Таг Арцхивес: Патрицки Питбулл

Улог повећан у односу између Петра Куеаллија & Патрицки Питбулл као новоиспуштена титула светског првака у лакој категорији Сада је на такмичењу у главном догађају БЕЛЛАТОР ММА 270 он Нов. 5


Опис се аутоматски генерише
ДУБЛИН - Данас је објављено да је бивши првак у две дивизије Патрицк "Питбулл" је донео одлуку да се одрекне свог БЕЛЛАТОР Светског првенства у лакој категорији. Као резултат, БЕЛЛАТОР ВМА председник Скот Цокер потврдио је да је дуго очекивани реванш меч између Ватерфорда, Ирска је Петер “Тхе Сховстоппер” Одлично (13-5-1) и Патрицки "Питбулл" (23-10) биће уздигнут на главни догађај Беллатор 270 са тек напуштеном светском титулом од 155 килограма.

БЕЛЛАТОР ММА 270: Куеалли вс. Питбулл 2 одржава се у 3Арени у Даблину, Ирска, у петак новембра 5тх.

У Сједињеним Америчким Државама, главна радња на картици биће емитована уживо у СХОВТИМЕ у 5 п.м. ЕТ/2 поподне. ПТ. Обожаваоци БЕЛЛАТОР -а у Ирској могу с нестрпљењем очекивати догађај на Виргин Медиа Тво и Виргин Медиа Спорт, док обожаваоци борбе у Великој Британији могу пратити догађај уживо на ББЦ иПлаиер -у.

Прелиминарна картица ће се емитовати уживо од 2 п.м. И / 11 сати. ПТ на ИоуТубе каналу БЕЛЛАТОР ММА, СХОВТИМЕ Спортски ИоуТубе канал и Плуто ТВ.

БЕЛЛАТОР-ов повратак у ирску престоницу биће заједно са експлозивном борбом у двобоју између два грапплинг чаробњака у бр.. 6 ранкед Јамес "Тхе Страбанимал" Галлагхер (11-1) и бр. 2 ранкед Патцхи Мик (14-1).

Улазнице за Беллатор 270: Куеалли вс. Питбулл 2 сада су у продаји и могу се купити на Интернету Тицкетмастер.ие и Беллатор.цом.

Такође најављено данас - непријатељства у тешкој категорији Гокхан Сарицам (5-1) и Роб Беецх (5-2) је додат у прелиминарну картицу. Испод можете пронаћи ажурирани списак борби:

БЕЛЛАТОР ММА 270: Куеалли вс. Питбулл 2 МаинЦард:
СХОВТИМЕ (САД) / ББЦ иПлаиер (Уједињено Краљевство) / Виргин Медиа Тво & Виргин Медиа Спорт (ИРСКА)
Петак, Октобар 1 - 9 п.м. ГМТ/5 поподне. ЕТ/2 поподне. ПТ

Главни догађај светске титуле у лакој категорији: #4-Петер Куеалли (13-5-1) вс. #1-Патрицки "Питбулл" (23-10)
Бан-тежина Цо-Маин Евент: #6-Јамес Галлагхер (11-1) вс. #2-Патрицк Мик (14-1)
Миддлевеигхт боут: #6-Цхарлие Вард (9-4) вс. #9-Ноберт Новении Јр. (5-0)
Феатхервеигхт Боут: #6-Данијел Веицхел (41-6) вс. #7-Педро Царвалхо (11-5)

Прелиминарни картица:
БЕЛЛАТОР ММА ИоуТубе канал | СХОВТИМЕ Спортски ИоуТубе канал | Плутон ТВ (САД)
ББЦ иПлаиер (Уједињено Краљевство) | Виргин Медиа Тво & Виргин Медиа Спорт (ИРСКА)
6 п.м. ГМТ/2 поподне. И / 11 сати. ПТ

Феатхервеигхт Боут: Циаран Цларке (3-0) вс. Јордан Бартон (6-1-1)
Феатхервеигхт Боут:Илиас Булаид (2-0) вс. Георгес Сасу (5-2)
Велтервеигхт Боут: Асхлеи Рееце (8-2) вс. Луца Поцлит (6-1)
Лигхтвеигхт боут: Даниеле Сцатиззи (10-5) вс. Бриан Хаи (16-8, 1 НЦ)
Лигхт Хеавивеигхт Боут: Лее Цхадвицк (26-15-1) вс. Арунас Андриускевицус (15-4)
Хеавивеигхт боут: Гокхан Сарицам(5-1) вс. Роб Беецх (5-2)
Велтервеигхт Боут:Ницоло Солли (3-1) вс. Бобби Паллетт (5-0)
Страввеигхт Боут: Данни Неилан (4-0) вс. Аудреи Кероуцхе (7-5, 2 НЦ)
Феатхервеигхт Боут: Јуниор Морган (3-0) вс. Даррагх Келли (Про Деби)
Велтервеигхт Боут:Степхен Цостелло (Про Деби) вс. Јое Назокатов (Про Деби)


*Картица подложна променама.

Молимо Вас да посетите Беллатор.цом за додатне информације.

Ажуриран распоред догађаја БЕЛЛАТОР
Суб. Нов. 16 // Беллатор 268: Полуфинале Светске велике награде у полутешкој категорији // Фоотпринт Центер // Феникс, AZ
Суб. Нов. 23 // Беллатор 269: Федор вс. Џонсон // ВТБ Арена // Москва, Русија
Бесплатно. Нов. 5 // Беллатор 270: Галлагхер вс. Микс // 3Арена // Даблин, Ирска
Бесплатно. Нов. 12 // Беллатор 271: Циборг вс.. Каванагх // Семиноле Хард Роцк Хотел & Казино // Холивуд, Флорида


БЕЛЛАТОР ММА је водећа глобална организација мешовитих борилачких вештина у којој се налазе многи од најбољих бораца на свету. Под руководством ветерана борба промотора Сцотт Цокер, БЕЛЛАТОР догађаји се одвијају у великим градовима широм света и могу се видети на телевизији у више 160 земаља доступној публици од преко милијарду људи. У Сједињеним Америчким Државама, БЕЛЛАТОР се може видети у СХОВТИМЕ. БЕЛЛАТОР се састоји од извршног тима који укључује врхунске професионалце у индустрији телевизије, догађај уживо Оркестрација, развојни борац / односи, венуе набавке, Стварање спонзорство / развој, Међународни лиценцирање, маркетинг, оглашавање, публицитет и провизија односи. БЕЛЛАТОР има седиште у Холивуду, Калиф. и у власништву забавног гиганта ВиацомЦБС, дом за забаву премијер светских брендова који повезују са публиком кроз занимљив материјал широм телевизији, филм, Онлине и мобилне платформе.




Опис се аутоматски генерише

ЛОС АНГЕЛЕС– BELLATOR MMA has today confirmed the full slate of fights forово ПетакБЕЛЛАТОР ММА 258: Archuleta vs Pettisкартица inside the Mohegan Sun Arena. The event is the first of two being held in May, and kicks off an exciting month of fights on SHOWTIME with the action set to begin live at9 п.м. ЕТ / 6 п.м. ПТ.

У главни догађај вечери, Juan “The Spaniard” Archuleta (25-2) puts his BELLATOR Bantamweight World Title on the line for the first time against No. 1 ranked 135-pounderSergio “SP” Pettis (20-5). Поред оплати крова, three other main card bouts are confirmed, with the co-main event featuring a Light Heavyweight Grand Prix Quarterfinal bout with Team Pitbull productJose “Gugu” Augusto(7-2, 1 НЦ) stepping up on a week’s notice to fight a debutingАнтхони "Румбле" Јохнсон(22-6).

Rounding out main card action is a lightweight grudge match pitting the No. 2 ранкедПатрицки Питбулл(23-9) against the resilient IrishmanПетер Куеалли(12-5-1), and a must-watch bout between the No. 2 rangiran u velter kategorijiМајкл "Веном" Страница(18-1) и не. 6 rangiran u velter kategoriji Дерек Андерсон(17-3-1), a fight that has been booked twice previously, but was derailed due to injuries.

The preliminary card consists of eight fights and is stacked throughout, featuring former 185-pound championРафаел Царвалхо(16-5) stepping in on less than a week’s notice to welcomeLorenz Larkin(22-7) to the BELLATOR middleweight division. Такође, До Нот. 5 rangiran u velter kategorijiЛоган Сторлеи(11-1) returns againstOmar Hussein (8-2).

Fans will also see the promotion’s bantamweight depth on display, seeing No. 4 ранкедRaufeon Stots (15-1) face No. 7 ранкедJosh Hill (20-3), as well as appearances from former title challenger and No 2. rangiran u bantam kategoriji“Patchy” Mix (13-1), Erik “Goyito” Perez (19-8), and the always-gameХенри Цорралес(18-5), who moves to bantamweight for the first time in his BELLATOR career.

СвеБЕЛЛАТОР ММА 258: Archuleta vs Pettis prelims will stream live at5:30 п.м. ET/2:30 п.м. ПТ on the BELLATOR MMA YouTube channel, СХОВТИМЕ Спортски ИоуТубе канал и Плуто ТВ.

As part of the launch of BELLATOR MMA on SHOWTIME, the network is offering viewers who are new to the SHOWTIME streaming service a 30-day free trial, followed by a discounted monthly subscription fee of $4.99/month for the next six months. Viewers can sign up atSHO.com/BellatorMMASubscribers will be delivered two premier BELLATOR MMA events per month throughout 2021 и шире, with all events scheduled to air live at 9 п.м. ЕТ / 6 п.м. PT anywhere the SHOWTIME service is available.

Full bout listings are below:

БЕЛЛАТОР ММА 258: Archuleta vs. PettisГлавни картица:

Петак, Мај 7 - наставити са животомСХОВТИМЕ

9 п.м. ЕТ / 6 п.м. ПТ

Bantamweight Title Boutц-Јуан Арцхулета (25-2) vs. #1-Sergio Pettis(20-5)

Light Heavyweight WGP Quarterfinal BoutАнтхони Јохнсон(22-6) вс. Jose “Gugu” Augusto(7-2, 1 НЦ)

Лигхтвеигхт боут: #2-Патрицки Питбулл (23-9) вс.Петер Куеалли (12-5-1)

175-Тежина уговорне тежине фунте: #2-Мицхаел Паге(18-1) вс. #6-Дерек Андерсон(17-3, 1 НЦ)

Прелиминарни картица: 

БЕЛЛАТОР ММА ИоуТубе канал | СХОВТИМЕ Спортски ИоуТубе канал | Плутон ТВ

5:30 п.м. ET/2:30 п.м. ПТ

Хеавивеигхт Боут: #7-Josh Hill (20-3) вс. #4-Raufeon Stots (15-1)

Миддлевеигхт боут: Lorenz Larkin(22-7, 1 НЦ) вс.Рафаел Царвалхо (16-5)

Хеавивеигхт Боут: #2-Патцхи Мик(13-1) вс.Алберт Моралес(10-6-1)

Велтервеигхт Боут: #5-Логан Сторлеи(11-1) вс.Omar Hussein(8-2)

Миддлевеигхт боут: #6-Јохнни Еблен (7-0) вс.Даниел Мадрид(18-6)

Хеавивеигхт Боут: Хенри Цорралес (18-5) вс.Johnny Campbell (20-13, 1 НЦ)

Феатхервеигхт Боут: Вебер Алмеида (5-0) вс.Johnny Soto(3-1)

Хеавивеигхт Боут: Ерик Перез(19-8) вс.Blaine Shutt(8-4)

*Картица подложна променама.

Молимо Вас да посетитеБеллатор.цом за додатне информације.


ЛОС АНГЕЛЕС – Bellator is proud to announce that both Patricio and Patricky Freire, better known to fans as the infamous “Pitbull Brothers,” will continue to compete inside the Bellator cage after signing exclusive multi-year, multi-fight extensions to remain with the promotion.

Fighting out of Natal, велика северна река, Бразил, the brothers have become synonymous with Bellator throughout their prolific careers. Having held titles and established themselves among the elite, there are very few names that appear in the Bellator record books more often than current featherweight champ Патрицио Питбулл (28-4) and his older brother Патрицки Питбулл (21-8).

“When I think about the talent on the Bellator roster, the Pitbull brothers are two of the fighters that immediately come to mind,"Рекао је председник Беллатор Скот Кокер. “They started early on in their careers here, have climbed to the top of their respective divisions and have come to represent what this promotion is all about. I’m thrilled that we’ll continue to see them compete inside the Bellator cage for our fans around the world for many years to come!"

“There are a lot of people on the Bellator roster I want to put my hands on – the first on the list, I’m fighting on May 11th, so renewing made perfect sense for me,” said Patricio. “I’m happy with the agreement and the plans for the future. Of all the fighters currently active on the promotion, I’m with Bellator the longest and the most successful. I plan to set that bar even higher. Годинама, I said ‘I’d become the number one in the world here.’ If anyone still has any doubt, keep an eye on the next chapters.”

Patricky added, “Bellator is growing and so am I. I’m in the best moment of my career and the same can be said of the promotion with the quality of shows, the new TV deals and names under the roster. I’ve set the goal of becoming world champion and setting records. I already am the fighter with most finishes and fights in the organization and I don’t plan to let anyone catch up with me. I have grudges to settle and names to add to my belt. If things line up well, I’m looking at making noise in three weight classes in the near future, so expect the best of me! I’m glad to have reached a new agreement with Bellator and very excited for the new things to come.”

A two-time featherweight champion, Patricio “Pitbull” has competed for the promotion 20 times – winning 16 of those outings – and has successfully defended his belt three times since reclaiming the championship at Беллатор 178 против Данијел Штраус. Недавно, Patricio defeated Еммануел Санцхез, edging out his opponent via unanimous decision at Беллатор 209 in Tel Aviv, Израел. Зарадио је финиш у 20 његовог 28 осваја као професионалац, the reigning champion always brings an exciting style and fans can certainly expect more fireworks as he continues his run in Bellator. Patricio will now move up in weight to challenge current champ Мајкл Чендлер for his lightweight crown in a long-awaited grudge match at Bellator’s return to Allstate Arena in Chicago on May 11.

A perennial lightweight contender since joining Bellator in 2011 у Беллатор 36, the 33-year-old Patricky made an immediate impact by emphatically knocking out two true veterans of the sport and eventually competing in two tournament finals. Додатно, he holds the Bellator record for most fights with 21 and knockout wins with 10, including highlight-reel finishes over Рајан Цоутуре и Дејвид рицкелс. Међутим, his most impressive run has come as of late, stringing together seven wins in eight bouts and winning his last five against Џош Томсон, Бенсон Хендерсон, Дерек Поља, Рогер Хуерта и недавно против Ryan Scope у Bellator Newcastle он Феб. 9.

Молимо Вас да посетите ввв.Беллатор.цом за више информација.





Беллатор 205 Главни Цард Резултати:


А.Ј. МцКее (12-0) деф. Јохн Мацапа (21-4-2) преко КО (ударац) у 1:09 округлог једног


Photos Here


Рафаел Ловато Јр. (9-0) деф. Јохн Салтер (15-4) субмиссион (позади-Накед Цхоке) у 4:27 рунде три


Photos Here


вета Артеага (5-2) деф. Денисе Киелхолтз (2-2) субмиссион (Цхоке) у 4:24 рунде два


Photos Here

Патрицки Питбулл (20-8) деф. Рогер Хуерта (24-11-1, 1 НЦ) преко КО (ударци) у 0:43 рунде два


Photos Here


Прелиминарни резултати Цард:

Адам Борицс (8-0) деф. Josenaldo Silva (25-7) субмиссион (позади-Накед Цхоке) у 1:46 рунде три

Стеве Моври (5-0) деф. Ben Moa (4-1) субмиссион (Американа) у 2:40 округлог једног

Jarod Trice (4-0) деф. Шон Овлашћења (9-7) преко Сплита одлуке (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)

Emilio Trevino (3-0) деф. Sua Tuani (2-1) ТКО (ударци) у 1:55 рунде два

винце Моралес (8-2) деф. Justin Hugo (3-5) једногласна одлука (30-25, 30-26, 29-27)

Johnny Nunez (7-1) деф. Josh Wick (9-4) једногласна одлука (30-27, 30-27, 30-26)

Andrew Cruz (4-3) деф. Nathan Stolen (8-4) субмиссион (arm bar) у 3:41 округлог једног

Kyle Frost (3-0) деф. David Rangel (0-2) путем техничког подношења (позади-Накед Цхоке) у 3:29 округлог једног

Bryce Edminister (2-1) деф. Leon Taylor (0-1) субмиссион (позади-Накед Цхоке) у 1:34 рунде два

Stephen Stirewalt (2-0) деф. Joe Aguirre (2-1) via submission at 2:13 round one




Беллатор 183 Results and Photos

ПАТРИК “Питбулл” defeated Benson Henderson via split decision (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)
I want the champion. I want Brent Primus. Tonight I took down another former champion and I want my shot at that belt,” Patricky Freire said. “He keeps running from me but now it’s time. I want that belt and after tonight I earned my shot at it. Benson Henderson is a good, тежак борац, but I’ve got my mind on the division title now. You can’t keep running Primus.
Paul Daley defeated Lorenz Larkin via knockout at 2:40 рунде два
The fight went as planned. I felt great and I knew how this would end,” Paul Daley said. “Lorenz Larkin was acting very uncharacteristically leading up to the fight and when I saw all of his antics and what not, I knew the fight would only end one way and that’s with him flat on the canvas.
Roy Nelson defeated Javy Ayala via unanimous decision (30-26, 29-28, 29-28)
The goal was just to go out there, get the win, and work my game a little bit. It felt good to throw some bombs for these fans in San Jose. I had to give Bellator some footage to use, especially since the UFC doesn’t license anything out,” Roy Nelson said. “It was a tough fight and Javy’s a talented fighter. Стварно, any heavyweight has power and if you connect the other person is definitely going to get knocked out and that is exactly what these fans come to see.
Overall I was pretty happy with my performance. I thought I was doing a good job with my stand up against him, but he’s really tough,” Javy Ayala said. “I just wasn’t able to stop the takedowns and his top control was at the elite level. But again I’m pretty pleased with my performance and I’m already looking forward to getting back into that cage for Bellator.
Aaron Pico defeated Justin Linn via knockout at 3:45 округлог једног
Aaron Pico Quote: “Најпре, hats off to Justin [Linn]. He’s a great competitor and I knew it was going to be a tough fight. It feels good fighting at 145-pounds. This is my natural weight and it felt great. I’m going to have to watch the replay of this fight because I’m not even sure how I hit him, it was just very instinctual. I always knew that I had very powerful hands and I’m not being cocky, I’m just confident because I spar with some of the best boxers in the world over at Team Bodyshop in Long Beach. The key to this fight was just relaxing because I knew that as long as I was relaxed in there, my skillset was going to show.
Goiti Yamauchi defeated Adam Piccolotti via submission (позади-Накед Цхоке) у 3:19 округлог једног
Quote from Goiti Yamauchi: “I’m ready to sign the contract for my next fight right now,” Yamauchi said. “I feel that I’m one fight away from a title shot, after another win like the one tonight, I don’t think there’s any way that Bellator can deny that I’m the number one contender.





ЛОС АНГЕЛЕС – Bellator returns home to SAP Center in San Jose, Калиф. у суботу, Септембар 23 за Беллатор 183 и Беллатор Кицкбокинг 7, which features the return of former world champ “Smooth” Benson Henderson (24-7) taking on the always-dangerous Патрицки "Питбулл" (17-8), while current Bellator welterweight kickboxing champ Karim Ghajji (97-13-1) defends his title against the flashy Раимонд Даниелс (11-3).

Додатно, Беллатор 183: Хендерсон вс. Питбулл will also feature the promotional debut of Roy “Big Country” Nelson (23-14) who meets California’s own Javy “Eye Candy” Ayala (10-5) in an explosive heavyweight showdown. Additional contests will be announced in the coming weeks.

Беллатор 183: Хендерсон вс. Питбулл will be broadcast live and free on SPIKE at 9 п.м. И/8 п.м. ЦТ, while preliminary action will stream on Bellator.com and the Bellator Mobile App. Tickets for the event go on sale Thursday, Јун 29 у 10:00 а.м. PST and are available at Ticketmaster.com.

Following what many considered to be 2016’s “Fight of the Year” against Michael Chandler, Henderson took time off to deal with nagging injuries. Сада, the 33-year-old is back to 100-percent and ready to take on the other “Pitbull” brother, following a victory against Bellator’s current featherweight champion Patricio “Pitbull”at Bellator 160 у августу прошле године. With wins against Nate Diaz, Доналд Церроне, Франкие Едгар, Gilbert Melendez and Jorge Masvidal already in his nearly 11 years as a professional, “Smooth” is healthy again and looking for another championship run in his already-impressive career.

Patricky “Pitbull” comes into this bout seeking revenge against Henderson following his TKO win over younger brother, Патрик. The Rio Grande Do Norte, Brazil product steps inside the Bellator cage for the18th time in his professional career and will be looking to build on an impressive start to his 2017 кампања. Having won seven of his last 10 крајеви, including a second-round finish of Josh Thomson at Беллатор 172 у фебруару, the 31-year-old has seen 11 његовог 12 career finishes come by way of knockout.

The inaugural Bellator welterweight kickboxing champion, Ghajji, traded victories with Zoltan Laszak on his road to meeting Daniels on September 23. The 36-year-old, known to many by the nickname “Gadjetboy,” will be making his fifth appearance under the Bellator Kickboxing umbrella, and will look to successfully defend his title for the first time since reclaiming the belt in April at Беллатор Кицкбокинг 6 у Мађарској.

Hailing from Los Angeles, Daniels will bring his aggressive, one-of-a-kind karate style to Northern California for the first time since debuting with Bellator last year. Undefeated with the promotionearning three stoppages in four outings“The Real Deal” will look to punish the body of Ghajji when Daniels competes to claim his first world kickboxing title.

Фигхтинг из Лас Вегаса, Nelson makes his Bellator debut following an eight-year, 19-fight run with UFC that saw him earn wins over Mirko Cro Cop, Антонио Родриго Ногуеира, “Bigfoot” Silva and Cheick Kongo. Са 19 његовог 22 каријера освојити долази путем нокаутом или подношења, “Big Country” is ready to make his return to Spike, where he memorably defeated the late Kimbo Slice and later went on to win season 10 of The Ultimate Fighter.

Ayala will enter the Bellator cage against Nelson looking for another shocking upset following his last outing against Sergei Kharitonov at Беллатор 163, where Ayala stole the show against Kharitonov by stopping the Russian heavyweight with a powerful punch a mere 16-seconds into the first round. Сада, given the opportunity to formally welcome Nelson to the Bellator fray, “Eye Candy” is looking to stun the crowd once again and firmly establish himself as a threat to the entire heavyweight division. With all five of Ayala’s wins in Bellator coming by way of stoppage, the matchup with Nelson is sure to produce fireworks.


Упдатед Беллатор 183: Хендерсон вс. Питбулл Фигхт Цард

Лагани главни догађај: Бенсон Хендерсон (24-7) вс. Патрицки "Питбулл" Фреире (17-8)

Тешка категорија, главни меч: Рои Нелсон (23-14) вс. Јави Аиала (10-5)


Упдатед Беллатор Кицкбокинг 7: Ghajji vs. Daniels Фигхт Цард

Welterweight Kickboxing World Title Main Event: Karim Ghajji (97-13-1) вс. Раимонд Даниелс (11-3)



About Bellator:

Bellator is a leading mixed martial arts and kickboxing organization featuring many of the best fighters in the world. Под руководством ветерана борба промотора Сцотт Цокер, Беллатор је доступан готово 1 billion people worldwide in over 160 Земље. У Сједињеним Америчким Државама, Bellator can be seen on SPIKE, the combat sports television leader. Bellator is comprised of an executive team that includes top industry professionals in television production, догађај уживо Оркестрација, развојни борац / односи, венуе набавке, Стварање спонзорство / развој, Међународни лиценцирање, маркетинг, оглашавање, публицитет и провизија односи. Bellator is based in Hollywood, Калиф. and owned by entertainment giant Viacom, дом за забаву премијер светских брендова који повезују са публиком кроз занимљив материјал широм телевизији, филм, Онлине и мобилне платформе.


О Спике:

Шиљак  is available in 98.7 million  homes and is a division of Viacom Media Networks. Јединица Виацом (НАСДАК: ВИА, ВИАБ), Виацом Медиа Нетворкс је један од водећих светских креатора програма и садржаја на свим медијских платформи. Spike’s Internet address is  ввв.спике.цом  and for up-to-the-minute and archival press information and photographs, visit Spike’s press site at  http://www.spike.com/press. Follow us on Twitter  спикетвпр  for the latest in breaking news updates, иза-сцене информације и фотографије.


САН ЈОСЕ, Цалиф. (Јан. 16, 2017) – We are just days away from one of the most highly anticipated heavyweight battles in Bellator MMA history, као Федор Емелианенко (36-4, 1 НЦ) и мат Митрионе (11-5) headline a massive main card at Беллатор 172. Још једном, Bellator’s digital team has put together a collection of exclusive new content in preparation of Субота је festivities at SAP Center. If you’re searching for a deeper look inside these competitors’ road to the main event, join us as we explore some fantastic behind-the-scenes footage available now on Bellator’s dynamic YouTube page.


The Legend of Fedor’s Sweater

Fedor’s monumental career goes hand-in-hand with his “Glorious Sweater of Absolute Victory.” Adam Carolla and others chime in on the Russian slugger’s mysterious attire.

What to Watch: Федор вс. Mitrione

Беллатор 172 features a must-watch heavyweight main event between Fedor Emelianenko and Matt Mitrione, but before the two meet inside the cage Jimmy Smith covers what’s at stake.

Backstage With Fedor Emelianenko

Let’s go backstage with one of the game’s greatest and take a closer look at the initial signing that took place at the promotion’s last event in San Jose at Беллатор 165.

Sit Down With Matt Mitrione

Heavyweight superstar Matt Mitrione sits down with us to discuss his upcoming main event showdown with the legendary Fedor.

In Focus: Џош Томсон

We take a closer look at Josh Thomson’s story and close relationship with Bellator MMA President Scott Coker in the latest edition of In Focus.

БОРБА ИНФО: The evening’s main event features a highly anticipated heavyweight slugfest pitting the legendary Федор Емелианенко (36-4, 1 НЦ) против мат Митрионе (11-5).


San Jose’s own Џош Томсон (22-8, 1 НЦ) returns to the Bellator MMA cage to take on veteran knockout artistПатрицки "Питбулл" (16-8) in a lightweight co-main clash. Fans can also experience a heavyweight feature fight pittingЦхеицк Конго (25-10-2) against British phenom Oli Thompson (17-9) and a female flyweight fight pairing вета Артеага (2-1) против Brooke Mayo (Деби). Најзад, a welterweight showdown pitting Јосх Косцхецк (17-10) противМаурицио Алонсо (12-7, 1 НЦ) rounds out the Spike-televised main card action.


Беллатор 172: Федор вс. Mitrione емитује уживо и бесплатно на КЛАСУ у 9 п.м. И/8 п.м. ЦТ, while preliminary bouts will stream live on Bellator.com and The Bellator Mobile App. Very few tickets remain and they can be purchased at the SAP Center Box Office, as well as Ticketmaster.com and Bellator.com.


комплетан Беллатор 172: Федор вс. Mitrione SPIKE-Televised Main Card:

Heavyweight Main Event: Федор Емелианенко (36-4, 1 НЦ) вс. мат Митрионе (11-5)

Lightweight Feature Fight: Џош Томсон (22-8, 1 НЦ) вс. Патрицки "Питбулл" (16-8)

Heavyweight Feature Fight: Цхеицк Конго (25-10-2) вс. Oli Thompson (17-9)

Flyweight Feature Fight: вета Артеага (2-1) вс. Brooke Mayo (Деби)

Велтервеигхт Феатуре Борба: Јосх Косцхецк (17-10) вс. Маурицио Алонсо (12-7, 1 НЦ)


Bellator.com-Streamed Preliminary Card:

Претежни меч у средњој категорији: Анатолиј Токов (24-2) вс. Франциско Француска (13-4-1)

Welterweight Prelim Bout: Јамес Терри (18-9) вс. Ј.Ц. Ламе (8-5)

Lightweight Prelim Bout: Nikko Jackson (1-1) вс. Cesar Gonzalez (0-1)

Featherweight Prelim Bout: Juan Cardenas (1-0) вс. Luis Vargas (0-1)

Welterweight Prelim Bout: Dominic Sumner (1-0) вс. Абрахам Ваесау (1-0)

Flyweight Prelim Bout: Ентони До (4-1) вс. Bobby Escalante (4-5)

Flyweight Prelim Bout: Мет Рамирез (1-2) вс. Jeremy Murphy (3-3)

Lightweight Prelim Bout: J.J. Okanovich (3-1) вс. Zach Andrews (5-1)

Featherweight Prelim Bout: Abner Perez (Деби) вс. Gaston Bolanos (Деби)

Featherweight Prelim Bout: Justin Tenedora (Деби) вс. Roque Reyes (0-3)

Middleweight Prelim Bout: Martin Sano (4-2) вс. Diego Herzog (4-2)




Холливоод, Цалиф. (Јануар 31, 2017) – A welterweight bout pitting Јосх Косцхецк (17-10) против Маурицио Алонсо(12-7, 1 НЦ) has been added to the Spike-televised main card of Беллатор 172: Федор вс. Mitrione у САП центру у Сан Јосе, Калиф. о Фебруар 18, 2017.


Додатно, recently signed Russian star Анатолиј Токов (24-2) is set to square off against Франциско Француска (13-4-1) in a middleweight clash that will be featured on the Bellator.com-streamed undercard, while a previously announced main card bout between Адам Пиццолот и Брент Примус has been cancelled after Piccolotti has been forced to withdraw due to an undisclosed injury.


Беллатор 172: Федор вс. Mitrione will be broadcast live and free on SPIKE at 9 п.м. И/8 п.м. ЦТ, while preliminary action will stream on Bellator.com and the Bellator Mobile App. Tickets for the event are on sale now at the SAP Center Box Office as well as Ticketmaster.com.


Koscheck will be making his highly anticipated Bellator MMA debut after signing with the Viacom-owned promotion in 2015. Prior to the signing, “Kos” competed under the UFC banner for nearly a decade, compiling 15 wins and nine finishes. Сада, the 39-year-old Dethrone Base Camp product hopes to soar to the top of Bellator MMA’s stacked welterweight class and add to his impressive resume of 17 цареер победе. Never one to mince words, Koscheck has made it clear that he hopes to once again meet Паул Далеи inside the cage, but first, the Fresno, Калиф. native must get through Alonso on Feb. 18 when he returns to action on Spike.


Hailing from Parana, Бразил, Alonso will be making his second appearance under the direction of Bellator MMA and first in the welterweight division since 2014. The 36-year-old enters the bout riding a recent string of success, earning victories in each of his last two contests and seven of his last 10 dating back to 2010. Of his 12 career wins, Alonso has finished his opponent five times, including four knockouts. Alonso will look to build off of an undefeated 2016 campaign when he competes on Јан 18.


Under the tutelage of the legendary Fedor Emilianenko, Tokov has strung together an impressive resume of his own, where from 2012 на 2016, the prospect was riding a streak of 17 узастопних победа. The 26-year-old Russian is known to end fights early and often, finishing his opponent in 19 његовог 24 career wins, including nine first round finishes. If Tokov is going to continue to blossom on the Bellator roster, he will have to defeat his opponent on Јан. 18 први.


Hailing from Gilbert, Аризона, 18-fight veteran France enters the bout having won six of his last eight contests, including one draw and five finishes. The 33-year-old submission specialist will be making his third appearance under the Bellator MMA banner and first in nearly a year at Беллатор 172. “Kiko” brings with him one of the most dynamic ground games in the division, дорада 12 његовог 13 victims via submission; displaying a wide array of devastating techniques, including rear-naked and arm-triangle chokes, arm bars, and kimuras.


Упдатед Беллатор 172: Федор вс. Mitrione Главни картица:

Heavyweight Main Event: Федор Емелианенко (36-4, 1 НЦ) вс. мат Митрионе (11-5)

Лаган Ко Маин Евент: Џош Томсон (22-8, 1 НЦ) вс. Патрицки "Питбулл" (16-8)

Тешка категорија: Цхеицк Конго (25-10-2) вс. Oli Thompson (17-9)

Борба у полутешкој категорији: Јосх Косцхецк (17-10) вс. Маурицио Алонсо (12-7, 1 НЦ)


Preliminary Bouts:

Middleweight Preliminary Fight: Анатолиј Токов (24-2) вс. Франциско Француска (13-4-1)

Претечај у полутешкој категорији: Јамес Терри (18-9) вс. David Douglas (9-6)

Лака прелиминарна борба: Nikko Jackson (1-1) вс. Cesar Gonzalez (0-1)

Перолака прелиминарна борба: Juan Cardenas (1-0) вс. Luis Vargas (0-1)

Претечај у полутешкој категорији: Danasabe Mohammed (5-1) вс. Царлос Роцха (9-4)

Flyweight Preliminary Bout: Ентони До (4-1) вс. Bobby Escalante (4-5)

Flyweight Preliminary Bout: Мет Рамирез (1-2) вс. Jeremy Murphy (3-3)

Лака прелиминарна борба: J.J. Okanovich (3-1) вс. Paradise Vaovasa (5-1)

Перолака прелиминарна борба: Justin Tenedora (Деби) вс. Roque Reyes (0-3)



Холливоод, Цалиф. (Јануар 27, 2017) – A lightweight feature bout pitting Џош Томсон (22-8, 1 НЦ) против Патрицки "Питбулл" (16-8) will serve as the co-main event of Беллатор 172 у САП центру у Сан Јосе, Калиф. он Феб. 18.

The contest joins a stacked main card that includes a pair of heavyweight competitors featuring Федор Емелианенко (36-4, 1 НЦ) против мат Митрионе(11-5) in the main event and Цхеицк Конго (25-10-2) против Oli Thompson (17-9) in main card action. Додатно, undefeated lightweights Адам Пиццолот (9-0) и Брент Примус (7-0) round out the Spike-televised main card. Додатни такмичења ће бити објављен ускоро.

Беллатор 172 will be broadcast live and free on SPIKE at 9 п.м. И/8 п.м. ЦТ, while preliminary action will stream on Bellator.com and the Bellator Mobile App. Tickets for the event are on sale now at the SAP Center Box Office as well as Ticketmaster.com.

After earning victories in each of his first seven professional contests, the 38-year-old Thomson joined forces with the UFC and Strikeforce, stringing together an impressive resume that included notable wins over Nate Diaz and Gilbert Melendez. Now under the direction of Bellator MMA, “The Punk” has recorded back-to-back finishes in his first two bouts with the Scott Coker-led promotion. Са 16 његовог 22 победе у каријери долазе нокаутом или подношењем, Thomson is always a threat to end his opponent’s night early. Hailing from San Jose, Цалиф., Thomson hopes to put on a show in front of his hometown faithful and move one step closer to finally meeting Bellator MMA Lightweight Champion Мајкл Чендлер.

The 31-year-old “Pitbull” enters the cage for the 17тх time under the Bellator MMA umbrella, second most in the promotion’s history behind only Дејвид рицкелс. The Brazilian knockout artist continues to be at the forefront of Bellator MMA’s lightweight division and has tallied six wins over his past nine bouts, including a trio of knockouts over proven veterans Rickels, Дерек Поља, и Рајан Цоутуре. Hailing from Rio Grande Do Norte, Бразил, Freire has notched 10 knockouts over his professional career, with five of the finishes coming in the opening round of action. “Pitbull” will once again look to play the role of spoiler when he tries to take down San Jose’s own Thomson on Јан. 18.


комплетан Беллатор 172: Федор вс. Mitrione Главни картица:

Heavyweight Main Event: Федор Емелианенко (36-4, 1 НЦ) вс. мат Митрионе (11-5)

Лаган Ко Маин Евент: Џош Томсон (22-8, 1 НЦ) вс. Патрицки “Питбулл (16-8)

Тешка категорија: Цхеицк Конго (25-10-2) вс. Oli Thompson (17-9)

Лагана карактерна борба: Адам Пиццолот (9-0) вс. Брент Примус (7-0)


Preliminary Bouts:

Welterweight Prelim Bout: Јамес Терри (18-9) вс. David Douglas (9-6)

Lightweight Prelim Bout: Nikko Jackson (1-1) вс. Cesar Gonzalez (0-1)

Featherweight Prelim Bout: Juan Cardenas (1-0) вс. Luis Vargas (0-1)

Welterweight Prelim Bout: Danasabe Mohammed (5-1) вс. Царлос Роцха (9-4)

Flyweight Prelim Bout: Ентони До (4-1) вс. Bobby Escalante (4-5)

Flyweight Prelim Bout: Мет Рамирез (1-2) вс. Jeremy Murphy (3-3)

Lightweight Prelim Bout: J.J. Okanovich (3-1) вс. Paradise Vaovasa (5-1)

Featherweight Prelim Bout: Justin Tenedora (Деби) вс. Roque Reyes (0-3)




ДУБЛИН, ИРСКА. (Нов. 16, 2016) – In the evening’s main event, it was wrestler versus judo practitioner as Мухаммед "Кинг Мо" Лауал (20-5, 1 НЦ) returned to moneyweight to face Olympic Gold Medalist Сатоши Ишии (14-7-1). King Mo avoided Ishii’s crafty throws as he scored a couple takedowns of his own throughout the fight. The contest finished with a shutout unanimous decision victory (30-27, 30-27, 30-27) за “King Mo.

Сада, after yet another impressive performance during the main event of “Bellator 169,” Lawal looks to end 2016 in style by repeating his domination over Rizin Fighting Federation opponents, when the 2015 eight-man Rizin heavyweight tournament winner returns to grand prix action during the Japanese-based promotion’s New Year’s Eve weekend of events.

Fresh off his victory in Dublin tonight, Lawal now sets his sights on the fellow contestants competing in the quarterfinals of the open-weight grand prix on Нов. 29 at Saitama Super Arena in Saitama, Japan – the semifinals and finals are set for Нов. 31.

The 35-year-old former Strikeforce Champion defeated Brett McDermott, Teodoras Aukstuolis and Jiri Prochazka en route to winning the heavyweight tournament last year, now the “King” looks to retain his crown against the likes of: Shane Carwin, Amir Aliakbari, Mirko Filipovic, Kaido Hoovelson, Тсуиосхи Косака, Валентин Молдавски, and Szymon Bajor.

With a second tournament victory in Japan, “King Mo” would cap off a stellar 2016 кампања, a 365-day run where in addition to Ishii, the American Top Team standout took current Bellator MMA Light Heavyweight Champion Пхил Давис to the limit during their “Bellator 154” tussle back in May

Gallagher Sinks in RNC During Third Frame of Co-Main Event


In what many considered “the people’s main event,” the highly touted SBG prospect Јамес Галлагхер (5-0) kept his composure through the first two hard fought rounds against Антхони Таилор (1-2). The American threw several powerful strikes, connecting on multiple occasions as Gallagher fought from safe range. Not long after the start of the final round the “Strabanimal” took the back of “Pretty Boy” Taylor with a body triangle actively looking to find a choke. It looked as though Taylor had it under control, walking across the cage toward his corner, pandering to the camera with a smile but seconds later, he was on his stomach, where he succumbed to a rear naked choke at 1:52 рунде три. У време застоја, the judges were split with the cards reading 20-18, 18-20 и 19-19 after the first two rounds.

Kavanagh Gets the Irish Crowd Started with UD Victory

Синеад Каванагх (4-0) was determined to put one on the board for the home team and that’s exactly what she did when she defeated Elina Kallionidou (5-1) једногласном одлуком (30-25, 30-26, 30-27). Kavanagh stalked the Greek regional champion around the cage and scored on a great deal of combinations up against the fence. Kallionidou showed impressive resiliance, toughing out firestorm after firestorm of punches and bouncing back as though unfazed.

“Drake” Weichel Wants Another Shot at the Title

In the first televised fight of the evening, the crowd was loud, hoping to propel their Irishman Brian “Pikeman” Moore (9-5) to victory against Данијел Веицхел (38-9). Moore looked sharp on his feet, throwing crisp jabs before getting taken to the canvas. From the ground, Moore fought off several rear-naked choke attempts before rolling into a triangle choke 4:44 into the first frame, making it 0-2 for the Irish-born fighters to start the card.

Who Else but Cameron Else to Spoil Hot Prospect Dylan Tukes Night


An electric Irish partisan crowd was on hand at the 3Arena in Dublin, but it didn’t take long for Great Britan’s Cameron Else (4-3) to silence them all with a jaw-dropping knockout victory over the highly-touted hometown fighter Dylan Tuke (3-1) само 20 seconds into round one.