Tag Αρχεία: Ronnie Shields


Gary Antonio Russell εναντίον. Ο Εμμανουήλ Ροντρίγκεζ τελειώνει χωρίς απόφαση αφού ο Τυχαίος χτυπήματος του κεφαλιού τραυματίζει τον Ροντρίγκεζ στον πρώτο γύρο

Ο πρώην πρωταθλητής Rau'shee Warren σημείωσε κυρίαρχη διακοπή στον δεύτερο γύρο εναντίον του Damien Vazquez

Κάντε κλικ ΕΔΩ για Φωτογραφίες από Stephanie Trapp / SHOWTIME

Κάντε κλικ ΕΔΩ για φωτογραφίες από τον Sean Michael Ham/
Premier Πυγμαχία Τσάμπιονς

CARSON, CALIF. (Αύγουστος 14, 2021) - Παγκόσμιος πρωταθλητής WBO Bantamweight John Riel πρωτάθλημα νίκησε τον πρωταθλητή δύο κατηγοριών Guillermo Rigondeaux για να διατηρήσει τον τίτλο του το βράδυ του Σαββάτου ζωντανά στο SHOWTIME με επικεφαλίδα μια διοργάνωση Premier Boxing Champions από το Dignity Health Sports Park στο Carson, Καλιφόρνια.

Παγκόσμιος πρωταθλητής τριών κατηγοριών, Πρωτάθλημα (31-4, 21 KOs) έκανε τη δεύτερη επιτυχημένη άμυνα του τίτλου στα 118 κιλά, κερδίζοντας την καλύτερη νίκη καριέρας επί του μακροχρόνιου πρωταθλητή 122 λιβρών Ριγκοντό (20-2, 13 KOs), που πέρασε στο bantamweight στο 2020.

“Είμαι ενθουσιασμένος για τη νίκη,»Είπε ο Κασιμέρο. «Ο Ριγκοντό είναι καλός πυγμάχος και δύο φορές χρυσός Ολυμπιονίκης. Ανησύχησα, γιατί είπε ότι δεν θα τρέξει, αλλά έτρεξε όλη την ώρα ».

Ο αγώνας ξεκίνησε με έναν γεμάτο αγώνα πρώτο γύρο, στο οποίο φάνηκε για μια στιγμή ότι ο Casimero άφησε γάντζο στο πίσω μέρος του κεφαλιού του Rigondeaux θα οδηγούσε σε νοκ ντάουν, αλλά ο διαιτητής Jerry Cantu αποφάνθηκε τη στιγμή ένα λάθος. Κατά τη διάρκεια της ανταλλαγής, Ο Κασιμέρο έριξε αρκετές μπουνιές ενώ ο Ριγκοντό ήταν στο ένα γόνατο, κερδίζοντας μια προειδοποίηση από τον διαιτητή.

Από αυτό το σημείο, Ο Rigondeaux παρέμεινε σταθερός σε μια αμυντική στρατηγική που είδε τον Casimero να αναγκάζεται να κυνηγήσει τον αντίπαλό του γύρω από το ρινγκ. Εν τω μεταξύ,, Ο Casimero έμεινε αφοσιωμένος στο να προωθήσει, κοιτάζοντας να επιβραδύνει τον Rigondeaux με βολές σώματος για να ρυθμίσει πυροβολισμούς ισχύος στο κεφάλι.

“Οι προσδοκίες μου ήταν για νοκ άουτ,»Είπε ο Κασιμέρο. «Εγώ και όλοι οι οπαδοί μου το θέλαμε. Έκανα ό, τι μπορούσα για να τον βγάλω νοκ άουτ, αλλά απλά έτρεχε και δεν τσακωνόταν ».

Ο Rigondeaux αρκέστηκε να αντιμετωπίσει τον αντίπαλό του που χρεώνει, κάνοντας το μεγαλύτερο μέρος της ζημιάς του με παραλλαγές του επικίνδυνου αριστερού χεριού του. Σε έναν αγώνα με πολλούς κοντινούς γύρους, Ο Κασιμέρο τελείωσε τον αγώνα με ένα στενό 47 να 44 άκρη σε γροθιές προσγειώθηκε, συμπεριλαμβανομένου ενός 41-28 καταμέτρηση σε γροθιές ισχύος.

Αυτά τα χτυπήματα και η συνεχής επιθετικότητα αποδείχθηκαν αρκετά για να κρατήσει τον Κασιμέρο τον τίτλο του στα 118 κιλά στα μάτια των κριτών., ως παρτιτούρες 117-111 και 116-112 ακύρωσε έναν δικαστή 115-113 κάρτα υπέρ του Ριγκοντό. Ενώ ο Ριγκοντό αμφισβήτησε την απόφαση, Ο Casimero ανυπομονούσε για πιθανές συγκρούσεις ενοποίησης με τον πρωταθλητή WBC Nonito Donaire και τον κάτοχο τίτλων WBA και IBF Naoya Inoue.

“Κανείς δεν θέλει να μαλώσει μαζί μου γιατί τους απογοητεύω στο ρινγκ,»Είπε ο Ριγκοντό. «Πήρα τις γροθιές που χρειαζόμουν για να κερδίσω τον αγώνα απόψε. Έτσι κερδίζω. Έχω αυτές τις θεόδοτες δεξιότητες και αυτός είναι ο τρόπος που τις εμφανίζω. Είμαι ένας μοναδικός μαχητής. Είναι το στυλ μου και είναι το μόνο που ξέρω. Μπορείτε να δείτε ότι είμαι ακόμα καλύτερος από οποιονδήποτε άλλον στις ελαφρότερες κατηγορίες βάρους και θα συνεχίσω να αγωνίζομαι.”

“Είχα ένα σχέδιο τριών αγώνων,»Είπε ο Κασιμέρο. «Πρώτος ήταν ο Ριγκοντό, και τον χτυπησα. Ακολουθεί ο Nonito Donaire και μετά τελικά η Naoya Inoue.”

Το συμπαραγωνιστικό γεγονός είδε την άνοδο του υποψηφίου Γκάρι Ράσελ Αντόνιο (18-0, 12 KOs) και ο πρώην παγκόσμιος πρωταθλητής Εμμανουήλ Ροντρίγκεζ (19-2, 12 KOs) πάλεψε για να μην πάρεις μια απόφαση 16 δευτερόλεπτα στον πρώτο γύρο της αναμέτρησης των 118 κιλών, μετά από ένα τυχαίο χτύπημα στο κεφάλι τραυμάτισε τον Ροντρίγκεζ και έληξε τον αγώνα.

“Συμβαίνει,»Είπε ο Ράσελ. «Lookingάχνω να διαπιστώσω το τρύπημα και προσπάθησα να στήσω ένα γάντζο, και μπήκε ταυτόχρονα. Είναι πολύ απογοητευτικό ».

“Νιώθω καλά,»Είπε ο Ροντρίγκεζ. «Είμαι λίγο απογοητευμένος αφού έβαλα όλη αυτή τη δουλειά για να τελειώσει ο αγώνας τόσο γρήγορα χωρίς να συμβεί τίποτα. Με το κτύπημα του κεφαλιού, ίσως αν δεν υπήρχε αίμα, θα μπορούσαμε να συνεχίσουμε. Αλλά μια φορά είδα όλο το αίμα, Iξερα ότι είχε τελειώσει ».

Η διασταύρωση της μάχης για τον ενδιάμεσο τίτλο WBA Bantamweight είχε ως στόχο να προσφέρει στον Russell την ευκαιρία να καθιερωθεί ως πραγματικός διεκδικητής του τίτλου και να δώσει στον Rodriguez την ευκαιρία να προχωρήσει ένα βήμα πιο κοντά για να γίνει πρωταθλητής δύο κατηγοριών. Ο Rodriguez προσπάθησε να αντιμετωπίσει μια εισερχόμενη επίθεση Russell, που οδήγησε στα δύο κεφάλια να συγκρούονται.

“Actuallyμουν στην κατασκήνωση για περίπου τέσσερις μήνες,»Είπε ο Ράσελ. «Προετοιμάστηκα τέλεια για αυτόν τον αγώνα. Wasάχνω πραγματικά να μεταδώσω τα ταλέντα μου και να δείξω σε όλους τι υπάρχει στο οπλοστάσιό μου. Δυστυχώς, το κεφάλι έγινε ».

Ο Ροντρίγκεζ έπεσε στον καμβά αμέσως και αιμορραγούσε από τη μύτη του, ωθώντας τη διαιτητή Sharon Sands να απομακρυνθεί από τον αγώνα, το οποίο κρίθηκε μη-απόφαση.

“Βεβαίως, Θα ήθελα να επιστρέψω αμέσως,»Είπε ο Ράσελ. «Αν μπορεί να το κάνει, Θέλω να επιστρέψω εκεί με τον Ροντρίγκεθ ».

“Δεν θέλω να χάσω την κατάσταση στην οποία βρίσκομαι,»Είπε ο Ροντρίγκεζ. «Προετοιμάστηκα πολύ σκληρά για αυτόν τον αγώνα. Μόλις διορθωθεί ο τραυματισμός, Θα επιστρέψω στο ρινγκ και θα ήθελα να παλέψω ξανά με τον Ράσελ.”

Στο άνοιγμα του αγώνα, πρώην παγκόσμιος πρωταθλητής Rau'shee Warren (19-3, 5 KOs) κυριαρχείται Damien Vazquez (16-3-1, 12 KOs) στο δρόμο του για ένα δεύτερο γύρο διακοπή στην αναμέτρηση bantamweight τους. Ο Warren σημείωσε την πρώτη του νίκη με νοκ άουτ από τότε 2015, αφού πήγε την απόσταση στους προηγούμενους οκτώ αγώνες του.

«Προσπαθούσα να τους δείξω κάτι διαφορετικό αυτή τη φορά,»Είπε ο Γουόρεν. «Είχα πάντα τη δύναμη, αλλά αυτό το εκπαιδευτικό στρατόπεδο ήταν πολύ διαφορετικό. Καθόμουν στις γροθιές μου και δούλευα σε κάτι διαφορετικό. Λειτούργησε στο ρινγκ.

«Πάντα ήξερα ότι είχα αυτή τη δύναμη και πάντα ήξερα ότι είχα αυτήν την ταχύτητα. Είναι απλώς να αφιερώσετε το χρόνο σας στο ρινγκ και να τους αφήσετε να έρθουν. Όταν είδα την ευκαιρία, Πήγα για αυτό. "

Τρεις φορές ΗΠΑ. Ολυμπίου, Ο Warren βγήκε γρήγορα στον πρώτο γύρο, χρησιμοποιώντας το πλεονέκτημα ταχύτητάς του για να κερδίσει τον Βάσκες στη γροθιά, συνδέοντας με το δεξί χέρι στη μέση μέσω του πλαισίου που σημείωσε το πρώτο νοκ ντάουν του αγώνα. Ο Βάζκεζ μπόρεσε να σηκωθεί στα πόδια του, αλλά στάλθηκε στον καμβά για δεύτερη φορά στιγμές αργότερα από ένα άλλο αιχμηρό δεξί χέρι από τον Γουόρεν.

Ο Γουόρεν του Σινσινάτι προσγειώθηκε εκπληκτικά 22 του 39 διατρήσεις δύναμης σε αυτόν τον πρώτο γύρο, και συνέχισε την κυριαρχία του στο δεύτερο. Ο Γουόρεν χρονομέτρησε τέλεια ένα ίσιο αριστερό χέρι που συγκλόνισε άσχημα τον Βάσκες, αναγκάζοντας τον διαιτητή Ray Corona να πηδήξει και να σταματήσει τον αγώνα 2:18 στο δεύτερο γύρο.

«Ο επόμενος αγώνας είναι ένας αγώνας τίτλου,»Είπε ο Γουόρεν. «Είμαι ο νούμερο ένα υποψήφιος για το WBA. Θέλω να ευχαριστήσω την ομάδα μου που με έβαλε σε αυτή τη θέση και με ώθησε. Ξέρουν τι μαχητής είμαι. Θα γίνω πρωταθλητής. Επόμενος αγώνας αρπάζω αυτόν τον τίτλο. Maybeσως να πολεμήσω τον νικητή του κεντρικού γεγονότος απόψε (Rigondeaux vs. Πρωτάθλημα)."

Το SHOWTIME παρουσίασε τις καλύτερες στιγμές από έναν αγώνα χωρίς τηλεόραση που είδε αήττητη προοπτική να αυξάνεται Brandun Lee (23-0, 21 KOs) διατηρεί ανέπαφο το τέλειο αρχείο του, καθώς σήκωσε το δικό του 13ου νοκ-άουτ πρώτου γύρου καριέρας με μια συγκλονιστική απόδοση εναντίον Εζεκίελ Φερνάντες (28-5-1, 3 KOs).

“Απόδοσή μου ήταν καλό,"Είπε ο Λι. «Θα μπορούσε να ήταν καλύτερα. Πάντα υπάρχουν περιθώρια βελτίωσης. Στο τέλος της ημέρας, τελειώσαμε τη δουλειά. Είμαι σίγουρα έτοιμος για το επόμενο επίπεδο. Είναι σωστό να ενισχύσω τον ανταγωνισμό. Θα αναλάβω οποιονδήποτε είναι έτοιμο.”

Η τηλεοπτική εκπομπή SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING θα επαναληφθεί την Κυριακή, Αύγουστος 15 στο 9 π.μ.. ET/PT SHOWTIME και Τρίτη, Αύγουστος 17 στο 10 μ.μ. ET/PT στο SHOWTIME Extreme.

Ο βετεράνος αθλητής Brian Custer φιλοξένησε την τηλεοπτική εκπομπή SHOWTIME, ενώ η ευέλικτη αγωνιστική φωνή Mauro Ranallo χειρίστηκε τη σφυρηλασία μαζί με τον αναλυτή του Hall of Fame Al Bernstein και τον παγκόσμιο πρωταθλητή τριών κατηγοριών Abner Mares. Τρία Hall of Famers ολοκλήρωσαν την ομάδα τηλεοπτικών εκπομπών SHOWTIME – Ο βραβευμένος με Έμμυ ρεπόρτερ Τζιμ Γκρέι, ανεπίσημος σκόρερ Steve Farhood και παγκοσμίου φήμης εκφωνητής δαχτυλιδιών Jimmy Lennon Jr.. Ο εκτελεστικός παραγωγός ήταν ο νικητής τεσσάρων βραβείων Emmy® David Dinkins, Jr. Η τηλεοπτική μετάδοση έγινε από τον Ray Smaltz III και σκηνοθετήθηκε από τον Chuck McKean. Ο πρώην νεαρός παγκόσμιος πρωταθλητής μεσαίου βάρους Raúl "El Diamante" Mquerquez και ο αθλητής Alejandro Luna υπηρέτησαν ως ειδικοί αναλυτές στα ισπανικά στον δευτερεύοντα προγραμματισμό ήχου (SAP).

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Rigondeaux vs. Ο Casimero είδε τον παγκόσμιο πρωταθλητή δύο κατηγοριών Guillermo Rigondeaux αντιμετωπίζει τον παγκόσμιο πρωταθλητή bantamweight John Riel πρωτάθλημα για τη ζώνη του WBO το Σάββατο, Αύγουστος 14 ζωντανά στο SHOWTIME με τίτλο πρωταθλητή Premier Boxing Champions από το Dignity Health Sports Sports στο Carson, Καλιφόρνια.

Η τηλεοπτική εκπομπή SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING ξεκίνησε στις 10 μ.μ. ET / 7 μ.μ.. PT και είδε επίσης να αυξάνεται αήττητος υποψήφιος Γκάρι Ράσελ Αντόνιο πρώην παγκόσμιος πρωταθλητής μάχης Εμμανουήλ Ροντρίγκεζ για τον WBA Interim Bantamweight Title στο co-main event. Έναρξη της τηλεοπτικής μετάδοσης, πρώην παγκόσμιος πρωταθλητής Rau'shee Warren dueled Ντάμιεν Βάσκες σε αγώνα 10 γύρων bantamweight. Η εκδήλωση προωθήθηκε από την TGB Promotions.

Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες επισκεφθείτε την ιστοσελίδα www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, ακολουθούν στο Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing και @TGBPromotions στο Instagram @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing και @TGBPromotions ή γίνετε θαυμαστές στο Facebook στη διεύθυνση www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing.


Παγκόσμιος πρωταθλητής δύο κατηγοριών Γκιγιέρμο Ριγκοντό πήρε τον Παγκόσμιο Πρωταθλητή Bantamweight John Riel Casimero Σάββατο, Αύγουστος 14 Ζωντανά στο SHOWTIME Headlining Premier Premier Boxing Champions Event από το Dignity Health Sports Sports στο Carson, Καλιφόρνια

Κάντε κλικ ΕΔΩ για Φωτογραφίες από Hosanna Rull/iRull Fotos
STAFFORD, TX. (Αύγουστος 5, 2021) -Παγκόσμιος πρωταθλητής δύο κατηγοριών Guillermo Rigondeaux έδωσε εικόνα για την προπόνησή του καθώς ετοιμάζεται να αναλάβει τον Παγκόσμιο Πρωταθλητή WBO Bantamweight John Riel πρωτάθλημα Σάββατο, Αύγουστος 14 στο κύριο γεγονός ζωντανά στο SHOWTIME από το Dignity Health Sports Park στο Carson, Καλιφόρνια σε μια εκδήλωση Premier Πρωταθλητές Πυγμαχίας.

Η εκδήλωση προωθείται από την TGB Promotions. Τα εισιτήρια πωλούνται τώρα και μπορούν να αγοραστούν στο AXS.com. Η εκπομπή SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING θα ξεκινήσει στις 10 μ.μ. ET / 7 μ.μ.. PT και θα δει τον διπλό χρυσό Ολυμπιονίκη της Κούβας Rigondeaux, ο οποίος έχει κερδίσει την αναγνώριση της λίβρας για τη λίρα σε διάφορα σημεία της καριέρας του, επιστροφή στη δράση εναντίον του Φιλιππίνου Casimero, ένας παγκόσμιος πρωταθλητής τριών κατηγοριών που ψάχνει την καλύτερη νίκη στην καριέρα στη δεύτερη άμυνα του τίτλου 118 λιβρών.

Εδώ είναι τι είχε να πει ο Rigondeaux σχετικά με την προπόνηση με τον Ronnie Shields και πολλά άλλα:

Στον επερχόμενο αγώνα του με τον John Riel Casimero: «Beenταν ένα στρατόπεδο πολύ συγκεντρωμένο, και έχω βρει έμπνευση βλέποντας τους Ολυμπιακούς Αγώνες, και άναψε μια σπίθα μέσα μου. Η κατάκτηση δύο χρυσών μεταλλίων στα πρώτα μου χρόνια μου δίνει επιπλέον κίνητρο για να κερδίσω αυτόν τον αγώνα. Θέλω να αποδείξω στον κόσμο ότι είμαι ένας από τους καλύτερους πυγμάχους ποτέ, και ότι έχω πολλά να δώσω σε αυτό το άθλημα. Είμαι πεπεισμένος ότι θα το κάνω ενάντια στον πιο αποφευγμένο μαχητή στην κατηγορία βάρους μου. Ο Κασιμέρο είναι ένας επικίνδυνος μαχητής και ένας πολύ δυνατός διατρητής, αλλά θα τον εξημερώσω με μεγάλες ικανότητες πυγμαχίας ».

Στο πρόσφατο προπονητικό του στρατόπεδο με προπονητή τον Ronnie Shields: «Η προπόνηση στο Τέξας με τον Ronnie Shields ήταν υπέροχη και η συνεργασία μας είναι φανταστική. Ο Ρόνι είχε πολλούς παγκόσμιους πρωταθλητές, και διαθέτει ένα πολύ επαγγελματικό γυμναστήριο πυγμαχίας, με πολλούς παγκόσμιους πρωταθλητές και μαχητές που αγωνίζονται στο υψηλότερο επίπεδο του αθλήματος. Έχω κίνητρο να δουλέψω σκληρά, όχι μόνο για να πετύχω τους δικούς μου στόχους, αλλά από όλους τους νέους μαχητές στο γυμναστήριο που οδηγούνται και είναι συγκεντρωμένοι. Η ατμόσφαιρα μου έφερε κάτι καινούργιο. Αναβιώνω και νιώθω ξανά νέος ».

Στον αγώνα για τον παγκόσμιο τίτλο του WBO: «Πάντα νιώθω καλά να παλεύεις για έναν παγκόσμιο τίτλο, και είχα τον τίτλο του WBO πριν, αφού νίκησα τον Nonito Donaire, αλλά αυτή τη φορά θα πάω ενάντια σε ένα πεινασμένο νεαρό λιοντάρι. Άχνω να κατακτήσω έναν ακόμη παγκόσμιο τίτλο, και δώστε έναν ακόμη σπουδαίο αγώνα για τον οποίο θα μιλούν οι θαυμαστές για χρόνια ».

Επιστρέφοντας στο ρινγκ μετά από ένα χρόνο απολύσεων: "Νιώθω καλά. Νομίζω ότι σε αυτό το σημείο της καριέρας μου, όλη την ώρα μακριά από το δαχτυλίδι βοηθά. Ξέρω πώς να παλεύω και ξέρω πώς να προπονούμαι, το μεγάλο πράγμα είναι να ξέρεις πώς να ανακάμψεις, και δεν βλάπτουν το σώμα μου. Κάνω καλή δουλειά στο να μένω έντονος στο γυμναστήριο, αλλά όχι πάνω από την προπόνηση. Η νίκη επί του Κασιμέρο θα κάνει θαύματα για την καριέρα μου ».

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Rigondeaux vs. Ο Casimero θα δει τον παγκόσμιο πρωταθλητή δύο κατηγοριών Guillermo Rigondeaux αντιμετωπίζει τον παγκόσμιο πρωταθλητή bantamweight John Riel πρωτάθλημα για τη ζώνη του WBO το Σάββατο, Αύγουστος 14 ζωντανά στο SHOWTIME με τίτλο πρωταθλητή Premier Boxing Champions από το Dignity Health Sports Sports στο Carson, Καλιφόρνια.

Η τηλεοπτική εκπομπή SHOWTIME ΠΡΩΤΑΘΛΗΜΑ ΠΥΓΜΑΧΙΑΣ ξεκινά στις 10 μ.μ. ET / 7 μ.μ.. PT και θα δει επίσης ανερχόμενο αήττητο διεκδικητή Antonio Russell πρώην παγκόσμιος πρωταθλητής μάχης Εμμανουήλ Ροντρίγκεζ καθώς διεκδικούν το WBA Interim Bantamweight Title στο co-main event.

Έναρξη της τηλεοπτικής μετάδοσης, πρώην παγκόσμιος πρωταθλητής Rau'shee Warren μονομαχίες Ντάμιεν Βάσκες σε αγώνα 10 γύρων bantamweight.
Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες

επίσκεψη www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, ακολουθούν στο Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing και @TGBPromotions στο Instagram @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing και @TGBPromotions ή γίνετε θαυμαστές στο Facebook στη διεύθυνση www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing.

Brandon Adams Proves He Belongs on the World Stage

Photos By Esther Lin / Showtime

ΦΙΛΑΔΕΛΦΕΙΑ / ΛΟΣ ΑΝΤΖΕΛΕΣ – Ιούλιος 1, 2019 -This past Saturday night, Brandon Adams announced himself as a top contender as he put on a gutsy performance against undefeated WBC World Middleweight Champion Jermall Charlo in Charlo’s hometown of Houston.

The bout was the main event that and was televised live on SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING®, in which Adams gave a strong account for himself.

Adams took some of the best shots that the power punching Charlo could throw, and not only was Adams never hurt in the fight, in the later rounds, he began to take the fight to the hometown champion.

I was ready to risk it all. I went into the fight looking to dominate and get the stoppage victory. I knew going into the fight that is what I needed to do going into his hometown,” είπε ο Adams.

Adams was not in the least intimidated by stepping into enemy territory, but there were a few things that happened during the fight that he did not expect which hindered his gameplan.

The referee would not let me get low. As you saw during the fight, I was crouching down to get inside, but the referee gave me a warning for doing that. I had to think of a different way to get in there without revealing myself,” continued Adams.

Αν και, the television announcers and many on social media seemed surprised at the gutsy effort from Adams, the Watts, California native was very confident of his abilities as he entered the ring on Saturday night.

“Νιώθω καλά. I knew I was capable of being on that level. I took out of the fight is that there are a few little things that I can work on and that I could have done in there. I did not know the referee would not let me get low or even let us fight in close as much as I wanted. I felt he would break us a little quickly. I also got hit in the back of the head a couple of times. Fighting in his hometown was tough.

I know this fight will help me better myself. Coming out of The Contender, my goal was to fight at 154 λίρες, but this was a world title opportunity. I proved that I am on that level at 160, and I will now look for the best opportunities at both 154 and 160.

We are very proud of Brandon. He fought very hard and put on a great performance,” said Artie Pelullo of Banner Promotions. “Brandon proved that he is a world class fighter, and now the world has seen what we already knew, that he is on the elite level. There will be many doors that will be open for him to secure more big fights.

I was impressed on how Brandon performed,” said Jeff Wald, Co-Creator and Co-Executive Producer of The Tournament of Contenders. “He has a big career ahead of him at both 154 και 160 λίρες.”

Για τακτικές ενημερώσεις σχετικά με τους μαχητές μας, εκδηλώσεις, και προωθητικές ενέργειες, please like the BannerPromotions Facebook Page, και ακολουθήστε μας Instagram και Έξαψη

Houston-Native Miguel Flores Fights in Hometown Against Mexico’s Luis May Saturday, Ιούνιος 29 from NRG Arena as Part of Jam-Packed Charlo vs. Adams Undercard

Also Featuring Unbeaten Prospects Omar Juárez, Mychal Teal & Περισσότερο!

Unbeaten Middleweight Champion Jermall Charlo Makes Hometown Return to Battle Brandon Adams in Premier Boxing Champions Main Event Live on SHOWTIME®

ΧΙΟΥΣΤΟΝ (Ιούνιος 11, 2019) – Houston-native Miguel Flores will return to the ring to fight in his hometown against Mexico’s Luis May Σάββατο, Ιούνιος 29 in a 10-round super featherweight fight that highlights an action packed night of undercard attractions from NRG Arena in Houston.

The event is headlined by another Houston-native, unbeaten WBC Interim Middleweight Champion Jermall Charlo, who will face middleweight contender Brandon Adams in the main event live on SHOWTIME (9 μ.μ. ET / 6 μ.μ.. PT).

Τα εισιτήρια για το live event, which is promoted by Lions Only Promotions and TGB Promotions, are on sale now and can be purchased through Ticketmaster. Charlo vs. Adams is promoted in association with Banner Promotions and The Tournament of Contenders.

Undercard bouts also feature unbeaten Brownsville, Texas-native Omar Juárez in a four-round welterweight attraction against Pennsylvania’s Seifullah Wise, αήττητοMycheal Teal του Αγίου. Πετρούπολη, Florida taking on Mark Beuke for a four-round middleweight affair and unbeaten San Antonio-native Raymond Guajardo facing Compton, Καλιφόρνια Jaime Meza in a four-round middleweight fight.

Rounding out the action is undefeated Weslaco, Texas-native César Cantústepping in for a four-round super featherweight clash against North Carolina’s Chante Bowens, a six-round lightweight bout between McAllen, Texas-native Nelson Hampton and West Virginia’s Dakota Linger and the pro debut of Zamy Larry in a four-round super middleweight showdown versus North Carolina’s Carlos Umanzor.

Born in Michoacan de Ocampo, Mexico and living in Houston, Λουλούδια (23-2, 11 KOs) will return to the ring for the first time since April 2018, when he stopped Raul Chirino in two rounds. The 26-year-old was scheduled to challenge Leo Santa Cruz for his featherweight world title in February before suffering an ankle injury in training. He looks to get one step closer to regaining a title opportunity when he faces the 35-year-old May (21-14-1, 8 KOs) from Yucatan, Μεξικό.

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“I’m going to finish this fightYou might be a contender, but it’s another thing to be a champion,” Charlo

“I didn’t expect my road to be easy because it’s never been easy for me…The best man will win on June 29,” Adams

Unbeaten Top Middleweight Jermall Charlo Makes Hometown Return to Battle Brandon Adams Saturday, Ιούνιος 29 ζουν σε SHOWTIME® from NRG Arena in Houston and Presented by Premier Boxing Champions

Κάντε κλικ ΕΔΩ for Photos from Andrew King/SHOWTIME

ΧΙΟΥΣΤΟΝ (Μάιος 30, 2019) – Unbeaten WBC Interim Middleweight Champion and Houston-native Jermall Charlo went face to face with middleweight contender Μπράντον ΆνταμςThursday at a press conference in Charlo’s hometown to preview their showdown Saturday, Ιούνιος 29 ζουν σε SHOWTIME (9 μ.μ. ET / 6 μ.μ.. PT) from NRG Arena and presented by Premier Boxing Champions.

Τα εισιτήρια για το live event, which is promoted by Lions Only Promotions and TGB Promotions, are on sale now and can be purchased through Ticketmaster. Charlo vs. Adams is promoted in association with Banner Promotions and The Tournament of Contenders.

Στο SHOWTIME ΠΡΩΤΑΘΛΗΜΑ ΠΥΓΜΑΧΙΑΣ® Main Event, Charlo will fight in Houston for the first time since 2012, as he looks to further cement his place amongst the middleweight elite against Adams, who shot up the 160-pound rankings by winning the 2018 reboot of Ο υποψήφιος.

Here is what the press conference participants had to say Thursday from Hotel ZaZa Museum District in Houston:


“Me and my brother Jermell have been through so much in boxing. We’ve been doing it since we were eight-years-old. To make it to this world class level and to do it for Houston, it feels great.

“It’s going to be fireworks. I’m coming for the knockout every time. Houston is hot and the heat is going to be there fight night. I’m going to do what I normally do and give the crowd excitement.

“Ronnie Shields has changed me from being a kid to realizing who I am as a man in the sport of boxing. He’s had world champions before me so I know he can judge my progression. He’s going to make sure I stay at this level.

“I’m walking in the ring and I’m handling my business. This is definitely a step up fight for Brandon Adams, but I’m only worried about what I have to do. I’m just going to prepare to be my best. We’re going to both give it our all and I will be victorious.

“Boxing is about experiences and I’m still learning. I’m going to have my ups and downs, because no fighter is perfect. But I will always prepare myself well and that’s why I’m still undefeated. I needed a fight like my last one to get even better.

“I’m going to finish this fight. My goal is to make quick work of Brandon and show him that there are levels to this. You might be a contender, but it’s another thing to be a champion.

“I get a lot of juice from the hometown crowd. Just having my family there alone is what I really need to get the nerves and excitement to where I need them. I’m going to be comfortable and I’m going to stick to my game plan. I’m not here to make mistakes.

“Thus far camp has been great. I feel awesome and I’m well prepared. It’s an amazing feeling to be fighting in my hometown. It’s almost a dream come true to me. To have my own card at this level and on this stage, it shows the support Houston has for me.”


“I appreciate the opportunity I have to step into the ring with this man across from me. I’m super excited about it and I can’t wait. These are two top fighters getting in the ring and we’re going to give the fans a show.

“It’s not just what I see in Jermall, it’s what I believe in myself. The combo of working with Dub Huntley and Freddie Roach is perfect. They are both seasoned vets and they teach me something new every day.

“I didn’t expect my road to be easy because it’s never been easy for me. I’m on the road and I understand that. I’m prepared to pack my bags and go wherever I need to, so that I can become what I’m supposed to become. The best man will win on June 29.

“Before Ο υποψήφιος I felt that I didn’t have an opportunity to show how good I am. During the whole series it was about getting back in the ring and shaking off the rust, then showcasing who I am.

“Winning Ο υποψήφιος helped get me here, but I always had confidence and believed in myself since day one. In choosing to accept Charlo’s challenge, I had it in my mind that I belong here.

“It was pressure every time I fought on Ο υποψήφιος. Each round were quality opponents leading up to the final and all of that will prepare me for Charlo. He deserves everything he’s gotten and I respect him as a man, but I’m going to take advantage of this opportunity.

“His team didn’t have to fight me, but they chose to. I appreciate his fans coming out to support him because they’ll see both of us. Hopefully I can win some of them over.”

Ronnie Shields, Προπονητής του Charlo

“We’ve done a lot of studying of Brandon Adams and he’s a really good fighter. Κερδίζοντας Ο υποψήφιος is not an easy feat. He’s truly a contender, so we have to make sure we’re working hard every single day.

“We’re not sitting back and waiting for someone to fight us. We have to continue to be busy. You still have to fight hard fights when you’re at the top and that’s what we’re doing. We’re preparing the right way.

“I’m so happy that everybody has come out to support Jermall because he’s been waiting to make his homecoming and this is it. It’s important to see everyone on his side.”

DUB HUNTLEY, Adams’ Trainer

“I hope everybody comes out for this one because it’s going to be a great fight. I’ve been with Brandon for a long time and I know that he’s going to win this fight and put on a memorable performance. Charlo is a great fighter but Brandon has all the tools necessary to come into his hometown and get the victory.”

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Charlo vs. Adams will pit unbeaten WBC Interim Middleweight Championand Houston-native Jermall Charlo against middleweight contender Brandon Adams in Charlo’s hometown return Saturday, Ιούνιος 29 live on SHOWTIME from NRG Arena in Houston and presented by Premier Boxing Champions.

SHOWTIME ΠΡΩΤΑΘΛΗΜΑ ΠΥΓΜΑΧΙΑΣ αρχίζει από 9 μ.μ. ET / 6 μ.μ.. PT and features hard-hitting super welterweight Erickson “Hammer’’ Lubin taking on French contender Zakaria Attou in a 12-round WBC title elimination bout in the co-main event. Opening the telecast is a WBA featherweight title eliminator between slick Mexican southpaw Eduardo Ramirez and power-punching Dominican Claudio Marrero.

Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες επισκεφθείτε την ιστοσελίδα www.SHO.com/Sports
ακολουθούν στο Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @TGBPromotions and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing


Photo by Stephanie Trapp – Showtime

ΧΙΟΥΣΤΟΝ, TX (Σεπτέμβριος 17, 2018)Former WBA super welterweight world champion Erislandy “Το αμερικανικό όνειρο” Lara (25-3-2, 14 KOs), felt inspired by the state of boxing after watching last Saturday night’s main event between Σαούλ “Canelo” Alvarez (50-1-2, 34 KOs) και Gennady “GGG” Golovkin (38-1-1, 34 KOs) στο Λας Βέγκας, Νεβάδα.




Canelo Alvarez and Gennady Golovkin fought an amazing fight, it was a true classic.” είπε η Λάρα. “I want to congratulate both of them for putting together such a tremendous effort to bring the spotlight back on boxing. It would be a great honor to fight either fighter, and I would love to challenge myself against them.




Erislandy Lara has been training in Houston, Texas for his next fight with trainer Ronnie Shields, as he is working hard in the gym, getting ready for his next fight date.




I am ready to make a statement and to challenge either fighter at middleweight, whether it is Gennady Golovkin or Canelo Alvarez in a rematch…Είμαι έτοιμος!”

Nigerian Amateur Standouts Efe Ajagba and Efetobor Apochi Become Latest Fighters to Join Ringstar Sports Roster of Fighters

ΛΟΣ ΑΝΤΖΕΛΕΣ (Ιούλιος 27, 2017) – Accomplished Super Heavyweight amateur and 2016 Ολυμπίου Έφε Ατζάμπα and fellow Nigerian Heavyweight amateur standout Efetobor Apochi have signed-on to become the latest promising young fighters to join the Καλέστε Αστέρα Αθλητικάρόστερ. Both fighters will make their professional debuts on the Premier Boxing Champions event headlined by Victor Ortiz vs. Saul Corral this Κυριακή, Ιούλιος 30 live from Rabobank Theater in Bakersfield, Καλιφόρνια.
We couldn’t be more excited to add these two outstanding young men to the growing Ringstar roster of fighters,” said Richard Schaefer, Πρόεδρος και Διευθύνων Σύμβουλος της Ringstar Αθλητισμός. “I’ve seen these guys in action and I think boxing fans are in for a real treat. These are two of the biggest hitters I’ve seen and we expect them to rise quickly and make a name for themselves in their respective divisions.
Οι μαχητές, who will be managed by Hall of Famer Shelly Finkel, have moved to Houston, TX to work with renowned trainer Ronnie Shields.
Both young men have the potential to be world champions,” said Finkel. “I’m very proud to be working with both of them.
I feel so blessed to have signed with Ringstar Sports and Richard Schaefer,” said Efe Ajagba. “I have dreamed of this day for many years and yet it is bigger than I could have ever imagined! My time has come! I will show I am a force to be reckoned with in the heavyweight division.
It is a big pleasure to become a part of Ringstar Sports,” said Efetobor Apochi. “I have never wished for anything more. I am so grateful for this opportunity and promise to give the fans a show!
Born and raised in Ughelli Delta State, Nigeria, Efe Ajagba began boxing in 2011 at the age of seventeen and quickly discovered his craft on this way to a 41-2 (30 KOs) ερασιτέχνης ρεκόρ. Σε 2014, the 6’6 fighter was selected to compete in the Commonwealth Games held in Glasgow and went home with the bronze medal. Λίγο αργότερα, Ajagba took gold in the 2015 All African Games in Brazzaville, Republic of the Congo. Σε 2016, he went on to win gold at the African Olympic Qualification event in Yaounde, Cameroon, landing him a spot on the 2016 Nigerian Olympic team. Επί Κυριακή, Ιούλιος 30, Ajagba will make his professional debut against Tyrell Herndon (6-1-0, 2 KOs) in a 6-round Heavyweight clash.
Also born and raised in Ughelli Delta State, Nigeria, Efetobor Apochi began his boxing career in 2007 and racked up an impressive record of 55-6 (54 KOs). The 5’11 cruiserweight captained the 2014 Commonwealth Games and took home the bronze after knocking out his first opponent in the first round, upsetting his second foe in the quarterfinals and losing to the eventual gold medalist in the semifinals. Apochi looks forward to the start of very promising professional career as he takes on Cruiserweight Daniel Mejia in a 4-rounds of action.



Σεργκέι Lipinets, Erickson Lubin Triumph on SHOWTIME BOXING on FACEBOOK LIVE

IBF Heavyweight World Champion Anthony Joshua Retains Crown

With Third-Round KO over Eric Molina on SHOWTIME BOXING INTERNATIONAL

Παρακολουθήστε Replay Δευτέρα, Δεκέμβριος. 12, στο 10 μ.μ. ΚΑΙ/PT σε SHO EXTREME®

Κάντε κλικ ΕΔΩ Η λήψη των φωτογραφιών

Φωτο: Stephanie Trapp / SHOWTIME®

ΛΟΣ ΑΝΤΖΕΛΕΣ (Δεκέμβριος. 10, 2016) - Abner Mares (30-2-1, 15 KOs) scored an impressive, upset 12-round split decision over defending champion Ο Ιησούς Cuellar (28-2, 21 KOs) to capture the WBA Featherweight World Championship and become a four-time boxing titlist Σάββατο in the main event of a SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING doubleheader.


In the co-feature from Galen Center on the campus of USC in Los Angeles, Jermall Charlo (25-0, 19 KOs) retained his IBF Junior Middleweight World title with an emphatic fifth-round knockout over previously unbeaten, top-ranked Julian "J-Rock" Ουίλιαμς (22-1-1, 14 KOs). (HIGHLIGHTS VIDEO: http://s.sho.com/2hqXDr8)


Earlier in the day on SHOWTIME, unbeaten IBF Heavyweight World Champion Anthony Joshua (18-0, 18 KOs) νοκ άουτ Eric Molina (25-4, 19 KOs), της Weslaco, Τέξας, in the third round in Manchester, Αγγλία. (HIGHLIGHTS VIDEO: http://s.sho.com/2hqHTo8)


Μητέρες, του Χάντινγκτον Μπιτς, Καλιφόρνια., by way of Guadalajara, Μεξικό, was victorious by the scores of 117-110, 116-111 και 112-115. Judge Kermit Bayless was the lone descender to score the hard-fought match for the Argentine. Mares scored the bout’s lone knockdown in the 11th round. Cuellar, Μπουένος Άιρες, had an 11-fight winning streak end. (HIGHLIGHTS VIDEO: http://s.sho.com/2hbJayp)


Μητέρες, making his first start σε 16 μήνες and first with renowned trainer Robert Garcia, executed a technically sound game plan and was the more accurate puncher than Cuellar, who was under the tutelage of Hall of Famer Freddie Roach for the first time in his career.


“I feel so good, it’s been a long time. I’m champion, μωρό,’’ said Mares, 31, a former WBC featherweight and super bantamweight world champion and IBF bantamweight world champion, who became Garcia’s 10ου παγκόσμιος πρωταθλητής. “We had the perfect game plan.


“I never doubted myself. I felt it in my heart. When I fought Λέων (Σάντα Κρουζ) I beat myself because I fought the wrong fight. I fought smart απόψε. I thought it would be a unanimous decision, but at the end of the day I’m champion.’’


Cuellar is known as a devastating puncher, but he was unable to land his power shots or cut off the ring against Mares, who seemingly pocketed rounds with accuracy and a solid left hook. Mares floored Cuellar with a straight right in the opening minute of the 11th, sending Cuellar to the canvas for the third time of his career. The onslaught continued, with a resurgent Mares teeing off on Cuellar until he raised his hands following the final bell.

“They said he was a power puncher, they said he was going to knock me out, but I proved that I have some power, πάρα πολύ,’’ said Mares, who dropped a majority 12-round decision to Santa Cruz in his last fight on Aug. 29, 2015. “I want Leo, Θέλω (Ο Carl) Frampton, I want anyone. I’m a champion. I’m not afraid of anyone.”


Cuellar stated his case for a rematch afterward.


“I thought the fight was pretty even until he threw me down, and that’s when he took control,"Είπε ο Cuellar, who was making his third title defense. “He definitely had the boxing skills going today. I would have preferred a rough fight, but Mares had his skills today. Θέλω ένα rematch. I gave him the opportunity and now I think it’s fair that he gives it to me.”


Στο ομο-κύριο γεγονός, Charlo dropped Williams three times, once in the second and twice in the fifth. Williams, who had not lost a round in 10 consecutive fights, went down for the first time in his career from a strong counter left-hand midway through the second round.


Williams, who established his counter right early, performed well for the next two rounds in the first title fight between undefeated 154-pound champions since Floyd Mayweather dismantled Canelo Alvarez σε 2013.


But Charlo decked him again with a brutal right uppercut midway through the fifth round that sent Williams collapsing face-forward onto the canvas. Williams got up, but he was clearly in trouble. Charlo floored him seconds layer with a left hook, forcing referee Wayne Hedgepath to instantly halt the contest at 2:06.


Charlo was ahead with scores of 38-37 on the three scorecards entering the fifth round in a highly skilled matchup between two fighters in their prime.


Afterward a fracas broke out in the ring between the fighters and their cornermen after Charlo wouldn’t acknowledge Williams’ congratulatory hand shake. Williams immediately stormed from the ring. The fans booed Charlo loudly throughout his post-fight interview with SHOWTIME reporter Jim Gray.


“I did what I was supposed to do, Είμαι πολύ χαρούμενος με την απόδοσή μου, I listened to my trainer,’’ said Charlo, the identical twin brother of WBC 154-pound titlist Jermell Charlo. “I trained hard for this fight, I stayed in the gym the whole time.


“No matter what, people have to respect my accomplishments. He just wasn’t on my level. I told everyone what I was going to do since the fight was announced. I knew I was going to win; he was badly hurt after the knockdown.

“I just want to tell Julian Williams, Λυπάμαι. Leading up to this fight Julian talked, and I held it in. I did what I had to do to become the champion of the world and I deserve my respect. He disrespected me all the way up to the fight. I made the fight happen; I gave the fans what they wanted to see. I stayed at 154 λίρες, although I do want to move up to 160, just to fight someone the world said I couldn’t beat.


“I said I don’t want your congratulations; I want your apology. I don’t care what they say, I knocked him out. No matter what they say about me I’m going to continue to work hard. I did what my trainer told me to do, I stayed in there and bang the shot came home. I’m never disrespected this dude, never, until I knocked him out.


“Yes, I want to unify. I want to prove I’m the best junior middleweight in the world, none of them are on my level.

Williams offered no excuses. “Απλώς πιάστηκε,’ he said. “I was fine after the second round and kept going. Μόλις με έπιασε. He wasn’t too big. Μόλις με έπιασε.

“I didn’t care about any of that [post-fight drama]. I just wanted to win.”


Charlo-Williams was the fourth 154-pound title fight on SHOWTIME in 2016.

In one off the fights streamed earlier Σάββατο on FACEBOOK LIVE, Σεργκέι Lipinets (11-0, 9 KOs) νοκ άουτ Lenny Zappavigna(35-3, 25 KOs) to become the mandatory challenger for the IBF Junior Welterweight World Title.


After flooring Zappavigna midway through the fourth, Lipinets finished off the Australian with an overhand right in the eighth in a closely contested and bloody affair.


“Yes, this was my toughest fight, it’s bloody and rugged but no problem for me,’’ Lipinets said. “This was an eliminator and now I want my next fight to be for the world championship. Julius Indogo has the IBF title and now I’m the mandatory.

“I’m very happy with my performance. We’ve worked on adjusting during fights and that worked very well for me απόψε. I was hoping for the knockout but my trainer said to keep working and the stoppage will come.”

“I left it all in the ring,’’ Zappavigna said. “I fought my heart out and I came here to give it my best. Even though I’m disappointed with the loss, I am at peace with the result because I know I couldn’t have done anything else.

“I wish Sergey all the best in his world title fight.

“I know my fans are behind me and I’m bringing pride back to Australia. I know I was in control of the fight, but my Australian ‘white line feverkicked in and I tried to take his head off.”

In the opening bout on Facebook Live, talented undefeated middleweight Erickson Lubin (17-0, 12 KOs) knocked out previously once-beaten Χουάν Ubaldo Cabrera (23-2, 15 KOs) στο 2:09 του δεύτερου γύρου.


“He was a little awkward in the first round,’’ Erickson said. “I set him up with my jab and I knew I hurt him in the second. That’s when I knew it was time for him to go.


I think that fight definitely proves that I’m in the discussion as one of the top up and comers in the sport, but I don’t feel any pressure. I’m back in the gym τη Δευτέρα.


I want to be undisputed champion. I want all of the belts. Give me the Charlos, Julian Ουίλιαμς, any of them.


I’ll take whoever is in front of me next, but those names and put them in bold letters and you know I’ll be front and center for that Charlo-Williams fight.


The SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING doubleheader and SHOWTIME INTERNATIONAL telecast will re-air on Monday, Δεκέμβριος. 12, 10 μ.μ. ET/PT on SHOWTIME EXTREME. The fights were promoted by Ringstar Sports and TGB Promotions and sponsored by Corona.




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Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες επισκεφθείτε την ιστοσελίδα www.SHO.com/Sports και www.premierboxingchampions.com, ακολουθούν στο Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, @PremierBoxing, JesusCuellarBOX, @AbnerMares, FutureOfBoxing, JRockBoxing, @TGBPromotions and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOSports και www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions.Το PBC χρηματοδοτείται από την Corona, Finest Beer.




Αύριο/Σάββατο Ζουν σε Showtime®

From Galen Center On The Campus Of USC In Los Angeles


Κάντε κλικ ΕΔΩ Για Φωτογραφίες Από Stephanie Trapp / SHOWTIME




WBA Featherweight World Championship – 12 Γύροι

Jesus Cuellar – 124 Λίρες

Abner Mares – 126 Λίρες

Διαιτητής: Jack Reiss; Οι δικαστές: Kermit Bayless (Καλιφόρνια.), Max DeLuca (Καλιφόρνια.), Dave Moretti (Νεβάδα.)


IBF Junior Middleweight World Championship – 12 Γύροι

Jermall Charlo – 153 ½ κιλά

Julian Williams – 154 Λίρες

Διαιτητής: Wayne Hedgepeth; Οι δικαστές: Eddie Hernandez (Καλιφόρνια.), Patrick Russell (Καλιφόρνια.), Zachary Young (Καλιφόρνια.)




IBF Junior Welterweight World Title Eliminator – 12 Γύροι

Sergey Lipinets – 139 ¾ λίβρες

Lenny Zappavigna – 139 ½ κιλά

Middleweight Bout – 10 Γύροι

Erickson Lubin – 157 Λίρες

Juan Ubaldo Cabrera – 159 Λίρες


Τα εισιτήρια για το live event, η οποία προωθείται από Ringstar Αθλητισμός και TGB Προσφορές, are on sale and are priced at $35, $50, $75, $150 και $200. To purchase tickets go to www.galentix.com.


Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες επισκεφθείτε την ιστοσελίδα www.SHO.com/Sports και www.premierboxingchampions.com, ακολουθούν στο Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, @PremierBoxing, JesusCuellarBOX, @AbnerMares, FutureOfBoxing, JRockBoxing, @TGBPromotions and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOSports και www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions. Το PBC χρηματοδοτείται από την Corona, Finest Beer.


Ο Ιησούς Cuellar vs. Abner Mares & Jermall Charlo vs. Julian Williams Trainer Media Roundtables Quotes & Φωτογραφίες

Top Trainers Freddie Roach, Robert Garcia, Ronnie Shields & Stephen Edwards Discussing SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING Doubleheader Σάββατο, Δεκέμβριος 10 από
Galen Center

at USC in Los Angeles
Κάντε κλικ ΕΔΩ για Φωτογραφίες από Stephanie Trapp / SHOWTIME
ΛΟΣ ΑΝΤΖΕΛΕΣ (Δεκέμβριος 7, 2016) – Four of the top trainers in the sport, Freddie Roach, Robert Garcia, Ronnie Shields και Stephen Edwards met with media in Los Angeles to discuss their fightersrespective showdowns this Saturday, Δεκέμβριος 10 from Galen Center at USC and live on SHOWTIME®.
Σάββατο event is headlined by featherweight world champion Ο Ιησούς Cuellardefending againstformer three-division world champion Abner Mares in a long-awaited showdown. Ο SHOWTIME ΠΡΩΤΑΘΛΗΜΑ ΠΥΓΜΑΧΙΑΣ® τηλεοπτική εκπομπή αρχίζει στις 10 μ.μ. ΚΑΙ/7 μ.μ. PT with junior middleweight world champion Jermall Charlo and top-rated challenger Julian Ουίλιαμς in a world championship battle of undefeated rising stars in their prime.
Τα εισιτήρια για το live event, η οποία προωθείται από Ringstar Αθλητισμός και TGB Προσφορές, are on sale and are priced at $35, $50, $75, $150 και $200. To purchase tickets go towww.galentix.com.
Τσιρόνι ψάρι (Cuellar), Γκαρσία (Μητέρες), Ασπίδες (Charlo) και Edwards (Williams) spoke to media at the Sheraton Los Angeles Downtown about their fighters and the highly anticipated matchups taking place this weekend in Los Angeles.
Εδώ είναι αυτό που οι συμμετέχοντες είχαν να πουν την Τετάρτη:
Freddie Roach, Cuellar’s Trainer
How has your relationship with Cuellar developed?
I’ve gotten to know Cuellar quite well and have spent a lot of time with him. I think he’s learned a lot and I think he’ll carry that into the fight with him. He’s prepared and he won’t go out there just trying to look for a knockout. He’s a good puncher and everybody thinks he’s looking for the KO, but I told him to just let it happen. If you force it, it will never happen.
He’s going in there with a good opponent, an experienced fighter with a lot of good fights under his belt. He’s caught punches before and knows how to handle it. And if [Μητέρες] moves, we’ll cut the ring off to make it smaller and set traps for him. If he tries to come forward, I want my guy to show his power either way and show him who the boss is.
On Garcia having the upper hand by having trained Cuellar:
I don’t really know how their relationship is and I don’t really know how long they’ve been together. I heard that during his training camps that he had gone to Florida for another trainer so I don’t know how great they’re really getting along but again, I don’t really worry about the other side so much. I know my guy is ready for a hard 12-round fight.
He does know my fighter well and I’ve tried to improve my fighter a lot and he said he never learned anything over there, but every day he learns in my gym. I just don’t think he’s the same guy that Robert is used to seeing and I think he’s improved a lot in a lot of different areas and I think he’ll show it in the fight.
What are you predicting for Cuellar?
I’m predicting better angles, not so wide with the punches, not so big with them. He goes out there looking for knockouts so many times and I’ve told him to just let it happen. He needs to get behind his jab a little bit. He has a good jab but he just doesn’t throw it that much because he’s always looking for the home run. Έτσι, we’ve worked a lot on not only looking for the home run right away and going out there and breaking this guy down.
What’s the game plan if Abner comes to box?
I think he’s going to try to box us, ναι μεν, so we have to put pressure on him and we have to keep him close to the ropes. We have to set traps on the ropes and into the corners and we’re well prepared for that. We did prepare for [Μητέρες] coming at us also, trying to maybe catch him early and I want Cuellar to show his power right away because I think if we can get him to box and move, he can’t win the fight by moving away.
ROBERT GARCIA, Μητέρες’ Προπονητής
Cuellar is very strong and hits really hard. He has tremendous power. He’s very strong physically and mentally. He has that warrior mentality that just goes out there looking for the knockout.
I don’t have the secret recipe. It’s just that I know Abner is in great shape and we’ve had a year to prepare for this fight. And I know Cuellar very well. I know how he thinks and that could be a plus. I think facing a guy I used to train can be an advantage for us.
I know Jesus and how he is in locker room. And I can use that against him. Even though he’s with a great trainer in Freddie Roach, he has never walked out to the arena with him. I did it for five fights and for two years. But I don’t think I need those advantages.
If Abner does everything that he needs to do, there’s no doubt he will walk out of there a world champion. But this is my first fight with him so I don’t know if during the fight he will forget all I told him, and do what he is used to doing. He’s picked up a lot of good things from me, so I think he’ll stick to the game plan.
What has impressed you most about Abner this camp?
For a full year training and having dates and then the dates being cancelled, postponed, changed. It’s been four dates. They were scheduled to fight in March, then June. Then we were supposed to fight in October and now December. He never showed any signs of frustration or being upset. He always thought like I think: Things happen for a reason and this just gives us more time to work together and to learn from each other. Έτσι, I think it was the best thing that happened.
Did you always have aspirations of becoming a trainer?
Never did. It’s funny how it happened. When I had my last fight at 26, my plans were to forget about boxing. I hated boxing. The last couple of fights I had I didn’t want to be in the ring. I didn’t want to have anything to do with it. But then I started to come around my Dad’s gym in Oxnard (Καλιφόρνια.). The thing that I loved the most was the travelbecause I traveled around the world during the amateurs and the pros. My first three fights were in Japan. But we didn’t enjoy it. I was always trying to make weight. And I never got to enjoy it. But I never thought I’d be in this position to train nine world champions.
I will have my 10ου παγκόσμιος πρωταθλητής, and I’m hoping it’s αυτό το Σάββατο. I’m very confident about it. One day I’ll have 15 or maybe 20, but that’s one thing I hate to do is predict it. But I do feel really good we can pull this one off.
Who is your pick for Trainer of the Year?
Manny Robles had two world champions and has two really good fighters. And Freddie Roach had a great year with Pacquiao. Έτσι, I think they would be good picks. I believe Manny Robles deserves it.
Have you gotten the credit you are due?
It’s mostly politics and who you know. Will I get it again? I really don’t care. My fighters are happy and my family is happy. I get the love from you reporters and the fans. And that’s all that’s important to me and my team.
Ronnie Shields, Προπονητής του Charlo
All I hear is Charlo is scared. Jermall isn’t scared to fight anyone. Why would a guy who is champion of the world be scared of fighting [Williams]?
Jermall and Julian ran into each other a few times as amateurs, but not as professionals. I think they both realized they would meet in the ring and that it would happen.
I’m not really surprised this fight happened this early in their careers, because both guys are great fighters. And they are both deserving to be at the top.
On Charlo calling Williams anundefeated nobody”:
That’s just Jermall [γέλιο]. All fighters are confident in their ability, and he just feels like he’s the better guy. And I’m glad he feels that way, because I don’t have to do anything extra to motivate him. He’s highly motivated, and ready to go.
How do you think this fight will end?
I don’t look at the ends, I only look at the beginnings. If you go in looking to knock the guy out in the early rounds and don’t get it, what’s going to happen in the later rounds? I think I’ve got Jermall to the point where he can go 12 rounds with anyone. He doesn’t care who it is.
What does Julian Williams do well?
I think Julian does a lot of things well. You have to have the simple fundamentals in boxing, which I think carries a lot of fighters a long way. You have to have a good jab, combination of punches. And Jermall has the same thing. I think it will come down to who has the biggest will to win this fight. My guy has a huge will to win this fight.
What is underrated about Jermall that fight fans might now know?
I think that a lot of people don’t know how smart an individual he is. Outside of the ring, and inside of the ring. He’s so different than he appears in public. He’s a really quiet guy and does not really boast a lot.
These days you see a lot of fighters using different guys, and not just the same guys [in terms of trainers]. I think a lot of fighters are trusting different people, and not just the same guy.
I’ve known Jermall since he was eight-years-old and I know what type of guy he is, and what his will is. I just don’t see anybody beating him. He just has such a strong will to win, and he does everything right. And that’s hard to say about the other guy.
This could be Jermall’s last fight at 154 λίρες. But he will make weight την Παρασκευή. If there was a chance he wasn’t going to make weight, I wouldn’t let him [fight at 154 λίρες] because I realize it’s too dangerous, and I’m not going to take that chance with my guys.
STEPHEN EDWARDS, Williams’ Προπονητής
We were ready for this fight, maybe a year and a half ago but unfortunately it took a bit longer than we thought to come into fruition. But he’s had a great camp. I know Jermall is a formidable fighter, he has a great coach and I’m expecting a great fight. I think it’s really, really difficult to beat an undefeated fighter that does not know how to lose.
We have a big task in front of us but he’ll be the third undefeated guy that Julian has fought. Έτσι, he’s used to being up under that kind of stress.
On knowing Julian’s past life on the streets:
I knew him but I wasn’t training him at the time. Ειρωνικά, I knew Julian in 2007 and I used to work at the shelter that he was at. Δυστυχώς, due to the circumstances I didn’t meet him until I was having a fight party for the Floyd Mayweather-Ricky Hatton fight and we became pretty good friends and then later I started training him in 2010. When he came to the party I knew who he was from attending some of his amateur fights and when he was ready to turn pro, he asked me for some help. We have a relationship outside of boxing and then I started working with him and here we are.
Did he open up to you about his story shortly after you knew him?
I kind of already knew it so it wasn’t a revelation. It kind of happened organically, ξέρετε, as you get to know somebody and you’re around them, I kind of started to learn different things about him and we started talking more about it. Πράγματι, a lot of things came up through boxing because I would ask him ‘How do you not win Nationals as good as you are?’ I thought he was the best amateur in the city. I would say: ‘How long do you run?’ and ‘What kind of diet do you do?’ and he would say ‘I just lose weight by taking laxatives.I thought he was killing himself and that’s when I wanted to take him on in training. I said man, if he was 77-10 as an amateur taking laxatives to lose weight, he is ruining the lining of his stomach and decreasing his energy level too. Έτσι, I said to myself ‘this kid has a big upside.
If I could just get him to buy into a diet, buy into doing things the right way, he could be a world champion. I think that I believed that he was going to be a world champion before he did. That’s how the stories started to unravel about his homelessness, that he didn’t have anything to eat, that he would work at McDonalds and other places and that would be his diet.
This is a national level fighter, Πρώτη θέση. 3 in the country on a McDonald’s diet. So I always just kept in the back of my mind that he had an unbelievable upside and regardless of what was going on or what people were saying, I trust my eyes more than I trust anybody else’s and that’s what I believe.
How much do you think his past goes into the way he fights?
I definitely think that he has a hint of anger. He’s a little introverted and I’m very similar in certain things that we don’t talk about. Getting him ready for the Hugo Centenofight when his mom passed away, we never talked about it. It’s the weirdest thing in the world. I hugged him, I told him I would help him with the funeral arrangements because he’s a young guy and he didn’t know how to handle those things.
What can you say about Jermall?
He’s not better than Julian at anything. I’m not trying to concede anything. He doesn’t punch harder, he’s not faster and you all can quote me when I say he’s not better than him at nothing. And determination. If it comes down to a point of who’s really willing to lose his life in the ring, I already know who’s willing to lose his life in the ring. But he’s not better at him at anything. Nothing. Not just determination, Julian is just the more skilled fighter and he has more on the inside and he’s going to show everyone Σάββατο το βράδυ.”
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