標記檔案: 總理拳擊冠軍

WBC輕量級世界冠軍加里·拉塞爾JR. 捍衛對前世界冠軍馬切達馬丁內斯在共同特徵懷爾德VS. Breazeale週六, 五月 18 住在Showtime – 不敗超輕量級競爭者胡安Heraldez呈現前冠軍阿爾熱尼斯·門德斯的精彩表演拳擊錦標賽開瓶器巴克萊中心在布魯克林

WBC輕量級世界冠軍加里·拉塞爾JR. 捍衛對前世界冠軍馬切達馬丁內斯在共同特徵懷爾德VS. Breazeale週六, 五月 18 住在Showtime®

不敗超輕量級競爭者胡安Heraldez呈現前冠軍阿爾熱尼斯·門德斯的精彩表演拳擊錦標賽® 巴克萊中心在布魯克林開瓶器和總理拳擊冠軍主辦

布魯克林(四月 19, 2019) – WBC輕量級世界冠軍加里·拉塞爾小將針對前世界冠軍衛冕馬切達馬丁內茲在共同特徵懷爾德VS. Breazeale上週六, 五月 18 住在Showtime巴克萊中心, 布魯克林拳擊™的家, 由總理拳擊冠軍呈現.
精彩表演拳擊錦標賽® 在開始 9 P.M. ET /下午6時. PT也將展出不敗超輕量級的競爭者胡安Heraldez對前世界冠軍平方關閉Argenis門德斯在10輪的吸引力. 本次活動由WBC重量級冠軍標題Deontay “青銅轟炸機” 懷爾德因為他使他的冠軍稱號的反對強制性的挑戰者第九防禦多米尼克 “麻煩” BREAZEALE.
“加里·拉塞爾JR. 是這項運動中最熟練的戰士之一,他會期待他的賭注現貨月輕量級分裂頂上 18 對抗總是令人興奮的前世界冠軍馬切達馬丁內茲,” 說湯姆·布朗, TGB促銷總統. “本次活動也將採用在胡安Heraldez的140磅重的部門上升競爭者之間的戰鬥持續了針對阿爾熱尼斯·門德斯分裂的最棘手和最活躍的競爭者之一. 這是真正的將是電動晚上通向世界Deontay懷爾德的重量級冠軍中的主要事件。” 
“之前的晚上的主要景點將是加里·拉塞爾JR. 衛冕他的冠軍稱號反對強硬和經驗豐富的馬切達馬丁內茲, 鬧了戰鬥,是一定要帶興奮的球迷, 加上梅威瑟促銷’ 年輕的前景胡安Heraldez將打開轉播尋找做戲, 他繼續提升自己的職業生涯的新高峰,” 倫納德說Ellerbe, 梅威瑟促銷的CEO. “我相信,他會赫然執行自己的比賽計劃,並展示了他的才華對一個經驗豐富和測試阿爾熱尼斯·門德斯, 誰一直在環與一些頂級球員在超輕量級師. 巴克萊和球迷的精彩表演調諧會看到馬不停蹄的行動一晚來5月18日。”
此BombZquad活動門票可在購買ticketmaster.combarclayscenter.com, 門票也可在美國運通票房購買巴克萊中心. 集團折扣可致電844-BKLYN-GP. 該Heraldez VS. 門德斯鬥爭共同促進梅威瑟促銷.
這位30歲的拉塞爾 (29-1, 17 科斯), 誰是出生在華盛頓, D.C. 現在居住在國會山高地, 馬里蘭, 將在五月他輕量級世界冠軍的第4次防務 18 而他職業生涯第二個亮相巴克萊中心. 羅素在淘汰Jhonny岡薩雷斯贏得了他的冠軍稱號 2015. 停止帕特里克·海蘭和奧斯卡·埃斯卡登後, 他最近擊敗了此前保持不敗的約瑟夫·迪亞茲JR. 去年五月. 羅素, 誰是他的父親訓練的, 加里, 老, 是一個拳擊家族的一部分. 他的弟弟兩個, 加里·安東尼奧和加里Antuanne, 目前保持不敗的專業人士.
“我希望將消息發送到每個人都在或接近我的部門,我用不可忽視的力量,” 羅素說. “我想對統一獅子座聖克魯斯和我會做我必須做的到那裡. 我永遠不會採取任何對手掉以輕心而現在, 這是我的工作之前,我擔心別的照顧馬切達馬丁內茲. 五月 18 你應該會看到興奮, 沖切力, 手速, 快速組合和拳擊智商上一個大台階. 今天我最好的拳擊,我證明,每一次我在環獲得。”
瓦倫西亞的原生, 西班牙, 馬丁內斯 (39-8-2, 28 科斯) 面臨的最好的名稱和周圍的輕量級整個職業生涯. 他贏得了超最輕量級世界冠軍 2013 通過停止Jhonatan Romero和面臨利奧聖克魯斯喜歡, 卡爾·弗蘭普頓, 喬希靈頓和斯科特·奎格. 今年33歲,是他的最後四場比賽保持不敗, 包括最近在十月擊敗馬克·維達爾為歐洲輕量級冠軍.
“我一直在等待這個機會,贏得另一個世界冠軍,我很感激和興奮5月18日,” 馬丁內斯說. “加里·拉塞爾JR是如夢初醒. 我有很多的經驗,我覺得在輕量級大. 將有什麼比慶祝我的好 50 有一個新的世界冠軍而戰。”
不敗Heraldez(16-0, 10 科斯) 持續走高的排名中 2019 當他在2月份的對決淘汰埃迪·拉米雷斯. 從拉斯維加斯的28歲賺了凱文·瓦的決定勝利和梅納德·艾利森處於停止 2018. 這隨訪八月一致決定戰勝然後不敗的前景何塞·米格爾·博雷戈在他的第10輪的較量 2017 在梅威瑟與. 麥格雷戈的undercard.
“我在世界上最好的超輕量級的一個,我要告訴它再次在5月18日,” 說Heraldez. “他們不斷襯起來,我會繼續敲下來. 門德斯是好的, 退伍軍人反對, 但我要告訴我在不同的級別. 這是一個大舞台上再次表演一個很好的機會,我要充分利用而大出風頭。”
門德斯 (25-5-2, 12 科斯) 最近打了有競爭力的分戰平安東尼·彼得森在三月, 運行他的不敗的戰績最多三個戰鬥. 這位32歲的埃迪擊敗拉米雷斯和伊万·雷德卡奇以背回的戰鬥損失羅伯特復活節JR後. 和盧克·坎貝爾. 最初從聖胡安德拉馬瓜納, 多米尼加共和國和現在住在布魯克林, 紐約州, 門德斯贏得了IBF超輕量級冠軍在淘汰賽擊敗胡安·卡洛斯·薩爾加多 2013.
“這場戰鬥做或死對我來說,再次成為世界冠軍,” 門德斯說. “安東尼·彼得森從我跑在我們三月份的鬥爭, 因此,如果不Heraldez在5月 18, 我會準備好. 如果他站在和我一起戰鬥, 我堅信我一定會主宰他,並作出聲明給大家,我是一個精英140磅重的戰鬥機。”
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在Twitter上關注@ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @BrooklynBoxing, @TGBPromotions, @MayweatherPromo和@Swanson_Comm或成為Facebook上的風扇在www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing 和www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions.

丹尼·加西亞VS. 阿德里安·格拉納多斯FIGHT星期的媒體訓練QUOTES & 照片

前兩次分區冠軍加西亞再戰所有行動的競爭者格拉納多斯在FOX總理拳擊冠軍 & FOX體育
卡森, 加利福尼亞州 – 8 P.M. ET /下午5時. PT

點擊 這裡 從肖恩·邁克爾火腿圖片/梅威瑟促銷

SANTA MONICA, 例如. (四月 17, 2019) – 前兩科狀元 丹尼 “迅速” 加西亞 和中量級的競爭者 阿德里安·格拉納多斯 在媒體的鍛煉參加了週三,他們是附近的頭條上FOX和FOX Deportes進行英超冠軍拳擊從尊嚴健康體育公園這個星期六晚上在卡森他們的主要事件對決, 加利福尼亞州.

鍛煉也特色的重量級競爭者 安迪·魯伊斯JR.亞歷山大Dimitrenko, 在10輪的回合誰見面, 和不敗的競爭者 布蘭登·菲格羅亞, 誰面臨委內瑞拉 Yonfrez帕雷霍 在12輪比賽的WBA中期超輕量級冠軍,在揭開序幕廣播 8 P.M. ET /下午5時. PT.

門票現場活動, 這是由TGB促銷和梅威瑟促銷推廣, 與DSG促銷協會, 現已公開發售. 車票可以在AXS.com或在尊嚴健康體育公園票房從購買 10:00 A.M. 到 6:00 P.M.



“我在這個舞台上戰鬥時,我是 6-0 所以這是令人興奮的是回. 我也贏得了在洛杉磯對羅伯特·格雷羅的次中量級冠軍. L.A. 一向對我很好. 有一個偉大的氣氛,我喜歡這裡戰鬥.

“我已經準備好對任何人, 但我還沒有看過去格拉納多斯. 在一天結束時, 我必須專注於週六晚. 我一定要得到這個勝利.

“有相當多的利益, 所以我知道格拉納多斯將準備. 我刻苦訓練,我想我在我的生活中最好的形狀. 我想我更好的形狀我現在比我的最後兩場戰爭. 我迫不及待地表現出來,上週六晚.

“你看丹尼·加西亞打架,你知道我一直在晃悠試圖敲人. 預計上週六另一個不容錯過的打.

“我知道格拉納多斯帶來的表, 但我相信,在我的技能和辛勤工作,我們投入營. 該計劃當然是拿到淘汰賽,並期待壯觀, 但我不是準備去更多 12 硬輪。”


“這是在製作的經典. 我們要作秀. 我感覺好極了. 我們已經關閉了營地正好和我們已經準備好搖滾星期六.

“有很多的挑戰,在這場戰鬥中. 我必須去那裡佔據主導地位,從他採取的鬥爭遠. 丹尼是一個偉大的戰士,是有原因的,他是一個大的名字在體育. 這是我要利用機會.

“我並不感到驚訝,肖恩·波特說我比丹尼·加西亞更強硬的鬥爭. 我看著這兩個打架,你可以在我已運行肖恩生存看到底. 他做了他該做的逃跑, 但對於這場戰鬥,我把它出來的其他人的手.

“我不認為丹尼正在過去我, 但我知道他有更大的計劃. 我在這裡要打斷這些計劃. 我有自己的計劃. 我將自己彈射到我屬於哪裡哪裡,我應該一直.

“我的父母辛辛苦苦把我在正確的道路上. 我參與體育作為一個孩子,並且永不回頭. 我一直呆在專注於我的運動和研究. 誘惑在那裡芝加哥. 我堅守我自己,現在我在一個地方,很多人仰望我. 如果我贏了上週六可以證明一切皆有可能。”


“這將是我在這個場地打第四. 我每次都得到了淘汰賽, 所以我認為這是一個好運氣的舞台對我來說. 我有過挫折, 但我已經準備好為我的復出.

“我一直在刻苦訓練為這場鬥爭作出聲明. 我很高興能獲得這場比賽的勝利,並做重點.

“Dimitrenko是一個老戰士,我知道我不能把他掉以輕心. 我們要做好準備,可能最好的人贏. 我已經準備好採取所有的挑戰者.

“我只需要保持寬鬆,讓我的手去. 我要展現的那種戰鬥機,我. 我的速度和方式,我用戒指將是一個關鍵.

“我看過Dimitrenko的戰鬥, 我知道我必須做我必須做的. 我認為這是很難為他打小傢伙像我, 尤其是速度和誰拋出的組合。”


“這對我來說是一個重要的戰鬥,我在這裡取勝. 這是什麼新的我. 我的工作是來這裡把一個偉大的表現. 我是一個職業很長一段時間,我準備週六.

“我在大的戰鬥比魯伊斯更多的經驗. 我想給我在這場鬥爭中最好的. 有對我沒有壓力,我感覺輕鬆備戰.

“我對科比詹寧斯最後一戰一個壞停工結束,我期待抹殺記憶. 上週六的勝利對我很重要,我不看過去,. 我必須做我的工作,我們將看到之後會發生什麼.

“這是我在洛杉磯第一次, 我已經得到了享受天氣一點點,但它的所有業務. 我專注於戰鬥上週六, 這一直是目標的所有營地,我們領導到上週六一個偉大的演出。”


“這是一個時刻,我一直在等待,因為我是一個小孩子. 機會就在這裡, 我已經準備好了,我迫不及待地把它.

“我有一個非常好的訓練營. 我的身體已經準備好身心. 我知道,帕雷霍是誰去嘗試框我一個非常好的戰鬥機. 我覺得一旦我把對他施加壓力, 我將能夠主宰他.

“我認為帕雷霍在他的內線弱點, 這是一件好事,我真正擅長的. 我覺得像我過去幾年打架,我使用了主宰我的對手.

“這是我的時間閃耀. 我有一個很好的訓練營,我在這裡把這個機會. 我只有22歲,我已經很努力讓我在哪裡現在。”

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加西亞VS. 格拉納多斯會看到前兩分世界冠軍丹尼 “迅速” 加西亞對抗崎嶇的老將阿德里安·格拉納多斯在頭條上的福克斯和福克斯Deportes進行週六英超冠軍拳擊12輪次中量級回合, 四月 20 20 從尊嚴健康體育公園, 原家得寶中心球場, 卡森, 加利福尼亞州.

重量級的競爭者安迪·魯伊斯JR. 發生在亞歷山大Dimitrenko在共同特徵不敗的競爭者布蘭登菲格羅亞10輪再戰回合委內瑞拉Yonfrez帕雷霍在12輪比賽的WBA中期超輕量級冠軍,打開開始於黃金時間播出FOX 8 P.M. ET /下午5時. PT.

球迷們可以即時串流在FOX體育應用打架, 英文或西班牙文通過FOX或FOX Deportes進行飼料可用. 打架都可以在桌面上的FOXSports.com,並通過應用程序商店, 或連接的設備,包括蘋果電視, Android的電視, 消防電視, 的Xbox One和Roku公司.

欲了解更多信息: 訪問 www.premierboxingchampions.com, HT
www.foxdeportes.com, 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, @TGBPromotions, @MayweatherPromo和@Swanson_Comm或成為Facebook上的風扇在 www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions, www.facebook.com/foxsports &www.facebook.com/foxdeportes.

蘭切斯·巴爾米訓練營QUOTES & 照片

前兩科世界冠軍面臨前冠軍羅伯特·JR復活節. 對於WBA輕量級冠軍週六, 四月 27 住在Showtime® 從切爾西內部拉斯維加斯The Cosmopolitan酒店和總理拳擊冠軍主辦

點擊 這裡 從歐文科昆諾內茲/達米安·巴斯克斯照片 –

LAS VEGAS (四月 16, 2019) – 前兩屆處世界冠軍 Rances繆 討論改變他的訓練營,因為他接近一個空缺的WBA輕量級冠軍對決前輕量級冠軍 羅伯特·JR復活節. 發生星期六, 四月 27 從拉斯維加斯The Cosmopolitan酒店的切爾西裡面住在Showtime和總理拳擊冠軍呈現.

在Showtime保險開始在 10 P.M. ET /下午7時. PT也將採用前超輕量級冠軍 維克多·Postol 以法國的 穆罕默德•米穆 在WBC超輕量級冠軍消除, 而上升的重量級轟動 卡通Ajagba 看起來保持不敗對一次挨打德國 邁克爾Wallisch 在10輪的重量級景點.

門票活動, 這是由梅威瑟促銷和TGB在促銷推廣協會與關於十億促銷, 可以在購買www.cosmopolitanlasvegas.com 或通過特瑪.

針對Kiryl Relikh去年三月在140磅冠軍的爭奪在他的職業生涯失去了第一次後, 繆反彈停止羅伯特·弗蘭克爾在十二月,他準備返回到輕量級分裂面對復活節. 由於損失Relikh, 繆製作的同胞古巴和前世界冠軍喬爾·卡薩馬頭教練,因為他看起來重返冠軍行列.



“一切都已經喬​​爾卡薩馬的指導和我弟弟燕繆和奧斯卡·巴斯克斯的協助下順利. 我們一直在每天訓練兩次,對打,每週三到四次對實體傢伙像前世界冠軍和前對手米基·貝. 就像他們說的, “鐵磨鐵’ 陪練的質量得到了極大的幫助,讓我準備四月 27. 我覺得更好的準備和心理素質比我在最近的戰鬥一樣。”

你如何看待羅伯特·伊斯特Jr的. 而你知道他是什麼?

“我見過各種羅伯特·伊斯特JR打架,一直在非常密切地打量著他. 他是一個偉大的拳擊手誰喜歡用他的高度,並達到他的優勢. 他是前世界冠軍,誰打了對手質量. 他值得我所有的尊重,但我們非常有信心,我們將是對他取得勝利。”


“明確地, 我已經能夠繼續前進,並使用該敗在我的職業生涯的教訓. 他們有時會說,我們了解在失敗比我們做的勝利,那是在這場鬥爭中的情況下.

“有時候,我們看不到清楚,當我們獲勝. 不良的生活習慣或需要修正被忽視,當你獲勝的小細節. 有時候,我們甚至看不到他們. 我覺得重新煥發活力,我們已經提出,有必要對我的職業生涯了許多重要的變化. 你會看到在四月 27 仍有來自團隊繆更左。”

這一切意味著什麼在四月再次成為冠軍 27?

“我們毫不懷疑,我們將在4月第三次再次成為世界冠軍 27. 這將使我的名字回來與許多潛在的大鬥爭運動的頂部進行. 這將意味著這麼多我,因為古巴拳擊經歷了一個粗略的補丁目前過去了,這場勝利將讓古巴再次擁有一個冠軍。”


“請確保調整可能在4月 27. 這場鬥爭將是非常有競爭力, 有兩個均勻熟練的前世界冠軍在看這項運動的頂級領回了自己的地位. 像這樣的戰鬥是什麼使偉大的拳擊. 古巴將再次獲得一個冠軍四月 27!”

# # #

欲了解更多信息,請訪問 www.SHO.com/Sports,www.PremierBoxingChampions.com,
在Twitter上關注@ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @MayweatherPromo,@TGBPromotions和@Swanson_Comm或成為在Facebook上的風扇www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing, www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, 和www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions.

彼得·奎林VS. 卡萊布·特魯克斯最後的新聞發布會QUOTES & 照片

前冠軍彼得·奎林 & 迦勒特魯阿克斯戰役超中量級冠軍消除這個星期六在英超拳擊冠軍在FS1 & 從軍械庫在明尼阿波利斯客場顏色FOX主賽事

點擊 這裡 對於照片安德魯Dobin /軍械庫

明尼阿波利斯 (四月 11, 2019) – 前世界冠軍 彼得 “兒童巧克力” Quillin 迦勒 “金色” 特魯阿克斯 去面對面地面對週四在最後的新聞發布會,他們在IBF超中量級世界冠軍消除該頭條上FS1和FOX Deportes進行英超冠軍拳擊這個星期六在明尼阿波利斯從軍械庫滿足前.

此外,在出席新聞發布會出席會議的有頂量級的競爭者 謝爾蓋Derevyanchenko 傑克Culcay, 誰在戰鬥的IBF中量級冠軍消除, 和聳人聽聞的前景 喬伊斯賓塞, 誰需要對 Osias瓦斯奎茲 揭開序幕轉播的開始 10 P.M. ET /下午7時. PT.

門票活動, 這是由勇士拳擊和TGB促銷推廣, 現已公開發售, 並且可以在軍械購買在 HTTP://ArmoryMN.com/ 並通過特瑪.



“我在這裡把一個偉大的鬥爭. 這就是我們辛辛苦苦做上週六晚. 我很高興向人們展示我的FS1和FOX Deportes進行人才,並在超中量級聲明.

“我的妻子剛剛女兒, 而這是我最大的動力全部訓練營. 我打我的家人, 不只是我自己. 我希望能激發人們誰看到我的故事,並意識到這不僅僅是戰鬥, 但對我們是為什麼而戰鬥. 我在這裡傳播正面信息.

“當我們在環, 所有我要看到的是迦勒特魯阿克斯, 別的都無所謂. 我很幸運來到這裡,一定要顯示我的技能的機會. 他看在他的球迷面前好, 而我只是在這裡給球迷一個好打. 有沒有壓力,做任何額外的東西.

“這裡的天氣那種讓我想起了在大急流城回家的, 密歇根. 去新的城市是好像是有新的地方去征服. 我在這裡與森林狼將是我記得的地方正確的心態和我會從一個偉大的記憶.

“當我對打迦勒我記得我把他的帽子掉,並在整個環飛, 這就是我真正從該記住的唯一的事情. 我知道我們的路可能最終跨越. 我對他我的眼睛,我真的很為他高興,當他贏得了他的冠軍稱號. 我有一種感覺,我們要為一個偉大的鬥爭結合起來.

“我有一個非常堅定的對手,我在他的後院戰鬥. 這是對我們兩個攻堅戰. 我已經把我的權威倒在這場鬥爭中,它控制. 這將是很難在那裡所有他的球迷, 但我一直在做的是採取消極的情況下, 並把它們轉化為積極。”


“我很高興星期六晚上. 這是一個大的戰鬥,重要的是我,我中的主要事件,並在標題消除. 我期待在另一個標題賺取機會,我知道我必須在星期六照顧生意到那裡.

“我期待著與彼得·奎林共享環, 一個人我認識和尊重一會兒. 他完成了很多. 我認為我們的風格真的要發生衝突,並給球迷很多動作和戲劇.

“彼得和我對打很​​久以前, 早在 2012. 回來後我就感覺有信心,如果我們曾經戰鬥, 我可以把工作做好. 我不太記得具體的, 但是我覺得從經驗中自信. 同時, 我在上週六晚期待一個更美好的彼得·奎林,這就是我訓練.

“我試圖培養一點點聰明這一個. 我需要更多的精力放在恢復在我的職業生涯了這一點. 我現在已經有幾乎相同的球隊我有一段時間了. 我們做舊的校訓,每天努力工作.

“賭注是很高的這場鬥爭. 無論誰贏得希望在冠軍得到了裂紋. 這將是艱難的失敗者反彈. 如果我想繼續戰鬥,我必須離開週六用我的手抬起.

“這是一個令人興奮的事是在這場鬥爭中和在這裡的軍械庫有它在我的家鄉球迷面前. 我看到了支持, (老鄉明尼蘇達本地人) 賈馬爾 - 詹姆斯得到了他的最後一戰, 和我期待更多的是在星期六. 這將是特殊的,我要充分利用。”


“我很高興在這裡為這個世界冠軍消除鬥爭. 我的職業生涯要回我想要去展示什麼,我能幹的這場戰鬥是非常重要的.

“上週六晚上,我打算把一個真正的好節目,給球迷一個漂亮的打. 每個人都知道我一直把行動和偉大的技術技能. 我相信我會勝利週六,去贏得世界冠軍。”


“很高興來到這裡,我為這個機會對Derevyanchenko非常感謝. 這是一個偉大的榮譽,我將在這場鬥爭中對世界上最好的middleweights的之一. 這是我一直在尋找對我的職業生涯中的一步.

“我一直在與陪練迦勒特魯阿克斯, 我覺得它得到我完全準備好迎接這一挑戰. 我要顯示它在上週六晚的環. 這將是一個很大的作用,並在環很多技巧。”


“我真的很高興能此卡由彼得·奎林和迦勒特魯阿克斯標題上的戰鬥. 我要感謝大家的支持, 我的兩個歌迷和我的團隊的一切在這裡得到了我. 我們每天都真正努力在訓練營中,我迫不及待地做戲.

“該軍械庫是一個偉大的場地與巨大的能量. 我已經在這裡打之前,我期待著走出來,並把對這個人群明尼阿波利斯的另一大表現。”


“我很高興在軍械庫,歡迎大家回最新PBC搏擊之夜. 這些誰已經來到了先前的節目已經注意到了,人群已經變得越來越大. 這些節目都產生極大的興奮和週六是裝載了精英戰士卡的另一個例子.

“這真的要推動此卡一個了不起的治療. 它應該是拳擊的一個偉大的夜晚在軍械庫每一個人,看著FS1或FOX Deportes進行. 這張卡從頂到底疊置,並設置為提供從開始到結束。”

# # #

關於QUILLIN VS. 特魯阿克斯
Quillin VS. 特魯阿克斯會看到前世界冠軍 彼得 “兒童巧克力” Quillin 迦勒 “金色” 特魯阿克斯 戰鬥在頭條上FS1和FOX Deportes進行週六英超冠軍拳擊12輪IBF超中量級冠軍消除, 四月 13 從軍械庫在明尼阿波利斯.

電視節目開始在 10 P.M. ET /下午7時. PT和功能頂量級的競爭者謝爾蓋Derevyanchenko 承擔 傑克Culcay 在12輪IBF冠軍消除和聳人聽聞的不敗前景 喬伊斯賓塞 步入環六輪超中量級的鬥爭.

球迷們可以即時串流在FOX體育應用打架, 英文或西班牙文可通過FOX, FS1或FOX Deportes進行供稿. 打架都可以在桌面上的FOXSports.com,並通過應用程序商店, 或連接的設備,包括蘋果電視, Android的電視, 消防電視, 的Xbox One和Roku公司.

欲了解更多信息: 訪問 www.premierboxingchampions.com, HT
www.foxdeportes.com, 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, @WarriorsBoxingProm, @TGBPromotions, 和@Swanson_Comm或成為Facebook上的粉絲 www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsports & www.facebook.com/foxdeportes.


Veteran Contender Adrian Granados & 重量級的競爭者
安迪·魯伊斯JR. Prepare for Respective Premier Boxing Champions
在FOX & FOX Deportes Matchups Saturday, 四月 20 從
Dignity Health Sports Park in Carson, 加利福尼亞州

點擊 這裡 for Photos from Luis Mejia/TGB Promotions

點擊 這裡 從梅威瑟促銷圖片

LOS ANGELES (四月 4, 2019) – All-action welterweight 阿德里安·格拉納多斯
nd heavyweight contender 安迪·魯伊斯JR. continued preparation for their respective showdowns at a media workout in Los Angeles Thursday before they step in the ring Saturday, 四月 20 as part of Premier Boxing Champions on FOX and FOX Deportes from Dignity Health Sports Park in Carson, 加利福尼亞州.

Granados will face former two-division world champion 丹尼 “迅速” 加西亞 in a 12-round welterweight bout that headlines action, while the Southern California-native Ruiz takes on 亞歷山大Dimitrenko in heavyweight action as part of the broadcast beginning at 8 P.M. ET /下午5時. PT. Fans are encouraged to arrive early to not miss any of the televised action.

門票現場活動, 這是由TGB促銷和梅威瑟促銷推廣, 與DSG促銷協會, 現已公開發售. 車票可以在AXS.com或在尊嚴健康體育公園票房從購買 10:00 A.M. 到 6:00 P.M.

Here is what the workout participants had to say Thursday from Fortune Gym in Los Angeles:


“我感覺好極了. I’m starting to peak and everything is clicking. I had a great camp and I’m just excited for this fight.

This is a great style matchup. Danny is a strong puncher and a great counter puncher. 我將是正確的有. I’m going to come with it. I also have a lot of intangibles that people don’t see. I’m not one-dimensional and I have a few tricks up my sleeve.

I think I have more dog in me than Danny does. He complains a lot and also gets away with a lot. He does what he has to do to win. I’ve never been given anything and I think I have a lot more to prove than he does.

My fights against Shawn Porter and Adrien Broner were good preparation for this. I think against Broner I should have gotten the decision, but I didn’t. Against Porter, I fought the wrong fight and missed the chance I did have. I’ve got a chip on my shoulder from both experiences.

This is my chance to show the boxing world that I’m elite and get my title shot. I’ve always wanted to become a world champion, and I haven’t got my opportunity at 140 where I beat the number-one contender. I’m not afraid to fight anyone so I’m here to get a big win.

I think I need a stoppage or a dominating win. It has to be one-sided. I have enough controversial losses that I know that I can’t leave it up to the judges. I’m training hard to dominate the fight.

I’m kind of a ‘young vetbecause I’m only 29-years-old but I’m battle-tested. I was never promoted until the last three or four years. I’ve had to do what I had to coming up. I took the tough fights that most prospects wouldn’t.

I always knew I had the talent to be at this level and I’m glad that I’m respected and recognized now, but it’s time for me to get a big win. I’m going to show that I really belong and I’m an elite fighter.


All the hard work in the gym has been paying off and I feel prepared for April 20. I’m facing an experienced guy who’s tall, but I think my pressure and my speed will make it difficult for him.

We’ve looked at Dimitrenko’s past fights and put together a game plan. We’re going to stick to it and execute. We’re going to attack the body and I think with my speed and combinations I’m going to get him out of there.

I’m coming back from a layoff but it’s over and right now my goal is to make a statement and let everyone know that I’m back in action. I’m ready to take one of the spots at the top of the division.

There are a lot of big fights I want, but my mind is totally focused on April 20. I’ve never been this motivated. I’m going to be fighting more often and I’m glad to have the opportunity.

Fighting for the Mexican fans gives me more motivation now than ever. I want to be the first Mexican heavyweight champion of the world and hopefully this year or next year I will accomplish those dreams.

I have everything I need now to get to where I want to go. This is just the beginning. The more fights I have, the better I’m going to be looking.

It feels great to be fighting in Southern California and I know there will be a lot of Mexicans out there on April 20. It’s always a great atmosphere and my game plan is to steal the show. I’m going to give it all I got for the fans.

I think Dimitrenko is going to use his jab and move around. 他的身高, but he can’t run away forever. At some point you have to be there toe-to-toe. We’ve worked on our head movement and we’re going to be ready for anything he brings.

湯姆·布朗, TGB促銷總統

“安迪·魯伊斯JR. is exactly where he should be right now. He’s re-dedicated himself to the sport of boxing and when he does, there might not be a better heavyweight out there. He traveled to New Zealand and took on Joseph Parker in his backyard and lost a majority decision. He’s tasted it and he’s hungry for it again.

Arguably Adrian Granados could have a record of 27-1 and he’s ready for his moment to shine. I like where he’s at mentally as far as taking charge and winning these fights so he can move on and become a champion, which has been his goal since he got into the game.

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加西亞VS. 格拉納多斯會看到前兩分世界冠軍丹尼 “迅速” 加西亞對抗崎嶇的老將阿德里安·格拉納多斯在頭條上的福克斯和福克斯Deportes進行週六英超冠軍拳擊12輪次中量級回合, 四月 20 20 從尊嚴健康體育公園, 原家得寶中心球場, 卡森, 加利福尼亞州.

Heavyweight contender Andy Ruiz takes on Alexander Dimitrenko in a 10-round bout in the co-feature and unbeaten contender Brandon Figueroa battles Venezuela’s Yonfrez Parejo in a 12-round match for the WBA Interim Super Bantamweight title that opens the primetime FOX broadcast that begins at 8 P.M. ET /下午5時. PT.

球迷們可以即時串流在FOX體育應用打架, 英文或西班牙文通過FOX或FOX Deportes進行飼料可用. 打架都可以在桌面上的FOXSports.com,並通過應用程序商店, 或連接的設備,包括蘋果電視, Android的電視, 消防電視, 的Xbox One和Roku公司.

欲了解更多信息: 訪問 www.premierboxingchampions.com, HT
www.foxdeportes.com, 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, @TGBPromotions, @MayweatherPromo和@Swanson_Comm或成為Facebook上的風扇在 www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions, www.facebook.com/foxsports &www.facebook.com/foxdeportes.


Viktor Postol And France’s Mohamed Mimoune Battle in 140-Pound Title Eliminator Plus Rising Heavyweight Sensation Efe Ajagba Meets Once-Beaten Michael Wallisch on SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® Tripleheader

Presented by Premier Boxing Champions from The Chelsea Inside The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas

Tickets on Sale Monday, 四月 1!

LAS VEGAS – (三月 29, 2019) – 前輕量級世界冠軍 羅伯特·JR復活節.and former two-division champion Rances繆 will meet for the vacant WBA Lightweight Title on Saturday, 四月 27 從拉斯維加斯The Cosmopolitan酒店的切爾西裡面住在Showtime和總理拳擊冠軍呈現.

SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING coverage begins at 10 P.M. ET /下午7時. PT也將採用前超輕量級冠軍 維克多·Postol 以法國的穆罕默德•米穆 in a WBC super lightweight title eliminator, 而上升的重量級轟動 卡通Ajagba looks to remain unbeaten against once-beaten German 邁克爾Wallisch 在10輪的重量級景點.

Easter vs. Barthelemy pits two highly skilled and explosive former 135-pound champions against each other as they look to grab a title and vault themselves back into the top echelon of the lightweight division.

Easter will return to the ring for the first time since losing his IBF title in a unification showdown with WBC Champion and pound-for-pound great Mikey Garcia last July on SHOWTIME. Barthelemy is undefeated at 135 pounds and returns to the lightweight division for his second fight since losing a 140-pound title rematch to Kiryl Relikh last March on SHOWTIME.

Two former champions looking to reclaim their championship status speaks for itself in terms of the action and will to win that Easter and Barthelemy will bring on April 27,” 倫納德說Ellerbe, 梅威瑟促銷的CEO. “Both guys have already proven that they have what it takes to take care of business at this level. The eliminator bout, with Postol bringing his experience and Mohamed looking to take advantage of the opportunity, is a great lead-in to the main event attraction. 更多, Efe Ajagba will bring his A+ game in pursuit of a victory over Michael Wallisch. The fans in attendance at the Cosmopolitanhere in Las Vegas, and tuning in on SHOWTIME, are in for a treat.

Easter vs. Barthelemy is a true 50-50 fight that will end with one of these fighters leaving the ring with one of the top spots in the lightweight division,” 說湯姆·布朗, TGB促銷總統. “Both are former world champions at lightweight and possess the styles and attributes that should make this an action-packed match. Combined with a very competitive title eliminator between Viktor Postol and Mohamed Mimoune, plus the can’t-miss punching power of Efe Ajagba, this is going to be a dramatic night on SHOWTIME and at the Cosmopolitan in Las Vegas.

門票現場活動, 這是由梅威瑟促銷和TGB在促銷推廣協會與關於十億促銷, go on sale Monday, 四月 1, 可以在以下位置購買 www.cosmopolitanlasvegas.com 或通過特瑪.

The 28-year-old Easter (21-1, 14 科斯) won the IBF Lightweight Championship in 2016 by edging an exciting split-decision against then-unbeaten and current IBF titleholder Richard Commey. After two successful title defenses in his hometown of Toledo, 俄亥俄, Easter defeated former champion Javier Fortuna by decision in a January 2018 fight in SHOWTIME.

That victory set up a unification with WBC champion Mikey Garcia, in which Easter survived an early knockdown to push Garcia the full 12 rounds before coming up short on the scorecards. At 5-foot-11, Easter has continued to show the combination of size, skill and athleticism that made him a highly regarded prospect following an amateur career that featured a spot as an alternate on the 2012 中美. 奧運隊.

I’ve wanted to fight Barthelemy since he had the lightweight title and vacated it, and now I have the chance,” 說復活節. “He has an awkward style and I’m up for that challenge. I am still coming in as the taller fighter with a reach advantage and I’ll use it to make this fight go how I want it to. He is a former world champion and he is coming to bring it just like I am.

A decorated Cuban amateur who hails from a boxing family that includes his older brother, Olympic Gold Medalist Yan, and younger brother, unbeaten featherweight Leduan, Rances繆 (27-1, 14 科斯) will return to lightweight to vie against one of the best fighters in the division. The 32-year-old now trains in Las Vegas and previously captured a 135-pound belt by defeating Denis Shafikov in December 2015.

Barthelemy won a 130-pound championship by defeating Argenis Mendez in 2014 and attempted to become the first Cuban three-division champion when he moved up to 140-pounds for his first fight against Relikh, a title eliminator that he won by decision. After dropping the rematch to Relikh in a vacant title fight on SHOWTIME, Barthelemy returned to the ring in December and stopped Robert Frankel.

I’m looking forward to a great fight against Robert Easter Jr,” 說繆. “I know I have what it takes to beat him and capture another title and become a three-time world champ. My best performances have come at 135 英鎊. Both of us are former world champions who are hungry and will give the fans a sensational night of boxing. I’ve never lost at lightweight and that will continue on April 27. Don’t miss this fight on SHOWTIME. It’s now or never!”

Originally from Ukraine, but now fighting out of Los Angeles, Postol (30-2, 12 科斯) previously earned a 140-pound world title by knocking out Lucas Matthysse in 2015. The 35-year-old dropped the title in a unification showdown with Terence Crawford in 2016 before bouncing back by defeating then unbeaten Jamshidbek Najmiddinov. Last June he dropped a decision to unbeaten contender Josh Taylor and most recently he defeated Siar Ozgul in November.

The 31-year-old Mimoune (21-2, 2 科斯) has fought professionally since 2010 並且將他的U.S. debut against Postol on April 27. Representing Haute-Garonne, 法國, 他是不敗在他的最後 10 fights dating back to 2014. His last five victories have come in 12-round decisions, including two last year over then unbeaten Emiliano Dominguez and most recently against Franck Petitjean.

尼日利亞Ajagba (9-0, 8 科斯) gained notoriety last August 24 當他的對手, 柯蒂斯·哈珀, 走出環的觸摸手套之後開始第一輪. 24歲的, 2016 Nigerian Olympian won the fight without throwing a punch as Harper was disqualified. In his last fight Ajagba, who lives in Stafford, Texas and trains with Ronnie Shields, defeated his toughest competition to date by stopping longtime contender Amir Mansour after two rounds.

戰鬥從慕尼黑, 德國, Wallisch (19-1, 12 科斯) 贏得了他的第一個 19 在成為職業球員後,親打架 2010, including a German heavyweight title-winning performance in 2013 against Alexander Kahl. The 33-year-old fought three times last year, picking up two knockout victories before losing to Christian Hammer in December.

# # #

欲了解更多信息,請訪問 www.SHO.com/Sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com,
在Twitter上關注@ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @MayweatherPromo,@TGBPromotions和@Swanson_Comm或成為在Facebook上的風扇www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing, www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, 和www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions.

Hard-Hitting Jeison Rosario Clashes with Mexico’s Jorge Cota In Middleweight Showdown on PBC FIGHT NIGHTEXTRA on FS1 and FOX Deporteson Saturday, 四月 20 from Dignity Health Sports Park in Carson, 加利福尼亞州

Also in Action! Veteran Brawler Alfredo Angulo, 2016 中美. 奧運選手卡洛斯·巴爾德拉斯(Karlos Balderas) & Sensational Lightweight Prospect Omar Juarez Competing in Separate Televised Bouts Beginning at 10:30 P.M. AND / 7:30 P.M. PT Following PBC on FOX Broadcast

CARSON, CALIF. (三月 27, 2019) – Hard-hitting contender 傑森羅薩里奧 發生在墨西哥 豪爾赫·科塔 in a 10-round middleweight fight that headlines PBC FIGHT NIGHTEXTRA on FS1 and FOX Deportes Saturday, 四月 20 從尊嚴健康體育公園, 原家得寶中心球場, 卡森, 加利福尼亞州.

Battle-hardened veteran 阿爾弗雷德 “狗” 安古洛 will fight in the co-main event of the telecast, while exciting lightweight prospect and 2016 中美. 奧林匹亞 卡洛斯Balderas 發生在 Pedro Vicente in a six or eight round bout and highly-decorated lightweight prospect 奧馬爾華雷斯 clashes with Mexico’s Luis Gerardo Perez Salasin a four-round match to open the telecast at 10:30 P.M. AND / 7:30 P.M. PT.

PBC FIGHT NIGHTEXTRA will follow the PBC on FOX primetime show headlined by former two-division world champion Danny “迅速” Garcia battling rugged veteran Adrian Granados in a 12-round welterweight bout.

Heavyweight contender Andy Ruiz takes on Alexander Dimitrenko in a 10-round bout in the co-feature and unbeaten contender Brandon Figueroa battles Venezuela’s Yonfrez Parejo in a 12-round match for the WBA Interim Super Bantamweight title that opens the primetime FOX broadcast that begins at 8 P.M. ET /下午5時. PT.

門票現場活動, 這是由TGB促銷和梅威瑟促銷推廣, 與DSG促銷協會, 現已公開發售. 車票可以在AXS.com或在尊嚴健康體育公園票房從購買 10:00 A.M. 到 6:00 P.M.

The non-stop block of boxing promises wall-to-wall action for fans who tune into FOX, FOX Deportes and FS1.

玫瑰園 (18-1-1, 13 科斯) was busy last year, scoring victories in three of four fights in 2018, including wins over then-unbeaten Jamontay Clark and contender Justin DeLoach. He is coming off a stoppage victory over Marcos Hernandez in February on FS1, which avenged a split draw the two boxers fought to in 2018. The 23-year-old from Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic who now lives in Miami, 佛羅里達, will have his hands full against the hard-hitting Cota (28-2, 25 科斯). The 31-year-old Cota from Los Mochis, 錫那羅亞, Mexico has scored three straight knockout victories since losing to Erickson Lubin in 2017. He’s coming off a TKO victory over Euri Gonzalez in November

Balderas (7-0, 6 科斯) scored three stoppage victories in his fights last year and continues to progress up the lightweight ladder. The 23-year-old Balderas of Santa Maria, 加利福尼亞州, 是的一個部件 2016 中美. Olympic boxing team and most recently stopped Jose Cen Torres in February. 維森特 (6-2, 2 科斯) is looking to build on the momentum from his unanimous decision victory over Luis Miguel Ortiz in his last fight in January.

The 19-year-old Juarez (2-0, 1 科斯), who is from Brownsville, 得克薩斯州, will be climbing back into the ring quickly after scoring a knockout victory over Phillip Percy in February. 薩拉斯 (5-2, 1 科斯) is looking to rebound from back-to-back losses when he steps in against Juarez.

In other non-televised action, Los Angeles bantamweight Daniel Guzman (2-1-1, 1 KO) takes on Monterrey, 墨西哥 Hugo Rodriguez (0-3) in a four-round bout, unbeaten Alhambra, Cal., 次中量級 Emmanuel Medina (16-0, 9 科斯) battles Japan’s Gaku Takahashi (16-9-1, 8 科斯) in an eight-round match and Colorado Springs瑞奇·洛佩茲 (20-4, 6 科斯) 面孔 喬佩雷斯 (14-3-1, 10 科斯) in a 10-round super featherweight bout. Round out the card is Fontana, 加州的 Raymond Murattala (6-0, 4 科斯) meeting Mexico’s Eduardo Reyes (9-15, 6 科斯) in a six-round lightweight bout and Edinburg, 得克薩斯州’ 納爾遜·漢普頓 (4-2, 4 科斯) fighting in a four-round lightweight special attraction.

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球迷們可以即時串流在FOX體育應用打架, 英文或西班牙文通過FOX或FOX Deportes進行飼料可用. The fights are available on desktop at FOXSports.com and through the app store, 或連接的設備,包括蘋果電視, Android的電視, 消防電視, 的Xbox One和Roku公司.

欲了解更多信息: 訪問 www.premierboxingchampions.com, HT
www.foxdeportes.com, 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, @TGBPromotions, @MayweatherPromo和@Swanson_Comm或成為Facebook上的風扇在 www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions, www.facebook.com/foxsports &www.facebook.com/foxdeportes.


Once-Beaten Contender Anthony Peterson & Former Champion Argenis Mendez Fight to Split Draw in Super Lightweight Showdown


Super Welterweight Contender Jamontay Clark Recovers from Knockdown To Earn Unanimous Decision Over Previously Unbeaten Vernon Brown

亞倫科萊, Lorenzo Simpson and Cobia Breedy Take Home Wins
In PBC Prelims on FS1

點擊 這裡 for Photos from Kent Green

NATIONAL HARBOR (三月 25, 2019) – 前世界冠軍 謝爾蓋Lipinets (15-1, 11 科斯) stopped former two-division champion 拉蒙特彼得森(35-5-1, 17 科斯)在第二輪 10 Sunday night in an action-packed welterweight showdown that headlined Premier Boxing Champions on FS1 and FOX Deportes from MGM National Harbor in Maryland.

I feel great about the statement I made to the welterweight division,” 說Lipinets. “I just fought an excellent fighter. This let me know where I’m at in the 147-pound weight class. I went into deep waters and showed that I belong.

The fight featured near non-stop action and a thrilling finish, already earning Fight of the Year buzz after itsconclusion. Peterson only occasionally retreated in defense for a moment or two while Lipinets was determined to close off the distance, making sure he didn’t let Peterson use his reach advantage, while using his own varied attack on the inside to occasional success.

You can see that I have no problem with the size,” 說Lipinets. “Peterson is an excellent fighter with unbelievable skills and he’s showed me what I can really do.

Peterson was dedicated to attacking the body, punctuating numerous combinations with vicious left hooks to the midsection. He was the busier fighter but was still taking shots from Lipinetscombination of hooks, uppercuts and body shots. Eventually one of those shots appeared to change the tide of the fight, when a straight right from Lipinets connected and clearly hurt Peterson.

The counter put Peterson on his back foot and in survival mode for the final minute of the eighth round until hearing the bell. With the momentum sharply turning toward Lipinets through round nine and midway through round 10, Lipinets finally landed a sweeping left hook during an exchange that hurt Peterson and signaled that the end was near.

It was back and forth and we were hitting each other with some good shots,” 彼得森說. “It kind of just came out of nowhere at the end.

Lipinets followed up and put Peterson on the canvas as the towel came in from Peterson’s corner, stopping the fight at 2:59 圓 10.

The exciting action fight featured both fighters throwing a career high number of punches, 根據CompuBox. Both fighters landed a nearly identical number of power punches (189-188 for Peterson), with Lipinets landing 23 in each of the final two rounds.

You’ve seen what I did at 140-pounds and now what I can do here,” 說Lipinets. “I made a big jump in competition from my last fight to this one. My new trainer Joe Goossen gets all the credit. We’ve had an excellent camp with perfect sparring that taught me a lot and got me ready for tonight.

There were no easy days in our gym for training camp,” said Goossen. “I feel like we clicked together and he got the best out of me because he was so agreeable to my methods and the way I pushed him.

I thought Sergey’s defense was very good tonight. His jab worked good and he put real pressure on. The left uppercut was a good shot for him and he used a variety of punches in this fight to get it done.

戰鬥結束後. 彼得森, along with lifelong trainer and fellow Washington, D.C.-native Barry Hunter, announced his retirement from boxing in front of his hometown fans after a career that saw him win titles at 140 和147磅.

It’s been a long career but today is the day,” 彼得森說. “I’m thankful for the support. I love everyone here and I’m always going to support this area, but I’m sure it’s time for me to hang it up. I couldn’t go out in a better way here at home. This will be the last time you see me in the ring.

The night also featured 安東尼·彼得森 (37-1-1, 24 科斯), Lamont’s brother, as he fought to a split-draw against former champion Argenis門德斯 (25-5-2, 12 科斯) in a back-and-forth super lightweight showdown.

Peterson established his movement early on as he looked to pick his spots to attack Mendez with combinations to the head and body. Peterson flashed good speed and was the busier fighter especially early, often putting Mendez on the defensive during flurries in the first half of the fight.

I could have thrown more punches in the first half of the fight,” 門德斯說. “I think that was the difference, but I don’t think you can win the fight on the run.I knew that I was on his home turf and it was in my mind to do a little bit extra. Peterson is a great fighter and he’s good for the sport so I knew that I had to push the fight.

Mendez began the fight looking to counter, but picked up his offense working off of a jab that swelled up Peterson’s left eye in the late rounds of the fight. Mendez was able to land with left hooks and uppercuts to open up his offense as the fight went on.

Last night was actually the first night I really studied Mendez’s fights and I knew he was good and slick,” 彼得森說. “There were times I didn’t engage cause of his countering. I took my time and used my jab and moved.

While Peterson held a robust 137 到 83 優勢降落拳, it was only a six punch difference in power punches landed. 後 10 rounds all three judges saw the fight differently, with one score of 96-94 for each fighter and the third judge scoring it 95-95 resulting in the split draw.

“我不認為這是一個平局,” 門德斯說. “I know every round was close, but I think I won the fight. I don’t want to say it was easy but I think I won comfortably. He was running the whole fight and I was trying to throw counterpunches and catch him.

I can’t be that disappointed because I didn’t lose, but I was just happy to fight in front of my fans,” 彼得森說. “I’ve been out of the ring for a long time and I think did okay, but if the judges saw a draw they saw a draw. I’m not mad about it.

Additional action featured super welterweight contender Jamontay克拉克 (14-1, 7 科斯) surviving an early knockdown to earn a narrow unanimous decision over previously unbeaten Vernon Brown (10-1-1, 7 科斯) 後 10 回合行動.

Brown scored the first big blow of the bout, landing a perfect counter right hook on the inside that sent Clark crashing into the ropes. Referee Kenny Chevalier ruled it a knockdown, determining that Clark had used the ropes to avoid hitting the canvas.

He had the reach and I was trying to catch him. I was throwing my hook but I was a little off. I still think I won the fight. I caught him with the better shots. He was just slapping me with the hook and trying to catch up that way.

Clark was able to survive the onslaught and finish the round and appeared to recover until behing hurt again late in round four. 從那裡, Clark began to increase his punch output, out working Brown on his way to a 162 到 97 advantage in total punches landed.

I boxed a little bit better the last few rounds and used my height,” 克拉克說. “I made him miss and made him over reach. That was the game plan.

Brown tried to do more work on the inside with big power punches that would hurt Clark and potentially end the fight. 據Compubox, 只 49 seconds on average per round were fought on the inside, allowing Clark to gain an advantage in the second half of the fight.

後 10 rounds the judges saw the fight close, but all three ruled in favor of Clark with totals of 96-93 兩次, 95-94.

I’ve been down before and I’ve seen the worst of the worst,” 克拉克說. “This was nothing. I just kept grinding. I got the win and now I’m going to sit down and see what’s next for me.

If they want to do it again, let’s do it again,” 布朗說. “Let’s make it a 12 多面手. I don’t think he can survive 12 輪與我. My coach knew that I needed the knockout but it’s still on to the next. I’m just going to go into the gym and work even harder.

Prior to the main telecast, PBC Prelims on FS1 saw 亞倫科萊 (16-2-1, 7 科斯) win a split-decision over Brandon Quarles (21-5-1, 10 科斯) 通過分數 77-75 for Quarles and 79-73 和 78-74 for Coley after eight-rounds of super welterweight action. 更多, 不敗的前景 Lorenzo Simpson (3-0, 2 科斯)scored a unanimous decision by scores of 40-36 和 40-35 twice in his middleweight bout against 海梅·梅薩 (0-1) 和輕量級 軍曹魚Breedy (13-0, 4 科斯) remained unbeaten with a technical decision over Fernando Fuentes (14-8-1, 4 科斯) 通過分數 59-55 和 58-56 twice after the fight was stopped in round six because of a cut suffered by Flores from an accidental head butt.

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球迷們可以即時串流在FOX體育應用打架, 英文或西班牙文可通過FOX, FS1或FOX Deportes進行供稿. 打架都可以在桌面上的FOXSports.com,並通過應用程序商店, 或連接的設備,包括蘋果電視, Android的電視, 消防電視, 的Xbox One和Roku公司.

欲了解更多信息: 訪問 www.premierboxingchampions.com, HT
www.foxdeportes.com, 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, @MGMNatlHarbor, @TGBPromotions, 和@Swanson_Comm或成為Facebook上的粉絲 www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsportswww.facebook.com/foxdeportes. The event was promoted by TGB Promotions and HeadBangers Promotions.

Former Champion Sakio Bika meets Lionell Thompson in Super Middleweight Showdown on PBC Prelims on FS1 Sunday, 三月 24 米高梅國家海港馬里蘭 – 6 P.M. AND /下午3時. PT

Bika vs. Thompson Replaces Previously Announced Jose Miguel Borrego vs. Jerry Thomas Fight After Thomas Withdraws

NATIONAL HARBOR (三月 20, 2019) – 前世界冠軍 薩基金牛座 將面臨 Lionell湯普森 in an eight or 10 round super middleweight showdown that will be featured in PBC Prelims on FS1 action this Sunday, 三月 24 米高梅國家海港馬里蘭.

Bika vs. Thompson replaces the previously announced Jose Miguel Borrego vs. Jerry Brown fight, after Brown withdrew from the fight.

The FS1 prelims broadcast will begin at 6 P.M. AND /下午3時. PT and also feature Brandon Quarles (21-4-1, 10 科斯) battling Kansas-native 亞倫科萊 (15-2-1, 7 科斯) 在八輪超中量級回合, plus Baltimore’s Lorenzo Simpson(2-0, 2 科斯) 承擔 Earl Henry (0-1-1) in a four-round super welterweight attraction.

The event is headlined by two-division world champion 拉蒙特彼得森 taking on former junior welterweight world champion 謝爾蓋Lipinets in a 12-round welterweight match that headlines PBC on FS1 and FOX Deportes beginning at 8 P.M. ET /下午5時. PT.

門票活動, which is promoted by TGB Promotions and HeadBangers Promotions, 現已公開發售,並可以通過訪問購買www.mgmnationalharbor.com/.

Additional action will see unbeaten 軍曹魚Breedy (12-0, 4 科斯) in an eight-round super featherweight fight against California’s Fernando Fuentes (14-7-1, 4 科斯), 聖安東尼奧 拉蒙·卡德納斯 (16-1, 9 科斯) facing Michigan’s 瑞安李·艾倫(8-2-1, 4 科斯) for eight-rounds of featherweight action and unbeaten Maryland-nativeMark Duncan (3-0, 3 科斯) 作戰 Arturo Izquierdo (5-2, 2 科斯) in a six-round middleweight attraction.

Rounding out the non-televised undercard action will feature a trio of Washington, D.C.-natives as unbeaten Keeshawn威廉姆斯 面孔 Evincil Dixon 在六輪次中量級的鬥爭, 不敗 帕特里克·哈里斯 steps in for an eight-round super lightweight fight against Costa Rica’s Bergman Aguilar andwelterweight 卡里姆·馬丁 廣場抵銷 華金·查韋斯 for six-rounds of action. The night will also see Cincinnati’s Adrian Jerome Benton making his pro debut in a four-round super lightweight duel against Archie Weah.

The 39-year-old Bika (34-7-3, 22 科斯) is a former WBC super-middleweight champion from Sydney, Australia by way of Cameroon, 非洲. He won the title with a majority decision over Marco Antonio Periban in 2013 before losing the belt to Anthony Dirrell by unanimous decision in 2014. He moved up to light heavyweight to challenge Adonis Stevens for his and lost a unanimous decision. Since then Bika has won twice, most recently defeating Geard Ajetovic by unanimous decision in October.

湯普森 (20-5, 11 科斯) has been campaigning at light heavyweight and is moving down in weight to take on Bika at super middleweight. The 33-year-old, who is from Buffalo, 紐約州. 現在居住在拉斯維加斯, defeated Derrick Findley by unanimous decision in his last fight in September. Thompson won his first 11 fights after turning pro in 2009.

# # #

Peterson vs. Lipinets is a Premier Boxing Champions on FS1 and FOX Deportes event that is headlined by former two-division world champion Lamont Peterson taking on former 140-pound champion Sergey Lipinets in the main event.

In the co-main event Anthony Peterson, Lamont’s brother, will face former champion Argenis Mendez, plus super welterweight contender Jamontay Clark takes on unbeaten Vernon Brown as part of the telecast beginning at 8 P.M. ET /下午5時. PT.

球迷們可以即時串流在FOX體育應用打架, 英文或西班牙文可通過FOX, FS1或FOX Deportes進行供稿. 打架都可以在桌面上的FOXSports.com,並通過應用程序商店, 或連接的設備,包括蘋果電視, Android的電視, 消防電視, 的Xbox One和Roku公司.

欲了解更多信息: 訪問 www.premierboxingchampions.com, HT
www.foxdeportes.com, 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, @MGMNatlHarbor, @TGBPromotions, 和@Swanson_Comm或成為Facebook上的粉絲 www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsportswww.facebook.com/foxdeportes.

丹尼·加西亞VS. ADRIAN GRANADOS LOS ANGELES PRESS CONFERENCE QUOTES & 照片 – Former Two-Division Champion Garcia Battles All-Action Granados on Premier Boxing Champions on FOX & FOX Deportes on Saturday, 四月 20 from Dignity Health Sports Park in Carson, 加利福尼亞州

Former Two-Division Champion Garcia Battles All-Action Granados on Premier Boxing Champions on FOX & FOX Deportes on Saturday, 四月 20 from Dignity Health Sports Park in Carson, 加利福尼亞州

點擊 這裡 從肖恩·邁克爾火腿圖片/

LOS ANGELES (三月 19, 2019) – 前兩屆處世界冠軍 丹尼 “迅速” 加西亞 and veteran contender 阿德里安·格拉納多斯 previewed their Premier Boxing Champions on FOX and FOX Deportes main event showdown at a press conference in Los Angeles Tuesday as they prepare to square-off Saturday, 四月 20 from Dignity Health Sports Park in Carson, 加利福尼亞州.

門票現場活動, 這是由TGB促銷和梅威瑟促銷推廣, 與DSG促銷協會, 現已公開發售. 車票可以在AXS.com或在尊嚴健康體育公園票房從購買 10:00 A.M. 到 6:00 P.M.

四月 20 broadcast begins at 8 P.M. ET /下午5時. PT and features heavyweight contender 安迪·魯伊斯JR. 承擔 亞歷山大Dimitrenko in a 10-round bout in the co-feature and unbeaten contender 布蘭登·菲格羅亞 battling Venezuela’s Yonfrez帕雷霍 in a 12-round match for the WBA Interim Super Bantamweight title.

Here is what the press conference participants had to say Tuesday from the Palms Restaurant Downtown L.A.:


I’ve been training hard. I’ve seen Granados fight a few times and I know what he can do. I’m excited to be back in Los Angeles, because this is where the stars fight. This is another fight that can get me to where I want to go in my career.

My mentality is that I have to stop Granados. Nobody has stopped him and I have to do that to make a statement. He’s never fought a counter puncher like me and I’m definitely the hardest puncher he’s faced. I’m going to showcase everything to get the stoppage.

This is another fight for my legacy. There have been a lot of great fights in my career and this is another important one for me. I know he’s coming to fight, but I’m looking to make this one of my easiest wins.

He’s a tough and aggressive fighter who likes to throw a lot of punches. 他是餓了, and that’s the type of guy that you have to watch out for. I’ve got to handle my business against Granados before I look to any bigger fights.

This is a big platform for me to perform on. I’m going to show the world why I’m one of the best fighters in the world.

I plan on winning with style. I’m going to bring a lot of skill, a lot of will, a lot of power and I’m going to entertain my fans. 四月 20 will be the ‘Danny Garcia Show.'


“這將是一個偉大的鬥爭. We’re two fighters who bring it. I’m coming for a victory in dominating fashion. This is the fight that I’ve wanted for a while now.

I haven’t had the easiest road and that’s why I’m looking to get my respect in this fight. I’m looking forward to this. It’s going to be a barnburner. 可能最好的人贏.

If he’s underestimating me it will definitely be a big mistake on his part. I don’t think he will though. I think he realizes now he’s in for a fight. If he didn’t know me before, he does now. I’m going to give him a piece of my mind April 20.

I was never taken care of coming up. I always had to work harder to get to where I’m at. Danny and I basically had the same accolades in the amateurs, and I always gave him kudos for what he’s done in his whole career, but he doesn’t know what I’ve gotten through to get here.

I’m coming to get my respect in this fight. I’m going to make Danny fight and see what he’s made of. I’ve always had a chip on my shoulder but being able to take out a fighter like Danny is motivating me to another level.

湯姆·布朗, TGB促銷總統

Premier Boxing Champions has made a major commitment to bringing some of the best and biggest fights to Southern California. We started with the Wilder vs. Fury heavyweight title fight downtown in December and we’re back again in April at the Dignity Health Sports Park. This is the premier outdoor boxing venue in the United States and we have a great show there on April 20.

Danny Garcia is a throwback fighter. A first-ballot Hall of Famer in my opinion. At 140-pounds he took on the best in the division and never backed down from a challenge. Danny was a 2-1 underdog when he fought Lucas Matthysse, and we knew what happened after, he proved the doubters wrong. I’m so excited to have him back in California on this great card.

Adrian Granados could arguably be sitting up here with a record of 27-1, since all but one of his losses have been by split or majority decision, and usually it’s in his opponent’s backyard. He’s a battle-tested veteran who’s made a name for himself bringing action-packed fights to the fans. When we announced all the PBC on FOX fights, this is the one that I circled.

LEONARD ELLERBE, CEO of President of Mayweather Promotions

“這將是一個了不起的戰鬥. I’ve really been looking forward to this fight because I’ve known these guys for a long time. Styles make fights and in this particular matchup, we have two fighters who are all action.

Danny has shown that he’s an elite fighter, because he’s beaten a number of great world champions. Adrian Granados always comes to fight. He’s never ever in a boring fight. The styles mesh so well, with Danny being a world class counter-puncher and also being a superb boxer. Granados is going to force Danny to fight on the inside a lot more than usual.

I think this fight is going to bring the best out of both Danny and Adrian. They’ve both fought a number of very good fighters and been in involved in numerous debatable decisions. They’re going to have to leave it all in the ring come April 20.

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