Arkivji Tag: Pochiro Promotions

JR FLYWEIGHT OSCAR Vasquez pitches shutout IN LAS VEGAS

Marzu 17, RENO — Jr Reno. Flyweight prospett Oscar Vasquez jtejjeb biex 8-1 billi decisioning Cesar Sustaita Messiku (3-2, 3 PREZZIJIET) fi bout sitt round IS-SIBT fil Las Vegas.

Fi azzjoni ppakkjati, toe-to-toe kunflitt, Sustaita matched Vasquez’s aggression throughout the fight with Oscar landing the cleaner punches. In a heated exchange in the sixth round, ganċ xellug floored Sustaita, imma hu rkuprati u ġġieldu għall-qanpiena finali.


“I knew he was strong and had power.” Says Vasquez. “So I set him up for every big punch by going to the body. I took him to the late rounds, jmorru għall-eliminatorja.


"Nixtieq nirringrazzja lil kulħadd li għamlu l-vjaġġ lejn Vegas minn Reno u Southern California għall-appoġġ lili f'din il-ġlieda."


All three judges scored the fight 60-53. The evening of world-class boxing was the third installment of the regular series “Showdown at Sam’s Town” presented by Pochiro Promotions and RHP.




10 Mar, RENO — Jr Reno. Flyweight prospett Oscar Vasquez (7-1, 1 KO) hija skedata għall-ġlieda kontra din is-Sibt fil Las Vegas.

Ippreżentat mill Promozzjonijiet Pochiro u RHP, “Showdown at Sam’s Town 3” will once again feature a night of world class professional boxing at Sam’s Town resort. In a Jr. Flyweight ruttam sitt round, Vasquez huwa stabbilit li jiffaċċjaw Cesar Sustaita (3-1, 3 Kos) tal Chihuahua, Messiku.


Vasquez has put together quite the winning streak over the past two years. A win nhar is-Sibt jagħmel ukoll aktar kampanja tiegħu fil-Jr. Flyweight division. He held training camp in Los Angeles, CA ma trainer Nico Robledo.


"Jien lest biex jagħmel stqarrija fil-Jr. Diviżjoni Flyweight come IS-SIBT.” Says Vasquez. “I had an amazing camp. We are ready.’


Il Vasquez dejjem eċċitanti se jkollhom idejn sħiħa kontra l-Sustaita aggressivi u hard-laqtu tiegħu, li jkun knocked out kollha ta 'avversarji tiegħu fi tliet rebhiet tieghu.


Vasquez vs. Sustaita hija waħda minn seba bouts skedati għat-tielet pagament ta '"Showdown fil Town Sam" fuq 14 Mar. Biljetti tibda fil $35.00 (miżjuda bit-taxxi u l-miżati). To purchase tickets and for more information, jekk jogħġbok żur All bouts subject to change.
