标记档案: 费城

Michael Dutchover takes on Sergio Ramirez TOMORROW NIGHT in Ontario, 加利福尼亚州

费城, 佩恩. / 橙, 加利福尼亚州. (七月 19, 2018) – Talented junior lightweight prospect 迈克尔Dutchover (9-0, 6 科斯) aims to continue the hot start to his career when he battles Sergio Ramirez (4-2, 4 科斯) 在 “Path to Glorymain event this

星期五 夜晚 Doubletree in

安大略, 加利福尼亚州
The pair weighed in at 周四 称量体重, with Dutchover reaching the contract weight limit of 133 磅。, while the challenging Ramirez was slightly under at 132.5 磅.
The marquee attraction is Dutchover’s first since turning professional nearly two years ago. The 20-year-old out of Midland, Tex. is riding a wave of confidence heading into 周五战斗.
I spar with wold champions and contenders all the time so I’m ready to put on a great show,” 达杜弗说, who is promoted by Banner Promotions and Thompson Boxing. “I put in an excellent training camp just like always. I can go the full eight rounds if I need to, but I don’t think I will.
All fights will be live streamed on TB Presents: Path to Glory via Thompson Boxing Facebook的 page and ThompsonBoxing.com.
Photos by Carlos Baeza / 汤普森拳击
关于我们的战士定期更新, 事件, 和促销, 请检查 横幅促销的Facebook页面 , 并按照我们 Instagram的叽叽喳喳 BannerBoxing

Christopher Brooker to take on Eric Moon in co-feature bout on Friday, August 10th at SugarHouse Casino

Tyrone Crawley, JR. battles Ricardo Garcia for WBF Championship in main event
Undefeated fighters square off when Javier Oquendo takes on Joshafat Ortiz
Undefeated Poindexter Knight, 小, 三苏丁正义 & James Martin to see action


费城, 佩恩. (7月18日, 2018)–超中量级 克里斯托弗·布鲁克 将在 Eric Moon in the eight-round co-feature bout on 周五晚上, 八月 10 SugarHouse Casino.




The bout, which is part of a full night of action that is promoted by King’s Promotions.




在主要事件, Tyrone Crawley (7-1) 费城的会议 里卡多·加西亚 (14-3, 9 科斯) 圣多明各, Dominican Republic in a eight-round battle for the WBF Lightweight Championship.




费城的布鲁克有以下记录: 13-5 同 5 击倒.




该 27 year-old Brooker has proved to take-on, and defeat all comers as he has wins over Leo Hall (8-0), 约翰·玛格达 (11-0), Antowyan艾肯斯 (10-1-1), 加布里埃尔范 (6-0), & 埃尔文·阿亚拉 (28-7-1).




Brooker is coming off a eight-round unanimous decision over Jamaal Davis on March 2nd at SugarHouse Casino.




Moon of Marietta, Georgia has a record of 7-1 有六个淘汰赛.




该 27 year-old Moon turned professional in 2016, and won his first seven bouts, which was highlighted by a win over Simeon Hardy (13-1).




Hardy is coming off his 1st professional defeat when he lost to Meiirim Nursultanov on November 25, 2017 在纽约市.


six-round Bouts:


波因德克斯特骑士 (4-0, 2 科斯) 费城呈现 詹姆斯·罗宾逊 (5-11-4, 1 KO) 在次中量级回合


Javier Oquendo (3-0, 1 KO) 费城呈现 乔沙法特·奥尔蒂斯 (4-0, 2 科斯) 读, PA in a battle of undefeated Pennsylvania based super featherweights.


拉希德·约翰逊 (3-2, 1 KO) 费城的战斗 Tony Morris (4-1-1, 2 科斯) 杰克逊维尔, Florida in a welterweight bout.


In Four-Round Bouts:


三苏丁正义 (2-0, 2 科斯) 费城战役 安东尼·史密斯 (1-2-1, 1 KO) 弗雷斯诺, 加利福尼亚州.


保罗·克罗尔 费城将他的亲亮相反对 DeAngelo Alcorn (0-1) 塞西的, 阿肯色州.


Rasheen布朗 费城将他的亲亮相反对 塞尔吉奥·阿吉拉尔 (2-9, 2 科斯) 宅基地, CA in a super bantamweight bout.


Ryshine Collins of Philadelphia will make his pro debut against fellow pro debuter Yeuri Andujar 圣多明各, Domingo, Dominican Republic a super bantamweight contest.


詹姆斯马丁 (1-0) 费城再战亲开张 Jonathan Burrs of Hagerstown, Maryland in a super welterweight fight.


Nicoy克拉克 (1-1) Of Jersey City, New Jersey meets pro debuting Jose Nunez 读, PA in a heavyweight battle.




门票发售 $100, $75, $50, and can be purchased at SugarHousecasino.com








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EPIX® 确定《竞争者》的首映日期, 揭示 16 拳手们争夺冠军腰带

马克·伯内特 (Mark Burnett) 的 12 集拳击比赛系列

从米高梅电视台和派拉蒙电视台到首映 八月 24

洛杉矶 – 六月 27, 2018 - 付费付费电视网络 EPIX® 宣布 16 拳手们将在拳击系列赛的复兴中为了冠军腰带而相互对峙 竞争者 这个秋天. 备受期待的 12 集季剧, 来自米高梅电视台和派拉蒙电视台, 将于8月在EPIX首播. 24, 2018 在 10 PM ET / PT.




由不败拳击冠军安德烈主持 “上帝之子”病房, 该网络首个同类竞争性纪录片系列将重点介绍 16 拳手们在艰苦的淘汰式战斗中挑战自己的极限,考验他们实现拳击梦想的勇气和决心. 拳手们将由传奇拳击教练弗雷迪·罗奇 (Freddie Roach) 监督, 和费城著名教练纳齐姆·理查森 (Naazim Richardson).




“《竞争者》将无剧本的电视节目发挥到了极致. 它有令人难以置信的职业战士和真正的职业战斗. 你座位边缘的戏剧和真实故事奠定了我们观众期待的基调,我喜欢它,”马克·伯内特说, 米高梅电视台总裁.




“随着这个新的迭代 竞争者, 重点是坚韧不拔, 拳手们为拳击荣耀而战的个人故事,”迈克尔·赖特说, 总统, EPIX. “对我们来说,找到不仅在拳击场上展现出拳击技巧和韧性的人非常重要, 但除此之外,他还表现出了内心的深度和幽默感. 我们的 16 战士们都是活泼的, 艰难的, 有趣的, 敏感的, 驱动和启发, 我们很高兴我们的粉丝能够了解他们的故事,并在赛场内外为他们加油。”




该 16 参赛者来自各种职业拳击背景和生活阶段, 带来他们独特的故事, 个性, 该系列的优势和动机.




每位拳手都将争夺新的 160 磅中量级冠军 竞争者 并将获胜者的六位数钱包带回家——奖品, 哪, 为所有的战士, 代表着他们的家人和亲人能够过上更好的生活,陪伴他们度过旅途中的风风雨雨.




该 16 战斗机上 竞争者 这个季节是:



  • “乌克兰雄狮”伊夫根·赫特罗夫, 龄: 29, 秩: 20, 故乡: 布鲁克林, 纽约州.– 乌克兰移民, 奥林匹亚, 伊夫根·赫特洛夫 (Ievgen Khytrov) 最近移居美国,追求成为世界冠军的梦想,并为家人创造更美好的生活. 一个专门的, 安静, 宗教人士. 他也是要打败的人.



  • “娃娃脸刺客”埃里克·沃克, 龄: 34, 秩: 68, 故乡: 斑块明, 该. – 被监禁于 15 岁月流逝 14 因抢劫和谋杀未遂入狱多年, “娃娃脸刺客”埃里克·沃克在监狱里学会了拳击. 他现在正在为生命的第二次机会而奋斗, 活生生的证据证明实现梦想永远不会太晚.


  • 约翰·“阿波罗小子”·汤普森, 龄: 29, 秩: 70, 故乡: 纽瓦克, N.J. – 六岁时母亲因艾滋病去世, 这位已婚表演艺术家, 画家和战士, 约翰·“阿波罗小子”·汤普森来这里是为了向世界证明,尽管他拥有令人印象深刻的头衔,包括 2015 WBA-NABA 超次中量级, WBO 洲际超次中量级和 Boxcino 锦标赛.


  • 马尔科姆·“惩罚者”·麦卡利斯特, 龄: 27, 秩: 172, 故乡: 长滩, 加利福尼亚州. – 成长过程中始终处于校园打架的中心, 马尔科姆·“惩罚者”·麦卡利斯特现在将他的精力投入到帮助其他人在丧失抵押品赎回权和他的孩子之外进行重建, 成长中的家庭. 在拳击比赛中创造了令人印象深刻的KO记录 2014 在争夺竞争者头衔的旅程中获得金手套头衔.



  • 布兰登·“大炮”·亚当斯, 龄: 28, 秩: 不活跃, 故乡: 洛杉矶, 加利福尼亚州. – 擂台上的勇敢斗士, “大炮”布兰登·亚当斯 (Brandon “The Cannon” Adams) 亲身体会到,在周围无人照顾的情况下,克服逆境并挺身而出照顾家人意味着什么. 来自贫困地区, 这位两个孩子的伟大父亲标志着他在中断三年后重返拳击界, 因输给其他竞争对手而引发, 约翰·汤普森.


  • 四元“现金”现金, 龄: 26, 秩: 161, 故乡: 拉斯维加斯, 内华达州. – 这位亚特兰大人是目前佐治亚州最快 KO 的记录保持者, 四次金手套州冠军和铜牌得主. Quatavious Cash 正在为他已故的母亲而战,并有机会证明与街头帮派作斗争的生活可以永远延续下去.



  • 肖恩·“小糖人”·莫斯利, 小, 龄: 27, 秩: 149, 故乡: 圣莫尼卡, 加利福尼亚州. – 唯一的竞争者, 传奇名人堂拳击手“Sugar”肖恩·莫斯利的儿子, 小肖恩·“小糖人”·莫斯利. 正在努力走出父亲的阴影并开创自己的遗产.


  • 丹尼尔·“卓普林”·瓦尔迪维亚, 龄: 25, 秩: 116, 故乡: 莱里, 加利福尼亚州. – 白天是天生的推销员和房地产经纪人, 绰号“卓普林” (“蚱蜢”) 为了他无穷无尽的能量, 墨西哥移民丹尼尔·瓦尔迪维亚 (Daniel Valdivia) 生来就是为了踏入拳击场. 拥有多个冠军头衔,包括 NABF 超次中量级冠军, 他追逐名誉是为了证明放弃大学学习拳击是正确的举动.



  • 迈克尔“银背”摩尔, 龄: 31, 秩: 252, 故乡:克利夫兰, 哦. – 从街头的艰苦生活中改过自新, 充满毒品, 死亡和家庭自杀, 迈克尔·摩尔是一位天生的骗子和领导者. 已婚并有两个孩子, 为了追求拳击梦想,摩尔带着家人不断地从一个州搬到另一个州.


  • 杰拉尔德“G5”谢雷尔, 龄: 24, 秩: 216, 故乡: 匹兹堡, 霸. – 一个原作的粉丝 竞争者系列成长, 杰拉德“G5”谢雷尔是一位不败且具有爆发力的战士,拥有无与伦比的自诩气势. 来自项目的欢呼, 这多次金手套, 银手套和少年奥运会参赛者, 这位当地动物园白天的保安, 和年轻的父亲在晚上, 希望将拳击荣耀带回家乡匹兹堡.



  • 摩根“大酋长”惠誉, 龄: 34, 秩: 154, 故乡: 匹兹堡, 霸. – 职业生涯饱受伤病困扰, 来自路易斯安那州南部的美洲原住民是三个孩子的已婚父亲. 知道他已经老了,不适合这项运动了, 摩根“大酋长”菲奇还有最后一次实现拳击梦想的机会.


  • 马科斯·“疯子”·埃尔南德斯, 龄: 24, 秩: 104, 故乡: 弗雷斯诺, 加利福尼亚州. – 从小就被欺负,一次事故导致他全身烧伤 30 他身体的百分比, “疯子”马科斯·埃尔南德斯正在为他患有自闭症的儿子而战, 希望他不会像以前一样被欺负. 与青少年奥林匹克运动会一起, 2012 蓝色和金色的头衔以及“墨西哥前锋”风格的战斗,他可能会被忽视和低估.



  • 泰隆·“新枪手”·布伦森, 龄: 33, 秩: 39, 故乡: 费城, PA – 当他需要卖毒品来养活自己的时候 13, 继父的最后通牒: 被禁足或去拳击馆是他的救命稻草. 现在是两个孩子的卑微父亲, 并坐在比赛中最好的排名之一, 他的 24 KO传递出他不会默默战斗的信号,但他的狂妄态度却不止一次击败了他.


  • 拉马尔·“欧米茄”·拉斯, 龄: 31, 秩: 115, 故乡: 威明顿, N.C. -由单亲妈妈抚养的四个孩子之一,也是家里第一个大学毕业的人, 拉马尔“欧米茄”拉斯为自己是失败者而感到自豪, 在喧闹的外表下是一位拳击手,他需要证明他能言出必行. HBO, ESPN 和 Showtime 的首轮 KO 说明了一切.



  • 约翰“摇滚”杰克逊, 龄: 29, 秩: 63, 故乡: 圣. 托马斯, 中美. 英属维尔京群岛 – 两个孩子的离婚父亲, 这位圆滑敏捷的拳击手, 维尔京群岛人约翰“摇滚”杰克逊开始战斗 12 岁, 追随他的世界冠军父亲朱利安杰克逊的脚步参加泛美运动会 2008 奥运会. 他出身富裕,但关心弱势群体,梦想让他的岛屿感到自豪,让最近遭受自然灾害的人们得到关注.


  • 德沃恩“独特”李, 龄: 30, 秩: 82, 故乡: 牙买加皇后队, 纽约州.

当他的一位朋友在 16, Devaun “Unique” Lee 知道他需要一条逃离皇后区肮脏街道的出路. 拳击让他保持直立. 长时间为飞机加油和照顾他五岁的女儿也是如此. 他一生的真爱. 父亲身份和这项运动是他将纽约州中量级冠军提升到新水平的动力.



原本的 竞争者 系列播出了四个赛季 (2005-2009) 并让多名拳手参与世界冠军争夺, 包括冠军得主塞尔吉奥·莫拉, 科尼利厄斯Bundrage, 萨基金牛座, 和萨姆·索利曼.



埃里克·范·瓦格宁 (Eric Van Wagenen) 与马克·伯内特 (Mark Burnett) 一起担任复兴系列的执行制片人和剧集主管. 该格式由米高梅电视台和派拉蒙电视台拥有.



EPIX 可通过有线电视在全国范围内使用, 卫星, 电信和流媒体电视提供商,包括 Charter Spectrum, 和一个朋友。他于二月去世, Verizon的FiOS, AT&牛逼的U - verse, 菜网, 吊带, PlayStation Vue 和, 截至六月 13, 康卡斯特.

Ruben Villa Defends WBO Youth Title Saturday from Sacramento, 例如

卡洛斯·巴埃萨摄 / 汤普森拳击


费城, 佩恩. / 橙, 加利福尼亚州. (六月 26, 2018) – Unbeaten featherweight standout Ruben Villa (11-0, 4 科斯) 萨利纳斯, Calif stars in the main event this Saturday when he takes on Mexico’s Ricardo Lopez (7-2-2, 6 科斯) in an 8-round fight that will mark his third start of the year.




The bout will take place this Saturday, 六月 30, from Omega Products International in Sacramento.




The slick southpaw defends his WBO Youth title that he won in April in his hometown. Villa thoroughly outpointed Marlon Olea for his first championship as a professional.




I’m anxious to get back in the ring,” 说别墅, who is managed by Danny Zamora. “I like being active. I’m defending my title for the first time. I’ll have a lot of fans in attendance so I’m ready to put on a great show.




Villa is promoted by Banner Promotions and Thompson Boxing.




门票 “新鲜血液” 售价为 $40, $60, & $100, and are available for purchase by calling 714-935-0900, 或访问 ThompsonBoxing.com 在线.




All fights will be live streamed on TB Presents: New Blood via Thompson Boxing Facebook and ThompsonBoxing.com.




The livestream starts at 7:45 P.M. PT / 10:45 P.M. ET with Beto Duran as the blow-by-blow announcer and Steve Kim providing expert, color commentary.




门开处 6:30 P.M. local time with the first bout at approximately 7:45 P.M. Omega Products is located at 8111 Fruitridge Road, 萨克拉门托, 例如 95826, 并且可以在到达 916-635-3335.


关于我们的战士定期更新, 事件, 和促销, 请检查 横幅促销的Facebook页面 , 并按照我们 Instagram的叽叽喳喳 BannerBoxing





启动名人堂大厅, J Russell Peltz to be be 1st guest on The Abrams Boxing Hour LIVE on Tuesday at 6:30 PM ET

Show can be viewed live on

费城, PA (六月 25, 2018) – 明天, Hall of Fame Promoter J Russell Peltz will be the guest on The Abrams Boxing Hour beginning at 6:30 PM ET / 3:30 PM PT. The show will originate from The Joe Hand Boxing Gym in Philadelphia.








Peltz will discuss the June 29th fight card at The Parx Casino in Bensalem, PA. The card will feature Miguel Cartagena (15-4-1, 6 科斯) taking on Carlos Maldonado (10-2, 7 科斯) plus the rematch between Anthony Prescott and Isiah Wise.




Peltz will also talk about some of the highlights of his nearly 50 year Hall of Fame Career as well as some of today’s hottest boxing topics.







演出, will feature 1-on-1 sit-down interviews with some of the biggest names in the sport, and will also go over the latest boxing news and opinions. The Abrams Boxing Hour will originate from boxing-centric venues throughout the country.




The debut show will originate from The Joe Hand Boxing Gym in Philadelphia.


费城, PA (六月 21, 2018)THIS TUESDAY, 艾布拉姆斯拳击时间 will re-boot on new platforms at 6:30 P.M. AND / 3:30 P.M. PT.








演出, will feature 1-on-1 sit-down interviews with the some of the biggest names in the sport, and will also go over the latest boxing news and opinions. The Abrams Boxing Hour will originate from boxing-centric venues throughout the country.




The debut show will originate from The Joe Hand Boxing Gym in Philadelphia.




I am glad and excited to be able to do a show like this and bring some enlightening and thoughtful boxing conversation with some terrific guests,” said Marc Abrams, host and creator of The Abrams Boxing Hour.




Doing the show at the Joe Hand Boxing Gym will give the show an authentic feel. I will be taking the show on the road as well, as I plan to have the most meaningful guests around fights that will get the fans primed and ready for the weekend action. It also will provide an opportunity for fans to be interactive with the guests as we will be answering real-time questions and comments. This will also bring exposure to fighters and events.




The guests for Tuesday’s show will be announced in the next couple of days.

小蒂龙·克劳利. battles Ricardo Garcia in main event on Friday, August 10th at SugarHouse Casino in Philadelphia

Clarance Booth battles Victor Vazquez in co-feature


费城, 佩恩. (六月 7, 2018)–Tyrone Crawley, JR. 会打 里卡多·加西亚 in the eight-round junior welterweight main event on 星期五, August 10th SugarHouse Casino.




在八轮的共同特征, 克拉伦斯·布斯 战斗 维克多·巴斯克斯 在一场初级次中量级比赛中.







Crawley of Philadelphia has a record of 7-1.




该 32 year-old is a 6-year professional who won his first even bouts.




在他的最后一个回合, Crawley had to retire after round three of his bout with Anthony Mercado. Crawley was winning the fight until he suffered a wrist injury.




Garcia of The Dominican Republic has a record of 14-3 九击倒.




该 31 year-old Garcia is a two year professional who won his first 14 结束.




He won The Dominican Republic Super Lightweight title with a 10-round unanimous decision over undefeated Francisco Aguero (13-0).




Garcia is coming off an eight-round unanimous decision defeat to undefeated Montana Love on May 5th in Johnstown, 霸.




Booth of Saint Petersburg, 佛罗里达州有一个记录 15-4 八击倒.




该 30 year-old Booth is seven-year professional who won 13 他第一 14 结束, which included wins over Luis Joel Gonzalez (11-2-1), 奥森汉巴斯克斯 (8-2-1), 乔纳森·佩雷斯 (5-0) & Marcus Powell (1-0).




Booth is coming off a 4th round stoppage defeat to Dadashev (8-0) 十一月 11, 2017 in Fresno, 加利福尼亚州.




扬克斯的巴斯克斯, 纽约有纪录 10-4 四击倒.




该 22 year-old Vazquez is a four year professional who has wins over David Gonzales (8-2-2), 加西亚 (14-0), 杰罗姆征服 (6-1) & 欢迎迪亚兹 (2-0).




Vazquez is coming off being stopped in seven rounds to Josue Vargas on April 21st in Brooklyn, 纽约.






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费城, 佩恩. / 橙, 加利福尼亚州. (五月 14, 2018) – Top junior lightweight prospect 迈克尔Dutchover (9-0, 6 科斯) 米德兰, Tex. continues to improve on his advanced skill set. He knocked out Mike Fowler (6-15, 2 科斯) 在第三轮 (1:19) after landing consecutive body shots that sapped the air out of Fowler’s lungs.




The fight took place this past Friday night at the Doubletree Hotel in Ontario, 加利福尼亚州.




Dutchover proved his talent early by connecting with body shots in the second round that floored the shorter Fowler. 达奇奥弗, 20, rarely got hit and displayed superior hand speed and excellent instincts.




I wanted to start fast and not have to go the full six rounds,” 达杜弗说, who was an outstanding cross country runner in high school. “I figured him out pretty quickly. He wasn’t covering up well and I took advantage.




Dutchover is trained and managed by Danny Zamora and promoted by Banner Promotions and Thompson Boxing.




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Photos by Carlos Baeza / 汤普森拳击

Mykal Fox continues winning ways with unanimous decision over Anthony Mercado

十字, Yunusov, Ortiz and Coffie remain undefeated
The Fighting Ring AnnouncerAlex Barbosa returns to ring with victory

费城, 佩恩. (五月 14, 2018)–刚刚过去的这个周五晚上, 初中量级 麦凯乐福克斯 remained perfect by winning a eight-round unanimous decision over Anthony Mercado.



The bout headlined an eight-fight card at SugarHouse Casino, and was promoted by King’s Promotions.



福雷斯特的福克斯, Maryland controlled the action by using his long reach that set up combination punching. 该 22 year-old was solid throughout, and cruised home to the victory by scores of 79-73 两次, 78-74.



Fox is now 17-0, Mercado of Camuy, 波多黎各是 11-4.



The Fighting Ring Announcer亚历克斯·巴博萨 came back after a nearly two-year layoff to win a four-round unanimous decision over Sergio Aguilar in a super bantamweight bout.


Barbosa of Philadelphia won by scores of 40-36 和 39-37 两次提高他的分数 6-3-1. Aguilar of Homestead, 佛罗里达州是 2-8.



Romuel克鲁兹 bloodied the nose of Bryann Perez on his way to a four-round unanimous decision in a super bantamweight bout.


Cruz of Philadelphia won by scores of 40-36 两次, 39-37 to stay undefeated at 2-0. 卡罗莱纳州的佩雷斯, Puerto Rico falls to 2-10-1.


New King’s Promotions signee, Anvar Yusunov shook of a flash knockdown to win a four-round unanimous decision over Deo Kizito in a super featherweight bout.



在第三轮, Kizito landed a straight left that made Yusunov’s glove hit the canvas. It was Yusunov’s power shots that bloodied the nose of Kizito, and was the difference in the fight.



Yusunov, who is a three-time Olympian from Tajikistan won by scores of 40-36, 39-37 和 38-37 改善 2-0. Kizito of Dubai, United Arab Emirates is 3-2.



Jerrod Miner and Desmond Moore battled to a four-round split draw in a bantamweight contest.



Each fighter won a scorecard 39-37 and a third card was even at 38-38.



费城矿工是 1-1-2. Moore of Bethlehem, PA是 1-0-1.


在晚上的战斗, 乔沙法特·奥尔蒂斯 got off the deck in round one, to come back to stop Jordan Peters in round two of their scheduled four-round super featherweight bout.



Peters dropped Ortiz in the first frame with a vicious right hand. Ortiz was not only able to shake that off, but come back and land a booming right hand that dropped Peters in next frame. Peters got up, but ate a huge combination, 战斗在 2:13.



Ortiz of Reading, PA是 4-0 同 2 击倒. 华盛顿的彼得斯, DC是 2-2-1.


迈克尔Coffie remained undefeated by stopping Lamar Lewis in the first round of their scheduled four round heavyweight bout.



Coffie landed a big combination to the top of the head that sent Lewis down, and the fight was stopped 75 战斗开始几秒.



Coffie of Brooklyn is 3-0 同 2 击倒. Lewis of Conway, 阿肯色州是 0-2.




Joel Flores of Christopher Burgos fought to a spirited four-round majority draw in a junior lightweight bout.



Flores of Passaic, New Jersey won a card 39-37, but that was overruled by two 38-38 牌.



弗洛雷斯是 0-0-2. Burgos of Philadelphia is 0-2-1.


Joshua Greer knocks out Glenn Dezurn, Charles Foster dominates Alvin Varmall Jr. & Arnold Khegai defeats Adam Lopez in co-featured bouts

赶上重播 星期一, 五月 14 在 10 P.M. AND/PT在SHOWTIME EXTREME®

点击 这里 要下载图片; 信用斯蒂芬妮特拉普/欣欣

费城 (五月 12, 2018) – Blue chip lightweight prospect Devin Haney rose to the occasion in what was the toughest test of his career, defeating veteran Mason Menard via ninth-round TKO in the main event of 的ShoBox: 新一代 星期五 on SHOWTIME from 2300 竞技场在费城.

哈尼 (20-0, 13 科斯) entered the fight as a highly regarded prospect who had never been tested. He faced his first test 在周五 in what was a scheduled 10-round bout against 的ShoBox veteran Menard (33-3, 24 科斯).

Haney took control of the fight from the opening bell and never relinquished it. The 19-year-old picked off Menard with a dominating jab from the outside and used lateral movement to avoid getting hit. Menard was unable to land any meaningful punches and he looked sluggish compared to Haney’s consistent movement and athleticism.

After nine rounds of domination, Menard’s corner had seen enough and stopped the fight following the round. Haney passed the toughest test of his career with flying colors, never once letting Menard take control of the fight.

“The plan was to go in there and work off the jab,”哈尼说. “If the knockout came, I would take it but I just went in there, put on a boxing clinic and showed the world that I could go the full 10 发.

“I feel like I put on a performance. I was relaxed and did my job. I’m definitely the next superstar. There’s only bigger and better things from here on out. I work very hard. I went in and put on a good performance against a guy that people said could knock me out or hurt me.

Following the fight, a defeated Menard was respectful of Haney’s performance.

“He never hurt me. He was catching me with the best shots he could and never hurt me. But the kid can definitely fight,” Menard admitted.

在10轮的共同特征, super bantamweight prospect Joshua “Don’t Blink” Greer (17-1-1, 9 科斯) scored his third 的ShoBox knockout against Baltimore native Glenn Dezurn (9-1-2, 6 科斯).

The fight was explosive from the outset, with both fighters pushing the pace. Greer took advantage of Dezurn’s high guard to work the body, while Dezurn pushed forward to engage Greer on the inside. Greer began to dominate in the third round, when a big right hand hurt Dezurn with two minutes remaining.

“I knew he would come hard so I put I the work in the gym to make sure I was ready,”格里尔说. “I’m just happy everything paid off.”

Greer hurt Dezurn again in the fifth round with a straight left, and eventually tied him up against the ropes with a succession of blows that almost had Dezurn’s trainer Barry Hunter stopping the fight. After the round, Hunter warned Dezurn that he would stop the fight if Dezurn didn’t fight back.

Despite almost going down in the fifth, Dezurn survived for three more rounds. The injured and exhausted Dezurn wasn’t able to put anything behind his punches and hit the canvas in the eighth round for the first time in his career before referee Benjy Esteves stopped the fight with 1:47 其余的.

“I got caught with a few good shots, but I recovered quickly and I was still in the fight,” Dezurn said. “I have a lot of heart, which is a gift and a curse for me.”

A confident Greer was pleased with his performance after the fight.

“I wasn’t surprised I could knock him out,” Greer said. “I knew I could break his will.”

In an eight-round featured attraction, light heavyweight prospect Charles Foster (16-0, 8 科斯) remained undefeated with a unanimous decision win against Alvin Varmall Jr. (15-0-2, 12 科斯), 进球 77-75, 78-74, 79-73.

Foster dominated the fight from the outset, controlling the scrappy Varmall, 谁成为 174 fighter to suffer his first loss on 的ShoBox. Varmall made a valiant attempt to get inside in the early rounds, but a more disciplined Foster held him at bay, with Vermall stumbling and getting tied up inside.

“My experience was the difference,”福斯特说. “He was loading up on one punches and I was sticking to my game plansticking behind the jab, working the body.”

Foster peppered Varmall with his lead left hand, tagging his opponent enough to break him down and eventually tire him out. Varmall landed a couple of statement shots but wasn’t able to hurt Foster and by the later rounds, his punches lacked power.

“When he would come on the inside he couldn’t hurt me,”福斯特说. “I was the one controlling the entire fight.”

In the opening bout of the four-fight telecast, super bantamweight Arnold Khegai kept his unblemished record intact with a unanimous decision over veteran Adam Lopez, 进球 77-74, 77-74, 78-73.

使他的U.S. 登场, the controlled Khegai (12-0-1, 8 科斯) pressed the action from the start. Khegai worked the jab and stayed mobile, capitalizing on a wobbly Lopez (16-2-3, 8 科斯) with a perfectly timed counter punch with 30 seconds remaining in the second round. Khegai stayed busy in the early rounds with consistent counter punches, but earned a point deduction for a hit to the back of Lopez’s head with seconds remaining in the sixth round.

“That was my first fight in the U.S. and I wanted to show something special,” Khegai said. “Everyone was waiting for the knockout, but I wanted to show my boxing skills. I could have gone for the KO in the middle of the fight, but I wanted to prove that I could box.”

Despite a slight dip in productivity in the later rounds, the Ukrainian stayed efficient, 着陆 31 与仅拍摄身体照片相比 15 from Lopez.

洛佩兹, caught off guard by Khegai’s fighting style, was disappointed by his performance in his record-setting seventh 的ShoBox 出现.

“I was expecting him to be a dirty fighter, but it kind of threw me off my game. The referee kept telling me ‘don’t retaliate, don’t retaliate.’

I couldn’t really land my hard shots. I landed a couple,”洛佩兹说. “I stunned him in the fourth or fifth with a right uppercut. He got rocked a little bit, but he’s a good fighter. He got out of it.”

本次活动促进了 格雷格·科恩促销 与联想 德文 - 哈尼促销 强力促销.

# # #

巴里·汤普金斯 的ShoBox 从马戏团的行动 史蒂夫Farhood 和前世界冠军 劳尔·马尔克斯 作为专业分析师. 执行制片人 戈登·霍尔 理查德·高根生产和 里克·菲利普斯 导演.

欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.sho.com/sports 在Twitter上关注@ShowtimeBoxing, @SHOSports, #的ShoBox, 或成为Facebook上的粉丝在 www.Facebook.com/SHOSports.