Tag Archives: Sari Promociones

Prize Promotions Tabs Russell Peltz and BrittanyBamRogers for Matchmaking Duties

Danbury, CT (April 16, 2015)- At the beginning of April, newly licensed Connecticut boxing promoter A.J. Galante introduced his company, Sari Promociones. Galante spoke of his goal of bringingOld Schoolboxing to Connecticut.

To prove he is serious about his vision, Galante has turned his matchmaking over to Hall of Fame Philadelphia promoter, Russell Peltz along with one of the sports youngest and most promising promoters and matchmakers, Bretainia “BAM


Russell is the definition of Old School matchmaking, he’s one of the last out there, so it was a no brainer for me to reach out to him, and I am honored that he is willing to work with me.” Galante adierazi, “His resume speaks for itself, I am extremely confident that working together, we will put on spectacular showsGalante was also extremely excited to work with BrittanyBAM” Rogers, who works in conjunction with Russell Peltz,

I’m often referred to as one of the youngest boxing people on the business side of things, but BAM is actually younger than me, and has been in the sport longer than me. I have a lot of respect for her and have been learning a lot through working with her.

Ultimately Galante said what cemented his choice on his matchmakers, was a trip to Philladelphia in October, to attend a show promoted by both Peltz and Rogers, “When you think Philly boxing, you think gritty and exciting, and you can’t think Philadelphia boxing without Russell Peltz and Brittany Rogers, and I am looking forward to bringing those types of shows and that environment here to Connecticut.It won’t be long for Galante to fulfill his promise, as his first show Danbury Fight Night, will take place onMaiatzaren 30era Danbury Arena, in his hometown of Danbury, CT.

The card is currently taking shape, and will be announced soon. Sarrerak aurrez bisitatuz erosi ahal izango dira www.prizepromotions.netPricing: $100,$75, $50 & $25

Berriki Lizentziatua Connecticut Boxing Sustatzailea A.J. Galante iragartzen Saria Promociones – Lehen Show May 30

Danbury, CT (April 2, 2015)- In 2011, urterekin 24, A.J. Galante gazteena Lanbide Boxing kudeatzaile bat bihurtu zen kirola. Orain urte zituela 28, Zuen Etxeak gazteena bat bihurtu baita. Connecticut oinarritutako Sustatzailea ofizialki bere enpresa sartu du, Sari Promociones, Aste honetan.

“Erronka honen hunkituta nago.” Galante adierazi, “Hori ez zen zerbait gau egin erabaki nuen, Izan dut benetan izan, gaur egun plangintza hau urte batzuk. Asmoa dut poliki zerbait berezia hemen garatzen Connecticut, eta borrokalari hemen ez direla koherentziaz horiek eskuragarri aukera emanez.”

Galante bere ikuspegia eta helburuak azaldu Saria Promozioak zentroen inguruan matchups lehiakorra eta eskola zaharra borrokalari protagonista da, “Ez naiz saria Promozioak borrokalarien sinatzeko une honetan begira. Zer am egin bila I da borrokak zirraragarria jarri eta aukerak ematea. Eskola boxeolariak zaharra agertu nabil, Ez diren boladan erregistro arriskuan edo baloia gogorra borroka batean beldur guys. Mutilak ez duten distiratsua erregistro nor nahi dut, Guys duten sustatzaileen gehienak ez ikusi balio handia izatea nahi dut. Stock ez daukat nor nire sustapena pean borroka edonork, beraz, ez da izan benetako A eta B aldea borrokak asko. Connecticut, ez da boxeo hotbed, han eta talentua hemen dago, baina alde mutil hauek errespetua irabazteko modu bakarra da hartu, beraz gonbidatu bat saria Promozioak-txartelaren bitartez borrokatzeko benetako oposizioa aurka borrokatzeko eta modu zaharkituta garatzea. Badira pro ikuskizunak ez dira asko hemen Connecticut, baina hori aldatzeko espero dut, eta nahi mutil hauek nor diren erakuts plataforma bat ematen laguntzeko.”

On Maiatzaren 30era Danbury Arena, Danbury, CT, Sari Promozioak bere lehenengo Lanbide Boxing ikuskizuna egingo, 'Danbury Fight Night'. Informazio gehiago bouts barne, txartela prezioei eta erabilgarritasuna aurki argitaratuko da.

Eguneratzeak bisitatu www.prizepromotions.net .

Galante ireki berri Champs Boxing Club & Danbury erdiguneko Fitness eta gaur egun World manager Sailkatua Junior Middleweight Prospect Frank 'Notorious’ Galarza.