Tūtohu Archives: Arts hōia Mixed

M-1 Challenge 60: Battle i Orel, Otinga whaimana

Whakatau hiriwa Nemkov

Viktor Nemkov has position on top of Maro Perak


Ngā Whakaahua i raro


OREL, Russia (August 5, 2015) – Toa taumahamaha o mua M-1 marama Challenge Viktor Nemkovtu māia ia mo te rematch ki te toa i tango nei i tana whitiki taitara whakamutunga tau, Stephan Puetz, na roto i te toa i te whakatau e toru-a tawhio noa i roto i te po nei o M-1 Challenge 60: Battle i Orel hui matua ki Brown “Machine toharite” Silver i Grimm Arena i Orel, Russia.


Nemkov (22-5-0, 4 KO / TKO, 10 SUB), whawhai i roto i Russia, ko te 2011 Aro toa Sambo Ao. Ngaro ia tona M-1 marama Challenge tuatahi whawhai taitara taumahamaha i roto i 2011 na roto i te tāpaetanga tuatoru-a tawhio (Ratchet kaki Gogoplata)) ki Vinny Magalhaes i M-1 Challenge 25. Nemkov rebounded in 2013 i M-1 Challenge 43, hinga Vasily Baboch i te ara o te tāpaetanga rua-a tawhio noa (raka ringa) mo te taitara taumahamaha wātea M-1 marama Challenge.


I roto i tona korero taitara tuatahi (March 14, 2014), Nemkov ngaro te afa whakatau rima-a tawhio noa ki Puetz i roto i te pouri nui. Mai ngaro ki Puetz, Nemkov i haere whawhai kotahi anake ki te whawhai o te po nei e tika ana ki te raupapa o injuries e puritia parea ki a ia i te mua 1 ½ tau.

Silver (23-6-1, 12 KO / TKO, 7 SUB), whawhai i roto i Croatia, i ka maturuturu iho iho tona tuatahi marama taumahamaha versus Nemkov kotahi te piha taimaha, i muri i whakahau tino rite te taumahamaha i roto i tona mahi ngaio.


I roto i te tahi-āhuatanga, Taumahamaha te marama Russian Maxim whakaurua (5-2-0, 4 KO / TKO, 1 SUB) kiia i runga i te kowaowaotia tahanga muri i runga i Poland o Marcin Zontek (14-9-0, 6 KO / TKO, 5 SUB) mo te wikitoria tuatahi-a tawhio noa i te tāpaetanga.


Hoki whawhai i runga i te kāri matua, Tekau mā Russian Zalimbek Omarov (5-1-1, 1 KO / TKO, 2 SUB) riro te whakatau e toru-a tawhio noa ki runga ki Palāsilá Marcelo Costa (11-3-1, 3 KO / TKO, 5 SUB), Whā Russian Evgeni Lazukov (8-2-0, 2 KO / TKO, 1 SUB) riro, no te te kokonga o ARATIRIA Iraia Boudegzdame (9-4-0, 1 KO / TKO, 8 SUB) mutu te waenganui o a'ee na roto i te tuarua a tawhio, aAlexey “Taumahi” Makhno (10-3-0, 4 KO / TKO, 1 SUB) riro te nuinga whakatau e toru-a tawhio noa iZulfikar Usmanov (7-5-1, 1 KO / TKO, 4 SUB) i roto i te whawhai i waenganui i te rua o nga lightweights Russian.

Whawhai whawhai katoa i runga i te kāri tuatahi mutu i roto i te kuwaha a taka noa. Welterweight Russian Denis Genyuk(7-4-0) Croatian patua Josip “Te tikanga” Artuković (11-5-0), Hōriana ono tekau Raul Tutarauli (5-2-0) mutu Italian Mircea Valeriu (4-2-0) a Azerbaijan whitu tekau Telekh Nadzhaafadze (4-1-0) whiua Russian Ivan Zakabunya (1-1-0), katoa i roto i te knockouts matamua-a tawhio noa mā nifó.


Hoki whawhai i runga i te kāri tuatahi, Spanish ono tekau Javier Fuentas (7-2-0) whakamahia he kowaowaotia tahanga muri ki te faahepo i Russian Alexander Sankov (2-2-0) ki te tāpaetanga, i te whā RussianAlexander KolesnikTe pokohiwi Americana takoha mau pokohiwi hopu takoha Ukrainian Dmitry Shvetc(2-2-0) ki te pato i roto i.


Hua oti i raro:


(toa katoa rārangi tuatahi)


Viktor Nemkov (22-5-0), Russia


Maro Perak (23-6-1), Croatia

Maxim whakaurua (5-2-0), Russia

WSUB1 (Rear tahanga kowaowaotia iho – 3:07)

Marcin Zontek (14-9-0), Poland


Zulfikar Usmanov (8-4-1), Russia


Alexey Makhno (9-4-0), Russia


Zalimbek Omarov (5-1-1), Russia


Marcelo Costa (11-3-1), Brazil


Evgeni Lazukov (8-2-0), Russia

WKO / TKO2 (Kokonga Tuhinga – 3:19)

Iraia Boudegzdame (9-4-0), Algeria



Telekh Nadzhafadze (4-1-0), Azerbaijan

WKO / TKO1 (Nifó – 2:28)

Ivan Zakabunya (1-1-0), Russia


Denis Genyuk (7-4-0), Russia

WKO1 (Nifó – 1:01)

Hohepa Artukovic (11-5-0), Croatia


Raul Tutarauli (5-2-0), Georgia

WKO / TKO1 (Nifó – 3:18)

Mircea Valeriu (4-2-0), Italy

Javier Fuentas (7-2-0), Spain

Wsub1 (Rear tahanga kowaowaotia iho – 2:06)

Alexander Sankov (2-2-0), Russia


Alexander Kolesnik (2-0-0), Russia

WDUB1 (Pokohiwi – 2:04)

Dmitry Shvetc (2-2-0), Ukraine

Maro Perak (kahiwi Orange) & Viktor Nemkov


Nemkov (kahiwi pango) blocks Perak’s kick


Nemkov whana Silver


Whakaurua Maxim mo Marcin Zontek
Marcelo Costa & Zalimbek Omarov


Turi Evgeni Lazukov Iraia Boudegzdame

Alexey Makhno i runga i te tihi o Zulfikar Usmanov

Wharekarakia Whawhai Knight: Dmitry Kovrizhkin vs. Zuev Roma

(L-R) Dmitry Shvetc & Alexander Kolenik
Javier Fuentes (i runga i te runga) & Alexander Sanko
Hohepa Artukovic & Denis Genyuk
Whakanui Raul Tutarauli hītori
Nifó Talekh Nadzhafadze i Ivan Zakabunya

Takahanga Ka Ū: E whitu. 5,, 2015 – M-1 Challenge 61 i roto i te Beijing, China







Twitter & Instagram:
@ M1GlobalNews


@ M1Global




www.facebook.com/pages/M-1-Global / 145250878842244


ABOUT M-1 AO: Nō i roto i te 1997, Kua whakapumautia M-1 Global ano i roto i te MMA (MMA) hei hinonga tuatahi mo te rapu me te whakawhanake i nga whakatupuranga o te ao toa o te ao. Me ona mahi i roto i St Petersburg, Russia, Kua tū atu atu i te M-1 waitohu 160 ngā takahanga te ao, tae atu M-1 Tīpakonga, M-1 Challenge, Nga mahinga M-1 o te Ao me te M-1 o te HWGP o te Ao, i roto i te tua ki te tahi-te whakatairanga ngā kaupapa Strikeforce me M-1 Global i runga i te US. whatunga, Showtime. Ora hopu, pouaka me te aunui hunga me ona uara production pai, me te kēmu-ups, M-1 Kua ngā Takahanga Pāwhānui etahi o runga ingoa te hākinakina o, tae atu taumahamaha rongonui Fedor Emelianenko, Andrei Arlovski, Gegard Mousasi, Alistair Overeem, Keith Jardine, Ben Rothwell, Melvin Manhoef, Sergei Kharitonov, Aleksander Emelianenko, Zentsov Roma, Yushin Okami, Mike Pyle, Denis Kang, Martin Kampmann, Amar Suloev, Chalid pau a Stephan Struve. 2015 fafau ia riro tetahi atu autaia tau o te whakataetae-ao o te piha haapiiraa ki te maramataka o te mau ohipa titauraa tafunaki e te pūnaha totohe taranata-taonga rangatira ★ M-1 Global Champions i roto i nga whawhai nui i roto i te hākinakina.

ABOUT M-1GLOBAL.TV: Kia pai MMA mahi inaianei i roto i te tautuhinga teitei kawea ki a koutou i M-1Global.tv, whakahere i te pai whawhai anake i M-1 Global me ētahi atu rōpū MMA. M-1Global.tv Ko te tūāpapa nui whakawhanakehia ngā ki te kawe tahi i te pātengi raraunga ataata whawhai tino ngaio. E whakarato ana hoki i te atanga ngāwari, me te pūmanawa, te tautururaa i te katoa ki te tīmata te whakamahi i te tūāpapa i roto i kore wa ia te haapae i tetahi kaipahua. Haunga te mātakitaki i nga whawhai mua i runga i te hiahia i tetahi wa watea ki te kiritaki, E taea e ia oaoa i te LIVE mahi kaimätakitaki, wātea katoa ki M-1Global.tv kaiwhakamahi i roto i te marama iti-utu ki te marama ohaurunga mamati. Tou te ao o te mahi. Ahakoa te Wā!


Las Vegas (August 6, 2015) -Dell Rapa āpiti rorohiko i hainatia Alienware i runga i rite ki te hoa kaitautoko o te taitara ao Mixed Toi Martial (MMA) täne hākinakina World Series o te whawhai (WSOF.com)

"E oaoa tatou ki te pōwhiri tetahi o nga hinonga mata whakairo tino i roto i te rorohiko whaiaro ki te tipu i to tatou utuafare o te hoa,"Ka mea a World Series o te whawhai Tumu Carlos Silva.

"Ka rite ki a Dell pirimia petipeti waitohu,"Tonu Silva, "Alienware, i roto i ona hua pūmārō auaha, Kua tohe ki te waihanga i te wheako hopea mō gamers kaingākau, nui rite te Ao Series o te whawhai te tutava ki te whakarato i te pai wheako whakangahau taea mō ngā pā whawhai, na e whakakake tatou ki te hoa ki tino-mahia tenei, kiritaki-arotahi kamupene. "

"Ko hari ki te hoa ki te Ao Series o te whawhai, me ki tonu tona tautoko o tetahi o nga hākinakina whakaongaonga rawa i roto i te ao Alienware,"Ka mea a Alienware Kaiwhakahaere General Frank Atoro.

Ei tuhaa o te whakaaetanga tautoko haere tonu, i timata ki te "WSOF 22: Palhares vs. Shields "doubleheader aito te ao i runga i Rāhoroi, August 1, ka te Alienware tohu paitia kitea i roto i te whare herehere tapatekau me wāhi kē i runga i te katoa ora NBCSN telecasts o te Ao Series o ngā whawhai.

Ora World Series o Fighting hoki mahi ki NBCSN, timata i 7 p.m. AND/4 p.m. PT i runga i Rāmere, Mahuru 18 from Phoenix, Ariz. te wahi tūturu, kingi te ao ono tekau (155 pauna) toa Justin "Ko e Miramirahia" Gaethje ka hoatu tona taitara i runga i te raina mo te rua o nga wa ki pakeke-patu Luis "maki touwhero" Palomino.

I roto i te hui tahi-matua o te "WSOF 23: Gaethje vs. Palomino II,"Whitu tekau te ao kingi (185 pauna) toa Rawiri Manga ka ngana ki te riro i te toa e rua-te wehenga tuatahi i roto i te Ao Series o te hītori whawhai kia rite ki te pai kia rite ki te tuatahi-ake taumahamaha te marama te ao o te whakatairanga o te (205 pauna) toa i tana tapawhā atu ki fakapapau'i, pakeke-patu artist KO Teddy Holder i roto i te toa a tawhio noa o te-tangata e wha, maha-kaupapa whakataetae i timata i roto i te Phoenix i runga i March 28.

Mō “Ao Series o te whawhai” (WSOF)
“Ao Series o te whawhai” (WSOF) Ko te ao whānui pirimia ngaio Toi Martial Mixed (MMA) whawhai whakatairanga whakatapua ki tuku i te pai whawhai mahi-Kikī mō pā whawhai i te whakaputa i te pai ka taea ōrite-ups i waenganui i whawhai whiriwhiri i huri noa i te ao. Mō ētahi atu kōrero haere ki WSOF.com. A pee i “Ao Series o te whawhai” on Twitter MMAWorldSeries a “Ao Series o te whawhai” President Ray Sefo SugarRaySefo.

Whawhai Foaki e Whatunga M-1 Challenge 60 Apopo LIVE, August 5 i 1:30 p.m. AND

No te Tonu Tuku

Toronto (Aug. 4, 2015) — Whatunga Fight, pirimia o te ao 24/7 whakatapua pouaka teihana ki te whakaoti i kapinga o hākinakina whawhai, he hakari i te haapurororaa ora o M-1 Challenge 60 apopo,Wednesday, August 5 i 1:30 p.m. AND i Orel, Russia.


Whawhai haapurororaa ora a Whatunga o M-1 Challenge 60 Ka rangi ki runga ki TV arotau o Cablevision, Suddenlink Communications, Grande Communications, Shentel Cable me Armstrong Cable i roto i te Amerika, motu i roto i te Canada, Pūrere Roku puta noa i Amerika Te Tai Tokerau, a ao i roto i runga i 30 whenua puta noa i Europe, Africa me te Middle Te Tai Rāwhiti.


He rua o M-1 Challenge aito contenders mua, Brown “Machine toharite” Silver a Viktor Nemkov, ka whawhai i roto i te hui matua ki te toa tūnga ia ia mo te pere taitara pūmanawa ki te toa taumahamaha M-1 marama Challenge Stephan Puetz.


I roto i te tahi atu pāngia e whakaatu nei, Marcin Zontek e i runga i Maxim whakaurua i taumahamaha te marama, Zulfikar Usmanov kanohi Alexey Makhno i roto i te whawhai o te lightweights Russian, Tekau mā Palāsilá Marcelo Costa tomo rohe hoariri ki Russia o Zalimbek Omarov, me bantamweights Iraia Boudegzdame a Evgeni Lazukov whana atu te hui kāri matua e ora i runga i te Whatunga Fight.


Ko te kāri matua tonu, me hua paunatia-i roto i te hunga i raro:



Brown “Machine toharite” Mua (23-5-1), Croatia 205 lbs. (93 kg)

Viktor NEMKOV (21-5-0), Russia 204 ½ lbs. (92.9 kg)


Marcin Zontek (14-8-0), Poland 204 lbs. (92.8 kg)

Maxim whakaurua (4-2-0), Russia 204 ½ lbs. (92.9 kg)



Zulfikar USMANOV(7-4-1), Russia 154 lbs. (70.1 kg)

Alexey “Taumahi” Makhno (9-3-0), Russia 159 lbs. (72.2 kg)



Marcelo COSTA (11-2-1), Brazil 145 lbs. (65.8 kg)

ZALIMBEK OMAROV (4-1-1), Russia 145 lbs. (65.8 kg)



Iraia BOUDEGZDAME (9-3-0), Algeria 134 ½ lbs. (61.2 kg)

Evgeni LAZUKOV (7-2-0), Russia 134 lbs. (60.9 kg)


Hoki te rārangi ki tonu i te rärangi päho Fight Whatunga a, tirohia tv.fightnetwork.com, te whai ia tatou i runga i Twitterfightnet, riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook, ka tirotiro i tatou ki runga ki Instagramfightnet.

AO Tuhinga o takai whawhai ROUSIMAR PALHARES o WORLD TITLE, Wahi IA ON Tuhinga tuatau

Las Vegas (August 4, 2015) - World Series o te whawhai (WSOF.com) Kua huiaRousimar "Toquinho" Palhares o te taitara Welterweight ao o te karapu, a whakanohoia ana ki runga ki tonu, whakatārewatanga tuatau tae noa whakatau e ngā take katoa, e whai ake nei Palhares '"WSOF 22" korero matua taitara takahanga ki Jake Shields i runga i Rāhoroi, August 1.

"I muri i tango i te wa ki te arotake i te rīpene i Rāhoroi o a'ee i waenganui Rousimar Palhares a Jake Shields i roto i te taatoaraa, faaoti matou e takoto murua Rousimar o tona taitara, me te tuku ki a ia he whakatārewatanga tae noa ki tenei take te, Ko tika,"Ka mea a World Series o Fighting peresideni, e ono-wā toa ao, e rua-wā Hall o te Famer Rangatira Matua.

"Ka rite ki te toa ki runga i rua tekau tau o te wheako mowhiti,"Haere tonu te rangatira, "Haere tonu ahau ki te waiho i te māngai mō ētahi atu whawhai, me, i roto i tenei take, Ite ahau e me tiaki World Series o te whawhai ona kaitäkaro me ture o te whakataetae i te marutuna tere, me te u mahi faatitiaifaroraa ki te whakatutuki te mea i kite matou i tākaro rite taurite i roto i te whare herehere ".

Whakapāho te nui-tūmanako pupūtanga i waenganui Palhares me Shields ora i runga i NBCSN hei wāhanga o te telecast rima-a'ee i Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino i Las Vegas.

I roto i te waenganui o te tuarua a tawhio noa, Palhares, i muri i te eke e Shields i runga i te whenua, kitea rawatia ake whakanohoia ona ringa ki runga ki Shields 'kanohi, a ka puta ki te whakapōrearea i Shields' kite.

I roto i te toru a tawhio noa, E mahi ana Palhares te tāpaetanga Kimura i ue'i Shields ki te pato i iwa nga wa i mua i wewete Palhares Shields i te mau, rite whakahaua e te kaitautoko Steve Mazzagatti.

"No te mea o taimi tauwhāiti i roto i te mua i roto i i puritia Ninety Rousimar i tona tāpaetanga mau roa atu tika i roto i te whakataetae,"Chef faataa, "Ka hoatu e Steve Mazzagatti Rousimar mārama ngā tohutohu ā-waha i roto i te piha tauiraa, i mua i te whawhai, e pā ana ki te whakarongo ki a talangofua ki whakahau a te kaitautoko, tae atu te hunga e pā ana ki te tuku haere o te mau tāpaetanga, ka whakaakona ki te rave i te reira ".

Ka rite ki te hua o te mea i hoko i roto i te whare herehere i waenganui Palhares me Shields, pōtitia te Komihana Athletic Nevada State ki kaiponuhia katoa Palhares ', bonus win kirimana, tārewa i te arotake o te a'ee.

Mō “Ao Series o te whawhai” (WSOF)
“Ao Series o te whawhai” (WSOF) Ko te ao whānui pirimia ngaio Toi Martial Mixed (MMA) whawhai whakatairanga whakatapua ki tuku i te pai whawhai mahi-Kikī mō pā whawhai i te whakaputa i te pai ka taea ōrite-ups i waenganui i whawhai whiriwhiri i huri noa i te ao. Mō ētahi atu kōrero haere ki WSOF.com. A pee i “Ao Series o te whawhai” on Twitter MMAWorldSeries a “Ao Series o te whawhai” President Ray Sefo SugarRaySefo.

M-1 Challenge 60: Battle i Orel, Pauna Official & PICTURES

No te Tonu Tuku






Brown “Machine toharite” Mua (23-5-1), Croatia 205 lbs. (93 kg)

Viktor NEMKOV (21-5-0), Russia 204 ½ lbs. (92.9 kg)


Marcin Zontek (14-8-0), Poland 204 lbs. (92.8 kg)

Maxim whakaurua (4-2-0), Russia 204 ½ lbs. (92.9 kg)



Zulfikar USMANOV(7-4-1), Russia 154 lbs. (70.1 kg)

Alexey “Taumahi” Makhno (9-3-0), Russia 159 lbs. (72.2 kg)



Marcelo COSTA (11-2-1), Brazil 145 lbs. (65.8 kg)

ZALIMBEK OMAROV (4-1-1), Russia 145 lbs. (65.8 kg)



Iraia BOUDEGZDAME (9-3-0), Algeria 134 ½ lbs. (61.2 kg)

Evgeni LAZUKOV (7-2-0), Russia 134 lbs. (60.9 kg)






TELEKH NADZHAFADZE (3-1-0), Azerbaijan 183 lbs. (83.3 kg)

Ivan ZAKABUNYA (1-0-0), Russia 184 ½ lbs. (83.9 kg)


Josip “Te tikanga” Artuković (11-4-0), Croatia 169 lbs. (76.9 kg)

DENIS GENYUK (6-4-0), Russia 168 ½ lbs. (76.6 kg)



Mircea Valeriu (4-1-0), Italy154 lbs. (70.1 kg)

Raul TUTARAULI (4-2-0), Georgia 154 lbs. (70.2 kg)


Javier FUENTAS (6-2-0), Spain 154 ½ lbs. (70.3 kg)

ALEXANDER SANKOV (2-1-0), Russia 153 lbs. (69.7 kg)



Dmitry SHVETC (2-1-0), Ukraine 134 ½ lbs. (61.2 kg)

ALEXANDER KOLESNIK (1-0-0), Russia 134 ½ lbs. (61.1 kg)

FIGHT Tuhinga wharekarakia

Dmitry KOVRIZHKIN (3-0-0), Russia

RŌMANA ZUEV (4-0-0), Russia lbs. (KG))



TA: M-1 Challenge 60: Battle i Orel

No: Wednesday, August 5, 2015

1:30 p.m. (New York City), 8:30 p.m. (Moscow)


HEA: Grinn Arena in Orel, Russia 1:30


Kaiwhakatairanga: M-1 Global



M-1 Challenge 60 Ka rere nga ora i Orel i roto i te tautuhinga teitei i runga i www.M1Global.TV. Ka taea ki te mataara i te whawhai tuatahi, me te kāri matua i te takiuru ki runga ki ki te rēhita i Viewers www.M1Global.TV.Kia mataara katoa o te mahi pā i runga i to ratou rorohiko, me te i runga i te waea atamai, me papa Android me Apple.

Whawhai, ka AIR Whatunga M-1 Challenge 60 ora i te TV arotau o Cablevision, Grande Communications, Shentel Cable, Suddenlink Kōrero a Armstrong Cable i roto i te US, me te motu i roto i te Canada, Pūrere Roku puta noa i Amerika Te Tai Tokerau, a ao i roto i te neke atu i te 30 whenua puta noa i Europa, Africa me te Middle Te Tai Rāwhiti.




Takahanga Ka Ū: E whitu. 5,, 2015 – M-1 Challenge 61 i roto i te Beijing, China







Twitter & Instagram:
@ M1GlobalNews


@ M1Global




www.facebook.com/pages/M-1-Global / 145250878842244

FIGHT Whatunga MMA, Judo & KICKBOXING HÖTAKA Apiti (Hōngongoi 20-26, 2015)

(U.S. hōtaka anake. No te hōtaka Canadian tonu, tirohia tv.fightnetwork.com from your region.)

Whawhai he Whatunga 24/7 whakatapua pouaka teihana ki te whakaoti i kapinga o hākinakina whawhai. Tags te reira i ngā hōtaka e arotahi ana ki te hōkai katoa o te momo hākinakina whawhai, tae atu ki ngā whawhai ora, me te ake-ki-te-miniti rongo me te tātaritanga mō konatunatua toi hōia, kickboxing, mamau ngaio, ngā tikanga mau rākau, mekemeke, rongo whawhai, me te raupapa whakaari whawhai-waiata, pakipūmeka me te āhuatanga kiriata.


Kei raro kitea ngā o te hōtaka o tenei wiki:

Rāhina, Aug. 3

6:30 p.m. AND – Samsun Judo Grand Prix 2014 Highlights – Ngā i te Judo Samsun Grand Prix i Moana. 28-30, 2014 i roto i te Turkey.

7:00 p.m. AND – 5 Rauna – Whawhai a Whatunga John Ramadeen me Robin Black invice manuhiri motuhake ki te wehenga i te wiki o MMA mahi.

7:30 p.m. AND – Whawhai News Na tāpiri – Ko te rongo hou, recaps, āhuatanga me te tātaritanga roto o te kēmu whawhai.

Rātū, Aug. 4

1:30 a.m. ANDXPTV – Kapinga o-rohe U.S. ngā kaupapa MMA ngaio, me te runaruna.

6:00 a.m. ANDKi 2 Toe ki Jake Shields – I roto i te-hohonu uiui noho-iho ki te Strikeforce o mua, me te toa EliteXC Jake Shields.

7:30 – a.m. AND — Whawhai News Na tāpiri – Ko te rongo hou, recaps, āhuatanga me te tātaritanga roto o te kēmu whawhai.

4:00 p.m. & 10 p.m. AND — – 5 Rauna teie mahana – Pāhorangi ki John Ramdeen me Robin Black whawhati iho i te whānui o te kaupapa momo i roto i te ao MMA, tae atu ki ngā arokite o takahanga ka ū mai, me nga hau hou katoa, me matua.

5:00 & 5:30 ANDXtreme whawhai Championship – Florida-hāngai MMA pro ngā runga opuaraa American, whetu ao me hōia UFC.

8:00 p.m. AND – 5 Rauna – Whawhai a Whatunga John Ramadeen me Robin Black invice manuhiri motuhake ki te wehenga i te wiki o MMA mahi.

8:30 p.m. AND – Whawhai News Na tāpiri – Ko te rongo hou, recaps, āhuatanga me te tātaritanga roto o te kēmu whawhai.

9:00 p.m. ANDFighting Season te Wairua MMA 4 – Haaputuraa o te whawhai te ao i SFL, Poutohu, FFC, M-1 me ētahi atu.

Wednesday, Aug. 5

1:00 a.m. ANDHohonu: FAKA'OFO'OFÁ Impact 2014: Motoya vs. Manzanares – Featuring Yuki Motoya vs. Matt Manzanares i Dec. 31, 2014 i roto i te Saitama, Japan.

4:00 a.m. ANDTexas Whawhai Night – MMA mahi i Texas ngā opuaraa runga i te Lone Star State o roto i te whare herehere.

1:30 p.m. ANDM-1 Challenge 60 – LIVE MMA i Orel, Russia, Maro Perak vs featyring. Viktor Nemkov a Marcin Zontek vs. Maxim whakaurua.

6:00 p.m. ANDBest o te Cage riri – Ngā whawhai matarohia i te whakahaere Cage riri UK-e hāngai ana ki te Anderson Silva, Antonio Silva, Victor Belfort, Paora Daley me ētahi atu.

7:00 p.m. ANDWhawhai News Na tāpiri: MMA Edition – Uhi i te tupu katoa i roto i te ao MMA ki te tātari motuhake, me te āhuatanga.

7:30 p.m. AND – Whawhai News Na tāpiri – Ko te rongo hou, recaps, āhuatanga me te tātaritanga roto o te kēmu whawhai.

8:00 p.m. ANDWarriors whare herehere Fighting Championship 48 – Ngā John Phillips vs. Āpure Chris a Arona Wilkinsin vs. Leigh Cohoon i Hōngongoi n21m, 2012 i roto i te London.

11:00 p.m. ANDMMA Meltdown ki Gabriel Morency – Wawahi iho Gabriel Morency nga tupu katoa i roto i te MMA, te matapaki te aroaro, matapae, me manuhiri wiki motuhake, me ngā uiuinga motuhake.

11:30 p.m. ANDTakedown Wrestling – Kapinga whānui o ngā kaupapa mamau amateur, tae atu i te rongo hou, muri-te-scenes kapinga i ngā kaupapa me ngā uiuinga motuhake.

Rāpare, Aug. 6

1:30 a.m. & 1:00 p.m. ANDUltimate Challenge MMA 19: Rama Out – Ngā Oli Thompson vs. Ben Smith i Mar. 26, 2011 i roto i te London.

6:00 p.m. ANDChampionship whawhai Alliance – MMA Pro i Florida ngā i te momo o Josh Sampo, Mike Kyle, John Howard, He McCorkie, Luis Palomino me ētahi atu.

7:00 p.m. ANDFighting ihupuku ki – Kickboxers Aspiring piki te arawhata o te angitu i roto i te hākinakina rite ihupuku ki whakataetae mo ha faingamālie ke hoko ko ngaio, me te whiwhi wheako e hiahiatia ana ki te angitu i te taumata teitei.

8:00 p.m. ANDWhawhai News Na: MMA Edition – Uhi i te tupu katoa i roto i te ao MMA ki te tātari motuhake, me ngā āhuatanga.

8:30 p.m. AND Whawhai News Na tāpiri – Ko te rongo hou, recaps, āhuatanga me te tātaritanga roto o te kēmu whawhai.

9:00 p.m. ANDM-1 Challenge 60 Ngā Marco Perakd vs. Viktor Nemkov a Marcin Zontek vs. Whakaurua Maxim i Aug. 5, 2015 i roto i te Orel, Russia.

Rāmere, Aug. 7

12:00 a.m. ANDKo e Showtime Motuhake – Whakahaere pirimia kickboxing o te ao ngā Badr Hari, Melvin Manhoef a Giorgio Petrosyan.

5:00 p.m. ANDUFC Whawhai Night: Teixeira vs. Saint Preux paunatia-Mai – Ngā LIVE o pā paunatia-mai mo UFC whawhai Night: Texeira vs. Saint Preux i Nashville, Tenn.

6:00 P.M. ANDM-1 Challenge – Pro MMA i Europe ngā tihi maranga pai, me nga whetu o te ao.

7:00 p.m. ANDWhawhai News Na: MMA Edition – Uhi i te tupu katoa i roto i te ao MMA ki te tātari motuhake, me ngā āhuatanga.

7:30 p.m. ANDWhawhai News Na tāpiri – Ko te rongo hou, recaps, āhuatanga me te tātaritanga roto o te kēmu whawhai.

8:00 p.m. ANDKi 2 Toe ki Chris Weidman – I roto i te-hohonu noho-iho uiui ki te toa whitu tekau UFC Chjris Weidman.

8:30 p.m. ANDHip Whakaatu: Arena aro – MMA Tūtohu-rōpū i roto i te 12m i te 12m ao ki te hanganga pikipiki taumata-toru.

9:00 p.m. ANDNSS 29: Khalidov vs. Cooper – Ngā vs Mamed Khalidov. Brett Cooper me Mariusz Pudzianowskio vs. Paweł Mastila i Hakihea. 6, 2014 i roto i te Krakow, Poland.

Rāhoroi, Aug. 8

6:00 a.m. ANDBest o TKO – Ngā Rawiri Loiseau vs., Joe Doerksen i UCC 7, me Chris Keremeta me Sam Stout i roto i te mahi.

7:00 a.m. ANDBest o Gladiator Challenge – Ngā Jake Shields vs. Robert Ferguson i Gladiator Challenge 7.

8:00 a.m. ANDBest o te SportFight – MMA kounga Top i te Pacific Northwest. I whakahaerehia e te UFC hōia Matt Lindland me Chael sønnen.

9:00 a.m. ANDPancrase Classics – Classic pakanga MMA tāimu'a ngā Ken Shamrock, Frank Shamrock, Bas Rutten, Marquardt Ingoa, Chael sønnen me ētahi atu.

4:00 p.m. AND – Hohonu: FAKA'OFO'OFÁ Impact 2014– Featuring Yuki Motoya vs. Matt Manzanares i Dec. 31, 2014 i roto i te Saitama, Japan.

7:00 p.m. ANDUFC Whawhai Night: Texeira vs. Saint Preux Pre-Whakaatu – LIVE whawhai-mua rohe me te tātari hoki UFC whawhai Night: Texeira vs. Saint Preux i Nashville, Tenn.

8:00 p.m. ANDWhawhai News Na: MMA Edition – Uhi i te tupu katoa i roto i te ao MMA ki te tātari motuhake, me ngā āhuatanga.

8:30 p.m. ANDWhawhai News Na tāpiri – Ko te rongo hou, recaps, āhuatanga me te tātaritanga roto o te kēmu whawhai.

9:00 p.m. ANDKingi o Kings: World Grand Prix Moldova 2015 – Kei roto he-po kotahi, kotahi-whakakorenga whakataetae whitu tekau whakaatu Valdermar Kulda, Alexandru Daniel, Igor Lyapin a Malchaz Curry.

Rātapu, Aug. 9

12:00 a.m. ANDFighting Season te Wairua MMA 4 – Haaputuraa o te whawhai te ao i SFL, Poutohu, FFC, M-1 me ētahi atu.

6:00 a.m. ANDPancrase Classics – Classic pakanga MMA tāimu'a ngā Ken Shamrock, Frank Shamrock, Bas Rutten, Marquardt Ingoa, Chael sønnen me ētahi atu.

11:00 a.m. ANDBest o te ADCC – Puritia ake ngā compilations o te ōritenga grappling rahi, ngā Tito Ortiz, Matt Hughes, Eddie Bravo, Fabricio Werdum, Marcelo Garcia, Ronaldo Souza a Royler Gracie.

12:00 p.m. ANDWhiriwhiri Muay Thai: Tairana vs. Kaiwero – Te raupapa nui Muay Thai i roto i te ao ngā moni whawhai tu-ake ao tango i runga i te Team National Thai rongonui

5:00 p.m. & 10:30 p.m. ANDUSA Wrestling Weekly – Manaakitanga Scott Casber homai rongo wiki, me te tātari pokapū a tawhio noa USA Wrestling, te tinana whakahaere motu i te hākinakina o, tae ki ngā uiuinga, āhuatanga, me te titiro hoki i te mua.

5:30 p.m. ANDSamsun Judo Grand Prix 2015 Highlights – Highlights i te Judo Samsun Grand Prix i Mar. 27-29, 2015 i roto i te Turkey.

11:00 p.m. ANDEnfusion Live #26: Narain vs. Diekmann – Kickboxing LIVE ngaio i te Hauge, Holland, ngā Reda Narain vs. Tommy Diekmann mo te taitara -60kg ao





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ABOUT Whatunga FIGHT: Whawhai ko Whatunga whatunga hākinakina pirimia whawhai o te ao whakatapua ki 24/7 kapinga, tae atu ki ngā whawhai, whawhai, whawhai rongo me te whawhai āhua noho. E wātea ana i roto i te U.S te awa. i runga i Cablevision i roto i te wahi o New York, Connecticut a New Jersey, Texas-hāngai Grande Communications, Armstrong Cable i Pennsylvania, e Ohio rawhiti, me te i runga i Shentel Cable i Virginia, Te Hau-ā-uru Virginia me wahi o te uru Maryland, a Suddenlink Communications i Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana a Te Tai Tokerau Carolina.. Whawhai he hoki Whatunga i runga i whakaturia Roku runga pouaka i roto i te US. a Canada, rere ora i runga i te paetukutuku KlowdTV.com, me te wātea i runga i kawe nui katoa i roto i Canada, e hau atu i te 30 whenua puta noa i Europe, Africa me te Middle Te Tai Rāwhiti.

AO Tuhinga o mua TUAWARU-haora TV Marathon Hits NBCSN TOMORROW, TUESDAY, AUGUST 4

Hōtaka oma ngā Rāhoroi o
"WSOF 22: Palhares vs. Shields” world championship doubleheader

Las Vegas (August 3, 2015) - He mahi-Kikī, waru-haora marathon o te Ao Series o te whawhai (WSOF.com) Ka Air hōtaka pouaka whakaata i runga i NBCSN apopo,Rātū, August 4, timata i 7 p.m. AND/4 p.m. PT, te taitara ao Mixed Toi Martial (MMA) karapu kauwhautia tenei ra.

I roto i te tata e wha, whetu-hokowhitu ngā e ka tukuruatia i roto i te oma hötaka whānui ko te "WSOF 22: Palhares vs. Shields "taitara ao doubleheader aru'i i Whakapāho ora i runga i te whatunga i runga i Rāhoroi, August 1, a ka headlined e te pupūtanga-tatali roa i waenganui kingi Welterweight te ao (170 pauna) toa Rousimar Palhares a e rua-wā toa ao, me te kaiweroJake Shields.

"E hiamo matou ki te e taea ki te hoatu milioni o pā te faingamālie ki-ora anō etahi o te pai, -ao te piha mahi MMA i ite matou i tenei tau i roto i to tatou whare herehere tapatekau,"Ka mea a World Series o Fighting peresideni, six-time world champion and two-time Hall of Famer, Rangatira Matua.

"Katoa ngaahi me'a e wha kia e ka whakaaturia,"Haere tonu te rangatira, "Āhuatanga i te iti rawa tetahi, pütake a'ee te ao aito me te rite ki te kohinga o tatou whetu runga, na to tatou he faingamālie nui ki te whakamōhio pā hou ki te Ao Series o te rārangi rahi o te whawhai o te kaitäkaro me te ki te whakangahau i to tatou pā ngā ki etahi o nga mau taime fakangalongata'a tino, ko te kupu tenei i tawhiti, i 2015. "

Ka rangi te hōtaka marathon i runga i NBCSN e whai ake:

7 p.m. AND/4 p.m. PT - "WSOF 20: Manga vs. McElligott "

9 p.m. AND/6 p.m. PT - "WSOF 22: Palhares vs. Shields "

11 p.m. AND/8 p.m. PT - "WSOF 19: Gaethje vs. Palomino "

1 a.m. AND/10 p.m. PT - "WSOF 21: Palmer vs. Horedecki "

World Series o te hōtaka kaupapa ora o te whawhai, ka hoki ki NBCSN i runga i te Paraire, Mahuru 18 ki "WSOF 23: Gaethje vs. Palomino II,"Tetahi atu doubleheader aito te ao arahina e te rematch nui-tūmanako i waenganui i tūturu, kingi te ao ono tekau (155 pauna) hīanga, Justin "Ko e Miramirahia" Gaethje me te kaiwero pakeke-patu Luis "maki touwhero" Palomino, nei i rave i roto i te mea kua oti te ingoa he "whawhai o te Tau" kaitono, i runga i Maehe 28.

Wahi tuatahi o 'BELLATOR MMA: GUILLARD VU. GIRTZ 'oti ki te tua o RIMA pāngia tuatahi


Santa MONICA, Calif. (August 3, 2015) - August 28th'S "Bellator 141: Guillard vs. Whitiki " Ko inaianei oti ki te tua o te pāngia hou e wha nei e tangohia te wahi i roto i te kāri tuatahi i te ataahua Pechanga Resort & Casino i roto i te Temecula, Calif.

I roto i te matchup ono tekau nui, Brent primus (5-0) ka hoatu e tona record tūturu i runga i te raina ki te kino Derek "Ko e whakarihariha" Anderson (12-1, 1 NC). Ano i runga i te kāri, middleweights AJ "Ko e mōna" Matthews (7-3) versus Emiliano "ia-tangata" Sordi (13-4), me te marama heavyweights Ray Sloan (8-0), te tangata e haere ki te whawhai ki te Luc Bondole (4-1), me te tekau mā taitamariki A.J. McKee (1-0) hoki ki te kanohi James Barnes (4-0). Heoi, Kua hoki, he toru a'ee o te wahine kua tāpiri, ki te whakaurunga o te Macfalane Field (1-0) ki Maria Rios (2-2) i roto i te mahi mā.

Ka rere i te whakataetae hou kauwhautia i runga i Spike.com i 7:45 p.m. AND i roto i te wahi tuatahi o te “Bellator MMA: Guillard vs. Whitiki,” aru nei e te kāri matua, e te pahiatia e ora, me te noa i runga i te te Koi i 9 p.m. AND/8 p.m. CT.


Tīkiti Limited mō te hui, e tīmata i tika $50, noho i runga i te hoko i teie nei i Pechanga.com me te Pechanga Resort & Casino tari pouaka. Tatau mo tuwhera i te hui 4 p.m. PT wā rohe.


I roto i te hui matua o te ahiahi, Melvin "Ko e Young Assassin" Guillard (32-14-2, 2 NC) Ka fehangahangai Brandon "Cold Roll" Girtz (11-4). Ka ngā te tahi-headliner mahi ono tekau e rua Koe Awad (18-6) ki Patricky "Pitbull" Freire (13-6). Te whakatuwhera i te kāri matua, Lorenzo Hood (9-2) ka meinga e tona waiata Bellator MMA ki Raphael Butler (9-1-1).


Ka titiro San Diego a Anderson ki te parlay tona knockout hangarau faahiahia o Danny Navarro i Bellator 132 ina sitepu ia ki te whare herehere Bellator MMA mo te wa tuarua i roto i 2015. He hua o Team Xplode MMA, te whakaahua i ngā pā tangata rite "Ko e whakarihariha" e te rapu i te tana 12th whakaoti i roto i te 14 pironga.


Mai hono i te whakawehi Bellator MMA i roto i 2013, Kua primus i runga i te roimata, te tārua i roto i toru hoariri katoa ki te mutu matamua-a tawhio noa. Na, te Portland-tau 30-tawhito, Haora., te whakamātautau stiffest o tona mahi taitamariki Māori e fehangahangai ina haere ia ki runga ki a Anderson. E whakahaere ia ki te pupuri i ana tūturu, ora matamua-a tawhio noa pūkenga mutu?


Mohiotia e te nuinga o te whakauru i hōia pā toi rite ki tetahi o runga whawhai 185-pauna ki runga-a-haere mai i runga i te rārangi Bellator MMA, Matthews arita haapuai tona tūranga nguha i roto i te wehenga ki tona knockout noho-whakaatu o Kyle kanapu i Bellator 131 tenei Whiringa mua. E mohiotia ana ko "te mōna,"Ka titiro te hua pango e MMA me Strikeforce hōia ki te hokohoko atu i tona ara ki te tihi o te puranga whitu tekau, ka hoki ia ki te mahi i runga i Aug. 28.


E tu ana i te ritenga atu o Matthews ka Sordi, nana nei i pakaru i runga i te scene Bellator MMA ki te tāpaetanga 58-rua o te toa UFC mua Bubba McDaniel. E kore i-tau 24-tawhito te Āketina whakamatau hinga mai 2012 roaa me kua katoa 13 o ona whakaora ngaio mua i te taenga scorecards o nga kaiwhakawa,.


Tūturu i roto i te waru whawhai, Kua tomo Sloan Bellator MMA impressively, toa ana tītaha tuatahi e rua. Ko te Oceanside, Calif., tereina taketake i roto i te Excel Jiu-Jitsu me kua whakamahia te ako ki te patua e whitu i roto i te waru hoariri mā tāpaetanga.


Bondole Ko te amanaki tino whai whakaaro mai, whawhai i roto i nga kingi MMA i Huntington Beach, Calif., makutu hua haerenga whakamutunga i roto i te Unuunu ki Chris Hererra. Na, ki te mau i te wini mo Sloan i runga i ona ngā ake ia, ka titiro, a e kore e tukua he ka mea nga kaiwhakawa.


Ko te tama a whakaaro toa MMA Antonio McKee, “The Mercenary” will look to continue to pave his own way through the sport. A.J. whiti ki roto ki tona haerenga tuatahi, whiwhi i te muri-tahanga kowaowaotia iho a tawhio noa te tuatahi i runga i Mark Bonilla. Ia inaianei anga he hoa Angelino i Barnes, kua haehae ake i te ara iahiko gladiator Challenge, haere 4-0 ki te rua KO o me rua ngā tāpaetanga, wahi katoa tango i roto i te taka noa tuatahi.


Pai mohiotia hoki tona mahi viral i roto i te ngaio tona tuatahi MMA, Macfarlane ka meinga aianei tona ahua tuatahi mō Bellator MMA ka anga ia Maria Rios.

“Bellator 141: Guillard vs. Whitiki” - Paraire, August 28, Pechanga Resort & Casino

Bellator Whawhai Āhuahira Kōmāmā: Melvin Guillard (32-14-2, 2 NC) vs. Brandon Girtz (11-4)

Bellator Whawhai Āhuahira Kōmāmā: Patricky Pitbull (13-6) vs. Koe Awad (18-6)

Bellator Heavyweight Āhuatanga Fight: Justin mātuhi (10-2) vs. Josh Burns (8-8)

Bellator Heavyweight Āhuatanga Fight: Raphael Butler (9-1-1) vs. Lorenzo Hood (9-2)

Bellator Women a mā Prelim: Ilima Macfarlane (1-0) vs. Maria Rios (2-2)

Bellator tekau mā Prelim: A.J. McKee (1-0) vs. James Barnes (4-0)

Bellator Womens tekau mā Prelim: Adrienna Jenkins (18-6) vs. Lissette Neri (6-2)

Bellator Light Heavyweight Prelim: Ray Sloan (8-0) vs. Luc Bondole (4-1)

Bellator Welterweight Prelim: Johnny Cisneros (8-4) vs. Gabriel Miglioli (9-7)

Bellator Welterweight Prelim: Curtis Millender (7-2) vs. Steven Ciaccio (4-3)

Bellator Womens tekau mā Prelim: Marloes Coenen (22-6) vs. Arlene Blencowe (6-4)

Bellator Kōmāmā Prelim: Brent primus (5-0) vs. Derek Anderson (12-1, 1 NC)

Bellator whitu tekau Prelim: AJ Matthews (7-3) vs. Emiliano Sordi (13-4)

Toa-wā e rua ao, kaimekemeke wahine Amanda Serrano blasts kaiwhakangungu Ronda Rousey o, a ka hanga wero

Serrano with the WBO title
Toa-wā e rua ao, Amanda Serrano (24-1-1, 18 KO o) i Puerto Rico, me tona kaiwhakangungu / kaiwhakahaere, Whakaaro Horano Maldonado rawa faatura i te reira mo te hapori mekemeke, nga kōrero i hanga e Edmond Tarverdyan, kaiwhakangungu o te UFC World Champion, Ronda Rousey i roto i www.mmafighting.com.
“E mohio ana ahau e taea e rave i te reira e ia,” Ka korerotia e Tarverdyan MMA whawhai, “E mohio ana ahau e taea e ia riro i te taitara mekemeke te ao. Te rākau Ronda ki mekemeke toa ao e Kilisimasi ara maro atu i Cyborg,”, Tarverdyan hoki tapiritia e, “E kore kua Ronda ngaro te a tawhio noa i roto i te whare hākinakina. He tawhio noa. Ki te toa mekemeke te ao”.
“Tino kore e kaiwhakangungu o Rousey i tetahi matauranga e pā ana ki te hākinakina o te mekemeke. Ko ia he toa tino pai i roto i te Tapawaru, a ka mihi ahau tino ia mo nga mea katoa i mea ai ia. E kore e taea tona hoariri pouaka me te mea ohie ki te titiro nui, engari, ka anga ana ki te kaipatu o te kounga teitei ki te meke kaha rite ahau, whakapono ki ahau, mea he huringa pepa. I roto i te mowhiti mekemeke, te koaka e koutou rohe whakamarie”.
Mō te Rousey whawhai Rāhoroi whakamutunga, i reira patua ia Bethe Correia i roto i 34 hēkona, Na ka mea a Serrano, “Ka rite ki te wāhi mekemeke o te tirohanga, titiro ia, ano he toa ihupuku runaruna, i whiua e nifó rawa whānui ki kahore cordination. Rongo ahau e kore he pai Cyborg kia haere mai ki raro, ki te wehenga ono tekau ki te whawhai ki Ronda, engari e taea e ahau te haere ki runga, ki te 135, a nehenehe ta tatou e whakatau i te kēmu mekemeke kia taea e ahau te whakamatau ia ia kaiwhakangungu he. Kotahi ka haere ahau ki runga, ki te wehenga ono tekau, a ka haere ki Argentina mo te whawhai taitara ao. I te mutunga, nga hua i e meinga e ahau te Puerto ake Rican kaimekemeke wahine tuatahi ki te riro i te taitara te ao i roto i te akomanga taimaha e rua”.
Kaiwhakahaere o Serrano me te kaiwhakangungu, Tohu Horano Maldonado i taua “e kore tatou e wero atu momo whawhai. Tohu tatou i mekemeke me te hiahia tatou ki te tiki i te tahi faatura. E wātea ana hoki i tetahi sparring kia hiahia ratou he kēmu mekemeke ranei matou, ia nehenehe ia tatou whakaatu pēhea te he Edmond Tarverdyan ko ia e pā ana ki mekemeke”.
I te August 15, 2014, Ka haere Serrano ki Argentina ki te kanohi WBO Kōmāmā World Champion Maria 'Tily’ Maderna, ko wai i taua wa, i toru angitu parepare taitara, otiia kihai i taea rahurahu te fakaaoao o te Puerto puncher te mana Rican, nana nei i mutu te whawhai i roto i te ono o nga tawhio noa i te ara o te knockout.
Ki te tenei wikitoria, Ka Serrano te kaimekemeke wahine Puerto Rican tuatahi ki te riro taitara ao i roto i te rua wehenga (130-135).
Ka haere mai i kingi ai taitara tuatahi a Serrano i Mahuru 2011 , no te patototanga ia i roto i Kimberly Connor i roto i te taka noa tuatahi ki te riro i te IBF World Champion i te wehenga tekau mā super.

UFC 190 Arokite me matapae Main Card

By: Rich Bergeron


Ronda Rousey (11-0) a Bethe Correia (9-0) hinaaro kupu matua UFC 190 i roto i te o te wahine taitara whā a'ee i whai ki te whakaora i mumura. Ka whawhai enei tāwhai e rua i roto i a te kaiwero whenua te kāinga, ko Rousey Ko te whetū ao nei i te mea na tawhiti i runga i te pukapuka hautoa i roto i tona mahi MMA. Correia He underdog i roto i tona ake whenua, engari te ia ano hoki i te patu tūturu ko wai i taea e hoatu e Rousey raruraru ki te kore te armbar e haere mai ki te tākaro.


Hanga Correia etahi parau ongongata'a e pā ana ki Rousey mahi whakamomori nui ki runga ki tenei whawhai. Whakamomori he nui kaupapa mo te Sharing, i kite tona papa tango i tona ora ake i te ia teina. Rousey o mai i korero ki “whiua” Bethe ka whakatau ratou i roto i te whare herehere i te po nei.


Rousey Ko te fakahaohaoa, mania, me te ohie. Just ina whakaaro koe e kore e taea te tiki ia i tetahi pai, hitimahuta ia koutou, e mahi tika e. Ko Correia he uaua-korero, me te māia toa, engari ko te tika wahi ia e tata ana te taumata o Rousey. Ki te mea tetahi tupono ia i te katoa, Ko te reira i roto i te taka noa tuatahi. E kore e te Rousey rapu mo te tukunga tere ki te ki te whakapono uru ia whakaaro o pupuri Correia e tatou he pono. Correia taea e whakamahi ia aravihi taea, me te mana-meke ki te kākara wawe Rousey, ka patoto ia i roto i, engari e auraa e haere ana ki te ki te koromatua ki te papatu, whakaaturia te tangata e ngā nui-ake a Tūrongo, i runga i te akoranga o ia whakamutunga torutoru whawhai.


Matapae: Titiro hoki ki te Rousey haere hoki i runga i tona kupu whakaari, me te whakaoti wawe i tenei whawhai, rite ka tangohia ia ia kare i runga i ka mutu ia ia i te whakaaro rawa nui e pā ana ki te tuhi i tēnei tetahi i roto i. Tika ia ka toua i roto i, maka iho, ka haere i roto i te a tawhio noa tuatahi ki tetahi TKO ki te tāpiri ki a ia toa katoa tāpaetanga. Ka akina ia ihu nui o Correia tuwhera whanui me te Judo maka te kaiwero ki te whāriki i reira ka kati ia i te whakaaturanga ki te whenua, me te pauna whai hua.


Te hui tahi-matua āhuatanga Mauricio Rua (22-10) vs. Antonio Rogerio Nogueira (21-6) i roto i te rematch o te whawhai i tupu i raro i te kara whakapehapeha i roto i te Hānuere o te 2005. Rua riro te whawhai tuatahi i te whakatau loto. Tenei wā, He roa e rua whawhai mua ratou pirimia, a ka tomo Rua te whare herehere ki tetahi noa wikitōria i roto i ona pāngia whakamutunga e wha. Nogueira ano e te huma mai te haere mai ia i roto i te hau atu i te tau i muri i tona whawhai whakamutunga, i te he mate TKO iu-tetahi ki a Anthony Johnson i roa noa 44 hēkona.


Matapae: E kore e te Rua rite taimaha hoatu rite Johnson, a kia whiwhi Nogueira tona utu i roto i tenei whawhai i te patuki i Rua i roto i te rua o te toru ranei, a tawhio noa. Ka whai Nogueira upoko pai kaupapa me te korero i roto i te rematch, a Rua tika e kore e whai i tetahi te whakauru tata ki tetahi ingoa nui. Ko ia i roto i te i runga i tona matenga i roto i tenei whawhai, a “Minotouro” Kei te haere ki te tono atu ia ia ki te tūranga.


Antonio Nogueira Rodrgio (34-9-1) whawhai ana hoki i runga i te undercard ki “Te skyscraper” Stefan Struve (25-7). Kia te a'ee whakaongaonga tenei, a ka whakakitea Mark Hunt e he haria ki haymakers Struve. Ka taea e Nogueira whakamahi i taua ngoikore, ranei ka whakaatu Struve te ia he kaipatu kōrero tenei wa i roto i?


Matapae: Nogueira te taenga mai o i ki te wheako katoa i roto i tenei a'ee ia Struve e te physicality. E mea te reira e, te nui e ratou, te uaua hinga ratou, ko Struve he okotahi. Kia taea ki te tango i te rawa o tona taitamarikitanga, me tona wa roa atu i te whare herehere whakatutuki i whara, me ngā āwangawanga hauora ia. Ka-patu i roto i ia Nogueira, ka whawhai roroa puta noa i te rauna tuatahi e rua, hopea oti Nogueira atu ki te paheko nanakia wawe i roto i te toru.


Ētahi atu nui ngā i runga i tenei kāri ngā MMA pupūtanga o te wahine i waenganui i Jessica Aguilar (19-4) a Karauria Gadelha (12-1) me te taupatupatunga taumahamaha i waenganui Soa “Ko te Hulk” Palelei (20-4) a Antonio “Bigfoot” Silva (18-7-1). Pāwhiri ki Here (http://www.sherdog.com/ngā / UFC-190-Rousey-vs-Tukutuku-42221) ki te tirohia i roto i te ki tonu UFC 190 kāri.