標記檔案: 阿德里安·格拉納多斯


羅伯特·JR復活節. 收入超過阿德里安·格拉納多斯決策在超輕量級登場 & 瑞星重量級弗蘭克·桑切斯保持不敗

點擊 這裡 從阿曼達韋斯科特/ SHOWTIME照片

讀, 霸. – 十月, 27, 2019 – 頂級超中量級的競爭者 埃里克森魯賓 繼續了他的回潮與主導10輪的一致決定勝利 納撒尼爾·加利莫爾 在閱讀在Showtime週六晚上從桑坦德競技場, 霸.

魯賓 (22-1, 16 科斯) 贏得了他連續第四次戰鬥,因為在淘汰賽輸給杰梅爾·查洛在冠軍挑戰 2017. 這位24歲的登陸 42 他的力量拍攝的百分之途中範圍的決定, 進球 99-91 由三名法官.

左撇子依賴於郊區的左鉤拳, 從各種針對耐用加利莫爾角度的攻擊 (21-4-1, 17 科斯) 他提高到 4-0 自從開始與左撇子專家凱文·坎寧安訓練.

“我有一個巨大的訓練營感謝凱文·坎寧安,” 魯賓說:. “起初,我們有特雷爾·加莎但他掉了出來,由於他的傷害. 我很欣賞加利莫爾為加緊對板. 他給了我一場艱苦的戰鬥,我很欣賞它. 我們給了他們想要的東西的球迷. 我給他量了. 我只是計時他和我是能夠降落我的電力桿.

“凱文是一個真正嚴格的教練,他是一個左撇子專家. 我們只是改進我們的遊戲中的每個陣營. 我肯定想再次杰梅爾·查洛. 我的目標是復仇。”

坎寧安很高興與他的學生, 誰是推過去的第五輪首次在三年以上.
“他一直是一個戰士的地獄,我只是想微調和完善技能,” 坎寧安說. “他能做的一切,你可以教. 他是總包. 他有力量, 他有速度, 他有步法. 他比一個更爭競. 他是一個熟練的戰鬥機力量.

“他準備在師所有的頂級球員. 與安全帶的人是他想要的東西。”

前輕量級世界冠軍 羅伯特·復活節, JR. 在他的首演勝利在超輕量級, 贏得了一致的決定 阿德里安·格拉納多斯 在所有行動的鬥爭中取得了 97-93, 98-92, 100-90.

復活節 (22-1-1 14 科斯), 誰與米奇·加西亞在一個統一的失去了他的輕量級冠軍 2018, 他的第一次戰鬥超級對抗的一個輕量級被匹配拳擊的最積極, 來向前戰鬥機和結果沒有讓人失望. 格拉納多斯從開盤向前衝, 按下反對他瘦長的內, 5-尺11的對手. 在戰鬥上半年, 復活節賺足發而從遠處的戰鬥, 扶著他的速度贏得了前四輪的三名法官’ 記分卡. 但戰鬥似乎在中途改變潮汐, 與格拉納多斯能夠迫使布特在近距離被質疑. 大紅大紫七個貫穿 10 精選巨大, 回往復的交流和更積極的格拉納多斯似乎得到交易所的更好.

戰士合併扔 1,815 組合的總的衝頭和 1,379 跨越式混合動力拳 12 發.

“我們知道他是一個戰士的地獄在那裡,” 復活節說. “這就是我們的訓練. 這不是一個普通的對手,我們知道他要帶它. 我並不感到驚訝,因為這就是他做什麼. 你見過他的最好的最好的戰鬥,他扔下. 我知道他會拋出拳在束.

“這是一個考驗的地獄,我在 140 我覺得強. 我不是專門喊人, 但你知道有這個重量級別冠軍,我來為所有的皮帶. 行'時間了。”

一拳擊最可靠的行動戰鬥機, 格拉納多斯 (20-8-2, 13 科斯) 扔更多的拳,並連接更多的,是再一次與沒去他的方式的決定感到沮喪.

“我無語了. 我覺得我贏得了戰鬥,” 格拉納多斯說. “那 100 到 90? 來吧.

“我已經厭倦了同樣的老故事. 很顯然,我控制的鬥爭. 他從來沒有傷害我. 這是令人尷尬.

“我無法控制的判斷. 這是非常令人沮喪. 我有一個夢想成為世界冠軍,它只是好像它不切割出來我. 但我有一個冠軍的心臟,我不會放棄。”

在轉播的開幕回合, 不敗的古巴重量級 弗蘭克·桑切斯投了反對停業 傑克在lowayi, 贏得了10輪一致決定拿下 100-90 由三名法官.

桑切斯 (14-0, 11 科斯) 從一開盤更積極的戰鬥機, 針對身體對抗的防守強隊Mulowayi (7-2-1, 3 科斯). 這位27歲的桑切斯, 誰是採取了10輪的距離首次, 拋棄了 250 比對手多拳.

“我的對手真的不想打, 他只是想打臟,” 桑切斯說. “因此,所有我能做的就是給他一些橫向移動. 當有人並不想從事這很難. 我們想觸摸他失望, 碰到他了高. 但是,一旦他得到了感動, 那傢伙只是試圖綁.

“有沒有問題去 10 發. 我在偉大的形狀,我已經準備好盡快再次爭取盡可能. 我發現我的技術優勢今晚. 所有重量級更好地觀看。”

兩年時間的超羽量級世界冠軍Gervonta “坦克” 他繼續為他的輕量級亮相十二月訓練戴維斯上週六的電視節目中接受採訪 28 在Showtime從國營農場球館亞特蘭大. 爆炸性戴維斯, 誰將爭取Yuriorkis Gamboa的為WBA輕量級世界冠軍, 繼續召喚出頂級戰士,當他與主持人布萊恩·卡斯特發言.

“我聽說過所有這些人給我打電話了, 我不想聽起來自大, 但我在這個重量級別的搖錢樹,” 戴維斯說. “我和獅子座聖克魯斯將會在2020年打。”

週六的欣欣拳擊: 特別版tripleheader將重播上週一 10 P.M. ET / PT在Showtime EXTREME.

行業領先的製作團隊和劇組宣布交付的所有景點, 聲音和戲劇從桑坦德體育館. 資深廣播人布賴恩·卡斯特主持電視節目, 多才多藝的格鬥運動的聲音毛羅·拉納洛稱為動作馬戲團一起名人堂分析師阿爾伯恩斯坦和前雙師世界冠軍馬里納吉. 名人堂的三殿殺進欣欣轉播團隊 – 艾美獎® 獲獎的記者吉姆·格雷, 非官方馬戲團射手史蒂夫Farhood和世界著名的環播音員麥儂JR. 欣欣拳擊的執行製片人: 特別版是大衛丁勤, JR. 和主任鮑勃·鄧菲.

該電視節目通過輔助音頻編程在西班牙語中是可用 (SAP) 亞歷杭德羅·與月亮和前世界冠軍勞爾·馬爾克斯調用動作.

# # #

欲了解更多信息,請訪問 www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, 在Twitter上關注@ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @TGBPromotions, 和@Swanson_Comm或成為Facebook上的粉絲 www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing
www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions. 這次活動是由TGB促銷和國王的促銷推廣.

不敗的古巴重量級弗蘭克·桑切斯面對傑克Mulowayi在欣欣拳擊的電視轉播開瓶器: 特別EDITION®這個星期六, 十月 26 從桑坦德Arena在閱讀, 霸. – 尼日利亞重量級埃菲Ajagba退學後在腰部損傷


2016 奧海Eimantas Stanionis & 17-歲迷情
維托Mielnicki, 小, 輕量級奧馬爾·道格拉斯 & 次中量級

讀, 霸. (十月 21, 2019) – 不敗的古巴猛男 弗蘭克·桑切斯 將面臨 傑克在lowayi 在八輪的重量級的吸引力打開欣欣拳擊: 特別版這個星期六, 十月 26 住在Showtime® 從桑坦德Arena在閱讀, 霸.

桑切斯 (13-0, 11 科斯) 步驟,以取代 卡通Ajagba, 誰從對一次挨打Mulowayi戰鬥撤退 (7-1-1, 3 科斯). Ajagba上週受傷,他在訓練中背部.

夜晚因頂級超中量級的競爭者頭條 埃里克森 “錘” 魯賓 承擔強硬 納撒尼爾·加利莫爾 在10輪攤牌頭條在開始的英超冠軍拳擊事件 9 P.M. ET /下午6時. PT. 前輕量級世界冠軍 羅伯特·復活節, JR. 將他的超輕量級首演反對 阿德里安 “埃爾蒂格雷” 格拉納多斯 在10輪的共同特徵的吸引力.

突出顯示卡的動感十足的非電視部分的戰鬥特色不敗 2016 立陶宛奧海 Eimantas Stanionis 現蕾對蘭卡斯特, 賓夕法尼亞 TIE迪克森 在次中量級回合和17歲的次中量級前景 維托Mielnicki JR. 面對達勒姆, 北卡羅來納州 馬克林貝利 在四輪吸引力.

行動繼續較量為特色墨西哥 何塞·米格爾·博雷戈 (15-2, 13 科斯) 承擔哥倫比亞 Likar拉莫斯 (29-8, 22 科斯) 在八輪次中量級回合和威爾明頓, 特拉華 奧馬爾·道格拉斯 (19-3, 13 科斯) 面對河濱, 加州的 溫貝托·加林多 (12-0-1, 9 科斯) 為 10 兩輪輕便行動.

門票活動, 這是由TGB促銷和國王的促銷推廣, 現已公開發售,並可以通過Ticketmaster.com或在桑坦德票房購買 (週一至週五, 10 A.M. – 5 下午, 星期六 10 A.M. – 2 下午).

還進入環是科羅拉多州的 瑞奇·洛佩茲 (20-4-1, 6 科斯) 在反對得克薩斯本土10輪超輕量級比賽 喬佩雷斯 (14-3-2, 10 科斯), 帕特森, 新澤西州 諾曼·尼利 (3-0, 3 科斯) 在四回合重量級的鬥爭德安傑洛Swaby (1-0, 1 KO) 巴哈馬, 再加上邁阿密 傑西克魯茲 (17-7-1, 7 科斯) 發生在墨西哥 埃內斯托·格雷羅 (32-29, 22 科斯) 在八輪超羽量級的吸引力, 和密歇根州本地 Raeese阿利姆 (14-0, 8 科斯) 在競爭對哥倫比亞的八輪超輕量級的戰鬥 馬龍·奧萊亞 (14-5, 12 科斯).

為完善這個動作是不敗的波多黎各輕量級前景 喬納森·托雷斯 在六輪的戰鬥, 超中量級前景 Darrion勞森 弗林特, 密歇根反對尼加拉瓜的四回合的戰鬥 海梅·梅薩 和中量級 滑稽拉里 克利爾沃特, 佛羅里達州在反對四回合回合堪薩斯本土 安東尼奧·埃爾南德斯.

從他的家鄉古巴前業餘突出, 桑切斯現在住在拉斯維加斯,是保持不敗,因為在成為職業球員 2017. 這位27歲的得分擊倒在他的前六個親打架, 拿起9勝在 2018. 桑切斯最近拿下波多黎各的勝者比斯巴爾的主導停止在八月.

戰鬥在外面安特衛普, 比利時, 剛果民主共和國的方式, 你會lowayi他的母親中美. 亮相十月 26 在可以追溯到一個職業生涯 2015. 32歲是他的第7親打架不敗失去了一個狹窄的多數決定埃爾韋Bubeaux在一個回合在五月比利時重量級冠軍之前. 他反彈擊敗阿圖爾·庫比亞克七月標題進入他對桑切斯的鬥爭.

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關於LUBIN VS. 加利莫爾
魯賓VS. 加利莫爾坑頂超中量級的競爭者 埃里克森 “錘” 魯賓反對強硬 納撒尼爾·加利莫爾 在上週六的10輪對決, 十月 26, 從桑坦德Arena在閱讀生活在Showtime, 霸。, 由總理拳擊冠軍呈現事件.

三拼欣欣拳擊: 特別EDITIONbegins住在 9 P.M. ET /下午6時. PT和功能前輕量級世界冠軍 羅伯特·JR復活節. 使他的超輕量級首演反對戰鬥考驗的老將 阿德里安 “埃爾蒂格雷” 格拉納多斯在10輪的協調功能的吸引力, 再加上不敗的重量級轟動 弗蘭克·桑切斯 將進入環對一次挨打 傑克在lowayi 在八輪較量.

欲了解更多信息,請訪問 www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, 在Twitter上關注@ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @TGBPromotions, 和@Swanson_Comm或成為Facebook上的粉絲 www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing

頂級超中量級埃里克森魯賓現在準備採取強硬的納撒尼爾·加利莫爾的主賽事英超冠軍拳擊事件對星期六十月 26, 在閱讀生活SHOWTIME®從桑坦德體育館, 霸.

更多, 瑞星重量級轟動埃菲Ajagba加入到電視轉播的卡裝回拉奧肖·沃倫VS. 埃馬紐埃爾·羅德里格斯

特雷爾Gausha & 拉奧肖·沃倫撤回由於傷病

讀, 霸. (十月 10, 2019) – 頂級超中量級的競爭者 埃里克森 “錘” 魯賓 現在將面對強硬 納撒尼爾·加利莫爾 在上週六的10輪對決, 十月 26, 從桑坦德Arena在閱讀生活在Showtime, 霸。, 由總理拳擊冠軍呈現事件.

在所有行動加利莫爾取代 特雷爾Gausha, 誰是被迫從主要事件回合讓步由於對打過程中傷害到他的左手需要手術.

不敗重量級轟動 卡通Ajagba 將進入環對一次挨打 傑克在lowayi 在10輪的較量,它取代了先前宣布的拉奧肖·沃倫VS. 埃馬紐埃爾·羅德里格斯打. 沃倫從比賽讓步由於對打期間遭受右手受傷.

三拼欣欣拳擊: 特別版在開始直播 9 P.M. ET /下午6時. PT,還設有前輕量級世界冠軍 羅伯特·JR復活節. 使他的超輕量級首演反對戰鬥考驗的老將 阿德里安 “埃爾蒂格雷” 格拉納多斯 在10輪的協調功能的吸引力.

門票活動, 這是由TGB促銷和國王的促銷推廣, 現已公開發售,並可以通過Ticketmaster.com或在桑坦德票房購買 (週一至週五, 10 A.M. – 5 下午, 星期六 10 A.M. – 2 下午).

奧蘭多, 佛羅里達州的魯賓 (21-1, 16 科斯) 是上升最快的競爭者之一在拳擊比賽中,他迅速跑到梯子的頂部,挑戰杰梅爾·查洛的WBC 154磅重的冠軍 2017. 繼一衝, 第一輪停工查洛, 24歲的魯賓曾與自己的三連勝停止勝利反彈收復他的氣勢向著世界冠軍.

二月裡, 魯賓成為第一個拳擊手停止前冠軍艾希·史密斯和即將關閉在扎哈里亞Attou將軍澳勝利在他的最後一戰在6月份SHOWTIME.

“這是不幸的Gausha不得不退出,因為我真的很期待這場鬥爭,” 魯賓說:. “現在我面臨的納撒尼爾·加利莫爾, 誰是一個非常好的戰鬥機,其唯一的損失是頂級球員. 我期待一個非常艱難的戰鬥, 一個將是爆炸性的球迷, 但一個我知道我會贏. 這是我的時間向世界展示了我已經準備好回來的超中量級師的頂部。”

這位31歲的加利莫爾 (21-3-1, 17 科斯) 最近擊敗了安東尼奧·托德通過決定在八月從接近決策損失的統一冠軍朱利安·威廉姆斯和世界排名第一的競爭者帕特里克·特謝拉在反彈 2018. 出生在金斯敦, 牙買加和戰鬥出來的埃文斯頓, 伊利諾伊, 加利莫爾把一個七戰連勝威廉姆斯打之前, 包括競爭者賈斯汀·德洛克和傑森羅薩里奧擊倒.

“我處理這個像任何其他大的戰鬥,這是在工作時間長,” 說加利莫爾. “我一直在等待這一刻在我的職業生涯了一段時間. 這是一個墊腳石,我想去,可以帶我. 魯賓是一個不錯的拳擊手,沖床. 他是在上升的時刻,我知道他來了. 這將是一個偉大的鬥爭. 我會讓環中的任何調整到什麼,我需要做的是勝利的那一夜獲利。”

尼日利亞Ajagba (11-0, 9 科斯) 最近通過了他的職業生涯中最嚴峻的考驗,當他擊敗了同胞 2016 奧海阿里二連Demirezen 10輪一致決定在七月. 這位25歲的Ajagba在八月獲得了廣泛的惡名 2018 當他的對手, 柯蒂斯·哈珀, 走出環的觸摸手套之後開始第一輪. Ajagba贏得了戰鬥沒有拋出一記重拳的哈珀被取消資格.

住在斯塔福德, 得克薩斯州與羅尼盾培訓, Ajagba穩步提高他的競爭,並添加擊倒戰勝阿米爾·曼蘇爾和邁克爾Wallisch今年.

戰鬥在外面安特衛普, 比利時, 剛果民主共和國的方式, 在lowayi (7-1-1, 3 科斯) 會讓他U.S. 亮相十月 26 在可以追溯到一個職業生涯 2015. 32歲是他的第7親打架不敗失去了一個狹窄的多數決定埃爾韋Bubeaux在一個回合在五月比利時重量級冠軍之前. 他反彈擊敗阿圖爾·庫比亞克七月標題進入他對Ajagba鬥爭.

欲了解更多信息,請訪問 www.SHO.com/Sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, 在Twitter上關注@ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @TGBPromotions, 和@Swanson_Comm或成為Facebook上的粉絲 www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxingwww.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions.

前兩次分區冠軍丹尼·加西亞推出的統治性表現隨著福克斯總理拳擊冠軍阿德里安·格拉納多斯的第七輪停工 & FOX Deportes進行主賽事週六夜晚從尊嚴健康體育公園卡森, 加利福尼亞州

重量級競爭者安迪·魯伊斯JR. 失敗亞歷山大Dimitrenko由TKO五回合後 & 不敗布蘭登·菲格羅亞停止Yonfrez帕雷霍後八輪捕獲中期122磅重的冠軍

中國人民銀行搏擊之夜額外的FS1 & FOX Deportes進行功能的傑森羅薩里奧勝利 & 阿爾弗雷多·安古洛, 另外還有不敗前景卡洛斯Balderas, 奧馬爾華雷斯 & 羅蘭多·羅梅羅

點擊 這裡 從弗蘭克Micelotta / FOX體育圖片
(密碼: NGLHombreTV)

點擊 這裡 從利奧威爾遜Jr./Premier拳擊冠軍照片

點擊 這裡 從肖恩·邁克爾火腿圖片/梅威瑟促銷

CARSON, CALIF. (四月 20, 2019) – 前兩科狀元 丹尼 “迅速” 加西亞 (35-2, 21 科斯) 下降 阿德里安·格拉納多斯 (20-7-2, 14 科斯) 他停在七輪週六晚,在卡森標題福克斯和福克斯Deportes進行拳擊冠軍從尊嚴健康體育公園次中量級對決前三次, 加利福尼亞州.

“我以前說過, 當丹尼·加西亞是他最好的, 沒有人能擊敗他,” 加西亞說. “我已經得到了在過去的一點點舒適, 但我把我的 110 %投入到這場鬥爭中,當我做, 我擊敗所有人。”

加西亞得到了他的進攻很早就開始, 在兩回合偏轉從格拉納多斯右手和投擲在戰鬥下降格拉納多斯首次完美的左鉤拳計數器. 格拉納多斯持續推高,並試圖改變潮流, 但加西亞的交換結束的上手權利發送格拉納多斯下第二次兩回合.

“這感覺很好著陸那麼大的左鉤拳,” 加西亞說. “我是我的表現感到驕傲. 我想今晚我的表現非常出色。”

“他是在交往中非常尖銳,” 格拉納多斯說. “這就是他被抓住了我. 我知道這是我發自內心的避免. 但在我的韌性總是蓄勢待發. 我願意從事。”

格拉納多斯試圖想方設法減緩加西亞的勢頭, 但在試圖人群加西亞,他也經常陷入與內部權力拳. 第四輪看到格拉納多斯開始從鼻子和五輪格拉納多斯嚴重出血滴第三次, 這次從組合加西亞交付,同時他格拉納多斯上的繩索.

“作出聲明今晚的辦法是阻止他,” 加西亞說. “本場比賽的計劃是打破他. 我有太多的工具. 我不能讓他流連與我.

“他想接近我,並使其成為混戰. 但我令他感到驚訝,當我站在他猛磕到身體. 然後,我開始讓他懷念那個時候我攔住了他。”

七輪, 加西亞登陸 48% 根據CompuBox他的權力拳, 和熱鬧的他幾次後, 引發了亂舞,同時格拉納多斯是在迫使裁判托馬斯·泰勒停止回合的繩索 1:33 成七輪.

“他抓住了我一些好球,但我真的以為我沒事,” 格拉納多斯說. “我認為裁判是有點過度保護. 我有一個計劃去整個戰鬥,他們攔住了我對我的腳. 我還在追趕他的鏡頭. 我仍然是危險的,找一個大人物來改變戰鬥. 裁判不得不雖然做他的工作,我理解這一點。”

同贏, 加西亞將尋求與其他精英的welterweights更大的戰鬥.

“我希望我沒有嚇唬帕奎奧遠,” 加西亞說. “我很想與肖恩·波特和基思·瑟曼複賽, 或者用羅爾·斯彭斯JR一拼. 我回來了!”
合作的主要事件特色的重量級競爭者和美國南加州風扇喜愛安迪 “破壞者” 魯伊斯JR. (32-1, 21 科斯) 得分超過將軍澳勝利亞歷山大Dimitrenko (41-5, 26 科斯) 後在他們的重量級對決五輪動作.

魯伊斯閃過已經定義了他的職業生涯的特殊手速, 落地難的組合,以高大的Dimitrenko的頭部和身體. 魯伊斯大步Dimitrenko, 控制環的中心,並挑選他的斑點卸載.

“他開始放緩,我可以看到他所做的臉,當我打他的身體拍攝,” 魯伊斯說. “我只是呆在紀律和專注. 我不能太著急. 我只是想打破他直到樹倒了下去。”

Dimitrenko試圖用他的刺拳,以保持魯伊斯在海灣,並能引起下魯伊斯的右眼浮線作為幾輪繼續. 這是不夠的,讓魯伊斯挺身而出,並在五輪,他開始堆積處罰, 與搶購Dimitrenko的後腦勺硬右勾拳打斷.

“我們曾在滑倒他的右手和我自己回來,” 魯伊斯說. “我錯過了幾個人,但我住忙. 我專注於剛剛起步的工作做好。”

第五輪後, 和Dimitrenko的角落的意見, 裁判雷電暈停止回合前輪六方會談正式展開. 魯伊斯是領先於所有三個記分卡,並設置為他可能的下一個對手另一個頂級的重量級競爭者目光投向.

“對於我的下一場比賽,有你這樣的人我, 一個胖乎乎的令人振奮的戰機我想,” 魯伊斯說. “亞當Kownacki我準備好了, 我們開工吧。”

在FOX的開幕回合不敗看到頂級的競爭者 布蘭登 “令人傷心的” 菲格羅亞 (19-0, 14 科斯) 通過停止賺取臨時WBA超輕量級冠軍Yonfrez帕雷霍 (22-4-1, 11 科斯) 後八輪動作. 帕雷霍沒有回答鐘九個回合, 迫使裁判傑里坎停止回合,而帕雷霍是在角落裡.

“這是一個了不起的感覺,夢想成真,” 賽義德·菲格羅亞. “我不能等待什麼是未來next.I以為我會完成他的下一輪. 他已經持續相當不錯,但一旦我把壓力達到另一個層次, 我知道他將無法繼續。”

這位22歲的菲格羅亞儘早並經常使用他的簽名壓力, 通過有效的鏡頭走帕雷霍降落前幾輪建立在戰鬥中他的位置. 帕雷霍已經成功登陸掛鉤,而菲格羅亞是在裡面暴露, 但無法避免還擊, 尤其是身體拍攝,最終導致了戰鬥結束.

“他把大量的強投的身體,我覺得我的腿在最後一輪的走到底,” 說帕雷霍。”他是非常強大的,但有時措手不及,我試圖利用這個優勢. 他太強大了今晚。”

菲格羅亞開始在後期輪扔更加組合, 該無效化帕雷霍試圖讓去進攻. 他最多產的幾輪回合四,五, 他在那裡降落 31 和 41 功率分別拳. 片面的八輪,其中菲格羅亞降落出來後,帕雷霍 33 到 15, 它已經很清楚,帕雷霍沒有足夠的對他的拳停止猛攻. 裁判第九輪開始前與帕雷霍協商後停止回合, 正式給菲格羅亞的勝利.

“我的空調是驚人的,我每一輪震感強烈,” 賽義德·菲格羅亞. “我排在後面,我已經準備好了的人。”

在FOX卡後, 額外的FS1和FOX Deportes進行PBC搏擊之夜是由標題 傑森羅薩里奧 (19-1-1, 13 科斯) 贏得分裂決定了 豪爾赫·科塔 (28-3, 25 科斯) 通過分數 97-93 為科塔和 96-94 和 97-93 羅薩里奧在10輪超中量級回合

該FS1部分拉開序幕,高度吹捧的前景 羅蘭 “羅利” 羅梅羅 (9-0, 8 科斯) 淘汰 安德烈斯·菲格羅亞 (9-5, 5 科斯) 1:27 到他們的輕量級鬥爭的四圓. 瑞星不敗 2016 中美. 奧林匹亞 卡洛斯Balderas (8-0, 7 科斯) 保持完美停止 路易斯·月 (21-14-1, 8 科斯) 在 1:07 在他們的輕量級戰鬥四個圓形和超輕量級前景 奧馬爾華雷斯 (3-0, 1 KO)通過分數贏得了一致的決定 40-36 兩次, 39-37 經過四輪對抗德韋恩債券 (3-2-1, 1 KO).

# # #

欲了解更多信息: 訪問 www.premierboxingchampions.com, HT
www.foxdeportes.com, 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, @TGBPromotions, @MayweatherPromo和@Swanson_Comm或成為Facebook上的風扇在 www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions, www.facebook.com/foxsports &www.facebook.com/foxdeportes. 這次活動是由TGB促銷和梅威瑟促銷推廣, 與DSG促銷協會.

丹尼·加西亞VS. 阿德里安·格拉納多斯FIGHT星期的媒體訓練QUOTES & 照片

前兩次分區冠軍加西亞再戰所有行動的競爭者格拉納多斯在FOX總理拳擊冠軍 & FOX體育
卡森, 加利福尼亞州 – 8 P.M. ET /下午5時. PT

點擊 這裡 從肖恩·邁克爾火腿圖片/梅威瑟促銷

SANTA MONICA, 例如. (四月 17, 2019) – 前兩科狀元 丹尼 “迅速” 加西亞 和中量級的競爭者 阿德里安·格拉納多斯 在媒體的鍛煉參加了週三,他們是附近的頭條上FOX和FOX Deportes進行英超冠軍拳擊從尊嚴健康體育公園這個星期六晚上在卡森他們的主要事件對決, 加利福尼亞州.

鍛煉也特色的重量級競爭者 安迪·魯伊斯JR.亞歷山大Dimitrenko, 在10輪的回合誰見面, 和不敗的競爭者 布蘭登·菲格羅亞, 誰面臨委內瑞拉 Yonfrez帕雷霍 在12輪比賽的WBA中期超輕量級冠軍,在揭開序幕廣播 8 P.M. ET /下午5時. PT.

門票現場活動, 這是由TGB促銷和梅威瑟促銷推廣, 與DSG促銷協會, 現已公開發售. 車票可以在AXS.com或在尊嚴健康體育公園票房從購買 10:00 A.M. 到 6:00 P.M.



“我在這個舞台上戰鬥時,我是 6-0 所以這是令人興奮的是回. 我也贏得了在洛杉磯對羅伯特·格雷羅的次中量級冠軍. L.A. 一向對我很好. 有一個偉大的氣氛,我喜歡這裡戰鬥.

“我已經準備好對任何人, 但我還沒有看過去格拉納多斯. 在一天結束時, 我必須專注於週六晚. 我一定要得到這個勝利.

“有相當多的利益, 所以我知道格拉納多斯將準備. 我刻苦訓練,我想我在我的生活中最好的形狀. 我想我更好的形狀我現在比我的最後兩場戰爭. 我迫不及待地表現出來,上週六晚.

“你看丹尼·加西亞打架,你知道我一直在晃悠試圖敲人. 預計上週六另一個不容錯過的打.

“我知道格拉納多斯帶來的表, 但我相信,在我的技能和辛勤工作,我們投入營. 該計劃當然是拿到淘汰賽,並期待壯觀, 但我不是準備去更多 12 硬輪。”


“這是在製作的經典. 我們要作秀. 我感覺好極了. 我們已經關閉了營地正好和我們已經準備好搖滾星期六.

“有很多的挑戰,在這場戰鬥中. 我必須去那裡佔據主導地位,從他採取的鬥爭遠. 丹尼是一個偉大的戰士,是有原因的,他是一個大的名字在體育. 這是我要利用機會.

“我並不感到驚訝,肖恩·波特說我比丹尼·加西亞更強硬的鬥爭. 我看著這兩個打架,你可以在我已運行肖恩生存看到底. 他做了他該做的逃跑, 但對於這場戰鬥,我把它出來的其他人的手.

“我不認為丹尼正在過去我, 但我知道他有更大的計劃. 我在這裡要打斷這些計劃. 我有自己的計劃. 我將自己彈射到我屬於哪裡哪裡,我應該一直.

“我的父母辛辛苦苦把我在正確的道路上. 我參與體育作為一個孩子,並且永不回頭. 我一直呆在專注於我的運動和研究. 誘惑在那裡芝加哥. 我堅守我自己,現在我在一個地方,很多人仰望我. 如果我贏了上週六可以證明一切皆有可能。”


“這將是我在這個場地打第四. 我每次都得到了淘汰賽, 所以我認為這是一個好運氣的舞台對我來說. 我有過挫折, 但我已經準備好為我的復出.

“我一直在刻苦訓練為這場鬥爭作出聲明. 我很高興能獲得這場比賽的勝利,並做重點.

“Dimitrenko是一個老戰士,我知道我不能把他掉以輕心. 我們要做好準備,可能最好的人贏. 我已經準備好採取所有的挑戰者.

“我只需要保持寬鬆,讓我的手去. 我要展現的那種戰鬥機,我. 我的速度和方式,我用戒指將是一個關鍵.

“我看過Dimitrenko的戰鬥, 我知道我必須做我必須做的. 我認為這是很難為他打小傢伙像我, 尤其是速度和誰拋出的組合。”


“這對我來說是一個重要的戰鬥,我在這裡取勝. 這是什麼新的我. 我的工作是來這裡把一個偉大的表現. 我是一個職業很長一段時間,我準備週六.

“我在大的戰鬥比魯伊斯更多的經驗. 我想給我在這場鬥爭中最好的. 有對我沒有壓力,我感覺輕鬆備戰.

“我對科比詹寧斯最後一戰一個壞停工結束,我期待抹殺記憶. 上週六的勝利對我很重要,我不看過去,. 我必須做我的工作,我們將看到之後會發生什麼.

“這是我在洛杉磯第一次, 我已經得到了享受天氣一點點,但它的所有業務. 我專注於戰鬥上週六, 這一直是目標的所有營地,我們領導到上週六一個偉大的演出。”


“這是一個時刻,我一直在等待,因為我是一個小孩子. 機會就在這裡, 我已經準備好了,我迫不及待地把它.

“我有一個非常好的訓練營. 我的身體已經準備好身心. 我知道,帕雷霍是誰去嘗試框我一個非常好的戰鬥機. 我覺得一旦我把對他施加壓力, 我將能夠主宰他.

“我認為帕雷霍在他的內線弱點, 這是一件好事,我真正擅長的. 我覺得像我過去幾年打架,我使用了主宰我的對手.

“這是我的時間閃耀. 我有一個很好的訓練營,我在這裡把這個機會. 我只有22歲,我已經很努力讓我在哪裡現在。”

# # #

加西亞VS. 格拉納多斯會看到前兩分世界冠軍丹尼 “迅速” 加西亞對抗崎嶇的老將阿德里安·格拉納多斯在頭條上的福克斯和福克斯Deportes進行週六英超冠軍拳擊12輪次中量級回合, 四月 20 20 從尊嚴健康體育公園, 原家得寶中心球場, 卡森, 加利福尼亞州.

重量級的競爭者安迪·魯伊斯JR. 發生在亞歷山大Dimitrenko在共同特徵不敗的競爭者布蘭登菲格羅亞10輪再戰回合委內瑞拉Yonfrez帕雷霍在12輪比賽的WBA中期超輕量級冠軍,打開開始於黃金時間播出FOX 8 P.M. ET /下午5時. PT.

球迷們可以即時串流在FOX體育應用打架, 英文或西班牙文通過FOX或FOX Deportes進行飼料可用. 打架都可以在桌面上的FOXSports.com,並通過應用程序商店, 或連接的設備,包括蘋果電視, Android的電視, 消防電視, 的Xbox One和Roku公司.

欲了解更多信息: 訪問 www.premierboxingchampions.com, HT
www.foxdeportes.com, 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, @TGBPromotions, @MayweatherPromo和@Swanson_Comm或成為Facebook上的風扇在 www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions, www.facebook.com/foxsports &www.facebook.com/foxdeportes.


Veteran Contender Adrian Granados & 重量級的競爭者
安迪·魯伊斯JR. Prepare for Respective Premier Boxing Champions
在FOX & FOX Deportes Matchups Saturday, 四月 20 從
Dignity Health Sports Park in Carson, 加利福尼亞州

點擊 這裡 for Photos from Luis Mejia/TGB Promotions

點擊 這裡 從梅威瑟促銷圖片

LOS ANGELES (四月 4, 2019) – All-action welterweight 阿德里安·格拉納多斯
nd heavyweight contender 安迪·魯伊斯JR. continued preparation for their respective showdowns at a media workout in Los Angeles Thursday before they step in the ring Saturday, 四月 20 as part of Premier Boxing Champions on FOX and FOX Deportes from Dignity Health Sports Park in Carson, 加利福尼亞州.

Granados will face former two-division world champion 丹尼 “迅速” 加西亞 in a 12-round welterweight bout that headlines action, while the Southern California-native Ruiz takes on 亞歷山大Dimitrenko in heavyweight action as part of the broadcast beginning at 8 P.M. ET /下午5時. PT. Fans are encouraged to arrive early to not miss any of the televised action.

門票現場活動, 這是由TGB促銷和梅威瑟促銷推廣, 與DSG促銷協會, 現已公開發售. 車票可以在AXS.com或在尊嚴健康體育公園票房從購買 10:00 A.M. 到 6:00 P.M.

Here is what the workout participants had to say Thursday from Fortune Gym in Los Angeles:


“我感覺好極了. I’m starting to peak and everything is clicking. I had a great camp and I’m just excited for this fight.

This is a great style matchup. Danny is a strong puncher and a great counter puncher. 我將是正確的有. I’m going to come with it. I also have a lot of intangibles that people don’t see. I’m not one-dimensional and I have a few tricks up my sleeve.

I think I have more dog in me than Danny does. He complains a lot and also gets away with a lot. He does what he has to do to win. I’ve never been given anything and I think I have a lot more to prove than he does.

My fights against Shawn Porter and Adrien Broner were good preparation for this. I think against Broner I should have gotten the decision, but I didn’t. Against Porter, I fought the wrong fight and missed the chance I did have. I’ve got a chip on my shoulder from both experiences.

This is my chance to show the boxing world that I’m elite and get my title shot. I’ve always wanted to become a world champion, and I haven’t got my opportunity at 140 where I beat the number-one contender. I’m not afraid to fight anyone so I’m here to get a big win.

I think I need a stoppage or a dominating win. It has to be one-sided. I have enough controversial losses that I know that I can’t leave it up to the judges. I’m training hard to dominate the fight.

I’m kind of a ‘young vetbecause I’m only 29-years-old but I’m battle-tested. I was never promoted until the last three or four years. I’ve had to do what I had to coming up. I took the tough fights that most prospects wouldn’t.

I always knew I had the talent to be at this level and I’m glad that I’m respected and recognized now, but it’s time for me to get a big win. I’m going to show that I really belong and I’m an elite fighter.


All the hard work in the gym has been paying off and I feel prepared for April 20. I’m facing an experienced guy who’s tall, but I think my pressure and my speed will make it difficult for him.

We’ve looked at Dimitrenko’s past fights and put together a game plan. We’re going to stick to it and execute. We’re going to attack the body and I think with my speed and combinations I’m going to get him out of there.

I’m coming back from a layoff but it’s over and right now my goal is to make a statement and let everyone know that I’m back in action. I’m ready to take one of the spots at the top of the division.

There are a lot of big fights I want, but my mind is totally focused on April 20. I’ve never been this motivated. I’m going to be fighting more often and I’m glad to have the opportunity.

Fighting for the Mexican fans gives me more motivation now than ever. I want to be the first Mexican heavyweight champion of the world and hopefully this year or next year I will accomplish those dreams.

I have everything I need now to get to where I want to go. This is just the beginning. The more fights I have, the better I’m going to be looking.

It feels great to be fighting in Southern California and I know there will be a lot of Mexicans out there on April 20. It’s always a great atmosphere and my game plan is to steal the show. I’m going to give it all I got for the fans.

I think Dimitrenko is going to use his jab and move around. 他的身高, but he can’t run away forever. At some point you have to be there toe-to-toe. We’ve worked on our head movement and we’re going to be ready for anything he brings.

湯姆·布朗, TGB促銷總統

“安迪·魯伊斯JR. is exactly where he should be right now. He’s re-dedicated himself to the sport of boxing and when he does, there might not be a better heavyweight out there. He traveled to New Zealand and took on Joseph Parker in his backyard and lost a majority decision. He’s tasted it and he’s hungry for it again.

Arguably Adrian Granados could have a record of 27-1 and he’s ready for his moment to shine. I like where he’s at mentally as far as taking charge and winning these fights so he can move on and become a champion, which has been his goal since he got into the game.

# # #

加西亞VS. 格拉納多斯會看到前兩分世界冠軍丹尼 “迅速” 加西亞對抗崎嶇的老將阿德里安·格拉納多斯在頭條上的福克斯和福克斯Deportes進行週六英超冠軍拳擊12輪次中量級回合, 四月 20 20 從尊嚴健康體育公園, 原家得寶中心球場, 卡森, 加利福尼亞州.

Heavyweight contender Andy Ruiz takes on Alexander Dimitrenko in a 10-round bout in the co-feature and unbeaten contender Brandon Figueroa battles Venezuela’s Yonfrez Parejo in a 12-round match for the WBA Interim Super Bantamweight title that opens the primetime FOX broadcast that begins at 8 P.M. ET /下午5時. PT.

球迷們可以即時串流在FOX體育應用打架, 英文或西班牙文通過FOX或FOX Deportes進行飼料可用. 打架都可以在桌面上的FOXSports.com,並通過應用程序商店, 或連接的設備,包括蘋果電視, Android的電視, 消防電視, 的Xbox One和Roku公司.

欲了解更多信息: 訪問 www.premierboxingchampions.com, HT
www.foxdeportes.com, 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, @TGBPromotions, @MayweatherPromo和@Swanson_Comm或成為Facebook上的風扇在 www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions, www.facebook.com/foxsports &www.facebook.com/foxdeportes.

Hard-Hitting Jeison Rosario Clashes with Mexico’s Jorge Cota In Middleweight Showdown on PBC FIGHT NIGHTEXTRA on FS1 and FOX Deporteson Saturday, 四月 20 from Dignity Health Sports Park in Carson, 加利福尼亞州

Also in Action! Veteran Brawler Alfredo Angulo, 2016 中美. 奧運選手卡洛斯·巴爾德拉斯(Karlos Balderas) & Sensational Lightweight Prospect Omar Juarez Competing in Separate Televised Bouts Beginning at 10:30 P.M. AND / 7:30 P.M. PT Following PBC on FOX Broadcast

CARSON, CALIF. (三月 27, 2019) – Hard-hitting contender 傑森羅薩里奧 發生在墨西哥 豪爾赫·科塔 in a 10-round middleweight fight that headlines PBC FIGHT NIGHTEXTRA on FS1 and FOX Deportes Saturday, 四月 20 從尊嚴健康體育公園, 原家得寶中心球場, 卡森, 加利福尼亞州.

Battle-hardened veteran 阿爾弗雷德 “狗” 安古洛 will fight in the co-main event of the telecast, while exciting lightweight prospect and 2016 中美. 奧林匹亞 卡洛斯Balderas 發生在 Pedro Vicente in a six or eight round bout and highly-decorated lightweight prospect 奧馬爾華雷斯 clashes with Mexico’s Luis Gerardo Perez Salasin a four-round match to open the telecast at 10:30 P.M. AND / 7:30 P.M. PT.

PBC FIGHT NIGHTEXTRA will follow the PBC on FOX primetime show headlined by former two-division world champion Danny “迅速” Garcia battling rugged veteran Adrian Granados in a 12-round welterweight bout.

Heavyweight contender Andy Ruiz takes on Alexander Dimitrenko in a 10-round bout in the co-feature and unbeaten contender Brandon Figueroa battles Venezuela’s Yonfrez Parejo in a 12-round match for the WBA Interim Super Bantamweight title that opens the primetime FOX broadcast that begins at 8 P.M. ET /下午5時. PT.

門票現場活動, 這是由TGB促銷和梅威瑟促銷推廣, 與DSG促銷協會, 現已公開發售. 車票可以在AXS.com或在尊嚴健康體育公園票房從購買 10:00 A.M. 到 6:00 P.M.

The non-stop block of boxing promises wall-to-wall action for fans who tune into FOX, FOX Deportes and FS1.

玫瑰園 (18-1-1, 13 科斯) was busy last year, scoring victories in three of four fights in 2018, including wins over then-unbeaten Jamontay Clark and contender Justin DeLoach. He is coming off a stoppage victory over Marcos Hernandez in February on FS1, which avenged a split draw the two boxers fought to in 2018. The 23-year-old from Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic who now lives in Miami, 佛羅里達, will have his hands full against the hard-hitting Cota (28-2, 25 科斯). The 31-year-old Cota from Los Mochis, 錫那羅亞, Mexico has scored three straight knockout victories since losing to Erickson Lubin in 2017. He’s coming off a TKO victory over Euri Gonzalez in November

Balderas (7-0, 6 科斯) scored three stoppage victories in his fights last year and continues to progress up the lightweight ladder. The 23-year-old Balderas of Santa Maria, 加利福尼亞州, 是的一個部件 2016 中美. Olympic boxing team and most recently stopped Jose Cen Torres in February. 維森特 (6-2, 2 科斯) is looking to build on the momentum from his unanimous decision victory over Luis Miguel Ortiz in his last fight in January.

The 19-year-old Juarez (2-0, 1 科斯), who is from Brownsville, 得克薩斯州, will be climbing back into the ring quickly after scoring a knockout victory over Phillip Percy in February. 薩拉斯 (5-2, 1 科斯) is looking to rebound from back-to-back losses when he steps in against Juarez.

In other non-televised action, Los Angeles bantamweight Daniel Guzman (2-1-1, 1 KO) takes on Monterrey, 墨西哥 Hugo Rodriguez (0-3) in a four-round bout, unbeaten Alhambra, Cal., 次中量級 Emmanuel Medina (16-0, 9 科斯) battles Japan’s Gaku Takahashi (16-9-1, 8 科斯) in an eight-round match and Colorado Springs瑞奇·洛佩茲 (20-4, 6 科斯) 面孔 喬佩雷斯 (14-3-1, 10 科斯) in a 10-round super featherweight bout. Round out the card is Fontana, 加州的 Raymond Murattala (6-0, 4 科斯) meeting Mexico’s Eduardo Reyes (9-15, 6 科斯) in a six-round lightweight bout and Edinburg, 得克薩斯州’ 納爾遜·漢普頓 (4-2, 4 科斯) fighting in a four-round lightweight special attraction.

# # #

球迷們可以即時串流在FOX體育應用打架, 英文或西班牙文通過FOX或FOX Deportes進行飼料可用. The fights are available on desktop at FOXSports.com and through the app store, 或連接的設備,包括蘋果電視, Android的電視, 消防電視, 的Xbox One和Roku公司.

欲了解更多信息: 訪問 www.premierboxingchampions.com, HT
www.foxdeportes.com, 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, @TGBPromotions, @MayweatherPromo和@Swanson_Comm或成為Facebook上的風扇在 www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions, www.facebook.com/foxsports &www.facebook.com/foxdeportes.

丹尼·加西亞VS. ADRIAN GRANADOS LOS ANGELES PRESS CONFERENCE QUOTES & 照片 – Former Two-Division Champion Garcia Battles All-Action Granados on Premier Boxing Champions on FOX & FOX Deportes on Saturday, 四月 20 from Dignity Health Sports Park in Carson, 加利福尼亞州

Former Two-Division Champion Garcia Battles All-Action Granados on Premier Boxing Champions on FOX & FOX Deportes on Saturday, 四月 20 from Dignity Health Sports Park in Carson, 加利福尼亞州

點擊 這裡 從肖恩·邁克爾火腿圖片/

LOS ANGELES (三月 19, 2019) – 前兩屆處世界冠軍 丹尼 “迅速” 加西亞 and veteran contender 阿德里安·格拉納多斯 previewed their Premier Boxing Champions on FOX and FOX Deportes main event showdown at a press conference in Los Angeles Tuesday as they prepare to square-off Saturday, 四月 20 from Dignity Health Sports Park in Carson, 加利福尼亞州.

門票現場活動, 這是由TGB促銷和梅威瑟促銷推廣, 與DSG促銷協會, 現已公開發售. 車票可以在AXS.com或在尊嚴健康體育公園票房從購買 10:00 A.M. 到 6:00 P.M.

四月 20 broadcast begins at 8 P.M. ET /下午5時. PT and features heavyweight contender 安迪·魯伊斯JR. 承擔 亞歷山大Dimitrenko in a 10-round bout in the co-feature and unbeaten contender 布蘭登·菲格羅亞 battling Venezuela’s Yonfrez帕雷霍 in a 12-round match for the WBA Interim Super Bantamweight title.

Here is what the press conference participants had to say Tuesday from the Palms Restaurant Downtown L.A.:


I’ve been training hard. I’ve seen Granados fight a few times and I know what he can do. I’m excited to be back in Los Angeles, because this is where the stars fight. This is another fight that can get me to where I want to go in my career.

My mentality is that I have to stop Granados. Nobody has stopped him and I have to do that to make a statement. He’s never fought a counter puncher like me and I’m definitely the hardest puncher he’s faced. I’m going to showcase everything to get the stoppage.

This is another fight for my legacy. There have been a lot of great fights in my career and this is another important one for me. I know he’s coming to fight, but I’m looking to make this one of my easiest wins.

He’s a tough and aggressive fighter who likes to throw a lot of punches. 他是餓了, and that’s the type of guy that you have to watch out for. I’ve got to handle my business against Granados before I look to any bigger fights.

This is a big platform for me to perform on. I’m going to show the world why I’m one of the best fighters in the world.

I plan on winning with style. I’m going to bring a lot of skill, a lot of will, a lot of power and I’m going to entertain my fans. 四月 20 will be the ‘Danny Garcia Show.'


“這將是一個偉大的鬥爭. We’re two fighters who bring it. I’m coming for a victory in dominating fashion. This is the fight that I’ve wanted for a while now.

I haven’t had the easiest road and that’s why I’m looking to get my respect in this fight. I’m looking forward to this. It’s going to be a barnburner. 可能最好的人贏.

If he’s underestimating me it will definitely be a big mistake on his part. I don’t think he will though. I think he realizes now he’s in for a fight. If he didn’t know me before, he does now. I’m going to give him a piece of my mind April 20.

I was never taken care of coming up. I always had to work harder to get to where I’m at. Danny and I basically had the same accolades in the amateurs, and I always gave him kudos for what he’s done in his whole career, but he doesn’t know what I’ve gotten through to get here.

I’m coming to get my respect in this fight. I’m going to make Danny fight and see what he’s made of. I’ve always had a chip on my shoulder but being able to take out a fighter like Danny is motivating me to another level.

湯姆·布朗, TGB促銷總統

Premier Boxing Champions has made a major commitment to bringing some of the best and biggest fights to Southern California. We started with the Wilder vs. Fury heavyweight title fight downtown in December and we’re back again in April at the Dignity Health Sports Park. This is the premier outdoor boxing venue in the United States and we have a great show there on April 20.

Danny Garcia is a throwback fighter. A first-ballot Hall of Famer in my opinion. At 140-pounds he took on the best in the division and never backed down from a challenge. Danny was a 2-1 underdog when he fought Lucas Matthysse, and we knew what happened after, he proved the doubters wrong. I’m so excited to have him back in California on this great card.

Adrian Granados could arguably be sitting up here with a record of 27-1, since all but one of his losses have been by split or majority decision, and usually it’s in his opponent’s backyard. He’s a battle-tested veteran who’s made a name for himself bringing action-packed fights to the fans. When we announced all the PBC on FOX fights, this is the one that I circled.

LEONARD ELLERBE, CEO of President of Mayweather Promotions

“這將是一個了不起的戰鬥. I’ve really been looking forward to this fight because I’ve known these guys for a long time. Styles make fights and in this particular matchup, we have two fighters who are all action.

Danny has shown that he’s an elite fighter, because he’s beaten a number of great world champions. Adrian Granados always comes to fight. He’s never ever in a boring fight. The styles mesh so well, with Danny being a world class counter-puncher and also being a superb boxer. Granados is going to force Danny to fight on the inside a lot more than usual.

I think this fight is going to bring the best out of both Danny and Adrian. They’ve both fought a number of very good fighters and been in involved in numerous debatable decisions. They’re going to have to leave it all in the ring come April 20.

# # #

球迷們可以即時串流在FOX體育應用打架, 英文或西班牙文通過FOX或FOX Deportes進行飼料可用. 打架都可以在桌面上的FOXSports.com,並通過應用程序商店, 或連接的設備,包括蘋果電視, Android的電視, 消防電視, 的Xbox One和Roku公司.

欲了解更多信息: 訪問 www.premierboxingchampions.com, HT
www.foxdeportes.com, 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, @TGBPromotions, @MayweatherPromo和@Swanson_Comm或成為Facebook上的風扇在 www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions, www.facebook.com/foxsports &www.facebook.com/foxdeportes.

Former Two-Division Champion Danny Garcia Battles All-Action Adrian Granados on Premier Boxing Champions on FOX & FOX Deportes on Saturday, 四月 20 from Dignity Health Sports Park in Carson, 加利福尼亞州

更多! 重量級競爭者安迪·魯伊斯JR. Faces Alexander Dimitrenko & Unbeaten Super Bantamweight Brandon Figueroa Takes on Yonfrez Parejo in Interim WBA 122-Pound Title Fight To Kick Off Action Beginning at 8 P.M. ET /下午5時. PT


CARSON, CALIF. (三月 7, 2019) – 前兩屆處世界冠軍 丹尼 “迅速” 加西亞 will battle hard-hitting veteran 阿德里安·格拉納多斯 in a 12-round welterweight bout that will headline the live prime time event presented by Premier Boxing Champions on FOX and FOX Deportes on Saturday, 四月 20 從尊嚴健康體育公園 (原家得寶中心球場) 卡森, 加利福尼亞州.

Heavyweight contenderAndy Ruiz Jr.發生在亞歷山大Dimitrenko in a 10-round bout in the co-feature and unbeaten contenderBrandon Figueroabattles Venezuela’sYonfrez帕雷霍 in a 12-round match for the WBA Interim Super Bantamweight title that opens the primetime FOX broadcast that begins at 8 P.M. ET /下午5時. PT.

Tickets for the live event, which is promoted by TGB Promotions and Mayweather Promotions, 與DSG促銷協會, 現已公開發售. Tickets can be purchased at AXS.com or at the Dignity Health Sports Park box office from 10:00 A.M. 到 6:00 P.M.

Danny Garcia is one of the preeminent boxers of this generation,” 說湯姆·布朗, TGB促銷總統. “He’s a champion through and through. His resume is a veritable ‘Who’s Who?’ of the best at 140 和 147 pounds over the last 10 歲月. He’s hungry to get his title back and he’s willing to go through anyone to do that. Adrian Granados is a tough competitor looking to join the championship ranks and Danny represents the most direct route. It’s the kind of clash that makes for entertaining matches. The fans at Dignity Health Sports Park and watching on FOX and FOX Deportes on April 20 are in for a treat.” 

Danny Garcia knows that he¹s going to have to be on his A-game, as a victory over Adrian Granados puts him back in position to regain his welterweight championship,” 倫納德說Ellerbe, CEO of Mayweather Promotions. “Adrian Granados is a fighter thatalways comes to put on exciting fights and holds nothing back against his opponents. The action leading up to the main event is sure to be crowd pleasers. I expect the fans in attendance to bring the energy to Dignity Health Sports Park and those tuning in on FOX and FOX Deportes will be fully entertained as well.

加西亞 (34-2, 20 科斯) has fought and defeated many of the most formidable opponents at 140 and 147-pounds spanning two generations-Erik Morales, 朱達, Kendall Holt, 阿米爾汗, 盧卡斯Matthysse, Paulie Malignaggi and Lamont Peterson among them. Six of his seven opponents in the welterweight division were former or current world champions and 12 他最後的 16 opponents overall carried the same distinction. Included in that run was a headlining performance live on FOX in January 2016, when he defeated Robert Guerrero to capture his welterweight title in Los Angeles. Representing the fighting city of Philadelphia, the 30-year-old most recently lost an exciting and narrow decision to Shawn Porter in their September title fight.

I cannot wait to get back in the ring and put on the Danny Garcia show once again,” 加西亞說. “Granados was talking a big game when we first announced the fight and I plan on proving him wrong on April 20. The Southern California fans have always treated me right and I’m excited to give them a great fight.

Fighting out of Cicero, Ilinois, 格拉納多斯 (20-6-2, 14 科斯) has made a name for himself by delivering tough, action-packed fights against top fighters in the sport, including Shawn Porter and Adrien Broner. The 29-year-old burst onto the scene by shocking then unbeaten Amir Imam via a stoppage victory in their 2015 衝突. After a fight last June against Javier Fortuna that ended in a no contest, Granados picked up two-straight knockout wins heading into this matchup.

This is a huge fight for me and definitely one of the most important in my career,” 格拉納多斯說. “I’m looking to dominate, look impressive and control the fight. I’ve fought in Southern California before and I’m looking to take advantage of the great Mexican crowd. This is Mexico versus Puerto Rico and Chicago vs. 費城. It’s territorial on a lot of levels and you can expect us to leave it all in the ring.

Fighting out of Imperial, 加利福尼亞州, 魯伊斯 (31-1, 20 科斯) was a two-time Mexican national champion at super heavyweight as an amateur, before embarking on a pro career that saw him win his first 29 打架. The 29-year-old lost a close majority decision against Joseph Parker in their 2016 world title fight and rebounded with victories over Kevin Johnson and Devin Vargas last year.

The 36-year-old Dimitrenko (41-4, 26 科斯) is a longtime heavyweight contender who has challenged top fighters throughout his career. Born in Russia but fighting out of Hamburg, 德國, he most recently lost to Bryant Jennings in a back and forth fight in August and owns wins over Derric Rossy, Adrian Granat and Miljan Rovcanin.

The 22-year-old Figueroa (18-0, 13 科斯) most recently delivered a dominant performance in knocking out Moises Flores in the third-round of their January fight on FS1. 代表韋斯拉科, 得克薩斯州, the younger brother of former world champion Omar has a five-fight knockout streak that he brings into the ring on April 20.

A former interim champion and title challenger at bantamweight, Parejo (22-3-1, 11 科斯) will look to make his mark at 122-pounds when he battles Figueroa on April 20. The 32-year-old from Venezuela lost a bantamweight world title fight to Ryan Burnett last March, but rebounded to most recently defeat Benjamin Mendoza in February. He won an interim title by stopping Luis Hinojosa in 2014 before losing a split-decision the following year to former champion Zhanat Zhakiyanov.

Fans can live stream the fights on the FOX Sports app, available in English or Spanish through the FOX or FOX Deportes feeds. The fights are available on desktop at FOXSports.com and through the app store, 或連接的設備,包括 蘋果電視, Android的電視, 消防電視, 的Xbox One和Roku公司.

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Danny Roman Defends WBA Super Bantamweight World Championship In SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® 共同特徵;




點擊 這裡 對於照片; 信用阿曼達韋斯科特/欣欣


點擊 這裡 對於照片; Credit Ryan Hafey/PBC


FRISCO, TEXAS (六月 16, 2018) – Errol Spence Jr. defended his IBF Welterweight World Championship with a first-round knockout of previously undefeated mandatory challenger Carlos Ocampo in a homecoming fight Saturday on SHOWTIME at Ford Center at The Star. 視頻: https://s.sho.com/2HTG4Zv




A sellout crowd of more than 12,600 fans packed Ford Center at The Star in Frisco to witness Spence’s first homecoming defense as champion and his first fight in Dallas since 2015. The consensus top-5 pound-for-pound fighter did not disappoint, pounding the body from the opening bell with his trademark body attack and superb ring generalship.




斯彭斯, who was making his second defense as a 147-pound champion, floored Ocampo with a brutal 1-2 body shot combo, the second punch landing flush on the challenger’s side and instantly flooring him as the opening round concluded. Ocampo (22-1, 13 科斯) crippled over in pain while on the canvas, was unable to beat the count and remained on the floor for more than two minutes while Spence celebrated his victory.




“I was a little disappointed. I wanted to give the crowd their money’s worth,” Spence said. “I wanted him to sustain a bit and give him some punishment, but the body shot got him and I dropped him.”




It was the ninth time Spence (24-0, 21 科斯) has floored an opponent with a body shot in his 24 專業的戰鬥.




“I knew if I hit him again he would probably drop,” Spence said. “That was my game plan. I’m the body snatcher. If he reacts weirdly, I just keep going to the body and I keep breaking him down.”




戰鬥結束後, Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones joined Spence in the ring to congratulate him on the victory.




“This moment is a dream,” Spence said. “I wanted to play for the Dallas Cowboys and now I’m fighting in front of the Dallas Cowboys and Jerry Jones. Thank you to the whole Dallas Cowboys organization.




“We’ll definitely be back after I unify some titles. We’ll make this an annual thing where I fight here.”




Jones was thrilled with what was the first boxing event inside the Ford Center at The Star, the centerpiece of the 91-acre campus of the Dallas Cowboys World Headquarters and practice facility.




“This room was full of Dallas Cowboys football players supporting you,” Jones said. “They share your passion. I saw a guy in this ring who knew what he wanted. When you knock a guy out by hitting him once on the side of his back, you’re bad to the bone.




“I love his awareness. He had a plan from the beginning. He is exceptionally gifted. He has family that is behind him and our family, the Cowboys, want to be behind him as well.”




戰鬥結束後, SHOWTIME Sports reporter Jim Gray, who was inducted into the International Boxing Hall of Fame last Sunday, asked Spence what he would like to do next.




“I want to fight the best,” Spence promised. “Danny Garcia and Shawn Porter are fighting each other (for the WBC title) and I definitely want to make that a unifying fight. We both have the same management, we both fight on SHOWTIME. Why not make that happen? I definitely want that fight whenever it’s available.”




在電視的共同特徵, Danny Roman defended his WBA Super Bantamweight World Championship with a unanimous decision over previously undefeated Moises Flores in a 12-round fight that was scored 116-112, 118-110, 120-108.




The champion Roman (24-2-1, 9 科斯) was the faster and sharper fighter from the opening bell. 羅馬, who was making the second defense of his 122-pound belt, pounded the body repeatedly over 12 發, connecting on a staggering 50 percent of his body shots. 花卉 (25-1, 17 科斯), who failed to make weight for the title fight and was unable to win the belt, tired in the latter half of the fight and was largely a stationary target for Roman for 12 發.




Both fighters threw more than 1,000 拳, yet it was Roman who was the more effective boxer, connecting on an impressive 42 他的力量,投籃的百分比.




“I was trying to box him. We tried to do a smart fight,” Roman said. “We tried to take him out, but unfortunately we couldn’t.




“I would like to unify. I would like to challenge any of the champions. I’d love to face Rey Vargas or Isaac Dogboe. I don’t mind going back to Japan either.”




“I know I messed up in training,“弗洛雷斯說. “I didn’t make the weight, but I still wanted to perform and give it everything I have.




“We both hit each other a lot. 我打 (羅馬) with some good shots, I just couldn’t finish him. I was probably around 60 percent energy-wise. From the fifth round on I had to just fight with pure heart.




“(羅馬) put on a great show for the fans, and that’s what makes me feel great. That’s all I wanted was to put on a good fight.”




在精彩表演拳擊錦標賽轉播的開幕回合, Javier Fortuna suffered an injury while falling through the ropes due to an accidental push in the fourth round and his 140-pound matchup with Adrian Granados was ruled a No Decision.




格拉納多斯 (18-6-2, 11 科斯) and Fortuna (33-2-1, 23 科斯) both came out swinging from the opening bell. In a wild fourth round, Fortuna was deducted two points, first for punching to the back of the head, and second for holding. After the second point deduction, the former 130-pound champion Fortuna aggressively moved forward and unloaded a series of shots.




過了一會兒, Granados and Fortuna were clinching along the ropes near Granados’ corner when Fortuna fell backward through the ropes, whipping his neck as he fell back. Complaining of pain and lack of movement, Fortuna was stabilized with a neck brace and removed from the ring on a stretcher in what was later described as a precautionary measure.




在停止時, Grandos was leading on all three of the judges’ scorecards.




“I didn’t push him. I think he fell with his own,” Granados said. “I think he was looking for an excuse on his way out. We were both battling, but I knew he could feel I was getting stronger. He caught me with a shot and it just turned me up.




“First and foremost I just want to pray that he’s OK. Let’s do the rematch. I’ve been dying for a fight at 140.”




Saturday’s SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast will re-air on Monday at 10 P.M. ET/PT on SHOWTIME EXTREME and will be available via SHOWTIME ON DEMAND and SHOWTIME ANYTIME.




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About The Star

The Star is the 91-acre campus of the Dallas Cowboys World Headquarters and practice facility in Frisco, 得克薩斯州. Developed as a first-of-its-kind partnership between the City of Frisco and Frisco ISD, The Star features Ford Center, a 12,000-seat stadium that hosts Frisco ISD football games and other events; Cowboys Fit, 一 60,000 square-foot gym developed in partnership with leading fitness developer, Mark Mastrov; Cowboys Club, a members-only club where the country club meets the NFL; The Omni Frisco Hotel, a 16-floor, 300-room luxury hotel; Baylor Scott & White Sports Therapy & Research at The Star, 一 300,000 square-foot center of excellence for sports medicine set to open in 2018; as well as a variety of shopping, dining and nightlife options as part of the Entertainment District. For more information on The Star, 訪問 www.TheStarInFrisco.com.




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