標記檔案: 羅伯托·巴倫蘇埃拉

“新英格蘭的未來5” 新聞發布會行情

二月. 10 在伍斯特, 嘛
(L-R) – 理查德 “大力水手曼” Rivera and Kevin “新英格蘭惡霸” 科布斯
伍斯特, 質量. (一月 18, 2018) – 里維拉促銷娛樂 (RPE) hosted a press conference last night in Worcester, Massachusetts at Beatniks to formally announce its February 10 “新英格蘭的未來5” 在伍斯特鈀.
Undefeated Hartford (CT) 輕重量級 理查德 “大力水手曼” 里維拉 (5-0, 4 科斯) will headline the fifth installment of the “新英格蘭的未來” 系列, 針對 凱文· “新英格蘭惡霸” 科布斯 (10-2, 4 科斯), fighting out of South Boston (嘛), 空置通用拳擊聯合會 (UBF) 新英格蘭冠軍在八輪的主要事件.
伍斯特的兩屆全國業餘冠軍 鮑比 “BH3” 哈里斯, III (2-0) 會見巴西超中量級 索爾·阿爾梅達 (0-8-1) 在四個輪的共同功能的事件, while Hartford super middleweight 何塞 “R級” 里維拉 (4-1, 3 科斯) 會見 特洛伊 “奧馬爾KO藝術家” 藝術家 (4-7-1 (3 科斯), 丹伯里的 (CT) 在六輪比賽.
“新英格蘭的未來5” charity choice: 路易斯·羅薩, JR. 獎學基金
For each RPR event, 促進者 何塞·安東尼奧·里維拉 selects a charity to donate a portion of the proceeds to, and for “新英格蘭的未來5” he has announced that it will be the Luis Rosa, JR. 獎學基金.
We believe it’s important to give back to the community and for this show we have selected the Luis Rosa, JR. Scholarship fund. Luis died last weekend in a tragic car accident at the age of 26. He was a great fighter and an even better person who will be terribly missed. Our company will also push the news about the Luis Rosa, JR. Scholarship Fund when it’s finalized through our social media.
戰鬥在undercard, 所有四個輪較量, are Danbury junior welterweight 奧馬爾博羅伊島, JR. (2-0) VS. Puerto Rican foe 亞歷山大 “厄爾尼諾布拉沃” 花邊上飾邊的小環 (2-4-1), 南橋 (嘛) 初中量級 維爾弗雷 “該Sucaro” 異教徒 (3-0, 1 KO) VS. 親開張 尼克·佩拉爾塔, 勞倫斯, 斯普林菲爾德不敗 (嘛) 輕重量級 射線 “火箭筒” Graceski (5-0, 3 科斯). VS. 哈特福德的親開張 保羅Bansiak, 斯普林菲爾德量級 起重機 “壞男孩” 惠特利 (2-0) VS. 羅傑·布蘭肯希普 (1-2), 不敗的波多黎各超中量級 Jelame加西亞 (6-0, 6 科斯) VS. 巴西人 羅德里戈·阿爾梅達 1-7), 布里奇波特的 (CT) 親開張的次中量級 約瑟夫·戈斯 VS. 塞斯·巴斯勒 (0-3), 和哈特福德初中輕量級VS. 布里奇波特的 卡洛斯Marraro, III (0-1).
Jose Rivera, RPE CEO: “I’m excited because a press conference means the fights are getting closer. We plan to build our promotional company this year. There is a lot of talent in New England and that’s why we have so many Connecticut fighters on this card. I want the fighters here to understand the importance of a press conference. They will gain valuable experience speaking in public and being interviewed by the media. One of the primary reasons we’re promoting is to give young fighters a platform to box and prepare them for their pro careers.
A.J. 里維拉, RPE President/Matchmaker: “The support we’ve received has been tremendous and we exceeded expectations in our first year. This is just the begining for RPE. We’re going to get better this year. We’re not satisfied just being a small promotional company. Boxing is the loneliest sport in the world and these boxers need fanssupport. There’s a lot of talent in New England and much of it is concentrated in Connecticut. We have more Connecticut fighters on this card than fighters from Massachusetts.
理查德·里維拉(Richard Rivera): “這對我來說是一個巨大的機會. Rivera Promotions accomplished so much in its first year. I fought in the co-main twice of two previous RPE shows I fought on. This is going to be an awesome show, not just the main event. There are competitive boxers up and down the card. 千萬別眨眼, don’t go to the bathroom because any one of these fights could end at any time.
This is a big step up for my career. Boxing is my passion. We’re both coming to fight. 贏, lose or draw we’ll see who the Alpha dog is at the end. “I’m ‘Popeye The Sailor Man’, and I’m good to the finish because I eat my spinach.
凱文·科布斯: “I respect Rivera and believe in what I hear. He seems like a good dude. I’m excited about this fight. A lot of people weren’t sure about what I was doing because I hadn’t fought 在兩年 when I got the call (to fight Rivera). Boxing took me out of the space was in and I never stopped boxing. This is going to be a big year for the Rivera’s. I like to switch it up and I’m ready to go.
鮑比·哈里斯, III: “My opponent wants to redeem his brother’s loss to me. I want to thank RPE for putting me in the co-feature in only my third pro fight. My first two fights were a learning experience and this fight I’m looking to make a statement to showcase my talents. I have a lot to prove as the only Worcester fighter on this card.
奧馬爾博羅伊島, JR:I’m fighting a tough opponent. Fighting is easier for me than talking up here. I’m fighting a guy from Hartford. I have a lot of love for his trainer and Hartford. I want my hand raised at the end of the fight.
Derrick Whitley:I want to thank Rivera Promotions for putting me on this card. I fought on two of their shows last year and came out 2-0. I’m looking to be 3-0. It was a learning experience going from the amateurs to pros. Everybody’s goal is to raise your level. I’m in the best shape of my life for this fight and doing things in the gym I’ve never done before. I’m looking for a stoppage.
Wilfredo Pagan: “我 37 years old and I’ve always had a glad to fight at least one pro fight. A couple of fights fell through but the Riveras opened the doors for me. I put it all into my fights. I was looking for one fight and this will be my fourth. I’m going to be 4-0.
卡洛斯Marraro, III: I want to thank Rivera Promotions for the opportunity to showcase my talents February 10. This will be my first fight on a Rivera Promotions card, but I’m familiar with most of the fighters on this card.
門票, 售價 $75.00 (馬戲團) 和 $45.00 (一般取), 有售,並提供購買的 www.ThePalladium.net 或鈀票房 (只是一般入學), 或通過聯繫聖何塞維拉 (elgallojar@gmail.com/508.864.6954), AJ里維拉 (anthoneerivera@gmail.com/774.272.2269) 或任何戰機.
門開處 6 P.M. AND, 第一回合 7 P.M. AND.
贊助商包括倫德格倫本田, 熱門版稅, 好事達, USANA, 阿蒂. 瑪麗亞中號. 里維拉,庫托, 野心MUSIK, Hill Team Associates and Lundren Insurance & 金融服務.
嘰嘰喳喳: @RiveraPromoEnt @joseriverachamp @KingRivera_

理查德 “大力水手曼” 里維拉強來完成,因為他吃了菠菜

哈特福德不敗輕重量級的前景頭條VS. 凱文·科布斯
二月. 10 在伍斯特, 嘛
理查德 “大力水手曼” 里維拉
伍斯特, 質量. (一月 8, 2018) – 其中最流行的新英格蘭拳擊前景, 哈特福德不敗 (CT) 輕重量級 理查德 “大力水手曼” 里維拉 (5-0, 4 科斯), 將標題他的第三場 星期六 夜晚, 二月 10, 在伍斯特鈀, 馬薩諸塞州.
在的第五批 “新英格蘭的未來” 系列, 里維拉促銷娛樂介紹 (RPE), 27歲的里維拉會見 凱文· “KRAY 2 UNKL” 科布斯 (10-2, 4 科斯), 戰鬥了伯靈頓 (VT), 空置通用拳擊聯合會 (UBF) 新英格蘭冠軍在八輪的主要事件.
里維拉, 誰是 2016 洛磯馬爾恰諾比賽冠軍, 即將關閉146戰鬥老將的轟動第二輪淘汰賽 羅伯托·巴倫蘇埃拉 在去年12月 9 在漢普頓, 新罕布什爾.
“我很高興能有任賢齊拳為UBF新英格蘭冠軍在他的職業生涯這麼早,”” 所述啟動子 何塞·安東尼奧·里維拉, 退役3次, 2-處世界冠軍. “這是我們當時對他對我們的一個卡戰鬥特權第三次. 他在我們的最後一場演出的重頭戲戰鬥 (十月) 在DCU中心. 里維拉看起來更好和更清晰的我看著他打每一次. 我看到大事情為他而來. 他擁有的工具和紀律培訓師查找和一個拳擊手需要成為世界冠軍. 天空是理查德和極限, 目前, 我們很感激玩一小部分,以幫助發展自己的職業生涯。”
里維拉他年輕的職業拳擊生涯中已經成功地銷售他的人物大力水手, 頭戴水手帽與在他的嘴裡傳統大力水手狀管道懸空的環. “有幾個原因,我的外號, “大力水手”, 但是當我還很年輕,” 里維拉解釋, “我有異常大的前臂. 它只是通過多年的堅持與我, 當人們提到我在健身房, 所以我用它運行. 我把生活恢復哈特福德耐心, 遍布新英格蘭, 有耐心, 毅力與風格. 我活在當下。”
雖然他沒有贏得眾多重要獎項或錦標賽作為一個業餘拳擊手, 里維拉獲得了寶貴的經驗,許多拳擊在新英格蘭和國家活動的最佳業餘的, 以及與前世界冠軍的陪練喜歡 彼得 “兒童巧克力” Quillin, 乍得道森喬·史密斯, JR. 他還從環度過了前冠軍挑戰者以色列時間了解到 “寧” 卡多納約翰·斯卡利.
“我把我的時間轉為職業選手,因為我沒有一個支持系統,讓我到一個新的水平,” 里維拉指出. “我很沒有安全感. 我從戰士收到了積極的反饋我對打送入我的信心. 現在, 僅在我的第六親鬥爭, 我將領銜第三次, 並爭取我的第一個冠軍頭銜. 我不能感謝Riveras (何塞和他的兒子, A.J.) 足以讓他們為我做了什麼. 他們一直相信我。”
首先, 里維拉是有些勉強打更多的經驗,但柯布, 之後做一些研究, 他接受了挑戰. “我有點緊張,在第一,” 他承認. “有些人質疑我是否準備加緊打他. 我做了一些研究: 他沒有更大的業餘生涯, 或者比我多打六個或八個回合戰鬥. 而且我是第一個親擊敗他的陪練, Tyron伯里斯(TKO2在 2012). 我準備好了! 我 27 並且需要這樣的鬥爭。”
伍斯特的兩屆全國業餘冠軍 鮑比 “BH3” 哈里斯, III 會見巴西中量級 索爾·阿爾梅達 (0-8-1) 在四個輪的共同功能的事件.
戰鬥在undercard, 所有四個輪較量, 不斷上漲紐黑文 (CT) 超中量級前景 埃爾維斯·菲格羅亞 (3-0, 1 KO), 三時間美國拳擊國民錦標賽金牌得主, VS. TBA, 伍斯特輕量級 安迪諾Ranse (1-0) VS. 亞歷克斯·蒙特斯 (1-2-1), 勞倫斯 (嘛), 丹伯里 (CT) 次中量級 奧馬爾博羅伊島, JR. (2-0) VS. 波多黎各侵略者 亞歷山大 “厄爾尼諾布拉沃” 花邊上飾邊的小環 (2-4-1), 南橋 (嘛) 次中量級 維爾弗雷 “該Sucaro” 異教徒 (3-0, 1 KO) VS. 親開張 尼克·佩拉爾塔, 勞倫斯, 斯普林菲爾德不敗 (嘛) 輕重量級 射線 “火箭筒” Graceski (5-0, 3 科斯). VS. 哈特福德的親開張 保羅Bansiak, 哈特福德超次中量級 何塞 “R級” 里維拉 (4-1, 3 科斯) VS. 特洛伊 “奧馬爾KO藝術家” 藝術家(4-7-1 (3 科斯), 斯普林菲爾德量級 起重機 “雙重影響” 惠特利 (2-0) VS. 羅傑·布蘭肯希普 (1-2), 不敗的波多黎各人的中量級 Jelame加西亞 (6-0, 6 科斯) VS. 巴西人 羅德里戈·阿爾梅達 1-7), 梅里 (CT) 最輕量級 詹姆斯·阿基諾 (6-0, 6 科斯), 2016 新英格蘭金手套冠軍, VS. 路易斯·里維拉 (3-3) 和哈特福德的親開張的次中量級 約瑟夫·戈斯 VS. 塞斯·巴斯勒 (0-3).
門票, 售價 $75.00 (馬戲團) 和 $45.00 (一般取), 有售,並提供購買的 www.ThePalladium.net 或鈀票房 (只是一般入學), 或通過聯繫聖何塞維拉 (elgallojar@gmail.com/508.864.6954), AJ里維拉 (anthoneerivera@gmail.com/774.272.2269) 或任何戰機.
門開處 6 P.M. AND, 第一回合 7 P.M. AND.
嘰嘰喳喳: @RiveraPromoEnt @joseriverachamp @KingRivera_

“新英格蘭的未來” series continues Feb. 10 在伍斯特, 嘛

New England Future 5
Richard Rivera vs. 凱文·科布斯,
Elvis Figueroa vs. 政府Biosse
伍斯特, 質量. (十二月 26, 2017) — The popular “新英格蘭的未來” 系列, promoted by Rivera Promotions Entertainment (RPE), returns with its fifth installment 週六夜晚, 二月 10, 在伍斯特鈀, 馬薩諸塞州.
Undefeated Hartford (CT) 前景 理查德 “大力水手曼” 里維拉 (5-0, 4 科斯) 發生在 凱文· “KRAY 2 UNKL” 科布斯 (10-2, 4 科斯) 空置通用拳擊聯合會 (UBF) 新英格蘭冠軍在八輪的主要事件.
里維拉, 27, 是 2016 洛磯馬爾恰諾比賽冠軍. The entertaining Rivera is coming off a sensational second-round knockout of 146-fight veteran 羅伯托·巴倫蘇埃拉 this past Dec. 9 在漢普頓, 新罕布什爾.
Fighting out of Burlington, VT, Cobbs hasn’t fought since January 19, 2016, when he lost to rising star 大衛Benavidez.
在六輪的共同功能的事件, New Haven (CT) 超中量級 埃爾維斯·菲格羅亞 (3-0, 1 KO) steps up to fight former New England super middleweight champion 政府Biosse (15-7-3, 7 科斯).
The 21-year-old Figueroa is a three-time USA Boxing Nationals Championship gold medalist. The battle-tested Biosse, fighting out of Providence by way of Cape Verde, is a former college football player who has notable victories against Joey SpinaSantiago Samaniego, as well as an eight-round draw with 彼得·曼弗雷多, JR. in his last fight on May 13, 2016.
I am excited to have our second year is starting with a bang featuring these great up-and-coming boxers willing to be battle tested so early in their respective careers,” 促進者 何塞·安東尼奧·里維拉 說. “It shows they are serious about their careers and that they also have the right attitude needed to become world champion. I am also excited about our great undercard that is going to provide an action-packed night of boxing for fans.
Fighting on the undercard in four-round bouts are Worcester featherweight 安迪諾Ranse (1-0) VS. 亞歷克斯·蒙特斯 (1-2-1), 勞倫斯 (嘛), 丹伯里 (CT) 次中量級 奧馬爾博羅伊島, JR. (2-0) VS. 波多黎各侵略者 亞歷山大 “厄爾尼諾布拉沃” 花邊上飾邊的小環 (2-4-1), 南橋 (嘛) 次中量級 維爾弗雷 “該Sucaro” 異教徒 (3-0, 1 KO) VS. 親開張 尼克·佩拉爾塔, 勞倫斯, 斯普林菲爾德不敗 (MA_ light heavyweight 射線 “火箭筒” Graceski (5-0, 3 科斯). VS. Nathan Schulte (0-4), 沃本 (嘛), 哈特福德超次中量級 何塞 “R級” 里維拉 (4-1, 3 科斯) VS. Eean Chappell (0-1-1), 斯普林菲爾德量級 起重機 “雙重影響” 惠特利 (2-0) VS. 羅傑·布蘭肯希普 (1-2) and Worcester’s two-time national amateur champion 鮑比 “BH3” 哈里斯, IIIVS. Philadelphia middleweight Greg Tomas (1-10).
門票, 售價 $75.00 (馬戲團) 和 $45.00 (一般取), 有售,並提供購買的 www.ThePalladium.net 或鈀票房 (只是一般入學), 或通過聯繫聖何塞維拉 (elgallojar@gmail.com/508.864.6954), AJ里維拉 (anthoneerivera@gmail.com/774.272.2269) 或任何戰機.
門開處 6 P.M. AND, 第一回合 7 P.M. AND.





嘰嘰喳喳: @RiveraPromoEnt @joseriverachamp @KingRivera_

Granite Chin’sRumble at The RIM” 官方結果

理查德 “Popeye the Sailor Man” 里維拉
Good to finish because he eats his spinach
Russell Kimber wins pro debut
HAMPTON, N.H. (十二月 9, 2017) — Colorful light heavyweight prospect 理查德 “大力水手曼” 里維拉 保持不敗 (5-0, 4 科斯), 老將 羅伯托 “舊” 巴倫蘇埃拉, last night (週六) 在 “Rumble at The RIM” 主要事件, presented by Granite Chin Promotions, at The RIM Sports Complex in Hampton, 新罕布什爾.
里維拉, fighting out of Hartford (CT), controlled the action from the opening bell against his battle-tested opponent from Mexico, who had a tremendous experience advantage in his 147 親鬥爭, compared to Rivera’s fifth.
Valenzuela spent most of the time on the ropes, while Rivera teed-off on him, until a beautiful placed left hook by Rivera decked Valenzuela, who failed to get up until after referee 邁克·瑞恩 completed the 10-count.
A busload of Rivera’s fans drove five hours from Hartford through a snowstorm, arriving just before Rivera entered the ring. “That means a lot to me,” Rivera smiled as he spoke about his fans. “We’re more than a gym, 我們是一家人.
I was so used to an amateur style but now I’m a pro. I’m relaxing and picking my punches. 下一個, I want to win the New England title. It’s vacant and I want it!”
This was our first show in New Hampshire and I consider it a success,” co-promoter Chuck Shearns 說, “despite some things going against us like tonight’s weather. We’re grateful for the support we received from Hampton, 新罕布什爾, the commission and local businesses. They worked with us and we can’t wait to return.
The son and nephew of multiple-time world kickboxing championsfather Tommy and uncleworked his cornerPeabody, 嘛 Russell Kimber had a promising pro debut against tough Nathan Schulte in a match contested at a 185-pound catchweight. The 32-year-old Kimber, who was the crowd favorite having lived several years in New Hampshire, overcame the determined Schulte for a hard-fought victory by way of a four-round majority decision.
I was a little nervous with this being my first time in a pro ring,” Kimber admitted after his fight. “I hadn’t been in a ring for 1 ½ years and there was some ring rust. 現在, I know what I need to good, and I’ll be a lot better next fight. This was my first camp and I’ve learned a lot. I’d like to stay busy, come back in late January, early February.
Undefeated Whitman, MA junior welterweight prospect 話筒 “Bad ManOhan, JR.charged across the ring, unloading a powerful right that immediately sent Bardraiel Smith to the canvas. Smith somehow got to his feet but Ohan quickly ended Smith’s night, only 30-second into round one, as referee Ryan waved off the action.
New England cruiserweight champion and the show’s co-promoter, Iraq War veteran 克里斯·特萊蒂 (25-5, 19 科斯) outclassed Fabian Valdez en route to a win by second-round knockout in a stay-busy fight to close out 2017. In a non-title fight contested at a 185-pounds catchweight, the Quincy, MA-based Traietti floored his game Mexican opponent with a straight right midway through the opening round, closing the show in the second round with a series of unanswered punches.
The only New Hampshire native on the card, Claremont junior middleweight Ricky Ford(1-1-1) won his first pro fight, taking a lop-sided, four-round unanimous decision over pro MMA fighter 安迪·艾洛, who made his pro boxing debut.
In another stay-busy fight, former world-rated 瑞安 “波蘭王子” Kielczweski(27-3, 9 科斯), fighting out of Quincy (嘛), needed only 51-seconds to finish off Mexican lightweight 舊金山 “El MonoMedal. Kielczweski hit Medal with a with a lethal left to the body, leaving Medal in obvious pain and unable to rise before the 10-count.
New Jersey middleweight 克里斯 “Sandman” 托馬斯 (7-0-1, 4 科斯) kept his unbeaten pro record intact with a second-round stoppage of Demetrius Thomas. Thomas used a rapid-fire combination to drop Thomas, who beat the count, but he was getting hammered when referee Ryan stopped the fight late in the second round.
克里斯·特萊蒂 (25-4, 20 科斯), 昆西, 嘛
WKO2 (1:13)
Fabian Valdez (2-2, 1 KO), Cananea, 墨西哥
Russell Kimber (1-0, 0 科斯), Peabody, 嘛
WDEC4 (39-37, 38-37, 38-38)
Nathan Schulte (0-4), 沃本, 嘛
理查德·里維拉(Richard Rivera) (5-0, 4 科斯), 哈特福德, CT
WKO2 (1:48)
羅伯托·巴倫蘇埃拉 (69-76-2, 56 科斯), Aqua Prieta, 墨西哥
Chris Thomas (7-0-1, 4 科斯), Beachwood, 新澤西州
WTKO2 (2:55)
Demetrius Thomas (0-7), 費城, PA
Ricky Ford (1-1-1), Claremont, NH
WDEC4 (40-36, 40-36, 39-37)
安迪·艾洛 (0-1), Bridgewater, 嘛
Mike Ohan, JR. (4-0, 2 科斯), Whitman, 嘛
WTKO1 (0:30)
Bardraiel Smith (0-3), 費城, PA
瑞安Kielczweski (27-3, 9 科斯), 昆西, 嘛
WKO1 (0:51)
舊金山, Medel (11-11, 7 科斯), Uruapan, 墨西哥
Event sponsors included Seabrook Inn, Tobin Scientific, Jeremy’s Pizzeria and Sports Bar, and Matrix Aerospace.


路易斯頓, 緬因 (六月 18, 2016) - 新英格蘭戰鬥 (NEF) held the fight promotion’s latest event, “NEF 24: PROMISED LAND週六 晚上在安德羅斯科銀行Colisée酒店在路易斯頓, 緬因. The event featured a full slate of professional boxing, amateur mixed-martial-arts (MMA) and professional MMA bouts. 差不多 2,000 packed the hallowed halls where Muhammad Ali once defended the heavyweight championship of the world against Sonny Liston. A special video tribute was presented honoring Ali prior to the beginning of the event.


For the second time since April, 布蘭登·貝瑞 (11-2-1) 和 James Lester(11-9-1) 去距離. 這次, unlike the last bout which was scored a draw, there was a winner. Lester is travelling back to his hometown of Detroit, Michigan the new Northeast Junior Welterweight Boxing Champion after winning a unanimous decision.


亞歷克斯·沃克 (1-1) 和 Nicole Burgess (0-1) kept alive the tradition of women’s fights stealing the show at NEF events. The two athletes battled back and forth in what can only be described as athrillerbefore a deafening crowd. Walker picked up the first win of her MMA career via an armbar submission in the third round.


Fans who missed the event, or who were at the Colisée and want to relive it, can watch the archived copy of the show by signing up for a FloPRO account at www.FloCombat.com.


The results from Lewiston, 緬因:



James Lester def. Brandon Berry via unanimous decision

Russell Lamour def. Roberto Valenzuela via KO, 圓 1

Vinnie Carita def. Francisco Mireles via KO, 圓 2

Casey Kramlich def. 通過TKO澤農·埃雷拉, 圓 3

Steve Collins, JR. DEF. Jose Humberto Corral via unanimous decision



傑西·埃里克森DEF. Amos Collins via KO, 圓 1

Brandon Bushaw def. Matt Denning via Kimura, 圓 3




達斯汀Veinott高清. Ryan Burgess via triangle choke, 圓 2

Mike Bezanson def. Shawn Bang via KO, 圓 1

Derek Daley def. Johel Stephenson via TKO, 圓 1

賈斯汀威瑟姆DEF. Conner Murphy via rear-naked choke, 圓 3

Skyler Bang def. Eddie DeRoche via rear-naked choke, 圓 1

史蒂夫爆炸, JR. DEF. Dom Cofone via guillotine, 圓 1

Alex Walker def. Nicole Burgess via armbar, 圓 3

博士. 史蒂夫邦高清. Stacy Lupo via TKO, 圓 3


新英格蘭戰鬥“下一個事件, “NEF 25: HEROES & VILLAINS,” takes place on Saturday, 九月 10, 2016 在安德羅斯科銀行Colisée酒店在路易斯頓, 緬因. 門票開始只是 $25 而在銷售現在 www.TheColisee.com 或致電在Colisée酒店票房 207.783.2009 X 525. Tickets will also be available at the door the night of the event.


有關事件,並拼牌更新的詳細信息, 請訪問推廣的網站 www.NewEnglandFights.com. 此外, 你可以在觀看視頻NEF www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, 按照他們的Twitter @nefights並加入官方Facebook集團“新英格蘭戰鬥。”




新英格蘭戰鬥 (“NEF”) 是打架事件推廣公司. NEF的使命是創造緬因州的戰鬥機和球迷的一致好評最高的質量事件. NEF的執行團隊在作戰體育管理方面擁有豐富的經驗, 生產活動, 媒體關係, 市場營銷, 法律和廣告.


路易斯頓, 緬因 (六月 3, 2016) – It will be a celebration of all things Americana when New England Fights (NEF) returns to the Androscoggin Bank Colisée on Saturday, 六月 18, 2016. The wildly popular fight promotion will once again give fans a full night of mixed-martial-arts (MMA) and professional boxing action.


In the main event of the boxing portion of the fight card, 布蘭登 “大砲” 貝瑞 (11-1-1) will defend the Northeast Junior Welterweight Title against challenger 詹姆斯 “The Motor City Bad BoyLester (10-9-1). The two fought to a draw on the judgesscorecards this past April in Lewiston. They agreed to rematch with Berry’s title on the line. 這次, 然而, there will be an odd number of rounds (seven to be exact) to make the chances of another draw very slim.


Also on the boxing portion of the card, former USA New England Middleweight Champion 羅素 “The Haitian SensationLamour (13-2) 和 卡西 “The BuzzsawKramlich (4-0-1) from the Portland Boxing Club in Portland, Maine will both make their respective NEF Boxing debuts.


The professional MMA portion of the card will see 傑西 “海盜” 埃里克森 (6-5) return to the cage after his third unsuccessful attempt at capturing the lightweight title this past April. Erickson will have his work cut out for him in the form of the always tough Amos Collins (4-5) at a catchweight of 161-pounds.


Erickson’s teammate, 馬特 “肯娃娃” 丹寧 (3-2), will also see action on the professional MMA card when he meets Brandon Bushaw (1-2) 在輕量級回合.


The amateur MMA card will be headlined by a flyweight title rematch as 瑞恩·伯吉斯 (2-0) defends against the former champion, and the athlete he took the title from, 達斯汀Veinott (4-4). Veinott’s loss to Burgess last fall via split decision put a stop to his four-fight win streak.


Also on the amateur card will be 46 歲 博士. 史蒂夫爆炸, SR. (1-1), a bariatric surgeon from Auburn, 緬因. In an unplanned homage to Father’s Day, he will be joined on the fight card by his sons 史蒂夫爆炸, JR. (3-5),肖恩·邦 (1-1), Skyler Bang (0-0) and foster son Conner Murphy (1-0).


該 “NEF 24” 拼卡 (如有變更,):



140*TITLE 布蘭登·貝瑞 (11-1-1)(Ç) vs James Lester (10-9-1)

HWT Vinnie Carita (11-1-1) vs Francisco Mireles (17-10)

190 Steve Collins, JR. (7-0-1) vs Jose Humberto Corral (19-21)

160 Russell Lamour (13-2) VS羅伯托·巴倫蘇埃拉 (69-71-2)

154 Casey Kramlich (4-0-1) VS澤農·埃雷拉 (0-1)


250 邁克爾·漢森 (4-4) vs Robert Laroski (1-1)


170 CJ壺 (1-0) vs Phil Rowe (1-2)

161 傑西·埃里克森 (6-5) vs Amos Collins (4-5)


145 馬特·丹寧 (3-2) vs Brandon Bushaw (1-2)




125*TITLE 瑞恩·伯吉斯 (2-0)(Ç) vs Dustin Veinott (4-4)

170 肖恩·邦 (1-1) vs Mike Bezanson (1-0)

155 Steve Bang Sr. (1-1) vs Stacy Lupo (0-0)


155 Derek Daley (0-0) vs Johel Stephenson (0-0)


155 史蒂夫爆炸, JR. (3-5) vs Dominic Cofone (6-5)


145 Skyler Bang (0-0) Eddie DeRoche (0-0)


125 Conner Murphy (1-0) vs Justin Witham (1-4)


115 亞歷克斯·沃克 (0-1) vs Nicole Burgess (0-0)



NEF returns to the Androscoggin Bank Colisée in Lewiston, 緬因州 六月 18, 2016 同 “NEF 24: PROMISED LAND.Tickets for “NEF 24” start at just $25 而在銷售現在 www.TheColisee.com 或致電在Colisée酒店票房207.783.2009 X 525.


For more information on the events and fight card updates, 請訪問推廣的網站 www.NewEnglandFights.com. 此外, 你可以在觀看視頻NEF www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, 按照他們的Twitter @nefights並加入官方Facebook集團“新英格蘭戰鬥。”


路易斯頓, 緬因 (五月 31, 2016) – The Androscoggin Bank Colisée has a storied history of professional boxing inside the arena’s four walls. 上 六月 18, 羅素 “The Haitian SensationLamour, JR. (13-2, 6 科斯) will add the next chapter to that story when he enters the New England Fights (NEF) ring for the first time. 在 “NEF 24: PROMISED LAND,” Lamour will make his NEF debut in a middleweight bout against Mexican veteran 羅伯托 “舊” 巴倫蘇埃拉 (69-71-2, 56 科斯).


Definitely excited to be making my NEF debut,” said Lamour. “NEF does a lot of shows here in Maine, and from what I hear it’s always a packed show. So I’m looking forward being on this card. I am excited about fighting at the Colisée ’cause I can then say that I fought in the same building that Muhammad Ali fought in and also that it’s right here at home in Maine. Fighting here at home again is always a great feeling, especially when you’re fighting in front of the people that support you the most. Can’t ask for anything better than that when fighting here in your backyard.


布魯克林本地人, 紐約, Lamour entered the Portland Boxing Club shortly after graduating from Deering High School in Portland, 緬因. He had a stellar amateur boxing career, finishing with a record of 79-16. Among his numerous amateur accomplishments, Lamour was a five-time New England regional Golden Gloves champion. He competed in the semi-pro World Series of Boxing (WSB) where he was the number-one ranked middleweight in the Americas.


Lamour’s success carried over to the professional ranks where he won his first 11 結束. Over the course of that impressive run, Lamour would capture the vacant USA New England Middleweight Title with a TKO victory over Laatekwei Hammond (21-6) in Lamour’s hometown of Portland, 緬因. Lamour has competed on ESPN’s 星期五 夜戰鬥 before a national audience. 上個月, he scored a TKO win over Borngod Washington (3-17) in Salem, 新罕布什爾. Lamour hopes to make it two in a row with a win over Valenzuela on 六月 18.


He is a journeymen,” Lamour said of his upcoming opponent. “He’s been fighting for a while and has seen many different styles, but to me he’s just someone else that’s in my pathway that I have to beat to get to where I want to be, so I have to get him out of my way.


Roberto Valenzuela is no stranger to Maine fight fans. He travelled from his home in Sonora, Mexico to Lewiston, Maine last fall to battle Brandon “大砲” 貝瑞 (11-1-1). Valenzuela would lose the bout via unanimous decision, but he impressed all in attendance with his gritty performance, roughing up Berry and cutting him above the eye in the process. Valenzuela has faced the likes of former world champions Andre Berto (31-4, 24 科斯) 和史蒂夫·福布斯 (35-14, 11 科斯) 而目前的世界冠軍查希爾·拉希姆 (35-3, 21 科斯). He held the Mexican Pacific Coast Super Featherweight Title from 2003 到 2007.


I am very excited to come back to Maine and fight again,” 巴倫蘇埃拉說,通過翻譯. “I love New England, and I’ve fought in Maine, 馬薩諸塞州, Vermont and Rhode Island during the course of my career. I’ve also worked corners in Connecticut and been pulled over for speeding in New Hampshire, so that must count for something. The last time I was in Maine, I busted open Brandon Berry’s eye and waged a bloody war. I’m ready to do the same with Russell Lamour. I hope he’s ready too.


NEF returns to the Androscoggin Bank Colisée in Lewiston, 緬因州 六月 18, 2016 同 “NEF 24: PROMISED LAND.Tickets for “NEF 24” start at just $25 而在銷售現在 www.TheColisee.com 或致電在Colisée酒店票房207.783.2009 X 525.


For more information on the events and fight card updates, 請訪問推廣的網站 www.NewEnglandFights.com. 此外, 你可以在觀看視頻NEF www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, 按照他們的Twitter @nefights並加入官方Facebook集團“新英格蘭戰鬥。”

新英格蘭打鬥公​​司宣布NEF XX的結果

路易斯頓, 緬因 (十一月 22, 2015) - 新英格蘭戰鬥 (NEF), 美國的頭號地區拼促銷, 舉辦其最新的事件, “NEF XX: 暴力史” 週六 晚上在安德羅斯科銀行Colisée酒店在路易斯頓, 緬因. Some 2,500 擠滿了Colisée酒店為歷史首次混合的混合武術 (MMA) 與職業拳擊卡在緬因州.


在晚上的拳擊主要事件, 布蘭登 “大砲” 貝瑞 (10-1) 去八輪的第一次在他的職業生涯, defeating gritty Mexican veteran 羅伯托·巴倫蘇埃拉 (72-70-1) 通過一致決定.


在卡的專業MMA部分, 布魯斯 “漂亮男孩” Boyington(12-8) 取得了勝利捍衛對NEF MMA職業輕量級冠軍 吉米 “神保片” 戴維森 (7-2).


此外, NEF公佈了其下一個事件, “NEF 21: 神仙” 將於二月 6, 2016 在路易斯頓. Another hybrid MMA-pro boxing event, “NEF 21” 將展出 傑西 “海盜” 埃里克森 (6-4) 承擔 德文 - 鮑威爾 (4-1) in a lightweight contest. Already announced to be competing the boxing card are Brandon Berry and 喬爾 “寶寶公牛” 主教 (0-0-1). 艾琳 “有趣的尺寸” LAMONTE, 誰提高到 5-0 今晚, 將上的業餘MMA部分恢復 二月 6 卡.


從路易斯頓結果, 緬因:



150 布蘭登·貝瑞高清. 通過一致決定羅伯托·巴倫蘇埃拉

155 劉易斯高清英寸. 通過TKO澤農·埃雷拉, 圓 3

135 Josh Parker drew Elias Leland

CATCH埃內斯托奧尼拉斯高清. 通過TKO布蘭登·阿里·加文, 圓 2



155*TITLE 布魯斯Boyington (Ç) DEF. 通過TKO吉米·戴維森, 圓 3

CATCH 喬恩·萊姆克DEF. 通過TKO馬特·丹寧, 圓 1

170 馬特Bordonaro決賽. 通過膝欄Crowsneck布廷, 圓 1

CATCH 馬特Andrikut DEF. 通過TKO傑西·鮑曼, 圓 1

145 達蒙·歐文斯DEF. 通過Gogoplata德里克·肖雷, 圓 1




125*TITLE 瑞安伯吉斯DEF. 達斯汀Veinott (Ç) 通過unanimious決定

145*TITLE 亞倫萊西高清. 通過一致決定迦勒·霍納

125 賈斯汀威瑟姆DEF. 通過TKO的Ouellette布倫特, 圓 2

155 拉斐爾Velado DEF. 通過木村肯·鄧恩, 圓 1

155 CJ壺DEF. 通過一致決定傑森Lachance

S.HWT 尼克·格列佛DEF. 通過TKO傑森場, 圓 1

145 迦勒堂DEF. 通過armbar馬特·塔馬約, 圓 1

265 邁克·威廉姆斯DEF. 通過armbar喬Krech, 圓 1

200 Victor Irwin def. 通過TKO安東尼尖塔, 圓 1

CATCH 瑞奇德克斯特高清. 通過KO史蒂夫爆炸, 圓 1

140 大衛 - 湯普森DEF. 通過TKO里士滿皮爾斯Wiegman, 圓 1

121 艾琳Lamonte DEF. 通過armbar蘭迪貝絲Boyington, 圓 1

185 迦勒法林頓高清. 通過斷頭台魯本·雷德曼, 圓 2

265 布萊斯班福德DEF. 通過TKO布萊斯洛克, 圓 1

170 迦勒Swoveland DEF. 通過手臂三角泰勒·凱莉, 圓 2

155 李維休厄爾DEF. 通過TKO馬特·漢寧, 圓 2


新英格蘭戰鬥’ 下一個事件, “NEF 21: 神仙,” 發生星期六, 二月 6, 2016 在安德羅斯科銀行Colisée酒店在路易斯頓, 緬因. 門票 “NEF 21” 開始只是 $25 而在銷售現在www.TheColisee.com 或致電在Colisée酒店票房 207.783.2009 X 525. 有關事件,並拼牌更新的詳細信息, 請訪問推廣的網站 www.NewEnglandFights.com. 此外, 你可以在觀看視頻NEF www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, 按照他們的Twitter @nefights並加入官方Facebook集團“新英格蘭戰鬥。”




新英格蘭戰鬥 (“NEF”) 是打架事件推廣公司. NEF的使命是創造緬因州的戰鬥機和球迷的一致好評最高的質量事件. NEF的執行團隊在作戰體育管理方面擁有豐富的經驗, 生產活動, 媒體關係, 市場營銷, 法律和廣告.


路易斯頓, 緬因 (十月 23, 2015) - 新英格蘭戰鬥 (NEF), 美國的頭號地區拼促銷, 將舉行下一次活動, “NEF XX: 暴力史” 上 星期六, 十一月 21, 2015 在安德羅斯科銀行Colisée酒店在路易斯頓, 緬因. 本次活動將採用第一緬因州 – 混合武術 (MMA) 對同一事件與MMA籠擂台較量,專業的拳擊較量成立並排側. 今天早些時候,, 促進宣布全面拼卡事件.


該卡的職業拳擊部分將由東北初中量級冠軍被標題 布蘭登 “大砲” 貝瑞 (9-1) in an eight-round bout against former Mexican Pacific Coast Super Featherweight Champion 羅伯托 “舊” 巴倫蘇埃拉 (73-69-2, 56 科斯). Berry triumphantly returned to action last summer after suffering a severe shoulder injury in a November 2014 結束.


一個非常飢渴 喬什·帕克 (0-1) 返回到環面對 埃利亞斯 “危險老鼠” 利蘭 (0-0) 在四圓. Parker and Leland are well known to NEF fans as regulars on the promotion’s MMA events. Parker is the founder and head coach of Ruthless MMA & 拳擊在本頓, 緬因. Leland is a member of Jay Jack and Amanda Buckner’s Academy of MMA in Portland, 緬因.


此外, 埃內斯托·奧尼拉斯 (0-0), 從財研究所在波特蘭一家專業MMA的戰鬥機, returns to his boxing roots in his pro ring debut against 布蘭登·阿里·加文 (0-4). Ornelas was a multiple time Golden Gloves champion as an amateur boxer in his native state of California.


middleweights的 托利森劉易斯 (1-0) 和 澤農 “Ka'Bar” 埃雷拉 (0-0) will round out the boxing card. Lewis won his pro boxing debut in the first NEF boxing event in October 2014 在老將約翰·韋伯斯特 (8-7-1), 而埃雷拉, 一位經驗豐富的MMA戰鬥機和搏擊之王, 是九年退伍軍人美軍, 有他在那裡看到了戰鬥在費盧杰的伊拉克戰役中東完成了多項旅遊.


在拼牌的專業MMA部分, 布魯斯 “漂亮男孩” Boyington (11-8) 將反對的挑戰,捍衛NEF MMA職業輕量級冠軍在五輪較量 吉米 “神保片” 戴維森 (7-1). Boyington is coming off a huge win last weekend against Rodrigo Almeida (12-3) 在世界系列的戰鬥的undercard的 (WSOF) nationally-televised event. The challenger Davidson is no stranger to gold, having captured other MMA titles in the New England region. He represents world-renown Muay Thai team Sityodtong.


在最受期待的MMA戰鬥在新英格蘭歷史上的一個, 前者NEF MMA職業羽量級冠軍 射線 “所有業務” 木 (6-1) 發生在 沃夫克 “克格勃” 粘土 (3-0). Recognized as two of the most promising prospects in the area, 木材和粘土都預測專家為未來的候選人體育大聯盟.


Crowsneck布廷 (1-1) 將目光從他的第一個專業的損失反彈上個月開會時,他 馬特Bordonaro (2-0). The bout will be a rematch from their amateur days when Bordonaro defeated Boutin by submission at “NEF IX” 在比迪福德, 緬因. It will also be Boutin’s debut in the 170-pound welterweight division.


兩個冠軍較量將標題的業餘MMA部分 “NEF XX” 拼卡. 達斯汀Veinott (4-3) 防堵NEF MMA業餘飛錘標題 瑞恩·伯吉斯 (1-0), 而 亞倫 “狠” 萊西 (5-1) 不戰鬥 凱萊布·霍納 (6-2) to crown an inaugural NEF MMA Amateur Featherweight Champion. A women’s strawweight fight will feature 蘭迪貝絲Boyington (1-1) 面對 艾琳 “有趣的尺寸” LAMONTE (3-0).


“該卡有每個人的東西,” 說NEF共同擁有者和推動者尼克DiSalvo. “你喜歡MMA? We got it. You like boxing? We got it. You like the heavyweights? We got ’em. You like women’s fights? We got ’em. This is like the Super Bowl of NEF events. This is the one event you simply cannot afford to miss.


促進高管還宣布, “NEF XX” 活動將竭誠為NEF工作人員蘇珊·艾沙姆的記憶, 47, 誰失去了她的生活在一個悲慘的車禍上週末在伯特利, 緬因. Susan had worked backstage for the promotion beginning in 2013, handling check-ins at the backdoor of the Colisée. She was a beloved mother and grandmother, 知道她的辛勤工作熱情和迷人, upbeat personality. Susan was involved in many causes in the Bethel community.


“我們都還處在震驚蘇珊的突然去世,上週五,“說NEF共同擁有和媒人馬特·彼得森. “她是NEF團隊的重要成員, 一個很好的朋友, 和一種, charitable person. She will be missed by all who knew her. Our thoughts are with her family and friends at this difficult time. ‘NEF XX’ 將自豪地獻給她的記憶。”


該 “NEF XX” 拼卡 (如有變更和緬因州的戰鬥體育局批准):




140 布蘭登·貝瑞 9-1 (西叉) VS羅伯托·巴倫蘇埃拉 73-69-2 (浪漫曲健身房)

155 托利森劉易斯 1-0 (CMBJJ) VS澤農·埃雷拉 0-0 (獨立)

140 喬什·帕克 0-1 (無情的MMA & 拳擊) VS埃利亞斯利蘭 0-0 (但)

118 埃內斯托·奧尼拉斯 0-0 (財研究所) VS布蘭登·阿里·加文 0-4 (弗雷澤的)




155*TITLE 布魯斯Boyington 10-8 (Ç) (Boyington的TKD) VS吉米·戴維森 7-1 (Sityodtong)

205 馬特Andrikut 1-0 (信念MMA) VS傑西·鮑曼 0-0 (Team鏈接)

170 Crowsneck布廷 1-1 (財研究所) 與馬特Bordonaro 2-0 (勝利MMA)

150 喬恩·萊姆克 4-3 (愛爾蘭隊) 與馬特·丹寧 2-0 (CMBJJ)

145 雷·伍德 5-1 (年輕的MMA) VS Vovka粘土 3-0 (波士頓巴西柔術NH)

145 德里克·肖雷 3-2 (防碎戰鬥俱樂部) VS達蒙·歐文斯 2-0 (年輕的MMA)

125 凱文·巴雷特 0-0 (年輕的MMA) VS詹姆斯·亞歷山大 1-10 (F2競技場)




145 *TITLE 亞倫萊西 5-1 (年輕的MMA) VS迦勒霍納 6-2 (F2競技場)

125 *TITLE 達斯汀Veinott 4-3 (Ç) (CMBJJ) VS瑞恩·伯吉斯 1-0 (狂戰士MMA)

265 布萊斯班福德 0-0 (頭等艙MMA) VS布萊斯洛克 0-0 (獨立)

200 雅各布卡梅倫 1-5 (獨立) VS維克多·歐文 0-0 (年輕的MMA)

225 喬Krech 0-0 (獨立) VS邁克·威廉姆斯 0-0 (CMBJJ)

185 魯本·雷德曼 1-3 (質量效應MMA) VS迦勒法林頓 2-0 (新團隊)

185 多米尼克·貝利 0-1 (獨立) VS安東尼尖塔 0-0 (獨立)

175 迦勒Swoveland 0-0 (無情的MMA & 拳擊) VS TBD

155 瑞奇德克斯特 3-2 (愛爾蘭隊) VS史蒂夫邦 3-3 (CMBJJ)

155 拉斐爾Velado 1-0 (頭等艙MMA) VS肯·鄧恩 0-2 (緬因州極真空手道)

155 CJ壺 4-2 (年輕的MMA) VS傑森Lachance 2-2 (MMA Athletix)

155 馬特·漢寧 1-1 (獨立) VS李維休厄爾 0-0 (年輕的MMA)

145 迦勒大廳 5-3 (財研究所) 與馬特·塔馬約 0-0 (F2競技場)

140 大衛 - 湯普森 0-1 (防碎戰鬥俱樂部) 與皮爾斯Wiegman 0-0 (頭等艙MMA)

125 賈斯汀威瑟姆 0-3 (防碎戰鬥俱樂部) 布倫特VS的Ouellette 0-0 (CMBJJ)

115 艾琳LaMonte 3-0 (格雷西健身) VS蘭迪貝絲Boyington 1-1 (Boyington的TKD)


新英格蘭戰鬥’ 下一個事件, “NEF XX: 暴力史,” 發生在 十一月 21, 2015 在安德羅斯科銀行Colisée酒店在路易斯頓, 緬因. 本次活動將標誌著第一次在緬因州歷史上的混合武術 (MMA) 事件和職業拳擊事件發生一起在同一節目. 門票 “NEF XX” 開始只是 $25 而在銷售現在www.TheColisee.com 或致電在Colisée酒店票房 207.783.2009 X 525. 有關事件,並拼牌更新的詳細信息, 請訪問推廣的網站 www.NewEnglandFights.com. 此外, 你可以在觀看視頻NEF www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, 按照他們的Twitter @nefights並加入官方Facebook集團“新英格蘭戰鬥。”




新英格蘭戰鬥 (“NEF”) 是打架事件推廣公司. NEF的使命是創造緬因州的戰鬥機和球迷的一致好評最高的質量事件. NEF的執行團隊在作戰體育管理方面擁有豐富的經驗, 生產活動, 媒體關係, 市場營銷, 法律和廣告.

墨西哥前冠軍考莓十一月 21 在LEWISTON

路易斯頓, 緬因 (十月 14, 2015) - 新英格蘭戰鬥 (NEF), 美國的頭號地區拼促銷, 將舉行下一次活動, “NEF XX: 暴力史” 上 星期六, 十一月 21, 2015 在安德羅斯科銀行Colisée酒店在路易斯頓, 緬因. 本次活動將採用第一緬因州 – 混合武術 (MMA) 對同一事件與MMA籠擂台較量,專業的拳擊較量成立並排側. 今天早些時候,, the promotion announced the main event of the boxing portion of the fight card. Reigning Northeast Junior Welterweight Champion 布蘭登 “大砲” 貝瑞 (9-1, 6 科斯) 將面臨 羅伯托 “舊” 巴倫蘇埃拉 (73-69-2, 56 科斯) 在八輪次中量級比賽.


貝瑞獲得了東北少年重量級標題一年前的Lewiston一致決定勝利埃里克·帕爾默 (6-8-3, 1 KO). The title was the first in the professional career of the standout from West Forks, 緬因. Berry would, 僅僅一個月後,, suffer his first loss in a bout in which he severely injured his shoulder early on. Following a successful surgery and months of rehab, 貝瑞班師回到環今年夏天的第二回合技術擊倒 (WHO) 贏得的Skowhegan, 緬因.


“我很著急一如既往退一步到上拳擊台 11月21日在路易斯頓,” 規定貝里. “這是令人興奮的是爭取我的第十個專業勝利. I’m honored to have been invited back to the Colisee to headline another Pro Boxing card. I want to thank NEF for making this possible for me, 希望有另一個行動包裝, competitive fight like we had in October 2014. A lot has changed for me in my boxing career, 我期待著展示我所有的球迷我改進而成. 至於我的對手, 最有經驗的一個日期, 羅伯托·巴倫蘇埃拉, 這將是一個很好的考驗我,而放棄規模和經驗. 我們試圖使一對夫婦來自該地區不同人的戰鬥,但無法. 我的工作就是努力訓練,並準備好誰他們把環的另一面, 一輪的時間。”


Valenzuela is about as much of a veteran as one will find in a boxing ring. Having begun his professional career in early 1992, 巴倫蘇埃拉一個驚人下車 14-0 開始, 在他的家鄉索諾拉州競爭, 墨西哥. Among the opponents Valenzuela has faced in his career are the likes of former world champions Andre Berto (30-4, 23 科斯) 和史蒂夫·福布斯 (35-14, 11 科斯) 而目前的世界冠軍查希爾·拉希姆 (35-3, 21 科斯). Valenzuela fought former lightweight world champion Jose Luis Castillo (66-13-1, 57 科斯) 上的一個在undercard 1996 喬伊Gamache (55-4, 38 科斯) 和塞薩爾查韋斯 (107-6-2, 86 科斯) 布特在阿納海姆, 加利福尼亞州. 此外, 巴倫蘇埃拉舉行的墨西哥太平洋海岸超羽量級冠軍 2003 到 2007. He has the strongest pedigree of any opponent Berry has faced to date.


“我在美國打了所有, 但從未在緬因州, 所以我很高興能去的地方我沒去過,” 巴倫蘇埃拉說,通過翻譯. “我一直在這樣做,因為他是一個小狗. 有人告訴我,他有我的一些戰鬥從一些卡片,他貼在電視上,當他還是個孩子錄像帶 (笑). Thankfully, 我已經在Youtube最近得到了他的視頻. 他什麼我以前沒見過在戰鬥中或陪練. 我會做好準備。”


“當布蘭登簽署了“NEF XX’ 拼卡, 他很清楚,他希望我們能找到他誰一直在環的最佳對手,” recalled NEF co-owner and promoter Nick DiSalvo. “Roberto presents a challenge unlike any other Brandon has faced to date. He has actively competed as a professional for nearly a quarter of a century. He hasn’t sat on a shelf either. He just fought this past spring and summer. 布蘭登·貝瑞 被測試的十一月 21, make no mistake about it. But Brandon has recently been sparring several times a week all over New England with top-notch partners. He is coming into this bout as a whole new Brandon Berry, 決心使自己的印記在世界拳擊。”


新英格蘭戰鬥’ 下一個事件, “NEF XX: 暴力史,” 發生在 十一月 21, 2015 在安德羅斯科銀行Colisée酒店在路易斯頓, 緬因. 本次活動將標誌著第一次在緬因州歷史上的混合武術 (MMA) 事件和職業拳擊事件發生一起在同一節目. 門票 “NEF XX” 開始只是 $25 而在銷售現在www.TheColisee.com 或致電在Colisée酒店票房 207.783.2009 X 525. 有關事件,並拼牌更新的詳細信息, 請訪問推廣的網站 www.NewEnglandFights.com. 此外, 你可以在觀看視頻NEF www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, 按照他們的Twitter @nefights並加入官方Facebook集團“新英格蘭戰鬥。”




新英格蘭戰鬥 (“NEF”) 是打架事件推廣公司. NEF的使命是創造緬因州的戰鬥機和球迷的一致好評最高的質量事件. NEF的執行團隊在作戰體育管理方面擁有豐富的經驗, 生產活動, 媒體關係, 市場營銷, 法律和廣告.