标记档案: 总理拳击冠军

阿多尼斯·史蒂文森VS. Sakio邮币卡ARTUR BETERBIEV VS. 加布里埃尔坎皮略官方WEIGHTS & 照片

总理拳击冠军 (PBC) 在CBS 星期六, 四月 4, 在 3 P.M. AND/中午PT 从百事可乐体育馆在魁北克市, 加拿大

称重的照片: (图片来源: 阿曼达国 / 中国人民银行CBS)

幕后花絮照片: (图片来源: 阿曼达国 / 中国人民银行CBS)



阿多尼斯·史蒂文森: 174 ½磅

萨基BULL: 174 ½磅



加布里埃尔坎皮略: 174 ½磅



朱利安·威廉斯: 154 ½磅

乔伊·埃尔南德斯: 155 英镑


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中国人民银行CBS, 由史蒂文森和邮币卡之间的轻重量级世界冠军的争夺标题, 由狮伊冯·米歇尔晋升 (健身房) 并介绍了Videotron的,并与濑-O-JEU协会. 门票现已公开发售,在魁北克百事体育馆票房, 通过调用 (418) 691-7211(800) 900-7469, 在线 www.billetech.com, 在GYM (514) 383-0666 与冠军拳击俱乐部 (514) 376-0980. 门票价格从 $25 到 $250 在地板上.

阿多尼斯·史蒂文森VS. 迎战Sakio BIKAUNDERCARD新闻发布会行情 & 照片

总理拳击冠军 (PBC) 在CBS

星期六, 四月 4, 在 3 P.M. AND/中午PT 从百事可乐体育馆在魁北克市, 加拿大

点击 这里 从undercard的新闻发布会照片

信贷: 阿曼达国 / 中国人民银行CBS

魁北克市 (四月 2, 2015) – 前就职 总理拳击冠军CBS 转播开始 (3 P.M. AND/12 P.M. PT), 年轻恒星一群看起来点燃 百事体育馆 人群在一系列undercard较量的开始的 1 P.M. AND.


门票现场活动有售,可以在魁北克百事体育馆售票处购买, 通过调用 (418) 691-7211(800) 900-7469, 在线 www.billetech.com, 在GYM (514) 383-0666 与冠军拳击俱乐部 (514) 376-0980. 门票价格从 $25 到 $250 在地板上.


中国人民银行CBS, 通过之间的轻重量级世界冠军的争夺标题 阿多尼斯 “超人” 史蒂文森迎战Sakio “蝎子” 金牛座 同时搭载 阿图尔Beterbiev因为他面临 加布里埃尔 “帅气的男人” 坎皮, 由狮伊冯·米歇尔晋升 (健身房) 并介绍了Videotron的,并与濑-O-JEU协会.


领衔的undercard行动上升不败超中量级的竞争者 朱利安 “J·罗克” 威廉姆斯 (18-0-1, 11 科斯), 谁就会被希望继续他的上升到明星,当他面对令人兴奋 乔伊 “闪烁手指” 埃尔南德斯 (24-2-1, 14 科斯)在10轮次中量级回合.


在另一个顶级非电视转播的比赛, 凯文Bizier (23-2, 16 科斯)返回到环在他的家乡的脸 福阿德·埃尔马苏迪 (12-4, 1 KO)在八轮超中量级对决. 在八轮重量级废料, 不败 奥斯卡 “KABOOM” 里瓦斯 (15-0, 10 科斯) 将面临Oezcan Cetinkaya (19-9-2, 13 科斯).


在一个对超中量级较量, 塞巴斯蒂安·布沙尔 (9-1, 3 科斯) 将在丹尼斯·法里亚斯 (19-6-2, 1 KO) 在八轮比赛,并 Custio克莱顿 (2-0, 1 KO) 将面临罗纳德·贝尔蒂 (4-3-1, 1 KO)在六轮对决.


该卡的其余部分杀进加拿大前景,寻求建立自己的亲简历的三重奏. 扬迈克尔·普兰 (1-0-1) 发生在 米歇尔Tsalla (1-9-2) 在四个回合中量级回合, Vislan Dalkhaev (1-0) 战斗 阿德尔Hadjouis (7-3) 在四回合轻量级回合和 沙基尔笔 (1-0, 1 KO) 面孔 刘若英roody (0-2-1)在四个轮超中量级回合.


不败的前景从步骤f伟大的​​战斗费城的欢呼, 威廉姆斯 是希望保住自己的不败纪录完整,留下深刻印象的大舞台. 24岁的面对一个僵硬的测试在迈阿密本土埃尔南德斯. 这位30岁的埃尔南德斯已经奋战了一些最好的拳击,他打算出手威廉姆斯他的第一个专业的损失时,两方休.

在他的最后一个回合下降标题,消​​除分裂的决定后,, Bizier, 30, 回到他的家乡魁北克希望得到回来双赢列,进入冠军争夺. 他希望用一场胜利在27岁的埃尔马苏迪打造他的案件, 是谁在做他的北美亮相. 这架战斗机从克莱蒙费朗, 多姆山省, 法国希望,使他对Bizier战斗的直接影响.


谁代表哥伦比亚在一个不败的重量级 2008 奥运会, Rivashas专门打他采取了蒙特利尔的家乡,因为转为职业选手在 2009. 当他面对Cetinkaya他会做他的第一个开始在百事体育馆, 卡塞尔, 黑森州, 德国.


争取第三次作为专业的百事体育馆, 魁北克布沙尔正在寻求他连续第二场胜利,因为他的痛苦孤独的失败. 这位27岁的面临着严峻的考验,在经验丰富的法里亚斯, 奥奈丛林中, 塞纳 - 圣但尼省, 法国. 这是27岁的法里亚斯’ 法国以外的第一次战斗.


一 2012 加拿大奥运选手, 克莱顿看起来建立自己的专业简历和证明为什么他被认为是最好的业余拳击​​手之一,来加拿大了. 这位27岁的蒙特利尔再战27岁的贝尔蒂来自Bracquegnies升, 比利时.


后来者的专业队伍, 波林期待十二月建立了他的职业生涯首个胜利 2014. 32岁的来自魁北克面临的31岁Tsalla, 谁也冰雹从魁北克.


俄罗斯出生的,但战斗了魁北克, Dalkhaev是赢得他的第一场职业胜利12月以后做他的第二职业开始 2014. 这位26岁将由28岁的Hadjouis测试, 吕埃马迈松的, 浩特,塞纳, 法国.


四舍五入了非电视的undercard, 笔, 24, 将寻找采摘今年最高超过埃迪·盖茨一个TKO获胜一月后,他的第二个亲胜利. 魁北克本土作战的36岁的刘若英出安大略.




伊冯·米歇尔, GYM总裁

“在我看来, 在百事体育馆的历史上最大的战斗是帕斯卡尔·霍普金斯 1, 但这一事件提出像CBS一般网络上的规模超过了所有以前完成. “我们很荣幸有中国人民银行系列这一历史性的第一次. 所有这一切都归功于阿多尼斯史蒂文森. 在undercard还堆放.

“中国人民银行在哥伦比亚广播公司也将保证人民有爱的体验. 会出现屏幕无处不在,壮观的入口. 这将是一个独特的经验!” 添加的启动子.”

BERNARD BAR, 健身房执行副总裁

“将有 10 打架 星期六, 包括九家非电视的较量,只有人谁bouthg门票是在体育馆看到. 这是一个马拉松!”



“我只是希望表现良好,并获得胜利 周六. 我一直在准备和训练非常努力为这场斗争. 我把它在一个时间一拼, 而且我绝对不看过去像埃尔南德斯战斗机。”


“没有借口,这一次. 我已经遇到了一些麻烦激发自己的训练,在过去, 但不是这一次. 我尊重我的对手,并非常努力地为这场斗争准备. 这将是我一生的斗争,我希望把一个伟大的演出 周六.”


KEVIN BIZIER“我很高兴,关闭体育馆. 正是在这里,我的家. 你知道我一直做的好打架! 我的对手会来打,他喜欢去里面斗殴. 这将是一个很好的战斗中我和他. 可能最好的人赢 星期六.”


“这是我第一次在加拿大. 我已经准备好了这场战斗,我们有所有的武器成功”

OEZCAN Cetinkaya

“我很高兴能有机会在魁北克省体育馆框. 这是新的一年,我期待着在今年作出声明


“我们在健身房努力和劳动得到了回报,当我停下塞德里克什佩拉. 我们继续在同样为这场战斗。”


“它已经过了一个月我一直在每天训练两次,这场战斗. 我来这里是为了取胜。”


“我期待解决的东西 星期六. 这是什么个人对米歇尔T​​salla, 但我有一个平局抹去反对他。”

MARC RAMSAY (Vislan Dalkhaev的教练)

“我有Vislan Dalkhaev一个特殊的历史. 开始, 他来到这里阿图尔Beterbiev的建议. 最初的目标是帮助阿图尔以适应蒙特利尔,我知道这里有一个朋友将帮助. 在健身房, 然而, 我发现 该, 不仅是的对方,他们的朋友, 但是Vislan是一个高层次的拳击手。” 

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欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.sports.sho.comwww.groupeyvonmichel.ca, 跟随在Twitter上@SHOSports, yvonmichelgym, @AdonisSuperman和@Sakio_Bika, 遵循使用#StevensonBika谈话, 成为Facebook上的粉丝在www.facebook.com/SHOBoxing 或访问欣欣拳击在博客HTTP://theboxingblog.sho.com.

RISING STAR朱利安·威廉斯战斗乔伊·埃尔南德斯PLUS, 加拿大前景之HOST & 竞争者BE特色阿多尼斯·史蒂文森VS. 迎战Sakio邮币卡UNDERCARD

不要错过任何的行动导致到就职总理拳击冠军在CBS事件 (3 P.M. AND/12 P.M. PT)

第一次战斗开始于 1 P.M. 在百事体育馆

点击 这里 从undercard的新闻发布会照片

信贷: 阿曼达国 / 中国人民银行CBS

魁北克市 (四月 2, 2015) – 前就职 总理拳击冠军 CBS 转播开始 (3 P.M. AND/12 P.M. PT), 年轻恒星一群看起来点燃 百事体育馆 人群在一系列undercard较量的开始的 1 P.M. AND.


门票现场活动有售,可以在魁北克百事体育馆售票处购买, 通过调用 (418) 691-7211(800) 900-7469, 在线 www.billetech.com, 在GYM (514) 383-0666 与冠军拳击俱乐部 (514) 376-0980. 门票价格从 $25 到 $250 在地板上.


中国人民银行CBS, 通过之间的轻重量级世界冠军的争夺标题 阿多尼斯 “超人” 史蒂文森迎战Sakio “蝎子” 金牛座 同时搭载 阿图尔Beterbiev 因为他面临 加布里埃尔 “帅气的男人” 坎皮, 由狮伊冯·米歇尔晋升 (健身房) 并介绍了Videotron的,并与濑-O-JEU协会.


领衔的undercard行动上升不败超中量级的竞争者 朱利安 “J·罗克” 威廉姆斯 (18-0-1, 11 科斯), 谁就会belooking继续他的上升到明星,当他面对令人兴奋 乔伊 “闪烁手指” 埃尔南德斯 (24-2-1, 14 科斯)在10轮次中量级回合.


在另一个顶级非电视转播的比赛, 凯文Bizier (23-2, 16 科斯)返回到环在他的家乡的脸 福阿德·埃尔马苏迪 (12-4, 1 KO)在八轮超中量级对决. 在八轮重量级废料, 不败 奥斯卡 “KABOOM” 里瓦斯 (15-0, 10 科斯) 将面临Oezcan Cetinkaya (19-9-2, 13 科斯).


在一个对超中量级较量, 塞巴斯蒂安·布沙尔 (9-1, 3 科斯) 将在丹尼斯·法里亚斯 (19-6-2, 1 KO) 在八轮比赛,并 Custio克莱顿 (2-0, 1 KO) 将面临 罗纳德·贝尔蒂 (4-3-1, 1 KO)在六轮对决.


该卡的其余部分杀进加拿大前景,寻求建立自己的亲简历的三重奏. 扬迈克尔·普兰 (1-0-1) 发生在 米歇尔Tsalla (1-9-2) 在四个回合中量级回合, Vislan Dalkhaev (1-0) 战斗 阿德尔Hadjouis (7-3) 在四回合轻量级回合和 沙基尔笔 (1-0, 1 KO) 面孔 刘若英roody (0-2-1)在四个轮超中量级回合.


“在我看来, 在百事体育馆的历史上最大的战斗是帕斯卡尔·霍普金斯 1, 但这一事件提出像CBS一般网络上的规模超过了所有以前完成,” 说GYM总裁 伊冯·米歇尔. “我们很荣幸有中国人民银行系列这一历史性的第一次. 所有这一切都归功于阿多尼斯史蒂文森. 在undercard还堆放.


“中国人民银行在哥伦比亚广播公司也将保证人民有爱的体验. 会出现屏幕无处不在,壮观的入口. 这将是一个独特的经验!”


不败的前景从步骤f伟大的​​战斗费城的欢呼, 威廉姆斯 是希望保住自己的不败纪录完整,留下深刻印象的大舞台. 24岁面临严峻的考验在迈阿密本土 埃尔南德斯. 这位30岁的埃尔南德斯已经奋战了一些最好的拳击,他打算出手威廉姆斯他的第一个专业的损失时,两方休.


“我只是希望表现良好,并获得胜利 周六,” 威廉斯说. “我一直在准备和训练非常努力为这场斗争. 我把它在一个时间一拼, 而且我绝对不看过去像埃尔南德斯战斗机。”


“没有借口,这一次,” 埃尔南德斯说. “我已经遇到了一些麻烦激发自己的训练,在过去, 但不是这一次. 我尊重我的对手,并非常努力地为这场斗争准备. 这将是我一生的斗争,我希望把一个伟大的演出 周六.”


在他的最后一个回合下降标题,消​​除分裂的决定后,, Bizier, 30, 回到他的家乡魁北克希望得到回来双赢列,进入冠军争夺. 他希望用一场胜利在27岁建立他的情况下, 萨尔瓦多马苏迪, 是谁在做他的北美亮相. 这架战斗机从克莱蒙费朗, 多姆山省, 法国希望,使他对Bizier战斗的直接影响.


谁代表哥伦比亚在一个不败的重量级 2008 奥运会, 里瓦斯 自从转为职业选手在打了仅仅在他采取了蒙特利尔家乡 2009. 当他面对他会做他的第一次启动的百事可乐体育馆 Cetinkaya, 卡塞尔, 黑森州, 德国.


争取第三次作为专业的百事体育馆, 魁北克 布沙尔 正在寻求他连续第二场胜利,因为他的痛苦孤独的失败. 这位27岁的面临着严峻的考验,在有经验 法里亚斯, 奥奈丛林中, 塞纳 - 圣但尼省, 法国. 这是27岁的法里亚斯’ 法国以外的第一次战斗.


一 2012 加拿大奥运选手, 克莱顿 看起来建立自己的专业简历和证明为什么他被认为是最好的业余拳击​​手之一,来加拿大了. 这位27岁的蒙特利尔再战27岁 贝尔蒂 从Bracquegnies升, 比利时.


后来者的专业队伍, 波林 期待十二月建立了他的职业生涯首个胜利 2014. 32岁的来自魁北克面临31岁 Tsalla, 谁也冰雹从魁北克.


俄罗斯出生的,但战斗了魁北克, Dalkhaev 赢得他的第一场职业胜利12月以后做他的第二个亲开始 2014. 这位26岁将由28岁的被测试 Hadjouis, 吕埃马迈松的, 浩特,塞纳, 法国.


四舍五入了非电视的undercard, 笔, 24, 将寻找采摘今年最高超过埃迪·盖茨一个TKO获胜一月后,他的第二个亲胜利. 魁北克本土作战的36岁 刘若英 从安大略.


# # #


欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.sports.sho.comwww.groupeyvonmichel.ca, 跟随在Twitter上@SHOSports, yvonmichelgym, @AdonisSuperman和@Sakio_Bika, 遵循使用#StevensonBika谈话, 成为Facebook上的粉丝在www.facebook.com/SHOBoxing 或访问欣欣拳击在博客HTTP://theboxingblog.sho.com.


点击 这里 对于照片

图片来源: Jeff Fusco

费城 (四月 1, 2015) – As fight week nears for the second installment of 总理拳击冠军 NBC (8:30 下午ET/5:30 P.M. PT), 不败的超级巨星 丹尼 “迅速” 加西亚 held a media workout in his hometown of Philadelphia in preparation for his showdown with fellow world champion 拉蒙特彼得森 星期六, 四月 11 在巴克莱中心布鲁克林.


门票现场活动, 这是由DiBella娱乐促进, 售价为 $300, $200, $150, $100, $80 和 $50, 不包括适用的服务费和税款, 而在销售now.Tickets可在 www.barclayscenter.com, www.ticketmaster.com 并在美国运通票房巴克莱中心. 要通过电话进行充电, 致电特玛在 (800) 745-3000. 对于团体票, 请致电800-GROUP-BK.


Check out what Garcia and his father and trainer Angel had to say 周三.




“培训进展顺利, I’ve done everything I have to do and I’m still focused. It’s a week and a half until the fight and I’m ready to go. If the fight were 明天 I’d be ready.


It’s a big fight and it’s the fight that the fans wanted. We’re going to give the fans a great night of boxing on NBC and it’s time the show the world that Danny Garcia is the star of NBC.


We have common opponents like Khan and Matthysse and we’ve had different results. They say styles make fights so those results don’t matter. 很好, my style is to kick his butt.


I know that this second PBC on NBC show is going to be even bigger and I just feel blessed to be a part of it and I can’t wait to go out there and showcase my skills.


I’m ready for whatever Peterson brings. If he tries to box then I’m going to go with that and if he wants to fight, 我会准备好. I’m not going to go in and just try to knock his head off, I’m going to be Danny Garcia.


I’d love to be fighting on the biggest stage in boxing against the Mayweather and Pacquiaos, but for now it’s just about taking it one fight at a time, this is history in the making.


A lot of things have changed for me in the last few years, everybody knows me now. A lot of people look at you different now but it doesn’t make my head bigger, it just motivates me to work hard.


I love Brooklyn, it’s my fourth fight at Barclays Center and I’m looking to make it 4-0 上 四月 11.


This is a blessing for the sport of boxing. Millions of fans haven’t had the opportunity to watch boxing on primetime in years and this is great for the sport.




I’ll give Peterson credit for putting the gloves on. He thinks it’s going to be an easy night for him. He sees himself already on top of the mountain. It’s not going to happen like that, we’re going to ruin his party.


I want Peterson to act confident and come forward. They’re talking like Danny isn’t special but he lost to the guys we beat.


It doesn’t matter what anyone says as long as Danny is in here putting in 100 percent every day. It’s all about 四月 11.


We’re not going to train for eight weeks to go in there and worry about what Peterson is going to do, we’re going to do what we have to do. We train to go in there and win on 四月 11.”



# # #


欲了解更多信息,请访问 万维网.premierboxingchampions.com 万维网.nbcsports.com/boxing,万维网.BarclaysCenter.com万维网.dbe1.com, 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, LouDiBella, DannySwift, @ KingPete26, KidChocolate, @AndyLeeBoxing, @RealLuisCollazo, @NBCSports和@BarclaysCenter,并成为Facebook上的粉丝 www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions,万维网.facebook.com/NBCSports万维网.facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment. 按照使用#PremierBoxingChampions和#BKBoxing谈话.


I’ll definitely be going for the knockout 这个星期六 在CBS” – 阿多尼斯史蒂文森

I didn’t come here to Canada just to walk and look around. I came here to take this belt back home” – 萨基金牛座

总理拳击冠军 (PBC) 在CBS

星期六, 四月 4, 在 3 P.M. AND/中午PT 从百事可乐体育馆在魁北克市, 加拿大


点击 这里 要下载图片

信贷: 阿曼达国 / 中国人民银行CBS

魁北克市, 魁北克 (四月 1, 2015) – During 周三 final press conference at Le Bonne Entente in Quebec City, 两 阿多尼斯 “超人” 史蒂文森 迎战Sakio “蝎子” 金牛座 promised a knockout when they meet in the main event of the debut presentation of 总理拳击冠军 (PBC) CBSTelevision Network this Saturday, 四月 4, 3 P.M. AND/中午PT.


The hard-hitting Stevenson (25-1, 21 科斯) will defend his light heavyweight world championship against former super middleweight world champion Bika (32-6-3, 21 科斯) in the main event from the 百事体育馆 在魁北克城.


The case was the same with the co-main event fighters as both undefeated light heavyweight and two-time Russian Olympian 阿图尔Beterbiev (7-0, 7 科斯) and former light heavyweight world champion 加布里埃尔坎皮略 (25-6-1, 12 科斯) expected to win via KO 这个星期六 下午. 坎皮, 运动 汤姆·布雷迪 jersey, even promised he would win in dramatic fashion like this year’s Super Bowl Champion New England Patriots.


Below are quotes from the fighters and trainers from 周三 记者招待会:



I know Sakio is going to try to take my title, but I’m prepared for that.


I know he was a champion. I made the move from 168 到 175 pounds and it worked well for me. I expect him to bring his best at 175 英镑. He’s a former champ so I’m preparing to face a champion.


I’m looking for the KO because I’m from the Kronk Gym. Knockouts sell. But I can go 12 发, that’s not a problem. I train for 12 发.


My trainer has given me a great plan. He knows Sakio Bika very well and we’ll see what happens in the ring.


Bika is still going to have the same power moving up in weight. He should actually be stronger.


I’m very focused because I know Bika is very dangerous. I know he’s going to come into the ring and try to give me trouble.


I’m a knockout artist. I can do a lot in the ring, but first and foremost I’m a knockout artist.


I’d love to unify the belts eventually, but I’ll let my manager Al Haymon take care of that.


My mentor 伊曼纽尔管家 always told me that as soon as I enter the ring the knockout is what sells. I’ll definitely be going for the knockout 这个星期六 on CBS.


I’m ready to go toe-to-toe. Adonis Stevenson vs. Sakio Bika on CBS, baby.




To beat a great fighter you have to be your best. I’m looking to take the WBC title back home.


I’ve fought everyoneI’ve never ducked an opponentand I don’t know if he can handle the pressure.


I feel more comfortable at 175 英镑. I want to test the big boy [史蒂文森] and I feel like I can do that. 周六 我们拭目以待.


He’s knocked people out, 但我从来没有被淘汰. 周六 I’ll be the one to knock him out.


I’m very hungry to get a world title back. I trained very hard at light heavyweight to get a title back.


I didn’t come here to Canada just to walk and look around. I came here to take this belt back home and I’m very confident I’m going to do that.


“训练营进行得很顺利, we put in good work and now we’re here in Canada ready to shock the world.




Training camp was very good as always. Nothing different, just hard work perfecting his boxing and the basic fundamentals. We’re looking for him to make a mistake and catch him.


The way you prepare for an unorthodox fighter like Bika is to make sure your basics are sound. You have to have a good jab, you have to have good movement and you have to have ‘super powerAnd I have “超人.


Emanuel also told me the knockout sells. It’s something that we both know and it’s something that is imbedded in us. We’re looking for the knockout on 四月 4. Sometimes I see things that Adonis is looking to do before he does it. So I’ll just be sitting there waiting for Adonis to catch Sakio Bika making a mistake and getting a knockout.


I’m super proud to represent Kronk Gym. That’s why I wear my hat here. Kronk to me is like my family name and that’s what I live by. I was born into Kronk when I was a little kid going to a tournament with my uncle Emanuel and all I remember is the Kronk fighters winning. And that’s what I do now: 赢.


Adonis is an artist, he’s a KO artist. 我的预测 星期六 is a knockout on CBS.


There’s been a lot of talk and now it’s time for action. Toe-to-toe on 四月 4. 千万不要错过。”




“我们有一个伟大的训练营. Everyone was relaxed. We had great sparring.


He was making 168 pretty easy, but stepping up he’s able to eat whatever he wants. The weight is good. We think he’s going to be good and strong at 175. It’s a good move for him.


He’s never had any problems with power, so I think the extra weight and energy should be good for him at light heavyweight.


All this talk about Stevenson fighting (谢尔盖) 科瓦廖夫 has motivated him pretty good. I think it gave him a pretty good picture of how the business of boxing works. He realizes that when the bell rings he needs to do something about it and he’s motivated by that.


I can’t say if Stevenson is overlooking him because I’m not around him enough. But I know the fans and media want to make the Kovalev fight. It was good for Bika to hear that because it motivated him. He knows he has an opportunity to do something about it. 周六 afternoon he can change all that.


If Stevenson does what he says he’s going to domeet him in the center of the ring and go toe-to-toe – 这将是一个巨大的战斗.


If he comes to the center of the ring and fights and goes toe-to-toe then this fight won’t go the distance. If Stevenson comes to trade I think he gets knocked out. If he runs around the ring and boxes then it could be a different outcome.




I don’t think this is a big challenge for me. I’m ready to face the world champions and raise the bar higher. This is just another opponent for me.


This is another step that will move me closer to facing the champions at 175 英镑. I want to put on a solid fight and show that I’m one of the best fighters in this division.


A knockout is never a goal for me. I’m trying to show my work and my dedication in the ring, but usually that’s what happens. Usually I finish with a knockout but that is not my main goal. My main goal is to box and show my skills.


My motivation is to face the champions. That’s why I work so hard every day in the gym. I will get there soon.


Why not face Kovalev? 我准备好了. When I turned professional my goal was to meet the champions. He’s a champion now and I’d like to face the champions.




We started training 一月. 1 and camp has been very good. We’ve been working very hard and I think I’m in great condition for this fight.


Beterbiev may not have a lot of professional experience, but he’s had a very long amateur career. So we know that he’s ready and is a good opponent for us. We’ll see how he handles things once we get past the 5, 6 和 7 发.


To get ready for a hard-hitter like Beterbiev required lots of conditioning training. We worked the neck and the chin a lot. We think we’ve got a great chance in the second half of this fight though considering Beterbiev hasn’t really been tested like that.


As for a prediction, I’m going to knock Beterbiev out in the seventh round.




Live on CBS, 五月 9 在 4 P.M. AND/1 P.M. PT

HIDALGO, 得克萨斯州 (四月 1, 2015) – Exciting and undefeated former lightweight world champion 奥马尔 “Panterita” 菲格罗亚 (24-0-1, 18 科斯) will take on former two-division world champion 瑞奇伯恩斯 (37-4-1, 11 科斯) in the main event when Premier Boxing Champions (PBC) returns to CBS on 星期六, 五月 9 (4 P.M. AND, 1 P.M. PT), at the State Farm Arena in Hidalgo, 得克萨斯州.


在合作的主要事件, a pair of bantamweight world champions square off when 大树龟田 (31-0, 19 科斯) 战斗 杰米·麦克唐纳 (25-2-1, 12 科斯).

门票现场活动现已公开发售,售价为 $150, $100, $75, $50, 和 $25, 不包括适用的服务费和税款. 门票可在 www.ticketmaster.com 或在 State Farm Arena 售票处. 要通过电话进行充电, 致电特玛在 (800) 745-3000.


I am so excited to be bringing this huge event to my hometown,” 赛义德·菲格罗亚. “It is my dream to fight on such a big stage and bring this kind of attention to Hidalgo. My fans have supported me from day one, and I plan on showing them how grateful I am with a stellar performance on 五月 9.”


“我不能等待这场战斗. Ever since it was confirmed I’ve been absolutely buzzing in the gym,” 伯恩斯说. “I’ve had some great nights in Scotland winning and defending my world titles at two different weights but I have always wanted to box in America. Our styles gel perfectly for one hell of a fight, neither of us take a step backbring on 五月 9!”


This will be a home game for Figueroa, who will be making his initial start at 140 pounds after a hard-fought ninth-round knockout over Daniel Estrada in a slugfest last August. The 25-year-old Figueroa vacated his 135-pound belt after that defense. He became a champion in 2013 when he earned a unanimous 12-round decision over Nihito Arakawa in a brutal Fight of the Year battle. 菲格罗亚, despite fighting with a cut on his nose from an accidental head-butt, registered two knockdowns in the memorable slugfest. Since then Figueroa defended his title twice, first with a split-decision victory over Jerry Belmontes and later with a ninth-round knockout against Daniel Estrada. Now the Weslaco, Texas native will move up in weight when he battles Burns on 五月 9.


An experienced fighter and former two-division world champion out of Scotland, Burns looks to add a huge victory to his resume when he takes on Figueroa. A champion in the junior lightweight and lightweight divisions, the 31-year-old owns victories over a host of accomplished fighters including Roman Martinez, Michael Katsidis and Kevin Mitchell. After suffering consecutive losses to Terrence Crawford and Dejan Zlaticanin, Burns bounced back to defeat Alexandre Lepelley in October 2014 and he will look to keep that momentum going on 五月 9.


An undefeated world champion out of Tokyo, Kameda announced his arrival stateside with a vicious knockout over Pungluang Sor Singyu in July 2014 在拉斯维加斯. 这是淘汰赛龟田的第二个最轻量级卫冕后,他赢得了保卢斯Ambunda在皮带 2013. The 23-year-old followed up his U.S. 出道时,他击败了亚历杭德罗·埃尔南德斯在芝加哥通过分裂的决定. His next challenge comes when he faces fellow bantamweight world champion McDonnell.


The United Kingdom’s McDonnell has been on a tear since 2008 同 17 连胜. 最近, he became a bantamweight world champion with a victory over Tabtimdaeng Na Rachawat and later successfully defended against Javier Nicolas Chacon.


中国人民银行CBS, headlined by Figueroa vs. 伯恩斯, is promoted by Warriors Boxing and Panterita Promotions in association with Matchroom Sport. The event takes place at State Farm Arena in Hidalgo, Texas with the CBS telecast beginning at 4 P.M. AND/1 P.M. PT.


We’re very excited to bring this exciting fight to the great fight city of Hidalgo,” 说莱昂Margules, 勇士拳击总统. “I have no doubt that these two fighters are going to put on an incredible show for the fans at State Farm Arena.


欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.premierboxingchampions.com, 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @SHOSports, OmarFigueroaJr, @RicksterKO, TomokiKameda, @ JamieMcDonnell1, @WarriorsBoxPromo 并成为 Facebook 的粉丝:www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxing, www.Facebook.com/WarriorsBoxingPromowww.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing 或访问欣欣拳击在博客HTTP://theboxingblog.sho.com.



在第一个英超冠军拳击 (PBC) 事件在CBS

这个星期六, 四月 4, 在 3 P.M. AND/中午PT

(BY照片: 阿曼达国 / 中国人民银行CBS)

魁北克市, 魁北克 (三月 31, 2015) – 这个星期六 下午, 四月 4, 强硬的轻重量级世界冠军 阿多尼斯 “超人” 史蒂文森 (25-1, 21 科斯) 计划抛出大量的惩罚时,他抵御前超中量级世界冠军 迎战Sakio “蝎子” 金牛座 (32-6-3, 21 科斯) 在登场表现的主要事件 总理拳击冠军 (PBC) 在CBS 电视网络 (3 P.M. AND/中午PT) 从 百事体育馆 在魁北克市。


今天, 然而, 在这已成为他的战斗在百事体育馆前的传统, 史蒂文森曾食物 众议院 Lauberivière, 当地的庇护所和汤馆为无家可归的男人和女人. 除了以美食, 史蒂文森和他的团队还一语道破门票, 亲笔签名的海报和合影的照片与人的住所和他的一些当地球迷.


周六 在CBS第二主, 有前途的不败轻重量级 阿图尔Beterbiev (7-0, 7 科斯) 得到时,他面临前轻重量级世界冠军测试 加布里埃尔坎皮略 (25-6-1, 12 科斯) 在10轮的较量.


# # #

中国人民银行CBS, 由史蒂文森和邮币卡之间的轻重量级世界冠军的争夺标题, 由狮伊冯·米歇尔晋升 (健身房) 并介绍了Videotron的,并与濑-O-JEU协会. 门票现已公开发售,在魁北克百事体育馆票房, 通过调用 (418) 691-7211(800) 900-7469, 在线 www.billetech.com, 在GYM (514) 383-0666 与冠军拳击俱乐部 (514) 376-0980. 门票价格从 $25 到 $250 在地板上.


Se里斯首映 这个星期六, 四月 4, 在哥伦比亚广播公司的 3 P.M. AND/中午PT
纽约 (三月 31, 2015) - 广播团队为 四月 4 总理拳击冠军亮相 (PBC) on CBS features a blend of highly respected sportscasters and shrewd boxing minds. Hosted by CBS Sports Network’s 布伦特秸秆, 战斗将在通用和推崇发挥逐发挥老将被称为 凯文·哈伦 有分析师马戏团 保罗Malignaggi 和广播新人 维吉尔猎人.


中国人民银行在CBS宣布球队将在第一最多八个现场活动迎来今年开始 星期六, 四月 4, 在 3 P.M. AND/中午PT. 轻重量级世界冠军 阿多尼斯史蒂文森 (25-1, 21 科斯), 蒙特利尔, will defend his title against former super middleweight world champion 萨基金牛座 (32-6-3, 21 科斯), 悉尼, 澳大利亚. Opening the two-fight afternoon broadcast will be undefeated Russian-born Canadian light heavyweight 阿图尔Beterbiev (7-0, 7 科斯), 蒙特利尔, 面对前世界冠军 加布里埃尔坎皮略 (25-6-1, 12 科斯), 马德里, 西班牙, 从百事可乐体育馆在魁北克市.


一位资深广播, 哈伦呼吁NFL游戏 30 consecutive years. He joined CBS Sports’ NFL broadcast team as a play-by-play announcer in 1998. Harlan called CBS Sports’ HDTV coverage of the 2001 AFC Championship and Super Bowl XXXV. He has called CBS Sports’ 因为NCAA我司男篮锦标赛覆盖 1999, including this year’s CBS/Turner coverage of the West Regional from Los Angeles. A well-versed radio broadcaster, this past season Harlan once again called play-by-play for NFL games with Boomer Esiason on Westwood One Radio Sports. Harlan and Esiason were the lead announce team on Westwood One for “星期一 足球之夜,“季后赛, a Conference Championship game and the Super Bowl. This season marked Harlan’s fifth consecutive Super Bowl. Harlan called the NCAA Final Four and Championship games for CBS Radio Network and Westwood One for five consecutive years (2003-07), 以及地区性 (2009, 2010, 2011). Harlan’s boxing experience includes the 1995 迈克·泰森VS. 巴斯特·马西斯JR. 布特在FOX和各种拳击锦标赛事件,他呼吁电台. 哈兰是在他的 28 赛季转播NBA和呼吁发挥逐发挥作用的特纳体育’ 自从NBA季后赛的报道 1996 和常规赛的TNT和TBS自 1997.


34岁的Malignaggi是两次, 2处世界冠军. 他以对现场战斗和战士的热情而诚实的评估而闻名,是SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING的分析师. 无价之宝, Malignaggi适用于个人的专业拳击动态一辈子, 环中不断变化的局势,坚定地表达. 自从他成为常规的马戏团分析师 2012.


博学多才的圣贤猎人是拳击界最杰出和最受尊敬的教练之一. 他曾执教过不败的超中量级劲旅安德烈·沃德(Andre Ward), 英国超级巨星,前无可争议的140磅重的世界冠军阿米尔汗和前中量级世界冠军安德烈叶贝,被评为 2011 美国拳击作家协会的年度培训师. 亨特(Hunter)首次宣布 四月 4 并提供了一​​个新鲜而独特的视角,中国人民银行在CBS.


自1997年以来,Stover一直担任CBS Sports Network的工作室主持人 2011. 他加入了网络 2010 并曾担任多种角色, 包括像播放播放播音员足球, 篮球和奥林匹克运动. 加入哥伦比亚广播公司体育网络之前, 秸秆担任主持人, 锚, 记者和播放通过播放声音的十大网络和福克斯体育网中西部/西南.


中国人民银行对CBS第二批是 星期六, 五月 9, 并且将坑不败 奥马尔·菲格罗亚, 谁腾空他的轻量级世界冠军在重拉升 140 英镑, 对前世界冠军 瑞奇伯恩斯.


其他日期的CBS总理拳击冠军将被公布,包括六月直播, 七月和九月, 上的至多三个剩余事件 2015 日历. 在CBS直播拳击节目, 比上述其他的首映, 将在现场直播 4 P.M. AND/1 P.M. PT.


总理拳击冠军系列是由Haymon Boxing为电视制作的. 它是在CBS直播拳击的第一个系列一贯表现 15 岁月. The network aired a one-off live event featuring current WBC Super Bantamweight Champion Leo Santa Cruz in 2012. 在此之前,, 在网络上的最后一个活拳击是在 1997 在当时的中量级冠军伯纳德·霍普金斯击倒了格伦 - 约翰逊.


在线拳击是在网络中的1980上的钉, 一贯特色名人堂托马斯·未来馆“杀手”赫恩斯, 罗伯托·杜兰, Ray “Boom Boom” Mancini and others. 拳击在CBS的历史可以追溯到 1948 当蓝带较量首映具有传奇色彩的窜吹评论员拉斯·霍奇斯.


Legendary Announce Trio Has Combined to Work

25 Super Bowls, 25 NBA Finals,

23 奥运会 & 19 World Series

Costas to Present Feature on History of Boxing in New York

中国人民银行NBC 回报 星期六, 四月 11, 住在

8:30 PM ET 在NBC, 特色

丹尼 “迅速” 加西亚 (29-0) VS. 拉蒙特彼得森 (33-2-1) &

“爱尔兰的” 李兆 (34-2) VS. 彼得 “儿童巧克力” Quillin (31-0)

STAMFORD, 康涅狄格州. – 三月 31, 2015 – One of America’s iconic big-event broadcast voices, 鲍勃·科斯塔斯, will serve as a special contributor for NBC’s 星期六, 四月 11 primetime telecast of Premier Boxing Champions (PBC) 在NBC, 这是今天宣布.


Costas, 主办 人迈克尔斯, and blow-by-blow announcer 马福伟业 will work together on a broadcast for the first time ever on the 中国人民银行NBC 演出 星期六, 四月 11 住在 8:30 P.M. AND 巴克莱中心布鲁克林. Costas will present a feature on the long and storied history of boxing in New York.


Returning to their native New York for the telecast (Albert and Michaels are from Brooklyn, Costas from Commack, 长岛), the trio is synonymous with the biggest events in sportscombining to work 25 Super Bowls, 25 NBA Finals, 23 奥运会, 19 World Series, and numerous championship boxing events on television and radio.


We are thrilled to have three of sportsall-time broadcasting heavyweightsin prominence, not weightworking together on TV for the first time,” 说 山姆·洪, 执行制片人, NBC体育和NBCSN. “Appropriately, these three are teammates on a primetime NBC boxing telecast.


While I have done many broadcasts with Al and with Marv, this is a one-time opportunity to work on the same broadcast with two of the all-time greats, plus it’s a chance for me and Al to renew our ongoing debate with Marv as to which was the greater cinematic achievementBASEketballThe Fish That Saved Pittsburgh,” said Costas, who at the 2014 Sochi Winter Games became U.S. television’s first 10-time Olympic primetime host (Jim McKay hosted eight times for ABC).


I never could have imagined this,” said Michaels, who in 2015 上 星期天 足球之夜 begins his record 30th consecutive season as the play-by-play voice of the NFL’s premier primetime broadcast package. “And to have it all happen close to where we all grew up makes it that much more special. Very, very cool.


It is an honor to be a part of this group,” said Albert, who has been the most recognizable national voice of the NBA since 1990 除了他的 37 years as the radio and TV voice of the New York Knicks. “I’ve always had great admiration for the work that Al and Bob have done through the years, and I’m proud to call them friends.


Michaels, 阿尔伯特, and Costas will be joined on the telecast by analyst and six-time world champion糖” 雷·伦纳德, corner analyst B.J. 花卉, 记者和 肯尼·赖斯.


星期六, 四月 11 中国人民银行NBC primetime show features four boxers with a combined 127-4-1 记录 80 科斯 – 不败的超级巨星 丹尼 “迅速” 加西亚 (29-0, 17 科斯) VS. 拉蒙特彼得森 (33-2-1, 17 科斯), 和中量级冠军 “爱尔兰的” 李兆 (34-2, 24 科斯) VS. 彼得 “儿童巧克力” Quillin (31-0, 22 科斯).


Following is an additional look at the legendary sports broadcasting trio working its first event together.




As play-by-play announcer or host, on television or radio, Costas, Michaels and Albert have each worked the Super Bowl, 奥运会, NBA Finals and World Series on multiple occasions. Following is a breakdown


Announcer Events worked
鲍勃·科斯塔斯 11 奥运会, 11 NBA Finals, 7 Super Bowls, 7 World Series
人迈克尔斯 10 Super Bowls, 8 奥运会, 8 World Series, 2 NBA Finals
马福伟业 12 NBA Finals, 8 Super Bowls, 4 奥运会, 4 World Series




AL MICHAELSDo you believe in Miracles? 是的!” – 1980 Winter Olympics, 中美. Hockey team defeats Soviet Union in semifinal


MARV ALBERT“是的, and it counts!” Numerous NBA telecasts


BOB COSTASThe New York Yankees…世界冠军….Team of the Decademost successful franchise of the century.Final out as Yankees sweep Braves in 1999 World Series




While we will resist the temptation to compare the Costas-Michaels-Albert broadcasting trio to the equally esteemed Three Tenors (José Carreras, Plácido Domingo, and Luciano Pavarotti), following is a sampling of great sports trios that at least one of the three has covered:


LeBron James-Dwayne Wade-Chris BoshLed by the All-Star trio, the Miami Heat advanced to four consecutive NBA Finals, winning two (2012 和 2013).


Greg Maddux-John Smoltz-Tom Glavine – 从 1993-2002, the pitching trio led the Atlanta Braves to the playoffs every season, won three National League pennants and captured the 1995 World Series title.


Troy Aikman-Emmitt Smith-Michael Irvin — 绰号 “The Triplets,” the Hall of Fame quarterback-running back-wide receiver combination led the Dallas Cowboys to three Super Bowl victories in four seasons (1992-95).


Magic Johnson-Kareem Abdul-Jabbar-James WorthyThe Hall of Fame Los Angeles Lakers trio advanced to six of seven NBA Finals from 1983-89, winning three titles with each earning NBA Finals MVP honors once.


Wayne Gretzky-Mark Messier-Jari KurriThe Hall of Fame Edmonton Oilers front line trio won four Stanley Cups in five years between 1984-88.


“糖” Ray Leonard-Thomas “杀手” Hearns-“奇妙” 马文·哈格勒Hall of Fame welterweight/middleweight trio captured 15 boxing titles in late 1970s and 1980s.


Larry Bird-Kevin McHale-Robert ParishThe Hall of Fame front court led the Boston Celtics to three NBA titles and two additional trips to the NBA Finals in the 1980s.


Pete Rose-Joe Morgan-Johnny BenchStalwarts of theThe Big Red Machine,” led Cincinnati Reds to three consecutive National League pennants, winning the World Series in 1975 和 1976.


Willis Reed-Walt Frazier-Dave DeBusschereTrio led the New York Knicks to the franchise’s only two NBA titles in a four-year span (1970 和 1973).


The debut 中国人民银行NBC telecast on Saturday, 三月 7 平均 3.4 万观众, 排名在最受关注的职业拳击直播 17 岁月 (“霍亚的拳击之夜” 在FOX, 5.9 百万, 周一, 三月 23, 1998). 该 中国人民银行NBC debut also led NBC to a 星期六 成人之间的黄金时段胜利 18-49, 有 1.08 评级人口.


NBC和NBCSN将呈现 20 住 “中国人民银行NBC” 在拳击事件 2015. 内 20 现场表演, NBC体育集团将超过 50 中国人民银行覆盖小时, 包括NBCSN- 和后期的战斗编程NBC转播. 英超冠军拳击系列电视通过拳击海蒙创建. 该 中国人民银行NBC 将有许多当今最耀眼的明星, 在他们最引人注目的比赛.


所有 中国人民银行NBC 节目将现场直播流式传输 NBC体育直播特 通过 “电视无处不在,” 让消费者为他们的订阅服务的附加价值, 与制造高品质的内容提供给两个进出家中和在多个平台上的客户MVPD. NBC体育直播特 可用于台式机的NBCSports.com/liveextra. 该 NBC体育直播特 app is available on the iTunes App Store, Google Play and Windows Store.



阿多尼斯·史蒂文森, 萨基BULL & ARTUR BETERBIEV媒体电话会议


谢谢, 操作者. Thanks everyone for calling in. We have a great call today to talk about the debut of PBC on CBS taking place next 星期六, 4月4日, 从百事可乐体育馆在魁北克市, 加拿大. We are going to start with the main event guys it’s Adonis Stevenson, 轻重量级世界冠军; 他的教练, “糖” 山; 萨基金牛座, 前超中量级世界冠军; 和他的教练, 凯文·坎宁安. We will also have Artur Beterbiev later. His opponent is training in Spain. 所以, he will not be joining us. 但, first let’s get some opening comments from the fighters and their trainers. 阿多尼斯, 你会给我们的信息,培训怎么回事领先进入下周的一周打一点点?



感谢所有媒体. 我要感谢铝海蒙, 我的经理, great job. This is a good person for me and fight on CBS since like ’80 like Sugar Ray Leonard, 穆罕默德·阿里. 你知道, this is amazing. And the first championship they want to start in Canada, 魁北克城. 这真太了不起了. And I’m very glad to be part of that.


L. 米尔纳

伟大. “糖” 山, 你能添加任何东西到有关培训或评论有关阿多尼斯是如何做的营地?

“糖” 山

The training camp is going fantastic. We are here in his hometown of Montreal training at his gym. His gym is just opening. 所以, this would be the first training camp held at this gym and for such a fight of this magnitude where Adonis is defending his world championship for the fifth time. I’ve only been here for one week any other time, but Montreal is a great place and a great place for training as well. The city has been so good and warm welcoming me here, 我明白为什么阿多尼斯喜欢蒙特利尔, 我明白为什么蒙特利尔爱阿多尼斯以及.

L. 米尔纳

伟大. 谢谢. 迎战Sakio, 你能不能给我们介绍一下训练营快开评?


行, 首先, I want to thank everybody for giving me this big opportunity at the world title. . My training camp is going really well. 我要感谢上帝, 你知道, to give me this opportunity. 再次, we have a good training camp here. Everyone is happy. 我很开心, and my coach is happy. All my kingdom is happy. I’m just looking for on 月4日, 成为三次世界冠军.

L. 米尔纳

Awesome. 谢谢. 先生. 坎宁安, 你在那里吗? Could you add anything to that?


是的. To piggyback on what Sakio has just said, 我们有一个巨大的训练营, great sparing. 一切进行得都很顺利. Sakio understands the opportunity that’s before him, and we look to come to Canada and Montreal. And we’re going to into Adonishometown. 所以, 我去过那儿, 做到这一点. You got to go into the lion’s den and take the title. So that’s what we’re working on doing and that’s what we plan on doing.


L. 米尔纳

伟大. 谢谢. 好, we’re going to go ahead and open it up for questions from the media. 操作者, 可以请你做?



阿多尼斯, so much talk about you fighting the other light heavyweight champions and who the real light heavyweight champion of the world is. What are your thoughts about these other guys and it is interfering with your concentration for your fight with Sakio on 4月4日 在CBS?


一. 史蒂文森

是啊, 我知道他们有这么多谈了, 但我很专注于现在邮币卡, because Bika is in my face now. I don’t see anybody. I don’t see anybody in my face now. It’s Bika. And I don’t underestimate him, 而且我对他很有准备. 我会为他准备好 4月4日. 所以, 我的重点是邮币卡. 我知道他们有这么多的人在跟我说话怎么打这个, 但我很专注于这家伙.


什么是之前的毒品测试程序 4月4日?

一. 史蒂文森

三个时间在训练和一个时间 六点钟 在早上. 所以, they come into the condo and to do a drug test and two times in the training after sparing. I think it’s good for the boxers, to protect them. I’m very glad about that. And when I got to fight, 我总是做测试, 你知道? 所以, 这不是我第一次做了测试, but I always to do it. 这是太棒了, 我喜欢.



一. 史蒂文森

当然,这是必要的,因为, 为帮助您. 所以, 这是非常重要的,以确保一切都进行得非常顺利. 这就是拳击的一部分,这就是进化. 我很高兴,快乐和支持.


迎战Sakio, 你怎么看待有关?

S. 金牛座

我觉得这是非常, 非常好,因为我有 [不知所云] since I’ve been here. I think it’s good for the new generation. It goes for this sport. 对我来说, 我认为这是完美的. 这是完美的,因为, 这么多的人 [不知所云] 退休 [不知所云] drug and they never get tested. And now with new generation, 我认为这是非常好的, 你知道, for younger kids to try to see if they want to win. Once you come in this sport you have to have been clean. 这是一个完美的组织,让人们参与,并对其进行测试. 这是完美的事情.


所以,无论你将受到考验三倍, 在训练营期间两次, 前打一次? Is that correct, 男人?

一. 史蒂文森

我不知道他做, but for me it’s three time. And we do a piss test, 我们做了验血, 太.

S. 金牛座

是啊, for me it was three time. Then two blood testlike blood test and piss test. This is the third time them testing me since I was here.


被要求阿多尼斯他准备为即将到来的战斗,未来周围所有的潜在对手也分心的第一个问题, 我想获得到同样的问题添加到阿多尼斯再次.


一. 史蒂文森

你知道, 什么样的东西,如邮币卡是野生的,并表现出他来了–你知道, he just keep coming. The kind of stuff like that, I love this kind of stuff because he’s large and keep pressuring. 所以, 这表明,如果你做出这样的错误那么这将是一场淘汰赛很快在战斗.


我的问题是 “糖” 山. “糖”, 我只是想知道,如果你感到高兴被选为这个即将到来的战斗的样式, 如果这是测试的类型,你正在寻找一个教练.

S. 山

至于寻找一个猛男打风格–and actually it doesn’t really matter to me. I’m happy with the selection of Sakio Bika. I have no problem with his style. I actually like the style because he’s coming forward. He wants to fight, and Adonis loves to fight. Adonis likes to go to toe-to-toe, and he likes to box. This is important for the maturity and, 对于阿多尼斯了解更多关于拳击能够在它与像迎战Sakio邮币卡战斗机, 谁是强大的, 决心和强硬老将谁可以承受. He can take a punch. He’s never been knocked out or anything like that. 所以, 这是阿多尼斯来也许去一个机会 12 两轮或进入淘汰赛后, 它可以建立和加入到他的职业生涯在后几轮战斗, 他已经能够做到. 这场斗争在这里与邮币卡是一种考验, 和阿多尼斯爱测试. I love for him to be tested as well. This is the only thing that’s going to make him grow and become more of a talented fighter and become a bigger superstar.


阿多尼斯, 你在看一个艰难 12 回合交手还是你把它看成动机,以暂时先敲这个家伙了,如果这样的机会提出了自己?

一. 史蒂文森

It is motivation for me. That’s why I train very hard. I know he’s large as well in his punch. And he wants to keep me pressured. I love this kind of style. And if he goes for 12 轮我已经准备好 12 发. I fight and spar. My fight is, 备件及培训 12 rounds.When我在环, 我在寻找淘汰赛. I don’t look for the 12 圆. If he goes the distance or 12 发, this is not a problem. 我可以框. I’m beautiful. I got a good skill. I’m a Superman. 所以, it’s not a problem for me. 但, first I’m looking for a knockout. And I think any boxer going in the ring to fight always looks for a knockout. 有时, it’s not like that. 但, 我, 我在寻找淘汰赛. And Emanuel said knockouts sell.


You said that you weren’t impressed with Kovalev’s performance over Jean Pascal. Do you want to put on a better performance? Do you feel pressure to put on a better performance since you said that? What do you think about that?

一. 史蒂文森

I’m not going to put pressure on myself. “超人” 不会感到有压力. 我会用我的拳击技巧, 我要去用我的头环. I don’t have to put pressure on something like that. I don’t feel like that. I’m the man. I’m the guy to get beat.



一. 史蒂文森

是啊, it was the first. He was the first to open. We’re happy, and we don’t have a problem. And I know Sakio he was light–别, super middleweight champion. It’s very good, 因为他是一个很好的拳击手. He was champion last two fights. That’s a good opportunity for him, 太, 从光去一个重量级的打我. And it’s a good opportunity for me, 太.


我想问问你在什么时候,你对自己说, “我要争取,” 或 “我想打谢尔盖·科瓦廖夫统一的部门所有的安全带。” At what point did you say that in your career?

一. 史蒂文森

I don’t think about Kovalev now. I think about Bika. It doesn’t matter what I said now because I have a fight coming up with Bika. 但, 相信我要为冠军战斗, 但现在–现在我已经在我的脸上有邮币卡.


你没有印象深刻的方式,科瓦廖夫的一周对着打击帕斯卡. 为什么?

一. 史蒂文森

I’m not impressed by it because this is the first big fight Pascal had since Bernard and he fights one time a year before Bernard Hopkins. 所以, in four years he fights one time. 所以, 这就是为什么我不留下深刻的印象有关, 因为Pascal是不是一个积极的拳击手,就像他曾经是早在一天.



你知道科瓦廖夫, because of the WBC is going to be mandatory. I want to know how hard will you press for that mandatory if you’re successful again.

一. 史蒂文森

当然, 我知道. I’m ready to fight a title. 但, 我让我的团队, 铝海蒙, 在乎那. Then after that Kovalev we can unify the title. It’s not a problem for me because the two titles he gets now he gets Bernard Hopkins’ 称号, 我应该争取伯纳德·霍普金斯大学.


这是一个拼的将是国家电视台在美国, free TV. Have you given any thought about the fact that you’ll be performing in front of an audience probably bigger than has ever seen you fight ever?

一. 史蒂文森

当然. This is a good opportunity for that. And first of all, 我要感谢铝海蒙为, 太, 因为, that’s him putting on the show. And since Muhammad Ali and Sugar Ray Leonard, back in the day it was free. 现在, we offer the public the fight for free and that’s a great opportunity for me. 所以, I have a good performance for Sakio Bika. 但, I know Sakio Bika is a tough opponent and he’s very awkward and tough. We’ll prepare for that, 我们已经准备好. 这也是非常好的年轻的孩子们, 观看这场比赛,. 这是每个人的好机会.



一. 史蒂文森

当然. That gives me a lot of motivation. That’s why I train really hard for this fight and watch–所以人们看我. Since Muhammad Ali, I’m the first to be poor and the projects. 所以, 我很, 很开心, and I’m going to put a good performance. Like Emanuel said, 击倒卖.


阿多尼斯, 你在哪里这个星期训练? 进而, 当你真正去魁北克城?

一. 史蒂文森

You know I opened a new gym in Quebec City. This is a good opportunity for me to train in my hometown. This is the first time since 2011. 我可以看到我的孩子, 太. 所以, 我喜欢. And we train very hard, 我和我的教练. We put the hard work pay off. This is different. This is a good opportunity for me, 我爱.


所以, 你在魁北克市,现在则?

一. 史蒂文森

I’m in Montreal now. 魁北克城, 我这周会.


所以, 你什么时候真正去魁北克城?

一. 史蒂文森



再次, my question goes to Adonis. I just want to know if a knockout is the result that you absolutely need or would you be disappointed if you didn’t win by a knockout against Bika?

一. 史蒂文森

I know Bika is a tough opponent. 所以, 我的准备 12 发. 如果淘汰赛是存在的, it’s there. If it’s not, it’s not. 但, 在环, 我在寻找淘汰赛. 所以, 没关系我, but I’m always looking for the knockout. That’s a Kronk. The Kronk Gym and my team we’re looking for that. Since the Kronk it’s been a while. They’re always looking for the knockout. If you’re training in the Kronk Gym and any fighter is looking for the knockout.


但, 它可以是危险总是会寻找一个淘汰赛,因为这时如果你没有得到它尽快你想,那么你可以摆脱你的拳击风格. Is that something that worries you?

一. 史蒂文森

我们可以去 12 圆. It’s not a problem for me. We train for that. We train for that. 我可以去 12 圆. And I’m from Kronk Gym, 底特律. And this place, 我们有一个很好的, 优秀的培训师像伊曼纽尔 “糖” 山. They know boxing. They teach me very well my skill and everything and my balance. They know boxing. 所以, 他们知道,如果淘汰赛不存在, 但我们要工作. We’re going to use the good ability to go for 12 发. It’s not a problem.


迎战Sakio, 我只是想知道, 它是如何在这个训练营的感觉让你花了几乎整个职业生涯在超中量级后,训练的轻重量级的战斗?

S. 金牛座

我觉得这是一个新的挑战上去,并尝试打大牛市. 当你看到我的方案, 没有人想打我. 它总是有点困难,因为人们不想打我. 对我来说,那是因为史蒂文森的一大挑战, 阿多尼斯是一个伟大的冠军,我想成为世​​界冠军,在生活中. 我很相信我能对付他. 而来 四月 4, 因为我有一个很好的准备, , 一个伟大的合作伙伴备件, 我只是想找你看我怎么能处理的大牛市. 阿多尼斯是第一个让我在这个重量, but I just feel confident, 我觉得正面. 我准备好了, 你知道, 去那里,并显示了世界各国人民我可以击败阿多尼斯史蒂文森 四月 4. I want to tell the big bull. I want to move up in light heavyweight division, 和四月 4 人们将会看到它.


难道重量对你的感觉更好? Do you see yourself staying at light heavyweight?

S. 金牛座

我看到自己像一个轻重量级. 我看到自己在轻重量级,因为你看到这么多世界冠军. For me just it’s just a challenge. I want to challenge myself. 我所能做的轻重容易. It would be a struggle to do super middleweight. 你知道, 我所能做的轻重量级真的很容易. 我能处理的大牛市, 因为我每个人都处理. This is a big opportunity for me to try to see if can I handle the big bull. I can handle Adonis. 例如 四月 4, I will try to test myself. You all ready? 我准备好了. 我有一个很好的准备,. 我们训练非常努力为这场斗争. 我只是希望来魁北克和照顾生意.


同时你在谢尔盖·科瓦廖夫/让帕斯卡尔拼, 你走过去,HBO评论员当时, 伯纳德·霍普金斯大学, and you told him that you guarantee that you will fight Sergey Kovalev. I wanted to see what your answer was to what you think of Sergey Kovalev and his performance 周六晚上几个周末前.

一. 史蒂文森

帕斯卡现在不重要,因为我们谈论的邮币卡. 我去战斗 四月 4 与邮币卡. 这是关于邮币卡一个非常艰难的事情,科瓦廖夫是不是一个人,现在当我想用科瓦廖夫和Pascal战斗,然后我说后,, “很好, 耶, 我要去战斗。” He’s not a person for me now. The person now is Bika.


你保证,你的下一场比赛将是对科瓦廖夫早在去年五月后, 12 rounds against Fonfara. You beat Fonfara.

一. 史蒂文森

You can’t guarantee. It’s not working like that. It’s not football. It’s not hockey. And one punch can change anything. So now I got Bika in my face, 而且我非常注重与邮币卡, because I know this guy gives problems to all the champions. He was champion. And I know this fighter is tough.

L. 米尔纳

好. Gentlemen, thank you so much for your time. I think this call really set in motion a great week and a half heading into the fight. 所以, thank you so much. We’re going to switch over to Mr. Beterbiev.


我喜欢我的训练, and I am training hard. And it was all planned. 所以, 这一切按计划顺利进行. 这是一个严肃的对手. 我迫不及待地想有打.


阿图尔, you defeated Sergey Kovalev in the amateurs. What do you think of him as far as a professional opponent right now?

一. Beterbiev

考虑到他所有的陈述,他最近制作, 我想与他见面,并把他带回在他的地方专业.


你怎么记得他作为一个男人谁是你的战斗? What do you remember?

一. Beterbiev

我有一个非常美好的回忆. 所以, 我也打了他两次在业余队伍, 但我更专注于未来,现在. 我想再次击败他.


阿图尔, 你能描述你的感受,你的事业正在上升,在这一点上?

一. Beterbiev

我想我已经带领我的职业生涯的方式. 我每天的训练和日常工作,总是想着那. 我总是试图改善和提高我的不是强大的零部件, as part of my preparation.I’m not a future teller. 所以, I’m ready to meet all the solid opponents. And I’m ready for the championship of the world, 我已经准备好对任何情况.



一. Beterbiev




一. Beterbiev

是的, I have a lot of respect for Campillo because he’s very experienced. For sure he has more experience than I do. He has experience winning and losing, 他是一个坚实的对手, 但战斗是怎么回事显示,如果他的专业语言可以帮助他在这场斗争中.




I don’t think that was a knockdown. I just lost my balance for an instant. I recovered right away instantly. But I still think that this is a good lesson for me for this not to happen in the future. And I’m going to try to avoid any dangerous situations in my future.


你怎么看坎皮, 什么样的战斗机是他, 并没有任何一部分他的风格–他的风格的任何​​元素,可以令人担忧?

一. Beterbiev

这是一个坚实的opponent.He的工作非常出色, very experienced at attack. He’s very experienced at defense. 战斗是要显示什么将要发生.

L. 米尔纳

好, 伟大. 谢谢. 谢谢, 阿图尔. Thanks everybody for being on. A special thanks to the media. This is a great show 4月4日 定期CBS, PBC on CBS right from Quebec City. 所以, 非常感谢你,有一个伟大的日子.


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