Tag Archives: Nagradne Promotions

Prize Promotions Tabs Russell Peltz and BrittanyBamRogers for Matchmaking Duties

Danbury, CT (April 16, 2015)- At the beginning of April, newly licensed Connecticut boxing promoter A.J. Galante introduced his company, Nagradne Promotions. Galante spoke of his goal of bringingOld Schoolboxing to Connecticut.

To prove he is serious about his vision, Galante has turned his matchmaking over to Hall of Fame Philadelphia promoter, Russell Peltz along with one of the sports youngest and most promising promoters and matchmakers, Brittany “BAM


Russell is the definition of Old School matchmaking, he’s one of the last out there, so it was a no brainer for me to reach out to him, and I am honored that he is willing to work with me.” Galante izjavil, “His resume speaks for itself, I am extremely confident that working together, we will put on spectacular showsGalante was also extremely excited to work with BrittanyBAM” Rogers, who works in conjunction with Russell Peltz,

I’m often referred to as one of the youngest boxing people on the business side of things, but BAM is actually younger than me, and has been in the sport longer than me. I have a lot of respect for her and have been learning a lot through working with her.

Ultimately Galante said what cemented his choice on his matchmakers, was a trip to Philladelphia in October, to attend a show promoted by both Peltz and Rogers, “When you think Philly boxing, you think gritty and exciting, and you can’t think Philadelphia boxing without Russell Peltz and Brittany Rogers, and I am looking forward to bringing those types of shows and that environment here to Connecticut.It won’t be long for Galante to fulfill his promise, as his first show Danbury Fight Night, bo potekala na30. maj na Danbury Arena, in his hometown of Danbury, CT.

The card is currently taking shape, and will be announced soon. Vstopnice je mogoče kupiti z obiskom www.prizepromotions.netPricing: $100,$75, $50 & $25

Novo Licenčna Connecticut Boks Promotor A.J. Galante naznanja nagrade Promocije – Prvi Prikaži maj 30

Danbury, CT (April 2, 2015)- V 2011, pri starosti 24, A.J. Galante je postal eden najmlajših vodij Professional Boxing v športu. Sedaj pri starosti 28, da je postal eden najmlajših Predlagatelji tudi. Connecticut temelji Promotor je uradno predstavil svoje podjetje, Nagradne Promotions, ta teden.

“Navdušen sem za ta izziv.” Galante izjavil, “To ni bilo nekaj, kar sem se odločil narediti čez noč, Sem dejansko načrtoval že nekaj let. Nameravam se počasi razvija nekaj posebnega, tu v Connecticutu, in daje borci tukaj možnosti, ki niso vedno na razpolago.”

Galante pojasnil svojo vizijo in cilje za nagrade Promocije centrih po konkurenčnih matchups in vsebuje starih šolskih borci, “Jaz ne želijo podpisati borci za nagrade Promocije v tem času. Kaj iščem storiti je, da na razburljivih bojev in zagotoviti možnosti. Iščem funkcijo stare šolske boksarice, Fantje, ki se ne bojijo tvegati nepremagan evidence ali pa v težkem boju. Hočem fantje, ki nimajo bleščeče zapisov, Hočem fantje, ki so večina predlagatelji ne vidijo imajo veliko vrednost. Nimam parka na vsakogar, ki se bori pod mojo promocijo, tako da ne bo veliko true A in B stranski pretepi. Connecticut ni boks Leglo, in je talent tukaj, vendar je edini način, da so ti fantje zaslužijo spoštovanje je, da ga bo, Zato je boj za nagrado Promocije kartice sredstvo za boj proti resnično opozicijo in razvoj starinski način. Ni veliko pro kaže tu v Connecticutu, ampak sem upal, da se spremeni, da, in bi radi pomagali bi ti fantje platformo, da pokažejo, kdo so.”

On 30. maj na Danbury Arena, v Danbury, CT, Nagradne Promotions bo opravil svoj prvi Professional Boxing šov, "Danbury Fight Night". Več informacij, vključno z napadi, cene vozovnic in ponudbe bodo objavljene kmalu.

Za posodobitve obiščite www.prizepromotions.net .

Galante je pred kratkim odprl Champs Boxing Klub & Fitness v centru Danbury in je trenutno vodja sveta uvrščen Junior Srednja kategorija Prospect Frank "Notorious’ Galarza.