标记档案: 查尔斯·福斯特

墨菲拳击回到米高梅斯普林菲尔德参加 8 月的特别户外日场活动 17 以 NABA 轻重量级冠军为特色, 查尔斯·福斯特和不败的爱尔兰重量级选手, 尼尔肯尼迪! 住在UFC FIGHT PASS!

不败的爱尔兰重量级选手, 尼尔·肯尼迪将在联合主赛事中面对德文·瓦加斯

新英格兰球迷最爱, 雪莉·文森特回归

本周五发售的门票, 7 月 19 日WWW.MURPHYSBOXING.COM

斯普林菲尔德, 马萨诸塞州 (七月 16, 2019):

墨菲拳击很自豪地宣布他们回归 米高梅斯普林菲尔德 对于一个特殊的户外日场活动 星期六, 八月 17, 2019 将在现场直播 UFC战斗通行证.

在主要事件, NABA轻重量级冠军, 查尔斯·福斯特 (18-0, 9 科斯) 将第四次卫冕他的头衔 10 与俄罗斯强力拳手的回合,丹尼斯·格拉切夫 (19-7-1, 10 科斯).

培育, 谁来自附近的纽黑文, 康涅狄格排名 #10 在世界上由 WBA 并且正在结束对芝加哥曾经被击败的令人印象深刻的停工胜利, 迈克Jiminez 今年三月.

格拉乔夫被称为“德拉戈之子”, 目前在一个 3 连胜 2019 对福斯特的冷门胜利将立即让俄罗斯重返世界排名.

“我很高兴能在米高梅斯普林菲尔德这样的绝佳场地参加主赛事。”, 福斯特解释说, 绰号自信的左撇子, '真相'.

“我真的觉得我已经准备好与顶尖的任何人较量了 10. 我想在明年获得世界冠军. 8月17日, 我打算通过捍卫我的头衔并阻止格拉乔夫来向其他轻重量级部门发表声明。”

在 10 一轮联合主赛事墨菲拳击最受欢迎的拳手之一, 爱尔兰重量级轰动, 尼尔·肯尼迪 (13-0-1, 8 科斯) 将面临他迄今为止最艰难的考验之一, 2014 美国奥运选手, 德文·巴尔加斯 (20-5, 8 科斯) 在十字路口的战斗中,胜利者将在炙手可热的部门获得重大机会.

‘轰轰轰轰’ 他还在家乡戈雷担任警察, 爱尔兰已经在马萨诸塞州积累了相当大的基地,此前他在新英格兰进行了几乎所有的职业比赛,在此过程中赢得了该州的重量级冠军.

“我很高兴能在米高梅斯普林菲尔德战斗. 这是我第一次来那个地区 [马萨诸塞州] 以及要举办什么活动, 与才华横溢的查尔斯·福斯特分摊账单。”, 不起眼的重量级人物说.

“我们希望它 [争斗] 将是为了世界排名和我的对手, 我相信, 是一名前奥运选手,他与顶级桌混在一起,我相信他会让我发挥出最好的一面. 训练进行得异常顺利. 我要把每一盎司的鲜血和汗水都用来制作我的小男孩, MJ 和我的妻子自豪. 我很荣幸也很幸运有 Ken 和 Packie 指导我的职业生涯并在 35, 今年是我想让自己登上顶峰的一年 20 并进入大规模的战斗,为此我需要在 8 月 17 日表演。”


雪莉文森特 (25-2, 1 KO), 普罗维登斯的骄傲, 和前世界冠军挑战者, 会让她回来 8 一轮羽量级对决对手将被命名.

安东尼·贝拉斯克斯 (7-0, 7 科斯), 斯普林菲尔德最受欢迎的战士之一, 会出现在一个 6 对一个对手的次中量级回合被命名.

小德里克·惠特利. (5-1-1), 谁来自斯普林菲尔德著名的战斗惠特利家族, 将面对一个被点名的对手 6 圆形次中量级回合.

雷·杰伊·贝穆德斯(Ray Jay Bermudez) (7-0, 5 科斯) 来自附近奥尔巴尼的人, 纽约, 会出现在一个 6 圆形超轻量级回合.


“我们五月在米高梅斯普林菲尔德的第一场比赛, 这也是我们 UFC Fight Pass 的首次亮相, 是一个了不起的夜晚,取得了圆满成功。”, 说明 肯·凯西, 墨菲拳击的创始人.

“对于我们回到米高梅斯普林菲尔德,我们想把它带到另一个层次. 有顶 10 像查尔斯·福斯特这样的世界级拳手在他的后院进行冠军卫冕, 在高风险的重量级对决中加入尼尔肯尼迪,然后使其成为户外日场表演, 我们认为实现了这一目标. 我们迫不及待地想在 8 月 17 日回到米高梅斯普林菲尔德。”

墨菲拳击呈现福斯特 vs. 周六格拉乔夫, 5 月 17 日在斯普林菲尔德的米高梅斯普林菲尔德, 马萨诸塞州 (1 MGM路, 斯普林菲尔德, 嘛. 01103). 下午 1 点开门,下午 2 点开始第一场战斗. 门票售价 $45, $75, $100 和 $125 本周五开始发售, 7 月 19 日在: www.murphysboxing.com 和 www.mgmspringfield/
娱乐. 整个活动将在 UFC Fight Pass 上直播 www.ufc.tv.


风扇友好, 免费的Facebook平台上拥有近 5.2 从300万条到的意见有现场访问满座蓝调之屋在芬威公园的阴影.

线上: HTTPS://www.facebook.com/FaceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE/


纽约 (三月 12, 2019) – 对于连续第二年, FIGHTNIGHT LIVE技术的Everlast 每个人的东西作为风扇友好的和完全免费的平台,庆祝圣. 帕特里克日在波士顿与踢反弹球墨菲和墨菲拳击. 来自全国各地和世界各地的音乐爱好者和发烧友的斗争可以赶上踢反弹球墨菲在演唱会和出色的卡上周六的国际吸引力 – 通过任何装置,其中Facebook是可用的 – 被踢反弹球墨菲流行凯尔特朋克乐队的诞生促进带给球迷.

免费, 互动系列 – 这几乎已经受理 5.2 因为它的平台万名球迷在五月首映 2017 – 访问芬威的阴影再次继续三月时间表. 三展三月是一个组成部分 2019 ,展示了一个优秀的六张阵容配备六种不同的促销活动,并跨越四个城市第一季度, 开始三日演出和两个游行表明已经是组合超过 860,000 意见.

“这是我今年最喜欢的日子,” 说 肯·凯西, 踢反弹球墨菲主唱和总裁和创始人, 墨菲拳击. “我们有一个满座的场地和良好的拳击卡, 而Facebook将会给我们的世界各地的球迷在踢反弹球墨菲现场看看里面, 墨菲拳击和FIGHTNIGHT直播频道。”

在星期六的主要事件, NABA冠军 马克·德卢卡 (22-1, 13 科斯) 发生在 吉米·威廉姆斯 (16-1-1, 5 科斯) 超强的welterweights的所有新英格兰上阵. 也看到行动将NABA轻重量级拳王查尔斯培育 (17-0, 8 科斯), 把他完美无瑕的标志就行了对战斗考验的芝加哥人 Mike Jimenez (22-1-2, 14 KO的). 堆叠卡还可以看到顶级的中量级竞争者和爱尔兰的喜爱 加里 “Spike” 奥沙利文(29-3, 20 科斯) 采取流行的新英格兰 Khiary灰色 (16-4, 12 科斯). 与此同时, 爱尔兰国民的冲突 诺埃尔·墨菲 (12-1-1, 2 科斯) 发生在undefeated乔伊斯约翰 (7-0, 4 科斯) 和不败的重量级 尼尔·肯尼迪 (12-0-1, 7 科斯) 也如期露面, 代表在其著名的周末翡翠岛.

“圣. 帕特里克节在波士顿与踢反弹球墨菲正在成为我们最喜​​爱的FIGHTNIGHT LIVE的传统之一, 但周六的卡可在我们的平台上的历史最好在冠军战的条件和质量的对决从上到下,” 说 马克·弗拉托, 校长和业务发展总监, 利纳克尔媒体. “再加上阵容与肯凯西和踢反弹球墨菲活套, 这是无与伦比的, 而且由于蓝调之屋是满座, 我们给你弄内,近距离与Facebook。”

现在,在其第二个赛季, FIGHTNIGHT LIVE技术的Everlast是风扇友好的Facebook平台, – 除其他方面 – 自诩打评论员之间进行的实时对话和收视观众. FIGHTNIGHT LIVE已展出超过 515 战士和 16 促销期间 31 从网上直播 18 因为可能在不同的城市 2017, 并在这样做, 互动平台已经产生的斗争球迷的忠诚的利益,从美国各地和世界各地, 包括墨西哥显著观众, 英国和欧洲其他地区, 甚至球迷在南美, 亚洲和澳大利亚.

由于五月 2017, 在30秀FIGHTNIGHT LIVE系列的数字显示,新平台的前景和潜力,平均 167,483 每看法事件 几乎 5.2 万条总的意见 为加盟店. 由于九月. 2018, 季II节目有平均超过 269,000 意见.

在九月. 2018 “国王拳击周二夜战斗” (594,447) 从伯利恒金沙, 在十二月. 2018 “皇后区和皇后区卡王” (379,758) 在纽约, 在十一月. 2018 “硬打欣欣协作” (372,662), 在十二月. 2018 “罗伊·琼斯JR. 德州Throwdown” (318,886), 在十月. 2018 “硬打费城特价” (297,545), 在十月. 2018 长达一小时的Bareknuckle “Freeview频道” (292,253), 在十一月. 2018 “泰坦在首都” (256,871), 在九月. 2017 “实打实促销: 帝国” 从云顶赌场 (225,000), 在二月. 2019 “愤怒的宝贝费城特价” (203,000) 和八月 2017 CES “超级星期六” 从快活 (203,000) 所有记录 200,000 以上意见, 和集体30秀系列已经看到了总数超过 5,191,976 在所有设备视图.

除了原料收视人数, 完全互动, 风扇友好的生产已经看到 多于 419,000 集体生活后订婚 (多于 13,000 每场), 包括超过 324,000 “喜欢” 或 “爱,” 几乎 56,000 评论超过 18,000 分享.

在九月. 2018 “国王拳击周二夜战斗” 从金沙伯利恒设定了新的标准 594,447 意见 和九月. 2017 迪贝拉-CES的连携带的系列四分之三的-A-万人点击,在短短四个多月. 在九月. 2017 迪贝拉卡锯 多于 40,000 观众互动 几乎包括了 39,000 “喜欢” 或 “爱” 与三月 17, 2018, 墨菲 “圣. 帕特里克日的冲突” 设置一个新的高水位标记 股 2,182.

在Facebook上的FIGHTNIGHT LIVE页面已超过 87,000 球迷 而超过 94,000 追随者.

创建和利纳克尔媒体产生了纽约市, 在FIGHTNIGHT LIVE系列的特色专业播音员, 多个摄像机角度, 电视图形, 重播和幕后的访问和采访. 流式传输的节目都可以在全球任何地方的Facebook可用. 不仅该计划使球迷从世界各地来调, 但也给了后起的战士一个全球性的平台,展示自己的能力, 给促销员的访问 “广播” 解决方案并给出了赞助商通过品牌内容达成大量观众的能力.

FIGHTNIGHT活泉水 2019 日期将在未来几周内正式公布.


按照通过在FaceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE在Facebook上社交媒体的所有行动, @FaceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE Instagram上和@ FIGHTNIGHTLIVE_在Twitter, 或通过使用#标签#FIGHTNIGHTLIVE. 有关最新利纳克尔媒体事件和广播时间表, 遵循@LinacreMedia在所有社交平台或使用该标签#LinacreMediaEvents或#LinacreMediaOnTV.

卓越的品牌在拳击比赛中,因为 1910, 的Everlast是全球领先的制造商, 营销和拳击的许可, MMA和健身器材. 从传说中的冠军杰克·登普西和糖罗宾森目前的超级巨星Deontay怀尔德和达斯汀·普瓦里耶, 的Everlast是首选品牌的世界冠军的职业运动员代. 建立在实力的品牌传承, 奉献, 个性和真实性, 的Everlast是无数冠军的生活的必要组成部分. 总部设在曼哈顿, 安能公司的产品分布在多卖 75 国家和 6 大陆. 欲了解更多信息, 访问www.everlast.com.

UNDEFEATED爱尔兰重量级, 尼尔·肯尼迪加入到MURPHYS拳击第四届ST. 帕特里克节CLASH

此图片有一个空的alt属性; 其文件名是SksgGV4d6xqg11m-GtDrR2m7DQME_YEDurjqaFyQB_rZY4_2sH2ce4XkSpwqHEudj__PBbTQN4o5lW6USphHUdWOi5ROcdvRGbexmrrlR2HFwqTCd75M2YbqsfJRq6d1U4EdcUbIUxkI = S0-d-E1-英尺


星期六, BLUES在波士顿3月16日在房子

事件是即将售罄. 优惠票 这里!

波士顿 (三月 4, 2019):

墨菲拳击 很高兴地宣布不败, 爱尔兰重量级, 尼尔Kenned和 (12-0-1, 8 科斯) 已被添加到 第四届圣. 帕特里克日的冲突 其中发生 星期六, 3月16日波士顿, 马萨诸塞州蓝调之屋.

其中墨菲拳击最流行的战机, “轰隆轰隆”, 被关闭的主导一致决定来赢得今年10月,当他把从老乡“O”不败的重量级, Brendan Barrett 在战斗广播 DAZN.

肯尼迪 2019 出道将恰当发生在今年的圣. 帕特里克日的冲突, 他出现在每年一度的盛事第三次, 他亲眼知道随之而来的兴奋和能量.

“我赢了 马萨诸塞州重量级冠军 在墨菲帕迪天秀 2017 ,这是一个了不起的经验. 这里的气氛就像是什么,我在拳击事件曾经见证. 我期待着再次成为它的一部分。”

肯尼迪, 尽管戈里欢呼, 爱尔兰,他全职工作作为一个警察, 已转战 10 他 13 在新英格兰地区专业的战斗,实际上认为波士顿他的拳击家.

“我与我从波士顿和马萨诸塞州的人一般获得的支持祝福. 我在谁带出的大力支持国家的大家族连接,因此,当谈到拳击家, 波士顿是我的第一个拳击家。”

至于 2019, 肯尼迪是加大了竞争死心塌地,甚至有他的眼睛对同胞不败重量级谁像他自己创造的拳击嗡嗡声疯狂的东海岸城市.

“我的目标是始终保持战斗,以改善. 我想成为世界排名,并在分裂斗争的最前面,但我知道这会发生, 2019 必须是一个巨大的一年对我来说. 有很多的战士,我想分享与环,但现在我觉得自己VS费城 达尔曼岩 是应该而且会发生战斗。”

墨菲拳击创始人, 肯·凯西 同意 2019 将是一个突破的一年为肯尼迪和他的除了圣. 帕特里克日的冲突发生的情况下,以一个全新的水平.

“尼尔是我们最流行的战斗机之一,他有在地平线上的巨大战斗. 我们今年想要留住他主动让他可以在他最适合什么样的未来. 具有在圣爱尔兰重量级. 帕特里克节显示看跌此卡在顶部,最好墨菲拳击曾经做过一个。”

圣帕特里克日的冲突将是一次真正的爱尔兰重外遇肯尼迪加入有老乡墨菲拳击的stablemate卡, 软木, 爱尔兰 加里“秒杀”奥沙利文 (29-3, 20 科斯) 在对一个危险的战斗 Khiary灰色 (16-4, 12 科斯) 以及万众期待的科克之间的所有爱尔兰的次中量级对决, 爱尔兰 约翰·乔伊斯 (7-0, 4 科斯) 和卢肯, 爱尔兰 诺埃尔·墨菲 (12-1-1, 2 科斯).

领衔的年度盛会将是 NABA超次中量级冠军, 马萨诸塞州 马克·德卢卡 (22-1, 13 科斯) 谁将会把他的头衔, 和他的 最佳 10 世界排名, 在对康涅狄格州的行 吉米·威廉姆斯 (16-1-1, 5 科斯).

在合作的主要事件, 不败 NABA轻重量级冠军, 康涅狄格州查尔斯·福斯特 (17-0, 8 科斯) 一旦挨打将于, 芝加哥电源冲床, 迈克Jiminez (22-1-2, 14 科斯).

墨菲拳击的第四届圣. 帕特里克日的冲突发生在星期六, 3月16日在波士顿, 位于马萨诸塞州的蓝调之屋 (15 兰斯街). 门晚上7点开. 当晚还将提供一个特殊的 “在环” 通过该踢反弹球Murphys的声学性能. 少量门票现已公开发售在:

波士顿/ EventDetail?tmeventid = 01005639934736F6&OFFERID = 0


2019 MURPHYS拳击结果

1/26 – 威廉·福斯特III (9-0, 6 科斯) 天使苏亚雷斯OUT
*福斯特辩护,他NABF JR. 超羽量级冠军

2/9 – 卡洛斯·贡戈拉 (15-0, 12 科斯) KO 5 在耶稣阿维莱斯


3/16/19 – 波士顿, 嘛. 圣. 帕特里克日的冲突
3/29/19 – 梅尔罗斯, 嘛. 我卖 VS. 树木


墨菲拳击被踢反弹球墨菲成立’ 主唱, 肯·凯西 2014. 在短短 5 短短两年, 墨菲拳击已成为新英格兰地区最大的拳击启动和炙手可热的年轻促销活动之一在全国. 2018 是为墨菲拳击突破的一年,因为他们采取了他们的第一战斗机,以一个世界冠军. 随着推广的第一个冠军, 几个墨菲拳击战士安全的世界冠军头衔的机会和全国电视转播的战斗中 2018. 墨菲拳击关闭了其标志性的一年通过合作促进德米特里安德拉德和沃尔特Kautondokwa之间的WBO中量级冠军回合在超过前面 10,000 球迷在TD花园, 传说中主场波士顿凯尔特人队的, 这是在国际上DAZN播出. 墨菲拳击的现有阵容的特点位居世界竞争者像马克·德卢卡, 查尔斯·福斯特, 格雷格代蒂, 加里“狼牙’ 奥沙利文和像尼尔·肯尼迪前景, 卡洛斯·贡戈拉, 威廉·福斯特III, 亚伯拉罕新星, 迈克·阿娴JR. 多!

欲了解更多信息,请访问: www.murphysboxing.com



JOHN JOYCE & 诺埃尔·墨菲战斗在所有爱尔兰摊牌

星期六, BLUES在波士顿3月16日在房子

门票销售今日 这里!

波士顿 (二月 4, 2019):

墨菲拳击 是自豪地宣布他们的第四届 圣. 帕特里克日的冲突 will take place on 星期六, 3月16日 再次 蓝调之屋波士顿.

领衔的堆叠卡将惠特曼, 马萨诸塞州’ 马克·德卢卡 (22-1, 13 科斯). The current NABA超中量级冠军, 排名 #10 在世界上的 WBA 并且将捍卫他对康涅狄格州的标题 吉米·威廉姆斯 (16-1-1, 5 科斯) 在整个新英格兰地区 10 回合战斗.

德卢卡即将关闭他的职业生涯于今年10月份的最引人注目的胜利时,他就在undercard战斗 德米特里安德拉德的 世界冠军在打 TD花园 这是全世界上示出 DAZN. 德卢卡赢得了什么是唯一的瑕疵对他的纪录立即复赛一致决定, 一个分裂的决定损失 沃尔特·怀特, 大多数出席被认为是抢劫. 现在德卢卡发现自己, 不仅在新英格兰地区最流行的战斗机之一, 而且在争夺世界冠军在今年晚些时候枪杀.

“作为一个在顶部 10 现在, 我知道,我只是一个电话远离改变生活的机会。”, 解释前水变成冠军争夺者.

“我总是在健身房. 我住重点. 我知道我需要对威廉姆斯出色的表现让这个机会活着。”

在已经标题上,ST公司的墨菲拳击事件. 帕特里克节, 德卢卡清楚地知道,它不是普通的拳击卡.

“圣. 帕特里克节. 波士顿. 踢反弹球墨菲. 你还能说什么呢? 这里的气氛是电动。”

在合作的主要事件, 拳击最喜欢的人物之一, 加里“秒杀”奥沙利文 (29-3, 20 科斯) 会让他回到波士顿, 在那里,他已经积累了庞大的追随者, 采取伍斯特, 马萨诸塞州’ Khiary灰色 (16-4, 12 科斯) 在什么承诺,是一个行动包装 8 回合战斗.

科克, 爱尔兰本土谁是墨菲在拳击协会与促进 金童推广 已经向下移动到超次中量级划分,他正在做一个飞溅 2019 去年完成与他的祖国一致决定胜利对后 40 老将拼, 的Gabor Gorbics.

“波士顿是从家里离家出走我。”, 说直言不讳, 车把胡须猛男谁已经在新英格兰地区的战斗 10 时.

“墨菲拳击圣帕特里克日的活动不容错过. 人群是疯了,我来给他们什么,他们想看到… 打架!”

晚上也将有一个谁是谁的 新英格兰 炙手可热的年轻竞争者和前景.

墨菲拳击的 查尔斯·福斯特 (17-0, 8 科斯) 将放置他的 NABA轻重量级的冠军 标题上的行 10 对阵公牛的轮较量 Mike Jimenez (22-1-2, 14 科斯).

纽黑文, 康涅狄格州福斯特是世界排名竞争者 (#10WBA) 是断食的全国电视上露面,去年当他击败此前不败, 阿尔文Varmall, JR. 上 开演时间. 他将面对他的最严峻的挑战还没有一个针对危险, 电冲剪, 希门尼斯的唯一损失来到两届世界冠军挑战者, Jesse Hart.

尊敬, 马萨诸塞州’ 最喜爱的儿子, 特拉维斯Mazac Gambardella (5-0-2, 2 科斯), 谁列车流行的了, KnuckleHeadz健身房 文图拉, 加利福尼亚州, 将回国,试图延长他的不败纪录对阵波士顿同胞区域战斗机, 马塞奥克劳德 (2-2, 1 KO) 在 6 回合中量级比赛.

南波士顿 乔·法里纳 (4-1, 3 科斯), 谁最后攻打Gambardella, 未落在TD花园德米特里安德拉德的中量级冠军的争夺在undercard剃刀密切的多数决定, 将目光取回获奖列对新泽西州的四个轮次中量级复赛 史蒂夫·摩尔 (1-6, 1 KO) 去年谁失去了一个分裂的决定,法里纳.

为配合节日的主题保持一致, 会有一个所有爱尔兰斗气当比赛卢肯, 爱尔兰 约翰·乔伊斯 (7-0, 4 科斯) 前往美国采取科克, 爱尔兰 诺埃尔·墨菲 (12-1-1, 2 科斯), 谁现在是总部设在纽约市, 在 8 有就行了爱尔兰的骄傲轮次中量级冲突.

夜将曼斯菲尔德的备受瞩目的专业首演拉开序幕, 马萨诸塞州的次中量级, 詹姆斯·佩雷拉. 装饰业余战斗机将转proagainst沃本, 马萨诸塞州’ 布鲁诺·迪亚斯 (0-5) 在 4 回合较量.

“圣. 帕特里克日的冲突是我最喜欢的推广年,一个是我们的战士和球迷真的很期待。”, 说明, 墨菲拳击的创始人和踢反弹球墨菲主唱, 肯·凯西.

“当你在一个一般取放拳上所创建的氛围, 站在房间只有演唱会场地, 更不用说在圣. 帕特里克节在波士顿, 创建一个独特而强烈的体验。”

至于忙得不得了,并成功的一年促销公司即将脱, 卡西, 谁也将发挥 4 连续演出与踢反弹球墨菲同一周在同一地点, 更是兴奋的新的一年会怎样.

“2018 是为墨菲拳击,但在今年和不败的前景对世界排名的边缘摆后来的世界冠军拍摄的位置像马克·德卢卡和查尔斯·福斯特竞争者突破的一年, 更何况已经计划多卡, 2019 将采取墨菲拳击到一个全新的水平。”

墨菲拳击的第四届圣. 帕特里克日的冲突发生在星期六, 3月16日在波士顿, 位于马萨诸塞州的蓝调之屋 (15 兰斯街). 门晚上7点开. 当晚还将提供一个特殊的 “在环” 通过该踢反弹球Murphys的声学性能. 门票现已公开发售,在:

波士顿/ EventDetail?tmeventid = 01005639934736F6&OFFERID = 0



2/9/19 – 基多, 厄瓜多尔 卡洛斯·贡戈拉 VS. 耶稣阿维莱斯 (WBC拉丁裔银)
3/16/19 – 波士顿, 嘛. 圣. 帕特里克日的冲突
3/29/19 – 梅尔罗斯, 嘛. 格雷格代蒂 & 瑞安Kielczweski 返回!


墨菲拳击被踢反弹球墨菲成立’ 主唱, 肯·凯西 2014. 在短短 5 短短两年, 墨菲拳击已成为新英格兰地区最大的拳击启动和炙手可热的年轻促销活动之一在全国. 2018 是为墨菲拳击突破的一年,因为他们采取了他们的第一战斗机,以一个世界冠军. 随着推广的第一个冠军, 几个墨菲拳击战士安全的世界冠军头衔的机会和全国电视转播的战斗中 2018. 墨菲拳击关闭了其标志性的一年通过合作促进德米特里安德拉德和沃尔特Kautondokwa之间的WBO中量级冠军回合在超过前面 10,000 球迷在TD花园, 传说中主场波士顿凯尔特人队的, 这是在国际上DAZN播出. 墨菲拳击的现有阵容的特点位居世界竞争者像马克·德卢卡, 查尔斯·福斯特, 格雷格代蒂, 加里“狼牙’ 奥沙利文和像尼尔·肯尼迪前景, 卡洛斯·贡戈拉, 威廉·福斯特III, 迈克·阿娴JR. 多!

欲了解更多信息,请访问: www.murphysboxing.com


Joshua Greer knocks out Glenn Dezurn, Charles Foster dominates Alvin Varmall Jr. & Arnold Khegai defeats Adam Lopez in co-featured bouts

赶上重播 星期一, 五月 14 在 10 P.M. AND/PT在SHOWTIME EXTREME®

点击 这里 要下载图片; 信用斯蒂芬妮特拉普/欣欣

费城 (五月 12, 2018) – Blue chip lightweight prospect Devin Haney rose to the occasion in what was the toughest test of his career, defeating veteran Mason Menard via ninth-round TKO in the main event of 的ShoBox: 新一代 星期五 on SHOWTIME from 2300 竞技场在费城.

哈尼 (20-0, 13 科斯) entered the fight as a highly regarded prospect who had never been tested. He faced his first test 在周五 in what was a scheduled 10-round bout against 的ShoBox veteran Menard (33-3, 24 科斯).

Haney took control of the fight from the opening bell and never relinquished it. The 19-year-old picked off Menard with a dominating jab from the outside and used lateral movement to avoid getting hit. Menard was unable to land any meaningful punches and he looked sluggish compared to Haney’s consistent movement and athleticism.

After nine rounds of domination, Menard’s corner had seen enough and stopped the fight following the round. Haney passed the toughest test of his career with flying colors, never once letting Menard take control of the fight.

“The plan was to go in there and work off the jab,”哈尼说. “If the knockout came, I would take it but I just went in there, put on a boxing clinic and showed the world that I could go the full 10 发.

“I feel like I put on a performance. I was relaxed and did my job. I’m definitely the next superstar. There’s only bigger and better things from here on out. I work very hard. I went in and put on a good performance against a guy that people said could knock me out or hurt me.

Following the fight, a defeated Menard was respectful of Haney’s performance.

“He never hurt me. He was catching me with the best shots he could and never hurt me. But the kid can definitely fight,” Menard admitted.

在10轮的共同特征, super bantamweight prospect Joshua “Don’t Blink” Greer (17-1-1, 9 科斯) scored his third 的ShoBox knockout against Baltimore native Glenn Dezurn (9-1-2, 6 科斯).

The fight was explosive from the outset, with both fighters pushing the pace. Greer took advantage of Dezurn’s high guard to work the body, while Dezurn pushed forward to engage Greer on the inside. Greer began to dominate in the third round, when a big right hand hurt Dezurn with two minutes remaining.

“I knew he would come hard so I put I the work in the gym to make sure I was ready,”格里尔说. “I’m just happy everything paid off.”

Greer hurt Dezurn again in the fifth round with a straight left, and eventually tied him up against the ropes with a succession of blows that almost had Dezurn’s trainer Barry Hunter stopping the fight. After the round, Hunter warned Dezurn that he would stop the fight if Dezurn didn’t fight back.

Despite almost going down in the fifth, Dezurn survived for three more rounds. The injured and exhausted Dezurn wasn’t able to put anything behind his punches and hit the canvas in the eighth round for the first time in his career before referee Benjy Esteves stopped the fight with 1:47 其余的.

“I got caught with a few good shots, but I recovered quickly and I was still in the fight,” Dezurn said. “I have a lot of heart, which is a gift and a curse for me.”

A confident Greer was pleased with his performance after the fight.

“I wasn’t surprised I could knock him out,” Greer said. “I knew I could break his will.”

In an eight-round featured attraction, light heavyweight prospect Charles Foster (16-0, 8 科斯) remained undefeated with a unanimous decision win against Alvin Varmall Jr. (15-0-2, 12 科斯), 进球 77-75, 78-74, 79-73.

Foster dominated the fight from the outset, controlling the scrappy Varmall, 谁成为 174 fighter to suffer his first loss on 的ShoBox. Varmall made a valiant attempt to get inside in the early rounds, but a more disciplined Foster held him at bay, with Vermall stumbling and getting tied up inside.

“My experience was the difference,”福斯特说. “He was loading up on one punches and I was sticking to my game plansticking behind the jab, working the body.”

Foster peppered Varmall with his lead left hand, tagging his opponent enough to break him down and eventually tire him out. Varmall landed a couple of statement shots but wasn’t able to hurt Foster and by the later rounds, his punches lacked power.

“When he would come on the inside he couldn’t hurt me,”福斯特说. “I was the one controlling the entire fight.”

In the opening bout of the four-fight telecast, super bantamweight Arnold Khegai kept his unblemished record intact with a unanimous decision over veteran Adam Lopez, 进球 77-74, 77-74, 78-73.

使他的U.S. 登场, the controlled Khegai (12-0-1, 8 科斯) pressed the action from the start. Khegai worked the jab and stayed mobile, capitalizing on a wobbly Lopez (16-2-3, 8 科斯) with a perfectly timed counter punch with 30 seconds remaining in the second round. Khegai stayed busy in the early rounds with consistent counter punches, but earned a point deduction for a hit to the back of Lopez’s head with seconds remaining in the sixth round.

“That was my first fight in the U.S. and I wanted to show something special,” Khegai said. “Everyone was waiting for the knockout, but I wanted to show my boxing skills. I could have gone for the KO in the middle of the fight, but I wanted to prove that I could box.”

Despite a slight dip in productivity in the later rounds, the Ukrainian stayed efficient, 着陆 31 body shots compared to just 15 from Lopez.

洛佩兹, caught off guard by Khegai’s fighting style, was disappointed by his performance in his record-setting seventh 的ShoBox 出现.

“I was expecting him to be a dirty fighter, but it kind of threw me off my game. The referee kept telling me ‘don’t retaliate, don’t retaliate.’

I couldn’t really land my hard shots. I landed a couple,”洛佩兹说. “I stunned him in the fourth or fifth with a right uppercut. He got rocked a little bit, but he’s a good fighter. He got out of it.”

本次活动促进了 格雷格·科恩促销 与联想 德文 - 哈尼促销 强力促销.

# # #

巴里·汤普金斯 的ShoBox 从马戏团的行动 史蒂夫Farhood 和前世界冠军 劳尔·马尔克斯 作为专业分析师. 执行制片人 戈登·霍尔 理查德·高根生产和 里克·菲利普斯 导演.

欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.sho.com/sports 在Twitter上关注@ShowtimeBoxing, @SHOSports, #的ShoBox, 或成为Facebook上的粉丝在 www.Facebook.com/SHOSports.


A short, but murderous puncher, fighting behind a squat, peekaboo style, light heavyweight Alvin “Iron Majik” Varmall Jr. enjoys the comparisons people make between himself and former heavyweight champion “Iron” Mike Tyson.




“I always appreciate the comparison,” said Varmall, “I added ‘Iron’ to my old nickname ‘Majik’ because Mike Tyson is one of my favorite fighters and, by the grace of God, I ended up training at Cus D’Amato’s KO Boxing Gym in Catskill, 纽约, the same gym that Tyson did, and learning his style in its purest form.”




Currently the only pro fighter training out of the famed gym, Varmall (15-0-1, 12 科斯), originally from New Orleans, 路易斯安那州, will take on New Haven, Connecticut’s Charles Foster (15-0, 8 科斯) 这个星期五, 五月 11 in an eight-round featured attraction of a 的ShoBox: 新一代 quadrupleheader, 住在Showtime在 10 P.M. ET/PT from 2300 竞技场在费城.




In the 10-round main event Louisiana’s Mason Menard (33-2, 24 科斯) takes on undefeated Devin “The Dream” Haney (18-0, 12 科斯) of Las Vegas for the USBA Lightweight Championship. 在10轮的共同特征, super bantamweight prospects Josh “Don’t Blink” Greer (16-1-1, 8 科斯) and Glenn Dezurn (9-1-1, 6 科斯) will meet and in the opening televised fight, super bantamweight Arnold Khegai (11-0-1, 8 科斯) will face Adam Lopez (16-2-2, 8 科斯) 在八轮较量.


门票活动, which is promoted by Greg Cohen Promotions, 强力促销 & 德文 - 哈尼促销, 售价为 $125 对于VIP, $70 用于马戏团和 $50 for general admission and are available at the 2300 Arena Box office or online at www.HardHittingPromotions.com.




The 26-year-old Varmall says he’s been emulating the all-time-great Tyson from his earliest days in boxing.




“The Cus D’Amato style, I guess you could say, is my foundation. From the beginning of my career as an amateur, my first trainer, Rodney Jenkins, he started me out with the peekaboo style and it works the best for me. I ended up having 21 fights with 19 KOs and won the USA Nationals at heavyweight.”




Varmall says he’s in perfect shape and ready to begin carving out his own prize fighting legacy.




“I’m absolutely ready for this opportunity. I’ve waited a long time for it and it’s finally here. I trained the hardest I’ve ever trained and did a lot of things different for this camp. I’m definitely ready to showcase my talents and abilities. To say I’m not nervous, I’d be lying, but it’s about controlling that feeling. That’s what we learn at the Cus D’Amato Gym, how to control our feelings and use that as something to catapult us, instead of hindering us. After it’s all said and done, everyone can say what they want about my performance because I always come to bring my very best.”




Varmall says he realized early in his career that his punching power was well above average by sparring with a full-size heavyweight veteran in Louisiana.




“I was sparring with this guy, “Big” Fred Kassi. He’s from New Orleans. You know how big Fred is. One time, before sparring, he came to the corner and he said, ‘Majik, let me check your gloves. I just want to make sure we’re playing fair.’ After that, my trainer said, ‘see? I told you, you punch hard!”




在一天结束时, Varmall says, he’s not out to match the great Tyson in achievement or legend. He’d rather carve out his own place.




“At the end of the day Mike Tyson was Mike yson and Alvin Varmall Jr. is Alvin Varmall Jr. Even though we both have the foundation of the same style, I do it in the way that is most comfortable for me. That’s what Mike did too. That’s what’s going to help me reach my full potential.”






一个拳击首屈一指的促销服装, 格雷格·科恩促销 (GCP) 是在世界各地举办的世界级职业拳击赛事,促进专业精英战士一个受人尊敬的名字.




创始人兼首席执行官格雷格·科恩曾参与职业拳击在各种能力自上世纪80年代末, 磨练自己的手艺,并建立了自己作为一个精明的国际拳击商人.




他发现和培养人才的原料区分能力, 科恩首次提出促销标题为他的专业指导, 在许多其他, 前WBA超次中量级冠军奥斯汀 “毫无疑问” 鳟鱼, 谁科恩帮助指导来自未知新墨西哥州前景精英按次视图级巨星.




除了鳟鱼, 格雷格·科恩促销已经既定的名字,如前统一和两次重量级冠军Hasim工作 “摇滚” 拉赫曼和全时大的多重量级的世界冠军詹姆斯 “熄灯” 托尼.




Cohen currently promotes undefeated WBO NABO Heavyweight Champion a top contender Jarrell Miller, top-rated middleweight contender Robert Brant, and former WBO NABO Lightweight Champion and world-rated contender Mason Menard, 在许多其他.




格雷格·科恩促销活动已经举办了最好的场地遍及美国和世界的世界级拳击比赛,并且还自豪地提供人才和/或内容几个电视网包括CBS体育网, HBO, 开演时间, ESPN, NBC体育网, CBS体育网, 味精和FOX体育网.




欲了解更多信息, 访问 gcpboxing.com. 找到我们在Facebook上 www.facebook.com/GCPBoxing. 叽叽喳喳: @GCPBoxing.

Adam Lopez Reunites With Former Trainer For Must-Win Fight This Friday On ShoBox: 新一代


Lopez Battles Undefeated Arnold Khegai Live on SHOWTIME® At 10 P.M. AND/来自 2300 竞技场在费城


纳特利, N.J. (五月 9, 2018) – Super Bantamweight prospect 亚当·洛佩兹 has reunited with his former trainer for his eight-round matchup with undefeated Arnold Khegai 这个星期五 在ShoBox: The New Generation in the opening bout of a four-fight SHOWTIME telecast (10 P.M. ET / PT) 从 2300 竞技场费城.




洛佩兹 (16-2-2, 8 科斯) is back under the tutelage of former world champion CarlosFamoso” 埃尔南德斯, returning to his hometown of San Antonio after completing his previous two camps in New Jersey.




This fight is do or die,” 洛佩斯说,. “In the situation I am in now, this could make or break my career. Everything is really good and I’m happy to be back with Carlos Hernandez. Once I got back with him, a lot of what we worked on before is coming back. The sport is repetitive, and I have been sparring with aggressive guys.




In Khegai (11-0-1, 8 科斯), Lopez is facing a tough and hard-nosed fighter from Ukraine. Lopez has done extensive scouting on his adversary, who will be making his American debut.




I have seen just about all of his fights, and he is definitely aggressive,” 洛佩斯说,. “I know he is a former kickboxer. He is a rugged guy, but I am a veteran, who has faced many styles, so I am ready for whatever he will bring on Friday.




Lopez has become a favorite on ShoBox and Friday is his record seventh appearance on the prospect developmental series. He is committed and ready to seize this opportunity against an undefeated prospect.




I need to take advantage of this opportunity,” 洛佩斯说,. “I think I have always performed well on ShoBox, and I have gained a lot of fans because I have been on a handful of times.Friday, 我想上演一场精彩的表演, and then get in the mix with all of the top 122-pound fighters. I am recently married, and on Friday night, it will prove to be my time.




Adam knows that this is a big opportunity,” 说GH3促销CEO, 维托Mielnicki. “Adam has shown his willingness to take on all comers, and Friday will be no different. For him to be making his seventh ShoBox appearance, shows what kind of fighter he is.




Lopez is promoted by GH3 Promotions.


Maryland native Glenn Dezurn says it really doesn’t matter what his normally talkative opponent, Chicago’s Josh “Don’t Blink” Greer (16-1-1, 8 科斯) says or does before they meet in their 10-round super-bantamweight showdown Friday, 五月 11 住在Showtime.




When you’re where he’s from and seen what he’s seen, inside the ring and out, an opponent who likes to talk doesn’t faze you. 一点也不.



The pair will meet in the co-featured bout of a 的ShoBox: 新一代 quadrupleheader (10 P.M. ET / PT) 从 2300 竞技场在费城.


门票活动, which is promoted by Greg Cohen Promotions, 强力促销 & 德文 - 哈尼促销, 售价为 $125 对于VIP, $70 用于马戏团和 $50 for general admission and are available at the 2300 Arena Box office or online at www.HardHittingPromotions.com.




德苏尔 (9-1-1, 6 科斯), 谁曾 94 amateur fights before turning professional five years ago, says opponent Greer, known for pre-fight hype including a pillow emblazoned with “Night Night,” is only hurting himself with the trash talk.




“The pressure isn’t on me,”他解释道. “Where I come from, if you talk it, make sure you can walk it. The pressure is on him to back up whatever he says. It doesn’t bother me. I’m more of a doer than a talker. I only speak when I need to.”




Describing himself as a “blue-collar” fighter, the humble Dezurn won’t make a pre-fight prediction heading into battle, but will only say that he and trainer Barry Hunter are treating this fight no differently.




“Nothing is written in stone in boxing and there is no guarantee of winning against any fighter. You put in the work and believe in yourself. Fights are won in the gym with hard work. I will win because of my personality and my work ethic. I come to do my job and put my life on the line to entertain. My game plan in every fight is always the same: I just make adjustments in the ring as the fight goes on and react to whatever he is doing. I have a high ring IQ and I can adjust to anything.”




The 30-year-old says he’s set one goal in boxing and is enjoying his journey to reach it.




“I want to win a world championship. I set that goal for myself and once I achieve that, I can go on to my other goals in other areas of life. I’m earning my way to the championship the hard way against good fighters. 这就是我想要的. I’m living my dreams right now. And I will get there one day.”




“You will not meet a more humble, more down-to-earth fighter than Glenn Dezurn,”他的发起人说, 格雷格·科恩. “He and his wife, 坦率, are very nice people who work hard to get they are. Glenn isn’t about flash. He’s about doing everything you have to do to be successful and he will get wherever he wants to be in life because of that.”




In the 10-round main event on SHOWTIME, Louisiana’s Mason Menard (33-2, 24 科斯) takes on undefeated Devin “The Dream” Haney (18-0, 12 科斯) of Las Vegas for the USBA Lightweight Championship. 在其他电视直播行动, light heavyweight Alvin Varmall Jr. (15-0-1, 12 科斯) takes on Charles Foster (15-0, 8 科斯) 超过八轮; and in the opening bout, super bantamweight Arnold Khegai (11-0-1, 8 科斯) will face Adam Lopez (16-2-2, 8 科斯) 在八轮较量.



图片来源: SHOWTIME体育

“I’m not going to stop until I am the face of boxing.”

哈尼 Faces Mason Menard In The Main Event Of ShoBox: The New Generation Live On SHOWTIME At 10 P.M. AND/PT

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什么: SHOWTIME Sports delivers a behind-the-scenes look into the life and training camp of blue-chip prospect Devin Haney as he prepares for the toughest test of his career against Mason Menard in the main event of 的ShoBox: 新一代星期五, 五月 11, 住在Showtime在 10 P.M. AND/PT 从 2300 竞技场在费城, 霸.




The undefeated Haney (18-0, 12 科斯) 让他 的ShoBox debut against the seasoned Menard (33-2, 24 科斯) in the 10-round main event of a four-fight telecast featuring a number of 的ShoBox 退伍军人.




The young and flashy Haney turned professional at the age of 16 在墨西哥. He has earned a reputation as a boxing prodigy, having sparred with Sean Porter, Jessie Vargas and Floyd Mayweather, who he aspires to emulate both in and out of the ring.




“Coming up in the area with Floyd, you see all the cars, all the jewelry, all the money he has,”哈尼说. “That’s what I’m working for.




“I’ve been calling out all the big games names in my weight class. A lot of them have been turning me down.”




在共同特征, super bantamweights Joshua “Don’t Blink” Greer (16-1-1, 8 科斯) and Glenn Dezurn (9-1-1, 6 科斯) both return to 的ShoBox for the third time. In an eight-round featured attraction, former national champion Alvin Varmall Jr. (15-0-1, 12 科斯) takes on Charles Foster (15-0, 8 科斯) in a matchup of undefeated light heavyweight prospects.




In the eight-round opening bout, undefeated super bantamweight Arnold Khegai (11-0-1, 8 科斯) will take on skilled veteran Adam Lopez (16-2-2, 8 科斯). It will be the record seventh appearance for Lopez on 的ShoBox.


Mason “Rock Hard Mighty” Menard is focused and determined like no other time during his career.




The lightweight contender moved six hours from his home and two children in Louisiana to train with a new team in Dallas alongside the likes of WBC World Super Welterweight Champion Jermell Charlo and IBF Welterweight Champion Errol Spence Jr.




梅纳尔 (33-2, 24 科斯) will face undefeated Devin “The Dream” Haney (18-0, 12 科斯) of Las Vegas for the USBA Lightweight Championship on Friday, 五月 11, in the 10-round main event of the popular prospect series 的ShoBox: 新一代 quadrupleheader (10 P.M. ET / PT) on SHOWTIME from 2300 竞技场在费城.




在10轮的共同特征, super bantamweight prospects Josh “Don’t Blink” Greer (16-1-1, 8 科斯) and Glenn Dezurn (9-1-1, 6 科斯) 见面会. In an eight-round featured attraction, light heavyweight Alvin Varmall Jr. (15-0-1, 12 科斯) takes on Charles Foster (15-0, 8 科斯); and in the opening televised fight, super bantamweight Arnold Khegai (11-0-1, 8 科斯) will face Adam Lopez (16-2-2, 8 科斯) 在八轮较量.


门票活动, which is promoted by Greg Cohen Promotions, 强力促销 & 德文 - 哈尼促销, 售价为 $125 对于VIP, $70 用于马戏团和 $50 for general admission and are available at the 2300 Arena Box office or online at www.HardHittingPromotions.com.




“Everything has changed,”梅纳德说. “The way I eat in my off-time, 我的团队, my management, 我的教练, the way I train. Everything.”




The 29-year-old Menard says his home state of Louisiana simply couldn’t offer the level of training he is now getting, working with new trainers Nathan Pipitone, Maurice James and Aaron Navarro, while sparring with world champions.




“I’m in Dallas to better my career,” Menard continued. “Louisiana just doesn’t have what I need to take it to the next level and compete. I’m working hard here and it’s what I need. I’m pushing the tempo and sharpening my skills.”




Fighting live on 的ShoBox 在 2016, Menard scored a brutal Knockout of the Year candidate over previously undefeated Eudy Bernardo and got another 的ShoBox win later that year with an impressive KO over Bahodir Mamadjonov. He then suffered his only loss since 2008, in a short-notice showdown with WBO Lightweight Champion Raymundo Beltran.




He returned from the setback in March 2017 with a decision win, but suffered a serious injury.




“I had a detached front rotator cuff tendon and partial torn biceps tendon. It gave out on me in my last fight in the first round. I’ve had surgery on it, and rehabbed it, and now I’m ready to return to the world stage. I’m in with a good, slick boxer, but my trainers have a game plan and we have been working on a few things that he does, just to be prepared for what’s to come against him. 我会准备好的。”




Menard says the hardest part of preparing to face one of boxing’s most talked-about prospects on national television is the loneliness of missing his two beloved daughters, Demi (8 岁) and newborn Amelia.




“I get homesick. I miss my babies back home, but it’ll all be worth it,“他说,. “It’s my job and I’m going to do it.”