Tag Archives: Promocions Prize

Prize Promotions Tabs Russell Peltz and BrittanyBamRogers for Matchmaking Duties

Danbury, Connecticut (Abril 16, 2015)- At the beginning of April, newly licensed Connecticut boxing promoter A.J. Galante introduced his company, Promocions Prize. Galante spoke of his goal of bringingOld Schoolboxing to Connecticut.

To prove he is serious about his vision, Galante has turned his matchmaking over to Hall of Fame Philadelphia promoter, Russell Peltz along with one of the sports youngest and most promising promoters and matchmakers, Bretanya “BAM


Russell is the definition of Old School matchmaking, he’s one of the last out there, so it was a no brainer for me to reach out to him, and I am honored that he is willing to work with me.” Galante va declarar, “His resume speaks for itself, I am extremely confident that working together, we will put on spectacular showsGalante was also extremely excited to work with BrittanyBAM” Rogers, who works in conjunction with Russell Peltz,

I’m often referred to as one of the youngest boxing people on the business side of things, but BAM is actually younger than me, and has been in the sport longer than me. I have a lot of respect for her and have been learning a lot through working with her.

Ultimately Galante said what cemented his choice on his matchmakers, was a trip to Philladelphia in October, to attend a show promoted by both Peltz and Rogers, “When you think Philly boxing, you think gritty and exciting, and you can’t think Philadelphia boxing without Russell Peltz and Brittany Rogers, and I am looking forward to bringing those types of shows and that environment here to Connecticut.It won’t be long for Galante to fulfill his promise, as his first show Danbury Fight Night, will take place onMaig 30 al Danbury Arena, in his hometown of Danbury, Connecticut.

The card is currently taking shape, and will be announced soon. Les entrades es poden comprar visitant www.prizepromotions.netPricing: $100,$75, $50 & $25

Tot just Llicenciats Connecticut promotor de boxa A. J. Galante Anuncia Promocions Prize – Primera Mostra de maig 30

Danbury, Connecticut (Abril 2, 2015)- En 2011, a l'edat de 24, A. J. Galante es va convertir en un dels més joves gerents de boxa professionals en l'esport. Ara a l'edat de 28, s'ha convertit en un dels promotors més joves, així. El Promotor basat Connecticut ha presentat oficialment la seva companyia, Promocions Prize, aquesta setmana.

“Estic emocionat per aquest desafiament.” Galante va declarar, “Això no era una cosa que em vaig decidir a fer durant la nit, De fet, he estat planejant això durant uns anys ara. El meu pla de desenvolupament lent alguna cosa especial aquí a Connecticut, i donant als combatents aquí oportunitats que no sempre disponibles per a ells.”

Galante va explicar la seva visió i fites per al Premi Promocions centres voltant enfrontaments competitius i oferint combatents de la vella escola, “No estic buscant a signar combatents a Promocions Prize en aquest moment. El que estic buscant de fer és posar en baralles emocionants i proporcionar oportunitats. Estic buscant per oferir els boxejadors de la vella escola, nois que no tenen por d'arriscar registres invictes o estar en una dura baralla. Vull que els nois que no tenen antecedents brillants, Vull que els nois que la majoria dels promotors no veuen que tenen un gran valor. No tinc accions en tots els que lluiten sota la meva promoció, per la qual cosa no hi haurà moltes veritables baralles laterals A i B. Connecticut no és un formiguer de boxa, i hi ha talent aquí, però l'única manera perquè aquests nois guanyin el respecte és prendre-ho, Per tant, per lluitar en un mitjà de targetes de Promocions Premi a lluitar oposició real i desenvolupar la manera antiga. No hi ha molts espectacles pro aquí a Connecticut, però estic esperant per canviar això, i vol ajudar a donar a aquests nois una plataforma per mostrar qui són.”

En Maig 30 al Danbury Arena, a Danbury, Connecticut, Promocions Premi realitzaran el seu primer espectacle de Boxa Professional, 'Danbury Fight Night'. Més informació, incloent combats, preus dels bitllets i disponibilitats seran anunciats aviat.

Per actualitzacions visiti www.prizepromotions.net .

Galante va obrir recentment Camps Boxing Club & Gimnàs al centre de Danbury i actualment és el director d'El Mundo Classificat Notorious superwelter Perspectiva Frank '’ Galarza.