標記檔案: 里諾


就職RJJ拳擊 & 銀舊事件

事件流媒體直播,並專門在UFC FIGHT PASS

LAS VEGAS (九月 16, 2019) – 里諾拳擊手的下一個浪潮將繼續以其豐富的拳擊傳統月 25 上 “RJJ拳擊在UFC FIGHTPASS®,” 共同促進在里諾行與銀遺產度假村賭場協會的喬伊吉爾伯特促銷, 內華達.

本次活動將直播和獨家流上UFC FIGHT PASS, 世界領先的格鬥運動的數字訂閱服務, 開始 10 P.M. AND / 7 P.M. PT, 從大博覽會大廳在銀遺產內.

當地義和團如輕量級 里卡多·盧西奧高爾文 (2-0, 2 科斯) 和超輕量級 威爾弗雷德·馬里亞諾 (1-0, 1 KO) 都定於在十月打. 25 要確定打擊對手卡.

主辦拳擊在內華達州西北段前期1880的小礦業城鎮期間舉行, 職業拳擊比賽,後來這個世紀有進行.

名人堂子殿 理查德·特克斯 和傳說中的重量級 傑克·約翰遜 首先把里諾拳擊地圖上七月 4, 1910, 當世界重量級冠軍衛冕成功,他對冠軍 詹姆斯Ĵ. 杰弗里斯, 他停在 15 輪在什麼據說有史以來單個拳擊事件的唯一場所. 什麼時候 總統威廉·塔夫脫 拒絕理查德的報價裁判, 理查茲成為第三個男子在環. 拳擊明星包括 傑克Kilrain, 湯米·伯恩斯, 和 阿伯·阿特爾 被引入的人群報導 16,528.

理查德第一次帶名人堂重量級冠軍的另一個大廳, 傑克·登普西, 里諾在 1915 他的第九親鬥爭, 當停止登普西 伊曼紐爾·坎貝爾 在第四輪在Airdrome競技場. 打架, 登普西不得不 “乘坐軌道” 從猶他州里諾, 存放在遠離與流浪漢火車. 登普西回到三年後淘汰賽傑克·莫蘭 在首輪以莫阿納春季競技場.

登普西可能已經參與未經批准的戰鬥在里諾以及. 他的拳擊生涯的早期過程中急需錢, 登普西是臭名昭著走進酒館,並說, “我不會唱歌, 我不會跳舞, 但我可以舔在家裡的任何SOB。”

在 1982 在HBO, 名人堂成員的未來館 “糖” 雷·倫納德 成功衛冕世界拳擊理事會 (WBC) 和世界拳擊協會 (WBA) 在百年體育館次中量級世界冠軍, 淘汰 布魯斯·芬奇 在三個回合.

里諾 - 基於吉爾伯特的前三 (2001-2003) 和過去三年 (2010) 親打架是在里諾舉行, 在那裡他有一個 7-2 (6 科斯) 親紀錄.

吉爾伯特評論, “他曾經參加過既是一個業餘和專業的這些相同的屬性; 行, 埃爾多拉多, 銀遺產, 和馬戲團, 這就像第二個家,我和所有的內華達州拳擊校友, 這是一個真正的榮譽,使拳擊和搏擊運動回到北內華達, 一個真正的戰鬥鎮, 並為客戶提供世界級的娛樂,並通過羅伊·瓊斯JR拳擊和UFC FIGHT PASSs一個令人難以置信的數字化生產, 與非常賭場和環境,幫助讓我今天我是誰了合作夥伴關係; 我不能更高興能成為其中的機會與埃爾多拉多度假村和UFC通過羅伊·瓊斯JR促銷打通行證的一部分. 我期待著與大家參與一個繁榮的夥伴關係, 包括當地社會和所有在該地區爭取球迷。”

名人堂裁判大廳 米爾斯巷 是雷諾的養子, 可以說是無. 1 裁判在拳擊世界, 他的活動高調拉伸過程中.

雷諾還主辦大型的業餘拳擊事件,如 2016 NCBA (學院) 在埃爾多拉多酒店和美國拳擊西部地區錦標賽 2018 西方精英預選賽和區域開放. 雷諾將舉辦 2020 西方精英預選賽 & 區域開放, 三月 21-28, 2020.

不敗超輕量級前景 劍道 “巨大” 卡斯塔涅達 (16-0, 7 科斯), 戰鬥從聖安東尼奧, 面對愛沙尼亞本土 斯坦Martyniouk (20-2, 6 科斯), 誰住在貝爾蒙特, 加利福尼亞州, 在10月的八輪的主要事件. 25.

共同功能的事件坑不敗重量級薩克拉門托 布雷克McKernan (10-0, 2 科斯) 針對 弗朗西斯科·里瓦斯 (15-2, 5 科斯), 墨西哥, 在八輪較量.

不敗WIBA世界女子最輕量級冠軍 Rosalindo羅德里格斯 (10-0, 2 科斯), 邁阿密, 發生在拉斯維加斯’ 不敗 傑米 “奇蹟” 米切爾 (5-0-2, 3 科斯) 在六輪的非冠軍的爭奪.

高爾文在對陣國王的親開張匹配 薩米爾·麥昆, 而馬里亞諾面對對手被確定.

還計劃在反對傳統接生員單獨四個輪較量在undercard打不敗拉斯維加斯輕量級 Daquan Mays (3-0, 1 KO) 和薩克拉門托輕量級 塞爾吉奧·維加 (2-0, 2 科斯).


門票可用於 $25, $45 和 $65 並且可以在銀遺產票房購買, Tick​​etmaster.com 或致電 775-325-7401 或1-800-必看.

銀遺產度假村賭場 是提供在其酒店以及其連接的妹妹屬性的特殊RJJ拳擊房價, 埃爾多拉多賭場度假村馬戲團里諾. 點擊了解更多信息的相應的屬性鏈接.

門開處 5 P.M. PT, 第一回合 5:45 P.M. PT, 和UFC FIGHT PASS開始於 7 P.M. PT / 10 P.M. AND.


Websites: www.RoyJonesJrBoxing.comwww.SilverLegacy.com
嘰嘰喳喳: @RoyjonesJRfa, @RoyJonesJrOfficial, @UFCFightPass, @JoeyPromotions, @SilverLegacy
Instagram的: @RoyJonesJRboxing, @RoyJonesJrOfficial, @artofmusiclv, @rivalboxinggear, @JoeyPromotions, @SilverLegacyReno
Facebook的: /RJJBoxing, /JoeyPromotions / SilverLegacyResortCasino

在里諾在UFCFIGHTPASS®顯示後起之秀劍道“特雷”卡斯塔涅達頭條RJJ拳擊在銀遺產度假村賭場, 內華達

就職RJJ拳擊 & 銀舊事件


事件流媒體直播,並專門在UFC FIGHT PASS

LAS VEGAS (九月 9, 2019) - 不敗超輕量級前景劍道“巨大”卡斯塔涅達 計劃做一些早期的伎倆或treatin“十月 25, 當他的頭條新聞上UFC FIGHTPASS®的“RJJ拳擊另一分期付款,“喬伊吉爾伯特促銷與銀遺產度假村賭場協會共同促進在里諾行, 內華達.

華僑城. 25 展現在里諾將現場直播,並專門對流UFC FIGHT PASS, 世界領先的格鬥運動的數字訂閱服務, 開始 10 P.M. AND / 7 P.M. PT, 從大博覽會大廳內的銀遺產.

這位25歲的卡斯塔涅達 (16-0, 7 科斯), 戰鬥從聖安東尼奧, 得克薩斯州, 是後起之秀和衛冕北美拳擊協會 (還) 超輕量級冠軍. 他的最後一戰是對危險淘汰賽藝術家一個令人印象深刻的10輪一致決定勝利 Eudy貝爾納 (24-3) 去年三月.

“在UFC FIGHT PASS令人印象深刻的勝利意味著一切對我和我的職業生涯,“的風度翩翩卡斯塔涅達說, 誰將會爭取他的家鄉得克薩斯州以外的第三次只作為一個專業。 “回到家鄉,在環是另一個日期對我來說. 快來十月 25, 人們都在為一個“巨大”的快感, 因為我會描繪邁克爾·邁爾斯對拳擊的經典萬聖節之夜“。

卡斯塔涅達有大約 120 業餘打架, 通過在他的金牌殊榮的性能突出 2018 馬戲團世界錦標賽。他也是兩屆聖安東尼奧和德克薩斯州金手套冠軍 (201102012), 在金手套全國錦標賽最終的冠軍失去了兩次.

在 18, 卡斯塔涅達決定,他已經受夠業餘拳擊手的他轉為職業球員, 主要是因為他自己的風格是親隊伍更適合。

卡斯塔涅達會面對他年輕的職業生涯中最嚴厲的考驗, 愛沙尼亞本土斯坦Martyniouk (20-2, 6 科斯), 誰打架了貝爾蒙特, 加利福尼亞州, 主要事件.

門票可用於 $25, $45 和 $65 並且可以在銀遺產票房購買, Tick​​etmaster.com 或致電 775-325-7401 或1-800-必看。

銀遺產度假村賭場 是提供在其酒店以及其連接的妹妹屬性的特殊RJJ拳擊房價, 埃爾多拉多賭場度假村 和馬戲團里諾. 點擊了解更多信息的相應的屬性鏈接。

門開處 5 P.M. PT, 第一回合 5:45 P.M. PT, 和UFC FIGHT PASS開始於 7 P.M. PT / 10 P.M. AND

信息: Websiteswww.RoyJonesJrBoxing.com www.SilverLegacy.com嘰嘰喳喳: @RoyjonesJRfa, @RoyJonesJrOfficial, @UFCFightPass, @JoeyPromotions, @SilverLegacyInstagram的: @RoyJonesJRboxing, @RoyJonesJrOfficial, @artofmusiclv, @rivalboxinggear, @JoeyPromotions, @SilverLegacyRenoFacebook的: /RJJBoxing, /JoeyPromotions / SilverLegacyResortCasino

雷諾JJ MARIANO TO MAKE親亮相 / 卡森市的埃利松返回響6月8日

5月30日, RENO — 北內華達州JJ馬里亞諾和迭戈埃利松多被安排在里諾 - 斯帕克斯會議中心6月8日世界拳擊錦標賽卡上打。本次活動由熱門排名公司介紹, 讓我們在促銷, 和亞特蘭蒂斯溫泉度假村. 當晚的功能相匹配的吸引力世界冠軍奧斯卡·巴爾德斯 (25-0, 20 科斯) 對傑森·桑切斯 (14-0, 7 科斯) 對於WBO羽量級世界冠軍.  

使他備受期待的親亮相, 里諾自己的JJ馬里亞諾將在四回合JR戰鬥弗雷斯諾的威廉Flenoy. 次中量級回合。馬里亞諾, 誰已經為內華達大學里諾的拳擊節目戰鬥中令人興奮的地方拳擊迷, 是準備扔他的帽子進入環獎.  

“我一直期待著為大約一年專業的戰鬥。”馬里亞諾說. “能夠有你的第一個親鬥爭在你的家鄉是一些特別的東西。”

馬里亞諾, 誰是里德高中畢業生, 最近還參加了各種金手套錦標賽.

在不敗前景的戰鬥, 卡森城輕量級迭戈埃利松 (2-0-1) 將戰鬥薩克拉門托國王隊的塞爾吉奧·維加 (2-0) 在四回合比賽。裁員後,, 埃利松多是渴望得到回到平方圈.

“我在拳擊更大的計劃。”埃利松多說.  “在織女星的勝利將是朝著正確方向邁出的一步。”

巴爾德斯 - 桑切斯和10輪的共同特徵將生活在ESPN和ESPN Deportes進行轉播的 10 P.M. ET /下午7時. PT. UNDERCARD較量將進行視頻直播的ESPN +, 領先的多運動流媒體服務, 在開始 6:30 P.M. 及/ 3:30 P.M. PT.


門票售價為這個世界冠軍賽 $103, $68 和 $43 現已公開發售,並且可以通過購買 Tick​​etmaster.com 或親臨亞特蘭蒂斯溫泉度假村禮品店.

奧斯卡巴爾德斯 - 賈森·桑切斯標題前列ESPN卡六月 8 在里諾 - 斯帕克斯會議中心


住在ESPN和ESPN Deportes進行 10 P.M. ET /下午7時. PT


RENO, 內華達州. (五月 9, 2019) - 拳擊最傑出的超級英雄行動, 奧斯卡·巴爾德斯, 將使他的WBO羽量級世界冠軍的第六次國防部週六, 六月 8 針對底價志同道合的傑森“厄爾尼諾Alacrancito”在里諾 - 斯帕克斯會議中心桑切斯.

巴爾德斯 - 桑切斯和標題餓競爭者沙利文巴雷拉和邁克爾密封件之間的10輪輕重量級對決將生活在ESPN和ESPN Deportes進行轉播的 10 P.M. ET /下午7時. PT. UNDERCARD較量將進行視頻直播的ESPN +, 領先的多運動流媒體服務, 在開始 6:30 P.M. 及/ 3:30 P.M. PT. 加布里埃爾·弗洛雷斯JR. (13-0, 6 科斯), 斷食在超過前他的第三輪淘汰賽在愛德華多·佩雷拉李嘉欣 10,000 球迷在他的斯托克頓的家鄉, 加利福尼亞州, 會看到在undercard動作.

由熱門排名晉升, 在我們協會的我們在促銷和亞特蘭蒂斯溫泉度假村, 門票售價為這個世界冠軍賽 $103, $68 和 $43 (包括設施費) 現已公開發售,並且可以通過購買 Tick​​etmaster.com 或親臨亞特蘭蒂斯溫泉度假村禮品店.

“賈森·桑切斯是真正的”鐵拳男人,'“前列董事長鮑勃·阿魯姆說. “他很年輕, 餓了,能夠拉過一個大冷門的. 它應該是一個令人興奮的戰鬥“。

“我很高興能在環回我的世界冠軍頭銜的第六防禦. 我知道有一個大的目標在我的背上,因為我是冠軍, 但沒有人會從我這裡拿這個冠軍離開,“巴爾德斯說. “這將是我的第二次戰鬥訓練與埃迪·雷諾索. 與艾迪培訓, 我覺得我曾經覺得最好. 我在角落埃迪我的第一次戰鬥中感受到了巨大的環. 我知道,我會更好看這一次了. 里諾和觀看ESPN和ESPN Deportes進行的球迷們可以期待一個偉大​​的表現,從我6月8日“

“我非常榮幸和幸運,有這樣的機會,“桑切斯說. 從阿爾伯克基“來, 新墨西哥, 我知道我必須加倍努力被察覺並得到我在哪裡,現在. 我將會把這個帶回家阿爾伯克基, 我的家人, 我的支持者, 最重要的是, 我已故的弟弟艾倫·桑切斯. 我相信他引導我沿著這條道路,我的旅程才剛剛開始。“

瓦爾迪茲 (25-0, 20 科斯), 墨西哥前兩個時間奧海, 已經激動拳擊迷,他去換打破風格. 他在七月獲得了WBO輕量級冠軍 2016 並證明了自己的勇氣與12輪bloodbaths對米格爾Marriaga三重奏, 杰納西斯·塞瓦尼亞和斯科特·奎格在連續的較量. 巴爾德斯熬過了過度的重量奎格去年三月一致決定,儘管有嚴重顎破戰鬥一半以上的回合. 繼奎格回合, 巴爾德斯用了近一年的時間, 二月返回. 2 弗里斯科, 得克薩斯州, 淘汰然後不敗的意大利挑戰者胭脂紅Tommasone在第七輪.

這位24歲的桑切斯 (14-0, 7 科斯) 進入此爭奪冠軍的輕量級分裂的上升最快的年輕後生之一. 去年十月, 他通過在巴拿馬市的一致決定震驚了當時的不敗讓卡洛斯·里維拉, 巴拿馬. 繼里維拉勝利, 桑切斯簽訂了前列長期推廣合同. 他印象中他的前列二月亮相. 2 弗里斯科, 得克薩斯州, 在第二輪淘汰丹尼爾·奧萊亞. 桑切斯希望成為只有第五男子從新墨西哥州的拳擊手贏得了世界冠軍.

巴雷拉 (22-2, 14 科斯), 前古巴業餘突出, 叛逃到美國 2009 並轉為職業球員那年晚些時候. 邁阿密的彪形大漢拿下第一 17 下探決定磅磅的偉大沃德之前,他的職業生涯的較量. 一種多年生的競爭者, 巴雷拉擁有超過張三小的勝利, 維亞切斯拉夫·Shabranskyy, 卡羅穆拉特和前超中量級世界冠軍傑夫·拉齊. 他挑戰梅德Bivol的輕重量級世界冠軍,去年被停在面前英勇戰鬥 12 而最後一輪.

密封件 (22-2, 16 科斯), 前後衛的阿拉巴馬&M大學, 在他的釘鞋的樹幹交易和五打業餘生涯之後轉為職業球員. 他是 19-0 當他與埃德溫·羅德里格斯發生衝突十一月 2015. 在拉鋸戰整個5擊倒, 羅德里格斯在第三輪年度競爭者的戰鬥中擊倒了封條. 海豹是 3-1 由於羅德里格斯戰鬥, 孤獨的損失通過取消資格來他打了對手之後,而他是在地面上. 這個不容錯過的動作鬥爭的勝利者將本著為潛在的世界冠軍頭銜的機會.

“我很高興能與熱門排名簽署, 一個世界級的組織,在世界上最好的輕重量級,“巴雷拉說. “我對未來充滿期待, 但第一步是處理商務六月 8 然後我可以期待一個射擊世界冠軍. 我的最終目標是謝爾蓋·科瓦廖夫. 我一直在追他我的整個職業生涯. 希望, 我們終於在今年打“。

“這意味著我的一切. 我曾與埃德溫·羅德里格斯的絕佳機會, 但我去與撕裂的肩袖這場鬥爭. 我基本上只用我的右手戰鬥,” 海豹說. “現在, 我 100 %的健康. 這是我的時間. 巴雷拉了他的時間. 我感覺很好. 我覺得犀利. 我覺得年輕. 我犧牲了這麼多,已經有很多的時間來思考我所做的決定,而我已經經歷了艱辛. 六月 8, 我要發揮我所有的挫折對巴雷拉. 我不想從巴雷拉帶走什麼. 他是一個世界級的戰鬥機, 但我也是如此。“

欲了解更多信息, 訪問: www.toprank.com, www.espn.com/boxing; Facebook的:facebook.com/trboxing; 嘰嘰喳喳: twitter.com/trboxing.

註冊行動在給ESPN + www.espnplus.com.


Elite Men Kick Off 2019 西方精英預選賽

RENO, 內華達州. (三月 26, 2019) – 該 2019 西方精英預選賽 & Regional Open Championships kicked off last night with 96 elite boxers taking to the rings to begin their journey in hopes of punching their ticket to the 2020 Olympic Trials for Boxing this December.

The three rings saw 16 exciting bouts in each ring to give a preview of what is to come during the week-long tournament at the Grand Sierra Resort & Casino in Reno, 內華達州. This year’s edition of the Western Elite Qualifier is the second event of the USA Boxing Olympic Trials Qualifying Series, which will see two boxers in each elite Olympic weight class advance to the Trials.

Action continues today with two sessions of boxing, beginning at noon with the prep and junior divisions, while the youth and elite men and women’s divisions will take to the ring beginning at 3:00 P.M. 美東時間 / 6:00 P.M. 太平洋標準時間.

Follow all the action this week, including our free live stream, 由 clicking here.

嘰嘰喳喳: @USABoxing
Instagram的: @USABoxing
Facebook的: /USABoxing


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April 30th, RENO — The card is set for May 4th’s world-class boxing event presented by Let’s Get It On Promotions and the Atlantis Casino Resort and Spa at the Reno-Sparks Convention Center. The evening’s feature attraction matches world-ranked Oscar “El Chapito” Vasquez (15-1) against Ricardo “El Niño” Sandoval (12-1) in an eight-round, super-flyweight battle. A spectacular undercard supplements the main event.




Undefeated heavyweight prospect and knockout machine, Frank “Freedom Fighter” Sanchez (5-0, 5 科斯), has been added to the May 4th card. Sanchez was born and raised in Guantanamo Bay Cuba. In his native country, he competed in over two-hundred boxing matches as an amatuer. He fled Cuba in 2016 and made his way to Las Vegas where he signed a managerial deal with retired Hall of Fame referee Richard Steele. Sanchez will be fighting veteran Lamont Capers (9-11) in a six-round battle.




卡森城輕量級迭戈埃利松 (2-0) will be fighting the very tough Canton Miller (3-1) in a four-round match.




In a six-round cruiserweight bout, 中美. Army Veteran Blake “The Beast” McKernan (7-0, 5 科斯) of Sacramento will be facing Mexico’s Daniel Arambula (4-2).




In a classic Mexican vs. Puerto Rican fight, Santos “Titos” Vasquez (5-2-1), who is Oscar’s younger brother and an alternate for the 2012 中美. Olympic boxing team, will be fighting Puerto Rico’s Bryan Aquino (11-2) in a six round junior-flyweight bout.




Ricardo “The Dreamer” Lucio-Galvan (2-0, 2 KO) is scheduled to fight in a four-round featherweight bout.


拼卡可能發生變化. First bell is at 7pm.



門票 $35, $65, $100 (taxes and fees not included) and can be purchased at the Atlantis Gift Shop, by calling Atlantis Special Events 888.551.7007 或 775.824.4467, or via ticketmaster.com. https://www1.ticketmaster.com/event/1700546DF068922D#efeat4212


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4月4日, RENO — Let’s Get It On Promotions and the Atlantis Casino Resort and Spa are pleased to announce “The Main Event”an exciting night of world-class professional boxing Friday, May 4th, 2018 at the Reno/Sparks Convention Center. Oscar “El Chapito” Vasquez (15-1) VS. Ricardo “El Niño” Sandoval (12-1) are matched in the main event.





In a sensational eight-round super-flyweight bout, Reno’s own Oscar Vasquez will be facing his toughest foe yet. Reno boxing fans remember Ricardo Sandoval (蒂華納, MX) when he faced the tough Brent Venegas last November. Sandoval earned the decision over Venegas in an action-packed brawl. Sandoval has earned three more wins since then. Many consider Vasquez vs. Sandoval to be a pick-em fight.





“It’s a coinflip.” Says Let’s Get It On Promotions’ Tommy Lane. “Both guys come forward, both like to exchange punches. It will be a very exciting fight.”





瓦斯奎茲, who is ranked in the top 15 在輕量級, is knocking at the door of a big opportunity. Sandoval has quickly earned a name for himself at the super flyweight division as well. A win for either will surely present bigger opportunities.





An exciting undercard will supplement Vasquez vs. Sandoval on May 4th.





卡森城輕量級迭戈埃利松 (2-0) and Reno’s rising star Ricardo “The Dreamer” Lucio-Galvan (2-0, 2 KO), a featherweight, will both be returning to the ring that evening in separate bouts. Lucio-Galvan, also a sophomore at UNR, is coming off of a sensational second-round TKO victory over Kenny Guzman on the Beltran vs. Moses card in February.





Cruiserweight Blake “The Beast” McKernan (7-0, 5 科斯) of Sacramento will be making his way over the mountains to fight May 4th. McKernan, an Army Veteran who served in Iraq, is looking to remain undefeated in a six-round bout.






Additional matchups are being put together for May 4th. More information will be announced soon. 拼卡可能發生變化. First bell is at 7pm.





Tickets are available and can be purchased at the Atlantis Gift Shop $35, $65, $100 (taxes & fees not included), by calling Atlantis Special Events 888.551.7007 或 775.824.4467, or via ticketmaster.com. https://www1.ticketmaster.com/event/1700546DF068922D#efeat4212





October 18th, RENO — Let’s Get It On Promotions and the Atlantis Casino Resort and Spa are pleased to announce an exciting night of world-class professional boxing 星期六, November 17th, 2017 at the Reno/Sparks Convention Center. The card will be co-headlined by lightweight sensation Gabriel Flores Jr., and Reno’s own Oscar Vasquez in separate bouts.


The youngest-ever Top Rank Inc. signed fighter, Gabe Flores Jr. (4-0, 3科斯) is on a meteoric rise in the fight game. The Stockton, CA seventeen-year-old manages to fight as he is completing high school. For the third time he will fight in Northern Nevada, where he regularly draws hundreds from his hometown. Flores will fight in a four-round lightweight bout.


Reno’s own Oscar Vasquez (14-1) is coming off an impressive ten-round unanimous decision victory this August in Fallon against the tough Javier Gallo. Vasquez is currently ranked fifteenth in the world in the flyweight division by the World Boxing Organization. Vasquez will be fighting Victory Ruiz (22-7) in a ten-round fight.


里卡多·盧西奧高爾文, also from Reno, will be making his pro debut on November 17th. Galvan, a second-year business major at UNR, is also a Dreamer. He is enrolled in the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program (DACA) and hopes he can use his boxing career to bring awareness to the issue. He is an experience amateur with nearly eighty bouts. Galvan will be fighting in a four-round jr. lightweight bout.


Carson City’s Diego Elizondo (1-0) will be returning to the ring on November 17th after beating Chandler Clements via unanimous decision in Fallon in August. Elizondo attributes his toughness to his Basque and Mexican heritage. He will be fighting in a four-round lightweight bout.


Super flyweight Bruno Escalante (14-3-1) of Redwood City, CA is slated to fight in a six-round bout in Reno. Escalante is trying to get his world title run back on track after some recent bumps in the road. Born in Cebu City, 菲律賓, Escalante is one of a handful of young Filipino boxers who are carrying the torch for Pinoy boxing. Escalante will be fighting the tough Alex Rangel (17-7).


Rounding out the card is bantamweight Brent Venegas (3-0) 斯托克頓, 例如. Venegas is scheduled for a four-round scrap.


More information will be announced soon. 拼卡可能發生變化.


第一鐘是在 7下午. Tickets are available and can be purchased at the Atlantis Gift Shop $35, $65, $100, by calling Atlantis Special Events 888.551.7007775.824.4467, or via ticketmaster.com.



JULY 19th, RENO — The City of Fallon and Let’s Get It On Promotions are pleased to announce the tenth annual ‘Rural Rumble’. 該 August 12th fight card will feature Reno’s Oscar “Chapito” Vasquez (13-1), and Gabriel Flores (2-0) 斯托克頓, 例如.


Oscar “Chapito” Vasquez, who was recently ranked #15 flyweight in the world by the World Boxing Organization, is coming off of a dominant unanimous decision victory over Armando Vasquez in June. He looks to further his world title campaign against veteran Javier Gallo (24-13-1) who is coming off of an impressive upset split decision victory over Jose Salgado in April. Vasquez versus Gallo is scheduled for ten rounds.


不敗, 令人興奮的, and youngest-ever signed Top Rank Inc. boxer Gabriel Flores makes his return to Northern Nevada at this year’s Rural Rumble. In his professional debut on May 5th, Flores delighted the Reno fight fans by impressively knocking out Devon Jones. On June 30th, he scored his second consecutive KO over Jahaziel Vasquez in Texas. .


Four other bouts are scheduled for August 12th in Fallon. Carson City’s own Diego Elizondo will be making his anticipated professional debut in a four-round lightweight fight. After impressing the boxing fans in Fallon last year, undefeated Northern California favorite Pedro Moreno (6-0) returns to the 2017 Rural Rumble in a lightweight bout. Reno Jr.-flyweight, Santos Vasquez, looks to continue his third win in a row in a six-round bout. And finally, Reno bantamweight Alec McGee (2-1) looks to get back into the win column as he, 太, returns to Fallon for the 2017 Rural Rumble in a four round scrap.


All bouts subject to change. Tickets are available now. $20 GA ($25 at gate), $30 ($35 at gate) floor seating, 和 $500 VIP tables are available. Tickets and tables can be purchased by calling (775) 423 4556. Find all information at Fallonfights.com



6月13日, RENO — In front of a packed crowd at the Atlantis Casino Resort and Spa, 里諾, flyweight Oscar Vasquez took a unanimous victory against Mexico’s Javier Lapizco. All three judges scored the bout 80-72. Vasquez was in control of the fight from the opening bell but had to weather several intense exchanges with the game Lapizco throughout the fight. Vasquez moves to 10-1, Lapizco to 7-4.


Oscar’s younger brother Santos scored a second-round TKO over Nestor Hernandez in a Jr. 蠅量級比賽. Santos had Hernandez down in the first round by landing a left-hook that landed perfectly. He continued to land punches in the second and once again put Hernandez down. After a third knockdown, referee Vic Drakulich called a stop to the contest. Vasquez moves to 2-2, Hernandez to 0-2.


上週六的 卡, Reno’s Alec McGee was successful in his professional debut over the tough Mulapi Enjani via unanimous decision in a four-round featherweight bout. The aggressive Enjani had his moments, but McGee’s boxing ability proved to be superior. Enjani moves to 2-2-2.


The sensational opening bout pitted super featherweights Derick Bartlemay and Matt Murphy against each other in a four-round fight. The nonstop action resembled the final fight sequence in a Rocky movie and ultimately resulted in a draw.


In a four-round super-featherweight bout, Rafael Busuioc scored a unanimous decision win over Jose Luis Gallegos in an a high energy bout.