Tūtohu Archives: Arts hōia Mixed


Whā: Te Tai Rāwhiti Valiev vs. Tito Jones
Kōmāmā: Brian Foster vs. Larue Burley

Las Vegas (August 12, 2015) - World Series o te whawhai (WSOF.com) kua oti te ora NBCSN wahi teata o ona tino tūmanako, "WSOF 23: Gaethje vs. Palomino II "doubleheader aito te ao i Comerica Theatre i Phoenix, Ariz. i runga i te Paraire, E whitu. 18, ki te tua o te pāngia hou e rua - he whā (135 pauna) te whawhai i waenganui i whetū maranga kai kino Timur "Lucky" Valiev me te puncher kinaki Tito Jones, me te ono tekau (155 pauna) honga i waenganui i faaoti kino Brian Foster a tūturu LaRue Burley.

"Kei te titiro whakamua matou ki tetahi po e whakaponohia o te mahi, i teie nei e te kāri matua mō te WSOF 23 he oti ki rima pāngia ngā tētahi ranunga whakaongaonga o te taitara whawhai, me matchups ki tonu i te hoia ta'na, me etahi o nga opuaraa pai o te ao,"Ka mea a World Series o Fighting peresideni Rangatira Matua.

Whawhai i roto i te i te puni Jackson-Winklejohn orometau i roto i te Albuquerque, N.M., te Valiev 25-tau-tawhito (9-1) o Makhachkala, Dagestan, Russiankua sia kua runga i te ahi i roto i te whare herehere, toa 9 whawhai tonu mai i tona timatanga ngaio tuarua i roto i te Hōngongoi 2011.

Valiev’s run includes three victories in the World Series of Fighting decagon cage. In his last effort at WSOF 19 i runga i Maehe 28, Huna Valiev Na ka Te Hau-ā-uru, te kaute i te rauna tuatahi (1:39) TKO i runga i Te Hau-ā-uru ki te huinga faahiahia o aro tuke me nifó.

Jones (11-7), he Māori o Panama City, Fla., whawhai i teie nei i roto i Phoenix, Ko te rua-wā toa rohe Golden karapu mekemeke me te ākonga ia o mua o te kaiwhakangungu mekemeke Roy Jones, Sr. The 34-year-old has never been knocked out over the course of a 9-year professional career that has spanned 18 pito.

Foster (22-7) o Sallisaw, Okla. Ko te he 31-aer-tawhito, tohunga grappling whakamatauria whawhai-ko wai kāniwha kua 20 o tona 22 whakaora umanga i te ara o te (T)KO tukunga ranei, a patua nei i te kohinga o te name tāwhais, tae atu i te Welterweight tau o nāianei 6-runga i roto i te ao, Matt Brown, nei takoha Foster ki te pato i roto i te kowaowaotia pororere i roto i te rua o a tawhio noa (2:11) o to ratou matchup i runga i Nov. 20, 2010.

Ka titiro Foster ki te fakaakeake i te hinga i te ringa o te superstar Jake Shields i runga i Jan. 17 ka te rua fehangahangai atu i roto i te hui matua o te WSOF 17 i roto i te Las Vegas. The result halted a 4-fight win streak that Foster had ignited on July 27, 2013, ka piro ia he a tawhio noa te rua o nga auheke (:43) KO runga James Wood ki te whana takahuri hoki.

Ano 31 tau o te ao, Burley (6-0) o Phoenix, Kua ano ki te kia whiua ki runga i te akoranga o te ono tīmata ngaio, me te rua pāngia runaruna, he oma e ngā ono wikitōria i rānei (T)KO tukunga ranei.

Kua mahia ki Burley ono whakaora i roto i te oma ngaio i timata ki te whakatau loto toa i runga i Kelly obser i runga i Mahuru. 15, 2012, a ka ngā ano te toru a tawhio noa (3:40) WHO (nifó) mo 2011 NCAA Division ahau Wrestling National Champion me te hoa aranga whetu Bubba Jenkins.

I roto i te hui matua o te WSOF 23, tūturu, kingi World Series o Fighting Kōmāmā (155 pauna) Champion Justin "Ko e Miramirahia" Gaethje (14-0) ka whawhai mo te rua o nga wa ki te pakeke-patu tāwhai Luis "maki touwhero" Palomino (23-10).

Ko te matchup tuatahi i waenganui i Gaethje me Palomino, i headlined WSOF 19, Ko te take barnburner i riro Gaethje mā toru a tawhio noa (3:57) WHO (whana waewae me nifó), a kua e kua oti tauā rite ki te "whawhai o te Tau" kaitono.

I roto i te hui tahi-matua, me te tuatahi Ao Series o Fighting taumahamaha te marama (205 pauna) tangaroa a'ee, Rawiri Manga (16-3), kingi whitu tekau te ao o te whakatairanga o te (185 pauna) toa, ka ngana ki te riro i te hīanga, e rua-te wehenga tuatahi i roto i te Ao Series o te hītori whawhai, ina anga atu ia ki te kōrero CinderellaTeddy Holder (9-1), Kua mea katoa i haere mai nei e iwa toa mahi i te ara (T)KO tukunga ranei.

I roto i te whakaatu, 160-whawhai pauna catchweight, maranga whetu, me te whawhai hara costumedPhoenix Jones (5-1-1) ka titiro ki te hoki ki te tīwae win i muri i te mamae i te mate ngaio tuatahi o tona umanga i roto i tona World Series o te whawhai tuatahi i roto i te April, ina e ia i runga i te kaimekemeke ngaio tahuri MMA whakahihi Roberto Yong (2-2).

Utu i tika $39.99, tīkiti mō “WSOF 23: Gaethje vs. Palomino II” kei runga i te hoko i te pouaka tari Comerica Theatre, me te ipurangi i WSOF.com me Ticketmaster.com.

Haamata te telecast NBCSN ora i 7 p.m. ET / 4 p.m. PT.

Ka whakatuwhera nga tatau i Comerica Theatre i 3 p.m. MT me te a'ee tuatahi tuatahi, ka timata i 3:45 p.m. A complete preliminary bout card will be announced soon.



Santa MONICA (August 11, 2015) - Ko te whakakake Bellator MMA ki te kauwhau i te hainatanga o te Josh "Ko e Punk" Thomson (20-8, 1 NC) ki te tau-maha motuhake, kirimana maha-whawhai. I 36-tau-taitamariki, te mua Strikeforce Kōmāmā World Champion noho tonu tetahi o te runga 155-patu muka i roto i te hākinakina, ka whakataetae i roto i te runga rōpū, tae atu UFC me te whakakake i.


Noho i roto i te San Jose, Calif. me te whakangungu i te ingoa American Kickboxing Academy te taha etahi o nga hākinakina rawa pai, Roaa Thomson tona Jiu-Jitsu whitiki pango Beresiria i raro i Dave Camarillo. I tua atu ki tona kēmu whenua pāharakeke, Ko te tuatapaparaa a Tūrongo o Thomson i runga i-ira me, kowhetetia he "knockout o te Po" tohu mo tona putanga i roto i tona whawhai ki a Nate Diaz i roto i 2013. Ngā ano te utu mea te reira e, "te Punk" mau ha lekooti o 3-0 i roto i te kickboxing ngaio.


"I ahau te pai ai o mahi ki a Josh i Strikeforce ka titiro atu ahau ki tonu i tenei hononga i roto i te Bellator MMA. Josh ko te toi hōia whakauru-ao te piha, me te ko matou tino hari ki te kia tāpiri ia ki to tatou rārangi o etahi o nga lightweights pai i roto i te ao,"Ka mea peresideni o te whakatairanga o te, Scott Coker. "Noho tonu Bellator tino mahi hoki ki te hanga i tona rārangi mā te waitohu āpiha runga noa rite Thomson, me te poipoi ki runga-a-haere mai nga whetu puru-maramara. To tatou te tahi mau matchups mīharo i roto i te ngakau hoki "Ko e Punk" e tumanako atu ia tatou ki te kia kauwhau i roto i te wiki ki te haere mai ".


"Ahau ki runga ki konei pānui i tēnei pūrongo UFC mea e kua peka ratou ki anō haina-ki ahau, ina ko te pono o te mea e kua tamata nei ratou ki te anō haina-ahau mo toku rua whawhai whakamutunga. Peka ahau a hei utu i whiriwhiria ki te whawhai i roto i toku kirimana, ka whakamatautau i te mākete ti'amâraa noa ki a Bellator. I taua wāhi, Bellator made me an offer that the UFC was unable to match given their relationships with FOX and Reebok. Ko te he mahi, Ahau hoki e mahi ahau ki a Coker, and I couldn’t be more excited to get back to an organization that is trending upwards with fighter-friendly contracts. Any intelligent fighter is going to go where the money is, me te moni i hoki ahau i Bellator ".


"Ko e Punk" hono te rārangi nui o kaitäkaro tata e kua hainatia ki Bellator i runga i te tau o mua, tae atu: Phil Davis, Josh Koscheck, Melvin Guillard, Na ka Ruth, Arona Pico, Lorenzo Hood, Ewerton Teixeira, Gleristone Santos, i roto i ētahi atu.


Ka haere tonu ia ki te whawhai i roto i te wehenga ono tekau rire nei tīmata ki: hīanga, Will Brooks, ki raro, ki ētahi atu whawhai riteMichael Chandler, Marcin Held, Dave Rickels, Patricky "Pitbull" Freire a Dave Jansen.


Philadelphia, PA. (August 11, 2015) Whenua whakamatau -Global (GPG) announced today that it has appointed seasoned matchmaker and sports entertainment attorney Greg Bloom ki te wāhi o te matchmaker mo nga Toi Arts Mixed nohopuku-te tipu (MMA) karapu.

"Ahau oaoa ki te uru atu i te tere te tipu whakahaere whenua whakamatautau Global me tona kapa kua whakatapua ki te whakatairanga i etahi o ngaio te mahi MMA whakaongaonga rawa i roto i nga rohe Northeastern me Mid-Atlantic o te US ahau," ka mea a Bloom, e whakaputa i runga i te tekau tau o te wheako ahumahi hākinakina whawhai ki a ia ki te whakatairanga.

I roto i tona mahi, Bloom, he hoa i roto i te u Miami-e hāngai ana Chase Lawyers, Kua whakaratohia te whakaaro ture ki te maha whawhai nui, tae atu Ko te Ultimate Fighter: Heavyweights whakataetae Brendan Schaub a Justin mātuhi, mua World WBA Kōmāmā Champion Richar April a ka tahuri kaimekemeke Olympic WBO te ao nguha taitara Zahir Raheem.

"He fiefia ki te manako matou taua i te tino-whakaute, ka a'usia ngaio i roto i te ao whawhai kia rite ki Greg ki to tatou kapa, a he māia, e kore e taea ki te haapuai i to tatou rārangi, me te whawhai kāri ki etahi o te runga taranata ki runga-a-haere mai i roto i te wahi, me te ki tua atu ia ia,"Ka mea a Global whakamatau kaiwhakatū whenua me te peresideni James J. Jefferson.

I muri i te whakaputa 15 ora, ngā ngaio MMA huri noa i te ao, tae atu ki te UK, Arkansas, Portugal, Missouri, Latvia a Virginia, Kitea whenua whakamatautau Global kua he whare i roto i te rohe o Philadelphia. Ki te rā, Kua whakataka atu ana e te whenua whakamatautau Global i roto i 6 ngā i roto i te Tonga Jersey i ona ake arena hākinakina whawhai.

Kua kairau a whenua whakamatautau Global ope e rave rahi nui me te ake me te whakataetae e haere mai, whai wāhi Sam "Sammy e" Oropeza, Alexander Keshtov, Pita Petties, Sydney "Da Pū" pahua, Sean "Rock Shorty" Santella a Matt "Heu Sharp" Rizzo.

Inumia te whakatairanga ki te wāhanga e toru ngā tenei hinga. Ko te kāri whawhai mo te hui tuatahi, e tango i te wahi i runga i Rāhoroi, Oketopa. 24, kia ka kauwhautia hohoro.

Takahanga whakamutunga whakamatautau o te whenua Global, "GPG 21: Rizzo vs. Santella,"I headlined e tāwhai, maranga mā (125 pauna) whetu Matt "Heu Sharp" Rizzo a Sean "Rock Shorty" Santella i runga i Rāhoroi, Hōngongoi 25, Kei te whakakitea i roto i tenei marama, in syndication on Comcast SportsNet regional networks. The complete event is also available for viewing online, i runga i GFL.tv.

Mō te whenua whakamatautau Global (GPG)
Whenua e whakakite Global ko te New Jersey-e hāngai ana ngaio Mixed Arts (MMA) täne hākinakina i hangaia ki te waerenga, ka hanga taranata whawhai hou i roto i nga rohe o te United States Te Tai Tokerau Eastern me Mid-Atlantic me ki te whakarato i tētahi wheako whakangahau whakaongaonga mō pā hākinakina whawhai.

I whakarewatia i roto i te 2012 i te hokohoko whakahaere James J. Jefferson me te maha, paionia taketake o MMA, te kamupene whakahaere ona ake wāhi hākinakina whawhai i reira taurima reira katoa o ona ngā e kua tohaina ora i runga i te TV Real me te PPV i runga i Haere whawhai Live (GFL.tv) me kore te tona mahi Tātahitanga i runga i te pūtake roa rīpene i runga i Comcast SportsNet me te Comcast GPG Whatunga hanga taranata toa hou anake, engari kei te whakawhanake i tona ake turanga tahi mateaki.

'TE BADDEST MAN runga i te ao,'JOE Warren, Kua whakaturia hoki ki tukinga MAHINGA MATUA AGAINST L.C. Davis AT BELLATOR 143 I Hidalgo, Texas ON Mahuru. 25




Santa MONICA, Calif. (August 11, 2015) - Joe Warren o (12-4) ara ki te titau e timata i te Bellator MMA whā Championship i runga i Rāmere, Mahuru 25 ki C.R.. Davis, (23-6) ka te tika e rua i te tuatahi te whakatairanga o te i State Farm Arena i Hidalgo, Texas.


I tua atu, Joey Beltran (16-11, 1 NC) Ka fehangahangai Kendall Grove (21-15, 1 NC) i roto i te taikaha whitu tekau farereiraa.


Ko te whakataetae mahi rite ki te headlining me te tahi-headlining pāngia o “Bellator 143: Warren vs. Davis,” e te pahiatia e ora i runga i te Koi i 9 p.m. ET / 8 p.m. CT, ia ka rere pāngia tuatahi i runga i Spike.com i 7 p.m. AND.


Tikiti hoki Bellator 143, e tīmata i tika $20, haere i runga i te hoko i tenei Rāmere, August 14 i Ticketmaster.com me te tari pouaka State Farm Arena, ki te presale wātea ana i runga i te motuhake Bellator iwi 12th a 13th mō ngā pā te whakamahi i te waehere: Bellator. Tatau mo tuwhera i te hui 5:00 p.m. CT wā rohe, me te whakataetae tuatahi e wahi i muri tata. Kia ka kauwhautia pāngia tahi atu mau tata.


"He hītori taonga i roto i te āhua o Texas Hanumi toi hōia, me te titiro whakamua Bellator ki hoki ki te Lone Star State mo te wa tuatahi mai 2012 ki te kāri tāpae i roto i te muka,"Ka mea a Bellator MMA te peresideni Scott Coker. "Kua Joe Warren kua kaikā ki te tiki i hoki i roto i te mahi, ka hoki ki te whai taitara 135-pauna, i te L.C. Davis e torohaki i runga i tona taha mai tona 'whawhai o te Tau' ërä matchup ki Hideo Tokoro i Maehe. Au pono ahau titiro atu ki a reira. "

Warren is a two-division champion who also served as a coach during the inaugural season of “Fight Master.” In addition to his win over the current bantamweight champion Marcos Galvão, patua te mamau Olympic-ërä kua he rārangi faahiahia o whawhai, tae atu Georgi Karakhanyan, Patricio Freire, a Eduardo Dantas mai i tango ake i te hākinakina o whakauru toi hōia i roto i 2009.

Davis, ko tetahi hawhe o Ninety te whakataetae MMA pai te kupu i tawhiti i roto i 2015 ka fehangahangai ia Hideo Tokoro i "Bellator 135: "Warren vs. Galvão 2."E tata rua te nui o te wheako i te whawhai te angitu, World Extreme Cagefighting me aitua mua" te Baddest te tangata i runga i te Planet "tnngata, puta a kua kaha i roto i te whitu o tona whakataetae whakamutunga e waru ngaio.

Te reira haumaru ki te amo i te tangata puta te toa i runga i Mahuru 25th Ka nui ki te mea e pā ana ki mehemea e haere mai i to ratou a'ee muri ki te taitara koura i runga i te raina i.

Mai tomo i te whakawehi Bellator MMA i roto i 2013, Whakataetae kua Beltran ki etahi o nga heavyweights marama pai te whakatairanga e ki te tuku, ki te matchups ki Quinton "Rampage" Jackson, Vladimir "Ko e kaitiaki" Matyushenko, Emanuel "Ko e Hardcore Kid" Newton. I muri i te whakawhitinga ki te whitu tekau i "Bellator 136: Brooks vs. Jansen"I roto i te April, "Mexicutioner" puta kaha i te farereiraa enthralling ki Brian "Ko e Predator" Rogers ki te nuinga whakatau.


Ko te San Diego, Calif., oti kua taketake 13 o tona 16 whakaora rite ki te ngaio, me te ka titiro ki te whakawhānui i tona pūkenga toa o nāianei, ina hoki e ia ki te whare herehere Bellator MMA.

Whakataetae ngaiotanga mai 2003, Kua whai wāhi Grove kua i roto i te tahi mau matchups epic, tae tona kaha tino tata ki Brandon Halsey i "Bellator 137: Halsey vs. Grove " i roto i te Mei. I anake 32-tau-tau, "Da Spyder" tūmanako e ka mahi i te wikitōria ki tetahi patu āna rite Beltran pai ia i roto i tona whai o Bellator MMA koura.

E whakahaere i te Hawaii tiketike nui-ki te tuku Beltran mo te rua o nga wa anake i roto i ona toi hōia whakauru rere? Ki te kahore he tetahi ahei o te feat taua, te reira i te whitiki pango Brazil Jiu-Jitsu Kaituku Grove.

Costumed Crusader Phoenix JONES tika UP ki te kanohi Roberto YONG AT "WSOF 23: GAETHJE VU. PALOMINO II”

Ora i runga i NBCSN i Phoenix, Arizona
i runga i te Paraire, Mahuru 18

Las Vegas (August 11, 2015) - World Series o Te whawhai (WSOF.cki te) maranga whetu, me te whawhai hara costumed Phoenix Jones (5-1-1) ka hoki ki te whare herehere tapatekau ki te tango i runga i Roberto Yong (2-2) i roto i te catchweight whakataetae 160-pauna i runga i te ora, NBCSN-teata kāri matua o “WSOF 23: Gaethje vs. Palomino II "i Comerica Theatre i Phoenix, Ariz. i runga i te Paraire, E whitu. 18.

Headlined e te rematch ua faaite i mua, me te nui-tūmanako i waenganui i tūturu, kingi World Series o Fighting World Kōmāmā (155 pauna) Champion Justin "Ko e Miramirahia" Gaethje (14-0) a pakeke-patu tāwhai Luis "maki touwhero" Palomino (23-10), te hui whetu-hokowhitu ngā te whawhai taitara tuarua, te tuatahi World Series o Fighting te marama taumahamaha te ao (205 pauna) tangaroa a'ee i waenganui i Rawiri Manga (16-3) a Teddy Holder (11-7).

Utu i tika $39.99, tīkiti mō “WSOF 23: Gaethje vs. Palomino II” kei runga i te hoko i te pouaka tari Comerica Theatre, me te ipurangi i WSOF.com me Ticketmaster.com.

Ko te-'io 27r-tawhito Jones o Seattle, Horoi. Kua riro aro pāpāho motu mo ana mahi toa i rite ki te toa hara tūao te hunga rori ana ara rohe, ropia i roto i te hūtu tonu-tinana me te kanohi, i roto i te kaha ki te āwhina i ētahi atu i roto i te pouri me te ārai hara ra huarahi katoa.

Jones i hanga i tona Series World o Fighting tuatahi i runga i April 10, haere ake poto i roto i te whakatau loto ki Emmanuel walo i roto i te catchweight whakataetae 175-pauna. The upcoming bout will be contested at a weight closer to Jones’ natural fighting weight of 155 pauna.

Yong, o Glendale, Ariz. he kaimekemeke ngaio mua e arotahi ana ki te whakatū i te mahi i roto i te MMA. The 31-year-old opened his professional MMA career with back-to-back KO victories.

Yong kua mai stumbled ki maoro hōia Estevan Payan me te tiaturiraa Joel Champion engari, rite Jones, ka titiro ki te hoki ki te tīwae win bme te dropping i raro i te Welterweight (170 pauna) rohe.

Ko te NBCSN telecast ora o "WSOF 23: Gaethje vs. I Palomino II "haamata 7:00 p.m. ET / 4 p.m. PT i te Rāmere, Mahuru 18.

Ka whakatuwhera nga tatau i Comerica Theatre mō "WSOF 23" i 3:00 p.m. MT a ka timata i te a'ee kāri tuatahi tuatahi 3:45 p.m.

Kia ka kauwhautia pāngia atu mo te takahanga hohoro.

Mō “Ao Series o te whawhai” (WSOF)
“Ao Series o te whawhai” (WSOF.com) Ko te ao whānui pirimia ngaio Toi Martial Mixed (MMA) whawhai whakatairanga whakatapua ki tuku i te pai whawhai mahi-Kikī mō pā whawhai i te whakaputa i te pai ka taea ōrite-ups i waenganui i whawhai whiriwhiri i huri noa i te ao. Mō ētahi atu kōrero haere ki WSOF.com. A pee i “Ao Series o te whawhai” on Twitter MMAWorldSeries a “Ao Series o te whawhai” President Ray Sefo SugarRaySefo.

USA Wrestling Na UFC® whakahoutia Partnership



Colorado Springs - USA Wrestling, te tino aratai motu mō te pakanga i roto i te United States, a tahi i kauwhautia UFC® kua whakahoutia e ratou to ratou ngātahi ki te whakatairanga i te anaanatae i roto i te nonoke, ka konatunatua toi hōia (MMA), i te mahi tahi i runga i te whānuitanga o ngā kaupapa, ki te tautoko i ngā mahi o ia whakahaere.

"USA Wrestling he pai ki te whakahou i tona ngātahi ki UFC, haere mai atu i te tau tuatahi angitu mahi tahi. Kei te tata Kapi tonu to tatou hākinakina, a ki reira he huarahi maha e nehenehe e tauturu i ta tatou e tautoko tahi e te tahi. Titiro whakamua matou ki te kimi huarahi auaha, me te whai hua ki te tāpiri uara atu a tae noa ki tenei whanaungatanga kaha,"Ka mea a Rich Bender, USA Wrestling e Talēkita.

“Ko matou tino fiefia ki te whakahou i to tatou mahi tahi USA Wrestling, me ki te hanga i runga i te angitu kua a'usia mo te tau whakamutunga tatou tonu,” UFC Vice peresideni o Federation te whanaungatanga me te Corporate Fatongia Social Lou Lauria mea. UFC he hītori roa, me te taonga tautoko i te whanaketanga o ngä kaitäkaro runaruna me to tatou hononga ki USAWrestling rā hoki ki te timatanga rawa o UFC.”

Ko te rua o nga tau tika i whakaae nga whakahaere ki te mahi tahi, me te ki te kitea huarahi hou ki te hanga, me te whakawhānui i ta ratou mau tautooraa amui tenei.

Nonoke a MMA faaite i te hononga tata i pai paanga e rua hākinakina. Mamau Ko te huinga matua pūkenga e hiahiatia ana mō te angitu i roto i te MMA, me te whakaaro he ako tūāpapa i roto i te hākinakina. Kua haere wrestlers maha i runga i, ki te whakatutuki angitu i roto i te nui MMA, ha faingamālie atu mo ratou mahi sipoti, me te ngaio whakahere i muri kei te oti o ratou ra mamau.

Kua riro kaitäkaro maha te hunga i whakataetae ki a USA Wrestling i runga i ki te riro ngä kaitäkaro angitu UFC, whai wāhi: Toa Olympic Henry Cejudo, Hiriwa Olympic medalists Sara McMann me Matt Lindland, -wā e rua ma'ona Rana Henderson, e rua-wā Tuaro me ono-wā U.S. Open toa motu Daniel Cormier, e rua-wā toa NCAA Johny Hendricks, NCAA katoa-Ameliká Chris Weidman me Kaina Velasquez, wahine o te kāreti katoa-American Carla Esparza me te tini ke atu.

Te mahi tahi, Ka haere tonu USA Wrestling me UFC ki te tautoko me te whakatairanga i te whanaketanga o te mamau. Mā te ahumahi tohungatanga me ngā rauemi a UFC ārahi, Ka ngā USA Wrestling me ona mahi puta noa i te maha o ngā wāhanga pērā i te haapurororaa a UFC, pāpāho pāpori me te mamati.

Ka whakarato USA Wrestling ona 250,000 hapori mema whai wāhitanga motuhake ki ki te wheako i UFC i roto i te whānuitanga o ngā tüäpapa tae: Ngā UFC, UFC whawhai Club®, Wāhi UFC GYM®, UFC FIGHT PASS®, UFC Pale me whawhai Wiki o International. Ka whakamahi hoki USA Wrestling ona maha tüäpapa pāpāho ki te faaite mōhiohio me ngā whai wāhitanga e pā ana ki UFC ki ona mau melo.

USA Wrestling Ko tetahi o te whiriwhiri i te tinana whakahaere motu torutoru i roto i te hapori Olympic ki te waiho i te hoa mana ki a UFC.

FIGHT Whatunga MMA, Judo & KICKBOXING HÖTAKA Apiti (Aug. 10-16, 2015)

(U.S. hōtaka anake. No te hōtaka Canadian tonu, tirohia tv.fightnetwork.com from your region.)

Whawhai he Whatunga 24/7 whakatapua pouaka teihana ki te whakaoti i kapinga o hākinakina whawhai. Tags te reira i ngā hōtaka e arotahi ana ki te hōkai katoa o te momo hākinakina whawhai, tae atu ki ngā whawhai ora, me te ake-ki-te-miniti rongo me te tātaritanga mō konatunatua toi hōia, kickboxing, mamau ngaio, ngā tikanga mau rākau, mekemeke, rongo whawhai, me te raupapa whakaari whawhai-waiata, pakipūmeka me te āhuatanga kiriata.
Kei raro kitea ngā o te hōtaka o tenei wiki:
Rāhina, Aug. 10
6:30 p.m. AND – Judo Baku Grand Slam 2014 Highlights – Ngā i te Judo Baku Grand Slam i Kia. 9-11, 2014 i roto i te Azerbaijan.
7:00 p.m. AND – 5 Rauna – Whawhai a Whatunga John Ramadeen me Robin Black invice manuhiri motuhake ki te wehenga i te wiki o MMA mahi.
7:30 p.m. AND – Whawhai News Na tāpiri – Ko te rongo hou, recaps, āhuatanga me te tātaritanga roto o te kēmu whawhai.
Rātū, Aug. 11
1:30 a.m. ANDXPTV – Kapinga o-rohe U.S. ngā kaupapa MMA ngaio, me te runaruna.
6:00 a.m. ANDKi 2 Toe ki Chris Weidman – I roto i te-hohonu noho-iho uiui ki te toa whitu tekau UFC Chris Weidman.
6:30 a.m. ANDHip Whakaatu: Arena aro – MMA Tūtohu-rōpū i roto i te 12m i te 12m arenda ki ngā hanganga i tutuki te taumata-toru.
4:00 p.m. & 10 p.m. AND — – 5 Rauna teie mahana – Pāhorangi ki John Ramdeen me Robin Black whawhati iho i te whānui o te kaupapa momo i roto i te ao MMA, tae atu ki ngā arokite o takahanga ka ū mai, me nga hau hou katoa, me matua.
5:00 & 5:30 ANDXtreme whawhai Championship – Florida-hāngai MMA pro ngā runga opuaraa American, whetu ao me hōia UFC.
8:00 p.m. AND – 5 Rauna – Whawhai a Whatunga John Ramadeen me Robin Black invice manuhiri motuhake ki te wehenga i te wiki o MMA mahi.
8:30 p.m. AND – Whawhai News Na tāpiri – Ko te rongo hou, recaps, āhuatanga me te tātaritanga roto o te kēmu whawhai.
9:00 p.m. ANDFighting Season te Wairua MMA 4 – Haaputuraa o te whawhai te ao i SFL, Poutohu, FFC, M-1 me ētahi atu.
11:00 p.m. ANDSuperKombat: World Grand Prix III 2015 – Ngā Morasanu vs Catalin. Colin George a Andrei Stoica vs. Abdarhmane Coulibaly
i Pipiri 19, 2015 i roto i te Constanta, Romania.
Wednesday, Aug. 12
1:00 a.m. ANDHohonu: FAKA'OFO'OFÁ Impact 2014: Kitaoka vs. Yoshida – Ngā Satoru Kitaoka vs. Yoshiyuki Yoshida i Hakihea. 31, 2014 i roto i te Saitama, Japan.
4:00 a.m. ANDTexas Whawhai Night – MMA mahi i Texas ngā opuaraa runga i te Lone Star State o roto i te whare herehere.
6:00 p.m. ANDBest o te Cage riri – Ngā whawhai matarohia i te whakahaere Cage riri UK-e hāngai ana ki te Anderson Silva, Antonio Silva, Victor Belfort, Paora Daley me ētahi atu.
7:00 p.m. ANDWhawhai News Na tāpiri: MMA Edition – Uhi i te tupu katoa i roto i te ao MMA ki te tātari motuhake, me te āhuatanga.
7:30 p.m. AND – Whawhai News Na tāpiri – Ko te rongo hou, recaps, āhuatanga me te tātaritanga roto o te kēmu whawhai.
8:00 p.m. ANDCWF: Whawhai Night 7 – Ngā Pavel Kusch vs. Chris Fields mo te taitara whitu tekau, me Canadian Mark Holst vs. Leonardo Santos mo te taitara ono tekau i Mahuru. 1, 2012 i roto i te Amāna, Horano.
11:00 p.m. ANDMMA Meltdown ki Gabriel Morency – Wawahi iho Gabriel Morency nga tupu katoa i roto i te MMA, te matapaki te aroaro, matapae, me manuhiri wiki motuhake, me ngā uiuinga motuhake.
11:30 p.m. ANDTakedown Wrestling – Kapinga whānui o ngā kaupapa mamau amateur, tae atu i te rongo hou, muri-te-scenes kapinga i ngā kaupapa me ngā uiuinga motuhake.
Rāpare, Aug. 13
1:30 a.m. & 1:00 p.m. ANDUltimate Challenge MMA 20: Kurua o te ahi – Ngā John Maguire vs. Jamaine Facey i Mei 14, 2011 i Mei 14, 2011 i roto i te London.
6:00 p.m. ANDChampionship whawhai Alliance – MMA Pro i Florida ngā i te momo o Josh Sampo, Mike Kyle, John Howard, He McCorkie, Luis Palomino me ētahi atu.
7:00 p.m. ANDFighting ihupuku ki – Kickboxers Aspiring piki te arawhata o te angitu i roto i te hākinakina rite ihupuku ki whakataetae mo ha faingamālie ke hoko ko ngaio, me te whiwhi wheako e hiahiatia ana ki te angitu i te taumata teitei.
8:00 p.m. ANDWhawhai News Na: MMA Edition – Uhi i te tupu katoa i roto i te ao MMA ki te tātari motuhake, me ngā āhuatanga.
8:30 p.m. AND Whawhai News Na tāpiri – Ko te rongo hou, recaps, āhuatanga me te tātaritanga roto o te kēmu whawhai.
9:00 p.m. ANDM-1 Challenge 31 Ngā Jeff Monson vs. Alexey Oleinik, Alexander Yakoview vs, Shamil Zavurov, Tashid Magomedeov vs. Yasubey Enimoto a Alexsander Emelinaenko vs. Tadas Rimkevicius i Mar. 16, 2012 i roto i te St. Petersburg, Russia.
Rāmere, Aug. 15
12:00 a.m. ANDKo e Showtime Motuhake – Whakahaere pirimia kickboxing o te ao ngā Badr Hari, Melvin Manhoef a Giorgio Petrosyan.
6:00 P.M. ANDM-1 Challenge – Pro MMA i Europe ngā tihi maranga pai, me nga whetu o te ao.
7:00 p.m. ANDWhawhai News Na: MMA Edition – Uhi i te tupu katoa i roto i te ao MMA ki te tātari motuhake, me ngā āhuatanga.
7:30 p.m. ANDWhawhai News Na tāpiri – Ko te rongo hou, recaps, āhuatanga me te tātaritanga roto o te kēmu whawhai.
8:00 p.m. ANDKi 2 Toe ki Phil Davis – I roto i te-hohonu noho-iho uiui ki a UFC whetu marama taumahamaha Phil Davis.
8:30 p.m. ANDHip Whakaatu: Arena aro – MMA Tūtohu-rōpū i roto i te 12m i te 12m ao ki te hanganga pikipiki taumata-toru.
9:00 p.m. ANDNSS 30: Genesis – Ngā Borys Mankowski vs. Michail Tsarev a Aslambek Saidov vs. Rafal Moks i Feb. 21, 2015 i roto i te Poznan, Poland.
Rāhoroi, Aug. 15
6:00 a.m. ANDBest o TKO – Ngā Mark Hominick vs. Samuel Guillet i TKO 27, me Krzyasztof Soszynski a Honatana Goulet i roto i te mahi.
7:00 a.m. ANDBest o Gladiator Challenge – Ngā Jake Shields vs. Robert Ferguson i Gladiator Challenge 7.
8:00 a.m. ANDBest o te SportFight – MMA kounga Top i te Pacific Northwest. I whakahaerehia e te UFC hōia Matt Lindland me Chael sønnen.
9:00 a.m. ANDPancrase Classics – Classic pakanga MMA tāimu'a ngā Ken Shamrock, Frank Shamrock, Bas Rutten, Marquardt Ingoa, Chael sønnen me ētahi atu.
12:00 p.m. AND – Hohonu: FAKA'OFO'OFÁ Impact 2014– Featuring Yuki Motoya vs. Matt Manzanares i Dec. 31, 2014 i roto i te Saitama, Japan.
9:00 p.m. ANDKingi o Kings: World Grand Prix Vilnius 2015 – Kei roto he-po kotahi, kotahi-whakakorenga whakataetae te marama taumahamaha Mar. 15, 2015 i roto i te Vilnius, Lithuania.
11:00 p.m. ANDPressure ki te Win – E tomo te ao o te rongoā hākinakina, me te mahi whakarei ake taero. He titiro faitotonu i te ao o te hākinakina, moni, me te pēhanga ki te toa.
Rātapu, Aug. 16
12:00 a.m. ANDFighting Season te Wairua MMA 4 – Haaputuraa o te whawhai te ao i SFL, Poutohu, FFC, M-1 me ētahi atu.
1:00 a.m. ANDRing o te aro 48 – Ngā Brendan Barrett vs, Justin Woods me Chris Wade vs, Frankie Parete i Mei 16, 2014 i Atlantic City, Nj.
6:00 a.m. AND – Pancrase Classics – Classic pakanga MMA tāimu'a ngā Ken Shamrock, Frank Shamrock, Bas Rutten, Marquardt Ingoa, Chael sønnen me ētahi atu.
11:00 a.m. AND – Best o te ADCC – Puritia ake ngā compilations o te ōritenga grappling rahi, ngā Tito Ortiz, Matt Hughes, Eddie Bravo, Fabricio Werdum, Marcelo Garcia, Ronaldo Souza a Royler Gracie.
12:00 p.m. AND – Whiriwhiri Muay Thai: Tairana vs. Kaiwero – Te raupapa nui Muay Thai i roto i te ao ngā moni whawhai tu-ake ao tango i runga i te Team National Thai rongonui
5:00 p.m- USA Wrestling Weekly – Manaakitanga Scott Casber homai rongo wiki, me te tātari pokapū a tawhio noa USA Wrestling, te tinana whakahaere motu i te hākinakina o, tae ki ngā uiuinga, āhuatanga, me te titiro hoki i te mua.
5:30 p.m. AND – Judo Grand Prix Zagreb 2015 Highlights – Ngā i te Judo Zagreb Grand Prix i Mei 1-3, 2015 i roto i te Croatia.
11:00 p.m. AND – Enfusion Live #27: Souwer vs. Risk – Ngā Andy Souwer vs. Jonay Risco a Mohamed Boubkari vs. Mohi Baute hoki -95kg te taitara ao i Apr. 18, 2015 i roto i te Tenerife, Spain.
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ABOUT Whatunga FIGHT: Whawhai ko Whatunga whatunga hākinakina pirimia whawhai o te ao whakatapua ki 24/7 kapinga, tae atu ki ngā whawhai, whawhai, whawhai rongo me te whawhai āhua noho. E wātea ana i roto i te U.S te awa. i runga i Cablevision i roto i te wahi o New York, Connecticut a New Jersey, Texas-hāngai Grande Communications, Armstrong Cable i Pennsylvania, e Ohio rawhiti, me te i runga i Shentel Cable i Virginia, Te Hau-ā-uru Virginia me wahi o te uru Maryland, a Suddenlink Communications i Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana a Te Tai Tokerau Carolina.. Whawhai he hoki Whatunga i runga i whakaturia Roku runga pouaka i roto i te US. a Canada, rere ora i runga i te paetukutuku KlowdTV.com, me te wātea i runga i kawe nui katoa i roto i Canada, e hau atu i te 30 whenua puta noa i Europe, Africa me te Middle Te Tai Rāwhiti.

WORLD BOXING Tuhinga Amir Khan tomo TE MMA PAKIHI AS NEW CO-kaipupuri o mua FIGHT super

Los Angeles, Calif. (August 10, 2015) - Toa mekemeke te ao whakapaipai Amir Khan kua takahia ki te Arts Mixed (MMA) mahi rite ki te rangatira hou, me te kaiwhakatairanga o te taitara ao MMA karapu hākinakina Super whawhai League.

Khan, he mua, toa e rua-wā te ao, ka uru atu i te mea hou, mana puru-maramara, me te rōpū whakahaere whakatapua ki whakawhänui i te whawhai tapuwae o League Super India-hāngai mua i roto i te US, timata ki te whakaaetanga tohatoha pouaka e te kamupene titau ki te kauwhau hohoro.

"Ko ahau tino fiefia e pā ana ki tenei kaupapa hou, me te pene i roto i toku mahi e tukua ki ahau te whakamahi i toku wheako, me ngā hononga i roto i te ao whawhai ki atu i te misioni o te, he aha e whakapono ana ahau, Ko te kamupene e whai pūmanawa tupu rahi i roto i te wāhi whakangahau MMA me hākinakina,"Ka mea a Khan, Ka haere tonu hoki tona mahi i roto i te mekemeke i reira kua riro e ia tona rima pāngia whakamutunga nei i, a ka mau te tino mahi record o 31-3, ki 19 o ona ikuna ka tae mai i te ara o te (T)KO.

"I raro i te whakahaere o to tatou rōpū hou o te hoia i rua ahumahi te MMA me pāpāho,"Tonu Khan, "Whawhai Super e te hura i League i te tūāpapa hou me te hei hōputu hou tuatahi mō MMA whakataetae i roto i 2016 a, i roto i te raveraa i te reira, Ka whakarato i te whai wāhitanga pea mahi-te huri ki rau o ngä kaitäkaro ngaio i roto i tenei hākinakina nui. "

Hononga Khan i te urungi o te täne he Super hou whawhai League Kaiwhakahaere Matua me te tycoon pakihi Bill Dosanjh; whakahaere pāpāho mamati George Chung, takoto nei tohungatanga i roto i te ao (Europe, Asia, Latin America, India me te Middle Te Tai Rāwhiti) whakahiato ihirangi me te monetization; a Brian Halquist he Seattle, Kaiwhakatairanga hōia Wash.-e hāngai ana o runga i 140 ngā hākinakina whawhai ora nei i, i roto i te tahi atu mahi pūkenga, Ko te hoa i roto i te "Strikeforce i te Dome" kāri whawhai i whakaturia he rekoata hou mō rihīti kuwaha o ora mo te kaupapa hākinakina whawhai i roto i te āhua o Washington i runga i Feb. 23, 2008.

Whakaturia ko Super whawhai League i roto i 2012 a kua mai hua 41 ngā ora, whai wāhi 5 i roto i te U.S, a ka hanga pinepine o miriona o ngā whakaaro o tona ihirangi ataata i roto i te rautaki, ngātahi mamati ki YouTube.

Ko te whakatairanga i te whare ki te maha o MMA toa me ētahi atu superstars, tae Olympic Judo mētara Satoshi Ishii, Trevor Prangley, Todd Duffee, Jeff Monson a Rameau Thierry Sokoudjou. The next Super Fight League live event in the U.S. kia ka kauwhautia hohoro.

Mō Super whawhai League
Super whawhai League (www.superfightleague) Kei te Mixed te taitara ao Arts Martial (MMA) täne hākinakina i whakaturia i roto i te 2012, a kua mai hua 41 ngā ora i roto i te India, Dubai me te US, and showcased its product to tens of millions of fans through content partnerships with YouTube and STAR Sports Network in Asia. The company is dedicated to placing competitors from around the world in fiercely competitive matchups held inside its circular cage.

Mō Amir Khan
Amir Khan Ko te kaipara, kaipakihi me te taata. He toa o mua rua-wā te ao, having won the WBA and WBC and IBF Light Welterweight titles. He currently holds the WBC Silver Welterweight title and has fought at three weight classes lightweight, Welterweight te marama, me te Welterweight.

Khan Ko te Olympic mekemeke Ingarangi hiriwa mētara toa whakaotinga i te 2004 Atene Olympic Games i te ao o te 17. Ko ano hoki e ia tetahi o te whakaotinga nga toa World Ingarangi o te wā katoa toa i te WBA Light Welterweight taitara i te tau 22. His professional record stands at 31-3 ki 19 toa haere mai ana i te ara o te patoto i roto i.

Kua mahi tona aroha i tuhia e te press, me te kingitanga ki tona takoha ki te wa moni, me te whaiaro. Rōpū tuhia ngā NSPCC, Pakistan Earthquake Sotaiete, BGC aroha Day, Tuaiwi Atrophy Muscular, Unicef and OxFam Aide. The Amir Khan Foundation has built orphanages around the world, timata ki Kamopia Africa.


Las Vegas (August 10, 2015) -ko Ora NBCSN telecast o "WSOF 22: Palhares vs. Shields "wawaenga 254,000 kaimätakitaki i roto i te rua haora-telecast ora i timata i 10:40 p.m. AND/7:40 p.m. PT - ana'iraa rite te Ao Series pai o te whakaatu whawhai i runga i NBCSN i roto i te neke atu i te tau (6/21/14). I tua atu, te viewership ko ake 9% i NBCSN o 2014 Toharite WSOF o paku i runga i 233,000.

"E oaoa roa matou ki te tino, mahi tata o to tatou hōtaka i runga i NBCSN,"Ka mea a World Series o te whawhai Tumu Carlos Silva. “World Series of Fighting has been putting on some incredible fights in our decagon cage, a kua NBCSN kua he hoa nui, tona whakarongo whakahere he horopeta hauora o rua ngā ora me replays o tata, ngā mahi o mua, katoa o e āwhina kore te tupu tonu o matou tohu me o matou hākinakina nui i roto i te rongo ōrite, me te rongonui ki te whakarongo motu.

"WSOF 22: Palhares vs. Shields "I headlined e te pupūtanga roa-tatali i waenganui o te Ao Series o Fighting World Welterweight (170 pauna) Champion Rousimar "Toquinho" Palhares me te kaiwero, me te toa e rua-wā te ao Jake Shields

Ora World Series o te mahi whawhai hoki ki te NBCSN ki "WSOF 23: Gaethje vs. Palomino II "i runga i Rāmere, Mahuru 18 i 7:00 p.m. AND/4:00 p.m. PT i Comerica Theatre i Phoenix, Ariz. In the highly-anticipated main event, tūturu, kingi te ao ono tekau (155 pauna) toa Justin "Ko e Miramirahia" Gaethje ka hoatu tona taitara i runga i te raina mo te rua o nga wa ki pakeke-patu Luis "maki touwhero" Palomino.

Mō “Ao Series o te whawhai” (WSOF)
“Ao Series o te whawhai” (WSOF) Ko te ao whānui pirimia ngaio Toi Martial Mixed (MMA) whawhai whakatairanga whakatapua ki tuku i te pai whawhai mahi-Kikī mō pā whawhai i te whakaputa i te pai ka taea ōrite-ups i waenganui i whawhai whiriwhiri i huri noa i te ao. Mō ētahi atu kōrero haere ki WSOF.com. A pee i “Ao Series o te whawhai” on Twitter MMAWorldSeries a “Ao Series o te whawhai” President Ray Sefo SugarRaySefo.

NBCSN, wāhanga o te NBC Sports Group, Kua whakatapua ki te taviniraa pā hākinakina ngākau. Na i roto i te neke atu i te 85 miriona mau fare, te whatunga Emmy Award-toa ko te whare taura pouaka o te raumati me te hotoke Olympics, National Hockey League (NHL) - Tae atu ki e rua ngā kēmu o te Stanley Cup Final — NASCAR, Pirimia League, Formula One, IndyCar, Tour de France, and America’s Cup. I tua atu, NBCSN ngā whutupōro kāreti, poitūkohu kāreti, haupoi kāreti, pahikara, hōtaka waho, horse racing surrounding the Triple Crown and Breeders’ Cup, Ironman, te Dew Tour me USA takiwhitu Rugby. Ko te kāinga hoki te whatunga ki ngā hōtaka taketake pērā i NFL tahuri Point, Pro Football Talk,Ko te Rana Patrick Whakaatu, a NASCAR Amerika. Tohaina NBCSN te mā pūnaha taura me te amiorangi ngā puta noa i te United States.

Whawhai Foaki e Whatunga RFA 28: Sanchez vs. Doll, LIVE tenei Rāmere, Aug. 7 i 10 p.m. AND

Toronto (Aug. 6, 2015)– Whatunga Fight, pirimia o te ao 24/7 whakatapua pouaka teihana ki te whakaoti i kapinga o hākinakina whawhai, he hakari i te haapurororaa ora o RFA 28: Sanchez vs. Doll teneiRāmere, August 7 i 10 p.m. AND, kitea e te whakakarauna o te toa whitu tekau RFA hou, ka hanga i te whakatairanga i tona haerenga tuatahi ki St. Louis.


Whawhai haapurororaa ora a Whatunga o RFA 28: Sanchez vs. Ka rangi motu Poppie i Canada, a ao i roto i runga i 30 whenua puta noa i Europe, Africa me te Middle Te Tai Rāwhiti. Ko te kāinga U.S. te pahiatia e fakamafolá i runga i AXS TV.

I roto i te hui matua, two hungry middleweight prospects vie for championship gold as RFA fan favorite Andrew Sanchez titiro ki te paruru i tona pūreirei te whare ki Wisconsin Māori John Poppie.


“'Oku Ou vēkeveke ke kia mau mai i te RFA ki te pa nui o St ahau. Louis,” peresideni Said RFA Ed Soares. “Ka whawhai Andrew Sanchez me John Poppie mo wātea te taitara RFA whitu tekau i roto i te headliner e ka pōtae he po nui o whawhai i te Chase Park Plaza.”


Sanchez (6-2) Ko te mo'uí Māori o te St A'e. Area Metro Louis. Tona ingoa i roto i te rohe tupu i roto i te kāreti, ka meinga e ia he mamau whetu i University McKendree. I tohe hoki nga Bearcats, Ka Sanchez tetahi o nga grapplers tino whakapaipai i roto i te hītori o te kura. Ko ia he toa motu naia e rua-wā, -wā e whā naia katoa-American, me te 2011 Naia mamau o te Tau.


Doll (6-1) Kei te titiro ki te topa rōpū o Sanchez ho'iraa-tatali roa i roto i tona whawhai taitara teata motu tuatahi. Ko te-taumahamaha te marama o mua, ko te mema maka ki runga ki te wa tekau ma iwa o hit mau o te UFC whakaatu te Ultimate Fighter, engari ako i taua ohipa i te mea ia pai hāngai whakataetae i 185-pauna. Ano ka haere mai te mate i runga i te takitahi record o Poppie ki tetahi o ona hoa whakangungu o nāianei Eric Schafer, nana nei i kua whakataetae iwa-wa i roto i te UFC i mua i whawhai ratou. Ko Poppie hoki he mamau Collegiate i te Whare Wānanga o Wisconsin – La Crosse a ongo'i tona huinga pūkenga me te wheako e rite ki a ia mo tenei whawhai.


Ko te hui tahi-matua o RFA 28 Ka ngā rua o runga pai mā a MMA, ka Wyoming o Matt Manzanares (7-5) hoki ki te Tapawaru RFA St ki te whawhai. Louis taketake Ken “Ko te sensation” Mau (8-2).


RFA 28 ngā ano te tuatahi o tūturu Landon Vannata (6-0), te tangata e anga tetahi o runga propsects tekau mā o Missouri i roto i Nick LoBosco (8-1), atu Curtis “Heu” Blaydes (4-0) hanga i tona waiata RFA tino tūmanako ki te vet kino Justin “Ko te Grizzly Bear” Frazier (7-2)


Whakaawhiwhi i te kāri whakaongaonga, tūturu Palāsilá ono tekau Thiago Henrique Mohi (5-0) tangles ki Missouri o ake Javon Wright (6-3), ia tūturu ono tekau Jake “Ko te County Te Tai Tokerau Moepapa” Roberts (4-0) anga-mea patu kotahi taketake Kansas Chuka “Ko te Lion kingi” Willis(4-1).


Hoki te rārangi ki tonu i te rärangi päho Fight Whatunga a, tirohia tv.fightnetwork.com, te whai ia tatou i runga i Twitterfightnet, riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook, ka tirotiro i tatou ki runga ki Instagramfightnet.