Arkivji Tag: Rocky Juarez

Houston’s Historic George Foreman Youth and Community Center to Host 2016 Gulf Boxing Association Regional Championships

Premier eventGulf LBC selects team to travel to USA BOXING Elite National Championships in conjunction with the Selection and Announcement of the First Inaugural George Foreman Youth and Community Center Elite International Travel Team!!
HOUSTON, TX (Ottubru 10, 2016) -Starting with the ring of the bell on October 22nd, local area boxers will be fighting for a spot to represent the Gulf Coast Region fil- USA Boxing Kampjonati Nazzjonali & fil International Travel.
Weight categories will include: Pee Wee 8-9, Bantam 10-11, Intermediate 12-13, Juniors 14-15, Youth 15-16, & Elite 18-40 in both Open and Novice divisions. Winners will represent the Gulf area at the 2016 USA Boxing Elite, Youth and Junior National Championships to be held in Kansas City Missouri Diċembru 4-10, 2016. This tournament is a sanctioned event through USA Boxing the National Governing Body of Amateur Boxing and is a feeder to National and Olympic recognition.
Il George Foreman Youth and Community Center was founded 32 years ago in 1984 by Olympic Gold Medalist and 2-time heavy weight champion George Foreman. The GFYCC is dedicated to providing a safe and secure location for youth to participate in sports and after school activities.
This year for the first time in Houston boxing history, we are developing an elite international youth boxing team,” said George Foreman, IV. “The team will be selected for the sole purpose of training and traveling to other countries to gain experience on an international platform and promote cultural diplomacy! Utilizing grant and donor funding this team will be representing the George Foreman Youth and Community Center and will be announced Saturday October 22, at the Gulf Region’s Boxing Championship. The team will be reviewed by my father, 1968 Olympic Gold Medalist and 2-Time Heavyweight Champion, George Foreman Sr. The first international trip for this new Houston team is scheduled for Jan. 2017.”
Doors open for the Gulf Gloves Championships on Saturday October 22nd at 11:00 am with announcements and the presentation of the colors by the United States Army Houston Recruiting Command Baytown Beaumont Company at 12:45 pm. The national anthem will be performed by the internationally acclaimed Houston Brass Quintet! Boxing se jibda fi 1:00 pm. Championship finals will begin at 1:00 pm fuq Sunday October 23rd.
Media open workouts for Houston amateur standout boxers will be held Wednesday October 19th at the George Foreman Youth and Community Center at 2202 Lone Oak Road Houston, Texas 77093 fi 4:00 pm.
Confirmed attendees for interviews will be:

George Edward Foreman IV: Son of 2 Time Heavy Weight Champion, President of Foreman Public Relations

Marlen Esparza: 2012 Olimpiku Logħob Bronż Medalist, 2014 Amateur World Champion, 2006 & 2016 Amateur World Championships Bronze Medalist, Nine-Time USA Boxing National Champion.

Rocky Juarez: 2000 Olympic Games Silver Medalist, 1999 Amateur World Champion, WBC Silver Featherweight World Champion.

Raul Marquez: 1988 Amateur World Championships Bronze Medalist, 1992 Olympic Games Quarter-finalist, IBF Light Middleweight World Champion.

Frank Tate: 1984 Olympic Games Gold Medalist, IBF Middleweight World Champion, NABF Light Heavyweight Champion.

Juan “Baby Bull” Diaz: WBA Lightweight World Champion, WBO Lightweight World Champion, WBA Super-Lightweight World Champion, IBF Lightweight World Champion.

Sweet” Reggie Johnson: WBA Middleweight Dinja Champion, IBF Light Heavyweight World Champion.

In addition to many Houston area professional boxers and Gulf Boxing Association alumni. Event is sanctioned by USA BoxingGulf LBC: 16-25-14268


CASTELLANOS conquers IL featherweight FIDDA WBC TITOLU u jsir l-CHALLENGER OBBLIGATORJU WBC featherweight

Photo Kreditu: Promozzjonijiet Boy Golden


LOS ANGELES (Jan. 27) – Starting off 2015 with impressive Golden Boy Live! juru fl Philadelphia fuq Jan. 20, Promozzjonijiet Boy Golden tressaq ir-rikors u l-high-rated juru li San Antonio, Texas where Robinson “Robin Hood” CASTELLANOS (21-10, 13 Kos) displayed his power against Rocky Juarez (30-11-1, 21 Kos) It-tnejn lejl fil Cowboys Dancehall fil-bout headlining tal FOX Sports 1 u Deportes FOX’ Golden Boy Live! serje. Castellanos dominated Juarez early on in the fight with quick jabs and powerful uppercuts that continued to pressure Juarez through to the final round. The battle between the two great seasoned fighters ended when Castellanos knocked down Juarez three times in the 12th round before winning the bout via unanimous decision with a score card of 118-106, 118-106 u 118-107. CASTELLANOS issa huwa l-featherweight Champion WBC Silver u jsir l-isfidant mandatorja kontra WBC featherweight kurrent World Champion Jhonny Gonzalez.


“I am il-mandatorja u dan iż-żmien l-champion [Johnny Gonzalez] se jkollhom għall-ġlieda lili,” Said CASTELLANOS.


Preċedentement kklassifikati ħames fid-dinja mill-WBC, Celaya, Guanajuato, Tal-Messiku Robinson CASTELLANOS, reġa 'beda minn bidu blat biex tirbaħ 13 tal-aħħar tiegħu 14 tissielet, rejuvenating karriera li beda fl 2002. Rebħiet tiegħu jinkludu rebħa deċiżjoni fuq eks Celestino champion tad-dinja “Pelenchin” Caballero fil 2013 u l-ikbar impatt tiegħu kien f'Ottubru 2014, meta hu knocked out 23-0 Ronny Rios fil-ħames rawnd.



“Juarez vs. CASTELLANOS” kien bout 12-round għall Juarez’ WBC Silver featherweight Titolu u finali eliminatur titolu featherweight ġiet ippreżentata mill Promozzjonijiet Boy Golden u l-Promozzjonijiet Leija Battah u sponsorjati mill Corona Extra, Auto Parts O'Reilly u Messiku – Live Hija To Believe Huwa!.



Għal aktar informazzjoni, żjara,,,, follow on Twitter at @ GoldenBoyBoxing, @LeijaBattahPr, Swanson_comm, FOXSports, @ FOXSports1, @FOXDeportes and follow the conversation using #GoldenBoyLive, isiru fan fuq Facebook fil Golden Boy Facebook Page jew u żur magħna fuq InstagramGoldenBoyBoxing jewLeijaBattahPr. For more information on FOX Sports 1 żjara u jsiru segwaċi fuqFOXSports. Għal aktar informazzjoni dwar Deportes FOX żjara, issir segwaċi fuq Twitter fi u żjara l-n Facebook.


Unbeaten ARTIST eliminatorja TEXAS Travell MAZION gets

CO-Main Event

LOS ANGELES (Jan. 23) – Qabel Rocky Juarez (30-10-1, 21 Kos) u Robinson “Robin Hood” CASTELLANOS (20-10, 13 Kos) kwadru off għall Juarez’ WBC Silver featherweight Titolu u finali bout eliminazzjoni titolu fil Cowboys Dancehall San Antonio, Texas, l- Golden Boy Live! card nhar it-Tnejn, Jannar 26 se karatteristika tal-Austin stess Travell “Black Magic” Mazion (9-0, 9 Kos) fl-ikbar ġlieda tal-karriera tiegħu żgħażagħ meta hu battalji tal-Messiku Nestor “Baby” Ward (11-3, 7 Kos). Wkoll, l undefeated KeAndre Gibson (11-0-1, 5 Kos) se tidher fi tmien round-ftuħ televiżiva bout kontra Nelson Lara (15-6-5, 8 Kos) fuq FOX Sports 1 u FOX Sports.


Wkoll fl-azzjoni se tkun standout San Antonio bantamweight super Javier Rodriguez (11-0-1, 1 KO) u jogħlew featherweight super minn Alice, Texas Arturo Esquivel (9-1, 2 Kos) u diversi ta 'talenti premier l Lone Star Istat kif jikkompetu fuq karta tmien bout f'munzelli.


Biljetti, pprezzati għal $100 (Ringside – Ringieli 1-3), $65 (Ringside – Ringieli 4-7), $35 (Bilqiegħda ippurgar) u $20 (Ammissjoni Ġenerali), miżjuda b'taxxi applikabbli, miżati u ħlasijiet ta 'servizz huma għal bejgħ issa bit-telefon billi ċċempel Promotions Leija-Battah fi (210) 979-3302, jew test “Biljetti” biex 210-556-7390. Tabelli għall erbgħa huma wkoll disponibbli għal $260, miżjuda b'taxxi applikabbli, miżati u ħlasijiet ta 'servizz.


Iggwidati mill-ġlied femminili leġġendarju Ann Wolfe, 19-il sena qodma Travell “Black Magic” Mazion (9-0, 9 Kos) huwa wieħed mill-prospetti top fil boxing llum, fatt evidenzjat mill rekord professjonali perfetta li hu spiċċa ħames tissielet fl-ewwel rawnd. Issa lest għall-akbar sena tiegħu għadhom, Mazion hija ħerqana li l-ko-prinċipali avveniment spotlight fil Cowboys Dance Hall, fejn hu diġà rebaħ erba tissielet.


A veteran hard-laqtu li qed tfittex li terġa 'lura fuq il-binarju rebbieħa li kick off-Sena Ġdida, 29-il sena qodma Nestor “Baby” Ward (9-3, 6 Kos) diġà kien fil-ċirku ma eks champion tad-dinja Victor Ortiz u l-prospett quċċata Wale Omotoso matul il-kors tal-karriera tiegħu, jagħmilha ċara li hu għandu l-esperjenza biex tittestja Mazion fuq Jannar 26.


KeAndre Gibson (11-0-1, 5 Kos) issa jagħmel dar tiegħu fil Las Vegas, fejn hu ferroviji taħt coach rinomati Kenny Adams, iżda l-prospett welterweight 24-il sena saret popolari fil Texas, fejn rebaħ rebħiet impressjonanti fuq John Nater u Jose Hernandez. Bit-tama li jżomm Streak rebbieħa tiegħu għaddejjin fuq Jannar 26, Gibson se jiffaċċjaw l-Nikaragwa Nelson Lara fi matchup tmien round. Lara (15-6-5, 8 Kos) huwa eks champion WBA Fedebol ġejjin off ta 'bout Settembru ma Fidel Maldonado Jr.


Fi bout swing bantamweight super skedat għal sitt rawnds, San Antonio nattiva Javier Rodriguez(11-0-1, 1 KO) looks to show off his impressive boxing skills once more at home when he takes on Quincy Wesby (2-7) from Dallas. A professjonali peress 2011, il Rodriguez 20-il sena qodma dejjem ġġib folla out meta hu passi bejn l-ħbula.


Fi bout ħfief erba 'round, San Antonio Cristian Santibanez (1-2) battalji tal-Austin Alberto Romero (1-3-1) and in a junior welterweight matchup also scheduled for four rounds is local favorite Armando Cardenas (5-0, 2 Kos) minn San Antonio, who risks his perfect record against Laredo’s Albert Espinoza (2-5) fi bout welterweight.


Junior featherweight jogħlew star Texan Arturo Esquivel (9-1, 2 Kos) se jiffaċċjaw off kontra Ġesù Sandoval (3-5-3) in a six-round fight. Robert Vela (10-0-2, 5 Kos) ta Robstown se jiffaċċjaw off kontraRamiro Torres (4-27-1, 2 Kos) ta 'San Antonio fi b'erba' round match ħfief.


Juarez vs. CASTELLANOS huwa bout 10-round għall Juarez’ WBC Silver featherweight Titolu u finali bout eliminazzjoni titolu preżentata mill Promozzjonijiet Boy Golden u l-Promozzjonijiet Leija Battah u sponsorjati mill Corona Extra, Auto Parts O'Reilly u Messiku – Live Hija To Believe Huwa!. Bibien Cowboys dancehall se tiftaħ fi 5:00 p.m. CT, u l-ewwel bout se tibda fi 5:30 p.m. CT. Il Sports FOX 1 u Deportes FOX’ arijiet mxandra live fuq 10:00 p.m. U / 7:00 p.m. PT.


Għal aktar informazzjoni, żjara,,,, isegwu fuq Twitter filGoldenBoyBoxing, @LeijaBattahPr, Swanson_comm, FOXSports, @ FOXSports1, FOXDeportes U segwi l-konversazzjoni li jużaw #GoldenBoyLive, isiru fan fuq Facebook fil Golden Boy Facebook Page jew u żur magħna fuq InstagramGoldenBoyBoxing jewLeijaBattahPr. For more information on FOX Sports 1 żjara u jsiru segwaċi fuqFOXSports. Għal aktar informazzjoni dwar Deportes FOX żjara, issir segwaċi fuq Twitter fi u ż fuq Facebook.