Таг Арцхивес: Ницк Диаз

УФЦ и ПЕД: Куда идемо одавде?

Фотографија Кредит: Естхер Лин / ММА Фигхтинг

Обично када поставим то питање, то је након плаћања по прегледу и наглас се питам шта следи за борце који су се на њему такмичили. Овај пут, Говорим о нечему што утиче на СВЕ мешовите борилачке уметнике у Ултимате Фигхтинг Цхампионсхип-у.

УФЦ најављено ове недеље да ће применити далеко строже, далеко свеобухватније испитивање дрога у трагу бораца попут Андерсон Силва и Хецтор Ломбард неуспели тестови за лекове који побољшавају перформансе (ПЕД-ови), док Јон Јонес и Ницк Диаз пали тестови на кокаин и марихуану, односно.

Појачана испитивања дрога и оштрије казне могу само помоћи УФЦ-у, и уопште мешовите борилачке вештине. Али шта је довело до овог повећања неуспелих тестова? ПЕД-ови су били део спорта много пре него што су ММА борци почели да их узимају, и они су били проблем у ММА пре последњих месец и по дана.

Али чини се да бива ухваћено више бораца. Као и у већини спортова, постоји огроман притисак који треба извршити у ВМА и у УФЦ-у. Ако не наступите, у основи не добијате плату. Повећана потражња за УФЦ програмирањем захваљујући уговору са ФОКС-ом такође може бити фактор. Прешли су са ТВ-а Спике – где емитују „Тхе Ултимате Фигхтер“ само једном годишње и две или три борбене карте уживо – да практично имате две борбене карте уживо и емитирање емисије „Тхе Ултимате Фигхтер“ два пута годишње на ФОКС.

Повећање програмирања значи потребу за више тела која ће испунити тај програм. То такође значи да више бораца тренира за више борби, што може довести до више повреда. ПЕД-ови, поред тога што ће вам дати конкурентску предност у односу на противника, омогућавају вам бржи опоравак од повреда. Са потребом да више бораца попуни више борбених карата, Мислим да је могуће да се очигледно повећање неуспелих тестова на дроге може делимично приписати томе.

УФЦ-ове појачане мере испитивања лекова ступају на снагу у јулу 1. Шта можемо очекивати када се то догоди? Ево неких смерница представио УФЦ.

Чак је и извршни директор УФЦ-а Лорензо Фертитта признао током овонедељне конференције за штампу да ће се ствари "погоршати пре него што се побољшају" новим тестирањем. Више, остаје да се види колико ће се ово заправо залепити једном јула 1 котрља се около. УФЦ је раније размишљао да прошири своје напоре на испитивању дрога и раније, али се повукао, наводећи трошкове и а претходно неуспели покушај да се то учини.

Међутим, са осипом високих звезда попут Силве, Јонес и Диаз падају на тестовима, трошак се не може сматрати сметњом и УФЦ мора бити на опрезу. Прегледавајући мој Твиттер феед након конференције за штампу, било је сабласно тихо. Готово ниједан ловац није мерио у почетку. Вероватно је то био само нуспродукт конференције за штампу која се одржала у среду поподне, када већина људи ради или претпоставља да морају да раде и друге ствари осим постављања на Твиттер. Али то је и даље било прилично знаковито. Изгледа да је ово привукло пажњу бораца, како треба.

Шта мислим да ће се догодити? Повећаће се број неуспелих тестова када нове мере ступе на снагу у јулу 1, Прилично сам самоуверен. Али с обзиром на то да УФЦ подржава оштре казне за оне који не успеју – укључујући забрану до четири године – Очекујем да ће прљави борци на крају искочити себе и оне који се такмиче чисти (што је већина њих, по свој прилици) да преузме истакнутију улогу.

Појачано испитивање лекова је дуго требало у УФЦ-у. Сам спорт мешовитих борилачких вештина још увек је у повојима, посебно у поређењу са другим спортовима попут фудбала, кошарка и бејзбол. But just like baseball is still recovering from its own crisis with PEDs, these recent failed drug tests have shaken the foundation of the UFC and have harkened back to the days when it was referred to as “human cockfighting.”

UFC adopted the slogan “The Time Is Now” for 2015, and I couldn’t agree more. The time is now for them to take the lead in cleaning up the sport of mixed martial arts.

Chris Huntemann writes about mixed martial arts in the state of Maryland. He also shares his thoughts on the UFC, Беллатор, and World Series of Fighting. Check out his blog, or follow him on Twitter: @mmamaryland.

УФЦ 183: Who will show up?

Фотографија Кредит: УФЦ

The Ultimate Fighting Championship has hit it out of the park so far in 2015, with its first two major cards of the year living up to the hype of their main events. Light heavyweight champion Jon Jones dominated Daniel Cormier to prove he is the pound-for-pound best fighter in the world at UFC 182, and at the UFC’s live card in Boston, Маса., у јануару, Conor McGregor secured a featherweight title shot against José Aldo and wasted no time getting in his next opponent’s face.

Which brings us to UFC 183 вечерас, and a main event that is considered a dream matchup by many. Anderson Silva returns to the Octagon after suffering a gruesome leg injury in his last fight against UFC middleweight champion Chris Weidman in 2013. Nick Diaz also makes his return to the UFC after losing his last fight against former welterweight champion Georges St. Pierre in 2013.

Tonight’s card isn’t without its other storylines though. A pair of significant undercard fights are taking place under some controversy, as flyweight John Lineker came in overweight for his fight against Ian McCall, which is expected to determine the next no. 1 contender to the flyweight title. У сарадњи-главни догађај, Kelvin Gastelum came in 9 pounds overweight for his fight against Tyron Woodley, which means 30 percent of Gastelum’s fight purse actually goes to Woodley. Talk about insult to injury.

Наравно, there is always the wild card with Diaz too. He plays by his own rules, having no-showed the open workouts earlier this week. Will he actually show up to the cage for tonight’s main event? It remains to be seen, though most everyone thinks he will.

Тако, having said all that, who do I think wins tonight?

Miesha “Cupcake” Tate (15-5) вс. Сара МцМанн (8-1) (Women’s bantamweight – 135 кг.)

This is actually the main event of the preliminary card on Fox Sports 1. Tate requested to compete on this portion of the card instead of the pay-per-view card, taking a page from Urijah Faber’s playbook. Tate is also eager for a third fight with Ronda Rousey for the women’s bantamweight title. Both of these women suffered Rousey’s wrath, particularly McMann, who was demolished by Rousey in about a minute last year.

McMann is a pure wrestler with very little else to her repertoire, whereas Tate built on her established wrestling skills to become an effective striker. I think she will stuff McMann’s attempts to take this fight to the mat and use her vastly superior striking skills to keep McMann befuddled en route to a dominant victory.

Winner: Tate by unanimous decision

Jordan “Young Gun” Mein (29-9) вс. Thiago “Pitbull” Alves (25-9) (Welterweight – 170 кг.)

Alves has alternated wins and losses in his last six fights, while Mein rides a two-fight win streak. Alves is always dangerous with his Muay Thai and striking, while Mein landed a first-round TKO victory in his last fight. This should be an exciting stand-up battle with neither guy willing to give an inch. I think Alves is the more dangerous fighter here, and will land one good shot to knock Mein silly.

Winner: Alves by second round TKO

Тхалес Леитес (24-4) вс. Tim “The Barbarian” Boetsch (18-7) (Middleweight – 185 кг.)

Leites comes into this fight on a roll, having won his last seven fights, with the last two coming by way of TKO. Boetsch has alternated wins and losses in his last four fights, including a TKO victory in his last fight against Brad Tavares.

Boetsch is a slow, plodding bruiser best known for derailing the Hector Lombard hype train when he first made his UFC debut. Leites is a crafty, dangerous fighter who can finish you with his hands or by submission. I think Leites will avoid Boetsch’s power and wait for Boetsch to make a mistake, where Leits will capitalize.

Winner: Leites by third round submission

Joe Lauzon (24-10) вс. Al “Raging” Iaquinta (10-3-1) (Lightweight – 155 кг.)

You know what you’re getting with a Joe Lauzon fight. You’re going to see an exciting, action packed bout that will most likely end with him locking in a slick submission or, in the case of his fight against Jim Miller, suffering a gnarly cut that will guarantee a blood battle.

Iaquinta has been on a roll since his time on The Ultimate Fighter Live, having only lost once in his last six fights. A win against Lauzon would be a real feather in his cap and might propel him into title contendership discussion. But Lauzon is one of the best submission specialists in the UFC, and I think the crafty veteran has another submission up his sleeve.

Winner: Lauzon by second round submission

Tyron “The Chosen One” Woodley (14-3) вс. Kelvin Gastelum (11-0) (Welterweight – 170 кг.)

As mentioned above, Gastelum weighed in 9 pounds over for this fight and will forfeit 30 percent of his purse directly to Woodley. It was reported that Gastelum spent time in the hospital leading up to this fight, which contributed to him coming in overweight.

Woodley will be angry in this fight, and rightly so. It’s not fair that his opponent will have a weight advantage due to his own failure to do what he was supposed to do. Give Woodley credit for wanting to keep fighting when it would have been perfectly understandable to postpone it.

Woodley will channel his rage into a blitzkrieg of offense at Gastelum, and the lethargic and probably still-injured Gastelum will have no response.

Winner: Woodley by second round TKO

Андерсон "Спидер" Силва (33-6) вс. Ницк Диаз (27-9-1) (Middleweight – 185 кг.)

This is one of the several main events that have fight fans buzzing in 2015. Many didn’t think Silva would ever walk again after his leg injury against Weidman, let alone come back to the UFC to fight. The matchup style of Diaz wanting to push the pace, get in his opponent’s face and sucker him into trading blows against Silva’s unrivaled elusiveness will be interesting to watch.

Diaz said he wouldn’t trash talk Silva during this fight out of respect. But if Silva keeps bobbing and weaving and dodging Diaz’s punches, we’ll see how long Diaz commits to that. I think we’ll see vintage Silva in this fight, making Diaz look silly in some spots while landing well-timed strikes that will confuse and frustrate Diaz, which will allow Silva to land even more.

Diaz is too tough to finish, but this fight will show that Silva still has it and is the vastly superior fighter.

Winner: Silva by unanimous decision

Chris Huntemann writes about mixed martial arts in the state of Maryland. He also contributes his thoughts to our site on the UFC, Беллатор, and World Series of Fighting. Check out his blog, or follow him on Twitter: @mmamaryland.