Tag-Archiv: MMA

FFC und Rio All-Suite Hotel & Casino Ink Deal, der einen kraftvollen Schlag einpackt!

Bildschirmfoto 2018-09-05 bei 7.49.46 AM.png

Final Fight Championship schreibt Geschichte, Mit mehrjährigem Kampfsportabkommen, Rio Las Vegas und CBS Sports Network

LAS VEGAS, NV, (Sieben. 14, 2018) - Eines der am schnellsten wachsenden Unternehmen für Kampfsportförderung der Welt, Final Fight Championship (FFC), und Rio Las Vegas von Caesars Entertainment, wird eine wöchentliche Kampfsport-Serie namens liefern, "Fight Dome", welches am Freitag debütiert, Sieben. 28, und wird live auf CBSSN ausgestrahlt (CBS Sports Network).

Die bahnbrechende Ankündigung ist das erste Mal in der Geschichte von Las Vegas, dass ein Unternehmen für Kampfsportförderung eine Residenz in einem Resort-Casino eingerichtet hat, um eine wöchentliche Show mit mehreren Disziplinen einschließlich zu liefern, Boxen, Kickboxen und MMA.

„Am Freitag wird Geschichte geschrieben, Sieben. 28,Sagte Orsat Zovko, Präsident und Gründer der Final Fight Championship. “We (FFC) freuen uns, Teil dieser wegweisenden Vereinbarung mit Rio Las Vegas und CBS Sports Network zu sein.”

Fight Dome-Events werden live im CBS Sports Network übertragen, Freitag 7 p.m. (PST) und 10 p.m. (EST) mit der ersten offiziellen Veranstaltung, "Nacht der Champions", Debüt am Freitag, Sieben. 28. "Nacht der Champions", wird alle drei Disziplinen zeigen (Boxen, Kickboxen und MMA) und jeder Kampf wird für den FFC World Championship Belt sein!

Die ganze herzklopfende FFC-Aktion wird im brandneuen stattfinden, Fight Dome Las Vegas, Dies ist ein intimer Ort in Rio Las Vegas, der Kampfsportfans begeistert, die Erfahrung eines Lebens.

“Unsere Fans werden buchstäblich die ganze Zeit über auf dem Laufenden sein,” sagte Zovko. “Dies ist der Traum eines jeden Kampfsportfans… Du wirst so nah sitzen, Sie werden das Gefühl haben, derjenige zu sein, der im Ring kämpft!”

Die allgemeinen Ticketpreise beginnen um $69. Tickets sind an jeder Las Vegas Caesars Entertainment Box Office erhältlich, durch den Aufruf 702-777-2782 oder 855-234-7469 oder online unter Ticketmaster.com. Für Gruppen von 10 oder mehr anrufen 866-574-3851 oder senden Sie eine E-Mail an EntertainmentGroupSales@Caesars.com.

Über die Final Fight Championship

Anerkannter internationaler Kampfsportförderer, Orsat Zovko, startete Final Fight Championship® (FFC®) in 2013. FFC hat seitdem gehalten 30 Erfolgreiche Dual-Disziplin-Events, bestehend aus professionellem Kickboxen und erstklassigen Mixed Martial Arts. Mit Marquis-Athleten wie Satoshi Ishii, Mirko Cro Cop, Mladen Brestovac und Robin van Roosmalen. FFC präsentiert Live-Sportübertragungen in mehr als 50 Länder auf der ganzen Welt, über vier Kontinente, erscheint im CBS Sports Network, Fight Channel weltweit, unter anderem Sport- und Medienimmobilien.

Weitere Informationen, Bitte besuchen Sie FinalFightChampionship.com, Facebook, Instagram und Twitter. Folgen Sie @FFCFighting

M-1 Globale Veteranen & Ex-Champions Sprechen Sie über M-1 & UFC Moskau

SANKT PETERSBURG, Russland (September 14, 2018) – M-1 Global-Veteranen und ehemalige Champions haben kürzlich ihre Gedanken und Meinungen zu ihren M-1-Erfahrungen und den von morgen geäußert (Sieben. 15) UFC Moskau Karte im Olympiastadion in Moskau.

Alexei Oleinik, M-1 Globaler Veteran, vs. Mark Hunt beim UFC Moskau Main Event:

“M-1 Global ist eine großartige russische Promotion und ich habe die Zeit, als ich dort gekämpft habe, wirklich genossen. Jeder Kampf für mich war ein weiterer Schritt in meiner Karriere. Wir haben keine Gegner ausgewählt, hatte Kämpfe bewertet, und nahm am Grand-Prix teil.”

Alexander Volkov, ehemalige M-1 Challenge-Schwergewichts-Champion:

“Einer der besten Momente, die ich in M-1 Global hatte, war der Sieg unseres Teams bei M-1 Selection. Zu dieser Zeit gab es Teamwettbewerbe in M-1 Global und ich vermisse dieses Format. Ein weiterer großartiger Moment war, als ich den Schwergewichts-Titel der M-1 Challenge gewann. Jeder wichtige Kampf ist sehr unvergesslich.”

“Meine ersten M-1 Global-Kämpfe fanden in M-1 Selection-Teamwettbewerben statt, Das hat mir als junger Kämpfer geholfen, meine Karriere zu beginnen, finde meinen Platz in diesem Sport und verstehe, dass ich zu MMA gehöre. Zu dieser Zeit war es eine großartige Gelegenheit für junge Sportler, ihre Fähigkeiten unter Beweis zu stellen und bei lokalen Fernsehsendern aufzutreten, M-1 Global war also der erste Schritt in meiner beruflichen Laufbahn.”

“UFC hat einen großen Einfluss auf die Entwicklung des russischen MMA-Marktes. Die Partnerschaft zwischen M-1 Global und UFC bietet M-1 Global viele Vorteile auf dem lokalen Markt und macht es für russische Kämpfer viel attraktiver. Alle gemischten Kampfkünstler haben einen Traum, in der UFC zu kämpfen, und jetzt ist der Weg frei. Wie wir schon oft gesehen haben, Top-Kämpfer und Champions von M-1 Global treten auf höchstem Niveau in der UFC an.”

Ramadan Emeev, ehemaliger M-1 Challenge Mittelgewichts-Champion, vs. Stefan Sekulic bei UFC Moskau

“Ich fühle mich für diesen Kampf verantwortlich, weil ich zu Hause kämpfe. Viele Freunde und Fans werden für mich Wurzeln schlagen und ich möchte sie nicht im Stich lassen. Ich möchte eine großartige Show machen, den Kampf gewinnen, und mache alle, die mich unterstützen, glücklich.

“Da ich zu Hause kämpfe, Ich muss nicht irgendwohin fliegen und mich akklimatisieren. In meinen vorherigen Kämpfen musste ich über den Ozean fliegen, um an Wettkämpfen teilzunehmen. Jetzt, Sie sind an der Reihe, und alles wird nach meinen Regeln sein.”

Rustam Khabilov M-1 Globaler Veteran, vs. Kajan Johnson bei UFC Moskau

“Es gibt eine große Verantwortung, zu Hause zu kämpfen, wenn die Menge auf dich wartet. Es spielt keine Rolle, ob es sich um M-1 Global oder UFC handelt. Menschenmassen sind die gleichen. Viele Freunde und Fans werden besorgt sein, und sie werden für mich Wurzeln schlagen, Deshalb schulde ich ihnen diesen Sieg. Ich muss gewinnen. Deshalb habe ich für diesen Kampf dreimal so hart trainiert. Jetzt, Ich erwarte einen Gegner. Alles wird gut.”

Abdulmanap Nurmagomedov, einer der besten MMA-Trainer der Welt und Vater von UFC und ehemaliger M-1 Global Fighter Kabib Nurmagomedov

“M-1 Global ist die Geschichte der russischen MMA und es ist kein Zufall, dass viele Kämpfer, die ihre Karriere bei M-1 Global begonnen haben, in der MMA-Welt sehr erfolgreich sind. M-1 Global war eine Grundlage für gemischte Kampfkünste in Russland, stand vor einigen Herausforderungen, lernte aus ihren Fehlern und bewegte sich weiter vorwärts. Die meisten russischen Kämpfer, die jetzt bei der UFC unterschrieben sind, kamen genau von M-1 Global.”



Zwitschern & Instagram:
@ M1GlobalNews
@ M1Global
Bevorstehendes M-1 Challenge Event:
Sieben. 28 – M-1-Herausforderung 97 in Kasan, Russland


Inaugural Event This Saturday, September 15 von Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Atlantic City & Streaming Live on FloCombat.com
Head Coach Dan Miller Leads Team New Jersey Against
Head Coach Daniel Gracie & Team Pennsylvania
Klicken HIER for Photos from MMA Pro League

ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. (September 13, 2018) – As fight night approaches for the inaugural MMA Pro League event, fighters from head coach Dan Miller’s Team New Jersey and head coach Daniel Gracie’s Team Pennsylvania participated in media workouts Thursday at Hard Rock Live in Atlantic City.

The newest entity in MMA kicks off this Saturday, September 15 at the new Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Atlantic City in bouts streaming live on FloCombat.com (9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT). Tickets for the inaugural installment ofMMA Pro League At The Hard Rockare available at Ticketmaster.com.

The full bout sheet is available HERE. Here is what the fighters in attendance and league executives had to say Thursday:

DAN MILLER, Head Coach of Team New Jersey

It means a lot to be coach for Team New Jersey. It’s my home state and it’s a big event for it. I love the team concept and I’m proud to be in this position.

We’re here representing the whole state. We’ve had the team training together and building camaraderie. It’s like a wrestling match style where each team is sending people out.

Everybody looks good and healthy in training camp. I think we’re ready to go. All of these fights are going to be fantastic. These are matched very well and it should be a fun night. Team Pennsylvania better be ready, because our guys are.

DANIEL GRACIE, Head Coach of Team Pennsylvania

Everything in training has been perfect. I’ve been working with most of these guys for a long time already so we just kept up what we’ve been working on. With the team concept we have a lot more people to focus on instead of just one or two. We already had good chemistry though, so everything went smoothly.

Our amateur guys turning pro are going to show that they belong in these fights. It’s time to grab the spotlight. Your first fight is the best opportunity to make an impression.

I think that MMA needs something new that can draw people’s attention. This is a great chance to bring in the fans who don’t pay attention to MMA and give them a chance to get behind their local teams.


Fans should expect something completely different than they’re used to. MMA has always been a team sport and I’m glad we’re going to be the ones to expose that to the world. These guys have always trained with a team, because you can’t train by yourself.

We believe this is going to be the new era of MMA. We’re going to give cities and states all around the world the chance to really stand behind their own teams.

There’s been a lot of hard work and strategic planning leading to this and it’s finally coming to fruition. It’s a vision that we implemented and once we got the right people we knew it was a theme we believed in so much that we decided to execute.

MARK Taffet, President of MMA Pro League

We’re going to create a legacy in this sport that is going to last for generations to come. I had the privilege of launching HBO PPV 30 years ago and I saw a lot of history be made. Now I have the chance to do it again, along with my partner Hani Darwish.

My first fight at HBO PPV was right here in Atlantic City for Evander Holyfield vs. George Foreman. It’s very significant for me to be back here in Atlantic City at the brand new Hard Rock Hotel & Casino to have a chance to create another chapter of great moments.

One of the most important things to MMA Pro League is to have the right coaches leading the teams. Dan Miller and Daniel Gracie are both natural leaders, Mentoren, great former fighters and great teachers. They represent everything we want to represent with MMA Pro League.


Kolker: “This is really exciting and I’m very thankful for the opportunity. We’re doing something different than anyone else is doing and I think it can be something special.

I know that I have an opponent who can wrestle and who’s undefeated as an amateur. I feel like I have the tools to beat him. I can catch, slip and put him away with something early. Or if he wants to go the distance we can do that too. I predict I knock him out.

Kamchybekov: “This is my first pro fight and I’m very happy to have the opportunity. I don’t know too much about my opponent but I will be prepared. I have worked very hard and I’m going to show my wrestling and striking to get this win.

GABRIEL RUIZ (NJ) vs. CODY HIER (PA) – Leichtgewichte

Ruiz: “It feels good to get back in the cage and feel the adrenaline. I’m hoping to give everyone a great fight.

I know my opponent is a wrestler so he’s going to try to take me down. He’s not going to want to stand up with me, but I’m prepared for a lot of wrestling. I’m trying to knock him out and go eat a burger.

Hier: “It’s amazing to be a part of this MMA Pro League venture. It’s such a great opportunity and I’m glad to be on the ground floor.

My opponent has taken some time off but I know he’s going to be ready to fight. I’m not sleeping on him. This is going to be an action fight.


Ledesma: “It’s awesome to be able to represent New Jersey. I’m so happy to have this opportunity. This has been a great experience so far.

“Ich weiß nicht viel über meinen Gegner. I like to focus on what I do and make adjustments when I have to.

Bernardo: “It’s been a hard road getting to where I am today and I’m grateful to be fighting for MMA Pro League.

I’m facing a very experienced fighter. He has a black belt in jiu-jitsu and is a well-rounded fighter. He’s still going to have to get in
there and fight me. I know we’re going to go to the ground eventually and I plan to choke him out.


Pagano: “I’m proud to be a part of this first MMA Pro League show. I’m excited to represent my state in the cage.

My opponent seems very well composed. He likes to sit back and box before looking to throw. Everyone has a plan until you get punched in the face, so I’m going to go out there and just fight.

Montanez: “It feels really good to be in this position. Fighting professionally has been a dream of mine and now it’s here. I’ve worked so hard to get to this moment and I’m really excited.

I know that I’m facing a wrestler who likes to put pressure on and come straight forward. We’re prepared for anything he throws at me and I will adapt to anything he throws at me. It’s going to be a war but I just have to go out there and be the best I can be.

JUSTIN OSBORN (NJ) vs. ANDY JIMENEZ (PA) – Welterweights

Osborn: “I’m excited to go out there and do what I love to do. I can’t wait to get in that cage and stare across at a guy who’s ready to take my head off.

I know I’m facing an undefeated amateur making his pro debut so I’m ready for anything. I’m ready for the whole nine yards. I’m predicting a finish.


Pinafiel: “It means everything to me to have this platform. This is an opportunity to build upon my career. I’ve had amazing treatment here. I’m going for it all on Saturday.

I’m facing a tough guy in his own backyard. But I’m here to make a statement. I want to take him out and give everyone a good fight. I’m hoping he brings the best out of me. Ich werde gewinnen. I’m ready to finish him any way possible.

KEVIN SEARS (NJ) vs. AHMED SAMIR (PA) – Schwergewichte

Sears: “This means a lot to me. I’ve fought in 10 leagues and this has been the best experience by far. MMA Pro League just cares about their fighters.

Samir looks really tough and I know he has a lot of experience. Everyone is dangerous at this level and it only takes on punch to go to sleep. I’m going to go for the finish right from the start.

# # #

To access live and on-demand coverage of all MMA Pro League action, visit FloCombat.com and become a monthly or annual PRO subscriber. Either subscription unlocks access to premium content across the entire FloSports network. Watch the games on all screens by downloading the FloSports app on iOS, Jahr, or Apple TV 4.

For more information visit www.MMAProLeague.com, follow the conversation on Twitter @MMAPro_League, @DanMiller185, @DanielGracie, @Hani_Darwish1 and @MarkTaffetMedia, on Instagram at Instagram.com/mmaproleague, Instagram.com/DanMiller185, Instagram.com/DanielGracie, Instagram.com/Hani_Darwish1 and Instagram.com/MarkTaffetMedia, and on Facebook at Facebook.com/MMAProLeague.


Former world championship challenger Gustavo Lopez (Pictured below) will replace Levy Marroquin in the Combate Americas bantamweight world championship main event bout tomorrow, Freitag, Sieben. 14, lebe auf DAZN, Univision and Univision Deportes Network.

FROM PHOENIX, ARIZ. TONIGHT, Freitag, September. 14



Tickets für „Combate Americas: Marroquin vs. Alday” on sale now

PHOENIX – September 13, 2018 – Combate Americas today announced that former world championship challenger Gustavo Lopez (8-3) will challenge Jose “Pochito” Alday (11-3-1) in the premier Hispanic Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) sports franchise’s bantamweight (135 Pfund) world championship main event in Phoenix tomorrow, Freitag, Sieben. 14.

Alday’s original world championship opponent, Levy Marroquin (11-2) von Monterrey, Mexiko, was forced to withdraw from the commitment due to symptoms of influenza detected by the Arizona Boxing Commission physician, Dr. Ken Ota.

The much-anticipated, world championship event’s three-fight main card airs live on television in Spanish in the U.S. sowohl auf Univision (12 a.m. ET / PT) und Univision Deportes Netzwerk (UDN) (12 a.m. UND / 9 p.m. PT)

Der komplette, nine-bout fight card airs in its entirety on DAZN, Live- und On-Demand-Sport-Streaming-Plattform, in English in the U.S. und Kanada, beginning with the first preliminary card bout, bei 10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT.

The 29-year-old Lopez of Las Vegas, Nev. über Yakima, Wäsche. is a five-time Combate Americas veteran who, in his last start under the promotional banner, notched an impressive, erste Runde (2:34) Vorlage (Guillotine Choke) of Steve Swanson, the brother of MMA superstar Cub Swanson, in the main event of Combate Americas’ debut event in Mexico City, Mexiko.

A member of MMA legend Randy Couture’s Xtreme Couture fight camp in Las Vegas, Lopez has produced all of his victories in La Jaula, die Combate Americas Käfig, by way of (T)KO oder Duldung.

Lopez previously challenged fellow star John “Sexi Mexi” Castaneda for the vacant Combate Americas world bantamweight championship on October 14, 2016, but was stopped via fourth round (2:24) DIE (Stanzen) by Castaneda in an epic, see-saw battle. Because Castaneda failed to make weight for the fight, he was not awarded the title.

Alday, who will celebrate his 27th birthday tomorrow, is a native of Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico and resident of Tucson, Ariz., coming off his career-best victory to date, a split decision win over Castaneda in the main event of the historic, erste, live Univision and UDN simulcast of MMA action with “Combate Estrellas I” in Los Angeles, Calif. April 13.

Von preislich $30, Tickets für „Combate Americas: Marroquin vs. Lopez” are on sale at CelebrityTheatre.com and Ticketon.com.

Doors at Celebrity Theatre open at 5 p.m. PT, mit dem ersten Vorkampf beginnt um 7 p.m.


Portland, Maine (September 13, 2018) - New England Fights (NEF) wird seine letzte Mixed-Martial-Arts-Veranstaltung von abhalten 2018, “NEF 36: Kampf um das Gold,” am Samstag, November 17 bei Aura in Portland, Maine. Bereits heute Morgen, the fight promotion announced the addition of a professional featherweight title fight to the card. Aaron “Unnachgiebig” Lacey (6-2) is scheduled to meet Bill Jones (13-10) for the vacant NEF Professional Featherweight Championship.

Lacey is coming off one of the biggest wins of his professional career to date. Last weekend atNEF 35before his hometown fans in Bangor, Maine, Lacey submitted Jon Lemke (7-9) just under two minutes into the first round. It was a rebound win for Lacey who lost a decision to a very tough Da’Mon Blackshear (5-2) earlier this summer in Portland. Bei “NEF 36,Lacey will look to capture gold in the promotion for the second timehe won the NEF Amateur Featherweight Title atNEF 20” im November 2015 in what would be his final amateur fight. Lacey is a member of Young’s MMA based in Bangor.

I’m excited to be fighting for this strap,” rief Lacey. “I was NEF’s first amateur 145-pound champion and I look forward to being one of the first people to hold amateur and professional belts for New England Fights! I have a very formidable and experienced opponent, but this belt has been calling my name for a long time and I am going to take what I have worked for all along!"

Bill Jones is one of the pioneers of the New England MMA scene, having competed in the region since 2007. He holds wins over some of the top fighters ever to come out of the area such as UFC veteran Tateki Matsuda (13-9) and current UFC competitor Matt Bessette (22-9). Jones has competed at the national level for the World Series of Fighting (WSOF). Like Lacey, he also holds a first-round submission of Jon Lemke to his credit. Bei “NEF 33in Portland last spring, Jones was victorious over Matt Denning (5-8) via technical knockout in the second round. He is currently a member of Nostos MMA in Somersworth, New Hampshire.

“I’m at my most dangerous when I’m focused—and you best believe that I’ll be bringing a whole new level of commitment to my camp with the NEF Featherweight title on the line, a belt that I’ve had my eyes on for a long, schon lange,” stated Jones. “I have a lot left in the tank and I’m out to prove in this fight that I’m no journeyman—I’m hard work for anyone that wants some. I can’t wait to be back in the NEF cage and put on a show for everyone!"

NEF nächste Mixed-Martial-Arts-Veranstaltung, “NEF 36: Kampf um das Gold,” wird sehen, dass das Unternehmen zu Aura in Portland zurückkehrt, Maine. Die Veranstaltung findet am Samstag statt, November 17, 2018 mit einer Glockenzeit von 7 pm. Tickets sind ab sofort unter www.AuraMaine.com erhältlich.

Full Lineup Set for MMA Pro League Inaugural Event This Saturday, September 15 von Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Atlantic City & Streaming Live on FloCombat.com

Head Coach Dan Miller Leads Team New Jersey Against
Head Coach Daniel Gracie & Team Pennsylvania

ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. (September 11, 2018) – The newest entity in MMA, MMA Pro League, is just days away from their inaugural event with an exciting lineup of fights that pits fighters from Team New Jersey, which is led by head coach Dan Miller of the Miller Brothers, gegen Team Pennsylvania and their head coach, Daniel Gracie of the renowned Gracie family.




The fighters square-off this Samstag, September 15 at the new Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Atlantic City in bouts streaming live on FloCombat.com (9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT). Tickets for the inaugural installment ofMMA Pro League At The Hard Rock” sind an Ticketmaster.com.




The MMA Pro League event will see Claudio Ledesma Annahme Andre Bernardo in a bantamweight fight, Gabriel Ruiz in a featherweight clash against Cody Hier and a light heavyweight contest that pits Emmanuel Walo gegen Rafael Celestino.




Featherweight action will feature Mike Pagano in a bout against Zedekiah Montanez, mehr Kevin Sears annimmt Ahmed Samir in a heavyweight attraction and a bantamweight affair that sees Turpal Khamzayev Schlacht Joseph Penafiel.




Rounding out the exciting inaugural night of MMA Pro League fights are Mark Kolker zugewandt Zulkarnaiyn Kamchybekov in a middleweight fight, a lightweight showdown between Shan Cella und Francisco Muniz and a welterweight matchup between Justin Osborn und Andy Jimenez.


Ledesma is a native of West Orange, NJ and currently holds a 14-7 record as a professional fighter. Bernardo is originally from Botucatu, Sao Paulo, Brazil and has a professional record of 8-4.


Ruiz fights out of Woodland Park, NJ with an 0-1 record as a professional fighter and an amateur record of 5-2-1 im Fliegengewicht. Hier is originally from Daison, MY. He later moved to Philadelphia to train at Gracie Gym. Hier has a record of 1-1 as a professional fighter in the bantamweight division.


Walo was born in Cleveland, OH and spent the first few years of his life there before moving to Liberia at a very young age. Walo eventually returned to the U.S. to join the United States National Guard and was stationed as a guard in an Iraqi prison. While in Iraq, Walo was exposed to mixed martial arts and quickly fell in love with the sport. When Walo returned home, he began training and made his professional debut in December 2010. He has accumulated a professional record of 12-2-1. Celestino is from Brasilia, Brazil and has a 5-2 record as a professional fighter in the Middleweight division.


Pagano, a United States military veteran, is originally from Fayetteville, NC. He later moved to New Jersey to train with Dan Miller’s Miller Brothers MMA. Pagano is also a trainer at the gym and serves as the head instructor for the gym’s Little Spartans youth martial arts and anti-bullying program. He is a black belt in Brazilian jiu-jitsu with an 0-1 record as a professional fighter. Montanez is a mixed martial arts fighter based in Pennsylvania. Er hat ein 3-2 record in the featherweight division.




Originally from Colorado Springs, Colorado, Sears is an eleven-fight MMA veteran who owns seven wins after a strong amateur career. Representing his native Egypt, Samir won his only professional MMA fight by knockout and owns an 11-1 record as a professional boxer.




Bantamweight brawler Khamzayev was born in New Jersey and turned professional in May of this year when he lost his debut. He takes on Orlando’sPenafiel, who won a decision in his professional debut in April.


Kolker will represent New Jersey, but was born and raised in Alabama. He made his professional MMA debut in June 2017 with a decision victory. After amassing an amateur record of 4-0, Kamchybekov will make his his professional MMA debut on Saturday night.




A 23-year-old from New Jersey, Cella will return to action for his second professional MMA fight. Muniz is originally from Caguas, Puerto Rico. His preferred discipline is Brazilian jiu-jitsu. Muniz has fought five times in his native Puerto Rico, attaining a record of 4-1.


Osborn is originally from Tennessee before representing New Jersey. He emerged victorious in his professional debut in August. Fighting out of New York, Jimenez war 3-0 in amateur MMA bouts and will fight for the first time professionally on Saturday’s card.


# # #




To access live and on-demand coverage of all MMA Pro League action, visit FloCombat.com and become a monthly or annual PRO subscriber. Either subscription unlocks access to premium content across the entire FloSports network. Watch the games on all screens by downloading the FloSports app on iOS, Jahr, or Apple TV 4.




Für weitere Informationen besuchen www.MMAProLeague.com, follow the conversation on Twitter @MMAPro_League, @DanMiller185, @DanielGracie, @Hani_Darwish1 and @MarkTaffetMedia, auf Instagram bei Instagram.com/mmaproleague,Instagram.com/DanMiller185, Instagram.com/DanielGracie,Instagram.com/Hani_Darwish1 und Instagram.com/MarkTaffetMedia, und auf Facebook unter Facebook.com/MMAProLeague.


Der Kampf der Frauen wird zuerst für NEF angekündigt 36 IN PORTLAND, MAINE

Portland, Maine (September 10, 2018) - New England Fights (NEF) wird seine letzte Mixed-Martial-Arts-Veranstaltung von abhalten 2018, “NEF 36: Kampf um das Gold,” am Samstag, November 17 bei Aura in Portland, Maine. Bereits heute Morgen, Die Kampfförderung kündigte den ersten für das Event geplanten Kampf an. Catie Denning (1-0) dauert an Taylor Thompson (2-0) in einem Amateur-Frauen-Bantamgewicht-Wettbewerb.

Catie Denning gab im vergangenen Februar ihr Amateur-MMA-Debüt bei “NEF 32” in Lewiston, Maine. Sie dominierte Chelsea Tucker (0-3) für drei Runden auf dem Weg zu einem einstimmigen Entscheidungssieg über die Richter’ Scorecards. Denning ist Mitglied von Youngs MMA mit Sitz in Bangor, Maine, wo sie wieder für ihren zweiten Käfigkampf trainieren wird.

“Ich freue mich darauf, wieder in den Käfig zu treten,” sagte Denning. “Es ist viel zu lange her und ich bin hungriger als je zuvor. Ich verstehe voll und ganz, dass ich mich einem harten Gegner stellen muss, Aber ich bin bereit für die Herausforderung und hoffe, dass ich all meine harte Arbeit seit meinem Amateur-Debüt im Februar präsentieren kann.”

Dennings Gegner, Taylor Thompson, wird im November ihr NEF-Debüt geben 17, Aber sie ist kein Fremder in der New England MMA-Szene. Thompson ist mit zwei Kämpfen in Massachusetts ungeschlagen. Beide Siege wurden durch eine Unterbrechung erzielt, einschließlich einer Einreichung von Tiffany McCoy in der ersten Runde (2-2) im Januar. Thompson trainiert mit BST MMA & Fitness in Mendon, Massachusetts.

“Ich freue mich sehr, im November gegen Catie Denning von Youngs MMA kämpfen zu können 17 in der wunderschönen Aura Arena in Portland, Maine,” sagte Thompson, als er nach einem Kommentar griff. “Sie trainiert mit harten Leuten in einem angesehenen Fitnessstudio, und ich bin so dankbar, dass sie und ich die Gelegenheit haben werden, uns für die fantastischen Kampf-Fans von Maine zu werfen. Ich wollte für NEF kämpfen, seit ich Coach Eddie getroffen habe (Benjamin) und sein Team bei Titan Athletics in Bangor und hörte von der erstaunlichen Kampfszene in Maine. Ich kann es kaum erwarten, ein Teil davon zu sein.”

NEF nächste Mixed-Martial-Arts-Veranstaltung, “NEF 36: Kampf um das Gold,” wird sehen, dass das Unternehmen zu Aura in Portland zurückkehrt, Maine. Die Veranstaltung findet am Samstag statt, November 17, 2018 mit einer Glockenzeit von 7 pm. Der Ticketvorverkauf findet jetzt um statt www.AuraMaine.com mit Promo-Code “NEF.” Tickets werden am Montag für die breite Öffentlichkeit erhältlich sein, September 10 bei 9:00 a.m. Sommerzeit.


Bangor, Maine (September 9, 2018) - New England Fights (NEF) held its latest mixed-martial-arts event, “NEF 35: Wicked Season,” on Saturday night at Cross Insurance Center in Bangor. It was the third time in as many years that the fight promotion visited the Queen City and sold out the venue.

The main event featured a bout hailed as theBattle of Bangoras popular locals Aaron “Unnachgiebig” Lacey (6-2) und Jon Lemke (7-9) squared off. Lacey submitted Lemke in the first round with a rear-naked choke.

Heimatstadt Favoriten “Die” Ryan Sanders (17-9) took on MandoBig ChinoMontoya (10-7) in der Co-Main Event. Am 4:10 Zeichen der ersten Runde, Sanders, the reigning NEF Professional Lightweight Champion, forced Montoya to tap to a guillotine choke.

It was a successful night for the Choi Institute of Portland, Maine as Caleb Halle (2-0) und Ernesto Ornelas (4-7) were both victorious via stoppages in their respective bouts.

In the amateur headliner, Maine Amateur Wrestling Hall of Famer, 54-jahre alt Pat Kelly (4-1) put his lightweight title on the line against Massachusetts Ed Forlenza (3-2) in what Kelly vowed would be his final MMA fight. Forlenza was able to score a technical knockout via referee stoppage due to strikes to capture the title. Nach dem Kampf, Kelly gave an impassioned speech, thanking his coaches at Young’s MMA in Bangor as the capacity crowd gave him a standing ovation.

Nostos MMA also shined on the amateur portion of the card. The Somersworth, New Hampshire-based team went 2-0 wie sie Zac Richard (2-0) und Andrew Brown (1-0) picked up wins under the guidance of Nostos head coach, und aktueller UFC-Kämpfer, Devin Powell.

NEF announced its return to Portland, scheduled to take place at Aura on Saturday, November 17. Die Veranstaltung trägt den Titel “NEF 36: Battle for the Gold. It will be the final NEF event of 2018.

The full results of from Bangor, Maine:


Jon Lemke def. Aaron Lacey via rear-naked choke submission, Runde 1

Ryan Sanders def. Armando Montoya via guillotine choke submission, Runde 1

Caleb Halle def. CJ Ewer via D’Arce choke submission, Runde 1

Josh Harvey def. Jay Ellis via triangle choke submission, Runde 1

Ernesto Ornelas def. Zenon Herrera via guillotine choke submission, Runde 3


Ed Forlenza def. Pat Kelly via TKO, Runde 1

Christian Barrett def. David Hart via TKO, Runde 1

Zac Richard def. Clifford Redman via TKO, Runde 1

Taylor Bartlett fought Jacob Deppmeyer to a draw

Shawn Costigan def. David Hills via TKO, Runde 1

Jordan Young def. Joe Howard via rear-naked choke submission, Runde 2

Andrew Brown def. Chris Lachcik via armbar submission, Runde 1

NEF nächste Mixed-Martial-Arts-Veranstaltung, “NEF 36: Kampf um das Gold,” wird sehen, dass das Unternehmen zu Aura in Portland zurückkehrt, Maine. Die Veranstaltung findet am Samstag statt, November 17, 2018 mit einer Glockenzeit von 7 pm. Der Ticketvorverkauf findet jetzt um statt www.AuraMaine.com mit Promo-Code “NEF.” Tickets werden am Montag für die breite Öffentlichkeit erhältlich sein, September 10 bei 9:00 a.m. Sommerzeit.


Head Coach Daniel Gracie’s Team Pennsylvania Battles
Team New Jersey in MMA Pro League Inaugural Event Saturday, September 15 Von Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Atlantic City & Streaming on FloCombat.com
Team Pennsylvania Talks Motivation, Fighting Style & Mehr!

ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. (September 7, 2018) – As the inaugural fight night approaches for the newest entity in MMA, MMA Pro League, get to know the fighters for head coach Daniel Gracie’s Team Pennsylvania before they battle Team New Jersey Saturday, September 15 from the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Atlantic City and streaming live on FloCombat.com.

Tickets for the inaugural installment ofMMA Pro League At The Hard Rock” am Samstag, September 15, featuring Team New Jersey vs. Team Pennsylvania, are available at Ticketmaster.com.

Here is what Daniel Gracie’s Team Pennsylvania fighters had to say as they prepare to take on head coach Dan Miller’s Team New Jersey:


Weight Class: Federgewicht

Heimatstadt: North Philadelphia, PA

Why do you fight?

I fight because it is what I love. There’s no better feeling than the rush of overcoming the uncertainty in a cage or ring with complete faith and belief in your ability.

Do you have a favorite fighter or someone you try to emulate?

I always pay my homage to the fighters that led me towards this path. Boxers like Fernando Vargas and Floyd Mayweather. Mehr, MMA champions like Connor McGregor, Michael Chandler and more. But I am my own self. I do take a bit of every fighter, shake it up and come out with whatever I’ve been working on.

What is your fighting background and style?

I don’t try to focus on one solid background. I am a mixed martial artist now. I always keep an open mind, and try to dig into all aspects of the game.

Why is MMA Pro League the right fit for you?

I’m excited to be working with MMA Pro League, and by the looks of it, everything is great! They’re a good up-and-coming, humble and respectable organization that’s trying to bring change to the game, and together the sky is the limit for all of us.

What is your favorite thing about Pennsylvania?

The whole experience of being from here. It’s where I was raised. My family and all of my ups and downs happen here.


Weight Class: Bantamgewicht

Heimatstadt: Davison, MY

Why do you fight?

I fight to give my family the things I never had.

Do you have a favorite fighter or someone you try to emulate?

I’m a fan of lots of fighters, but my style is all my own.

What is your fighting background and style?

I have a strong wrestling background that has led to my MMA career.

Why is MMA Pro League the right fit for you?

MMA Pro League is the next big thing and I’m glad to be a part of the ground floor. It’s going to be a great ride.

What is your favorite thing about Pennsylvania?

The sports fans! There’s really nothing like them.


Weight Class: 130 lb catchweight

Heimatstadt: Orlando, FL

Why do you fight?

I fight for pride, family and money.

Do you have a favorite fighter or someone you try to emulate?

Bruce Lee, but I steal from everyone.

What is your fighting background and style?

I practice jeet kune do and have experience wrestling.

Why is MMA Pro League the right fit for you?

Because they’re going to put together challenging fights and they have top-class treatment of their fighters.

What is your favorite thing about Pennsylvania?

I like the ladies and the Philly cheesesteaks.


Weight Class: Leicht

Heimatstadt: Queens, NY

Why do you fight?

I fight because I have a passion for mixed martial arts and I’m a badass.

Do you have a favorite fighter or someone you try to emulate?

My favorite MMA fighter is Georges St-Pierre.

What is your fighting background and style?

My fighting background is jiu jitsu under Renzo Gracie.

Why is MMA Pro League the right fit for you?

MMA Pro League is the right fit for me because I have a versatile background and I would like to portray this within the team structure.

What is your favorite thing about Pennsylvania?

My favorite thing about Pennsylvania is Renzo Gracie PA.

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To access live and on-demand coverage of all MMA Pro League action, visit FloCombat.com and become a monthly or annual PRO subscriber. Either subscription unlocks access to premium content across the entire FloSports network. Watch the games on all screens by downloading the FloSports app on iOS, Jahr, or Apple TV 4.

Für weitere Informationen besuchen www.MMAProLeague.com, follow the conversation on Twitter @MMAPro_League, @DanMiller185, @DanielGracie, @Hani_Darwish1 and @MarkTaffetMedia, auf Instagram bei Instagram.com/mmaproleague,Instagram.com/DanMiller185, Instagram.com/DanielGracie,Instagram.com/Hani_Darwish1 and Instagram.com/MarkTaffetMedia, and on Facebook at Facebook.com/MMAProLeague.


Werbefoto oben – Orsat Zovko, Präsident / Gründer FFC (links), Billy Stone, Koordinierender Produzent & Regisseur, Programmierung, CBS Sports (Recht).

Erstes FFC-Event Premiere live im CBS Sports Network Freitag, Sieben. 28 bei 10 PM, ET Vom Fight Dome im Rio All-Suite Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas




CBS Sports Network und Final Fight Championship (FFC) gab heute eine mehrjährige Partnerschaft bekannt, um CBS Sports Network zum exklusiven Fernsehhaus von FFC zu machen. Die ersten FFC-Events werden live im CBS Sports Network vom Fight Dome im Rio All-Suite Hotel uraufgeführt & Casino in Las Vegas am Freitag, Sieben. 28 (10:00PM, EST).



CBS Sports Network wird am Freitag acht FFC-Events ausstrahlen 2018. Im Rahmen der nationalen Fernsehsendung wird nach jeder Veranstaltung ein Champion mit einem Gürtel gekrönt.



“Wir freuen uns, die Gelegenheit zu haben, Kampfsportarten in einem nationalen Netzwerk zu präsentieren,” sagte, Orsat Zovko, Präsident und Gründer der Final Fight Championship, “Es ist eine Ehre, mit CBS Sports Network zusammenzuarbeiten und den neuen Fight Dome landesweit mit Kämpfen auf Meisterschaftsebene für Fans im ganzen Land im Fernsehen zu übertragen.”



FFC-Events bestehen aus Kampfsportarten aus verschiedenen Disziplinen, einschließlich Boxen, Kickboxen und Mixed Martial Arts. Alle Veranstaltungen finden im speziellen Fight Dome in Rio Las Vegas statt.



CBS Sports Network, das 24-Stunden-Haus von CBS Sports, ist über alle gängigen Kabel weit verbreitet, Satelliten- und Telekommunikations-Distributoren sowie über OTT-Streaming-Dienstleister YouTube TV, fuboTV, PlayStation Vue, DirecTV und Hulu. Zusätzlich, Ein Live-Stream von CBS Sports Network ist über CBSSports.com und die CBS Sports App verfügbar, indem Sie sich bei ausgewählten Anbietern authentifizieren. Weitere Informationen, einschließlich eines vollständigen Programmierplans, gehen Sie zu www.cbssportsnetwork.com.




Anerkannter internationaler Kampfsportförderer, Orsat Zovko, startete Final Fight Championship® (FFC®) in 2013. FFC hat seitdem gehalten 30 Erfolgreiche Dual-Disziplin-Events, bestehend aus professionellem Kickboxen und erstklassigen Mixed Martial Arts. Mit Marquis-Athleten wie Satoshi Ishii, Mirko Cro Cop, und Mladden Brestovac. FFC präsentiert Live-Sportübertragungen in mehr als 50 Länder auf der ganzen Welt, über vier Kontinente, erscheint im CBS Sports Network (USA), Kämpfe gegen Channel World (Weltweit), unter anderem Sport- und Medienimmobilien. Weitere Informationen zu FFC, besuchen Sie bittewww.finalfightchampionship.com


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