Tag Archives: Paul Economides

Economides defensa el títol contra Ankrah En cartellera de Roy Jones Jr-Tony Moran en 12 de setembre



En tan sols vuit dies de temps de Chester Paul Economides puja al ring per dur a terme la primera defensa de la seva Federació Mundial de Boxa (WBF) Intercontinental supergallo corona, en contra de Ghana Prosper Ankrah, en el Stephen Vaughan promogut esdeveniment LEGEND, al Centre Eqüestre de Aintree dissabte 12º Setembre, que està encapçalat pel primer combat del Regne Unit de Roy Jones Jr, contra Tony Moran.


Economides, que sensacionalment va detenir d'Hongria David Kanalas en la segona ronda de tornada a l'agost de l'any passat per assegurar el títol WBF Intercontinental, no és aliè a l'acció del Campionat, haver obtingut prèviament la corona WBF Internacional només quatre mesos abans, així com lluitar pels títols de Gal·les Àrea en dues divisions de pes diferents.


Ankrah, com Economides, també és un boxejador experimentat Campionat, haver obtingut tant els títols de Ghana pes gall i l'Oest d'Àfrica Boxa pes gall de la Unió, així com desafiat tant per a les corones de la Commonwealth i de l'OMB Internacionals.


Mentre que el ghanès pot ser els corredors d'apostes clares favorites, causa de la seva rècord superior 24 victòries (15 per l'atur) i 5 pèrdues, contra Economides 17 victòries (4 per l'atur) i també tenir 5 pèrdues en el seu rècord, una sèrie d'experts britànics coneguts estan revertint la tendència, predient que Economides s'aturarà Ankrah.


La base d'aquest ésser que els quatre victòries per detenció Economides 'han arribat en un període de dotze mesos i no un dels seus quatre oponents durant aquest temps va sobreviure més enllà de la segona ronda i com per afegir més llenya al foc d'aquest argument, apunten al fet que Economides es va convertir en el primer per aturar l'alta durada dues vegades retador al títol de la Commonwealth Isaac Quaye.


Economides es va negar a ser arrossegat a l'especulació quan va parlar sobre la propera baralla.


"És una etapa massiva aquest, Estic tan emocionada d'estar en aquest projecte de llei com a principal suport per la lluita pel títol Roy Jones Jr. i Tony Moran.


Boig, però jo una mica vaig oblidar de la meva pròpia lluita en primera, Tinc una mica massa entusiasmat amb la baralla Roy Jones.


De bona ara tot i estic totalment concentrat al setembre 12º que jo sé que tinc una tasca important a les meves mans que lluiten Prosper Ankrah, és dur, ell pot lluitar, però no hi ha problemes, estic més que llest per a ell.


La lluita és una mica més d'una setmana i tinc moltes ganes de fer-ho, que és un gran escenari, però això no em molesta en absolut.


Va a ser l'esdeveniment de la temporada així que qualsevol que no té les seves entrades encara, aconseguir abans que sigui massa tard, això serà una molt, nit molt especial, no puc esperar. "


Entrades, preu de £ 40, £ 60, 100 £ i £ 150 VIP Ringside per al Stephen Vaughan Va promoure Roy Jones Jr. enfront de Tony Moran MBC Campionat Internacional Creuer esdeveniment LLEGENDA encapçalat al Centre Eqüestre de Aintree a Liverpool dissabte setembre 12º 2015 ja estan disponibles, comprar en línia a www.tkoboxoffice.com i www.vaughanboxing.tv o truqui al 0333 200 0905.


Sancionar per aquest esdeveniment serà cortesia de la Comissió de Boxa de Malta - www.maltaboxingcommission.com

JONES JR. Vs MORAN Conferència de premsa oberta, Liverpool, Dimecres 22 de juliol



El obert a la conferència de premsa pública per a l'esdeveniment Stephen Vaughan LLEGENDA, encapçalat pel Roy Jones Jr. enfront de Tony Moran CBM Internacional i la Federació Mundial de Boxa (WBF) Intercontinental Creuer campionats combat, tindrà lloc a 1:30pm dimecres que ve, la 22nd Juliol al Bierkeller, 6 Thomas Steers Way, Liverpool One, L1 8LW.


A més de Roy Jones Jr. i Tony Moran en l'assistència serà també molts dels que estaran en acció a la nit, Incloent;


Paul Economides, qui estarà defensant el seu títol WBF Intercontinental supergallo contra Prosper Ankrah.


Tasif Khan, que serà un repte Isaac Quaye pel campionat Internacional WBF super mosca.


Nick Quigley, qui s'enfronta invicte Nathan deCastro


Antonio Counihan, que s'enfronta a Ghana Michael Ansah


El invicte prospecte de Liverpool russa basada David Agadzhanyan.


Llegeix Boyce, que assumeix de Scunthorpe Mateu Pebre.


El invicte Jay Carney, qui s'enfronta invicte Mathew Fitzsimons de Belfast.


Perspectiva local Dayle Gallagher, que s'enfronta a una dura oposició de Matt Scriven


El invicte pes pesat Rob Haia, qui s'enfrontarà a Blackpool Mathew Ellis


Plus perspectives locals Llegeix Monaghan, Llegeix Milner i Carl Donohue, que seran tots fent el seu debut professional al setembre 12º.


Entrades, preu de £ 40, £ 60, 100 £ i £ 150 VIP Ringside per al Stephen Vaughan Va promoure Roy Jones Jr. enfront de Tony Moran MBC Campionat Internacional Creuer esdeveniment LLEGENDA encapçalat al Centre Eqüestre de Aintree a Liverpool dissabte setembre 12º 2015 estarà disponible per a la seva compra a la roda de premsa o es troben disponibles per comprar en línia a www.tkoboxoffice.comi www.vaughanboxing.tv


Sancionar per aquest esdeveniment serà cortesia de la Comissió de Boxa de Malta - www.maltaboxingcommission.com


Dodson and Economides Head Up Vaughan’s Star Studded 23rd May Liverpool Event.

Renowned Liverpool based promoter Stephen Vaughan is clearly determined to raise the bar, for Small Hall Boxing events, to a whole new level, with his latest offering, dubbed ‘NEW ERA – An Evening Of Professional Boxing’, which takes place at the Grand Central Hall in Liverpool, en dissabte 23rd Maig 2015.


For those that were at Vaughan’s previous event, at the Grand Central Hall back in March, there is no need to stress just how good the event was.


Maig 23rd promises much, much more, on paper NEW ERA looks set to not only be a true small hall classic, but also looks likely to set a new standard that very few small hall promotions could possibly match.


Heading up the twelve bout card is Liverpool’s very own Tony Dodson, who will be back in hometown action for the first time since beating Darren Stubbs to secure the IBO Light Heavyweight International title, back in October 2011.


Al 23rd Maig, Dodson, who in his previous fight secured a solid points victory over one of the toughest opponents aroundthe mischievous, yet highly durable, Jody Meikle, will be facing Latvia’s big punching Andrejs Pokumeiko.


In March last year, Pokumeiko secured a good solid points win over Ilford’s Kevin Greenwood at York Hall in London, which is the only points win on his record, every other win has come by way of stoppage victory.


The main support sees Chester’s WBF Intercontinental Champion Paul ‘Spartan’ Economides, in a non-championship contest against Estonia’s Sergey Tasimov.


Back on Vaughan’s previous event Economides put in another top class performance, against Ghana’s two time Commonwealth title challenger Isaac Quaye, on way to securing another sensational second round stoppage victory.


That particular win says a lot about Economides’ power as Quaye hadn’t been stopped on any of his previous thirty six fights, some feat considering Quaye has battled it out with the likes of Commonwealth champion Don Broadhurst, Britànic, Commonwealth and European Champion Kevin Satchell and WBO European Champion Iain Butcher amongst other notable stars.


What’s more, al maig 2nd Economides went one better, with a clinical first round stoppage of the Czech Republic’s Petr Gyna, at the York Hall in London.


Globe trotting Tasimov, has fought some of the UK’s top stars previously, including interim WBA World Champion Derry Mathews, British and European Champion and upcoming IBF World title challenger Lee Askins, as well as former British and Commonwealth Champion Nicky Booth.


Whilst most cards have a top-flight domestic bout or two heading up the show, the support card is usually made up of local ‘house’ fighters tentatively building their records. Not this card; only three of the undercard fights feature developing talent, the rest are already well and truly established prospects and stars.


One of the most interesting match ups on the card pits Liverpool’s Nick Quigley against … you’ve guessed it, the aforementioned Jody Meikle.


Quigley made short work of his last opponent, Ludvik Gina, sensationally stopping the Czech in just fifty five seconds of the first round.


Don’t think the same will happen against Meikle, but do expect six rounds of truly entertaining boxing, with some mischievousness sprinkled in for maximum effect, based on Meikle’s last outing against Onder Ozgul at York Hall on May 2nd.


Next up is the exciting prospect of watching one of the World’s most successful Kick Boxing stars ever, thirteen time World Champion Marlon Hunt, making his highly anticipated transition to the pro boxing ranks, against Latvia’s Uldis Pucens.


Hunt recently said “After winning 13 Professional World titles in Full Contact Kickboxing, K – 1Rules and Muay Thai and Unifying the Big 5 CMB, ISKA, WAKO PRO, IKF & WKA and winning other mid and low Tier World Titles and various Semi Pro Boxing Titles it’s time to take on the Professional Boxing world. "


Hunt has made clear that he isn’t taking up pro boxing to just make up the numbers, he’s a hundred percent determined to be the first ever four discipline World Champion.


Whilst on the subject of World Champions, Chester’s World Boxing Federation Welterweight World Champ Chris Goodwin is back in action once more, in a non-championship bout, against Finsbury Park, London’s Mark ‘The Flash’ Alexander.


Goodwin, a two division World Champion, will be making his first appearance since beating Georgia’s Mikheil Avakyan to win the coveted WBF World crown back in August.


Alejandro, who had been training and fighting in America until recently, scored a third round stoppage victory over Tadas Stulginskas on his return to UK action at York Hall in London last October.


Birmingham’s undefeated Lightweight sensation Antonio Counihan is back in the ‘Pool, this time to face Janis Puksins.


Counihan, the former England Amateur Captain, has been nothing but sensational in each of his six previous bouts, stopping five inside the distance, however it was his last performance that proved that the Brummie youngster is destined to rise to the very top.


Back in March, Counihan took on previously unbeaten Czech Lukas Radic, Counihan didn’t just beat Radic, he plain destroyed him in just two minutes and twenty eight seconds of the first round.


Puksins is another globe trotter that should be quite well known to British fans, having fought the likes of former Prizefighter winner Ricky Owen, former WBU, WBF, WBC and Prizefighter Champion Choi Tseveenpurev, British Champ James Dickens and upcoming Commonwealth title challenger Jason Cunningham amongst others.


Another youngster who is fast heading towards World stardom is Liverpool based, Russian Featherweight prospect David Agadzhanyan, who will face former Ghanaian Champion Isaac Osuwu on May 23rd.


Like Counihan, Agadzhanyan has stopped all but one of his previous opponents and coincidently the bout against the one that went the distance, another previously unbeaten prospect Daniel Bazo, featured on Vaughan’s last event.


Quina lluita, it was something truly special and a fight that many of those in attendance would love to see re-matched sometime in the near future, although have to say the result would probably be the same as Agadzhanyan is a tremendous talent, one that is likely to follow in the footsteps of Gennady Golovkin and Sergey Kovalev – yep, he’s that special.


Since that win, Agadzhanyan totally destroyed Czech Republic’s Josef Redlich, putting the Czech lad down three times before finally stopping him on the two minute and twenty five second mark of the first round, at the York Hall in London on May 2nd.


Liverpool’s former British, Commonwealth and WBF World title challenger Tony Moran is set for his first hometown fight since beating Czaba Andras at the Olympia back in 2005.


Al maig 23rd Moran will be facing Blackpool’s former WBC United States title challenger Mathew ‘The Rock’ Ellis.


Welsh Middleweight Champion Lee Churcher makes his first Liverpool appearance on May 23rd, against Latvian Zaurs Sadihovs.


Back in March Churcher took on Nottingham’s Matt Scriven, after both their original opponents failed to make their flights to the UK.


Have to say I doubt the original match-ups would have been anywhere near the Battle Royale these two fought out on that night. It was a sensational close fought bout, with both protagonists giving their all in front of a highly appreciative crowd.


Churcher won on points, but have to say the real winners were the fans in attendance on the night, as that was one seriously exciting, all action fight.


Sadihovs, who has a won four, lost two record, however each of the wins came way of first round stoppage victories, including a full blown KO of Olegs Asejevs in January.


Making his third pro outing on May 23rd will be big punching Liverpudlian Featherweight Jay Carney.


Young Carney is proving to be one of the finds of the year, two outings, two fantastic stoppage wins.


Back in December Carney utterly outclassed Patrik Gadzo before stopping him on the one minute and thirty two second mark of the first round.


Then in March followed that great win up with a third round stoppage victory over the highly experienced Petr Gyna. Have to say that was a great fight, young Carney was far more relaxed and just performed perfectly, dominating Gyna for virtually every second the bout lasted.


Carney’s opponent on May 23rd is Dmitrijs Gutsman, is another big puncher, whilst his record is two wins and four losses, it should be noted that the wins both came way of first round stoppage.


Also making his third pro outing on May 23rd is Liverpool’s Lee Boyce, who will be taking on Scunthorpe’s Matthew Pepper.


Back in March Boyce literally destroyed Matus Olah with the very first power shot he threw, a cracking bodyshot that sent Olah down and out after just twenty seconds of the first round.


It should be noted that the power shot from Boyce actually cracked Olah’s rib, so whilst we didn’t get to see much action we now know just how powerful Boyce’s punches are.


Finally making his professional debut on the 23rd May is Liverpool Welterweight Dayle Gallagher, who goes up against Nottingham’s experienced Matt Scriven.


Gallagher is a classy young boxer and Scriven is as tough as they come, so expect fireworks when they go toe to toe.


So there you have it, one seriously great card for what is clearly going to be one seriously great fight night, so now you know it’s time to go and get those tickets because if you miss it, you’ll regret it.


The Stephen Vaughan promoted NEW ERA event takes place at the Grand Central Hall, 35 Renshaw Street, Liverpool, Merseyside L1 2SF, en dissabte 23rd Maig 2015.

Sancionar per aquest esdeveniment serà facilitat per la Comissió de Boxa de Malta (MBC) -www.maltaboxingcommission.com

Tickets priced £30 & £40 are available direct from any of the boxers taking part or call Stephen Vaughan on 07789 037802.


13 Time KB World Champ Hunt Signs With VaughanPro Boxing Debut, Liverpool 23rd May

Undisputed and unified WBC, ISKA, WAKO, IKF & WKA World Champion, Marlon Hunt, is set to begin his professional boxing career later this month, following his signing management papers with renowned Liverpool based promoter Stephen Vaughan.


Hunt, who has held World titles in three different disciplines – Kick Boxing, K-1 Rules and Muay Thai – and five different weight categories, will be making his professional boxing debut on Vaughan’s upcoming NEW ERA event, which takes place at the Grand Central Hall in Liverpool on Saturday 23rd Maig.


With a record breaking thirteen World titles to his name already, Hunt has made it clear that he is not entering the world of professional boxing to just make up the numbers, as when he spoke earlier he made it crystal clear that the change of discipline is so that he can focus on becoming a record holding four discipline World Champion.


“I’ve obviously done Kick Boxing, K-I Rules and Muay Thai, went through all the ranks there, won literally all the World titles in those sports, all the major World titles as well, so now I think it’s time to give pro boxing a shot.


I only signed with Stephen Vaughan on the 2nd May and it looks like I’m going to be busy straight away, he has me boxing on May 23rdin Liverpool and again on the 25º July in Malta.


That was a shock, so let’s get it done, that’s the good thing about Steve, ja saps, it was literally I wanted to be managed by him as he sorts things out really quick.


This really suits me, I want to start challenging for titles as soon as possible, I’ve done everything that I’ve done in the other sports, I’ve been told for many years I should switch to pro boxing, but I didn’t think it was the right time, especially now with what I have won, again it will help me going up the rankings a little faster than I would have done otherwise, because of my experience, yeah I think it is the right time now.


I will still compete occasionally at Kick Boxing, as long as it doesn’t interfere with my pro boxing, I do want to do the mandatory defenses in my other sports, yeah I really want to defend my World titles still, apart from that I am concentrating fully on my pro boxing career.


There’s only a few people that have successfully transferred from one sport to the other, Chris Algieri, he was a kick boxer and has won a pro boxing World title, if Algieri can do it, I’m sure if I push the right way and I’m getting the right fights, I’m sure I can do the same thing.


I’m going to do the best that I can and become a four sport Champion, I don’t think to my knowledge that has actually done that yet, you know World Champion at Kick Boxing, K1, Muay Thai and Pro Boxing, so really would like to be the first to do that.


I’ve got some good loyal fans and they’ll be following me through the boxing as well and hopefully when I start pro boxing I’ll attract even more fans too, I feel that this is really good for the sport, not just by being able to attract new blood from the other sports, but also by doing that introduce new fans to both sports.


I’m really looking forward to the 23rd May and the beginning of a new pro boxing career for myself.”


On Saturday May 23rd, Hunt will be in first class company, as others boxing on the star studded bill include; reigning World Boxing Federation (WBF) World Welterweight Champion Chris Goodwin in action against London’s Mark ‘The Flash’ Alexander.

Reigning World Boxing Federation (WBF) Intercontinental Super Bantamweight Champion, Paul Economides, former British Super Middleweight and International Boxing Organisation (IBO) International Light Heavyweight Champion Tony Dodson.

BBBofC Welsh Area Middleweight Champion Lee Churcher, Britànic, Commonwealth and WBF World Title challenger Tony Moran in a local derby with Blackpool’s Mathew Ellis, and Prizefighter Light Middleweight finalist and English title challenger Nick Quigley, who is set to face Scunthorpe’s highly entertaining Jody Meikle.


In addition to the Championship experienced boxers, there are also a host of upcoming, unbeaten young prospects boxing on the bill, Incloent; sensational former England amateur Captain Antonio Counihan, Liverpool based hot Russian prospect David Agadzhanyan, who faces former Ghanaian Champion Isaac Owusu, Featherweight prospect Jay Carney, Light Heavyweight prospect Lee Boyce, que assumeix de Scunthorpe Mateu Pebre.


Also making his debut on the 23rd Maig, alongside Hunt, is local lad Dayle Gallagher, whose first opponent as a pro is Nottingham’s Matt Scriven.


Marlon Hunt, against a yet to be named opponent, features on the Stephen Vaughan promoted NEW ERA event, which takes place at the Grand Central Hall in Liverpool on Saturday 23rdMaig 2015.

Sancionar per aquest esdeveniment serà facilitat per la Comissió de Boxa de Malta (MBC) -www.maltaboxingcommission.com

Tickets priced £30 & £40 are available direct from Marlon Hunt, from any of the boxers taking part or call Stephen Vaughan on 07789 037802.