-1: 3-2-0), pirmajame etape.
Co-Submissions of the Night
Gimtasis miestas mėgstamiausia Khamzatas Dalgievas (8-1-0, M-1: 5-1-0), chocked out British lightweight ChristianThe AnimalHolley (10-3-0, M-1: 0-1-0) antrojo turo.
Brazilian bantamweight Diegas “The Pride” Davella (16-5-0, M-1: 1-0-0) won his M-1 debut in impressive fashion, choking Zalimbegas Omarovas (7-2-1, M-1: 4-2-1) into a second-round submission.
NEXT SHOW: Vasaris. 18, M-1 Iššūkis 74, St. Peterburgas, Rusija


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New M-1 Challenge featherweight champion Magomed Idrisov knocks out Ivan Buchinger

UŽ nedelsiant paleisti
Ramazan Emeev decisions Anatoly Tokov

NAZRANAS, Ingušija, Rusija (Gruodis 9, 2016) – Rising Russian MMA star Magomed Idriosov knocked out Ivan “Tai yra” Buchinger in the opening round of vakaro M-1 Iššūkis 73: Mūšis Narts main event to become M-1 Challenge bantamweight champion.
Be bendro funkcija, M-1 Challenge middleweight champion Ramazan Emeev won a hard fought three-round split decision over Anatoly Tokov in Ingushetia, Rusija.
Feared as a striker, Idrisov ((7-0-0, M-1: 4-0-0) lived up to his reputation and remained undefeated as a professional, putting Buchinger to sleep with a devastating punch in round one. Savo 2013 MMA debut, Idrisov knocked out current M-1 Challenge lightweight champion Alexander Butenko in a non-M-1 Global fight. The Russian is now undefeated in four M-1 Global fights having previously defeated Yuri Maia (KO1 – štampus) in the M-1 Challenge 49 Knockout Nakties, Maksimalus Coga (DEC3) and Sergej Grecicho (DEC3) in his last fight September 20, 2015 į M-1 Iššūkis 51.
Idrisov (R) put Buchinger to sleep to become M-1 Challenge Featherweight champion
Buchinger (31-5-0, M-1: 6-1-0), kovoti iš Slovakijos, rode a 10-fight win streak into M-1 Iššūkis 73, losing for the first time since 2012 to Conor McGregor. Buchinger stopped Tural Ragimov to capture the vacant M-1 Challenge title October 17, 2014 į M-1 Iššūkis 52.
Two of the best middleweight fighters in the world, Emeev (15-3-0, M-1: 9-1-0) and Tokov (24-3-0, M-1: 8-2-0), battled from to start to finish as Emeev won a three-round split decision for his fourth consecutive victory.
Emeev (L) & Tokov went toe-to-toe
Undefeated Russian Moysar Evoloev remained undefeated (6-0-0, M-1: 6-0-0) by taking a three-round unanimous decision over American Lee “Amerikiečių buldogas” Morrison (15-8-0, M-1: 2-5-0) at a 140-pound (63.5 kilogramų) catchweight.
Russian lightweight Khamzat Dalgiev (8-1-0, M-1: 5-1-0), fighting at home in Ingushetia, chocked British-invader ChristianThe AnimalHolley (10-3-0, M-1: 0-1-0) into a submission in the second round.
Closing out the Main Card, American bantamweight “Baudėjas” Joshas ištaisymas Namas (14-4-0, M-1: 2-0-0) stopped his Kazakh opponent, Sergejus Morozovas (6-2-0, M-1: 3-2-0), pirmajame etape.
Brazilian bantamweight DiegoThe Pride” Davella (16-5-0, M-1: 1-0-0) won his M-1 debut, choking Zalimbeg Omarov (7-2-1, M-1: 4-2-1) in a second-round submission on the Over Card.
Dėl preliminaraus kortelės, Kurbanas Ibragimovas (6-2-0, M-1: 3-2-0) submitted fellow Russian heavyweight Denis Polekhin in the first round, Russian featherweight Alexey Nevzorov (12-2-0, M-1: 6-1-0) registered a second-round TKO of Ukrainian Andrey “Geležis” Lezhnov (8-7-0, M-1: 3-3-0), Russian lightweight Pavel Gordeav (4-0-0, M-1: 1-0-0) cruised to a second-round victory by submission choke of Kyrgyzstan’s Erlan Ulukbekov (2-1-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Russian welterweight Akhmed-Khan Ozdoev (1-1-0, M-1: 1-1-0) stopped previously undefeated Ukrainian Andrew Bilyk (4-1-0, M-1: 0-1-0), and Akhmad-Khan Bokov (2-0-0, M-1: 2-0-0) submitted Elmar Mamedov (2-1-0, M-1: 1-1-0) in the first round of a battle of Russian featherweights.
Results and photo gallery below:
M-1 lenktynės lengvas ČEMPIONATAS
Magomed Idrisov (7-0-0, M-1: 4-0-0), Rusija
WKO1 (Punchas – 3:25)
Ivanas Buchinger (31-5-0, M-1: 6-1-0), Slovakija
(Idrisov won M-1 Challenge featherweight title)
Ramadanas Emeev (15-3-0, M-1: 8-1-0), Rusija
Anatolijus Tokovas (24-3-0, M-1: 8-1-0), Rusija
KETVERIS (140 kg. / 65.5 kg)
Sergejus Morozovas (7-1-0, M-1: 4-1-0), Kazachstanas
Lee Morrison (15-8-0, M-1: 2-5-0), JAV
Khamzatas Dalgievas (8-1-0, M-1: 5-1-0), Rusija
WSUB2 (Choke – 1:50)
Christian Holley (10-3-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Jungtinė Karalystė
Joshas ištaisymas Namas (14-4-0, M-1: 2-0-0), JAV
WKO1 (4:30)
Sergejus Morozovas (6-2-0, M-1: 3-1-2), Rusija
Zalimbegas Omarovas (7-1-1, M-1: 4-1-1), Rusija
Diego Davella (15-5-0, M-1: 0-0-0), Brazilija
Kurbanas Ibragimovas (6-2-0, M-1: 4-2-0), Rusija
WSUB1 (4:15)
Denis Polekhion (2-3-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Rusija
Akhmed-Khan Ozdoev (0-1-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Rusija
Andrew Bilyk (4-1-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Ukraina
Pavel Gordeav (4-0-0, M-1: 1-0-0), Rusija
WSUB2 (Choke – 1:50)
Erlan Ulukbekov (2-1-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Kirgizija
Aleksejus Nevzorov (12-2-0, M-1: 6-1-0), Rusija
WTKO2 (4:52)
Andrejus Lezhnev (8-7-0, M-1: 3-3-0), Ukraina
Akhmad-Khan Bokev (2-0-0, M-1: 2-0-0), Ingušija, Rusija
WSUB1 (5:15)
Elmar Mamedov (2-1-0, M-1: 1-1-0), St. Peterburgas, Rusija
Ibragimov & Polekhin
Ulukbekov & Gordeav
Bilyk & Akhmed-Khan Ozdoev
Holley & Dalgiev
Lezhnev & Nevzorovas
Davella & Omarov
Mamedpv & Bokov
Morrison & Evloevas
NEXT SHOW: Vasaris. 18, M-1 Iššūkis 74, St. Peterburgas, Rusija


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@ M1GlobalNews
@ M1Global

M-1 Challenge Light Heavyweight Champion Rashid Yusupov vs. Stephan Puetz to headline M-1 Challenge 74

Vasaris 18 St. Peterburgas, Rusija

(L-R) – Rashid Yusupov and Stephan Puetz
ST. PETERSBURG, Rusija (Gruodis 6, 2016) – M-1 Global has announced a blockbuster match-up to kick-off its 2017 season as undefeated M-1 Challenge light heavyweight champion Rašidas Jusupovo takes on former titlist Stephanas “T-800” Puetz į M-1 Iššūkis 74 Pagrindinis įvykis, Vasaris 18, St. Peterburgas, Rusija.
M-1 Iššūkis 74 bus transliuojamas iš St. Peterburgas didelės raiškos antwww.M1Global.TV. Stebėtojai galės žiūrėti preliminarius kovoja ir pagrindinę plokštę prisijungdami prie užsiregistruoti www.M1Global.TV. Ventiliatoriai gali žiūrėti visus veiksmus savo kompiuteriuose, taip pat "Android" ir "Apple" išmaniųjų telefonų ir tabletes.
The 24-year-old Yusupov (6-0-0, M-1: 4-0-0), fighting out of Dagestan, Rusija, will be making his first title defense having captured his coveted belt this past May at M-1 Iššūkis 66, by way of a 5-round unanimous decision over defending champion Viktoras Nemkov.
Yusupov (2 KO / TKO, 1 SUBRANGOVAMS), representing Gorets fight club (Highlander), has three other victories in M-1 Challenge competition over Martinas Zawada (DEC3), Mitry Madvedev (Ko / TKO1 – Punchas) ir Charles Andrade (DEC3).
Puetz, 29, has won six of seven M-1 Challenge fights going into fifth title fight. The talented German (5 KO / TKO, 5 SUBRANGOVAMS) from Team Spirit burst upon the M-1 Global scene 2 ½ years ago, į M-1 Iššūkis 46, when he challenged M-1 Challenge light heavyweight champion Nemkov that ended in a 5-round split decision in favor of the new champion, Puetz.
Puetz successfully defended his title, in order, prieš Luis Fernando(SUB2 – Choke) ir Valerijus Myasnikov (KO2 – Perforatoriai), followed with a Super Fight knockout (nose injury) of M-1 Challenge heavyweight champion Marcin Tybura in the third round of their May 2, 2015 non-title fight at M-1 Iššūkis 72. Puetz then lost his title to Nemkov by way of a 5-round majority decision in the M-1 Iššūkis 63 Kova Nakties.
To get back into title contention, Puetz won his last two fights against Andrejus Seledcovas (DEC3) ir Marcusas Vinicius (SUB3 – Choke) this past October at M-1 Iššūkis 71.


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Russia dominates 2016 World MMA Championship Sweeps all 7 weight classes

Team Russia celebrates its victory with (centras) Fiodoras Emelianenko
(photo gallery of new champions below)
Monte Carlo, Monakas (Gruodis 1, 2016)- Team Russia parlayed its recent European Championship domination into a repeat performance at this past weekend’s World MMA Championship, by sweeping all seven weight classes in Studio City, Macau, Kinija.
Close to 100 fighters competed, atstovaujančių 23 countries including Russia, Kazachstanas, Ispanija, Australija, Belgian, Kinija, Kolumbija, Prancūzija, Čekijos Respublika, Hong Kong, Tadžikistanas, Vokietija, Vengrija, Macao, Nepal, Indija, Pietų Korėja, Ukraina, Kirgizija, Moldova, Uzbekistan, Chinese Taipei and Italy.
Russian middleweight Gamzat Hiramagomedov and light heavyweight Magomed Ankalayev are repeat world champions.
In team scoring, Asian team champion Kazakhstan won two Silver and four Bronze medals, Ukraine two Silver and two Bronze, Czech Republic one Silver and two Bronze, Chinas one Silver and two Bronze, Kyrgyzstan two Bronze, and one Bronze for France, Indija, Spain and Moldova.
I would like to thank each athlete of our National MMA Team, our coaches, doctors and all the Russian MMA Union employees,” said MMA living legend Fiodoras Emelianenko, WMMAA honorary president and president of the Russian MMA Union. “The fighters had a long way, put in a lot of effort, and made it to the top. Despite an ever-growing competition level, our athletes achieved 100-percent of the set goals thanks to a great training camp, fight strategy and their spirit.
We are proud to have two-time world champions in Magomed Ankalayev and Gamzat Hiramagomedov. It’s a pleasure to follow the fighterspersonal evolution from fight to fight. The world champions will receive their accolades of Sports Master of International Level.”
Štai Rezultatų pasiskirstymas iš kiekvienos svorio kategorijos:
Gaidys SKYRIUS: -61.2 kg (135 Svoris.)
1. Omar Nurmagomedov (Rusija)
2. Artur Mykytenko (Čekijos Respublika)
3. Mirat Bekishev (Kazachstanas)
3. Chun Bo Yuan (Kinija)
Lengvas SKYRIUS: -65.8 kg (145 Svoris.)
1. Kurban Taigibov (Rusija)
2. Elnur A. vedė (Ukraina)
3. Uulu Mustafa Rakhmatilla (Kirgizija)
3. Roman Molodij (Prancūzija)
LENGVOJO SKYRIUS: -70.3 kg (154 Svoris.)
1. Murad Ramazanov (Rusija)
2. Sheng Liu (Kinija)
3. Altynbek Bakhtygeldinov (Kazachstanas)
3. Leos Brichta (Čekijos Respublika)
Papildsvars SKYRIUS: -77.1 kg (170 Svoris.)
1. Alibeg Rasulov (Rusija)
2. Goyta Dazaev (Kazachstanas)
3. Syed Abdul Nazzeur Ibrahim (Indija)
3. Uulu Tologon Rakhmanberdi (Kirgizija)
Artimieji SKYRIUS: -84 kg (185 Svoris.)
1. Gamzat Khiramagomedov (Rusija)
2. Idris Gezalov (Ukraina)
3. Murad Abdurahmanov (Kazachstanas)
3. Rong Fan (Kinija)
ŠVIESOS sunkiasvorių divizijoje: -93 kg (205 Svoris.)
1. Magomed Ankalaev (Rusija)
2. Robert Lau (Vokietija)
3. Erkinbek Inzhel (Kazachstanas)
3. Darwin Rodriguez (Ispanija)
Sunkiasvorių divizijoje: +93 kg (+205 Svoris.)
1. Amirkhan Isagadzhiev (Rusija)
2. Alimzhan Suleimanov (Kazachstanas)
3. Viktor Pavlichek (Čekijos Respublika)
3. Nicolae Scorohod (Moldova)
World bantamweight champion Omar Nurmagomedov
World featherweight champion Kurban Taigibov
World lightweight champion Murad Ramazanov
World welterweight champion Alibeg Rasulov
World middleweight champion Gamzat Khiramagomedov
World light heavyweight champion Magomed Ankalaev
World heavyweight champion Amirkhan Isagadzhiev
"Twitter": @ theWMMAA
Instagram: @worldmmaa
APIE WMMAA: The goal of the World MMA Association is to provide unbiased structure and guardrail the growth of MMA as the official world governing body for Mixed Martial Arts. Ne pelno siekianti organizacija, įkurta 2012, WMMAA yra misija sukurti standartizuotą ir reguliuojamą organizaciją, įskaitant konkurencijos, mokymas, apeigas, bandymai ir augimas, kai būtina. Daugiau nei 50 šalys buvo suteikta WMMAA narystė.

Undefeated M-1 Challenge Welterweight Champion Alexey Kuchenko decisions Murad Abdulaev in rematch

UŽ nedelsiant paleisti
M-1 lenktynės 72 REZULTATAI
Maskva (Lapkritis 19, 2016) – Savo pirmoje pavadinimas gynybos, M-1 Challenge pusvidutinio svorio čempionas Alexey Kuchenko(15-0-0, M-1: 7-0-0) won a five-round decision over challenger Murad “Medžiotojas” Abdulaev (15-5-0, M-1: 3-3-0) last night in a rematch to headline M-1 Iššūkis 72 in Mowcow.
Kunchenko, kovos iš Tiumenės, Rusija, defeated defending champion Abdulaev, Rusijos, praėjusių metų balandį metu M-1 Iššūkis 65 when he was unable to continue in round four.
Rising Russian middleweight star Meno Frolovas (8-0-0, M-1: 5-0-0) also remained unbeaten, stopping veteran American fighter Luigi “Italų tankas” Fioravanti (26-15-0, M-1: 4-4-0), a former M-1 Challenge middleweight title challenger, on punches in the opening round.
Former M-1 Challenge lightweight champion Artiom Damkovsky (22-10-0, M-1: 12-7-0), Baltarusijos, may have positioned himself for another title shot by defeating Russian Aleksejus “Paskyrimas” Machno (13-5-0, 3-2-0), whose corner stopped the fight in the third round.
Kazak lightweight Damir Ismagulov (9-2-0, M-1: 5-1-0), kovoti iš Rusijos, won a three-round unanimous decision over Brazilian Rubeniltonas “Rubinho” Kriaušės (16-4-0, M-1: 0-2-0), while Croatian middleweight Kristijan “Pacman” Sidabras (9-3-2 (M-1: 0-2-2) ir Arnaudas Kherfallah “Arnaudas Kherfallah” Arnaudas Kherfallah (4-1-1, M-1: 2-0-1) kovojo trijų apvalios lygiosiomis.
Išankstiniame kortelės veiksmų, Rusų daiktas Timor Nagibin (8-2-0, M-1: 3-2-0) knocked out Russian Rbanali Abdusalamov (6-3-0), M-1: 4-1-1) ibn the third round, French bantamweight MoktarLe Kabyle” Benkaci (12-6-0, M-1: 2-1-0) punched out Ukrainian Alexey Naumov (13-4-0, M-1: 1-3-0) in three rounds, Rusų Papildsvars Danila Prikaza (5-1-1, M-1: 3-1-0) won a hard fought three-round decision over Croatian veteran IvicaTerrorTruscek (31-28-0, M-1: 0-4-0), Ukrainian bantamweight Alexsandr Lunga (9-8-0, M-1: 1-0-0) took a three-round split decision from Russian Bair namas (3-2-0, M-1: 0-2-0), Rusų šviesos sunkiasvoris Artur Tyulparov (1-0-0, M-1: 1-0-0) won his pro debut by way of an opening round submission by way of a guillotine choke over Czech Michal Kotalik (2-1-1, M-1: 0-1-0), ir Rusijos pusvidutinio svorio kategorijoje Adam Bakaev (1-1-0, M-1: 1-0–0) pateiktas MaksimMad MaxMelnik (2-3-0, M-1: 0-1-0).
Results and photo gallery below:
Alexey Kuchenko (15-0-0, M-1: 7-0-0), Rusija
Murad Abdulaev (15-5-0, M-1: 3-3-0), Rusija
(Kuchenko retained M-1 Challenge welterweight title)
Meno Frolovas (8-0-0, M-1: 5-0-0), Rusija
WTKO1 (Perforatoriai – 2:11)
Luigi Fioravanti (26-15-0, M-1: 4-4-0) JAV
Kristijan Sidabrinė (9-3-2, M-1: 0-2-2, Kroatija
sustabdęs amerikietį
Talekhas Nadzhafzade (4-1-1, M-1: 2-0-1), Azerbaidžanas
Artiom Damkovsky (22-10-0, M-1: 12-7-0), Baltarusija
WTKO3 (Kampinis Eksploatavimo sustabdymas – 1:01)
Aleksejus Machno (13-5-0, M-1: 3-2-0), Rusija
Damir Ismagulov (9-2-0, M-1: 5-1-0), Russia by way of Kazakhstan
Rubeniltonas Pereira (16-3-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Brazilija
ŠVIESOS sunkiasvoriai
Artur Tyulparov (1-0-0, M-1: 1-0-0), Rusija
WSUB1 (Giljotina smaugimas – 0:47)
Michal Kotalik (2-1-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Čekijos Respublika
Danila Prikaza (5-1-1, M-1: 3-1-0), Rusija
Ivica Truscek (31-28-0, M-1: 0-4-0), Kroatija
Adam Bakaev (1-1-0, M-1: 1-0-0), Rusija
WSUB (Choke)
Maksim Melnik (2-3-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Ukfaine
Timor Nagibin (8-2-0, M-1: 4-1-0), Rusija
WTKO3 (Perforatoriai – 4:03)
Rbanali Abdusalamov (6-3-0, M-1: 4-1-0), Rusija
Alexey Naumov (13-4-0, M-1: 2-2-0), Ukraina
WTKO3 (Perforatoriai – 4:08)
Moktar Benkaci (11-7-0, M-1: 1-2-0), Prancūzija
Alexsandr Lunga (9-8-0, M-1: 1-0-0) Ukraina
Bair namas (3-2-0, M-1: 0-2-0), Rusija

NEXT SHOW: Gruodis. 17, M-1 Iššūkis 73, Igushetia, Rusija


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