标记档案: MMA

官方BELLATOR 245: DAVIS VS. 马希达 2 结果和照片


Bellator 245: 戴维斯VS. 町田 2 主卡:
菲尔·戴维斯 (22-5, 1 NC) 打败 町田龙太 (26-10) 通过分裂的决定 (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)
猫桌 (11-4) 打败 加比·霍洛威(Gabby Holloway) (6-6) 通过一致决定 (29-27, 30-26, 30-26)
泰勒·约翰逊 (6-1) 打败 和露丝 (8-3) 通过提交 (脚后跟钩) 在 :59 of round one
Raymond Daniels (2-1, 1 NC) 和 彼得·斯塔诺尼克 (5-4, 1 NC) 结束了 没有内容 (意外低吹)

亚历克斯·波利齐 (7-0) 打败 拉斐尔·卡瓦略 (16-5) 一致决定 (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)
莱斯利·史密斯 (12-8-1) 打败 阿曼达·贝尔 (7-7) 通过一致决定 (29-28, 29-28. 29-28)
泰瑞尔财富 (8-1, 1 NC) 和 杰克有可能 (11-6, 1 NC) 结束于无内容 (意外低吹)
基思·李 (7-3) 打败 维尼修斯扎尼 (11-7) 通过一致决定 (29-28, 29-28, 30-27)

请访问 Bellator.com 了解更多信息.

BELLATOR MMA和CBS体育网络团队建立了新的电视合作伙伴关系

周四开始覆盖, 华侨城. 1 与 BELLATOR 247 从米兰直播, 意大利

更多, 十月的黄金时段,冠军克里斯(CRIS)的“赛博格(CYBORG)”和阿伦·布伦科威(ARLENE BLENCOWE)参加了史诗般的世界冠军争夺战. 15

LOS ANGELES - Bellator MMA, 由ViacomCBS拥有的领先的综合武术促销, CBS体育网宣布了一项令人兴奋的新合作伙伴关系,该组织的现场活动将在今年秋天开始在CBS Sports的24小时之家中播放.

哥伦比亚广播公司体育网将播出Bellator事件, 国内和国际, 全美直播. 市场, 而初步对决将在CBSSports.com和Bellator MMA的YouTube频道上进行. 其他详细信息将在以后公布。.

开始新的伙伴关系, CBS体育网将从欧洲直播Bellator赛事, 含Bellator 247周四, 十月. 1 (4 P.M. AND) 米兰, 意大利, 以及纪念性的Bellator巴黎事件 周六, 十月. 10 (11:30 A.M. AND) 在法国。Bellator 247由老将之间的次中量级争夺战成为标题保罗·戴利 (42-17-2) 和德里克·安德森 (16-3, 1 NC), 而Bellator巴黎看到“ MVP”迈克尔·佩奇 (17-1) 担当罗斯·休斯顿 (8-0, 1 NC) 在次中量级和谢赫·金刚 (30-10-2, 1 NC) 面蒂姆·约翰逊 (14-6) 在一个重量级的较量.

美国首场黄金时段直播. 发生在星期四, 十月. 15 (9 P.M. AND) 一张巨大的牌被当前冠军的第一张世界冠军头衔锁定克里斯“机器侠” (22-2, 1 NC), 谁承担了澳大利亚的Arlene Blencowe (13-7), 在Bellator 249来自安卡斯维尔的Mohegan Sun Arena, 康涅狄格州.

“我们很高兴CBS体育网络成为Bellator MMA直播活动的新家. 这是展示这项运动中一些最佳赛事和知名人物的绝佳机会,哥伦比亚广播公司体育节目副总裁Dan Weinberg说. “将Bellator MMA添加到CBS Sports产品组合将有助于更大的推广, 在我们所有平台和资产(包括CBS体育网络)上的参与度和曝光率, CBSSports.com, CBS Sports总部以及我们的各种社交帐户。”

“我很高兴Bellator现场赛事将于10月开始进入CBS体育网络. 1, 合作伙伴关系在所有CBS Sports平台上创造的独特机会,” Bellator总裁Scott Coker的说. “ CBS Sports是标志性体育广播的代名词,现在将Bellator MMA纳入该家族实在令人难以置信. 我要感谢派拉蒙网络, 以前是Spike TV, 多年来的支持帮助Bellator成为了今天的组织, 这个消息标志着两个ViacomCBS属性之间的又一个令人兴奋的关系. 我期待带来最大的战斗, 汇集世界顶级运动员, 直播到CBS体育网络,并在今年秋天向全新的受众介绍Bellator。”

CBS体育网, CBS Sports 24小时之家, 可通过所有主要电缆使用, 卫星和电信发行商以及OTT流媒体服务提供商YouTube电视, fuboTV, DirecTV和Hulu.

Bellator将继续制作自己的所有现场活动, 由执行制片人斯科特·菲什曼(Scott Fishman)领导.

公司历史上第二位Bellator女子轻量级冠军, 克里斯(Crist“ Cyborg”)将在1月超过朱莉娅·巴德(Julia Budd)的比赛中脱颖而出,赢得145磅重的世界冠军. 已有35岁的MMA传奇人物, 当十月与阿琳·布伦科威(Arlene Blencowe)会面时,“ Cyborg”将寻求进一步发展自己的遗产,成为有史以来最伟大的女性混合武术家. 15. 在她的第12次职业冠军争夺战中赢得Bellator腰带后, “ Cyborg”成为她第四次重大晋升的世界冠军,创造了历史, 以前在UFC和Strikeforce中都系好安全带. 具有专业记录 22-2, 1 NC, 含 18 以完成方式获胜, 这名巴西出生的战斗机在艰难的竞争中赢得了胜利,例如Budd, 冬青霍尔姆, 费利西亚·斯潘塞(Felicia Spencer)和吉娜·卡拉诺(Gina Carano).

她最近七战中的六战获胜, 包括五个淘汰赛, “ Angerfist”使自己能够挑战女子轻量级冠军. 对莱斯利·史密斯的一致决定胜利, 前两次拳击世界冠军都希望保持动力,并获得自己的第一个MMA冠军. 与Bellator女人的轻量化历史上最多的淘汰赛并列, 新南威尔士州的战斗机, 澳大利亚旨在要求拥有该记录的唯一拥有权, 她在Cris“ Cyborg”中挑战了迄今为止最艰难的挑战。

多年的MMA老手, Paul Daley从那以后开始专业比赛 2003, 聚积 60 职业斗争. 任职期间, “ Semtex”一直是MMA历史上最令人难忘的一回合的一半, 包括在Brennan Ward的年度淘汰赛 2017. 最近, 诺丁汉, 英格兰人连续击败埃里克·席尔瓦(Erick Silva)和萨阿德·阿瓦德(Saad Awad), 将他在Bellator MMA中的战绩提高到8-4。从圣地亚哥出发, 加利福尼亚州。, 30岁的德里克·安德森(Derek Anderson)将参加Bellator MMA的第11次露面,以寻求他的第三连胜. 同 11 他 16 事业的胜利来自终点, “野蛮人”希望赢得他的第八次促销胜利,也是他的第一个 2020 运动.

目前正进行三连胜, 迈克尔“毒液”页面, 被粉丝们称为“ MVP”,以破坏欧洲次中量级车手的首次亮相回归, 罗斯·休斯顿. 保持职业生涯记录 17-1, 同 14 胜利来自停工, 伦敦射击战士的骄傲似乎提醒人们为什么他是所有MMA中最激动人心的前锋之一。在2月与Bellator签约之后, 苏格兰的休斯敦将首次登台,与Bellator的其中一位最大球星进行宣传. “杀手”计划保留他的 8-0, 1 NC不败的记录完好无损,并通过使用他已知的巴西柔术技巧改善了已经获得的三项提交胜利.

保持着令人印象深刻的MMA记录 30-10-2, 1 NC, 在去年9月与重量级冠军瑞恩·巴德(Ryan Bader)进行冠军争夺战之后,法国的奇克·金戈(Cheick Kongo)重新采取行动. 这位前跆拳道选手至今保持不败 2015 并将进入家中的Bellator笼子,与蒂姆·约翰逊(Tim Johnson)的重量级竞争者中熟悉的对手重赛。在将军澳击败老将马特·米特里奥内的胜利中Bellator 243 八月, 约翰逊将第三次参加比赛 2020 在复仇中寻求报复 2018 对金刚. 现在在拉斯维加斯训练, 约翰逊凭借最近的胜利迅速赢得了在Bellator重量级部门顶部的位置, 包括在2月份对潜在客户Tyrell Fortune的病毒淘汰赛.


请访问Bellator.com 了解更多信息.

BELLATOR MMA宣布在Mohegan Sun竞技场的PARAMOUNT网络和DAZN上直播大量双头游戏

前冠军赛的前冠军菲尔·戴维斯(PHIL DAVIS)和莱希奥·马希达·科利德(LYOTO MACHIDA COLLIDE) BELLATOR 245 在周五, SEPT. 11

胡安·阿切莱塔(Juan ARCHULETA)面对空空荡荡的BANTAMWEIGHT世界冠军的不败拼盘 BELLATOR 246 周六, SEPT. 12


LOS ANGELES— 首次, Bellator MMA的“ FightSphere”金神体育馆 安卡斯维尔, 康涅狄格州. 将在星期五举办一个堆积如山的双头周末, 七. 11 周六, 七. 12. 一晚, 装瓶工245前世界冠军的头条新闻菲尔·戴维斯 (21-5, 1 NC) 和町田龙太 (26-9) 在轻量级比赛中, 而Bellator 246第二天晚上,他们看到了最有竞争力的最轻量级世界冠军争夺战胡安·阿丘利塔 (24-2) 承担不败补丁混合 (13-0) 空置标题.

两位前世界冠军挑战者还参加了期待已久的Bellator首次亮相, 如猫桌 (10-4) 发生在加比·霍洛威(Gabby Holloway) (6-5) 在轻量级比赛中Bellator 245, 利兹·卡茅奇 (13-7) 符合新签黛安娜·贝内特 (10-6-1) 在主卡的飞重Bellator 246.

Bellator 245: 戴维斯VS. 町田2在周五, 七. 11 和Bellator 246: Archuleta vs. 混合周六, 七. 12 空中直播派拉蒙网络 和DAZN 在 10 P.M. AND / 9时三十分. CT. 初步行动将继续进行Bellator MMA的YouTube频道. 未来几天将宣布更多回合.

前Bellator轻重量级世界冠军, 自停下来以来,菲尔·戴维斯(Phil Davis)首次返回贝拉特(Bellater)笼子卡尔Albrektsson 在Bellator 231 去年十月. 宾夕法尼亚州立大学的四次NCAA D-I全美摔跤手, “先生. Wonderful”赢得了Brian Stann的职业胜利, 亚历山大·古斯塔夫松, 安东尼奥·罗热诺盖拉, 他将在9月再次面对的那个人. 11, 町田龙太. 已有八次Bellator出场, 这位总部位于圣地亚哥的战斗机的目标是在这项运动最艰难的轻型重量级部门中夺回自己的世界冠军.

与 Bellator 签约后 2018, 町田龙太 (Lyot​​o Machida) 战胜前冠军,完成备受期待的促销首秀拉斐尔·卡瓦略贝尔拉213并随后继续击败现已退休的Chael Sonnen的在著名的麦迪逊广场花园内Bellator 222. 前UFC轻重量级冠军, 被全球粉丝称为“龙”,” 职业生涯中战胜蒂托·奥尔蒂斯 (Tito Ortiz) 取得了显着的胜利, “ Shogun” Rua, 丹·亨德森, 拉沙德·埃文斯和兰迪·库图尔. 在巴西首场比赛中输给戴维斯, 萨尔瓦多人, 巴伊亚州, 巴西正在寻求救赎并在未来争夺 Bellator 金牌.

刚刚取得令人印象深刻的胜利亨利·科拉莱斯 在Bellator 238 今年早些时候,, 胡安·阿楚莱塔(Juan Archuleta)将寻求夺取本次促销活动中空出的最轻量级腰带. 赫斯皮里亚之战, 加利福尼亚州。, 这位32岁的淘汰赛艺术家将再次降级,争夺世界冠军, 他在争夺区域晋级“笼中之王”的竞争中曾四次成功完成这一任务 (轻中量级, 轻量级, 蝇量级和雏量级). 在一场艰苦的羽量级世界冠军争夺战之后帕特里西奥斗犬 去年九月, “西班牙人”重返雏量级, 他已经连续五年不败.

目前正在阿尔伯克基参加 Jackson Wink MMA 比赛, N.M., Patchy Mix 将第四次亮相 Bellator, 他已经取得了三场第一轮降服胜利. 26岁的布法罗, 纽约人希望保持不败,并在新年前夜取得最近的胜利, 在 Bellator 与 Rizin 的联合宣传活动中,《No Love》赢得了对 Yuki Motoya 的断头台绞杀。原因20在日本. 在接受Scott Coker领导的促销之前, 在与笼之王的所有九场战斗中,Mix都占据了比赛的主导地位, 收集第一轮的五个成绩. 现在, 提交专家将面临其年轻职业最艰难的考验, 与前Bellator轻量级世界冠军争夺者的对决,以及Bellator空置的135磅皮带上的镜头.

还宣布了Bellator 245“轻松”爱德·露丝 (8-2) 在首次亮相时回到中量级泰勒·“墓碑”约翰逊 (5-1) 在主卡上; 当前Bellator跆拳道次中量级世界冠军雷蒙德“真正的交易”丹尼尔斯(2-1) 返回MMA对阵彼得·斯塔诺尼克(5-4); 前中量级冠军拉斐尔·卡瓦略(16-4) 不败之地亚历克斯“轻松”的Polizzi(6-0) 在轻重量级; 精打细算的重量级人物泰瑞尔财富(8-1) 和杰克有可能(11-6) 碰撞; “基拉”基思·李 (6-3) 面孔“蜜獾”多米尼克·马佐塔 (15-3) 在 140 磅. 合约重量初赛.

还宣布了Bellator 246…次中量级顶级竞争者乔恩惠誉 (32-7-2, 1 NC) 和奈曼格雷西 (9-1) 在联合主赛事中展开对决; 德里克“野马”坎波斯(20-10) 和罗杰·“斗牛士”·韦尔塔(24-12-1, 1 NC) 在一场轻量级战斗中针锋相对; 杰克逊·温克 MMA 重量级新秀达维恩·“唐”·富兰克林 (1-0) 发生在拉斯“牙买加三叶草”希尔顿 (6-4) 预赛中; 夏威夷泰·“野蛮人”·格维尔德(4-1) 满足伦敦的乔治“图科”也是一个(4-1) in a middleweight contest.

更新Bellator 245: 戴维斯VS. 町田2主卡:


星期五, 七. 11 - 10 P.M. AND / 9时三十分. CT

轻重量级的主要事件: 菲尔·戴维斯(21-5, 1 NC) 与町田龙太 (26-9)

轻量级联赛: 猫桌(10-4) 与加比·霍洛威(Gabby Holloway)(6-5)

中量级功能赛: 和露丝 (8-2) 与泰勒·约翰逊(5-1)

次中量级功能回合: Raymond Daniels(2-1) 与彼得·斯塔诺尼克(5-4)


Bellator MMA的YouTube频道

轻重量级的初步回合: 拉斐尔·卡瓦略(16-4) 与亚历克斯·波利齐(6-0)

重量级的初步回合: 泰瑞尔财富(8-1) 与杰克有可能(11-6)

140-磅. 合同重初步回合: 基思·李(6-3) 与多米尼克Mazzotta(15-3)


更新Bellator 246: Archuleta vs. 混合 主卡:


星期六, 七. 12 - 10 P.M. AND / 9时三十分. CT

最轻量级世界冠军争夺战: 胡安·阿丘利塔(24-2) 与补丁混合(13-0)

重量级的合作主要事件: 乔恩惠誉(32-7-2, 1 NC) 与奈曼格雷西(9-1)

Flyweight Feature Bout: 利兹·卡茅奇 (13-7) 与黛安娜·贝内特(10-6-1)

轻量级特征回合: 德里克场(20-10) 与罗杰·韦尔塔(24-12-1, 1 NC)


Bellator MMA的YouTube频道

中量级初步回合: 你Gwerder(4-1) 与乔治一号(4-1)

重量级的初步回合: Davion富兰克林 (1-0) 与拉斯希尔顿(6-4)



SFT 23 虚拟现实: 杰弗里·VS. 阿西斯官方结果

亚伦·杰弗里(Aaron Jeffrey)在第三轮中击败布鲁诺·阿西斯(Bruno Assis)

MIAMI (八月 15, 2020) – 期待已久的 SFT MMA 美国首秀 & 极限(精彩格斗锦标赛), 由于 COVID-19 大流行,推迟了几个月, 上周四晚上终于在迈阿密温伍德工作室举行了一场“封闭演出”, 佛罗里达。

“SFT 23 虚拟现实: 杰弗里·VS. 《Assis》通过 FITE 应用程序和网站在全球范围内按次付费进行直播 (www.FITE.tv), 并在未来的日期在美国各地的地区电视台进行现场直播. 关于联合战斗联盟 (乌发), 以及巴西电视台。

“组织这次活动是我在 SFT 做过的最困难的事情,” SFT 总裁大卫·哈德森 说. “战斗卡感觉每天都在变化. 在某个时刻我们有 12 与非常国际化的主卡进行战斗, 由高排名运动员组成. 我们可能签了约 20 比赛并最终获得五分. 这也是我们第一次在美国做宣传. 如果每个人都没有全力以赴,事情就会变得非常困难, 以及生产方面。 我们最终的表现要差得多, 就生产而言, 与SFT始终推出的产品相比. 然而, 战斗真的很好, 并在一天结束时, 都是为了战斗. 我很高兴我们做到了.  这不是我所希望的开始, 但是现在我们准备全力以赴. 我们正在寻找十一月底, 十二月初, 为下一场美国演出。

我们希望尽快带回Jeffrey和Jornel。有往返巴西的航班限制, 以及限制公开活动的限制, 我不确定要如何将它们存入我们的卡中,但, hopefully, 我们今年仍然可以在巴西完成它。”

加拿大中量级亚伦·杰弗里(Aaron Jeffrey) (8-2-0) 走近一步,实现了他在UFC战斗的梦想, 被巴西对手一拳击倒, 布鲁诺·“布鲁瑙”·阿西斯 (9-5-0) 在首轮比赛中。 27岁的杰弗里, 尼亚加拉大瀑布, 安大略, 释放出一连串致命的拳头结束了战斗,赢得了他在过去七场比赛中的第六场胜利。 这是这两位主赛选手的 SFT 首秀。 杰弗里 vs. 阿西斯被选为当晚最佳拳手,每位拳手都被授予 $1000 奖金。

在共功能的事件, 路易斯·布希(Buiz)Firmino 三回合决胜巴西同胞马库斯·“马鲁科”·佩雷斯 在一场重量为 198 磅的摔跤比赛中。

不败的佛罗里达轻量级选手《艾》卢戈报纸 (4-0-0), 代表西棕榈滩, 和密苏里州的科塔维奥斯浪漫的 (4-1-0) 在他们的 SFT 首秀中,Lugo 凭借三轮分歧判定艰难获胜。

在波多黎各轻量级战斗中, 詹姆斯·海 (3-1-0) 锁定在后裸Ch流中以提交奥兰多桑塔纳 (2-2-0) 在第二轮。

迈阿密轻量级约书亚·达席尔维拉 (2-0-0) 以壮观的方式保持不败, 淘汰亲首演科迪·罗兰, 从横幅麋鹿战斗, 北卡罗来纳,  在首轮中被完美踢到头部。达·西尔维拉(Da Silveira)收到了 $1000 奖金,因为他被选为“夜间淘汰赛”。


“ SFT 23”官方结果 

主要活动– SFT MMA –中等重量

亚伦·杰弗里(Aaron Jeffrey) (8-2-0, SFT: 1-0-0), 加拿大

WTKO3 (冲头– 1:26 

布鲁诺·阿西斯(Bruno Assis) (9-5-0, SFT: 0-1-0), 巴西

共同特征 — 抓斗–重量 (198 磅。) 

马库斯·佩雷斯(Markus Perez), 巴西


路易斯·菲尔米诺(Luiz Firmino), 巴西

SFT MMA — 轻量级

卢戈Jornel (4-0-0, SFT: 1-0-0), 美国

WDEC3 (29-28, 29-28, 28-29) 

腐蚀R (4-1-0, SFT: 0-1-0), 美国

SFT MMA — 轻量级

詹姆斯·海 (3-1-0, SFT: 1-0-0), 波多黎各

WSUB2 (后裸胆 -3:16) 

奥兰多桑塔纳 (2-2-0, SFT: 0-1-0), 美国通过波多黎各

SFT MMA –轻量级

约书亚·达西尔维拉 (2-0-0, SFT: 1-0-0), 美国

WKO1 (踢到头) 

科迪·罗兰 (0-1-0, SFT: 0-1-0), 美国


Website: www.sftmma.com 

Facebook的: /文件, /SFT.Xtreme, 大卫·哈德森

叽叽喳喳: @SFTMMA

Instagram的: @SFTMMA, @SFTEXTREME, @ DavidHudson.SFT

你管: /美国金融时报, /SFT巴西


LOS ANGELES — Bellator MMA自豪地宣布不败 瓦莱丽Loureda (3-0) will continue to compete inside the Bellator cage after signing an exclusive multi-year, multi-fight extension to remain with the ViacomCBS-owned promotion.

“I am pleased to have re-signed with Bellator,” Loureda said. “正如我一直说, I am here to show the world the true martial artist that I am and chase the flyweight belt. 我为此而生, I am a natural born fighter.”

Undefeated to start her mixed martial arts career, a run that has been spent entirely with Bellator, the 22-year-old Loureda has immediately made a mark on the flyweight division by emphatically winning all three of her fights. A 4th dan taekwando black belt who was a former member of the U.S. 国奥队, “大师”洛雷达(Loureda)是一位自豪的迈阿密居民,她在美国顶级球队度过了很多时间. 最近, 卢达(Loureda)让她 2020 首次出现在Bellator的“ FightSphere”中 Bellator 243, 在第二轮中阻止塔拉·格拉夫, 赢得了全世界媒体的关注并赢得了 11 通过Bellator的社交媒体平台获得百万观看.

重现Valerie Loureda从 Bellator 243 这里.

Loureda参加Bellator MMA的轻量化部门竞争, 目前由以下人士倡导的体重课程 Ilima雷·麦克法兰 并包括其他喜欢的顶级运动员 利兹·卡茅奇, 朱莉安娜·贝拉斯克斯, 亚历杭德拉拉拉, Denise Kielholtz, 马林·赫曼森, 除其他.

请访问 Bellator.com 了解更多信息.

Newest MMA promotion Ikon fighting federation to launch september 24 in mississippi

Streaming Live and Exclusively on UFC FIGHT PASS® 

LAS VEGAS (八月 10, 2020) – Veteran combat sports promoterKeith Veltre has announced the debut of MMA’s newest promotional company, iKON格斗联盟 (图标), 九月 24 at Biloxi Civic Center in Biloxi, 密西西比州。

All iKON events, held in association with Roy Jones, JR. (RJJ) Boxing Promotions, will be streamed live on UFC FIGHT PASS®, the world’s leading digital subscription service for combat sports.

Veltre, who also announced the hiring ofDean Toole as iKON’s matchmaker, is the CEO and co-founder of RJJ Boxing Promotions and Kinektic submission grappling, both streaming events exclusively on UFC FIGHT PASS.

“I have always lived by the motto, when businesses are downsizing during tough times, I either acquire or expand,” Veltre said. “I take advantage of times like this to rollout new adventures and MMA has always been in my game plan. I have always attached myself to a great team and bringing in Dean Toole as lead matchmaker was a no brainer, and I promise Ikon will deliver fireworks. I am thankful to have a great broadcast partner, UFC FIGHT PASS, and we’re excited to launch our first Ikon event with UFC FIGHT PASS on September 24.”

Toole added, “Being the founder and CEO of Island Fights, on UFC FIGHT PASS, it sometimes gets overlooked that I’m also the matchmaker for all of our professional events. I couldn’t be happier for this opportunity to continue doing what I’m best at and matchmake fights for iKON Fighting Federation.

“I had the privilege of being hired by Keith Veltre and UFC FIGHT PASS in December for the Quinet Ultra event and I think they liked working with me and my staff. I hope we made a good impression. I’m very excited to get started and do what we do best and that’s get these athletes to UFC.”

Full details and matchups will soon be announced.

要注册UFC FIGHT PASS, 请访问www.ufcfightpass.com 或下载UFC应用。


Facebook的: /UFCFightPass, /KeithVeltre

叽叽喳喳: @iKONFightingFederation, @UFCFightPass, @Keith_Veltre

Instagram的: @iKONFightingFederation, @UFCFightPass, @KeithVeltre

关于UFC FIGHT PASS®UFC FIGHT PASS® 是世界领先的格斗运动的数字订阅服务. 由于发动 2013, UFC FIGHT PASS现在可用于 200 国家和地区. UFC FIGHT PASS为会员提供无限制的现场直播UFC FIGHT PASS Prelims; 住来自世界各地的混合武术和格斗运动; 原创系列和历史编程; 特殊功能; 幕后的内容; 深入访谈; 和先进的的作战体育世界最新报告. UFC FIGHT PASS用户也有 24/7 访问世界上最大的图书馆打, 设有超过 20,000 从几十回合对抗的体育组织, 以及在UFC历史上每场战斗. 战斗迷可以在个人计算机上访问UFC FIGHT PASS, iOS和Android移动设备, 苹果电视, Xbox One上, 亚马逊消防电视, 的Chromecast, 年, 三星智能电视, LG智能电视, 和索尼电视与Android电视. 欲了解更多信息, 请访问www.ufcfightpass.com

SFT MMA And Xtreme’s american debut august 13 in miami

“SFT 23 虚拟现实: 杰弗里·VS. Assis”

Streaming live & exclusively onFITE.TV pay per view

MIAMI (八月. 6, 2020) — The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically altered plans in combat sports, particularly for Brazil-based SFT MMA & 极限 (精彩格斗锦标赛), which planned to make its American debut last June at Seminole Hard Rock in Hollywood, Florida. Its long-awaited American debut will finally take place on Thursday, 八月 13, with “SFT 23 虚拟现实: 杰弗里·VS. Assis”, in a closed show at Wynwood Studios in Miami, 佛罗里达。

“SFT 23 虚拟现实: 杰弗里·VS. Assis” will be streamed live and exclusively worldwide on pay per view via the FITE app and website (www.FITE.tv), 开始 7 P.M. 美东时间 / 4 P.M. 太平洋夏令时, for $14.95. It’ll also be taped live and air at future dates on regional television throughout the U.S. 关于联合战斗联盟 (乌发), 以及巴西电视台。

Only fighters and one corner person each, a skeleton staff including television production crew, 官员, and commission members will be allowed onsite. No fans, 媒体, or ring-card girls. SFT will provide masks and be responsible for cleaning, disinfecting, and encouraging everyone to follow all COVID-19 recommendations. Everybody will be tested for COVID-19 the day prior to the weigh in, at the weight in, and during the day of the event.

“Our plan was for SFT MMA & Xtreme to have a circuit, starting in Brazil, and then promoting shows in the United States and Mexico,” SFT 总裁 大卫·哈德森 说. “The Coronavirus changed everything. Our show last Saturday night in Sao Paulo, 巴西, was canceled after we had the weigh in, but we wanted to do the right thing and paid everybody involved.

“We can’t wait for U.S. fans to watch our product to understand what they’ve been missing. SFT gives fans what they want: 竞争的, action-packed fights in a completely different form of entertainment. We’re having our August 13 show in Miami because we want to increase awareness, particularly in the United States, of our unique product of combat sports entertainment. Our shows are regularly broadcast on one of the five national television networks in Brazil. We have five of the top seven pound-4-pound MMA fighters in Brazil and we want to bring some U.S. talent to fight in Brazil. Two fighters from this show will be given a chance to fight in Brazil and then, hopefully, at the Seminole Hard Rock later this year.”

The main event pits Canadian middleweight亚伦·杰弗里(Aaron Jeffrey) (7-2-0, (SFT: 0-0-0) against Brazilian布鲁诺·“布鲁瑙”·阿西斯 (9-4-0, SFT: 0-0-0) in their SFT MMA debuts. Styles make fights and Jeffrey, 否. 1 rated middleweight in the Province of Ontario, will be looking for his sixth knockout, while Assis, 否. 1-rated fighter in the State of Minas, has his sights set on his seventh submission finish.

American lightweightFrank “The Praying Mantis” Buenafuente (10-4-0, SFT: 0-0-0), fighting out of Garfield, 新泽西州, takes on Mexico’s No. 4-额定丹尼尔·“危险”维加 (12-3-0, SFT: 1-0-0) in the co-featured event. Buenafuente, who has a strong wrestling background, will be making his SFT MMA debut. Vega defeatedFabio Gasolina at “SFT 12” held in Mexico.

An SFT Xtreme (striking & kicking with 4-ounce gloves, no ground fighting) match will showcase Brazilian-native kickboxing legendMaycon Oller, who now fights out of Tustin, 加利福尼亚州, against World kickboxing championJadar Alves, 巴西的, in what promises to be a sensational showdown.

A grappling match will be on tap as well, pitting two of Brazil’s leading middleweights马库斯·“马鲁科”·佩雷斯针对 Luis “Buscape” Firmino.

The opening bout on the main card finds American lightweightsJornel “A1” 卢戈(3-0-0, SFT: 0-0-0) 和Contavious Romious (4-0-0, SFT: 0-0-0) in a well-matched battle of two undefeated prospects.

The preliminary card offers strong support. BrazilianRegivaldo “Handstone” Carvahlo (5-2-0, SFT: 0-0-0) faces AmericanRaymond “Godson” Ramos (5-4-0, SFT: 0-0-0) fighting at a 140-pound catchweight in SFT debuts for both fighters, and two other SFT debut fighters, 巴西人Lucas Alexandre (0-2-0, SFT: 0-0-0) and his American opponentShawn Brown (2-2-0, SFT: 0-0-0), square-off in a featherweight fight.

Also fighting on the preliminary card are Puerto Rican lightweights奥兰多桑塔纳 (2-1-0, SFT: 0-0-0) 和詹姆斯·海(2-1-0, SFT: 0-0-0), American light heavyweightsJoshua DaSiveira (1-0-0, SFT 0-0-0) 和亲开张科迪·罗兰, and American bantamweightsSal Guerriero (1-1-0, SFT: 0-0-0) 与John “The Baptist” Birdson (0-1-0, SFT: 0-0-0). 

The card is subject to change.

SFT MMA & Xtreme is coming to America next week. Catch the revolution


Website: www.sftmma.com 

Facebook的: /文件, /SFT.Extreme, 大卫·哈德森

叽叽喳喳: @SFTMMA

Instagram的: @SFTMMA, @SFTEXTREME, @ DavidHudson.SFT

你管: /美国金融时报, /SFT巴西


LOS ANGELES – Bellator MMA and Pluto TV, ViacomCBS companies, today announced that they have partnered to launch an exclusive channel on Pluto TV with iconic, action-packed past matches showcasing legendary talent and champions all from Bellator’s extensive library of content. The Bellator MMA channel on Pluto TV officially launched today with nonstop, adrenaline-rich entertainment and can be found in the “Sports” category on the leading, free streaming television service in the US.

The Bellator MMA channel on Pluto TV will debut with more than 500 fights from Bellator’s vast collection of past events. Fans will see historic bouts featuring current world champions 瑞安贝德,道格拉斯·利马, 帕特里西奥“斗犬” Ilima雷·麦克法兰, as well as other iconic names and top talent in the sport, 含 费多尔艾米连科, 迈克尔·钱德勒, Gegard Mousasi,昆顿“横冲直撞”杰克逊, A.J. 麦基, 本森亨德森, 杰克·黑格, 迈克尔“毒液”页面Chael Sonnen的.

The Bellator MMA channel on Pluto TV can be accessed directly by clicking here: https://pluto.tv/live-tv/bellator-mma

“I am excited for the launch of the Bellator MMA channel on Pluto TV that will feature unlimited access to our extensive content library,” Bellator总裁Scott Coker的说. “This is a great way to increase the promotion’s visibility across additional ViacomCBS platforms, while giving our fans the opportunity to relive these incredible moments from inside the Bellator cage.”

“We are excited to welcome a renowned and respected mixed martial arts organization like Bellator MMA to Pluto TV. Being a part of the ViacomCBS organization affords us unique access to a coveted portfolio of premium brands and properties with built-in fanbases, like Bellator, that further differentiates the types of programming we can stream on Pluto TV,” states Amy Kuessner, SVP of Content Strategy & Global Partnerships at Pluto TV. “The launch of Bellator MMA as an exclusive channel on Pluto TV brings free and easy access to millions of new and existing fans, with premium content that is guaranteed to really pack a punch.”

Pluto TV offers hundreds of channels and thousands of movies and television series on-demand to a domestic audience of over 24 million users. 拥有超过 100,000 hours of premium content available on the platform, Pluto TV is available across all major mobile, connected TV and web-based devices and has a global footprint spanning three continents across 22 国家.

请访问 Pluto.tvBellator.com 了解更多信息.


全部结果 & 钟鼓手的照片 242: 托盘VS. 佩蒂斯


Bellator 242: 托盘vs. 佩蒂斯 主卡:
塞尔吉奥·佩蒂斯 (20-5) 打败 瑞奇托盘 (13-4) 通过一致决定 (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)
贾森·杰克逊 (12-4) 打败 我乔丹 (31-13) 通过一致决定 (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)
杰伊·杰伊·威尔逊 (6-0) 打败 Tywan克拉克斯顿 (6-2) 通过分裂的决定 (30-27, 27-30, 29-28)
亚伦微微 (6-3) 打败 独奏哈特利, JR. (8-3) 通过提交 (后方裸体扼流圈) 在 2:10 of round one

马克旅鼠 (1-1) 打败 杰克·史密斯 (7-4) 通过TKO (罢工) 在 4:46 第二轮的
Raufeon索陶 (14-1) 打败 卡斯贝尔 (5-1) 通过提交 (后方裸体扼流圈) 在 1:24 第三轮
拉斯希尔顿 (6-4) 打败 鲁迪Schaffroth (6-2, 1 NC) 通过一致决定 (29-28, 29-28, 29-28)

请访问 Bellator.com 了解更多信息.



LOS ANGELES – Bellator is pleased to announce multiple upcoming events set to take place at Mohegan Sun Arena in Uncasville, 康涅狄格州, 含 Bellator 243 在周五, 八月. 7, Bellator 244 在周五, 八月. 21 和 Bellator 245 在周五, 七. 11.

Bellator 243 sees former world champions 迈克尔·钱德勒 (20-5) 和 本森亨德森 (28-8) face off once again inside the Bellator cage nearly four years after their first unforgettable meeting, The highly anticipated lightweight main event rematch airs live Friday, 八月. 7 上 Paramount Network and DAZN at 10 P.M. AND 来自安卡斯维尔的Mohegan Sun Arena, 康涅狄格州.

In the card’s co-main event, perennial heavyweight contender Matt Mitrione (13-7, 1 NC) will take on the hard-hitting 蒂莫西·约翰逊 (13-6) in an exciting matchup that will likely not go to the judges’ scorecards.

Bellator 243: 钱德勒VS. 亨德森 2 airs live on Paramount Network and DAZN on Friday, 八月 7 在 10 P.M. AND / 9时三十分. CT. The event will also air live on Sky Sports in the UK. 初步行动将继续进行 Bellator MMA的YouTube频道.

Making his 23rd promotional appearance for Bellator, “Iron” Michael Chandler will have the opportunity to silence his critics and prove that his November 19, 2016 split decision-win over Henderson was no fluke. Following victories in each of his first 12 专业的较量, highlighted by his first Bellator lightweight world title win and a pair of successful title defenses, the High Ridge, Missouri-native quickly made a name for himself in a stacked 155-pound class. The 34-year-old would eventually go on to collect a promotional record three lightweight title reigns that included three successful title defenses. Having won three of his previous five career rematches, including a pair of lightweight world title victories over Patricky斗犬布伦特博智, 该 2009 NCAA Division I All-American wrestler at the University of Missouri will look to add to that total and remind everyone what the former champion is capable of.

格伦代尔的战斗, 亚利桑那州。, “Smooth” will once again have a shot at revenge with his longtime rival Chandler, following multiple attempts to schedule the fight over the past year. The highly anticipated rematch was originally slated to take place on New Year’s Eve at 原因20 在日本, before Henderson was forced to withdraw due to an injury suffered during training. A few months later, the two former lightweight world champions were set to face off in the main event of Bellator’s return to the Windy City on June 6, before the global pandemic led to yet another postponement. 现在, the MMA Lab-product will look to settle the score and collect his fifth consecutive victory en route to a final push at Bellator’s 155-pound strap. With half of his 28 事业胜利所击倒或提交的方式来, the 36-year-old former UFC and WEC lightweight world champion will aim to put all doubts to rest and finish his nemesis in emphatic fashion on August 7.

After initially being scheduled to face 罗尼Markes的Bellator 241 in March prior to the pandemic, Matt Mitrione is now slated to meet Johnson, a competitor who also prefers to keep the fight upright. Prior to his MMA career, the 41-year old Illinois-native was a standout defensive end at Purdue University who subsequently earned his way into the NFL, playing six seasons as a member of the New York Giants and Minnesota Vikings. He ultimately found his way into MMA where he became the high-level competitor he is today, defeating the likes of the late Kimbo切片, 德里克·刘易斯,罗伊·尼尔森费多尔艾米连科.

A heavy betting underdog coming into his last matchup with 泰瑞尔财富Bellator 239, Timothy Johnson shocked many when he finished the undefeated competitor five years his junior via highlight reel-knockout in the opening frame. The win was the first for the Xtreme Couture-fighter inside the Bellator cage, who signed with the promotion in 2018 following seven outings in the UFC. With an impressive finishing mark of 10 他的停工 13 赢得作为一个专业, Johnson will be looking to deliver another impressive outing when he returns to action next month.

更新 Bellator 243: 钱德勒VS. 亨德森 2 主卡:
10 P.M. AND / 9时三十分. CT

轻量级主赛事: 迈克尔·钱德勒 (20-5) VS. 本森亨德森 (28-8)
重量级的合作主要事件: Matt Mitrione (13-7, 1 NC) VS. 蒂莫西·约翰逊 (13-6)


请访问 Bellator.com 了解更多信息.