Tag Archives: Robert Dunton

Po 31 Drugi knockout, Dawejko looks forward to ShoBox date with Visinia on August 28

Philadelphia, PA (Avgust 18, 2015)– Avgusta 7 na Ballys v Atlantic Cityju, Joey Dawejko je hitro delo Roberta DUNTON v višini 31 druga-1 punch zaustavitev in zdaj Philadelphia Težji izgleda, da Avgust 28 showdown z dobrim prijateljem Starešine Visine v borbi načrtovana za 8-krogih na D Las Vegas. The bout will be televised live on ShoBox: New Generation.
Le nekaj dni po zmagi nad DUNTON, Dawejko vkrcal na letalo s trenerjem prijateljski McGirt in pomočnik trenerja Greg Hackett in šel takoj nazaj na delo, da začne priprave za boj z Visinia.
“Sodelovali smo v tem boju samo da bi dobili Joeya nazaj v zmagovalni okvir mislih. After the fight with Amir Mansour, Buddy začel popravljanje šlo narobe v tem boju. The Mansour fight was the first fight with Buddy and by the time August 28 pride okoli, Joey in Buddy se bo že v osnovi, ki delajo za 10 ravne tednov. I believe that the familiarity will produce the results that we are looking for,” je dejal vodja Dawejko Mark Cipparone iz kluba 1957 Upravljanje.
“To je zelo pomemben boj za Joeya. He knows that this is the next opportunity to prove that he is a top Heavyweight contender on national television. It is also important because he is a promotional free agent and we have a couple of nice deals already presented to us and a good win over a tough opponent in Natu is another way to showcase himself to all those who are interested.
Joey Dawejko
Joey Dawejko