Tag Archives: Mixed Martial Arts



Thatha sihlolisise team Bellator sika abanamakhono of fighters kusukela UK. Paul Daley, Michael Page, Linton Vassell and Liam McGeary, njengoba belungiselela angene U.S. on February 27 at “Bellator: The British Invasion,” ebanjwa at the Mohegan Sun Arena in Uncasville, CT.

Lo mcimbi okubhekiwe kakhulu Akazikhukhumezi LIVE futhi MAHHALA on Spike TV at 9 p.m. KANYE.

Countdown kulandela Team U.K. eLondon eNgilandi look at ukuqeqeshwa kwabo, ukuphila komkhaya futhi ukuboniswa emzini wabo ezweni.

Ngiyothatha abanye popcorn kanye chofoza isithombe ngezansi ukubuka ividiyo!

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Alexander Shlemenko unqoba Melvin Manhoef in Okumangalisayo Fashion on Spike TV at “Bellator: Manhoef vs. Shlemenko”


Credit: Esther Lin / MMAFIGHTING.COM

Chofoza lapha ukuze IZITHOMBE

Chofoza lapha ukuze OFFICIAL SCORECARDS


Fresno, Calif (Feb. 13, 2015)- Owabe Bellator middleweight Champion Alexander “The Storm” Shlemenko (52-9) wenza umsebenzi okusheshayo isitha sakhe nge ubusa Knockout wesibili round phezu Dutch yesiteleka ace Melvin Manhoef (29-13-1) phambi kwesixuku eduze-nomthamo Save Mart Center at kusihlwa “Bellator: Manhoef vs. Shlemenko” umcimbi senza LIVE futhi MAHHALA on spike TV.


With Bellator Light sosondonzima Champion, futhi ngokuvamile-yimpumelelo ukuphotha utilizer backfist Emanuel Newton esixukwini, Shlemenko waboleka nekhasi Playbook yakhe nokuzama ukuphotha ngenqindi and kick ukuhlaselwa amaningana kulo uzimele wokuqala.


Lapho round yesibili iqala, Shlemenko akasukanga kuleso game plan efanayo, nesizinda yakhe ukuphotha ibhodi lemisindo flush kanye emhlathini of Manhoef, sending him tumbling to the canvas. The hungry Russian native left nothing to chance and landed another strike before “Big” John McCarthy off bamphushela ememezela kuye winner at 1:25 round 2.


“Ngithemba Bellator wezwa mina ngivumele nami alungise iphutha ngenza esikhathini esidlule futhi uyonginika ithuba ukulwela Bellator middleweight World Championship Brandon Halsey.”


Owabe featherweight Champion Pat Curran‘s road back to the top of the talented division hit a road block against Featherweight Tournament winner Daniel Weichel of Germany. The two fighters wasted no time teeing off with crisp punches and accurate kicks, keeping the fight standing for a majority of the first frame. Weichel swept the leg of the former champ, ngokushesha bounced emuva ezinyaweni zakhe futhi efika ilungelo emuva zingene mix. Both fighters finished the final seconds of round one with a flurry of punches that drew loud applause from the Fresno crowd.


Curran began the second round with a visible cut over his left eye. After spending most of the round on their feet, Curran baphuthuma Weichel futhi amaphuzu umlayelo, lapho yenze intando yakhe phezu Weichel for the ngomzuzu wokugcina, cishe ngokuwina kuye round.


The round wesithathu wawunesihloko phambili slugfest emnandi Curran ukuzama ukuthola amaphuzu omunye ezehlisiwe in the third, kodwa fighter German eyayigcwele umzamo, briefly tried to work on a choke and then disengaged to finish the fight on his feet. At the end of 15 amaminithi, Weichel kwavela enqobile by isinqumo uqhekeko (29-28, 29-28, 28-29).


“Curran usezuze kakhulu Bellator futhi kwaba ngempela udumo ukulwa naye. Tonight I wafakazela ukuthi I ne lapha. Ngatshela izwe ukuthi ngiyeza for the shot isihloko futhi bathi ibhande.”


Julia Budd (7-2) futhi Gabrielle Holloway (4-2) marked the first Bellator Women’s fight of the year. Benefit, specialist Canadian Muay Thai wabonisa a okahle likhono-setha kulo ukulwa ngamandla Holloway, ngubani wathatha mpi isaziso iDemo. Budd worked well from the clinch, utilized several knee strikes and connected with a straight right hand in the closing seconds of round one. Holloway showed great poise throughout, futhi wasebenza Budd ngenhloso yokwehlisa ukuvula round wesithathu, Nokho Budd wakwazi ukwedlulisela zibe emzamweni armbar, futhi ekugcineni wasebenza eya Holloways’ emuva futhi grinded out a isinqumo ngazwilinye okudlangile amaphuzu 30-26, 30-25 futhi 30-24.


“Ngikhathazekile badumala ngempela angizange uthole Knockout,” Said Budd. “Bengithi uthole ngezinyawo zami futhi uyigcine ukuma noma ayiqede emhlabathini, kodwa yena olawulwa izihlakala futhi angikwazanga ukuthola izandla zami free ukuwuqeda.


“Yena turtled sonke isikhathi ukuze ngingahlali indololwane futhi ukuma up ushaye like Ngangifuna, kodwa nakanjani into Ngithathe goinvg ukusebenza on the fight olandelayo.”


In the nights okuvula fight, kwaba impi ezimbili wrestlers kufezeke kakhulu Chris Honeycutt, a-time ezimbili D1 All-American futhi Clayton MacFarlane, a D2 National Champion. With the vocal hometown crown behind him, Honeycutt waphuma amasango eziqinile futhi zisetshenziswa wobuciko control emhlabathini ngokunemba yesiteleka kulo kuqala emahlandla lamabili. The highly regarded welterweight prospect Honeycutt exhibited great strength at points, tossing MacFarlane to the ground. MacFarlane opened the third frame with a takedown, kodwa Honeycutt baphinde baphatha izintambo, took his opponents back and rained down strikes to MacFarlane’s body. MacFarlane, Manje 4-1, ayikwazanga ukuzivikela kusukela amagalelo emzimbeni, futhi unompempe Jason Herzog wayeka ukulwa at 4:16 of the round wesithathu.


“Ngathola Ukunqoba, kodwa kwakuyoba uke wayethanda ukuba baye bathola le TKO in an round ekuqaleni,” Said Honeycutt, ngubani kuthuthukisa irekhodi lakhe ukuba 6-0 kanye ukunqoba TKO.


Lewiston, Maine (February 13, 2015) - New England ayalwa (NEF), America isibalo-one zesifunda fight ukukhuthazwa, abuyele Androscoggin Bank Colisee in Lewiston, Maine on April 11, 2015 nge exubile-karate-ubuciko bayo nesikhombisa (MMA) umcimbi. Ngasekuqaleni namuhla, the company announced the addition of a professional middleweight bout to the fight card. Ryan “The Dog Junkyard” Cowette 2-2 kuzothatha on John Daniels (0-2) at a isisindo fight 185 pounds-.


Cowette iyona umnikazi ikhanda Umqeqeshi MMA Athletix gym akhiwe Bath, Maine. He is a veteran of the NEF MMA cage, having contested all four of his professional bouts for the promotion. Cowette rides a two-fight win streak into “NEF xvii,” kokuphunyuka ezinqotshiwe Dave Claroni (0-2) UYese Erickson (3-4) in the previous 18-months. April 11 will be Cowette’s return to the cage after more than a year’s absence. During that time, uye wagxila eqhuba esikoleni sakhe, ukuqeqesha fighters zakhe, and building his ministry through Victory Church in Bath. Cowette is currently the only professional fighting pastor in America. He says that he will be looking to finish Daniels on April 11 e Lewiston.


“Ngithanda ukulwa,” Said Cowette. “Ngithanda uhambo ekamu fight, kulandela, and the lessons learned. I also miss the opportunity of having a good finish. I will be looking to finish this fight. When I started Victory Church I found it hard to balance spiritual training and training for the cage. At 185 I feel that I can find my spot. Thanks to NEF for calling me back to the cage. ”


John Daniels is not a stranger to the NEF MMA cage. Currently signed to a multi-fight contract with the promotion, Daniels walahlekelwa Jesse Erickson spring last at “NEF XIII.” He will look to avenge that loss on April 11. A six year veteran of MMA, nalowo esikoleni esiphakeme wrestling iqhawe in Connecticut, Daniels okwamanje siqeqesha Edwaleni City MMA in Rockland, Maine. He predicts a tough battle at “NEF xvii.”


I am excited to be fighting for New England Fights and their fans,” stated Daniels. “They put on the best events. I am fighting Ryan Cowette. Nguye a fighter enkulu. I Ziningi nenhlonipho enginayo ngaye. This will be my toughest fight to date. I am looking to push the pace and stay in his face the whole fight. This will be a battle.

Next MMA umcimbi NEF sika, “NEF xvii,” kulindeleke ukuba athathe indawoApril 11, 2015 at the Androscoggin Bank Colisee in Lewiston, Maine. Bruce “Umfana Omuhle” Boyington (10-7) uyovikela the NEF MMA Title Esilula ngokumelene inombolo-one Olwa Jamie Harrison (5-1). Ngaphezu kwalokho, Jarod “Minute Last” Lawton (4-1) ihlangana Dennis Olson (12-7) emncintiswaneni welterweight. Amathikithi for “NEF xvii” ukuqalisa nje $25 futhi ukudayiswa manjewww.TheColisee.com noma ngokushayela ucingo The Colisee box office at207.783.2009 x 525. Ukuze uthole ukwaziswa okwengeziwe mcimbi fight updates ikhadi, sicela uvakashele iwebhusayithi ukukhuthazwa sika at www.NewEnglandFights.com. Ngaphezu kwalokho, ungakwazi watch NEF imiqophi at www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, landela them on Twitternefights futhi ukuhamba neqembu Facebook esemthethweni "New England Ilwisana."


About New England ayalwa


New England ayalwa ("NEF") Yimpi izenzakalo ukukhushulwa inkampani. Mission NEF ukwakha esezingeni izenzakalo for fighters Maine kanye fans ngokufanayo. Executive team NEF has olutheni management combat ezemidlalo, izenzakalo production, ubudlelwane media, marketing, kwezomthetho kanye nokukhangisa.

M-1 Challenge 57 May 2 in Novoorsk, Russia


M-1 returns Global May 2 to Novoorsk, ERussia M-1 Challenge 57

ST. PETERSBURG, Russia (Feb. 13, 2015) — M-1 Global umemezele ukuthi Novoorsk, Russia kuyoba Internet esemthethweni M-1 Challenge 57, wokugubha ngonyaka wesithathu ilandelana enamandla exubile-karate-ubuciko inkampani uzokhuthaza oluqavile khona.

Novoorsk yidolobha esisogwini River Ural, ngaphansi kwe 1,000 miles mpumalanga yeMoscow, close kakhulu emngceleni Kazakhstan. Lucky “7s” kuyinto mkhuba for Novoorsk, abambe M-1 Challenge 37 futhi M-1 Challenge 47 ngaphambi umthamo izixuku, futhi manje M-1 Challenge 57 on May 2.


Three eyayibusa M-1 Challenge Champions baye balwa in Novoorsk, engasindi Maxim Divnich (10-0-0) futhi wesibhakela Marcin “Tybur” Tybura (12-0-0) in M-1 Challenge 37; Tybura and featherweight John “Lona” Buchinger (28-4-0) in M-1 Challenge 47.

Boxing legend Roy Jones, Jr. wavakashela umdlali okhethekile M-1 Challenge 47 in Novoorsk

Two isihloko ukulwa kulindeleke ukuba kusihloko M-1 Challenge 57, okuzokwenziwa ngokushesha wamemezela M-1 Global.

M-1 Challenge 57 izosakazwa bukhoma in ncazelo phezulu www.M1Global.TV. Ababukeli bazokwazi ukubukela ukulwa zokukwazi kanye ikhadi main ngokungena kwi babhalise www.M1Global.TV. Abalandeli kungenzeka watch zonke isinyathelo computer abo, kanye Andriod and Apple amafoni smart and amaphilisi.

Fight Network ngeke baveze M-1 Challenge 57 bephila TV Cablevision sika Optimum, Grande Communications, Shentel Cable and Armstrong Cable in the iU.S., kanye lonke in Canada, Amadivaysi Roku yonkana North America, futhi omhlaba in ngaphezu 30 amazwe kulo lonke elaseYurophu, Afrika naseMpumalanga Ephakathi.


Ezayo M-1 Events Global:Feb. 21, 2015, M-1 Challenge 55: Guram Gugenishvili Memorial Show in Tbilisi, Georgia; Ephreli. 10, 2015, M-1 Challenge 56 e Moscow, Russia.




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ABOUT M-1 GLOBAL: Wasekelwa in 1997, M-1 Global umise uqobo endaweni Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) as the premiere entity for discovering and developing the world’s next-generation of superstar fighters. With emahhovisi e St Petersburg, Amsterdam and Los Angeles and affiliates in Seoul, Tokyo and Paris, the brand M-1 uye ngidlale ngaphezu 150 izenzakalo emhlabeni wonke, kubandakanya Selection M-1, M-1 Challenge and M-1 Global and M-1 Global HWGP events, ngaphezu co-ekukhuthazeni Strikeforce izenzakalo and M-1 Global on the network Showtime in the United States. Live umxhwele, ithelevishini kanye broadband izethameli kanye eliphakeme amagugu production yayo kanye matchups, M-1 izenzakalo Global baye baba nezihloko amanye amagama lo mdlalo top, kuhlanganise Fedor Emelianenko, Andrei Arlovski, Aleksander Emelianenko, Gegard Mousasi, Alistair Overeem, Keith Jardine, Ben Rothwell, Melvin Manhoef, Roman Zentsov, Yushin Okami, Mike Pyle, Denis Kang, Martin Kampmann, Amar Suloev, Chalid kuzona futhi Stephan Struve. 2014 uthembisa ukuba omunye unyaka block of-class emhlabeni ukuncintisana nekhalenda full of Challenge izenzakalo ishoshozelwa uhlelo umbango talent-rich simo Champions M-1 Global sika phakathi kunabo bonke mdlalo. Kwempahla kunabo M-1 Global sika odumile fighter sosondonzima, Fedor Emelianenko.

MAYELANA M-1GLOBAL.TV: Jabulela MMA action manje kwencazelo high esilethwa kuwe byM-1Global.tv, enikeza kuphela ukulwa best kusuka M-1 Global nezinye izinhlangano MMA. M-1Global.tv kuyinto platform omkhulu athuthukiswe ngqo makuqoqwe oluphelele kakhulu fight isiqophi database. Liphinde lunikeze interface lula futhi enembile, usiza wonke umuntu ukuba uqale ukusebenzisa platform in akukho isikhathi ngenkathi egwema sabaphangi. Ngaphandle ukubukela ukulwa on ukufuneka esidlule nganoma isiphi isikhathi esikahle ikhasimende, ababukeli bayakwazi ukujabulela isenzo LIVE, konke kuyatholakala kulabo M-1Global.tv ngokusebenzisa ngenyanga ontengo yakhe yayinqunyiwe low-ngenyanga subscription digital.

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“BELLATOR: MANHOEF VS. SHLEMENKO” OFFICIAL nesisindo-IN imiphumela BONKE ABALWELI UKWENZA ISISINDO ngaphambi ngoLwezihlanu kusihlwa SILWE ON spike TV

“I am ngokuphelele ngifuna Knockout. Noma yiluphi uhlobo win kuyimpumelelo, kodwa mina ngempela bafuna Knockout.” – Alexander Shlemenko
“Uye wangenela phakathi kwami ​​umgomo wami, futhi umgomo abe Bellator iqhawe.” – Melvin Manhoef

Fresno, Calif. – Feb. 12, 2015 – Fighters wathatha ku esikalini futhi ngempumelelo hit izinsimbi zawo ezihlosiwe ngoLwesine ntambama ngesikhathi Save Mart Center, the site of kusasa kulindelwe kakhulu “Bellator: Manhoef vs. Shlemenko” umcimbi, okuyinto Akazikhukhumezi LIVE futhi MAHHALA on Spike TV at 9 p.m. KANYE.


“Bellator: Manhoef vs. Shlemenko” is isihloko esikhulu by an amaqhawe middleweight matchup phakathi ezimbili alaba eziyingozi kunazo zonke ubuciko bokulwa exubile nomuntu owayeshade Bellator MMA Isizinda Alexander “Storm” Shlemenko (50-9) ezibhekene nabo Knockout artist Melvin “No Mercy” Manhoef (29-12-1). Lo mcimbi futhi sibonisa ukuqiniseka-to-kube-Akujabulisi umcimbi featherweight co-main phakathi iqhawe zangaphambiliPat Curran (20-6) futhi winner mqhudelwano Daniel Weichel (34-8).

Melvin Manhoef (186 lbs.) vs. Alexander Shlemenko (186 lbs.)

Pat Curran (146 lbs.) vs. Daniel Weichel (145 lbs.)

Julia Budd (145 lbs.) vs. Gabrielle Holloway (145.5 lbs.)

Chris Honeycutt (170.5 lbs.) vs. Clayton MacFarlane (170.5 lbs.)

Art Arciniega (146 lbs.) vs. Emilio Chavez (146 lbs.)

Blake Watkins (185.5 lbs.) vs. George Zuniga (185 lbs.)

Paul Ruiz (135.5 lbs.) vs. Nicolas Sperling (133 lbs.)

Nick Bustamante (156 lbs.) vs. Luis Jauregui (154 lbs.)

John Paul Elias (205 lbs.) vs. Sons Cody (205 lbs.)

Jonathan Contrestano (155 lbs.) vs. Ryan Tobar (155 lbs.)

Andrew Ramm (160.5 lbs.) vs. Adam Piccolot (160 lbs.)

Mason Fowler (169 lbs.) vs. Marko Damiani (170 lbs.)

PRE-IMPI Egroundini:

Alexander Shlemenko:

“Melvin [Manhoef] kuyinto fighter fast and strong. Muhle lo kickboxer best in zonke MMA.

“Sengikulungele le mpi ngoba ngicabanga ukuthi yesiteleka okukhulu nekhono kulokho kubambana. Kuleli kamu ukuqeqeshwa I sparred a lot nge Muay guys thai emuva ekhaya Omsk, Russia and i washintsha ekudleni kwami ​​ukuthola olunye yemisipha ukuze uzizwe ungcono futhi kunamandla.

“I am ngokuphelele ngifuna Knockout. Noma yiluphi uhlobo win kuyimpumelelo, kodwa mina ngempela bafuna Knockout.”

Melvin Manhoef:

“Ngizofika ukulwa Alexander [Shlemenko] hard and bethukuthele. The ukunemba punches zami okuyokwenza me ukunqoba le mpi.

“Angikho ngifuna Knockout, Ngifuna ukwenza ezintathu emahlandla imizuzu emihlanu of fighting kanzima of. Uma Knockout eza, ke kuzofika.

“Yena [Shlemenko] has a lot of speed kanye emuva-ukukhahlela. Yena has ukusebenza ngempambano enhle kakhulu futhi okahle kakhulu, kodwa kanjalo am I. Ngicabanga yesiteleka yami, speed futhi ukukhahlela kungcono kunokuba yakhe.

“Angikhathazeki uma unethemba too kokuya le mpi. Uye wangenela phakathi kwami ​​umgomo wami, futhi umgomo abe Bellator iqhawe.”

Pat Curran:

“A elwisana a fight. Konke angaya ngefasitela nomunye Punch.

“Ngibheke ukuthola emuva kokuba self yami endala. I am wazithoba futhi elambile, uya ukubona Pat Curran ubudala khona nombhangqwana tricks ezintsha up sleeve yakhe.

“Ngihlale ngifuna Knockout noma ukuzithoba, kodwa i ngilungele ukuya emahlandla lamatsatfu. Ngikhathazekile ukulungele yimuphi sekugcineni kunoma isiphi isimo.

“Yena [Daniel Weichel] elambile kakhulu manje. Muhle a specialist ukuzithoba mina ngiye umuzwa uya aphume kanzima futhi sisheshe. Sengikulungele yini futhi kungakhathaliseki ukuthi kuzoba yinto fight ethokozisayo, Sengijahe ukuze uthole emuva laphaya.

“Ngizizwa naye phandle imyise umdlalo yami. Uma ephuma eqinile sengikulungele lokho thina oyosisiza umlilo ngomlilo.”

Daniel Weichel:

“Le impi kusho lukhulu kimi, like wonke balwe lapha Bellator. Ngiyakwenza kusasa ebusuku isitatimende futhi uyokwenza wonke umuntu ukukhumbula igama lami.

“Ngingumfana okahle namandla ami enkulu wukuthi I abeke ingcindezi bonke 15 imizuzu.”

IKhadi Main on Spike TV (9 p.m. KANYE)

Bellator middleweight Main Indawo: Melvin Manhoef (29-12-1) vs. Alexander Shlemenko (50-9)

Bellator featherweight Isici Fight: Pat Curran (20-6) vs. Daniel Weichel (34-8)

Bellator Yabesifazane featherweight Isici Fight: Julia Budd (6-2) vs. Gabrielle Holloway (4-1)

Bellator Welterweight Isici Fight: Chris Honeycutt (5-0) vs. Clayton MacFarlane (4-0)

Ikhadi Preliminary on Spike.com (8 p.m. KANYE)

Bellator featherweight Prelim Fight: Art Arciniega (14-4) vs. Emilio Chavez (7-5)

Bellator middleweight Prelim Fight: Blake Watkins (4-0) vs. George Zuniga (3-0)

Bellator flyweight Prelim Fight: Paul Ruiz (5-2) vs. Nicolas Sperling (3-2)

Ikhadi Preliminary on Spike.com (Ukulandela Manhoef vs. Shlemenko)

Bellator Esilula Prelim Fight: Nick Bustamante (2-0) vs. Luis Jauregui (2-1)

Bellator Light wesibhakela Prelim Fight: John Paul Elias (2-0) vs. Sons Cody (0-1)

Bellator Esilula Prelim Fight: Jonathan Contrestano (4-0) vs. Ryan Tobar (3-1)

Bellator Bantamweight Prelim Fight: Ray Cervera (8-2) vs. Adam Piccolot (4-0)

Bellator Welterweight Prelim Fight: Mason Fowler (1-0) vs. Marko Damiani (0-1)

About Bellator MMA

Bellator MMA kuyinto ekuholeni Mixed Martial Arts inhlangano enesihloko eziningi fighters best in the world. Ngaphansi kokuqondisa esingumakadebona impi umgqugquzeli Scott Coker, Bellator kuyatholakala cishe 500 amakhaya million emhlabeni kuka 140 amazwe. In the United States, Bellator kungabonwa Spike TV, the MMA umholi ithelevishini. Bellator MMA sakhiwe yiqembu executive oluhlanganisa top emkhakheni ukukhiqizwa ithelevishini, live umcimbi orchestration, ukuthuthukiswa fighter / ubudlelwano, kwempahla kwenkundla yokudlalela, Indalo uxhaso / ukuthuthukiswa, kwamalayisensi international, marketing, ukukhangisa, emphakathini kanye nobudlelwane ikhomishana. Bellator isekelwe Santa Monica, California futhi ephethwe ukuzijabulisa giant Viacom, ekhaya UNdunankulu ukuzijabulisa brand zezwe ukuxhuma izilaleli kokuqukethwe esicindezelayo yonkana ithelevishini, motion picture, intanethi and mobile.


About Spike TV:

Spike TV itholakala 98.7 amakhaya million futhi is a division of Viacom Media Networks. A iyunithi Viacom (NASDAQ: VIA, VIAB), Viacom Media Networks ungomunye Abadali emhlabeni anothile lwezinhlelo kanye nokuqukethwe kuzo zonke izingxenyekazi media. Ikheli Internet Spike TV sika www.spike.com kanye up-to-minute the-nolwazi press ezigciniwe kanye nezithombe, vakashela Spike TV sika press indawo http://www.spike.com/press. Follow us on Twitter spiketvpr yakamuva in izindaba updates, ngemuva-the-izigcawu ulwazi nezithombe.

UGRAHAM Boylan lesula emsebenzini AS CEO OF yezinyoni WARRIORS SILWA ubuqhawe

(London, I-United Kingdom | Thursday, February 12, 2015)Cage Warriors Ukulwa Championship ingaqinisekisa ukuthi Graham Boylan uye wangenela phansi njengoba CEO.

The Cage Warriors Board of Directors kungalindelekile ukwaziswa ngesinqumo Graham sika emhlanganweni ngoLwesibili.

Graham wadlala indima ebalulekile ekukhuleni omkhulu the brand eminyakeni yamuva, kodwa Board uhlala esibukhali ukuqhubeka ukuthi inqubekela phambili.

Nakuba sigxila imizamo yethu search for a CEO entsha, sithathe isinqumo ukuhlehlisa umcimbi owawuhlelelwe for the Box Copper in London ngoMashi 21.

A usuku esisha salo mcimbi uzobe umemezele ngokuhamba kwesikhathi, futhi ukubekezela abalandeli bethu abaqotho kuyaziswa.

Zonke Abagijimi zaziphathwa ngeke nabo banganikelwa exemption elilodwa-fight kusuka Cage Warriors zabo amadili ukuncintisana for omunye promotion okwamanje.

Siyabonga ukwesekwa yakho okuqhubekayo ehola MMA inhlangano eYurophu.

Shadi Tahboub, Ibhodi labaqondisi, Cage Warriors Ukulwa Championship



Abalandeli ziye zidinga entsha “Foundations” video series ukuthi Bellator MMA uye iphuma out, ngokunikela look at ngaphakathi izimpilo amadoda amane abayoba phezulu ikhadi fight of “Bellator: Manhoef vs. Shlemenko” kusasa ebusuku.


Featuring a amadlingozi middleweight matchup phakathi ezimbili alaba eziyingozi kunazo zonke exubile karate nomuntu owayeshade Bellator MMA Isizinda Alexander “Storm” Shlemenko (50-9) ezibhekene nabo Knockout artist Melvin “No Mercy” Manhoef (29-12-1), “Bellator: Manhoef vs. Shlemenko” isifika Feb. 13 at Save Mart Center e Fresno, Calif. futhi Akazikhukhumezi LIVE futhi MAHHALA on Spike TV at 9 p.m. KANYE.

In a co-main umcimbi isiqiniseko U--amazing, wangaphambili iqhawe featherweight Pat Curran (20-6) ibheka aqale uhambo ukuze bacele ibhande lakhe ngokumelene mqhudelwano winner nokuzithoba onguchwepheshe Daniel Weichel (34-8)


Amathikithi for the event, okuyinto ukuqala at nje $28, njengamanje kuyatholakala at Ticketmaster.com,SaveMartCenter.com futhi Office Gcina Mart Center Box.

Bellator MMA: Foundations nge Melvin Manhoef
Bellator MMA: Foundations nge Melvin Manhoef
Bellator MMA: Foundations nge Alexander Shlemenko
Bellator MMA: Foundations nge Alexander Shlemenko
Bellator MMA: Foundations nge Pat Curran
Bellator MMA: Foundations nge Pat Curran
Bellator MMA: Foundations nge Daniel Weichel
Bellator MMA: Foundations nge Daniel Weichel


IKhadi Main on Spike TV (9 p.m. KANYE)

Bellator middleweight Main Indawo: Melvin Manhoef (29-12-1) vs. Alexander Shlemenko (50-9)

Bellator featherweight Isici Fight: Pat Curran (20-6) vs. Daniel Weichel (34-8)

Bellator Yabesifazane featherweight Isici Fight: Julia Budd (6-2) vs. Gabrielle Holloway (4-1)

Bellator Welterweight Isici Fight: Chris Honeycutt (5-0) vs. Clayton MacFarlane (4-0)

Ikhadi Preliminary on Spike.com (8 p.m. KANYE)

Bellator featherweight Prelim Fight: Art Arciniega (14-4) vs. Emilio Chavez (7-5)

Bellator middleweight Prelim Fight: Blake Watkins (4-0) vs. George Zuniga (3-0)

Bellator flyweight Prelim Fight: Paul Ruiz (5-2) vs. Nicolas Sperling (3-2)

Ikhadi Preliminary on Spike.com (Ukulandela Manhoef vs. Shlemenko)

Bellator Esilula Prelim Fight: Nick Bustamante (2-0) vs. Luis Jauregui (2-1)

Bellator Light wesibhakela Prelim Fight: John Paul Elias (2-0) vs. Sons Cody (0-1)

Bellator Esilula Prelim Fight: Jonathan Contrestano (4-0) vs. Ryan Tobar (3-1)

Bellator Bantamweight Prelim Fight: Ray Cervera (8-2) vs. Adam Piccolot (4-0)

Bellator Welterweight Prelim Fight: Mason Fowler (1-0) vs. Marko Damiani (0-1)

About Bellator MMA

Bellator MMA kuyinto ekuholeni Mixed Martial Arts inhlangano enesihloko eziningi fighters best in the world. Ngaphansi kokuqondisa esingumakadebona impi umgqugquzeli Scott Coker, Bellator kuyatholakala cishe 500 amakhaya million emhlabeni kuka 140 amazwe. In the United States, Bellator kungabonwa Spike TV, the MMA umholi ithelevishini. Bellator MMA sakhiwe yiqembu executive oluhlanganisa top emkhakheni ukukhiqizwa ithelevishini, live umcimbi orchestration, ukuthuthukiswa fighter / ubudlelwano, kwempahla kwenkundla yokudlalela, Indalo uxhaso / ukuthuthukiswa, kwamalayisensi international, marketing, ukukhangisa, emphakathini kanye nobudlelwane ikhomishana. Bellator isekelwe Santa Monica, California futhi ephethwe ukuzijabulisa giant Viacom, ekhaya UNdunankulu ukuzijabulisa brand zezwe ukuxhuma izilaleli kokuqukethwe esicindezelayo yonkana ithelevishini, motion picture, intanethi and mobile.


About Spike TV:

Spike TV itholakala 98.7 amakhaya million futhi is a division of Viacom Media Networks. A iyunithi Viacom (NASDAQ: VIA, VIAB), Viacom Media Networks ungomunye Abadali emhlabeni anothile lwezinhlelo kanye nokuqukethwe kuzo zonke izingxenyekazi media. Ikheli Internet Spike TV sika www.spike.com kanye up-to-minute the-nolwazi press ezigciniwe kanye nezithombe, vakashela Spike TV sika press indawo http://www.spike.com/press. Follow us on Twitter spiketvpr yakamuva in izindaba updates, ngemuva-the-izigcawu ulwazi nezithombe.

Enjoloba MATCH izoba ukubuya adumile WEMIDLALO

Lewiston, Maine (February 12, 2015) - New England ayalwa (NEF), America isibalo-one zesifunda fight ukukhuthazwa, abuyele Androscoggin Bank Colisee in Lewiston, Maine on April 11, 2015 nge exubile-karate-ubuciko bayo nesikhombisa (MMA) umcimbi. Ngasekuqaleni namuhla, inkampani yamemezela ukwengeza professional catchweight iziqubu ikhadi fight. “Shatterproof 2.0” Derek Shorey (1-1) azakuhlangabeza iKosi kubuyela John “Class First” Ray (2-6) phakathi ku “enjoloba match” at a isisindo fight 150 pounds-.


Shorey yawina umhlangano wokugcina phakathi ezimbili at “NEF XIV” September odlule via lokuqala round ukuzithoba. Wathola revenge for a ukulahlekelwa ukuzithoba bahlupheka ezandleni Raio lapho umbhangqwana wayelwile njengoba nayizimfundamakhwela eminyakeni emibili ngaphambili,. The “NEF XIV” iziqubu wakhushulelwa njengomdlalo webhola umhlalaphansi for Raio owayefike wanquma Suka ukuncintisana asebenzayo ukugxila umndeni wakhe kanye gym First Class MMA in Topsham, Maine. Raio uthi manje uye wathola ukulinganisela ekuphileni kwakhe ukuze abuyele yezinyoni NEF MMA.


“I umhlalaphansi ukulwa September odlule ngoba ngangifuna ukuchitha isikhathi esengeziwe nomkhaya wami,” Said Ray. “Basisekela ngempela ngesikhathi career yami futhi mina ukweleta kubo. Ngithole balance nge umsebenzi wami omusha at BIW. Ngiyakwazi ukuqeqesha, chitha isikhathi nomndeni wami futhi usebenza gym yami usuku ngalunye. Ngiyamthanda MMA futhi akazange ayeke ukuqeqesha. Ngangineminyaka awuthokozile ngendlela fight yami last yaphela lapho ithuba ukuncintisana ngokumelene Derek Shorey aphinde elaziveza, Angikwazanga ngikubuyise phansi. Kwafika umqondo ukulwa Derek from a post on FB ukuthi Ben Raven wenza ekhasini Math Denning sika izinyanga ezimbalwa ezedlule. Derek bethanda emdlalweni enjoloba. Ngemuva kokuthola ukwesekwa umndeni wami, I waxhumana Matt Petersen futhi ifaniswe us up.”


The iziqubu ezimbili ezindlule phakathi Shorey and Raio wayekade bavuma lapho kugcwala isilinganiso featherweight 145 pounds-. Shorey uzizwa yena uzoba inzuzo ngenxa catchweight 150-ganda lapho kuyomelwe ukusika okuncane kakhulu noma ngisho akukho nhlobo isisindo.


“Ngijabulile ukulwa John aphinde,” kubabaza Shorey. “Kukhona cishe akukho isisindo ukusika for a fight at 150, kanjalo ngizobe ukulwa naye at amandla egcwele, futhi ekugcineni njengoba version best of ngokwami ​​ukuthi engake eyaziwa. Ngiyaqiniseka kakhulu ukuthi ngibe ukuma kakhulu ekuphileni kwami, futhi ngenxa izenzakalo siqu yamuva, Ngicabanga Ngingumfana esibandayo kancane manje kunokuba ngiye eyake. Ukuqeqesha at MMA Young ngo Bangor njengoba kaningi ngangokunokwenzeka, ngokuba a ongayedwa manje, uyophinde kakhulu ngcono umdlalo yami, kuzo zonke izici yezemidlalo. UJohane a wrestling omuhle ngempela futhi okuningi kunamandla kakhulu kimi, kodwa akekho oseke wabona lokho ngiyazi ukuthi olukwazi, futhi ngihlela ukushintsha lokho.”

Next MMA umcimbi NEF sika, “NEF xvii,” kulindeleke ukuba athathe indawoApril 11, 2015 at the Androscoggin Bank Colisee in Lewiston, Maine. Bruce “Umfana Omuhle” Boyington (10-7) uyovikela the NEF MMA Title Esilula ngokumelene inombolo-one Olwa Jamie Harrison (5-1). Ngaphezu kwalokho, Jarod “Minute Last” Lawton (4-1) ihlangana Dennis Olson (12-7) emncintiswaneni welterweight. Amathikithi for “NEF xvii” ukuqalisa nje $25 futhi ukudayiswa manjewww.TheColisee.com noma ngokushayela ucingo The Colisee box office at207.783.2009 x 525. Ukuze uthole ukwaziswa okwengeziwe mcimbi fight updates ikhadi, sicela uvakashele iwebhusayithi ukukhuthazwa sika at www.NewEnglandFights.com. Ngaphezu kwalokho, ungakwazi watch NEF imiqophi at www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, landela them on Twitternefights futhi ukuhamba neqembu Facebook esemthethweni "New England Ilwisana."


About New England ayalwa


New England ayalwa ("NEF") Yimpi izenzakalo ukukhushulwa inkampani. Mission NEF ukwakha esezingeni izenzakalo for fighters Maine kanye fans ngokufanayo. Executive team NEF has olutheni management combat ezemidlalo, izenzakalo production, ubudlelwane media, marketing, kwezomthetho kanye nokukhangisa.

Welterweight matchup inawo wonke ezazidingeka “IMPI OF THE YEAR”

Lewiston, Maine (February 11, 2015) - New England ayalwa (NEF), America isibalo-one zesifunda fight ukukhuthazwa, abuyele Androscoggin Bank Colisee in Lewiston, Maine on April 11, 2015 nge exubile-karate-ubuciko bayo nesikhombisa (MMA) umcimbi. The fight card, ngokufanele osesikhundleni “NEF xvii,” izoba a high-level welterweight professional umbango phakathi Jarod “Minute Last” Lawton (4-1) futhi Dennis Olson (12-7).


“Lona hlobo lokulwa sithanda ukwenza in NEF,” wathi NEF co-umnikazi wabantu Math Peterson. “Kuba fighters ezimbili okuthakazelisayo abeza ngayo 100% each and every time they step into that cage. Neither of them could have a boring fight if they tried. Zombili lezi abasubathi alethe ngegalelo ezingavamile nokuqeqesha kwabo izinhlobo zemithi kanye nokulwa izitayela. Uma sibheka emuva ekupheleni 2015, Ngilindele kule mpi ukuba ingxoxo for 'Fight of the Year.'”


Lawton, a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) ibhande black out of Augusta, Maine, recently signed a long-term promotional contract with NEF. He has been a regular in the NEF cage for three years, four of five of his professional bouts having been for the promotion. Lawton’s sole loss came to Darrius Heyliger (5-2) when the cage-side physician stopped the bout due to a cut. He had been beating Heyliger soundly up until that point.


Lawton wayeqhubeka ukunqoba ezintathu wakhe olandelayo zilandelana, becoming known for his late fight finishes of opponents. He currently owns and operates Team Lawton Martial Arts – a Team New England United (NEW) lobulungu ezinze Farmingdale, Maine. With the Androscoggin Bank Colisee being just down the road from his base of operations, Lawton enomuzwa wokuthi ziyoba sethubeni ekhaya field phezu Olson in yabo April 11 ekupheleni.


“Ngiyethemba abalandeli kukhona njengoba ejabulile ngisekhona ngami ukuthola emuva yezinyoni,” Said Lawton. “I plan to make this a breakout year for myself and Team Lawton-NEU. I am ready to take this step up in competition against Olson. We are both very durable and I am expecting fireworks for this fight, kodwa NEF ekhaya – this guy is coming to my home, fans zami’ ekhaya. When we step in that cage, kuyoba ngaphezu kwami ​​kuleyo yezinyoni – it will be an entire arena against him. All my preparation will be thanks to my training partners, abaqeqeshi, abafundi nomkami nendodana, futhi NEF for zonke amathuba onginike.”


Dennis Olson ingenye kakhulu ehlonishwa, futhi esatshwa, athletes in the history of the New England MMA scene. He is a product of John Fain’s Team Triumph in Nashua, NH, futhi kwaba, ngesinye isikhathi, the kingpin of the region’s welterweight division. Olson is a two-fight veteran of the Bellator cage and has spent over a decade competing in MMA. His list of opponents reads like a “ubani owathi” of New England welterweights eminyakeni, kuhlanganise a win esiphawulekayo phezu UFC veteran and Dolce Diet namesake Mike Dolce (4-9). Olson nakanjani bheka ukuziphindiselela ukulahleka ezedlule Triumph wakhe nabalingani John Ortolani (7-9) futhi Cody Anderson (1-2) ebulawa Lawton.


April 11, 2015, I ukugibela yezinyoni for the time 22, Lawton for the lesithupha,” wathi Olson. “I bahloniphe yilowo nalowo labamelene nami’ ability to throw a punch or snag a choke. Nokho, with the level of competition that I have seen leads me to believe that there is nothing Lawton can use to surprise me or catch me off guard. Knowing this information leaves me with only one option. I have to take advantage of absolutely every second I have in order to prepare myself to prove that information as fact. I am going to do my best to take every ounce of heart and soul from you. I’m going to make you want to give up, ukwenza ufuna ufe. I’m going to do my best to dismantle you piece by piece. To prove to you and I and everyone else that I am your alpha. I am ngaphezu kwakho, awukwazi futhi ngeke uzihlule me.”

Next MMA umcimbi NEF sika, “NEF xvii,” kulindeleke ukuba athathe indawoApril 11, 2015 at the Androscoggin Bank Colisee in Lewiston, Maine. Bruce “Umfana Omuhle” Boyington (10-7) uyovikela the NEF MMA Title Esilula ngokumelene inombolo-one Olwa Jamie Harrison (5-1). Ngaphezu kwalokho, Jarod “Minute Last” Lawton (4-1) ihlangana Dennis Olson (12-7) emncintiswaneni welterweight. Amathikithi for “NEF xvii” ukuqalisa nje $25 futhi ukudayiswa manje www.TheColisee.com noma ngokushayela ucingo The Colisee box office at 207.783.2009 x 525. Ukuze uthole ukwaziswa okwengeziwe mcimbi fight updates ikhadi, sicela uvakashele iwebhusayithi ukukhuthazwa sika at www.NewEnglandFights.com. Ngaphezu kwalokho, ungakwazi watch NEF imiqophi at www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, landela them on Twitternefights futhi ukuhamba neqembu Facebook esemthethweni "New England Ilwisana."


About New England ayalwa


New England ayalwa ("NEF") Yimpi izenzakalo ukukhushulwa inkampani. Mission NEF ukwakha esezingeni izenzakalo for fighters Maine kanye fans ngokufanayo. Executive team NEF has olutheni management combat ezemidlalo, izenzakalo production, ubudlelwane media, marketing, kwezomthetho kanye nokukhangisa.


Lewiston, Maine (February 10, 2015) - The ebusuku June 16, 2012. Over 3,000 fans yayigcwalise Colisee Androscoggin Bank for New England ayalwa’ (NEF) “NEF III” exubile-bokulwa-ubuciko (MMA) umcimbi. In the main event of the evening was former two-time Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) Wesibhakela Champion of the World Tim “The Maine-IAC” Sylvia (31-10). Sylvia was competing for the first time ever in his home state of Maine. Media outlets, kokubili zendawo nezikazwelonke, descended on Lewiston that night for the big event. National cable station HDNet (Manje “AXS TV”) wathumela film crew full kanye producer amboze ingxenye pro of the ikhadi fight for uhlelo yabo yamasonto onke Inside MMA.


12-yesibili Knockout Sylvia sika Randy Smith (13-15-1), Nokho, was not the story that night. The real story coming out of the event was the emergence of not one, kodwa emibili, new stars before a national audience. Bruce “Umfana Omuhle” Boyington (10-7), kakade ziphathe Knockout yokuqala ngqa emlandweni Maine MMA, added to his legend with a Taekwondo spinning-hook kick that left his opponent unconscious and earned Boyington the quickest knockout in NEF at the time at 10-seconds. Ngemva kwesikhashana, Jamie Harrison (5-1) waqeda Umphikisi wakhe nge amasu unorthodox emhlabathini-and-ganda ele “The Lobster Punch” by Inside MMA co-host Bas Rutten (28-4-1). Both finishes were caught on camera by AXS TV, and both were seen by fight fans the world over on television and the internet. The road to April 11, 2015, “NEF xvii,” kanye Yimpi phakathi Boyington and Harrison, ayekade itiyela.


In the nezinyanga neminyaka eyayizolandela, Boyington would become the face of NEF MMA. Leaving a trail of broken opponents in his wake, Boyington wayeqhubeka wasithatha singenamuntu NEF MMA Esilula Championship in September 2014 kokunqoba Jesse “The Viking” Erickson (3-4). Weeks later, Boyington and Erickson would rematch with Boyington once again emerging victorious. Harrison had, ngokwakhe, besika Tollison Lewis (0-3) nge budedengu shiya nje ekuqaleni, leading many to speculate that the time for the Boyington-Harrison showdown had finally arrived. In the hours that followed, zombili izinhlangothi bavuma ukulwa kanye kwase Ephreli 11, 2015 e Lewiston at “NEF xvii.” Both athletes squared off in the cage last Saturday at “NEF XVI” ukuba amemezele the iziqubu letawuba-rounder emihlanu for Boyington sika Esilula Championship.


“Ngizizwa phezu kwezwe,” wathi Boyington lapho aphawule. “The break uye wakhonza injongo yawo futhi nakuba ngiphoqelekile izimfanelo ezifana a okahle MMA game, more ukulwa professional, nakho top baphikisi level nenduduzo kule enkundleni – Ngiyazi ukuthi konke kungahlangani ngoba ophakeme ukuthi Ngingumfana on njengamanje manje futhi ngokuzimisela ukuze uthole in the yezinyoni futhi nijabula , kanye ngokuqiniseka a ngesandla esiqinile NOT yikho ukubungaza isixuku kwenza ngazethemba kunanini zizokwenza umsebenzi wenziwe. I respect Jamie very much. Nguye ezinzima futhi izinselele futhi Ngiye zokungcebeleka zami phezu kwakhe isikhathi eside, studying him and knowing we would cross paths eventually. Lucky for me, Ngingumfana esihogweni of a wrestling. I see what’s coming. Fans, this fight is unlike anything else you will ever see. Make sure you’re in attendance to witness what I’m about to do. I have no problem proving the critics wrong. Just be there and don’t blink. This is a big stage fight, I Uzokufakazisa.”


“Ngijabule kakhulu uthole emuva yezinyoni NEF for leli thuba elikhulu,” zaphawula Harrison. “Bruce is on a hot streak and so am I. The title belt around my waist has been a long time coming and it will be bittersweet to do it in front of all my family, abangane, and fans. This fight will have a lot of fireworks and you will not want to look away for a second.


“Lawa alpha abesilisa ababili uhlelo NEF,” wathi NEF co-umnikazi futhi umgqugquzeli Nick DiSalvo. “Uma behamba ekamelweni, everyone knows it. But we all know that there can only be one alpha male in the pride. On April 11 e Lewiston, sizobe ukuthi isiphi alpha wesilisa weqiniso lapho lezi izingonyama ezimbili engozini.”


Next MMA umcimbi NEF sika, “NEF xvii,” kulindeleke ukuba athathe indawoApril 11, 2015 at the Androscoggin Bank Colisee in Lewiston, Maine. Bruce “Umfana Omuhle” Boyington (10-7) uyovikela the NEF MMA Title Esilula ngokumelene inombolo-one Olwa Jamie Harrison (5-1). Ngaphezu kwalokho, Jarod “Minute Last” Lawton (4-1) ihlangana Dennis Olson (12-7) emncintiswaneni welterweight. Amathikithi for “NEF xvii” ukuqalisa nje $25 futhi ukudayiswa manje www.TheColisee.com noma ngokushayela ucingo The Colisee box office at 207.783.2009 x 525. Ukuze uthole ukwaziswa okwengeziwe mcimbi fight updates ikhadi, sicela uvakashele iwebhusayithi ukukhuthazwa sika at www.NewEnglandFights.com. Ngaphezu kwalokho, ungakwazi watch NEF imiqophi at www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, landela them on Twitternefights futhi ukuhamba neqembu Facebook esemthethweni "New England Ilwisana."