标记档案: Rau'shee沃伦

罗伯特·复活节 (Robert Easter) 在他的家乡托莱多 (Toledo) 的拳击冠军主赛事中为轻量级冠军辩护,对抗路易斯·克鲁兹: Bounce TV 的下一轮

Zhanat Zhakiyanov 在联合主赛事中击败 Rau'Shee Warren 赢得最轻量级世界冠军
特雷尔·高沙(Terrell Gausha)在波多黎各的路易斯·埃尔南德斯(Luis Hernandez)上赢得一致决定胜利
点击 这里 对于照片 (照片即将举行)
图片来源: 小里奥·威尔逊/拳击冠军
多, OH (二月 10) – 差不多 10,000 粉丝为家乡英雄而战 罗伯特·复活节 (19-0, 14 科斯) 当他在对阵波多黎各的轻量级世界冠军时令人印象深刻地卫冕 路易斯·克鲁兹 (22-5-1, 16 科斯) 在托莱多的亨廷顿中心, OH 在主要事件中 总理拳击冠军: 下一轮反弹电视. 该 2012 奥林匹克替补队员在整场比赛中都发挥了他的影响力和力量, 在获得一致决定胜利的过程中三度击倒克鲁兹.
克鲁兹的最佳回合出现在第五局,因为他出现了动作, 不止一次让复活节暂停并将冠军推向绳索. 那轮过后, 整个复活节都在不停地挥拳, 并不总是取决于他的射程, 尽最大努力用强大的钩子和身体击球将克鲁兹固定回来. 复活节并没有因为他职业生涯中第三次看到第 10 轮而感到不安,因为大右手将克鲁兹送到了画布上进行了第一次击倒. 克鲁兹令人印象深刻地站了起来, 但复活节并没有放松.
他继续他的征服并与 10 距离第 11 轮仅剩几秒, 克鲁兹再次被击倒后被钟声救下. 战斗到最后, 复活节给喧闹的人群带来了他们来的目的,因为他伸出一只大右手几乎结束了战斗. 克鲁兹显然没有退出, 但不是复活节的比赛,因为评委打进了比赛 119-106, 118-107, 117-108.
在合作的主要事件, 三届美国. 奥林匹亚 Rau'shee沃伦 (14-2, 4 科斯) 当他通过敲击利用他的手速和力量时,从开场钟声中脱颖而出 扎纳特·扎基亚诺夫 (27-1, 18 科斯) 哈萨克斯坦不止一次, 但两次. 养兔场, 谁是第一次捍卫他的最轻量级冠军, 尽管在两次击倒后抛出了一连串未得到回应的拳头,但无法在第一轮结束战斗. 桌子开始转向支持 扎基亚诺夫 在第三轮他连续投出好几个勾拳, 向沃伦施压. 他扔了两个右勾拳,把沃伦撞到了画布上, 但裁判加里罗萨托裁定这是一个失误.
由前统一世界冠军 Ricky Hatton 训练和提拔, 扎基亚诺夫在整个中轮施加压力, 穿着沃伦. 但是这位辛辛那提本地人似乎已经开始了第八轮比赛,因为他在比赛还剩一分钟的时候就开始发火了. 扎基亚诺夫继续向沃伦施压,发挥自己的实力. 战斗从头到尾都充满了动作, 但正是哈萨克人赢得了分裂决定的胜利 116-110, 115-111 为扎基亚诺夫和 115-111 养兔场.
电视转播以克利夫兰本地人特雷尔·高沙之间的中量级比赛拉开序幕(20-0, 9 科斯)和波多黎各的路易斯埃尔南德斯 (15-4, 8 科斯). 高沙在第一轮中段用三直右手击中埃尔南德斯的脸. 然而, 是埃尔南德斯用一记巨大的上手击球让高沙大吃一惊 2012 奥林匹亚. 高沙很容易从被击倒中反弹,摆脱困境,并在整个过程中继续展示自己的力量.
裁判吉姆豪在第七轮两低一击后被埃尔南德斯扣一分. 尽管投了很多大球,埃尔南德斯仍然坚定不移, 尤其是第九回合,高沙距离结束战斗还有几杆距离. 到底, 高沙赢得了一致的决定 98-90 两次, 97-91.
战斗机 & 推荐语:
“今晚保持专注对我来说非常重要,但也要玩得开心. 我的人全力出击,所以我想给他们一个表演, 难忘的一夜. 我觉得我是这样做的, 即使我希望我能给他们淘汰赛.
“我承认, 我很惊讶路易斯克鲁兹能像这样接受我的拳头并完成战斗. 当我让他失望并受伤时 (在第二轮 10), 我以为他完了. 我给他的信用. 他走了很长一段路,表现出了很多心.
“我在战斗前说过,我会一直说下去 – 我是来收集所有腰带的. 我不会假装是那个不叫别人打架的人. 我在呼唤 Mikey Garcia, 豪尔赫·利纳雷斯和特里·弗拉纳根. 我想让他们看看我们今晚在这里做了什么, 我拉进来的人群. 我是冉冉升起的超级巨星,现在是我收集奖品并将这些战斗和所有腰带带回托莱多的时候了.
“就算见到哥哥 (拉奥肖·沃伦) 输了一场我们都以为他赢了, 我不能让它分散我必须在戒指上做的事情. 我讨厌 Rau'Shee 不得不再经历一次 – 三届奥运会失利, 在与胡安·卡洛斯·帕亚诺 (Juan Carlos Payano) 的第一场比赛中没有取得胜利, 然后在赢得它后几个月没有得到他的腰带, 现在就这样失去了. 他过得很艰难, 但我们是一个团队,我们必须互相帮助. 这成了我为团队而崛起的使命.
“实际上我想在五月或六月回来. 工作总是很辛苦,但我没有被削减或标记. 我想保持活跃,让所有的冠军和最好的挑战者都在场. TBT – Bunny Team 正准备接管。”
“他是一个非常强大的战士. 我想做更多,但他在战斗后期夺走了我的精力. 第一次击倒让我大吃一惊. 我感到头晕,但对我来说,用脚完成战斗很重要. 我从未停止尝试获胜, 但他是一位伟大的冠军,也是我遇到过的最好的.
“我要回家 (在波多黎各) 和家人一起享受时光. 我需要休息和放松. 之后, 我会考虑我职业生涯的下一步。”
“我知道在战斗结束时我配得上胜利, 但因为我们所在的地方, 我们不确定评委是否会给我们. 所以这让我们感到惊讶, 但不是我赢了. 我很早就受伤了, 但在那之后几乎每一轮我都超过了他,最终成为了更强大的战士.
“击倒让我震惊, 但 (培训师和推广员, 前两分世界冠军) 瑞奇哈顿让我保持冷静, 告诉我必须做出的调整. 一旦我能够进入并强制采取行动, 我看见 (沃伦的) 能级下降.
“我们很感激他给了我们为世界冠军而战的机会. 赢得那条腰带是一种奇妙的感觉. 他觉得他赢了比赛,想要复赛. 我们绝对可以谈论这样做. 我在世界各地战斗过,在任何挑战面前都不会退缩。”
“当 Zhanat 在战斗开始时就这样倒下时,我们感到很惊讶. 我只是想提醒他什么他做得更好以及 Rau'Shee 擅长什么. 他永远不会给他发件箱; 他不得不进入他的胸膛, 他不得不殴打他并吵架. Zhanat 做得很好,这就是他赢得比赛的方式.
“如果我们输掉了战斗, 我们会不高兴的, 但我们知道这不会是一个糟糕的决定. 我知道沃伦被内脏了, 他觉得他赢了,让我们说实话 – 这是一种无论谁赢的战斗, 失败者会觉得他应该举手.
“他们的风格是一场伟大的战斗. 为什么不再做一次? 不仅因为它很接近,而且因为这是一场如此精彩的动作战斗,而且永远如此。”
“男人, 我赢得了战斗. 我把他打倒了, 我正在用更干净的拳头让他错过. 这是什么, 评委偏爱好斗的战士, 即使他们还没着陆.
“我经历了同样的事情 (胡安·卡洛斯·) Payano, 输掉了我应该赢得的第一场比赛,然后在复赛中做出决定. 所以现在我必须第二次向这些评委证明我今晚应该得到什么. 我当然想要那场重赛. 我想要下一个, 我想要我的世界冠军头衔.
“显然你总是可以做得更多. 我们要回去, 看看我们可以做些什么不同的事情,并确保评委不再从我这里拿走它。”
“击倒是合法的, 但那是 (埃尔南德斯) 战斗中唯一的美好时刻. 他让我干净, 但它发生在我身上 (对阵威廉沃特斯职业生涯早期). 就像我当年那样, 我立即调整并控制了剩下的战斗.
“从托莱多的球迷和我所有来自克利夫兰的球迷那里得到这么多感觉真好 (高沙的故乡). 在这里度过了一个美好的夜晚,每当他们准备好将我们带回这里甚至是我的家乡时,我都愿意再做一次.
“每当我的团队说我有下一个机会时,我就准备好回来. 希望能尽快. 今年对我来说将是重要的一年。”
“我让他受伤,但我没有完成他. 击倒他后,我没有出足够的拳来放慢他的速度. 他配得上胜利; 我本可以做得更好,将来也会做得更好. 我希望 PBC 尽快让我回来,因为我想表明我属于最好的。”
“今晚投票率很高. 这是About Billions的第一次大促销; 这绝对不会是最后一次. 下周我们在辛辛那提打了一场比赛,我们会继续强势回归。”
拉沃尼·利特尔约翰, About Bilions Promotions CEO:
“对我们来说这是一个苦乐参半的夜晚, 罗伯特·复活节看起来像个超级巨星,但随后劳希·沃伦没有取得胜利. 我们希望在两场比赛中为球迷赢得胜利, 但评委们看到了他们在 Rau'Shee 的战斗中看到的.
“人群超出了​​我们的预期. 我们知道这将是一个很大的投票率但是当他们打开整个场地时我们看到几乎所有的座位都坐满了, 这是一种特殊的感觉. 现在我们可以将其转移到下周阿德里安的比赛中,并期待继续为俄亥俄州带来重大赛事。”
欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.premierboxingchampions.com, 在Twitter @ PremierBoxing, @RobertEaster_Jr, @RauSheeWarren, @BounceTV, 和@Swanson_Comm 并使用#PBConBounce 关注对话, 成为Facebook上的粉丝在 www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampionswww.Facebook.com/BounceTV. PBC on Bounce 由 Corona 赞助: 最好的啤酒. 复活节 vs. Cruz 由 About Billions Promotions 与 TGB Promotions 联合推广.
弹跳电视是增长最快的非洲裔 (AA) 电视网络和地方电视台的广播信号和相应的电缆传输. 该网络具有原创和网络外系列的节目组合, 文艺电影, 特价, 直播体育赛事多. 弹跳电视已经成长为超过可用 94 美国和百万家庭 93% 在所有非裔美国人的电视家庭中, 包括所有的顶级AA电视市场. Bounce TV 的创始人包括美国标志性人物马丁·路德·金, 三世和安德鲁·杨大使.
对于本地频道定位, 访问 BounceTV.com.

罗伯特·复活节 VS. 路易斯克鲁兹最终新闻发布会引述 & 照片

总理拳击冠军: 下一轮反弹
星期五, 二月 10 从托莱多的亨廷顿中心, 俄亥俄
点击 这里 从利奥威尔逊/英超冠军拳击照片
多, OH (二月 8, 2017) – 不败轻量级世界冠军 罗伯特·复活节和波多黎各的竞争者 路易斯·克鲁兹 复活节前举行了最后一次新闻发布会,成为他的头条新闻 总理拳击冠军: 下一轮 弹跳 在复活节家乡托莱多的亨廷顿中心, 俄亥俄.
Bounce 的电视报道开始于 9 P.M. AND/6 P.M. PT 并拥有最轻量级世界冠军和三届美国冠军. 奥林匹亚 Rau'shee沃伦 与曾经被击败的竞争者作战扎纳特·扎基亚诺夫.
门票现场活动, 这是由 About Billions Promotions 与 TGB Promotions 联合推动的, 售价为 $30, $50, $75, $100 和 $200, 与现已公开发售. 门票可在网上通过访问购买 www.ticketmaster.com, 或致电 1-800-745-3000.
这里是战士不得不说 星期三:
“殊不知, 我不喜欢说太多. 我喜欢用这双手在擂台上讲话. 二月 10 将是一个激动人心的夜晚,拥有一个充满本地人才的巨大底牌.
“在这里和这张卡片上的这些人是和我一起长大的人. 与他们分享舞台对我来说意义重大. 我为他们感到兴奋.
“我非常感谢托莱多球迷对我的所有支持. 你让我继续前进,你让我充满动力.
“我爸爸和我已经走了很长一段路. 路漫漫其修远兮,我们终于到了, 在上面. 没有他我做不到这件事.
“我面前有一个非常强悍的战士. 克鲁兹要来打架表演, 但我已准备好进行淘汰赛.
“我迫不及待地想参加这场战斗. 这是我等待多年的事情. 我是世界冠军,就像我知道我永远会是.
“有 Adrien Broner 在这里意味着很多. 他是我的大哥. 他向我展示了绳索,他是我一直仰慕的人.
“能够将这个冠军带回托莱多真是令人兴奋. 我希望你们都和我一样兴奋, 因为在 二月 10 你会看到烟花. 它会很短。”
“我非常感谢所有帮助我赢得这个机会的人. 我一直在努力训练,我打算充分利用这一点.
“希望所有出来的人 在周五 准备好看到一场伟大的战斗. 我要把这一切都留在戒指里.
“我知道一切都不利于我去他的家乡, 但为世界冠军而战是我的梦想,我会全力以赴。”
“这对我来说是一个非常重要的战斗. 我是世界冠军,但我还有很多工作要做. 我希望获得更多头衔.
“我的第一个障碍是处理这个强制性的. 在我让他摆脱困境后,我会准备好与其他冠军争夺冠军头衔.
“我必须在这场战斗中保持敏锐. 我必须坚持我的比赛计划 因为这个人要夺冠.
“我的对手是压力战士. 他试图挺身而出. 以我拥有的能力, 我会尽量让它看起来简单。”
“今天我戴上了我的第一张主卡,我对此感到非常兴奋. 能够通过两次世界冠军争夺战来宣传这样的卡片真是太棒了, 尤其是因为这张卡上的战士.
“这些战士是我一直在健身房牺牲的人. 这些家伙和我一样来自水和玉米片. 看到他们在那个戒指中,这将是一个真正的超现实时刻.
“我可以讲述关于我的故事, 罗伯特和劳希一整天. 现在我们都和冠军站在同一个舞台上, 代表这项运动. 我很高兴能为托莱多的球迷们带来一场精彩的表演。”
欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.premierboxingchampions.com, 在Twitter @ PremierBoxing, @RobertEaster_Jr, @RauSheeWarren, @BounceTV, 和@Swanson_Comm 并使用#PBConBounce 关注对话, 成为Facebook上的粉丝在www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampionswww.Facebook.com/BounceTV. PBC on Bounce 由 Corona 赞助: 最好的啤酒.
弹跳电视是增长最快的非洲裔 (AA) 电视网络和地方电视台的广播信号和相应的电缆传输. 该网络具有原创和网络外系列的节目组合, 文艺电影, 特价, 直播体育赛事多. 弹跳电视已经成长为超过可用 94 美国和百万家庭 93% 在所有非裔美国人的电视家庭中, 包括所有的顶级AA电视市场. Bounce TV 的创始人包括美国标志性人物马丁·路德·金, 三世和安德鲁·杨大使.
对于本地频道定位, 参观BounceTV.com.

不败 2012 中美. 奥林匹亚选手特雷尔·高沙 (Terrell Gausha) 对阵波多黎各选手路易斯·埃尔南德斯 (Luis Hernandez) & 2012 中美. 周五,奥林匹亚选手 Jamel Herring 在 Undercard Action 中迎战亚美尼亚选手 Art Hovhannisyan, 二月 10 从托莱多的亨廷顿中心, 俄亥俄

总理拳击冠军: 下一轮反弹
轻量级世界冠军罗伯特·伊斯特 (Robert Easter) 对阵波多黎各选手路易斯·克鲁兹 (Luis Cruz)
多, OH (二月 8, 2017) – 不败的竞争者和克利夫兰本地人 特雷尔Gausha 将对阵波多黎各 路易斯·埃尔南德斯 虽然轻量级竞争者 贾迈尔鲱鱼 进入擂台对抗亚美尼亚 阿特·霍夫汉尼相 在undercard的行动 星期五, 二月 10 从托莱多的亨廷顿中心, 俄亥俄.
此次赛事由不败的轻量级世界冠军领衔 罗伯特·复活节 回到家乡,迎战波多黎各队,这是他第一次卫冕世界冠军 路易斯·克鲁兹 在主要事件 总理拳击冠军: 下一轮 弹跳.
Bounce 的电视报道开始于 9 P.M. AND/6 P.M. PT 并拥有最轻量级世界冠军和三届美国冠军. 奥林匹亚 Rau'shee沃伦 与曾经被击败的竞争者作战扎纳特·扎基亚诺夫.
门票现场活动, 这是由 About Billions Promotions 与 TGB Promotions 联合推动的, 售价为 $30, $50, $75, $100 和 $200, 与现已公开发售. 门票可在网上通过访问购买 www.ticketmaster.com, 或致电 1-800-745-3000.
Gausha (19-0, 9 科斯) 和埃尔南德斯 (15-3, 8 科斯) 将参加一场 10 回合的中量级比赛,而赫林 (15-1, 8 科斯) 遇见霍夫汉尼斯扬 (17-3, 9 科斯) 在八轮轻量级比赛中.
额外的行动以一对不败的前景为特色 Raynell威廉姆斯 (11-0, 5 科斯) 战斗 贾斯汀·萨维 (29-9, 19 科斯) 在六轮初级轻量级比赛中 泰勒麦克里 (12-0, 6 科斯) 发生在 乔纳森·佩雷斯 (36-16, 28 科斯) 在八轮轻量级的吸引力.
完成行动之夜是重量级的 德文·巴尔加斯 (18-4, 7 科斯) 在对六轮较量 蒂姆·华盛顿 (6-4, 6 科斯), 不败轻量级 阿尔伯特·贝尔 (6-0, 2 科斯) 针对 James Lester (11-11, 4 科斯) 在六轮比赛中, 阿德里安·威尔逊 (3-1, 2 科斯) 对阵不败 拉沙德·斯科特 (3-0, 1 科斯) 在四轮次中量级比赛中.
29岁的高沙自从转为职业球员以来一直保持不败 2012 在他非凡的业余职业生涯之后,他赢得了美国. 除了他的奥运经验外,还获得了全国业余锦标赛. 在过去两年中,高沙在对阵经验日益丰富的比赛中取得了六场胜利,其中包括战胜奥兰多洛拉和史蒂文马丁内斯。 2016. 当他接手里约彼德拉斯时,他希望继续向世界冠军进军, 波多黎各本地人埃尔南德斯(Hernandez)曾五次夺冠 2016.
另一位业余选手在参加奥运会的同年赢得了全国业余锦标赛冠军, 鲱鱼来自辛辛那提,最初来自科拉姆, 纽约. 这位31岁的选手赢得了他的第一个冠军 15 职业拳击比赛,包括战胜路易斯·爱德华多·弗洛雷斯, 雅各布·阿米杜和赫克托·委拉斯开兹. 前美国议员. 陆战队, 赫林将面对经验丰富的竞争者霍夫汉尼斯扬(Hovhannisyan),他来自亚美尼亚,但现在在格伦代尔训练, 加利福尼亚州.
# # #
欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.premierboxingchampions.com, 在Twitter @ PremierBoxing, @RobertEaster_Jr, @RauSheeWarren, @BounceTV, 和@Swanson_Comm 并使用#PBConBounce 关注对话, 成为Facebook上的粉丝在www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampionswww.Facebook.com/BounceTV. PBC on Bounce 由 Corona 赞助: 最好的啤酒.
Bounce 是增长最快的非裔美国人 (AA) 电视网络和地方电视台的广播信号和相应的电缆传输. 该网络具有原创和网络外系列的节目组合, 文艺电影, 特价, 直播体育赛事多. 弹跳已经发展到超过 94 美国和百万家庭 93% 在所有非裔美国人的电视家庭中, 包括所有的顶级AA电视市场. Bounce 的创始人包括美国标志性人物马丁·路德·金, 三世和安德鲁·杨大使.
对于本地频道定位, 参观BounceTV.com.

Unbeaten Lightweight World Champion Robert Easter Returns Home to Defend Title Against Puerto Rican Contender Luis Cruz Friday, 二月 10 In Main Event of Premier Boxing Champions: The Next Round on Bounce TV from the Huntington Center in Toledo, 俄亥俄

更多! Bantamweight World Champion Rau’shee Warren Takes On
Once-Beaten Challenger Zhanat Zhakiyanov in Co-Main Event
门票发售 明天, 十二月 23!
多, OH (十二月 22, 2016) – 不败轻量级世界冠军 罗伯特·复活节(18-0, 14 科斯) 将返回家乡托莱多, 俄亥俄州捍卫自己的头衔对抗强硬的波多黎各人 路易斯·克鲁兹 (22-4-1, 16 科斯) 星期五, 二月 10 在主要事件 总理拳击冠军: 下一轮 弹跳电视 住在亨廷顿中心.
Bounce TV 的电视转播始于 9 P.M. AND/6 P.M. PT 并拥有最轻量级世界冠军和三届美国冠军. 奥林匹亚 Rau'shee沃伦 (14-1, 4 科斯) 与曾经被击败的竞争者作战 扎纳特·扎基亚诺夫 (26-1, 18 科斯).
“夺冠后能在家乡打上头条,梦想成真,” 说复活节. “我的第一个梦想是赢得世界冠军,现在我可以在我的人民面前捍卫它. 在宾夕法尼亚州的最后一场比赛中,我得到了球迷的大力支持,我知道每个人看到我在家都更加兴奋. 很多人觉得参与帮助我赢得那个世界冠军, 现在我们要庆祝回家了. 这对这座城市来说意义重大. 我迫不及待地想展示我的技能。”
“这对我来说是一个很好的机会,我正计划展现我最好的表现,” 克鲁兹说. “我要为我的家乡波多黎各而战,成为岛上的又一个世界冠军. 我知道复活节是个好斗士,他会得到球迷的支持, 但我已经比以往任何时候都更加努力地训练. 这将是一场激动人心的战斗, 但我不希望它走得更远。”
“我已经准备好要回在环,” 华伦说. “我很高兴比赛在我生日前三天,因为第一次捍卫我的冠军头衔并获胜将是最好的生日礼物. 我们一直在检查扎基亚诺夫. 我认为这将是一场精彩的表演,因为他绝对不是一个懒散的人. 我只想享受成为冠军的乐趣, defending my title and showing what I’m capable of.
I’m very happy to be fighting in the U.S. with a chance to become a world champion,” said Zhakiyanov. “I want to thank Warren for taking this fight, but it will be a big mistake. I’m coming to win and win impressively. This is going to be my statement that I am one of the best fighters in this division.
门票现场活动, which is promoted by About Billions Promotions, 售价为 $30, $50, $75, $100 和 $200, 并在销售中 星期五, 十二月 23. 门票可在网上通过访问购买 www.ticketmaster.com, 或致电 1-800-745-3000.
Toledo’s Easter and Cincinnati’s Warren will both look to show the Ohio crowd the skills that have made them world champions and potential big stars in the sport. Both fighters are making their first world title defenses and will do so in the friendly confines of the Buckeye State.
一个多才多艺的业余谁是 2012 中美. 奥运备选, the 25-year-old Easter picked up five-straight victories dating back to the beginning of 2015 before earning his world title opportunity against Richard Commey in September. Easter was successful in holding off the unbeaten Commey as he was able to earn a split-decision victory in a memorable fight. 现在, Easter will step into the ring as the fighting pride of his hometown for the first time, with his sights set on an impressive performance.
Representing Las Piedras, 波多黎各, Cruz’s last fight saw him in an entertaining back-and-forth scrap with lightweight contender Ivan Redkach in April that saw both men hit the canvas on their way to a narrow split draw. Cruz owns victories over Martin Honorio, Antonio Davis and Hevinson Herrera in a career that saw the fighter win his first 19 专业的较量.
A three-time Olympian, Warren competed for the U.S. 在 2004, 2008 和 2012 games before turning pro. The 29-year-old picked up victories over veterans Jose Luis Araiza, Javier Gallo, German Meraz and Jhon Alberto Molina leading up to his first world title shot in 2015. After dropping a controversial split-decision in their first fight, Warren defeated Juan Carlos Payano by majority decision in the rematch in June and became the first member of the 2012 中美. Olympic team to win a world title.
Fighting out of Petropavl, 哈萨克斯坦, Zhakiyanov has won his last 21 fights since his only professional loss in 2008. Most recently he picked up an interim bantamweight title via a decision victory in 2015 over once-beaten Yonfrez Parejo. No stranger to fighting on the road, Zhakiyanov’s U.S. 亮相于二月 10 will mark the 12 country that he has fought in as a professional.
# # #
欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.premierboxingchampions.com, 在Twitter @ PremierBoxing, @RobertEaster_Jr, @RauSheeWarren, @BounceTV, 和@Swanson_Comm 并使用#PBConBounce 关注对话, 成为Facebook上的粉丝在 www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampionswww.Facebook.com/BounceTV. PBC on Bounce 由 Corona 赞助: 最好的啤酒.
弹跳电视是增长最快的非洲裔 (AA) 电视网络和地方电视台的广播信号和相应的电缆传输. 该网络具有原创和网络外系列的节目组合, 文艺电影, 特价, 直播体育赛事多. 弹跳电视已经成长为超过可用 93.5 美国和百万家庭 93% 在所有非裔美国人的电视家庭中, 包括所有的顶级AA电视市场. Bounce TV 的创始人包括美国标志性人物马丁·路德·金, 三世和安德鲁·杨大使.
对于本地频道定位, 参观BounceTV.com.

Top Bantamweight Antonio Nieves Scorches Hungary’s Szilveszter Ajtai and Sets Sights on Showdown with WBA Champ Warren

上个星期六 (十一月 26), 克利夫兰, Ohio-based bantamweight Antonio “故事” Nieves stayed busy and kept himself in line for a cross-state showdown with Cincinnati-based WBA Bantamweight Champion Rau’shee Warren by stopping Hungary’s Szilveszter Ajtai with a single body shot.
Fighting at the Firebird Athletic Center in Bedford, 俄亥俄, WBO #5-rated Nieves (17-0-2, 9 科斯) planted a single left hook to the Hungarian’s body at :46 seconds of round two to earn his 17 professional victory. Watch the video of the knockout 这里.
The impressive victory keeps alive Nievesdream of facing cross-state rival Warren in an all-Ohio bantamweight championship fight.
The goal has always been to become a world champion,” said Nieves, 战斗后. “I’d love to fight for the WBO championship and bring that belt back to the United States. The dream fight would be a unification fight with Rau’shee Warren. I would love an all American, all Ohio match up with a great fighter like Rau’shee. We fought once in the amateurs back in 2011 when I had about four hours’ 注意. He won that fight by decision in Cincinnati. While we have always respected him, the next time we meet, there will be a different result and a different winner.
Nieves’ 促进者, Dmitry Salita of Salita Promotions, says he’s happy with his fighter’s performance.

Antonio did what he’s supposed to do as one of the world’s best 118-lb fighters,” 所述字. “That body shot he landed was one that few fighters could withstand. He’s in perfect shape and ready for his world title shot, which we are working to secure for him in the near future. I’m not sure I want Rau’shee Warren’s people to watch the video though. They may not give us the fight we really want.


开始 星期五 Over Two Dozen PBC Fighters and Past Olympians Congratulate 2016 Team on PBC website and Social Channels; Fighters Discuss Their Olympic Experiences in New Video & Editorial Content
LAS VEGAS, NV – 八月 2, 2016The Olympic Games hold a special meaning for the many 总理拳击冠军 series boxers who competed in past Olympiads. Representing the United States, 墨西哥, 海地, 俄罗斯, Great Britain and more, it served as the highest achievement of their amateur careers before they embarked on professional championship aspirations. 开始 星期五, an honored group of fighters that represented their homes as Olympians salute the members of the 2016 Olympic Teams on their achievements and wish them all the best in bringing home the gold. To view go to: www.premierboxingchampions.comwww.facebook.com/premierboxingchampions.
In a series of special video vignettes and articles on the Premier Boxing Champions 网站, previous Olympians like heavyweight world champion Deontay Wilder (Bronze medal winner in 2008 Beijing Games); Rau'shee沃伦, the only U.S. boxer to participate in three Olympics (2004, 2008 和 2012); and Errol Spence (2012 伦敦奥运会) will offer encouragement to members of the 2016 中美. Olympic boxing team. Warren and Spence will reminisce about their Olympic experiences together.
加里·拉塞尔, JR. (2008 Beijing Games) will talk about his experience in the Games and also discuss his brother, 加里·安图安·拉塞尔, who is a member of the 2016 中美. Team in Rio, when the Olympics kick off on 八月. 5.
特雷尔Gausha (2012 伦敦奥运会) will have some helpful tips for the members of the U.S. boxing team on how to maneuver through the Olympic maze and succeed in securing gold medals. Marcus Browne and Jamel Herring were also teammates with Gausha on that 2012 国奥队.
The PBC has over two dozen Olympic boxers representing countries including 墨西哥 (Abner Mares and Alfredo Angulo – 2004 Athens Games), 海地 (其他叶贝 – 2004 Athens Games), 俄罗斯 (Artur Beterbiev and Sergiy Deveryanchenko – 2008 Beijing Games), 大不列颠 (阿米尔汗 – 2004 Athens Games, 詹姆斯DeGale – 2008 Beijing Games), 多明尼加共和国(胡安·卡洛斯·Payano – 2004 Athens Games/2008 Beijing Games and Gold medalist Felix Diaz – 2008 Beijing Games), 波多黎各 (何塞·佩德拉萨 – 2008 Beijing Games), Cameroon (萨基金牛座 – 2000 Sydney Games), 英属维尔京群岛(John Jackson and Julius Jackson – 2008 Beijing Games),哈萨克斯坦(Beibet Shumenov – 2004 Athens Games and Kanat Islam – 2004 Athens Games/2008 Beijing Games).
To check out the videos and articles on the PBC boxers and their Olympic experiences go to HTTP://万维网.premierboxingchampions.com/
The series runs through the entire length of the games.

Light Heavyweight Contender Joe Smith Jr. Shocks Hometown Favorite Andrzej Fonfara with First Round Stoppage On Premier Boxing Champions on NBC from UIC Pavilion in Chicago

Rau’shee Warren Wins Bantamweight World Championship with Majority Decision Over
Juan Carlos Payano in Exciting Rematch
Rising Star Erickson Lubin Blasts Mexico’s Daniel Sandoval On His Way to Third Round Stoppage Victory & Maciej Sulecki Stops Hugo Centeno In Final Round To Win Battle of Unbeaten Middleweights
Welterweight Prospect Alex Martin Remains Undefeated With Split-Decision Victory Over
Juan Carlos Abreu In Live PBC on NBCSN Action
点击 这里 for Photos from Leonard Wilson Jr. & Nabeel Ahmad/
Highlights Available 这里 Via PBC Youtube Page
文华财经 (六月 18, 2016) – Hard-hitting light heavyweight contender 乔 - 史密斯JR. (22-1, 18 科斯) delivered a shocking upset with a first round stoppage of crowd favorite 安杰伊Fonfara (28-4, 16 科斯) 星期六 在晚上的主要事件总理拳击冠军 NBC 从UIC馆芝加哥.
It was a short night for the heavily favored Fonfara, who was rocked by a roundhouse right from Smith Jr. that immediately sent the Polish fighter to the canvas. Fonfara stumbled to his feet, but never regained his composure.
史密斯JR. sensed his moment and attacked, connecting with a cross-hook combo that put Fonfara back on the ground. Fonfara was able to get to his feet, but was too shaky to continue, forcing referee Hector Afu to stop the fight at 2:32 进入第一轮.
The opening bout of the night saw Rau'shee沃伦 (14-1, 4 科斯) earn a bantamweight world championship as he defeated 胡安·卡洛斯·Payano (17-1, 8 科斯) in a rematch of their August 2015 world title bout.
The three-time Olympian Warren became the first member of the 2012 中美. team to earn a world title when he was awarded the majority decision over the two-time Dominican Olympian Payano.
Payano was the aggressor throughout the night, as he threw 882 punches to Warren’s 514. While Payano out-landed Warren 162 到 160, it was the new world champion who threw cleaner punches all night on his way to a 31 percent connect rate to Payano’s 18 percent rate.
The southpaws went toe-to-toe again for much of the night, but it was Warren who had more success catching the champion as he lunged in. Payano picked up the aggressiveness as the fight went on, as he battled through a rib injury suffered in the early rounds.
在第二轮 11, Warren was able to seriously stagger Payano early on and won the round on all three judges’ 记分卡. 在第二轮 12 he had more success early in the round as he opened up a cut under Payano’s right eye. 到底, 评委们为这场比赛打分 115-113 for Warren twice and 114-114.
Further televised action on NBC featured rising star 埃里克森 “锤” 鲁宾 (15-0, 11 科斯) earn a third-round stoppage of Mexico’s 丹尼尔·桑多瓦尔 (38-4, 34 科斯) 在他们的超中量级比赛.
The Orlando-born fighter looked to cement his status as a contender as he picked apart Sandoval over most of the first three rounds before delivering a fantastic flurry that ended the fight. It was a combination of hooks and a strong straight right hand that staggered Sandoval.
Referee Danny Nelson quickly jumped in and called a halt to the bout at 2:36 进入第三轮. The punch stats told a similar tale as Lubin connected on 80 他 161 punches thrown while Sandoval only landed 43 的 203 拳.
In the final televised bout on NBC, Polish middleweight 马切伊Sulecki (23-0, 8 科斯) 打败 雨果·森特诺JR. (24-1, 12 科斯) 由 10 round stoppage in their battle of previously unbeaten fighters.
Sulecki controlled much of the action throughout the fight, using a strong jab that eventually opened up a cut over Centeno’s right eye in the ninth round. Sulecki was the better conditioned fighter, as he consistently beat Centeno to the punch, following up on his jab with strong power punches. His biggest advantage came in the power punching department as he landed 127 to Centeno’s 47.
在最后一轮, Sulecki connected with a powerful straight right hand that dropped Centeno to the canvas. While Centeno was able to get to his feet, he was deemed unable to continue by referee Danny Nelson, who halted the bout 1:06 into the final round.
In live action on NBCSN, Chicago prospect 亚历克斯·马丁 (13-0, 5 科斯) remained undefeated with a split decision victory over 胡安·卡洛斯·阿布雷乌 (19-3-1, 18 科斯) in their eight-round welterweight bout. Martin controlled much of the action with his jab and clean punching, but it was Abreu who scored a late knockdown in the final round with a straight right hand.
Abreu’s aggressive style made it a competitive fight as one judge scored it 76-75 for Abreu, but he was overruled by scores of 78-74 和 77-74 for Martin.
Here is what the fighters had to 星期六 夜晚:
乔 - 史密斯JR.
There’s no feeling like this. I’m happy to take this victory back home to New York to all my fans.
I’ll talk to my promoter but I’m hoping for another big fight to get myself to a world title.
Now everybody knows who I am. This is the best thing that could have happened.
Once I started hitting him and pushing him back he fell away and left himself open for the right hand.
I thought this would be more of a fight, but I took him out early and it feels great.
He was punching and I knew he leaves himself open. I was just looking for the punch and it landed.
He is a heavy puncher. He hit me with a great punch. 它发生.
I threw some good punches, but I got too comfortable. I didn’t see the punch coming. That made it a great punch.
I’m disappointed because I thought I would win the fight but it is boxing. I will rest and get back in the ring. I’ll get back to work.

This feels great. 这太不可思议了. Payano came to put on a great fight but I came out victorious. 这是一个很好的战斗. 如果他想复赛, 我们可以再次做到这一点.
I was comfortable that I had won the decision. He came to fight and he stayed active. My corner just told me I had to answer back.
We wanted to make him miss and make him pay. I definitely made him miss a lot. He was just staying busy. I bobbed and weaved. I pressed him enough to where I could take over. Barry Hunter told me I had to take the last round and I got him cut.
My corner just kept telling me to work. I knew I was in control but I just had to step on the pedal at the right time.
I want to take it to another level. A third fight could be really big. I want Warren-Payano 3 在辛辛那提. If not I’ll go after all the other champions.
I wasn’t able to completely follow my game plan. At moments I was able to do what we trained for, but not enough. I hurt my rib early in the first two rounds and it made it difficult to grab and breathe. 我带什么离开他.
I was courteous enough to offer the rematch right away and I hope that I get reciprocated the same way.
Rau’shee was pretty much the same as last time. I fought his pace and I didn’t follow my plan. I wasn’t able to do what I wanted to do and he was able to prevail. I think I gave the fight away and Rau’shee won the fight.
I felt great. He’s a veteran so I wanted to take my time and get him out of there by chipping away. I saw that he was hurt with a hook. I saw that it cut him and I wanted to rush him. A flurry of punches and the ref stopped it.
I’m looking at going higher in the rankings. My team knows I’ll fight everybody. They have to stop me from fighting people cause I’ll say yes to anyone. I just want a title and I’ll do anything to get there.
I’m still working. 我现在感觉好极了. I’m excited to get back in the gym. I didn’t hurt anything. I just want to keep going from here.
I will fight anybody. I’m not a ‘turkey,’ I’m a ‘pilgrim.Everybody is on my radar.
He threw a good combination and I stopped throwing punches, so the referee did what he had to do.
The referee had the best vantage point and I agree with his decision. Lubin was the better fighter 今晚.”
It was a milestone fight for me. This could give me a chance to fight for the middleweight world title.
I’ve always thought of myself as a technical fighter. I just needed a small adjustment to move the technique to power. That is exactly what happened when I moved to America.
This is unbelievable. It’s hard to put into words. Fighting on the biggest stage in American television is amazing.
I knew from the beginning that I was going to dominate. I needed a couple of rounds to get my timing. Once I got my timing, I knew that I was physically and mentally better than this guy.
I want to fight Daniel Jacobs. I think that would be a great fight.
I had trouble making weight. I don’t want to make excuses. He did what he had to do, but I felt like I couldn’t do what I wanted to do.
I felt sluggish by the fourth round. The fatigue set in hard. I wanted to finish the fight. I work hard for it. 就是这样, but I can’t wait to get back in the ring again.
在Twitter @PremierBoxing, Andrzej_Fonfara, JC_Payano, @RausheeWarren, @EricksonHammerL, @WarriorsBoxProm, @StarBoxing and @NBCSports and become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxing,www.Facebook.COM / WarriorsBoxingPromo, 万维网.Facebook.com/StarBoxing万维网.Facebook.com/NBCSports. Highlights available at www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions. PBC on NBC and NBCSN was sponsored by Corona Extra, La Cerveza Mas Fina and promoted by Warriors Boxing and Star Boxing

安杰伊Fonfara, 张三小, 胡安·卡洛斯·Payano, Rau'shee沃伦, 埃里克森鲁宾, 丹尼尔·桑多瓦尔, 雨果·森特诺 & Maciej Sulecki Media Workout Quotes & 照片

PBC on NBC Tripleheader 星期六, 六月 18
UIC Pavilion in Chicago
8:30 P.M. AND/5:30 P.M. AND
点击 这里 对于照片从
Nabeel Ahmad/Premier Boxing Champions
文华财经 (六月 15, 2016) – Fight week kicked-off in Chicago 周三总理拳击冠军 NBC taking place this Saturday, 六月 18 at the UIC Pavilion headlined by light heavyweight bruiser 安杰伊Fonfara battling hard-hitting New Yorker 乔 - 史密斯JR.
电视报道开始于 8:30 P.M. AND/5:30 P.M. PT and features a bantamweight world championship rematch between 胡安·卡洛斯·Payano Rau'shee沃伦 plus rising star 埃里克森鲁宾 battling Mexico’s 丹尼尔·桑多瓦尔. 在 11 P.M. AND/8 P.M. PT, PBC coverage switches to NBCSN and will feature a battle of unbeaten middleweights as 雨果·森特诺JR. takes on Poland’s 马切伊Sulecki.
门票现场活动, which is promoted by Warriors Boxing and Star Boxing, 售价为 $201, $101, $61 和 $41, 不包括适用的服务费, 与现已公开发售. 要通过电话与充电主要信用卡, 致电特玛在 (800) 745-3000 或UIC馆票房为 (312) 413-5740. 门票也可在www.ticketmaster.com 或者通过访问UIC馆票房 (星期四星期五9:00 A.M. – 4:00 P.M.).
周三 media workout took place at Oakley Fight Club in Chicago as the fighters showed off their skills for the media heading into fight night.
这里是战士不得不说 星期三:
I’m in great shape right now. Camp went very well. We had great sparring and conditioning. I’m definitely ready to fight.
We’ve seen a couple of his fights. 他是一个年轻的, 硬汉. I know that I must win the fight. I’m prepared and I will be victorious.
I expect this fight to be a real battle. I’m not going to stop throwing punches. I will control the ring and find my spots. I definitely want to give my fans the knockout.
Fighting in Chicago is a great motivation for me because I have such outstanding support here. I always want to entertain my fans so they keep coming back to watch me perform.
I was the underdog my whole career. Now in this position, it’s even better. I’m motivated by being in this position. I know my opponent feels overlooked and that will add to his motivation, but I’m ready.
乔 - 史密斯JR.
We’ve done some traveling in camp to get excellent sparring and overall it’s just been a great camp. I’m excited to be here and ready to get in the ring. I’m happy to have this opportunity because I worked so hard for it. I’m looking to put on a show.
This is a big chance and if I win I can open up a lot of doors. I just need to do what I do best and hopefully I’ll be in a world title fight next.
I love representing Long Island and New York. I want to bring a title back home.
I’m going to give it my all and at the end of the night I should come out on top.
People can expect a great fight with the same result as the first matchup. I will come out the victor.
As far as any controversy from the first fight, it was a close fight. I could have made it easier but nevertheless it was what it was.
“在一天结束时, I am the world champion and I took the fight to the challenger. That alone warrants a win. Warren connected at a high percentage but mostly with small body shots that didn’t affect me.
Warren is the second best fighter in the division and I have no bad feelings towards him. I respect him as an accomplished amateur, but this is not the amateurs. This is a 12-round battle and the same result will come 周六 夜晚.
I’ve prepared in the same fashion that I always do. I train all out and I give it my all in the ring.
I understand my mistakes from the first fight and I know they’re corrected coming in. I’m sure Rau’shee has made his own adjustments. No matter how many times we fight, it will be this same kind of exciting battle.
I’m going to prevail as the world champion that I am. I will show that there really was no controversy. I’m going to be decisive and make sure that the judges will have no option but to give me each round.
I’ve been on the big stage before so there is no extra pressure on me. I believe I’m the underdog in this fight but with a win I can show how great I really am.
This camp I’ve been sparring with a lot of bigger guys and guys with similar styles to Payano. This camp overall has been great. There’s been a lot of energy in.
I’ve been getting ready for this since the first fight. That’s going to be the biggest difference from the last fight.
I’m expecting Payano to try to prove himself. He’s going to bring his all and put it all on the line, just like I will.
It’s been such an unbelievable camp working in D.C. with Lamont Peterson and his coach, 巴里·亨特, along with my coach, 迈克·斯塔福德.
This fight is going to be different. 我知道. I’m coming in there to fight. He might think he has the blueprint, but it’s a different story every time. I don’t know if this fight is going 12.
This is going to take my name up to another level. The world can see me fight. People are ready for the rematch and they’re excited to see what we bring to the table.
“我会做我想做的. I’ll feel him out, then take control. It’s important to stick to my plan. I’m not thinking about anything else but me and Payano.
I’m ready to bring something different. If he misses, I’m going to make him pay. He brought the dog out of me last fight and it will be out again. I have a lot to bring to the table.
“训练营是伟大的. I had a lot of time to improve my game and I feel like 这个星期六 I will be more than prepared. I’m planning on putting on a show.
I always want to be in tough matchups. It’s been tougher every time and I’ve still come out victorious. That won’t change 周六. I’m moving up the ladder and I’m ready.
I’ve always known I would get here because I believe in myself and my team believes in me. I’m chasing that world title.
I picture myself breaking my opponent down. If he makes a mistake I’ll knock him out early. 无论, I’m going to dominate the fight and come out victorious.
I’m very happy with training. It’s been a great camp and now I’m just getting ready to weigh-in and get in the ring.
The kid is a good fighter. He’s young and skilled but I know that I am going to get this victory.
I’m a Mexican. Mexicans are hungry and we want to win. I have better technique and I’ve done my studying. I’m going to come forward and win the fight.
“我真的很兴奋. I feel strong and ready for fight night. 幸好, I was able to have a nice long training camp with Eric Brown.
There’s been a long layoff but now we’re here and ready to keep it going. I’m a gym rat. So I’ve been in the gym for six months. The layoff won’t hurt me, I just love to get in the ring.
I’m an aggressive boxer, but if I have to mix it up on the inside I will happily do it. I like to fight smart, I’m a lanky fighter and I can fight right handed or southpaw.
I’m an aggressive boxer, but if I have to mix it up on the inside I will happily do it. I like to fight smart, I’m a lanky fighter and I can fight right handed or southpaw.
My opponent is about my size and it should be a really good matchup. We’re both undefeated which should make it fun. 老老实实, I don’t think he’s fought someone at my caliber yet, 但我们会看到 周六.”
We’re going to find out how hard this fight is when I get in the ring. Only then can we see what my opponent really can do.
“无论, there can only be one winner and it will be me. I will win decisively.
I’ve only seen one of his fights. He has a come-forward style and he’s tall. It won’t be about him though. It’s going to be about what I can do in there.
I’m not a guy who thinks about how each round will go. But I have a general idea of what I want to do and how I want to get the victory.
在Twitter @PremierBoxing, Andrzej_Fonfara, JC_Payano, @RausheeWarren, @EricksonHammerL, @WarriorsBoxProm, @StarBoxing and @NBCSports and become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxing,www.Facebook.com/WarriorsBoxingPromo, www.Facebook.com/StarBoxingwww.Facebook.com/NBCSports. 可在亮点 www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions. PBC on NBC is sponsored by Corona Extra, 最好的啤酒.

JUAN CARLOS Payano “I’ll be ready for war. Warren is in trouble

Photos By Team Pro Box Management
MIAMI, FL (六月 15, 2016)In an anticipated rematch, WBA and IBO bantamweight champion, 胡安·卡洛斯·Payano (17-0, 8 科斯), is ready to defend his titles against Rau’shee Warren (13-1, 4 科斯) and show the world he’s the king at 118 英镑. The 12-round co-main event bout scheduled for this Saturday, 六月 18, 2016, will take place at the UIC Pavilion in Chicago, 伊利诺伊. 总理拳击冠军 (PBC) on NBC will broadcast the event live starting at 8:30 P.M. AND/5:30 P.M. PT.
Payano, who won a split decision against Warren in their first bout, wrapped up his final day of training camp yesterday and vows to come out victorious when the two meet again 这个星期六. After a great camp. Payano is ready for war.
I had a great training camp and everyone will see the improvements I’ve made since I fought Warren last August.” 帕亚诺说. “Once I settle in Chicago, I’ll be well rested and right on weight.
I’ve had a lot of time to reflect on my strengths and weaknesses. I’ve put in a lot of work during this training camp, to better myself, and I feel I’m at the top of my game right now. 我会放弃一切,在环 周六 夜晚. I have the blueprint to beat Warren. I’ll be ready for war. There is no doubt in my mind that my hands will be raised in victory once again. Warren is in trouble

Get To Know Rising Star Erickson Lubin; Undefeated Super Welterweight Takes On Mexico’s Daniel Sandoval Saturday, 六月 18 In Primetime On Premier Boxing Champions on NBC from UIC Pavilion in Chicago

点击 这里 For Training Camp Photos From Dave Nadkarni/Premier Boxing Champions & Team Pro Box Management
文华财经 (六月 14, 2016) – 不败的后起之秀 埃里克森 “锤” 鲁宾 is set for his primetime debut on 总理拳击冠军 NBC 星期六, 六月 18 as he faces Mexico’s 丹尼尔·桑多瓦尔 at the UIC Pavilion in Chicago.
PBC on NBC is headlined by Polish star 安杰伊Fonfara against hard-hitting New Yorker 乔 - 史密斯JR. 电视报道开始于 8:30 P.M. AND/5:30 P.M. PT and features the bantamweight world title rematch between 胡安·卡洛斯·Payano 拉奥肖·沃伦.
门票现场活动, which is promoted by Warriors Boxing and Star Boxing, 售价为 $201, $101, $61 和 $41, 不包括适用的服务费, 与现已公开发售. 要通过电话与充电主要信用卡, 致电特玛在 (800) 745-3000 或UIC馆票房为 (312) 413-5740. 门票也可在www.ticketmaster.com 或者通过访问UIC馆票房 (星期四星期五9:00 A.M. – 4:00 P.M.).
The 20-year-old from Orlando picked up five victories in 2015 并开始了 2016 with his first headlining appearance as he dominated Jose De Jesus Macias on Bounce TV in January. 外环, the heavy-handed fighter listens to Drake, watches Scarface and idolizes Muhammad Ali.
Here are some more facts and quotes from the undefeated fighter:
On his family’s involvement in his career:
My family didn’t really want me boxing at a young age. They wanted me to be into other sports. But I loved it so eventually they had no choice. They’re very supportive now and my dad tries to make it to every fight.
My family is filled with athletes. I have four sisters and two brothers. One of my sisters is a professional dancer and my older brother played football at a high level. Another older brother boxed and got me into the sport when I was about six.
On his interests outside of the ring:
I think I would have kept pursuing my basketball career if I hadn’t gotten into boxing. I played small forward in high school. My game was kind of like James Harden. I liked to score and I was tough to stop.
I’ve always been really into music. My brother is a music producer so sometimes I’ll get on the mic and spit something. It’s just for fun but I like doing it.
What motivates you and what kind of mentality do you have in the ring?
I usually don’t get too motivated by specific opponents. I just want to take them out. 搏击之夜, I’m going to be there ready to go.
I try to emulate the mentality of Kobe Bryant. He’s a killer. He has the strongest mentality in sports. I just want to take my opponent out.
Other fighters definitely motivate me. I idolized Muhammad Ali and he’s always meant a lot to me. I looked up to fighters like Floyd Mayweather, Mike Tyson and Meldrick Taylor. There are a lot of guys out there now motivating me. Daniel Jacobs is a fighter that I look up to and Errol Spence is a guy that can really fight. Seeing guys perform on a high level makes me want to get to that level as well.
Quick Facts
Favorite Music: “Rap and Hip-hop. I listen to a lot of Drake.
Favorite Movie: “Scarface.
Favorite Television Show: “PBC, because it’s on all the networks.
Favorite Healthy Food: “Grilled chicken and fish. I love tilapia. I go to Whole Foods during camp to maintain my diet.
Favorite Junk Food: “I like every kind of seafood. Lobster, shrimp, scallops, oysters and clams, I love it all. It’s nice to live in Florida.
Celebrity Crush: “Angelina Jolie. She’s beautiful and a great character. I loved the Tomb Raider movies.
在Twitter @PremierBoxing, Andrzej_Fonfara, JC_Payano, @RausheeWarren, @EricksonHammerL, @WarriorsBoxProm, @StarBoxing and @NBCSports and become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxing,www.Facebook.com/WarriorsBoxingPromo, wwwFacebook.com/StarBoxing andwww.Facebook.com/NBCSports. 可在亮点 www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions. PBC on NBC is sponsored by Corona Extra, 最好的啤酒.