Tag Archives: Niujorkas

Evander Holyfield & Luis Collazo Ring 8’s Special Guest Speakers

Antradienis, Lapkritis. 21 at O’Neill’s Restaurant
In Maspeth, NY
NEW YORK (Lapkritis 15, 2017)) – Salė Famer Evanderis “Real Deal” Holyfieldas and former world welterweight champion Luis Collazo will be special guest speakers at Ring 8’s next monthly meeting,Antradienis naktis, Lapkritis 21, at O’Neill’s Restaurant (64-21 53rd Drive) in Maspeth, Niujorkas,
Because a large crowd is expected, only Ring 8 members will be allowed to attend this meeting, but membership may be obtained at the door for those interested in joining Ring 8.
Evander Holyfield is one of the few living legends in our sport,” Žiedas 8 prezidentas Džekas Hirsch sakė. “Taip, you can imagine how thrilled we are to have him as a guest speaker. We had planned to present Holyfield with the Ring 8 Legends Award at our holiday banquet, but a lucrative business opportunity will prohibit him from being there that afternoon. Užuot, we will present him with that award at O’Neil’s. It says a lot about Evander that he adjusted his schedule to remain in New York to attend our meeting.
Luis Collazo is a terrific fighter in his own right, having been a former world champion. His career seems to be on an upswing once again and we are anxious to hear about his future plans.
Holyfield has retired as a boxer with an outstanding 44-10-2 (29 Kos), but this past year he has operated a New York City-based promotional company, Real Deal Boxing. A U.S. Olimpinis, Holyfield is the only unified world cruiserweight champion, as well as a four-time heavyweight champion of the world.
He had a 16-7-2 record in world title fights and won 19 apie 30 fights with two draws against past or present world champions, defeating a Who’s Who list of all-time greats such as Dwight Muhammad Qawi, George Foreman, Larry Holmes, Riddick Bowe ir Mike'as Tysonas (dvigubai), Tarp labiau Aristokratija.
Born in Brooklyn and now a resident of Queens, Collazo (37-7. 20 Kos) captured the World Boxing Association (WBA) welterweight world title on April 2, 2005, winning a 12-round split decision over hometown favorite and defending champion Jose Antonio Rivera Worcester, Masačusetsas.
The 26-year-old Collazo, who has also defeated world champions Miguel Angel Gonzalez ir Viktoras Ortiz, remains a world title contender having upset 21-1 Sammy Vasquez in his last action by way of a sixth-round knockout last February.
APIE ŽIEDAS 8: Žiedas 8 tapo aštunta dukterinė kas tada buvo žinoma kaip Nacionalinė Veteranas boksininkų asociacija – taigi, ŽIEDAS 8 – ir šiandien organizacijos šūkis išlieka: Bokseriai Padėti Boxers.
ŽIEDAS 8 yra visiškai įsipareigojusi remti mažiau pasisekė žmonių bokso bendruomenės nariai gali prireikti pagalbos, kalbant apie mokėjimo Nuoma, medicininių išlaidų, ar kas pateisinama būtinybė.
Eiti į eilutę www.Ring8ny.com Daugiau informacijos apie ŽIEDU 8, Didžiausią grupę tokio pobūdžio JAV daugiau nei 350 prisijungę. Metinė narystė mokesčiai yra tik $30.00 ir kiekvienas narys turi teisę švediško vakarienė ŽIEDU 8 mėnesiniai susitikimai, išskyrus liepą ir rugpjūtį. Visi aktyvūs boksininkai, mėgėjų ir profesionalų, su dabartinės bokso licencijos ar knygos turi teisę į nemokamas ŽIEDU 8 kasmet narystės. Šis žiedas 8 nariai yra laukiami esant tik išlaidas $7.00 vienam asmeniui.

31stanualinis žiedas 8 Atostogų Renginių & Apdovanojimų ceremonija gruodis. 10 Niujorke

Vasilijus Lomachenko, Evander Holyfield, Michaelas Conlanas,
Marcus Brown, Tarp jų - Amanda Serrano 2017 Laimėtojai
Vasilijus Lomachenko (R) – 2017 Žiedas 8 Muhammado Ali tarptautinis metų kovotojas)
(nuotrauka mandagumo Top Rank – Daugiau nuotraukų žemiau)
NEW YORK (Spalis 31, 2017) – The 31g metinė žiedas 8 Atostogų įvykį ir apdovanojimų ceremonija vyks Sekmadienis popietė (12:30-5:30 p.m. IR), Gruodis 10, ne Russo On The Bay Howard Beach, Niujorkas.
Žiedas 8 paskelbė apie savo 2017 Laimėtojai (pamatyti pilną sąrašą žemiau), WBO jaunių lengvo svorio pasaulio čempionas ir du kartus olimpinis aukso medalio laimėtojas Vasilijus “Labas Tech” Lomančenka (Muhammado Ali tarptautinis metų kovotojas), Salė-of-Famer Evanderis “Real Deal” Holyfieldas (Legendų premija), du kartus airis Olimpietis Michaelas Conlanas (Tarptautinis metų perspektyvos apdovanojimas), 2012 Ne JAV. Olimpinis “Ponas” Marcus Brown (Niujorko valstijos metų kovotojas), Staten Island, ir penkių divizionų pasaulio čempionas Amanda “Real Deal” Serrano, iš Bruklino per Puerto Riką.
“Šiais metais mūsų šventinis apdovanojimų banketas sulaukia neįtikėtino susidomėjimo” Žiedas 8 sakė prezidentas Jackas Hirschas. “Vasyl Lomachenko, be abejo, yra didžiausias pasaulio kovotojas, o Evanderis Holyfieldas - gyva legenda. Abu jie patvirtinti, kaip ir būsimos superžvaigždės Michaelas Conlanas ir Marcusas Browne'as. Taip pat bus kitų aukšto lygio apdovanojimų ir bokso asmenybių. Tai bus malonumas gerbėjams, kurie turės galimybę su jais bendrauti.
“„Russo's on the Bay“ yra puiki vieta; maistas fantastiškas. Visi susirinkusieji turėtų prisiminti nuostabius renginio prisiminimus. Bilietai į tokio masto romaną yra labai priimtinos kainos. Paprastai išparduodame, todėl siūlau visiems, kurie planuoja dalyvauti, įsigyti bilietus kuo greičiau. Mūsų popietės pelnas grįžta į bokso broliją, padėti tiems, kuriems nepasiseka, kuriems reikia pagalbos.”
2017 ŽIEDAS 8 Nugalėtojai
Muhammado Ali tarptautinis metų kovotojas: Vasilijus Lomachenko
Legendų premija: Evander Holyfield
Tarptautinė metų perspektyva: Michaelas Conlanas
NYS metų kovotojas: Marcus Brown
NYS Metų kovotoja moteris: Amanda Serrano
„Sunnyside Gardens“ apdovanojimas:: Bobby Cassidy, Sr.
NYS metų prospektas: Devaun Lee
Kylančio pretendento apdovanojimas: Skender & Anwar Halili
Samo Kellermano žiniasklaidos apdovanojimas: Mattas Christie
NYS metų treneris: Hektoras Rosa
Ilgai & Nusipelnęs aptarnavimas: Edvinas Torresas
NYS Metų pareigūnas: Robertas Perezas
NYS metų rėmėjas: „Mercedes Vasquez Simmons“
Uncrowned čempionas: Richardas Kiley
Metų gydytojas „Ringside“: Dr. Osricas Kingas
Gero vaikino apdovanojimas: Joanne Doyle Hutchins
Žiedas 8 Metų narys: George'as Newmanas
Bendrijos tarnyba apdovanojimas: Mike Reno
Ypatingi svečiai bus įtraukti Teddy Atlas, Vito Antuofermo, Iranas Barkley, Tommy Gallagher ir daugelis kitų.
Davidas Diamante vėl bus renginio ceremonijų meistras.
Bilietus $125.00 įskaičiuoti pilni vėlyvieji pusryčiai ir kokteilių valanda, po sėdėjimo prie apdovanojimų ceremonijoje, Vakarienė ir desertas, ir aukščiausios lentynos atviros baras visoje pietų. Taip pat bus tylus aukcionas bokso relikvijų. Tikimasi, kad šis renginys bus išparduotas ir visi raginami kuo greičiau nusipirkti bilietus, kad būtų užtikrintos palankios vietos. Parama bet nominalo yra sveikintinas tiems negalėjo dalyvauti šventes.
Programos skelbimai yra galiniame viršelyje ($500.00), Priekinio arba galinio dangtelio viduje ($400.00), Visas puslapis ($200.00), Kaip pusė puslapio ($100.00), ir Ketvirtfinalis tinklalapis ($60.00). Už visus skelbimus terminas yra Lapkritis 26, 2017, ir turi būti išsiųstas (Ajhirsch5@aol) arba išsiųstas Ringui 8, P.O. Dėžutės 153, Rockaway parkas, NY 11694. Visi bilietų ar žurnalų skelbimų čekiai turėtų būti mokami „Ring“ 8 (kredito kortelės yra priimtinos).
Norėdami gauti daugiau informacijos apie „Ring“ 8 arba jo kasmetinių atostogų Renginiai ir apdovanojimų ceremonija, susisiekite su „Ring“ 8 prezidentas Jackas Hirschas (516.790.7592 arba Ajhirsch5@aol.com) arba eikite į internetą www.Ring8ny.com Daugiau informacijos.
Russo On The Bay yra įsikūręs 162-45 Crossbay Blvd. į Howard Beach(718.843.5055).
Vasilijus Lomachenko (nuotrauka mandagumo Top Rank)
Evander Holyfield (nuotrauka iš „Real Deal Sports and Entertainment“)
Michaelas Conlanas (Nuotrauka iš „Top Rank“)
Marcus Brown (nuotrauka mandagumo Premier bokso čempionai)
Amanda Serrano (nuotrauką pateikė „DiBella Entertainment“)
APIE ŽIEDAS 8: Susikūrė 1954 pateikiant ir ex-Prizefighter, Džekas Grebelsky, Žiedas 8 tapo aštunta dukterinė kas tada buvo žinoma kaip Nacionalinė Veteranas boksininkų asociacija – taigi, ŽIEDAS 8 – ir šiandien organizacijos šūkis išlieka: Bokseriai Padėti Boxers.
ŽIEDAS 8 yra visiškai įsipareigojusi remti mažiau pasisekė žmonių bokso bendruomenės nariai gali prireikti pagalbos, kalbant apie mokėjimo Nuoma, medicininių išlaidų, ar kas pateisinama būtinybė.

Eiti į eilutę www.Ring8ny.com Daugiau informacijos apie ŽIEDU 8, Didžiausią grupę tokio pobūdžio JAV daugiau nei 350 prisijungę. Metinė narystė mokesčiai yra tik $30.00 ir kiekvienas narys turi teisę švediško vakarienė ŽIEDU 8 mėnesiniai susitikimai, išskyrus liepą ir rugpjūtį. Visi aktyvūs boksininkai, mėgėjų ir profesionalų, turi teisę į nemokamas ŽIEDU 8 kasmet narystės. Šis žiedas 8 nariai yra laukiami esant tik išlaidas $7.00 vienam asmeniui


Paveikslėlis žemiau: Levy SaulEl NegroMarroquin (8-2) will compete in aCOPA COMBATEtournament alternate bout in Cancun, Mexico onŠeštadienis, Lapkritis. 11. Nuotraukų kreditas: Scott Hirano/Combate Americas, UAB



NIUJORKAS - Spalis 26, 2017 –Combate Americas today announced the addition of two “alternate bouts” for its historic, Vienos nakties, eight-man “COPA COMBATE” Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) Gaidys (135 svarų) tournament that will award its winner a grand prize of $100,000 at Grand Oasis in Cancun, Mexico on Šeštadienis, Lapkritis. 11, live on Telemundo Deportes (11:35 p.m. IR/10:35 p.m. KT, or following “Titulares y Mas”).

The two alternate matchups, as well as a newly announced women’s atomweight (105 svarų) matchup between world top 10-ranked Sheila Padilla (3-1) iš Visalia, Kalifas. and aggressive-minded Lisbeth “Bunny” Lopez Silva(4-3) Meksikas, Mexico will stream live on the Telemundo Deportes En Vivo app and TelemundoDeportes.com, pradedant nuo 9 p.m. IR/8 p.m. KT, preceding the live Telemundo Deportes broadcast of the event that picks up with the tournament’s first semifinal stage matchup.

In one tournament alternate bout, Levy Saul “El Negro” Marroquin (8-2) bus suvesti ne su Alejandro “Pitbull” Abomohor (5-4) ir, in the other tournament alternate bout, Felipe “Pipe” Vargas (4-0) will face off with Jose “Pupi” Calvo (3-1).

In the event a winner of one of the tournament’s quarterfinal stage bouts is unable to advance to the semifinal stage due to injury, one of the two alternate bout winners will take the injured quarterfinal bout winner’s place in the semifinal stage.

Aukščiau: Sheila Padilla (į kairę) will square off with Lisbeth Lopez Silva (teisė) in an atomweight (105 svarų) preliminary bout atCOPA COMBATE” apie Šeštadienis, Lapkritis. 11. Nuotraukų kreditas: Combate Amerika, UAB

Marroquin’s start will mark a drop from the featherweight division. 22-ejų metų, who hails from Monterrey, Meksika, has produced seven of his eight career victories to date, by way of (T)KO arba pateikimas.

Abohomor of Barranquilla, Colombia is a 23-year-old Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu national champion and Capoeira expert.

Nenugalėtas, 23-year-old Vargas is a ferocious knockout artist who recently relocated from Spain to Miami, Fla. where he has been training with famed fight squad American Top Team.

Similar to Vargas, the 24-year-old Calvo of San Jose, Costa Rica moved to Chicago, Blogai. where he trains with renowned coach Mike Valle.

Tickets for “COPA COMBATE” at Grand Oasis Cancun are on sale at SmarTicket.

“COPA COMBATE” takes place on the 24oji anniversary of McLaren’s now legendary UFC 1 event that he executive produced as the co-founder of the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC). The storied event set off a combat sports revolution, and changed the martial arts fight world forever.

The live Telemundo broadcast of “COPA COMBATE” marks the first time in history that NBCU’s leading Spanish language television network will air MMA fight programming, and will cover the tournament’s two semifinal stage bouts and championship stage showdown as well as a previously women’s strawweight (115 pounds0 co-main event between Melissa “Super Melly” Martinez (2-0) of Mexico City and Gloria “Gloriosa” Bravo (4-2) of Santiago, Čilė.

A lottery ball drawing to determine the “COPA COMBATE” tournament quarterfinal stage matchups will be held onKetvirtadienis, Lapkritis. 2. The eight tournament competitors are as follows:

  • Jonas „Sexi Mexi“ Castaneda (14-2) iš Mankato, Nuo.
  • Marcelo “Pitbull” Rojo (12-4) of Cordoba, Argentina
  • Carlos “Lobo” Rivera (10-2) Meksikas, Meksika
  • Mikey “El Terrible” Erosa (12-5) San Chuanas, Puerto Rikas
  • Marc “Lufo” Gomez (20-10) of Barcelona, Ispanija
  • Andres “Doble A” Ayala (11-4) of Bogota, Kolumbija
  • Kevin “El Frio” Moreyra (4-1) of Lima, Peru
  • Ricky "The Gallero" Palacios (9-1) Misijos, Teksasas

The entire quarterfinal stage of the tournament will stream live on the Telemundo Deportes En Vivo app and TelemundoDeportes.com, along with the tournament alternate bouts and the women’s preliminary bout.

Telemundo Deportes, one of the leading providers of sports content in Spanish in the United States, is home to two of the world’s most popular sporting events: the FIFA World Cup™ through 2026 and the Summer Olympic Games through 2032. Papildomai, Telemundo Deportes broadcasts the FIFA World Cup™ CONCACAF qualifying matches for most of the region, including the Mexico and USA national teams’ away matches and the Premier League. Telemundo Deportes is also home to “Boxeo Telemundo Ford,” the #1 boxing program in Spanish, and “Titulares y Más,” the #1 sports news, entertainment and commentary show in Spanish, among other recognized sports properties.

Demetrius Andrade wins 12-round unanimous decision over Alantez Fox in Middleweight Debut

Televised Live on HBO Boxing After Dark®

Ruben Villa and Michael Dutchover remain perfect in non-televised action

All Photo Credits: Emily Harney / Banner Akcijos

UŽ nedelsiant paleisti
Verona, NY (Spalis. 21 2017) -Two-Time undefeated world champion Demetrijus Andrade made a successful debut as a middleweight by winning a dominant 12-round unanimous decision over previously undefeated Alantez Fox at The Turning Stone Resort Casino.
The bout was the co-feature bout of an HBO Boxing After Dark® tripleheader
In round one, Andrade rocked Fox with a blistering straight left hand. Fox was wobbled badly, and Andrade jumped on Fox. After landing several hard follow up shots, Fox was able to hold on and get out of the first frame. Andrade was dominant as he continued to land swift combinations at will. That opening flurry caused Fox to engage very sporadically during the fight
In round seven, Fox was awarded a dubious knockdown when Andrade slipped on the wet canvas. Television replays showed that Fox did not even land a punch during that exchange.
That was the only blemish for Andrade, as he controlled the action by using his superior skills on both the inside and landing crisp and sharp punches on the outside and he cruised home to the victory. Compubox punch stats showed the dominance of Andrade as he outlanded Fox 158-52 over the 12-round bout with Andrade winning the power shots by a 132-29 margin.
Those stats were evident in the scoring as Andrade of Providence, Rhode Island won by scores of 118-110, 118-109, ir 116-111 to push his perfect mark to 25-0.
Fox loses for the first time, and the native of Forestville, Maryland is now 23-1-1.
I did what I had to do in there. I think I did very well, but I will look at the fight and then give myself a grade after that,” Sakė Andrade.
I did everything I needed to do. It was a great experience to go 12 rounds at this weight. Fox is a tough kid, and after I hurt him early in the first round, he recovered well. He wasn’t sloppy and he knew how to survive, so that is why I did not finish him.
I took my time and I needed the 12 raundai. I knew I could hurt him and had the pop to do it.
I will go back and work on putting a little more pop on my punches and I feel that I can do a lot of damage.
He was a big test. Nobody would step up and face him, and I did. This is why I am the best, because I am willing to face anybody. Fox is a good fighter and he will do damage down the line, but like I told everybody before the fight, Look out It’s me again!.”
Ne-televiziją veiksmų, Rubeno vila remained perfect by winning a six-round unanimous decision over German Meraz in a featherweight bout.
Villa controlled the action against the 100 fight veteran Meraz. Villa won by shutout margins on all cards by the scores of 60-54 which made Villa of Salinas, California raise his mark to 9-0. Meraz of Agua, Prieta, Meksika yra 54-45-1.
The card opened up with Michaelas Dutchoveris beating down and eventually stopping Anthony De Jesus Ruiz in round four of their six-round lightweight bout.
Dutchover landed heavy blows throughout the contest and had Ruiz in trouble several times before the bout was stopped at 2:42 apvalios keturių.
Dutchover of Santa Fe Springs, California via Midland, Teksasas dabar 7-0 su penkiais Knockouts. Ruiz of San Luis Potosi, Mexico is now 2-4.
The AndradeFox bout was promoted by Banner Promotions, Joe DeGuardia’s Star Boxing and A-Team Promotions, in association with DiBella Entertainment.

The Villa – Merazas & DutchoverRuiz fights were promoted by Banner Promotions and Thompson Boxing.

Dėl nuolatinių mūsų kovotojų atnaujinimų, Renginiai, ir akcijos, prašau patikrinti Reklamjuostės akcijos „Facebook“ puslapis , ir seki mus toliau Instagram ir „Twitter“ @BannerBoxing .
"Twitter", Instagram: StarBoxing
"Facebook": facebook.com/starboxing
„YouTube“: youtube.com/starboxing
Host of the October 21st event, Tekinimo akmens Resort Casino yra apdovanojimai paskirties kurortas, kuri ir toliau atskirti save kaip premier vieta kova-of-the-metų lygio bokso. The October event will mark Turning Stone’s 23rd nationally-televised bokso renginys, cementavimo kurortą kaip pirmaujanti paskirties šalyje, televizijos Kovinis sportas. Turning Stone is celebrated for its noteworthy boxing events such as boxing legend Mike Tyson selecting the resort as the venue for his world debut as a promoter, Muhammad Ali’s daughter Laila Ali made her boxing debut at Turning Stone and in April 2015, Turning Stone was selected to host “Kova Metų” varžovas – Matthysse vs. Provodnivkovover arenas in Los Angeles, Las Vegas and Miami. Tekinimo Stone funkcijos pasaulinės klasės patogumai įskaitant keturių viešbučių, daugiau negu 20 parašas restoranų ir maitinimo įstaigų, du kurortus, visiškai naujas 125,000 kvadratinių pėdų Las Vegasas stilius Žaidimų grindų, kabareto stiliaus salonas, a 5,000 sėdynė arenos, penki golfo kursai, keletas barų, kokteilių barų ir naktinio gyvenimo vietų su gyva pramogų kiekvieną savaitgalį.
Tickets for this highly anticipated matchup are on sale now and available for $65 for ringside seats and others priced at $25, $30, $40 ir $49, plius visi taikomi mokesčiai. Tickets can be purchased in person at the Turning Stone Resort Box Office, paskambinus 315-361-7469 arba internete adresu Ticketmaster (www.ticketmaster.com).
Corrales vs. Machado is a 12-round fight for the WBA Super World Super Featherweight Championship, to be held Saturday, Spalis 21 at the Turning Stone in Verona, Niujorkas. The main event is presented by Golden Boy Promotions in association with Cotto Promotions. The event is sponsored by TECATE, THE OFFICIAL BEER OF BOXING, Meksika Tekila Namas, and Thor: Ragnarok, and will be televised live on HBO Boxing After Dark beginning at 10:05 p.m. IR/PT.
Professional media requesting credentials for Corrales vs. Machado must contact Kelly Abdo, Tekinimo akmens Resort Casino viešųjų ryšių vadovas ne kelly.abdo@turningstone.com.
Photos and videos are available to download by clicking here or copying and pasting the link http://bit.ly/CorralesMachado into a browser. Credit must be given to Golden Boy Promotions for photos and videos used.
Daugiau informacijos rasite www.goldenboypromotions.su, www.hbo.com/boxing, ir įww.turningstone.com sekti Twitter neGoldenBoyBoxing, @HBOboxing @TurningStone; ir tapti "Facebook" ventiliatorius www.facebook.com/GoldenBoyBoxing, www.facebook.com/hboboxing, ir www.facebook.com/Tekinimo Toner Black and visit us on Instagram at @GoldenBoyBoxing and @TurningStone. Follow the conversation using #CorralesMachado

Heralded Prospects Ruben Villa and Michael Dutchover to appear on non-televised undercard this Saturday night at Turning Stone Resort Casino

PHILADELPHIA, PENN./ORANGE, Kalifas. (Spalis. 19, 2017) – Heralded prospects, nereikšmingas daiktas Rubeno vila (8-0, 4Kos) and junior lightweight Michaelas Dutchoveris (6-0, 4 Kos) will return to action šį šeštadienį night on the non-televised portion of an HBO Boxing After Dark® card at the Turning Stone Resort Casino in Verona, Niujorkas.
Salino vila, California imsis 103 fight veteran German Meraz in a featherweight bout, while Dutchover of Santa Fe Springs, California via Midland, Texas will fight Anthony De Jesus Ruiz in a junior lightweight contest.
Villa and Dutchover are co-promoted by Banner Promotions and Thompson Boxing.
Both are training in Santa Fe Springs, California and are ready for their 2nd appearances on the East Coast.
Each fighter chimed in with thoughts on their respective battles.
Everything has gone good in training camp. I just fought four weeks ago, but I stay ready and that is the case now. I am ready for Saturday night,” said Villa.
Meraz is by far the most veteran opponent that Villa has faced. He has been in the ring with 25 undefeated opponents and 9 pasaulio čempionai.
I just need to be patient against him. He has over 100 fights and knows his way around the ring. If a knockout presents itself then I have to take it, but I want to display my skills.
Being on a big card has the 20 year-old Villa excited, and he is looking to endear himself to the New York fight crowd.
I am excited to be fighting on a bigger show. It motivates me to do better and get on the broadcast someday soon. It is very exciting to be on these types of events.
This will be the ninth bout for Villa in just fifteen months he is very happy about the progress of his career.
When I signed the plan was to be active, and that has been the case. I would like to get one more fight in this year. But I first I am very excited to put on a great performance šeštadienį naktį.”
Dutchover has moved his camp from Texas to California, and the results have been very good as he heads into his bout šeštadienį.

Photo by Carlos Baeza/Thompson Boxing
“Viskas vyksta puikiai. I just fought last month, and I felt good. I am ready to go back to the east coast, and put on a great show.
Like Villa, Dutchover was very impressive in his east coast debut on April 14th, and he is looking to cement himself as one of the top prospects in the junior lightweight division.
This is nothing new. I have fought on big shows before in the amateurs. The ring is my home. As long as I am in the ring, I will do my thing and put on an impressive performance.
Even though Dutchover has very little to go on when it comes to scouting Ruiz, Dutchover is already a young veteran and is leaving no stone unturned.
I do not know much about him, but I am prepared for anything he will bring, and then I will adjust. I have had many different sparring partners with diverse styles, so that gets me ready for any opponent.
I planned for this, and I train hard. I am always ready when I get the call for a fight. I am glad that I have been busy, and I have been improving with each fight, and next year should be a good year in my career. I have a mentality that if I train hard, the fight is easy. When I get in the ring, I just like to have fun.

Dėl nuolatinių mūsų kovotojų atnaujinimų, Renginiai, ir akcijos, prašau patikrinti Reklamjuostės akcijos „Facebook“ puslapis , ir seki mus toliau Instagram and Twitter BannerBoxing.


Lara Outpoints Terrell Gausha, Charlo Scores Stunning Knockout Of Erickson Lubin & Hurd KOs Austin Trout In SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING Event
Nepraleiskite pakartojimo Pirmadienis, Spalis. 16 Į 10 p.m. IR/PT
Dėl Showtime EXTREME
Spauskite ČIA už Nuotraukos iš Ed Kalbos / DiBella Pramogos
Spauskite ČIA for Photos from Tom Casino/SHOWTIME
Spauskite ČIA už Nuotraukos iš Stephanie Trapp / Showtime
BROOKLYN (Spalis. 15, 2017) – WBA Super Welterweight World Champion Erislandy Lara knocked down previously unbeaten Terrell Gausha en route to a 12-round unanimous decision in the main event of SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXINGŠeštadienis on SHOWTIME at Barclays Center.
The Premier Boxing Champions event featured three world title fights in the stacked 154-pound division, a lineup including five fighters ranked in the top 10, and four in the top five.
The southpaw Lara used a precise jab to set up a sharp left hand in the sixth defense of his world title. The supreme technician, known for his elusiveness, put on a clinic as expected. He fought mostly in the pocket and picked apart the 2012 Ne JAV. Olympian Gausha, a Cleveland native getting his first shot at a world title.
Lara landed 45 percent of his power shots and threw 200 more total punches in the bout that was scored 116-111 ir 117-110 dvigubai.
We want to give a lot of credit to Gausha. He’s an Olympian and he came to fight,” Lara said. “I take the rhythm of the boxing match and that’s when I take over. He’s fighting with the best in the division. He’s not a stupid fighter, but he knew who he was facing today.
I’m ready to box anyone that comes my way. I’m the best boxer at 154 pounds and I won’t shy away from anyone that wants to fight me. I’ll box whoever, just line them up. I’m not afraid. I have proven that I’m a true champion. I’ll fight (Jermell) Charlo if I have to. We are friends, but business is business.
One of the most anticipated fights of the year lasted only 2:41 seconds as WBC Super Welterweight World Champion Jermell Charlo knocked out Erickson Lubin with a brutal right uppercut to the chin in the opening round in the second of three 154-pound world title fights. VAIZDO: http://s.sho.com/2yoXIU6
While the matchup of young, undefeated Americans was regarded as one of boxing’s best fights in a year of marquee matchups, Jermell Charlo had other plans. After feeling each other out Charlo, the twin brother of undefeated former champion Jermall, unloaded a strong right uppercut that the highly touted Lubin leaned into. With Lubin struggling to return to his feet, referee Harvey Dock waived off the contest and helped a dazed Lubin return to his corner.
They were giving him a lot of attention,” a fired up Lubin told SHOWTIME Sports reporter Jim Gray. “I was quiet the whole time. They said they were going to come take my title. I had to defend it. They didn’t know what I was brining into this and I think (Lubin) was worried about the wrong things.
We’re going to unify. The other champions want to fight me and I’ll take any of them. Give me another title. I want Hurd. Hurd just won. Give me Hurd.
The 22-year-old Lubin, boxing’s consensus 2016 prospect of the year, had his hopes of becoming the second youngest titlist in boxing dashed in less than three minutes.
I’m fine. He caught me with a blind shot. I didn’t see it coming. He landed it. I felt like when I got up I could have kept fighting, but it’s boxing. It happens.
I’m young and I’m hungry. I know I’m one of the best out there. He caught me with a blind shot that I didn’t see. Kaip ir sakiau, it’s boxing. I’m just going to remain hungry, get back in the gym and become the champion I know I am.
I’m young and have plenty of fight left in me. This is just a minor setback. I’ll be back sooner than later and hungrier than ever.
IBF Junior Middleweight World Champion Jarrett Hurd became the first person to stop veteran former champion Austin Trout with a 10oji round technical knockout in the first defense of his world title in the opening bout of the SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast.
The 27-year-old Hurd did what Miguel Cotto, Canelo Alvarez, Erislandy Lara and Jermall Charlo could not after the ringside doctor stepped in to stop the bout following a brutal closing 20 sekundžių 10oji frame.
„Accokeek“, Md., native often neglected defense in the early rounds and fought back after a slow start to wear down the toughest opponent of his career. The championship affair shifted in the sixth as Trout tired and Hurd picked up his output of power shots despite a bloody cut over his left eye. Trout was practically saved by the bell in the 10ojiround and trainer Louie Burke did not protest as he was advised that the fight should be stopped.
It’s most definitely tougher to defend the title than win it,” Hurd said. “I’m always the one that comes on stronger at the end of the fight. We knew we were going to wear Austin Trout down in the later rounds and eventually stop him. My cut made me a little better with my head movement.
Team Swift, we don’t run from anyone. I’m ready to unify. 2018 is the year for unifications. It doesn’t matter who it is. I’m ready to fight anyone.
Hurd had a 89-31 edge in power punches landed over the last three rounds and connected on 43 percent of his power shots over 10 raundai.
Trout was taken to Lutheran Hospital for observation after the bout.
Šeštadienio Televizijos bus peržaisti dėl Pirmadienis, Spalis. 16 į 10 p.m. IR/PT apie Showtime ekstremalios ir bus prieinama Showtime on Demand® ir Showtime ANYTIME®.
# # #
Daugiau informacijos rasite www.SHO.com/Sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, sekti Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, LouDiBella, @TGBPromotions @BarclaysCenter or become a fan on Facebook at:

Two-Time World Champion Demetrius Andrade camp quotes and photos

Andrade battles Alantez Fox on Šeštadienis, Spalis 21 nuo
Tekinimo akmens Resort Casino Veronoje, Niujorkas
Televised Live on HBO Boxing After Dark®

All Photos by Megan Cambra

UŽ nedelsiant paleisti
Apvaizda, R.. (Spalis. 13, 2017) – Undefeated two-time junior middleweight world champion, Demetrijus “Boo Boo” Andrade chimed in on his upcoming 12 round middleweight bout with undefeated Alantez Fox when he makes his return to HBO® that will take place on Šeštadienis, October 21st nuo Tekinimo akmens Resort Casino Verona, Niujorkas.
The bout will be the live co-feature of an HBO Boxing After Dark tripleheader card that will feature Jazreel Corrales defending the WBA World Super Featherweight Title against undefeated Alberto Machado and Ryan Burnett taking on Zhanat Zhakiyanov (juosta delsimas) in a Bantamweight Unification Bout. The HBO telecast will begin at 10:05 p.m. IR/PT.
The Corrales vs. Machado bout is promoted by Golden Boy Promotions.
The AndradeFox bout is promoted by Banner Promotions, Joe DeGuardia’s Star Boxing and A-Team Promotions, in association with DiBella Entertainment.
Andrade has been training at the Big 6 Gym in his native Providence, and he is ready to make a statement on October 21st.
Its me again! Camp is going well. I’m getting some quality tall guys for sparring and working on implementing my gameplan for the fight. I’m on schedule weight wise, and feeling good. We’re just about a week away. I’m excited to get back on HBO, and the fans are excited about the likelihood of future matchups with some of the other stars in the division. Visų pirmą, and that means I have to take care of business against Alantez Fox on October 21st,” Sakė Andrade.
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"Twitter", Instagram: StarBoxing
"Facebook": facebook.com/starboxing
„YouTube“: youtube.com/starboxing
Host of the October 21st renginys, Tekinimo akmens Resort Casino yra apdovanojimai paskirties kurortas, kuri ir toliau atskirti save kaip premier vieta kova-of-the-metų lygio bokso. The October event will mark Turning Stone’s 23rd nationally-televised bokso renginys, cementavimo kurortą kaip pirmaujanti paskirties šalyje, televizijos Kovinis sportas. Turning Stone is celebrated for its noteworthy boxing events such as boxing legend Mike Tyson selecting the resort as the venue for his world debut as a promoter, Muhammad Ali’s daughter Laila Ali made her boxing debut at Turning Stone and in April 2015, Turning Stone was selected to host “Kova Metų” varžovas – Matthysse vs. Provodnivkovover arenas in Los Angeles, Las Vegas and Miami. Tekinimo Stone funkcijos pasaulinės klasės patogumai įskaitant keturių viešbučių, daugiau negu 20 parašas restoranų ir maitinimo įstaigų, du kurortus, visiškai naujas 125,000 kvadratinių pėdų Las Vegasas stilius Žaidimų grindų, kabareto stiliaus salonas, a 5,000 sėdynė arenos, penki golfo kursai, keletas barų, kokteilių barų ir naktinio gyvenimo vietų su gyva pramogų kiekvieną savaitgalį.
Tickets for this highly anticipated matchup are on sale now and available for $65 for ringside seats and others priced at $25, $30, $40 ir $49, plius visi taikomi mokesčiai. Tickets can be purchased in person at the Turning Stone Resort Box Office, paskambinus 315-361-7469 arba internete adresu Ticketmaster (www.ticketmaster.com).
Corrales vs. Machado is a 12-round fight for the WBA Super World Super Featherweight Championship, vyks Šeštadienis, Spalis 21 at the Turning Stone in Verona, Niujorkas. The main event is presented by Golden Boy Promotions in association with Cotto Promotions. The event is sponsored by TECATE, THE OFFICIAL BEER OF BOXING, Meksika Tekila Namas, and Thor: Ragnarok, and will be televised live on HBO Boxing After Dark beginning at 10:05 p.m. IR/PT.
Professional media requesting credentials for Corrales vs. Machado must contact Kelly Abdo, Tekinimo akmens Resort Casino viešųjų ryšių vadovas ne kelly.abdo@turningstone.com.
Photos and videos are available to download by clicking here or copying and pasting the link http://bit.ly/CorralesMachado into a browser. Credit must be given to Golden Boy Promotions for photos and videos used.
Daugiau informacijos rasite www.goldenboypromotions.su, www.hbo.com/boxing, ir įww.turningstone.com sekti Twitter neGoldenBoyBoxing, @HBOboxing @TurningStone; ir tapti "Facebook" ventiliatorius www.facebook.com/GoldenBoyBoxing, www.facebook.com/hboboxing, ir www.facebook.com/Tekinimo Toner Black and visit us on Instagram at @GoldenBoyBoxing and @TurningStone. Follow the conversation using #CorralesMachado


Photo by Stephanie Trapp/SHOWTIME
Showtime ČEMPIONATO Boksas® Telecast of Premier Boxing Champions Event Begins Live At 10 p.m. IR/7 p.m. PT
Spauskite ČIA už Nuotraukos iš Stephanie Trapp / Showtime
Spauskite ČIA už Nuotraukos iš Ed Kalbos / DiBella Pramogos
NEW YORK (Spalis. 12, 2017) – Six of the world’s best 154-pound boxers met face-to-face at the Highline Ballroom in Manhattan on Thursday at the final press conference for tai šeštadienio world championship tripleheader live on SHOWTIME.
The Premier Boxing Champions event taking place at Barclays Center, Brooklyn Boksas namų®, features five fighters ranked in the top 10 – and four in the top fivein one of boxing’s deepest divisions. Showtime ČEMPIONATO Boksas televizijos laidos prasideda 10 p.m. IR/7 p.m. PT and is headlined by WBA Super Welterweight World Champion Erislandy “American Dream” Lara making the sixth defense of his title against undefeated contender Terrell Gausha.
Be bendro funkcija, WBC negu vidutinis svoris čempionas Jermell “Geležinis žmogus” Charlo will defend his title against fellow unbeaten No. 1 varžovas Erickson “Plaktukas” Lubin. IBF Junior Middleweight Champion “Greitai” Jarrett Hurd makes the first defense of his title against former world champion Ostinas “Be abejonės” Upėtakis televizijos atidaryme.
Tickets to the event are on sale now and start at $50 (neįskaitant taikomų mokesčių). Bilietus galima įsigyti ticketmaster.com, barclayscenter.com arba paskambinus 800-745-3000. Tickets can also be purchased at the American Express Box Office at Barclays Center. Grupė nuolaidos paskambinę 844-BKLYN-GP.
Here’s what the fighters had to say on Thursday:
“Apie Oct.14, I will show why I’m the No. 1 fighter in the division.
Just another day at work; another day at the office for me. I have to do what I have to do and be a smart boxer to win this fight. I’m going to have to show a little bit of everything: show my boxing, and show my power. He will see a little bit of everything šeštadienį naktis.
Absolutely I want to unify. That’s what I’m here forto win all the belts. Po šios kovos, hopefully one of these young guns will step up to the plate and fight me.
I will show everybody I’m the best in the 154-pound division, and I’m here for a long time. It’s very important to bring this world title back to the people of Houston. There’s been a lot of tragedy in Houston, and I hope with this win it brings just a little bit of joy to my fans and people going through a hard time.
This is going to be my best performance to date and I look to be sharp and focused. I love the competition and the tough challenges, and I look to be at point šeštadienį naktis.
It’s time for the young guys and Olympians like me, Errol Spence and Rau’Shee Warren to take over. It’s our time.
I’ve got a huge support system in Cleveland and my mom has a busload of people coming to see me. To have fans like that come and support you makes you want to dig down deep and get that win.
We had a strong camp with my sparring partners in Dallas. We know who’s below us. This young guy here [Lubin] has a big fight coming up. I already know what I have to do. They got to be the ones that try and figure out a game plan. Try and come up with a ‘Plan Bor ‘Plan A.You got a lot of hype man, a lot of people around you buzzing. They keep you going, they keep you rowdy. Tai gerai. We clap too, we love it. We enjoy it. Bet Šeštadienis naktis, the fight that I thought should have been the main event of the card is going to be the one that steals the show. We did this before, we will do it again.
“Aš nenugalėtas, he’s undefeated. Regardless of if he has the same amount of fights that I have, jis alkanas. He’s been running his mouth a lot lately. That has a lot to do with the reason why my team gets rowdy. We get rowdy and that’s the kind of energy we feed off of. When you continue to do what you do, I just got to back it up in the ring and I can’t worry about what my opponent says and what his team says, because nobody has to fight but us.
Let’s get in there and get comfortable in the ring. Hopefully I make him pay for the mistakes he’s making right now.
It’s so important for me to bring a world title back to Houston. I told my brother [Jermall] that I’m competing with one of his knockouts against an undefeated fighter. It’s not about the world title because my city needs it. My family needs it. My son loves it. Taigi, I’ve got my life on the line.
“Aš esu labai susijaudinęs. Aš labai pasitikintys, I had a great training camp and I’m just ready to go šeštadienį.
I hear it a lot, that I’m younger and he’s more experienced. It doesn’t really get to me, I know it is a huge step up because I’m fighting for the WBC title, not because of my opponent. I’ve seen everything in the ring. I’ve seen all types of fighters through training, fighting and through amateurs so this is definitely a big step up when it comes to me fighting for the WBC title.
This definitely should have been the main event, but you got an experienced guy like Lara in the main event, which I don’t complain about. I know I got to go in there and take care of business. We’re both young. I’m not even in my prime yet. I’m ready to capture this title and I’m hungrier than ever and I know he’s hungry. He’s fairly young and we’re both undefeated and we both have a huge entourage. We’re just backed up by a lot of people and we got hype behind us. We’re ready to see who’s the hype and who’s the real deal.
Orlando hasn’t had a champion in a very long time, or maybe never. This means everything. I’ll be a big, huge inspiration to Orlando. I am already a huge inspiration to Orlando. I can’t wait to bring it back to Orlando to give more people hope to go out there and do something positive.
I’m feeling great. I’m right on weight. Kaip ir sakiau, this is the fight I’ve been waiting for and that I’ve wanted, so I’m ready to fight.
I really want to go out here and make a statement and be the first to stop Austin Trout and send him into retirement.
“Štai dalykas, in my last four televised fights I’ve never possessed the same style. Austin Trout doesn’t know what style I’m coming out with in this fight. I never look the same in any of my fights so he can say that he prepared for a toe-to-toe matchup and that he prepared for me moving around, but he doesn’t know what I’m bringing to the table. I’ve got a couple tricks up my sleeve.
“[My height] is going to be a big factor because he’s going to try and move around and box from the outside, but I’m the taller, longer guy. So it’s going to be hard for him to stay on the outside, let alone stay on the inside, which he isn’t going to want to do either because I’m the bigger guy. It’s going to play a big factor and make it more difficult than he thinks.
They say it’s easier to become a champion than to defend a belt. Right now this is my chance to defend my title and bring it back home. I can’t wait to represent.
“Kai tapau čempionu šeštadienį night I will continue to represent this game with class and dignity. I know this sounds like a campaign speech, but the beautiful part about it is that I don’t need your votes. I don’t need anyone to vote me in. I get to go in there and take it with my two hands. I have the faith that I can do it, but we all know faith without works is dead. But I’ve put in the work. So I have faith in the work behind me. My experience is just the icing on top to go in there and become the two-time world champion and stake the claim as the best 154-pounder in this game.
“Dorai, I didn’t see a big frame up there, I just saw a tall guy. His shoulders look lean and his arms look lean. Either he’s sucking down for weight, or he’s just a little guy in a big, tall man’s body.
He’s right in saying the fight isn’t going to go the distance, but it’s funny because he’s not going to be the one doing the knocking out. You know this man isn’t going to last 12 raundai.
I’m going to drown this kid. We’re taking him into deep waters. He’s never been there. This is unchartered territory for him.
Two-time Trout. Man patinka, kad. I need that belt in order to solidify my legacy.
LOU DiBELLA, CEO of DiBella Entertainment
This is as good as it gets in boxing. We hope to have as many regular boxing fans in that room as we possibly can. You can get a great seat for the price of what you pay for a Pay-Per-View telecast. This quality of boxing has been emblematic of SHOWTIME’s boxing program in the last few years.
STEPHEN Espinoza, Executive Vice President/General Manager of SHOWTIME Sports
This event will be the 25oji boxing event at Barclays Center per penkerius metus. I need to recognize Barclays Center and their staff because there are not that many venues supporting and contributing to this sport the way Barclays Center is. More than half of those shows have been on SHOWTIME as we’ve done 12, and two have been on CBS.
We’ve set a very high bar with those events. Fighters know and promoters knoweveryone knows that when you fight on SHOWTIME at Barclays Center it’s a big and exciting night in boxing.
Fight fans sometimes complain that having multiple belts or multiple champions is complicated and confusing. But in this division, it’s not. I’ll make it really simple: these guys up here are the best guys in the division. Viskas. Who’s at No. 1 and who’s the best? I can’t tell you. But it’s one of these six guys. So this ateinantį šeštadienį you will see the best in the division, and they’ll be fighting each other.
# # #
The Premier Boxing Champions event is headlined by Erislandy “American Dream” Lara defending against undefeated Terrell Gausha in the main event of SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING. Coverage on SHOWTIME begins live at 10 p.m. IR/7 p.m. PT and features hard-hitting unbeaten champion Jermell “Geležinis žmogus” Charlo taking on top contender Erickson “Plaktukas” Lubin and “Greitai” Jarrett Hurd making his first title defense against tough former world champion Austin “Be abejonės” Upėtakis.
Daugiau informacijos rasite www.SHO.com/Sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, sekti Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, LouDiBella, @TGBPromotions @BarclaysCenter and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook

Erislandy Lara vs.. Terrell Gausha Media Workout Quotes & Nuotraukos

Šeštadienis, Spalis. 14 iš "Barclays Center" Brukline &
Pateikė Premier bokso čempionai
Daugiau! Photos from Erislandy Lara, Cindy Serrano & Julian Sosa Addressing Students at the Community Partnership Middle School in Brooklyn as part of Hispanic Heritage Month
Spauskite ČIA for Workout Photos from
Stephanie Trapp / Showtime
Spauskite ČIA for Workout Photos from
Edas Kalbos / DiBella Pramogos
Spauskite ČIA for Middle School Photos from
Edas Kalbos / DiBella Pramogos
BROOKLYN (Spalis. 11, 2017) – WBA pasaulio čempionas Erislandy “American Dream” Lara and undefeated contender Terrell Gausha met with the New York media during a fight week open workout on Wednesday at Gleason’s Gym just days before they headline a Premier Boksas Čempionų renginys Šeštadienis, Spalis. 14gyvena Showtime iš "Barclays Center", Brooklyn Boksas namų®.
The night of 154-pound action on SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING begins at10 p.m. IR/7 p.m. PT su “Greitai” Jarrett Hurd risking his IBF Junior Middleweight belt against former world champion Ostinas “Be abejonės” Upėtakis televizijos atidaryme. Be bendro funkcija, WBC negu vidutinis svoris čempionas Jermell “Geležinis žmogus” Charlowill defend against fellow unbeaten No. 1 varžovas Erickson “Plaktukas” Lubin.
Tickets to the event are on sale now and start at $50 (neįskaitant taikomų mokesčių). Bilietus galima įsigyti ticketmaster.com, barclayscenter.com arba paskambinus 800-745-3000. Tickets can also be purchased at the American Express Box Office at Barclays Center. Grupė nuolaidos paskambinę 844-BKLYN-GP.
Also on-hand Wednesday at Gleason’s were several of the top local undercard fighters who will be competing on the card.
Bruklino Cindy Serrano will be making her Barclays Center debut in an eight-round special attraction bout. Brooklyn native 2016 Haičio Olympian Richardson Hitchinswill fight in a four-round welterweight bout. Bruklino Julian Sosa will enter the ring for a six-round welterweight attraction and George Arias of the Bronx will be fighting an eight-round heavyweight bout.
Here’s what the fighters had to say on Wednesday:
I know that Gausha is a young undefeated Olympian who’s coming to take my title. But I don’t need to worry about him. I’ve got to worry about what I’m bringing into this fight.
I don’t choose my fights, but I’m going to clean out the whole 154-pound division. There are a lot of young fighters now, but I’m going to just clean it out and show that I’m the best here. The Canelo rematch is there. The Golovkin fight is out there. I have unfinished business that has to be settled. Canelo knows who the true winner of our fight was, and he doesn’t want to do that fight again.
There’s been a lot of catastrophes in the world lately in Houston, Puerto Rico and Florida. I’m fortunate that it only affected my training for three days so I was able to stay focused. I stayed at my house and I kept training.
I would love to move up to 160 and Canelo and Golovkin are the top guys. Bet 154 is much deeper. Those are the two guys we want, but if we can’t get them then we have to stay at 154 and clean it out, kaip ir sakiau. There are just better fights at 154.
If you look at Canelo’s record there are three marks. There’s Mayweather, me and Golovkin. Great fighters fix the wrongs on their record, and Canelo and his team will have to do that sooner or later.
I don’t know what [Gausha] does well. Aš žinau, šeštadienį he’s going to have to show me something or he’ll be in trouble. After six rounds, I will be totally dominating. Just like I’ve done in all my fights.
I’m real confident that I walk away with the world title. I’m blessed as well as happy that [ši kova] is happening. Tai buvo ilgai laukta. Hard work pays off.
I have an interesting fighting style, I really can’t put my finger on it. I can make adjustments and I have that will to win, that hunger.
“[Being a top amateur] gives me a lot of confidence because there are a lot of styles that I’ve dealt with. There’s nothing that I haven’t really seen before. Having that experience, going to the Olympics, having all those people watching me, slėgio – I’m made for the bright lights.
“[Lara] has a lot of experience. He’s crafty. I haven’t been in camp with the type of fighters he’s been in there with. That pressureI use it to my advantage. Kai aš laimėti, it’s going to be a big notch for me to show that I’m at the top of my division.
He’s the champion so I know that he knows what he’s up against. I feel like he’s trained real well. I’m looking for the best Erislandy Lara come fight night because I trained hard and I’m ready.
“[Judėti į 160] is definitely a possibility because I’m not a little 154-pounder. It’s taken a lot of sacrifices to make this weight but I did it right this time. I’m not struggling with the weight. Pirmas, I’m going to take care of 154.
Being two-time National Champ, going to the Olympics, fighting overseas, the pressure that came with making the Olympic team just built me for this moment.
This is not the first time that I’ve been the underdog. I know how to handle those situations. It’s not about what they think. It’s about what I know I can do. Of course they’re going to think that [he’s the favorite] because he’s been in there with guys like Paul Williams and Canelo [Alvarez]. I just haven’t had my chance to display my skills at that level yet, but I’m here now.
I’ve had a lot of fights, I can’t even count how many. I’ve been doing this since the age of 10. I look forward to these big fights. A lot of guys you fight don’t have the name, but Erislandy Lara has the name and the credentials. I’m looking forward to beating him come Šeštadienis naktį.”
It’s always great to fight at Barclays Center, but it’s just another arena and stepping stone for me.
This fight is going to do a lot for boxing, and this fight does a lot for this 154-pound division. There’s just so many positive things coming from this fight card, and hopefully everyone will come out and support it.
I’m the champion of the world and I’m trying to get the fights that I want. I’ve been avoided and a lot of fighters have been ducking me. There’s nothing we can do about that. This is a living for me, but it’s also a hobby and something that I love.
I own a home in Houston and California. My area wasn’t too jacked up [by the flooding]. And now you’ve got the wildfires in California. My prayers go out to all those affected. But it has brought Houston together, and we’re getting support from the NFL and NBA guys. And boxing has come together to help too.
None of the flooding affected my training camp because I train out of town. We had some trees knocked down, but that’s the least of my worries right now.
I think my fight is the one the people want to see [on the card]. My opponent is a young stud and he comes to win a world title. Is Lubin the best fighter I’ve faced? Aš 29-0 and I’ve fought a lot of great fighters. You can’t talk about what’s on paper and what’s not.
My style is unique in the ring and so is his. He has a high volume of punches, but that’s what we trained for. He’s expecting fireworks, I’m expecting explosions. So just don’t be surprised.
In these types of situations, I feel like I’ve got to keep my composure. There are a lot of cameras, a lot of lights, but I was born to do this. I’m keeping my composure but I’m going to let it all out Šeštadienis naktis.
We’re both going to go in there fully prepared. It’s all about who wants it more. I feel like there’s nobody in this division who wants it more than me. Just because he’s been sparring Errol Spence, that doesn’t mean a thing.
All my previous fights against the veterans and experienced fighters have prepared me for this one. I know how to adjust. I always come ready to fight. I always come with fireworks. I’m definitely going to get my respect early.
My ability to adjust in the ring is definitely going to give [Charlo] problems. He probably thinks that I’m going to go in there and just box or maybe just bang. I can definitely mix it up and that’s going to give him a problem šeštadienį naktis.
“[Charlo] moves pretty well but I don’t feel like that’s going to harm me. I trained for everything this camp. I’m ready to box. I’m ready to bang. I’m ready for any situation that he brings to me. I’m just ready to become the WBC Champion.
I think this fight is more of a mind game than about physical strength.
This is a display of the top 154-pounders in the world. I asked for this fight because in order to be the best you have to beat the best. I feel like Austin Trout, even with three losses, is the top competition. A win would mean everything. I want to show that I’m much better than the others he’s fought.
This is my second time fighting in New York and everyone always shows me the love here, so it’s an honor.
I’ve always rooted for Austin in his fights, but this is business now. It’s nothing personal, it’s just that he’s in the way right now.
I’m the taller fighter, I’m the longer fighter, and I’m the strongest fighter. I’m also the younger fighter, so those advantages will definitely be the keys Šeštadienis naktis.
He uses his jab well and he throws a great left to the body. He uses the ring well and he’s a veteran and he knows how to survive. He’s a crafty fighter, and knows how to win the rounds. But I don’t think that will be a factor because we are expecting it.
I’m coming to open the show and all the fans should expect fireworks.
I’m smarter than [Hurd], and I’m better than him. What else can he do? He’s no smarter or better than me. I have better footwork, better speed, better placement of shots. The only thing he has is his size, and he overpowers the smaller guys. But I’m not small. I’m just as strong, if not stronger than Hurd.
The fans can expect fireworks until my man goes down. I don’t think he can take my pressure for 10 arba 12 raundai. I expect my arm to be raised in great fashion.
People have been overlooking me my whole career. Before I was just fighting to get noticed, then I got noticed. Now I’m fighting for respect. But I’m not worried about that.
I’ve done more after winning the belt than he’s done just getting the belt. No doubt I’m the best. There’s just no doubt the cream will rise to the top Šeštadienis naktis. Once I clean up at 154 svarų, there’s nowhere to go but north.
There’s been no talk about what’s next and if the winners [šeštadienį] will fight the winners, but I don’t see why not. My goal is to get a belt Šeštadienis naktis, and then get the rest of them.
This is my first time fighting at Barclays and I’m honored to be fighting on such a prestigious stage.
I’ve been fighting for 15 years and when I started there were no females fighting. But I’m impressed with some of the women fighters out here now. There are some young ones that I hope stay around for a while because there is incentive and the pay will be there. So I’ll just keep on going after it until my time is up.
I’ve seen a few of his fights online. He’s a traditional Mexican fighter, so he brings a lot of pressure and a lot of angled shots to the head, to the body and uses his uppercut. I haven’t seen a lot of straight punches from him. That’s more my style. I’m more of a counter-puncher, boxer-puncher. When I’m in the ring with him I’ll see what he has, as far as his speed and his power.
My father was a former boxer and he’s been training me since day one. He’s always been by my side and he’s my role model and just so glad we get to share this moment together.
It’s surreal that this is my fourth time fighting at Barclays Center. It’s still shocking and humbling knowing that I can fight in big venues like this.
I know I’m young, but I think once I move up to six rounds my competition will step up. It’s a great card and I think Lara will win, and Lubin all the way. I see the Trout-Hurd fight as 50-50, but I would lean toward Hurd.
I don’t know anything about my opponent. In the amateurs all you know is the city. You’re fighting a guy from Philadelphia. Or a guy from Vegas. And how you fight is all based on where he’s from. Like if you fight a guy from [Kalifornija] then he’s going to put on pressure. So I’ll be quick to adapt, and it doesn’t really matter who the guy is or what he brings.
I’m ready to start building my legacy.
I’ve put in the work and I’m hoping the results are the same from my last few fights. I’ll be ready to exchange and do what I need to do to get the win.
I know my opponent has a good jab and he has a lot of experience and he’s strong. They could throw me in there with someone 0-70 and I’d give the same intensity as someone undefeated. Every fighter I face is a world champion in my eyes.
I predict a second round knockout. I’m always looking for the knockout, at least early on.
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The Premier Boxing Champions event is headlined by Erislandy “American Dream” Lara defending against undefeated Terrell Gausha in the main event of SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING. Coverage on SHOWTIME begins live at 10 p.m. IR/7 p.m. PT and features hard-hitting unbeaten champion Jermell “Geležinis žmogus” Charlo taking on top contender Erickson “Plaktukas” Lubin and “Greitai” Jarrett Hurd making his first title defense against tough former world champion Austin “Be abejonės” Upėtakis.
Daugiau informacijos rasite www.SHO.com/Sports,www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, sekti Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, LouDiBella, @TGBPromotions @BarclaysCenter and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing, www.Facebook.com/barclayscenter,
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Top 154-Pound World Champions & Contenders Break Down Matchups Ahead of Saturday, Spalis 14 SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® Tripleheader from Barclays Center in Brooklyn

Premier Boxing Champions Event Features Erislandy Lara vs. Terrell Gausha, Jermell Charlo vs. Erickson Lubin & Jarrett Hurd vs. Austin Trout 154-Pound World Title Fights
BROOKLYN (Spalis 10, 2017) – As fight night nears, six of the top 154-pound world champions and contenders shared their thoughts and analysis of the high stakes matchups taking place Šeštadienis, Spalis 14 in a SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING tripleheader from Barclays Center, Brooklyn Boksas namų®.
The Premier Boxing Champions event is headlined by Erislandy “American Dream” Lara defending against undefeated Terrell Gausha. Coverage on SHOWTIME begins at 10 p.m. IR/7 p.m. PT and features hard-hitting unbeaten champion Jermell “Geležinis žmogus” Charlo taking on top contender Erickson “Plaktukas” Lubin ir “Greitai” Jarrett Hurd making his first title defense against tough former world champion Ostinas “Be abejonės” Upėtakis.
Tickets to the event are on sale now and start at $50 (neįskaitant taikomų mokesčių). Bilietus galima įsigyti ticketmaster.com, barclayscenter.com arba paskambinus 800-745-3000. Tickets can also be purchased at the American Express Box Office at Barclays Center. Grupė nuolaidos paskambinę 844-BKLYN-GP.
Here is how the fighters see the other the action going šį šeštadienį night in Brooklyn:
Charlo vs. Lubin is really a great title fight between two tremendous fighters. Charlo is going to have his hands full with Lubin. I think Jermell is going to come out on top with a close, split-decision win.
Austin Trout is a great fighter, but I think that Jarrett Hurd is too young and too strong for him. That’s going to be another going to be a good fight but I’m picking Hurd by a unanimous decision.
It’s really hard for me to predict these fights. All six of us are going to leave everything in the ring to seize this opportunity. Gali geriausias vyras laimėti.
No matter who wins this fight, I want the other winners next. I’m extremely confident and my goal is to prove I’m the best in this division. That means I’m going to have to go through whoever else wins on this night.
Experience is going to be the key on October 14. The fighters who use their experiences to their advantage will prevail.
If Jarrett Hurd gets by Austin Trout, I definitely would fight him next. Unification is on my mind and I think that would be a fight a lot of people would want to see. We’ll see who is able to come out on top when we’re all in the ring.
I really think Hurd vs. Trout is a 50-50 kova. If Trout can box for 12-rounds and not get tired the way Tony Harrison did, I think he’ll win the fight. But if he slows down in the later rounds, I think Hurd will probably take over and stop him.
I’m expecting Lara to get the win. No disrespect to Gausha, I know he’s going to come hungry and try to take the title. But the skills and experience of Lara I think will make the difference.
Gausha is going to have to keep a high pace and stay in Lara’s face all night, because you know that Lara is going to use the ring. In the end I think Lara is just on a different level than what Gausha has faced. I think Lara will win by decision.
Charlo vs. Lubin is really a 50-50 kova. Lubin is the faster and sharper fighter, but Charlo is more mature. I would have to lean towards Charlo on this one because he’s been on this stage and been in title fights before. We don’t really know what Lubin can do yet so I give Charlo the slight edge but it’s really close.
This is really a great night of guys putting it all on the line in tough fights. I’m expecting these to be hard-fought and close bouts. You really can’t know who the winner is until the fight starts, so I think it’ll be exciting for the fans.
My focus is full on Jarrett Hurd. Boxing has tried to write me off but I’m not going anywhere. I’m a true warrior. I’m ready and if I can get that belt, I’m ready to face any of the other winners as soon as possible to prove that I’m the best.
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The Premier Boxing Champions event is headlined by Erislandy “American Dream” Lara defending against undefeated Terrell Gausha in the main event of SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING. Coverage on SHOWTIME begins live at 10 p.m. IR/7 p.m. PT and features hard-hitting unbeaten champion Jermell “Geležinis žmogus” Charlo taking on top contender Erickson “Plaktukas” Lubin and “Greitai” Jarrett Hurd making his first title defense against tough former world champion Austin “Be abejonės” Upėtakis.
Daugiau informacijos rasite www.SHO.com/Sports,www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, sekti Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, LouDiBella, @TGBPromotions @BarclaysCenter and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing, www.Facebook.com/barclayscenter,
ir www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment