Tag Archives: Monakon

WMMAA Pan-American Division Welcomes new member Ecuador


Montecarloko, Monakon (March 14, 2017) – The Pan-American Division of the World MMA Championships (WMMAA) has formally announced the recent addition of Ecuador as its newest member.

We continue to grow with every new country take forward the MMA movement as well as recognition of MMA as a sport,” esan Tomas Yu, President of the WMMA Pan-American Division. “I have long been an advocate of MMA as a sport. Watching this great group of pioneers put up a great fight that takes is back to the basics and to what Martial Arts truly represents: loyalty, honor, and family.
Yu appointed Gorky E. Rodriguez as President of WMMAA Ecuador. Hector Molina, Director of the Regulatory Committee for the WMMAA Pan-American Division, will work closely with Rodriguez during the formation of the WMMAA Ecuador Regulatory Committee.
MMA is in a critical time,” Rodriguez commented. “It’s explosive growth this past decade has made MMA the fastest growing sport in the world, demanding that an organization like ours exist and to add unbiased structure, not only for athletes, but as a regulatory body as well.
Much continues to happen since WMMAA Ecuador was formed. We will all celebrate our first participation, as a national team, this year in the Pan-American Championships. I look forward to using my experience and the volumes of knowledge the WMMAA Pan-American Division brings to Ecuador. I will share the vision with all my efforts as we will defend, promote and endorse MMA as a sport and give all participants and fans a significant difference in the sport.
Twitter: @theWMMAA
Instagram: @worldmmaa

WMMAA Celebrated Banner 2016

World MMA Championships team champion Russia on left, host team China on right
Montecarloko, Monakon (Urtarrilaren 5, 2017)- In only its fifth year of existence, the World Mixed Martial Arts Association (WMMAA) celebrated a banner year in 2016, as membership expansion approached 50 countries around the world.
The WMMAA sanctioned countries in five divisionsPan-Am, Afrika, Asia, Europe and Oceaniainclude Afghanistan, Argentina, Armenia, Aruba, Australia, Azerbaijanen, Bielorrusiako, Belgikan, Brasilen, Kanadan, Txinan, Chinese Taipei, Costa Rica, Kroazia, Cuba, Txekiar Errepublika, Frantzian, Georgia, Alemanian, Grezian, Guatemala, Hungaria, India, Iran, Italian, Kazakhstan, Kirgizistan, Letoniako, Mexikon, Moldova, Monakon, Mongolia, Maroko, Herbehereak, Nikaragua, Paraguay, Portugal, Errumaniako, Errusiak, Serbia, Singapurreko, Eslovakian, Hego Korea, Espainiako, Tajikistan, Ukrainako, Uzbekistan and Venezuela.
The highlight of the 2016 WMMAA season was the World MMA Championships, in which powerhouse, Team Russia completely dominated, as it also did in the European Championships, sweeping all seven weight classes in Studio City, Macau, Txinan.
Ia 100 fighters competed, ordezkari 23 Herrialde: Errusiak, Kazakhstan, Espainiako, Australia, Belgian, Txinan, Kolonbia, Frantzian, Txekiar Errepublika, Hong Kong, Tajikistan, Alemanian, Hungaria, Macao, Nepal, India, Hego Korea, Ukrainako, Kirgizistan, Moldova, Uzbekistan, Chinese Taipei and Italy.
Errusiako middleweight Gamzat Hiramagomedov eta argi heavyweight Magomed Ankalayev were repeat world champions.
Asian team champion Kazakhstan won two Silver and four Bronze medals in team scoring, followed in order by Ukraine with two Silver and two Bronze, Czech Republic captured one Silver and two Bronze, Chinas one Silver and two Bronze, Kyrgyzstan two Bronze, and one Bronze each for France, India, Spain and Moldova.
Below find results from each World MMA Championships weight classes:
Bantamweight DIVISION: -61.2 kg (135 kgs.)
1. Omar Nurmagomedov (Errusiak)
2. Artur Mykytenko (Txekiar Errepublika)
3. Mirat Bekishev (Kazakhstan)
3. Chun Bo Yuan (Txinan)
Luma DIVISION: -65.8 kg (145 kgs.)
1. Kurban Taigibov (Errusiak)
2. Elnur Valiev (Ukrainako)
3. Uulu Mustafa Rakhmatilla (Kirgizistan)
3. Roman Molodij (Frantzian)
Arin DIVISION: -70.3 kg (154 kgs.)
1. Murad Ramazanov (Errusiak)
2. Sheng Liu (Txinan)
3. Altynbek Bakhtygeldinov (Kazakhstan)
3. Leos Brichta (Txekiar Errepublika)
Welterweight DIVISION: -77.1 kg (170 kgs.)
1. Alibeg Rasulov (Errusiak)
2. Goyta Dazaev (Kazakhstan)
3. Syed Abdul Nazzeur Ibrahim (India)
3. Uula Tologon Rakhmanberdi (Kirgizistan)
Middleweight DIVISION: -84 kg (185 kgs.)
1. Gamzat Khiramagomedov (Errusiak)
2. Idris GHezalov (Ukrainako)
3. Murad Abdurahmanov (Kazakhstan)
3. Rong Fan (Txinan)
LIGHT heavyweight mantenduko: -93 kg (205 kgs.)
1. Magomed Ankalayev (Errusiak)
2. Robert Lau (Alemanian)
3. Erkinbek Inzhel (Kazakhstan)
3. Darwing Rodriguez (Espainiako)
Heavyweight mantenduko: +93 kg (+205 kgs.)
1. Amirhan Isagadjiev (Errusiak)
2. Alimanov Suleimanov (Kazakhstan)
3. Viktor Pavlichek (Txekiar Errepublika)
3. Nicolae Scorohod (Moldova)
Go here to watch all the World MMA Championships final fights:
In other major WMMAA news from 2016, it was announced that the 2017 European Championships will be held September in Germany, 2017 Asian Championships will be October in Kazakhstan, exact dates and cities to be determined.
Era, Viktor Frolov was elected president of the European Division at the last Congress, held last November.
Twitter: @theWMMAA
Instagram: @worldmmaa

Grabatu participación en zenbakiak 2015 World MMA Txapelketan WMMAA hazkunde azkarra den Testigantza

Montecarloko, Monakon (Abendua 9, 2015)- Munduko nahastua Martial Arts Association hazkunde azkarra (WMMAA) Azken hilabetean, lau urtetan nahiko labur onenen erakustaldia egin 2015 World MMA Txapelketan (WMMAA) Pragan, Txekiar Errepublika.
Ia 200 Kirolarien, ordezkari 49 Herrialde (ikus zerrenda beherago), erregistro-ezarpena parte hartu du 2015 World MMA Txapelketan, which was dominated by team champion Russian Federation. Heavyweight Zaur Gadzhibabaev, duten lehen bi-time WMMAA txapelduna izan zen, Eman Azerbaijan urrezko domina bakarra ez Errusiar Federazioko harrapatutako, zein banakako irabazleen izan zazpi pisu klase seitan.
“Aurtengo Munduko Txapelketa gertaera onena orain arte izan genuen,” Komunikazioak WMMAA zuzendaria Mikhail Mazur esan. “Herrialde kopuru altuena, baita parte-hartzaile, aurten lehiatu. WMMAA da oraindik bere haurtzaroan baina eboluzionatzen jarraituko dugu. You Duda barik, urtero batera. Pisu kategoria berriak herrialde berriak gure irabazi asmorik gabeko erakunde kide gisa gehitu dugu, eta onartu. Hau lan zaila da, baina oso Sagarna da atleta hegan guztiak mundu osoko borrokalari amateur onena nor bakoitzaren hautaketa prozesu gogor baten bidez joan zen bere herrialdean aurka lehiatuko ikusteko.
Prague was a great host and the WMMAA is extremely happy to have held the championship in this beautiful European capital. A lot more needs to be done next year. We expect more Asian and Pan-Am countries to enter the WMMAA family as our continental presidents put a lot of effort looking for the best National Federations to work as hard and as diligent as our current members do. Up bakarra dugu engranaje. I’m thrilled to see what the next year will bring us and the sports of amateur MMA in general.
Afganistan Argentina Armenia Azerbaijan
Belarus Brazil Bulgaria China
Chinese Taipei Columbia Croatia Cuba
Czech Republic France FYR of Macedonia Georgia
Germany Greece Hungary India
Iran Italy Kazakhstan Republic of Korea
Kyrgyzstan Latvia Mexico Moldova
Monaco Morocco Netherlands Netherland Antilles
Nicaragua Nigeria Paraguay Romania
Russian Federation Serbia Singapore Slovakia
Spain Suriname Tajikistan Turkey
Turkmenistan Ukraine United States Uzbekistan
(L-R) Tajikistan MMA presidentea Pulod Nazarov, WMMAA ohorezko lehendakari Fedor Emellianenko, WMMAA presidentea Vadim Finkelchtein eta Anatoly Kim, Kazakhstan MMA Federazioko presidente