Tag Archives: MMA

Royce Gracie je domaćin danas u Brazilu Jiu-Jitsu seminara uživo u 3 poslije podne. PST / 6 poslije podne. EST na društvenim kanalima Bellator MMA

Danas u 3 poslije podne. PST / 6 poslije podne. EST na društvenim kanalima Bellator MMA, jedan od najutjecajnijih MMA boraca svih vremena, Royce Gracie, održat će predavanje o brazilskom jiu-jitsuu.

Događaj će odmah započeti na Facebooku, Cvrkut, Instagram i YouTube.

Izjava Bellator MMA o svibanjskim događajima

Zbog postojećih problema sigurnosti oko epidemije COVID-19, kao i sadašnji savezni, mandati države i lokalne uprave, Dužnosnici Bellator-ove VMA objavili su danas da su tri predstojeća događanja uživo zakazana za svibanj.

Ovi događaji uključuju:

  • Bellator 242 - svibanj 9 u San Jose, Kalif.
  • Bellator Europska serija London - svibanj 16 u Londonu
  • Bellator 243 - svibanj 29 u Temeculi, Kalif.

Organizacija će i dalje pomno pratiti situaciju te u potpunosti namjerava odgoditi događaje što je prije moguće.

As always, zdravlje i sigurnost naših sportaša, obožavatelji, partneri i osoblje ostaje nam glavni prioritet. Cijenimo razumijevanje i strpljenje svih koji su sudjelovali u ovom nevjerojatno teškom vremenu.

Povrat za vlasnike ulaznica za ove događaje, kao i Bellator 241 prvobitno zakazan za ožujak 13 na Mohegan Sun Areni, bit će dostupna na njihovom izvornom mjestu kupnje.

Molimo posjetiteBellator.com za dodatne informacije.


Orono, Mejn (Ožujak 20, 2020) - New England Borbe (NEF) announced today that the fight promotion’s next mixed-martial-arts (MMA) događaj, "NEF 43: Divljanje,” has been rescheduled to Saturday, Lipanj 13, 2020. Događaj, which will originate from the Collins Center for the Arts on the University of Maine’s flagship Orono campus, prvobitno je planirano da se održi u travnju 18. Organizatori događaja, međutim, odlučili su se premjestiti na lipanj 13 na temelju centara za kontrolu i prevenciju bolesti (CDC) nedavna preporuka koja se sastoji od svih događanja i okupljanja 50 ljudi ili više odgađaju se najmanje osam tjedana zbog zabrinutosti oko zarazne infekcije korovirusom COVID-19.

Ranije danas, NEF je putem svoje Facebook stranice objavio sljedeću izjavu vlasnika Nicka DiSalva i Matt Peterson:

Zbog stalnih zabrinutosti oko koronavirusa i javnih okupljanja, NEF 43 je ponovno zakazan za subotu, Lipanj 13, 2020, u Collinsovu centru za umjetnost u Oronu. Vrata se otvaraju u 6 pm i prva borba bit će u 7 pm.

Za karte kupljene putem borca (ili za one koji planiraju kupiti karte putem borca): Sve ulaznice tiskane s travanj 18 datum će biti nagrađen na vratima 13. lipnja. Ako ne možete prisustvovati događaju novog dana lipnja 13, molimo kontaktirajte borca ​​koji vam je izvorno prodao kartu.

Za ulaznice kupljene putem blagajne CCA: Sve ulaznice tiskane s travanj 18 datum će biti nagrađen na vratima 13. lipnja. Ako ne možete prisustvovati događaju novog dana lipnja 13, pošaljite e-mail na blagajniccatix@maine.edu. Možete i nazvati 207.581-1755 i ostavite poruku. Blagajna će primati zahtjeve za povrat do sljedećeg petka, Ožujak 27, 2020, na 5 pm EDT.

Hvala svima na strpljenju i stalnoj podršci dok i dalje pratimo i prilagođavamo se ovoj neviđenoj situaciji. Želimo svim našim navijačima, Borci, osoblje, prijateljima dobro zdravlje i sigurnost u ovom teškom trenutku.

– Nick DiSalvo & Matt Peterson

New England Borbe’ sljedeći događaj mješovitih borilačkih vještina, “NEF 43: Divljanje,” održat će se u subotu, Lipanj 13, 2020, u Collinsovom centru za umjetnost na UMaine Orono. Ulaznice su na prodaju sadawww.CollinsCenterfortheArts.com.  


Za immediate release: Orono, Mejn (Ožujak 12, 2020) - New England Borbe (NEF) predstavit će svoje sljedeće miješane borilačke vještine (MMA) događaj u Collinsovom centru za umjetnost na sveučilišnom kampusu Orono Sveučilišta Maine. Događaj, naslovljen „NEF 43: Divljanje,”Održat će se u subotu, Travanj 18, 2020, s vremenom zvona od 7 pm EDT. Ranije danas, promocija borbe najavila je dodavanje amaterskog slamnatog dvoboja na karticu.BJ Garceau(1-1) je na rasporedu u liceFatima Kline(1-0) na borbenoj težini od 115 funti.

BJ Garceau će treći i posljednji put u kavez NEF-a ući 18. travnja. Garceau, kojemu je dijagnosticiran maloljetnički dijabetes tipa 1 u 1993, svojim amaterskim debijem naslovila naslove i mnogima je postala inspiracija. Pobijedila je Sarah Ziehm (1-2) via split decision at “NEF 32” in February 2018. Garceau returned to the cage later that year, losing to Chelsea Tucker (3-3) in the third round of an “NEF 36” contest. Garceau is a product of Young’s MMA based in Bangor, Mejn

“I’m so excited to be back in the cage in my hometown, for what will be my final fight this April,” said Garceau.  “I want to be able to leave my old stomping grounds with my hand held high at the end and walk away with a win for my fans, Prijatelji, obitelj, treneri, team and myself. I’ll give it everything I’ve got one last time and this will be a fight you don’t want to miss. With that being said, I am beyond grateful for my opponent taking on the fight and every opportunity Young’s MMA, NEF and everyone in the mixed martial arts community has given me over the years. Hvala, hvala, hvala!"

Fatima Kline will make the trek from her home in Hyde Park, New York for the fight. At just 19-years-old, Kline already holds a purple belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. She made her amateur MMA debut last fall with a unanimous decision win on a card in White Plains, New York. Kline represents Black Hole Jiu-Jitsu based in Wappingers Falls, Njujork.

“I would like to thank NEF for giving me the opportunity to showcase all of my hard work,” said Kline when reached for comment. “Being that this is my debut fight for the organization, I promise to be at the top of my game come fight night. Hvala, BJ, for accepting this matchup, and I look forward to seeing you in the cage. The one message I would have for the crowd is: be prepared to be entertained.”

New England Borbe’ sljedeći događaj mješovitih borilačkih vještina, “NEF 43: Divljanje,” održat će se u subotu, Travanj 18, 2020, u Collinsovom centru za umjetnost na UMaine Orono. Ulaznice su na prodaju sadawww.CollinsCenterfortheArts.com.  

O New England borbama

New England Borbe ("NEF") je borba događaji promocije tvrtke. NEF-ova misija je stvaranje najkvalitetnijih događaja za borce i navijače. Nef je izvršni tim ima veliko iskustvo u borilačkim sportovima upravljanje, Proizvodnja događaji, Odnosi s medijima, marketing, Pravna i oglašavanje.


Za immediate release: Orono, Mejn (Ožujak 11, 2020) - New England Borbe (NEF) predstavit će svoje sljedeće miješane borilačke vještine (MMA) događaj u Collinsovom centru za umjetnost na sveučilišnom kampusu Orono Sveučilišta Maine. Događaj, naslovljen „NEF 43: Divljanje,”Održat će se u subotu, Travanj 18, 2020, s vremenom zvona od 7 pm EDT. Ranije danas, the fight promotion announced the addition of a professional featherweight bout to the card.Aaron “Relentless” Lacey(6-2) se sastati“Yours Truly” Chris Herd(2-3) na borbenoj težini od 145 funti.

It will have been 19 months since the last time Aaron Lacey stepped in the NEF cage as a competitor. Lacey defeated veteran Jon Lemke (7-9) in the main event of “NEF 35” in September 2018. He has not fought since due to an injury suffered later that fall. A former NEF Amateur Featherweight Champion, Lacey started his professional career a perfect 4-0 before going 2-2 in his last four bouts. He will look to make his comeback a successful one on April 18. Lacey represents Young’s MMA based in nearby Bangor, Mejn.

“I’m so super excited to be getting back into my happy place,” exclaimed Aaron Lacey.  “Matt (Peterson, NEF suvlasnik i provodadžija) worked really hard to get me a fight on this card, and I am beyond grateful! Travanj 18th ‘Relentless’ returns!"

Lacey je protivnik, Chris Herd, will make the 1,000-mile trip from his home in Wilmington, North Carolina for the fight. Herd had a stellar amateur career, odlazak 5-0 with four knockouts and one submission and capturing a regional championship along the way. Both of his wins as a professional have been first-round finishes with one a technical knockout and the other a submission. Herd currently represents Brunson’s MMA & Fitness based in Wilmington, Sjeverna Karolina.

“No man can touch me without my permission,” said Herd when reached for comment.  “This fight will go where I want it, and I will finish it at will.”

New England Borbe’ sljedeći događaj mješovitih borilačkih vještina, “NEF 43: Divljanje,” održat će se u subotu, Travanj 18, 2020, u Collinsovom centru za umjetnost na UMaine Orono. Ulaznice su na prodaju sadawww.CollinsCenterfortheArts.com.  

O New England borbama

New England Borbe ("NEF") je borba događaji promocije tvrtke. NEF-ova misija je stvaranje najkvalitetnijih događaja za borce i navijače. Nef je izvršni tim ima veliko iskustvo u borilačkim sportovima upravljanje, Proizvodnja događaji, Odnosi s medijima, marketing, Pravna i oglašavanje.


Za immediate release: Orono, Mejn (Ožujak 10, 2020) - New England Borbe (NEF) predstavit će svoje sljedeće miješane borilačke vještine (MMA) događaj u Collinsovom centru za umjetnost na sveučilišnom kampusu Orono Sveučilišta Maine. Događaj, naslovljen „NEF 43: Divljanje,”Održat će se u subotu, Travanj 18, 2020, s vremenom zvona od 7 pm EDT. Ranije danas, the fight promotion announced the addition of a professional featherweight bout to the card.Carl Langston (0-5) se sastatiAaron “Short Fuse” Hughes(0-0) na borbenoj težini od 145 funti.

Carl Langston comes into the fight looking for the first win that has eluded him thus far in his professional career. Last month, Langston took on Jacob Deppmeyer (1-0) in Portland, Maine at “NEF 42,” losing via first-round technical knockout. It was his first fight back with the promotion since losing his pro debut in April 2018. Langston, a lifelong practitioner of Taekwondo, currently represents Young’s MMA based in nearby Bangor, Mejn.

“It’s been hard getting fights altogether, but even more so in my home state,” noted Langston.  “So, with this last lost I didn’t think I was going to get another fight for a bit. I got in my own head and said I wanted to stop fighting for a bit, but when I got the call three weeks after the loss, I couldn’t say no. This is something I need, back-to-back fights. I just have to show up like I show up in the gym and I’ll get my hand raised without a doubt.”

Aaron Hughes will make both his professional and promotional debuts with NEF. He has had a very active amateur career since his debut in 2015, putting together a record of 4-6 while competing on fight cards in his home state of Massachusetts. Hughes represents Regiment Training Center of Fall River, Massachusetts where he trains alongside the likes of current UFC star and former NEF Professional Cruiserweight Champion Yorgan De Castro (6-0).

“I’m really excited to take the trip to Maine to make my professional debut,” said Hughes when reached for comment.  “My opponent is skilled, but I’m coming to put on a show, and he’s just a man in the way of my dreams to the UFC. Thank you to NEF for having me out.”

New England Borbe’ sljedeći događaj mješovitih borilačkih vještina, “NEF 43: Divljanje,” održat će se u subotu, Travanj 18, 2020, u Collinsovom centru za umjetnost na UMaine Orono. Ulaznice su na prodaju sadawww.CollinsCenterfortheArts.com.  

O New England borbama

New England Borbe ("NEF") je borba događaji promocije tvrtke. NEF-ova misija je stvaranje najkvalitetnijih događaja za borce i navijače. Nef je izvršni tim ima veliko iskustvo u borilačkim sportovima upravljanje, Proizvodnja događaji, Odnosi s medijima, marketing, Pravna i oglašavanje.


Uncasville, Conn. – The full slate of bouts for Bellator’s return to Mohegan Sun Arena ovo Petak, Ožujak 13 is official with a stacked six-fight main card, headlined by current two-division champ Patricio Pitbull (30-4) defending his 145-lb. title in the Featherweight World Grand Prix Quarterfinals against upstart SBG-product and tournament dark horse Pedro Carvalho (11-3).

Bellator 241: Pitbull vs. Carvalho will stream live exclusively on DAZN na 10 poslije podne. ET / 7 poslije podne. PT, while preliminary action will stream on Bellator MMA’s YouTube channel, kao i DAZN, s početkom u 7:30 poslije podne. I / 4:30 poslije podne. PT.

The exciting main card will also see a Bellator Featherweight Grand Prix Quarterfinal take place in the co-main event,kada Daniel Weichel (40-11) rematches Emmanuel Sanchez (19-4) for a future shot at the world title. Dodatno, former New York Giants lineman Matt Mitrione (13-7, 1 NC) will be taking on Ronny Markes (19-7) in a heavyweight main card bout, while England’s Paul Daley (42-17-2) and heavy-handed Sabah Homasi (13-8) go toe-to-toe in a 170-pound matchup that is sure to produce fireworks. Rounding out the main card will see Connecticut’s own Nick Newell (16-3) preuzimanje Zach Zane (14-9) of Hawaii at lightweight and a must-see middleweight contest showcasing Anatolij Tokov (29-2) vs. Fabio Aguiar (17-1).

Preliminarni karton Bellator 241: Pitbull vs. Carvalho will stream live stream on Bellator MMA’s YouTube channel a DAZN na 7:30 poslije podne. I / 4:30 poslije podne. PT. The prelims feature appearances from Bellator prospects and other familiar names in Dječji odsječak (3-2, 1 NC), Robson Gracie Jr. (3-0), Leslie Smith (11-8-1), Romero Cotton (4-0), Mike Kimbel
(3-2), a Leandro Higo (19-5) sastanak Dominic Mazzotta (15-3) na pero.

potpun Bellator 241: Pitbull vs. Carvalho Glavni Card:


10 poslije podne. ET / 7 poslije podne. PT

Featherweight WGP Quarterfinal World Title Bout: Patricio Pitbull (30-4) vs. Pedro Carvalho (11-3)

Featherweight World Grand Prix Quarterfinal Bout: Daniel Weichel (40-11) vs. Emmanuel Sanchez (19-4)

Heavyweight Main Card Bout: Matt Mitrione (13-7, 1 NC) vs. Ronny Markes (19-7)

Welterweight Main Card Bout: Paul Daley (42-17-2) vs. Sabah Homasi (13-8)

Lightweight Main Card Bout: Nick Newell (16-3) vs. Zach Zane (14-9)

Middleweight Main Card Bout: Anatolij Tokov (29-2) vs. Fabio Aguiar (17-1)

Prethodno Card:

Bellator’s YouTube Channel | DAZN

7:30 poslije podne. I / 4:30 poslije podne. PT

Velter Prethodno Bout: Robson Gracie Jr. (3-0) vs. Billy Goff (2-2)

160-lb. Contract Weight Preliminary Bout: Dječji odsječak (3-2, 1 NC) vs. Kaheem Murray (3-3)

Srednjoj Prethodno Bout: Jordan Newman (2-0) vs. Pat McCrohan (4-3)

Srednjoj Prethodno Bout: Romero Cotton (4-0) vs. Justin Sumter (7-3)

140-lb. Contract Weight Preliminary Bout: Mike Kimbel (3-2) vs. Kenny Rivera (2-2)

Lagan Prethodno Bout: Killys Mota (12-1) vs. Nate Andrews (16-3)

Pero Prethodno Bout: Leandro Higo (19-5) vs. Dominic Mazzotta (15-3)

Pero Prethodno Bout: Leslie Smith (11-8-1) vs. Jessy Miele (9-3)

Velter Prethodno Bout: Ion Pascu (18-10) vs. Mark Lemminger (10-1)

Lagan Prethodno Bout: Vladimir Tokov (7-0) vs. Marcus Surin (6-2)

*Kartica podložne promjenama.

Molimo posjetite Bellator.com za više informacija.




LOS ANGELES – Bellator officials today announced that the eagerly anticipated promotional debut of Liz Carmouche (13-7) održat će se u petak, Svibanj 29 at Pechanga Resort Casino in Temecula, Kalif. against undefeated SBG Ireland’s flyweight prospect Mandy Böhm (6-0, 1 NC).

Ulaznice za Bellator 243: Carmouche vs. Böhm go on sale March 13 na 3 poslije podne. PT and are available at the Pechanga box office, kao iBellator.com, Ticketmaster.com a Pechanga.com.

The event will be broadcast live Friday, Svibanj 29 na Paramount Network a DAZN na 10 poslije podne. ET/9 p.m. CT, while preliminary action will stream on Bellator’s MMA YouTube channel. Dodatni borbe bit će objavljen u narednim tjednima.

A United States Marine Corps veteran and established flyweight competitor, Carmouche joined Bellator’s women’s flyweight division this past December following a six-year run in UFC – a tenure that includes world title bouts in both the bantamweight and flyweight divisions, as well as notable wins over Katlyn Chookagian and Jessica Andrade.

Borba iz San Diego, the 36-year-old Team Hurricane Awesome-product also formerly competed for Strikeforce, notching a pair of victories with the promotion. She also earned a win over Valentina Shevchenko earlier in her career. Prior to “Girl-Rilla’s” days as a professional athlete, the Lafayette, Louisiana-native spent five years serving as an aviation electrician in the United Stated Marine Corps, where she completed three tours of duty in the Middle East.

Fresh off a flyweight title victory on the regional MMA scene last May, Mandy Böhm is ready to bring her undefeated mark as a professional to the highest levels of the sport when she meets former two-division title challenger Liz Carmouche on May 29. Hailing from Germany, but training under the tutelage of John Kavanagh at SBG Ireland in Dublin, “Monster” is a force to be reckoned with on the feet, but showcased her strong submission skills when she handed top Canadian prospect Jade Masson-Wong the first loss of her career in 2019.

Ažurirano Bellator 243: Carmouche vs. Böhm borba kartica:

Flyweight Main Event: Liz carmouche (13-7) vs. Mandy Böhm (6-0, 1 NC)


559 Fights returns to Visalia

SELMA, Kalif. – Larry Gonzales hasn’t had the best of luck in his young mixed martial arts career. The Fresno heavyweight had three fights fall apart before he even had a chance to compete.

But once Gonzales stepped foot in the cage, he hasn’t looked back amassing a 4-0 rekord, capturing a 559 Fights Heavyweight Championship and climbing to a No. 3 ranking in the state.

Gonzales hopes to keep the good fortune going on March 13 – Friday the 13th – in a heavyweight title showdown with Fresno’s Kail Melton (1-2) at the Visalia Convention Center. Doors open at 6pm and first fight is at 7.

“Looking at things now this might be one of the largest fight cards we’ve ever put together," 559 Fights owner Jeremy Luchau said. “15 mma bouts in all, with three of them being title fights and a grappling tournament. I don’t know what more fight fans could possibly want.”

The co-main event features a California Amateur Mixed Martial Arts Organization Middleweight State title fight, pitting two of the Valley’s best 185-pound prospects against one another – Hanford’s Marqus Blevins (3-0) and Orange Cove’s Jared Velasquez (4-3).

“It’s been a long time coming to get Blevins into the 559 Fights cage,”Rekao je Luchau. “Blevins trains out of Valley Fight Club and that’s where I had my start in mixed martial arts training. It’s an honor and a pleasure to be able to have them represented in our promotion. And I’m also excited to have Velasquez back in action. He’s as tough as they come and represents a great city in Orange Cove where we just had an extremely successful event.”

Flyweights will also take center stage, as 125-pound 559 Fights kingpin Johnny Maldonado of Bakersfield defends his perfect 4-0 record in a rematch with former champion Josue Gonzales (3-2) of San Luis Obispo.

559 Fights will also be hosting its first grappling tournament, which will take place in the 155-185 weight classes and feature competitors from all over the Central Valley.

“The fight card is pretty stacked, but I’m probably most excited about this grappling tournament that we are doing,” Luchau added. “There’s going to be a lot of notable names from the Valley competing. It’s a great start for us on where we see the future of both grappling and 559 Fights heading in the future.”

In other main card bouts; Irvine flyweight Meggan Tamondong (2-1) takes on Rocklin’s Valerie Thurs (3-4), Lindsay lightweight Mark Felix (4-3) battles Sacramento’s Julius Wright (5-4), Hanford featherweight Denzel Rosaroso (3-0) fights Bakersfield’s Sal Bruno (2-2-2), Sanger welterweight Anthony Mata (1-1) tangles with Bakersfield’s Jeramy Titsworth (1-1) and Porterville light heavyweight Omar Reneau (2-3) fights Lathrop’s Danny Moreno (2-2).

Grappling competitors include; Porterville’s Brandon Cohea, Fresno’s Nick Bustamante, Selma’s Julian Tovar, Parlier’s Christian Avalos, Fresno’s Art Hernandez, Visalia’s Marc DeLaCruz, Fresno’s Alex Rojas and Bakersfield’s Matt Reed.

For more information please visit www.559fights.com


Za immediate release: Orono, Mejn (Veljača 28, 2020) - New England Borbe (NEF) predstavit će svoje sljedeće miješane borilačke vještine (MMA) event at the Collins Center for the Arts on the University of Maine’s flagship Orono campus. Događaj, naslovljen „NEF 43: Divljanje,”Održat će se u subotu, Travanj 18, 2020, s vremenom zvona od 7 pm EDT. Ranije danas, the fight promotion announced the addition of an amateur flyweight bout to the card. Caleb “Dr. Feelgood” Austin (4-0) će se suočiti James Ploss (1-2) na borbenoj težini od 125 funti.

The bout will be a rematch of the first fight between Austin and Ploss that took place three years prior in April 2017 at “NEF 28.” Austin was declared the winner of that first contest, but not without controversy. Seconds into the first round, Ploss had a tight guillotine choke applied to Austin. Austin tapped out, but the referee was out of position to see the tap. Ploss released Austin from the hold, thinking he had won the fight. The referee, to Ploss’ bewilderment, ordered the fight to continue. As Ploss tried to make sense of the situation, Austin took him down and finished the fight moments later by technical knockout.

In the days that followed, many were critical of Austin on social media. The matter seemed to die down after a few days, only to be brought back to the forefront with a vengeance late last year when former UFC and WEC star Mike Brown (26-9) shared the clip on Twitter as an example of “fighting until the referee tells you to stop.” Suddenly, the fight received global attention from major online news sources likeBloody ElbowMMA JunkieThe Athletic, aPodzemni.

The first fight with Ploss was Caleb Austin’s amateur MMA debut. He was 18-years-old at the time and still a senior at Mountain Valley High School in Rumford, Maine. Austin was a standout wrestler in high school, putting together a record of 208-11 over four years and winning state titles at 126 pounds his junior and senior years. He was named the 2017 “Wrestler of the Yearby the Lewiston Sun Journal. After graduation, Austin continued his wrestling career at the University of Southern Maine, but he took the next two years off from MMA competition. He returned last summer and has won three fights in a row since he made his comeback. Austin currently represents Central Maine Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (CMBJJ) u Lewiston, Maine.

“I’m excited to finally be able to fight James again to gain some closure,” said Austin of the rematch with Ploss. “My MMA debut has haunted me since it happened almost three years ago. I’m thankful to James and his team for giving me this opportunity to get back in there with him. I’ve wanted this for a long time and I promise to make the most of the moment. When I exit the cage this time, it will be without question or controversy—it will end definitively.”

James Ploss went on to fight two more times in 2017 and has not competed since. He is a member of Greg Williams’ Team Kaze based in Lancaster, New Hampshire. Like Austin, Ploss will be looking for closure to the outcome of their first encounter.

“I’m grateful for a rematch with Caleb,” said Ploss. “Reflecting, I have pondered the question, ‘Am I better than Caleb or is he better than me?’ This is the perfect chance to find out—a second chance for us both to give it our all and see who comes out on top giving the fans, MMA community, and both of us the rematch we all want! 18. travnja, we both test ourselves.”

New England Borbe’ sljedeći događaj mješovitih borilačkih vještina, “NEF 43: Divljanje,” održat će se u subotu, Travanj 18, 2020, u Collinsovom centru za umjetnost na UMaine Orono. Ulaznice su na prodaju sadawww.CollinsCenterfortheArts.com.  

O New England borbama

New England Borbe ("NEF") je borba događaji promocije tvrtke. NEF-ova misija je stvaranje najkvalitetnijih događaja za borce i navijače. Nef je izvršni tim ima veliko iskustvo u borilačkim sportovima upravljanje, Proizvodnja događaji, Odnosi s medijima, marketing, Pravna i oglašavanje.