Таг Арцхивес: Њујорк

Кућа боксерске славе државе Њујорк најављује класу 2019

Недеља, Април 28, индукција Вечера

Дон Кинг, Јимми Цаннон, Јимми Цартер & Вилфредо Бенитез
наслов нови упућени

НОВА ИОРК (Јануар 30, 2019) – Кућа бокса славних државе Њујорк (НИСБХОФ) има најавио је своју класу од 24 члана 2019. Осма годишња индукција НИСБХОФ-а биће одржана вечераНедеља поподне (12:30-5:30 п.м. И), Април 28, на Руссо је на залива у Ховард Беацх, Њујорк.

“Узбуђени смо што настављамо да одајемо почаст Њујорчанима који су помагали боксу у целој Емпире Стате-у,” НИСБХОФ рекао је председник Боб Дуффи. “Овогодишњи примљени толико су помогли боксу у Њујорку, били они борци или не-учесници. Циљ нам је да наставимо да одајемо почаст Њујорчанима у боксу још много година.”

Ливинг боксери који иду у НИСБХОФ укључују (Рођен у Бронку) три пута, дводељење светски шампионВилфредо Бенитез (53-8-1, 31 КОс), Цанастота полутешкаДицк ДиВероница (44-13-1, 13 КОс), (Хемпстеад) ВБО светски шампион у перолакој категорији Рогелио Туур (46-4-1, 30 КОс), (бронк) 1968 У.С. ОлимпијскиДавеи Васкуез (19-15, 6 КОс), ВБО изазивач светске титуле у супер средњој категоријиМицхаел Олајиде (27-5, 19 КОс), са Менхетна, анд Куеенс’ изазивач светске титуле у тешкој категоријиМонте Барретт (35-11-2, 20 КОс).

Постхумно учесници који се укључују су (бронк) троструки светски првак у лакој категорији Јимми Цартер (84-31-9, 34 КОс), Бруклин велтерал “Бумми” Дејвис (65-10-4, 46 КОс), (Сцхенецтади) света шампион у полутешкој категоријиМарти Серво (47-4-2, 14 КОс), (бронк) изазивач светске титуле у тешкој категоријиРоланд ЛаСтарза (57-9, 27 КОс), Бруклински светски шампион у лакој категоријиПадди ДеМарцо (75-26-3, 8 КОс) и лакши тегови Манхаттан-а Ловер Еаст СидесИД Ландс (94-13-5, 12 КОс) иЛеацх “Борбени зубар” Крст (35-10-4, 22 КОс).

Ливинг не-учесници који иду на НИСБХОФ су промотери са седиштем у ЊујоркуДон Краљу, Судија за испирањеЈохн МцКаие, Брооклин спортсцастерСтеве Алберт, судијаАртхур Мерцанте, Јр., и тренер БронкаБоб Јацксон.

Постхумно они који нису учесници су Утица матцхмакерДевеи Фрагетта, Круна, Судија краљицеЈохнни ЛоБианцо, Судија Гарден Цити-аВаине Келли, Црвени спортистаХарри Хилл, награђивани новинарЈимми Цаннон, Манхаттан'с Уппер Еаст Сиде, и званичник НИСАЦ-а / бивши НАБФ председникЈое Двиер, оф Брооклин.

Свака похађају индуктиву (или директни потомак) добиће прилагођени дизајн каиш који означава његову или њену индукцију у НИСБХОФ.

The 2019 индуцтеес су одабрани од стране чланова комисије кандидовању НИСБХОФ: Ранди ГордонХенри ХасцупДон МајескиРон МцНаир, иНеил Теренс.

Све боксери су морали да буду неактивни најмање три године да би испунили услове НИСБХОФ индукција, а сви упућени морају боравити у држави Нев Иорк а значајан део боксерске каријере или током врхунца одговарајућу каријеру.


КЛАСА од 2012: Кармен Базилио, Мике МакКаллум, Мајк Тајсон, Јаке ЛаМотта, Риддицк Бове, Царлос Ортиз, Вито Антуофермо, Емиле Гриффитх, “Шећер” Реј Робинсон, Гене Туннеи, Бени Леонард, Тони Цанзонери, Харолд Ледермен, Стеве Ацунто, Јимми Гленн, Гил Цланци, Раи Арцел, Нат Флајшер, Бил Гало и Артур Мерцанте, Ср.

КЛАСА од 2013: Јацк Демпсеи, Џони Данди, Сенди Саддлер, Макси Росенблоом, Џои Арцхер, Иран Барклеи, Марк Бреланд, Боби Касиди, Доуг Јонес, Јуниор Џонс, Џејмс “Пријатељ” МцГирт, Еди Мустафа Мухамед, Боб Арум, Шели Финкел, Тони Гразиано, Лери Мерцхант, Теди Бренер, Мајк Џејкобс, Тек Рицкард и Дон Дунпхи.

КЛАСА ОФ 2014: Флоид Паттерсон, Трејси Харис Патерсон, Били Бакус, Кевин Кели, Хуан ЛаПорте, Герри Куни, Мустафа Хамсхо, Хауард Дејвис, Јр., Лоу Амберс, Џек Бриттон, Тери МцГоверн, Теди Атлас, Лоу ДиБелла, Стеве Фархоод, Џин Мур, Ангел Просперитетна, Вхитеи Бимстеин, Цус Д'Амато, Вилијам Мулдоон и Том О'Роурке.

КЛАСА ОФ 2015: Пијан Мамби, јоеи гиамба, Џони Цхопард, Харолд Вестон, Лонние Брадлеи, Паул Берленбацх, Билли Грахам, франкие Генаро, Боб Миллер, Томи Рајан, Јимми Слаттери, Боб Дуффи, Мике Катз, Томи Галагер, Брус Силвергладе, Цхарлеи Голдман, Џими Џонстон, Седрик Кушнер, Хари Марксон, Дамон Рунион и Ал Веилл.

КЛАСА ОФ 2016: Арон Дејвис, Чарлс Мареј, Виломар Фернандез, едвин Вирует, изазивати “мушкарац” Цамацхо, Роцки Гразиано, Роки Канзас, јое Линч, јое Мичели, ед Брофи, Џо ДеГуардиа, Ренди Гордон, Денис Рапапорт, ховие Алберта, Фреддие Браон, Ховард Цоселл, Рубин Голдстеин и Џими Џејкобс.

КЛАСА ОФ 2017: Гаспар Ортега, Реналдо “Господин.” снипес, Даг ДеВитт, “Бронк Бомбер” алек Рамос, Дик Тајгер, Хосе Торес, “неупоредив” Јацк Демпсеи, Дон Мајески, рон Кац, стан Хофман, Боби Бартелс, Хенк Каплан, Ал Гавин, Артур Донован и Ден Киефер.

КЛАСА ОФ 2018: лоу “мед Висина” Долина, јаке Родригез, Теренс Алли, “Беба” јое Месеци, Кид Чоколада, Џејмс Ј. “gospodin Џим” Корбет, Џек МцАулиффе, билли Костело, Мелио Беттина Ралпх “Тигар” Џонс, Цхарлеи Норкус, Даве Андерсон, пете Бродски, Биље Голдман, Боби Гудман, Мелвина Латхан, Рон Скот Стивенс, Џони Еди, Џони Енглисх, мурраи Гудман, Берт Рандолпх Сугар и Сам Тауб.

Карте су по цени од $125.00 за одраслу особу и $60.00 за децу (под 16) и укључују комплетни доручак и коктел по уласку, са почетком у 12:30 п.м. И, као што као и вечера (ребарца, риба или живина) и отворени бар током целог дана. Улазнице је могуће купити контактирањем председника НИСБХОФ-а Боба Дуффи-а на 516.313.2304 илидепцомисх@аол.цом. Огласи за програм НИСБХОФ су доступни, у распону од $80.00 на $200.00, од контакт Дуффи. Отићи онлине уввв.Ринг8ни.цом за додатне информације о држави боксерске Куће славних државе Њујорк.

О ТОМЕ РИНГ 8: Формирана у 1954 од ек-боксер, Џек Гребелски, Ринг 8 постао тхе осма подружница тада познатог националног ветеранског боксера Удружење – отуда, РИНГ8 – а данас мото организације остаје: Боксери Помагање Бокерс.

РИНГ 8 је у потпуности посвећен подршци мање срећних људи у боксу заједница која ће можда захтевати помоћ у погледу плаћања станарине, медицински трошкови, или шта год оправдано потреба. Иди на он линеввв.Ринг8ни.цом за више информација о РИНГ-у 8, највећа група те врсте у Сједињеним Државама Државе са више од 350 Чланови. Годишњу чланарину је само $30.00 и сваки члан има право на шведску вечеру у РИНГ-у 8 месечни састанци, искључујући у јулу и августу. Сви активни боксери, аматер и професионални, су право на бесплатни ПРСТЕН 8 годишње чланство. Гости Ринг 8 чланова добродошли су по цени од само $7.00 по особи. Р


Ellis Takes On DeAndre Ware In Main Event Of Tripleheader Beginning Live At 10 п.м. ET/PT From Main Street Armory In Rochester, НИ.

ЊУЈОРК – Јануар 29, 2019 – Undefeated super middleweight prospect and Massachusetts native Ronald Ellis (15-0-2, 10 КОс) will look to set the tone for a successful sports weekend for New England when he takes on DeAndre Ware (12-1-2, 8 КОс) in the 10-round main event of ShoBox: The New Generation this Friday live on SHOWTIME (10 Пм ЕТ / ПТ).

Борба, which will take place at The Main Street Armory in Rochester, Њујорк, will serve as another opportunity for Ellis, a native of Lynn, Масачусетс.

Елис, who is a huge fan of his beloved New England Patriots, is eager to earn a big win and then return to his new residence in Los Angeles to see Tom Brady bring home a record sixth Super Bowl title.

My camp went beautiful. I have had a couple camps in a row, so I was able to work on a lot of things. I learned a lot in this camp,” said Ellis.

The 29-year-old Ellis knows that he has a tough customer in front of him in once-beaten Ware.

Ware is a solid fighter. He is real tough, and he comes forward. He is not a tall guy, but he makes up with it with his toughness. He is a former football player, and he likes to come forward, so I know he will be there.

This will be the fourth appearance on ShoBox for Ellis, and he feels that a strong performance will lead him to major fights in the next year.

“Ove godine, I have to execute. Now it’s time to perform. I just need to keep fighting, and if that happens I feel that I will be in line for a title shot in the next year. There is a lot of talent in the division, and now it’s time to knuckle up and all fight each other. I feel that I can compete with the elite of the division.

When talking about the Patriots, Ellis lights up. He has been a fan of the team since he was a youth growing up in the Boston suburbs.

It’s is going to be a great game. Иронично, I moved to Los Angeles to train a couple of years ago, and for the last week all I’ve been hearing about is the Rams. It has been fun going at with the guys in the gym about the game, but I will always represent the Patriots. I am going to get the state of Massachusetts off to a good start on Friday, and the Patriots will have their arms raised on Sunday.

Ellis and Ware headline a tripleheader that will also feature undefeated lightweights Thomas Mattice (13-0-1, 10 КОс) of Cleveland taking on Will Madera (12-0-2, 6 КОс) оф Албани, New York in an eight-round bout. The broadcast kicks off with a eight-round super featherweight contest between undefeated fighters Abraham Nova (14-0, 10 КОс) оф Албани, New York and Oluwaseun Joshua Wahab (18-0, 11 КОс) од Аццра, Гана.

Улазнице за догађају уживо, which is promoted by GH3 Promotions in association with Greg Cohen Promotions, се по цени од $100 for VIP Ringside, $50 for Preferred Seating, $30 за генерала прихватање и $2,000 for VIP Tables. Tickets can be purchased by calling 585-232-3221.


Highly Regarded Prospects Logan Yoon and Abraham Nova To Make ShoBox Debuts In Separate Bouts Of Three-Fight Telecast

Ливе Ат 10 п.м. ET/PT From Main Street Armory In Rochester, НИ.

ЊУЈОРК - Јануар 8, 2019 – Undefeated super middleweight prospect Ronald Ellis returns to СхоБок: Нова генерација seeking a statement win against DeAndre Ware in the 10-round main event of a three-fight telecast on Friday, Фебруар 1 live on SHOWTIME from Main Street Armory in Rochester, НИ.

The first of two February editions of the prospect developmental series will feature six fighters with a combined 89 wins against just three losses. The series returns just two weeks later on February 15 with a focus on the heavyweight division.

In the February 1 co-featured fight, 20-year-old Hawaiian Logan Yoon (14-0, 11 КОс) will make his national television debut against Richard Zamora (18-2, 11 КОс) in an eight-round super lightweight bout.

У уводном мечу на телевизијској емисији, former No. 1-рангирао САД. amateur Abraham Nova (12-0, 10 КОс) will face fellow-unbeaten Oluwaseun Joshua Wahab (18-0, 11 КОс), Гане, in an eight-round super featherweight bout.

The 29-year-old Ellis, originally from Lynn, Маса., returns for his fourthСхоБок appearance as he seeks a statement win following a controversial draw in his last outing on the series. The former National Golden Gloves Gold Medalist out-boxed Junior Younan last February in a fight many observers thought he deserved to win. Still undefeated, Ellis returns as he looks to prove he has what it takes to turn from prospect to contender.

“I need to make a statement,”Рекао је Еллис, who upset highly regarded Terrell Gausha to win the 2010 Национални Голден Рукавице. “The last time I was onСхоБокI got a draw. This is the perfect opportunity for me to show I have what it takes. Ware won’t run – he comes at you, he roughs you up, and he’ll be right there for me to hit. I know what I am up against. I have been working hard, training in different camps and approaching this as the biggest fight of my life. I appreciate SHOWTIME for giving me another opportunity to prove I’m ready for the big show.”

The fan-friendly Ware suffered the first loss of his career last September in a close and entertaining brawl with Cem Kilic onСхоБок. The 2013 National Golden Gloves Bronze Medalist will look to return to the win column as he faces his third consecutive unbeaten opponent. The 30-year-old’s career-best victory came last year over 2012 Olympian and previously undefeated prospect Enrique Collazo. A former collegiate football player at the University of Toledo, Ware also works fulltime as a firefighter in his hometown of Toledo.

“My last time out onСхоБок was great, but unfortunately I didn’t come out victorious,” Ware said. “This time I’m looking to come out with my arm raised at the end of the fight. Ronald Ellis is a tough fighter, and I commend and respect anyone who steps in that square circle. I know a win against a tough, undefeated guy is what I need to get me on track to winning a world title. I see big things happening for me after a win like this. The sky is the limit after this win.”

The 20-year-old Yoon, who was born and raised in Honolulu, отишао 100-11 as an amateur before turning professional in 2016. Gifted with one-punch power, Yoon started his career with 10 straight knockouts before earning a unanimous decision over former world champion Juan Carlos Salgado in just his 11тх professional fight. Yoon fought five times in 2018, and his level of opposition has steadily increased as he has gained experience.

This is a great opportunity to show the world what I already know – that I’m one of the best young fighters in the game,” Yoon said. “A win at this point of my career will open up new doors and will get me one step closer to where I want to be. We’re studying our opponent and putting a plan together for February 1. It will be my job to execute it.”

Zamora hails from Matehuala, San Luis Potosí, Мексико, where he compiled an amateur record of 60 wins against just four losses. The 25-year-old won the silver medal at the Mexican National Amateur Championships before turning professional in 2012. Zamora has fought his entire career in Mexico and will make his U.S. debut on February 1. He has won five straight since a 2017 loss to Antonio Moran, who recently dropped a close decision to Jose Pedraza.

“This will be my first fight in America and I’m thrilled that it will be onСхоБок,” Zamora said. “I will win this for my parents that sacrificed a lot for me and for my wife and son – I can’t let them down. I am coming to win and to show everybody that Mexico will always produce proud champions.

Born in Puerto Rico, the 24-year-old Nova fought as an amateur in the U.S. where he compiled a stellar record of 167-11. Нова, who fights out of Albany, НИ, was the No. 1 ranked 141-pound fighter in the United States and won gold at the 2014 У.С. National Boxing Championships. He turned professional in 2016 shortly after losing a close decision in the Olympic Trials to Gary Antuanne Russell. The hard-hitting super featherweight picked up five wins in 2018 and will face just his second undefeated opponent on February 1.

“I’m looking forward to making myСхоБок debut and the fact that it’s in Upstate New York makes it even more special,” Nova said. “I’ll have many of my friends, family and fans in attendance, so I plan on making a statement. You don’t want to miss it.”

Wahab was born in Nigeria but fought as an amateur for Ghana, where he was a three-time national amateur champion. He has fought his entire professional career in Africa, where he has already been in five-scheduled 12 round fights. The 28-year-old Wahab is mentored by Ghanaian great Azumah Nelson, who is widely considered the greatest African boxer of all time.

“In all honesty, I’ve watched his fights, and I respect all fighters, but Nova hasn’t seen a fighter like me yet,” Wahab said. “I’ll be leaving New York undefeated.”

Улазнице за догађају уживо, which is promoted by GH3 Promotions in association with Greg Cohen Promotions, се по цени од $100 for VIP Ringside, $50 for Preferred Seating, $30 за генерала прихватање и $2,000 for VIP Tables. Tickets can be purchased by calling 585-232-3221.

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Ivan Baranchyk ready for world title this Saturday against Anthony Yigit as part of WBSS in New Orleans


ЊУЈОРК (Октобар 26, 2018) –Undefeated Ivan Baranchyk (18-0, 11 КОс) is destined to become a world champion when he takes on Anthony Yigit in a fight for the vacant IBF Junior Welterweight title as part of the WBSS, Saturday night in New Orleans (ДАЗН, 8 ПМ ЕТ).

Baranchyk of Miami, Oklahoma via Russia is one of the most exciting fighters in the world as he is a come-forward fighter who likes to throw hard power shots.

In Yigit (21-0-1, 7 КОс), Baranchyk is facing a boxer from Sweden, who will be looking to stand in the way of Baranchyk’s dream of becoming a world champion.

Baranchyk is looking to become the next world champion under the guidance of Split-T Management.

Baranchyk scaled 140 lbs at Friday’s weigh in, while Yigit was 139.7

WBSS Season 2 Quarter-Finals - Њу Орлеанс: Мерење У
WBSS Season 2 Quarter-Finals – Њу Орлеанс: Мерење У

I am good, and ready for this fight. It has been a dream to become world champion, and Saturday I have a chance to realize that and at the same time advance in this great tournament,” said Baranchyk.

It’s a truly exciting moment in time. To have a client with such a great work ethic, and so much heart, and now seeing him get that opportunity he deserves is an outstanding feeling,” said David McWater of Split-T Management.

Baranchyk is promoted by DiBella Entertainment, Fight Promotions and Holden Promotions.


Tempers Flare For Second Straight Day As Three-Day International Press Tour Continues In New York City Ahead of December 1 WBC Heavyweight World Championship LIVE on SHOWTIME PPV ®

“We’ve brought the sport back to life in the heavyweight division.” Deontay Wilder

“You’re very nervous right now because all the pressure is on you.” Tyson Fury

Кликните ОВДЕ За Фотографије; Кредит Аманда Вестцотт / Сховтиме

Watch the Full Press Conference ОВДЕ


ЊУЈОРК (Октобар 2, 2018) – The Deontay Wilder vs. Tyson Fury international press tour continued on the flight deck of the Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum on Tuesday and the heavyweight giants wasted no time getting up close and personal with one another once again ahead of their December 1 showdown for the WBC Heavyweight World Championship live on SHOWTIME PPV from STAPLES Center in Los Angeles.




The fighters were led on to the stage by the Brooklyn Nets Beats Drumline and immediately met face to face. Just like a day before in London, the 6-foot-7 Wilder and the 6-foot-9 Fury had to be separated midway through the press conference when Fury ordered Wilder to take his sunglasses off so he could see his eyes. Watch one of the confrontations ОВДЕ. To watch Tuesday’s press conference in full, visit the SHOWTIME Sports YouTube channel: https://s.sho.com/2xJsF4f



вилдер против. Fury, the biggest heavyweight event in the U.S. since Mike Tyson-Lennox Lewis in 2002, tests the raw power of Wilder against the unmatched size and mobility of Fury. America’s only heavyweight champion since 2007, Wilder has 39 нокаута у 40 професионални туче, including knockouts in all seven of his title defenses. Fury is a former IBF, WBA and WBO heavyweight world champion who is undefeated in 27 professional fights and holds boxing’s coveted lineal heavyweight title.



Карте за догађај, which is promoted by BombZquad Enterprises and Queensberry Promotions, in association with DiBella Entertainment and TGB Promotions, go on sale tomorrow/Wednesday, Октобар 3 у 12 п.м. ПТ. Tickets are priced starting at $75, Плус примењују таксе, and are available via АКСС.цом.




The Wilder vs. Fury International Press Tour concludes Wednesday at The Novo By Microsoft at L.A. Live in downtown Los Angeles.




Below are flash quotes from today’s event at Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum in New York:




“This fight means everything to the heavyweight division. This division was once in a dark place. A lot of people considered the division boring and not entertaining and not enough great fighters. Знаш, people always look back at the past and say, ‘Where are the golden days? Where has it gone?’ And now today’s era is different… We’ve brought the sport back to life in the heavyweight division.




“We all know with me it comes with power and with knockouts. And that’s what I do. I get you guys motivated and I get you guys inspired to come and see a heavyweight fight. Because what you guys come to see in a heavyweight fight is a knockout. And I deliver that each and every time. Like I’ve said before, when I say I promise you, I promise you I’m going to knock out the Gypsy King, као. TIMBERRRRRR!"




“I’m the one who brought him back. I’m the one who encouraged him when he was in that dark place. Рекао сам му, ‘You can do it.’ I dared him to come back. I dared him for this very moment. I want him to have confidence. I want him to have energy. As you can see, that’s nerves. That’s all nerves. Because he knows what’s going to happen. He knows his face is going to get smashed in. And he knows his body will be on the pavement. Let him burn out this energy. It’s entertaining. Because when we get in the ring he’s gonna be all by himself and his demeanor will change. His mannerisms are going to change. He’s so nervous right now. He don’t know what do to with himself.




“Don’t give people false promises. I was born off of false promises and got nothing for free. I promise I’m going to knock you out. I speak it, believe and receive it and it’s mine. I don’t have to show so much energy, baby.”





“Even Deontay Wilder knows to sit in the presence of greatness. Why I am going to beat this bum is because he can’t box. He’s a big swinger and he’s knocked a few bums out. He’s been in 40 борбе и 35 of them have been against total tomato cans who can’t fight back. So really he’s only had five fights. If he thinks a five-fight novice is going to land one of those big swinging windmills onto my chin, then he can think again. After he feels a bit of power and a few stiff jabs in the face his ass is going to fall out. This is what’s going to happen: At about round five or six I’m going to start landing the overhand right and going downstairs to the body. And then around eight, nine 10, the championship rounds then it’s welcome to my world. He’s only been 12 rounds once in his career, and I’ve been 12 rounds championship distance many, many times.




“I’m very experienced and I’ve come back against all odds. I’m here today having beaten so many, many problems. How am I going to let this little spaghetti noodle beat me? How am I going to do that? They don’t call me the Gypsy King for nothing. I didn’t come to New York and Los Angeles and all these press conferences to be embarrassed by this little skinny runt. I’m going to knock him spark out.




“I’m a big, fat, bearded man who can fight like hell. You don’t need to see this fat. We all know I’m the master of disaster. We all know I have a fat stomach. But it’s going to look even worse for you when you get beaten by a fat man.




“I don’t want the Deontay Wilder belt. I want the Tyson Fury belt. I want the limited edition WBC belt. There’s only one Tyson Fury!




“You are on a suicide mission. You know I’m a CRAZY man. I’m gonna make this bum quit. I’m going to make him quit. I’m going to show him what’s it’s like to fight a real man. A real world champion. Does he even know they don’t just give lineal champion belts away? This man has never beaten a world champion. He fought some bum [Бермане] Stiverne that no one’s ever heard of.




“You already know you’ve lost the fight. You’re very nervous right now because all the pressure is on you.”


ЛОУ ДиБелла



“On Dec. 1 on the floor of the Staples Center it’s going to be bombs away. You’re going to get to see the Power, and the Fury when the undefeated, hardest punching and most feared heavyweight of the world, the WBC champion, the Bronze Bomber Deontay Wilder faces the fearless Gypsy King, the undefeated linear heavyweight champion of the world.




“There’s no magic to making a fight of this magnitude. All it takes is for each champion to want to fight. On December 1 two of the three best heavyweights in the world are fighting each other, and the winner can walk away saying, ‘I AM the man!’ Until proven otherwise. That’s what this is all about. As the heavyweights go, so goes boxing. And the heavyweight division is heading for big things. On December 1 you are going to see a heavyweight fight for the generations.”




“There is something undeniably unique about a heavyweight title fight. Not just unique in boxing, but unique across sports. There’s a mystique, a mythical quality. Boxing’s heavyweight champions have always been heroic figures; almost super heroes. There’s a feel, a buzz in a heavyweight championship fight that is unique across all sports. And there’s certainly a unique feel to this fight, као. We have the two tallest men, the biggest men in the heavyweight division – 6-foot-9 and 6-foot-7; two huge figures both literally and figuratively.




“Deontay Wilder: 40 туче, 39 КОс, most in devastating fashion. He’s one of the hardest punchers not just in boxing today, but modern boxing history. In Tyson Fury we certainly have a unique skill set. You do not see athletes who are 6-foot-9 who move the way Tyson Fury moves. He has a unique set of skills with athleticism. Outside of the NBA there’s not another more athletic 6-foot-9 athlete on the planet. It’s a fascinating clash of personalities and it’s a fascinating clash of styles and we are happy to bring it to you on SHOWTIME Pay-Per-View.”

El Matador Management Fighters Mathew Gonzalez and Justin Biggs in action on Saturday night in Brooklyn


Њујорк (Септембар 28, 2018) – Two undefeated fighters from Felipe Gomez’s El Matador Management will be on display on Saturday night at The King’s Theatre in Brooklyn, Њујорк.




Super Welterweight Mathew Gonzalez (6-0, 4 КОс) will take on Jordan Morales (3-4, 1 КО) у окршају од четири рунде, while super welterweight Justin Biggs (4-0, 4 КОс) will take on Noe Lozano (2-3) in a six-round tilt.




Gonzalez of Ridgewood, New York will be making his 5th start of 2018, and the busy fighter is ready for his next challenge.




“Све је добро иде. I have had good sparring, моја тежина је добар, and it is time to perform,” Саид Гонзалез.




He will be facing Morales, од Сунбури, Пенсилванија, who took the fight on two-weeks notice.




I don’t know too much about him. A friend of mine, Richardson Hitchins fought him at Barclays Center, and I was at that fight, so I have seen him fight.




Gonzalez has established himself as one of the top ticket sellers in the New York area, анд 23 year-old nicknamedLeftyis getting noticed.




I go to different places and people are starting to know me. It’s good to know that I am building a fan base. I thrive on having a big fan base. It makes me want to go out and execute and perform for my fans,”




Gonzalez is happy on where he is at in his career, as getting in a 5th fight in 2018 is setting himself up for a good year in 2019.




I am where I should be. Свака борба, I am getting better and better. I am just taking one fight at a time. I just want everyone to stay tuned and keep and eye on me. Fans can follow me on Instagram at leftygunz_




Biggs of Brooklyn will be making his 3rd consecutive appearance at the venue in his hometown.




“Мој тренинг је супер. I have been working hard, and I am on weight,” said Biggs.




Biggs has a pretty good scouting report on his foe, and he is looking for a great fight on Saturday.




He is a fellow southpaw. He is pretty intense, and he comes at you, which should make for a great fight. I think that my body punching and jab will be too much for him to handle.




Biggs has a nice knockout streak to start his career, and unlike most fighters he feels that stoppages are important for many reasons.




The most important thing is to win. I don’t go in there looking for a knockdown, but I feel I will eventually get him out of there by breaking my opponents down. It is important to get knockouts because that is what people pay to see.




Four fights into his career, Biggs continues to see himself evolve as a fighter.




I see myself from old fights in the amateurs, and I see that I am more disciplined. I am more defensively responsible, and I am moving more fluidly. I feel that I am efficient and exciting. I am happy with my progress.




Biggs, 26 years-old has a very ambitious schedule, and within a year, he sees himself as a legitimate contender.




In the next year, I would like to be 14 или 15 и 0. Maybe even higher. I feel good that more that I fight, the more that I learn. I want to be fighters on the networks and being called a future world champion. Субота, i will do my best, and hope people will be inspired by watching me fight.




Both Gonzalez and Biggs are promoted by Real Deal Boxing.




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ЊУЈОРК (Септембар 21, 2018) — WBC Heavyweight World Champion Deontay Wilder will defend his title against lineal champion Tyson Fury in a blockbuster matchup of undefeated heavyweights Saturday, Децембар 1 уживо уз плаћање по приказу.




The contracts have been signed and the promotional tour will kick off in London on Oct. 1 and continue with stops in New York City and Los Angeles.




вилдер против. Fury tests the raw power of Wilder against the unmatched size and mobility of Fury. America’s only heavyweight champion since 2007, Wilder has 39 нокаута у 40 професионални туче, including knockouts in all seven of his title defenses. Fury is a former IBF, WBA and WBO heavyweight world champion who is undefeated in 27 professional fights and holds boxing’s prestigious lineal heavyweight title.




More details on the location, venue and the on-sale ticket information for the heavyweight championship battle will be released next week.



Fan-friendly, interactive FREE series with more than 1.6 million fans served nowPowered by Everlast.

ЊУЈОРК (Седам. 19, 2018) – After opening Season II last Friday with nearly 200,000 views to bring its series viewership above 1.6 милион, ФИГХТНИГХТ Ливе today announced a 24-show partnership with Еверласт: The Choice of Champions and the preeminent brand in boxing since 1910.




Under the agreement, Everlast becomes the title sponsor of “ФИГХТНИГХТ Ливе, Powered by Everlast for all shows during the 2018-19 season and enjoys benefits such as: Broadcast Billboards; “Tale of the Tape” и “Matchupgraphics during the live shows; sponsored interviews; in-venue ring announcer acknowledgements before each fight; between-show social media integration, and much more.




We are delighted that Everlasta brand synonymous with boxingsees value in what FIGHTNIGHT LIVE has accomplished since May of 2017. We’ve had 18 shows originating from New York, Атлантиц Цити, Филаделфија, Boston and New England, Phoenix and America’s Heartland, where more than 300 up-and-coming fighters and eleven different promotions gained an incredible amount of exposure via this exciting, truly social platform. To be able to have several events with more than 150,000 или 200,000 views only scratches the surface, and with Everlast’s partnership, we are truly ready to take FIGHTNIGHT LIVE to the next level here in Season II,” рекао марк Фратто, Директор и директор пословног развоја, Линацре Медиа.




We are proud to partner with FIGHTNIGHT LIVE. At Everlast we have always believed in supporting people and ideas that break the mold and blaze new trails and FIGHTNIGHT LIVE is doing just that,” рекао Chris Zoller, Vice President of Marketing and Product development at Everlast. “We’re seeing a shift in how fight sports content is being consumed. Highly-engaging content and experiences delivered via emerging channels is the heart of our brand strategy. FNL is the perfect combination of high-quality fight sports content and accessibility.




Сада у својој другој сезони, FIGHTNIGHT LIVE is the fan-friendly series that – поред осталих аспеката – поноси се разговорима у реалном времену између коментатора борбе и гледалаца. ФИГХТНИГХТ ЛИВЕ је приказао више од 300 fighters during 18 live event broadcasts since May 2017, и при томе, интерактивна платформа изазвала је лојално интересовање љубитеља борбе широм Сједињених Држава и широм света, укључујући значајну публику у Мексику, Уједињено Краљевство и други делови Европе, па чак и навијачи у Јужној Америци, Азији и Аустралији.




Now at more than 1.6 million views for the series, FIGHTNIGHT LIVE has continued to deliver impressive numbers throughout its first 18 shows:


  • Од маја 2017, the numbers on the 18-show FIGHTNIGHT LIVE series showed promise and potential for the new platform with an average of 90,001 views per event and more than 1.6 милиона прегледа укупно.


  • Тхе Септ. 2017 “Реал Деал Промоције: Емпире стате” од Ресортс Ворлд Цасино (225,000), the August 2017 ЦЕС “Супер Сатурдаи” од Фоквоодс (203,000), септембра. 2018 “Card Fit For Kingsfrom Philadelphia (195,620), септембра. 2017 ЦЕС “Твин Река Твинбилл” од Линцолн, Р.И. (157,000) и марта 17, 2018, Мурпхи’с “Ст. Патрицк'с Даи Цласх” (151,253) сви пријављени 150,000 или више приказа, and collectively the 18-show series has seen a total of 1,620,014 прикази на свим уређајима.


  • Поред бројевима гледаности, потпуно-интерактивна, продукције погодне за обожаватеље више од 183,000 колективни ливе пост ангажовања(више од 10,100 по емисији), укључујући и више од 124,000 “свиђа” или “воли,” више од 31,000 коментари и више од 10,000 акције.


  • Тхе Септ. 2017 “Реал Деал Промоције: Емпире стате” set a new bar with 224,658 прегледа and the Sept. 2017 DiBella-CES doubleheader carried the series to three-quarters-of-a-million views in just over four months. Тхе Септ. 2017 ДиБелла карта тестера више од 40,000 виевер интеракције укључујући готово 39,000 “свиђа” или “воли” и марта 17, 2018, Мурпхи’с “Ст. Патрицк'с Даи Цласх” поставили нову ознаку високе воде за дели са 2,182.


  • Страница ФИГХТНИГХТ ЛИВЕ на Фејсбуку има више од 83,000 следбеници.




Створио и продуцирао Линацре медија из Њујорка, ФИГХТНИГХТ Ливе серија поседује и професионалне анноунцерс, више углова камере, телевизијске графике, Реплаис и иза-тхе-сцене приступ и интервјуи. У Стримовани емисије су доступни глобално где год Фацебоок је доступан. Иницијатива не само да омогућава навијачима из целог света да подесите, али одустаје-и-долази борце глобалну платформу за представљање своје способности, даје промотери приступачно “емитовање” решење и даје спонзорима могућност да дође до масовног публику преко брендираних садржаја.




More FIGHTNIGHT LIVE Fall 2018 датуми ће бити званично објављен у наредним недељама.




ФИГХТНИГХТ ЛИВЕ је доступан на адреси: хттпс://ввв.фацебоок.цом/ФацеФИГХТНИГХТЛИВЕ/




Пратите сву акцију путем друштвених мрежа на ФацеФИГХТНИГХТЛИВЕ на Фејсбуку, @FaceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE on Instagram and @FIGHTNIGHTLIVE_ on Twitter, или коришћењем хештега #ФИГХТНИГХТЛИВЕ. За најновије Линацре медијских манифестација и распоред емитовања, пратите @ЛинацреМедиа на свим друштвеним платформама или користите ознаке #ЛинацреМедиаЕвентс или #ЛинацреМедиаОнТВ.





О компанији Еверласт Ворлдвиде Инц.

Врхунски бренд у боксу од 1910, Еверласт је водећи светски произвођач, маркетер и давалац лиценце бокса, ВМА и фитнес опрема. Од легендарних шампиона Јацка Демпсеија и Сугар Раи Робинсона до тренутних супер звезда Деонтаиа Вилдера и Дустина Поириера, Еверласт је бренд избора за генерације професионалних спортиста светских шампиона. Изграђен на основу наслеђа бренда снаге, посвета, индивидуалност и аутентичност, Еверласт је неопходан део живота безбројних првака. Са седиштем на Менхетну, Еверластови производи се продају преко више од 75 земље и 6 континенти. За више информација, visit www.everlast.com.

Грег Цохен Промоције, Murphy’s Boxing and 12 Round Promotions Sign Undefeated Super Featherweight Abraham ‘El Super’ Nova to Multi-Year Co-Promotional Contract

Грег Цохен Промоције (ИСП), Murphy’s Boxing and 12 Round Promotions are proud to announce the signing of undefeated super featherweight Abraham “El Super” Nova to a multi-year co-promotional contract.

Нова (12-0, 10 КОс), born in Puerto Rico and now residing in Albany, Њујорк, has looked like a future champion while trotting the globe and winning all his fights. The 24-year-old was last seen in May, scoring a KO 7 over Italy’s Hassan Nourdine at the RTL Spiroudome in Charleroi, Белгија.

Before his 2016 деби, Nova had an incredible amateur career in which he went 167-11 са 60 KOs and was once the #1 ranked 141-lb. boxer in the United States. The prestigious titles he won include national and international victories at the 2014 USA Nationals, the 2014 Independent World Cup in the Dominican, and Gold at the 2014 Cheo Aponte Tournament, анд 2015 Olympic Qualifiers. He is also a five-time New York Golden Gloves Champion.

“I’m very happy I got to associate myself with people of such good quality,” said a happy Abraham of the deal. “I’m looking forward to winning a world title in the very near future!"

“This is a fantastic young fighter and I want to thank my partners, Ken Casey from Murphy’s Boxing and Alain Vanackère from 12 Круг,” said Greg Cohen of GCP. “Abraham Nova is an extreme talent and will soon be a world champion. He’s also a pleasure to work with and I’m very happy to be involved.”

“Murphy’s Boxing have been lucky enough to work with Abraham Nova on several of his fights,” said Ken Casey of Murphy’s Boxing. “He is one of the classiest kids in boxing with an unmatched dedication. Ох, and it doesn’t hurt that he is an amazing fighter with incredible credentials and some of the scariest power I have ever seen. We are thrilled to be co promoting Abraham.”

“It is a pleasure and an honor for me to be able to accompany a future world champion in his career,” said Alain Vanackère from 12 Круг. “What an incredible opportunity to be able to live this unique experience with two esteemed promoters, GCP and Murphy’s Boxing. I think we will have a lot of success and pleasure working together.”

Cohen says he’s not sure which 130-lb champion will be targeted (ВБЦ: Miguel Berchelt, ВБА: Гервонта Дејвис, ИБФ: Tevin Farmer and WBO: Masayuki Ito), but the plan is to move swiftly.

“We will immediately begin plans to put Abraham in against rated fighters and get him up the ladder as quickly as possible,", Рекао је он. “This young man has shown every indication he is ready for the next level of boxing. It’s a very exciting time to be in the Abraham Nova business.”




ШТА: In the latest installment of the original digital franchise ФИГХТ НИГХТ, Сховтиме Спорт® takes viewers behind the scenes of last Saturday’s welterweight world championship main event, Дени Гарсија вс. Шон Портер. ФИГХТ НИГХТ delves into the minds of the athletes and their families in the sober hours before the fight, into the fighters’ respective corners during the intense bout and into the locker rooms in the immediate aftermath of the battle in Brooklyn.

Distinct cinematography and exclusive audio featured in ФИГХТ НИГХТ: Дени Гарсија вс. Шон Портер provides intimate access to two of the welterweight division’s best fighters, delivering a unique perspective on one of the most important matchups in boxing.

Now a two-time world champion, Porter said his lifelong dream came true when legendary SHOWTIME ring announcer Jimmy Lennon Jr. called his name as the victor.

The entire September 8 СХОВТИМЕ Цхампионсхип Бокинг® telecast is available via SHOWTIME ANYTIME®, SHOWTIME on DEMAND® and the stand-alone streaming service SHOWTIME®



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