標記檔案: microscopy

全天然, 眾所周知,無毒免疫系統助推器可能會徹底改變醫療保健


由: 豐富的伯杰龍

我父親去年6月在醫院的呼吸機上死亡,其情況與現在全國各地的醫院極為相似。. 這是我見過的傳統醫療體系破裂最令人震驚的例子.

我父親沒有放棄 “鬆手。” 醫院工作人員在確定他無法治愈時故意為他服藥 “斷奶了” 呼吸機, 他們只讓他去做他甚至不需要的心臟導管手術的機器.

我的繼母, 我父親的第二任妻子 (看到第一部分有關父親如何失去母親的故事), 她一生中有一些嚴重的心髒病,也將她送往重症監護室. 她死於我父親幾年前, 但我稍後會發現 “備忘錄” 從她在護理學校的日子. 她寫的時候顯然是在開玩笑, 卻讓她傷心, 我幾個月前才發現的真實故事.

在此處包括不祥用語的目的是為了說明在事物的宏偉計劃中,幾乎沒有什麼藥物真正改變過. 醫療專業人員顯然在與重症患者打交道時也做同樣的事情. 他們不斷地重複他們數十年前我繼母當護士時犯的錯誤。. 他們使用的某些設備和藥物發生了變化, 但是他們在治療危險狀況和疾病方面的做法和程序仍然過時且累.

紐約州州長安德魯·庫莫(Andrew Cuomo)舉行每日新聞發布會,詳細介紹了紐約市造成的損害。 “小說” 電暈病毒正在席捲全球. 這是他的一個小型新聞發布會的確切報價:

“您在呼吸機上停留的時間越長,離開該呼吸機的可能性就越小, 就像我們現在有一段時間,人們第一次進入醫院並首次插管, 我們看到隨著呼吸機長度的增加,死亡人數會增加。”

另一位紐約醫生走得更遠,解釋說有 “更安全” 使用呼吸機解決肺部疾病的方法,例如我們在Covid-19患者中看到的方法. 卡梅隆·凱爾·西德爾, MD 已發表 真誠的, 通過YouTube發送緊急消息 當電暈襲擊紐約市時. 他呼籲其他醫師和主管挑戰 “長久以來, 醫學界和肺病專家之間的教條信念, 這將不容易克服。”

博士. Kyle-Sidell仍然認為需要呼吸機, 但其他專家堅持認為這是血液中的氧氣問題. 這些醫學專家建議: “更多的患者可以接受更簡單的治療, 無創呼吸支持, 例如用於睡眠呼吸暫停的呼吸面罩, 至少從疾病開始,甚至在疾病持續期間。”

在深入探討這個故事之前,我想先介紹一下714X, 重要的是要指出我們在美國擁有的醫療保健所面臨的真正困境. 當根本沒有大流行的時候,我父親面對的一團糟. 我的家人一生都在用一種或另一種方式處理這件事.

我們的問題是總會有人推錯產品, 完全基於銷售和操縱投資者的程序或設備. 不像舊的 “蛇油” 給天然藥物起了壞名聲的人們, 大型製藥公司出售的補品對核心有毒.

我們一直都在電波上看到警告. 觀看藥品廣告併計算副作用,同時觀看廣告中的用戶所做的事情與症狀或症狀的緩解沒有關係. 當他們告訴你什麼使人衰弱時,聽聽這些部分 “發生了” 給毒品使用者. 這是像淋巴瘤這樣的詞被扔掉的部分. 我們怎麼能不看到我們所知道的資本主義醫學對傷害人們以牟取暴利沒有憂慮? 為什麼他們賣給你的東西真的沒有 “治愈” 任何形式的?

藥品廣告通常會告訴您在停藥之前先諮詢醫生. 傳統醫學的教條和疲倦的方法 “維持” 一個人的 “健康” 都直接與美元鈔票綁定. 旨在讓您隨時隨地, 不斷地花錢用於醫生/診所就診和藥物治療. 這就是我們最終使用芬太尼和奧昔康等藥物的合法和非法執業者 (又名毒品販子) 醫護事業發家致富. 我們的系統助長苦難根源.

考慮草甘膦的情況, 被稱為RoundUp除草劑. 聲稱殺蟲劑給人帶來癌症的​​訴訟在過去幾年中到處開始萌芽. 在這段時間裡,對於一家尋求尋找受該產品傷害的律師事務所的律師事務所,在某商業廣告之前或之後實際出售該產品的情況並不少見。. 因此,媒體在此類問題上扮演了兩個角色,並證明自己始終願意從他人的痛苦中獲利.

此後的訴訟廣告已經破產, 但它們仍然偶爾出現. 與此同時, RoundUp充分利用了所有困在家裡的人 “大流行” 通過投放持續性廣告來吹捧該品牌已經 “值得信賴 40 年。” 考慮到有 至少有一位專家認為,RoundUp中的有毒主要成分實際上是導致人們患上暈暈病毒後所面臨的最嚴重問題.

我父親去年去世前總是對草甘膦不好意思. 他最喜歡的愛好之一是園藝. 他對我的最後一句話提醒我要確保我給他的植物澆水. 他譴責的另一種有毒產品是他知道殺死了第二任妻子的產品.

我的繼母讓因死於醫院的致命出血事件而去世, 我父親認為藥物Plavix應全權負責. 在他有意識的時候在醫院, 他拒絕了心臟導管,因為他知道他們想在他身上使用Plavix. 我也出於同樣的原因而拒絕了,因為父親和我的父親鎮靜後,護士和醫生迫使我確定手術程序.

有一天,我收到了一位俄羅斯口音很重的醫生給我打的電話。. 他再次堅持要求我授權導管. 我又拒絕了, 解釋說我父親永遠不會同意在他身上使用Plavix. “這是你父親, 理查德, 所以這是你的決定, 但是如果是我父親, 理查德, 我會做,” 他後來對我說.

我再次退後一步,詢問是否有另一種方法可以在沒有Plavix的情況下進行操作. 幾乎沒有猶豫, 醫生很不客氣地告訴我 “我們可以用布里林塔. 更安全。”

我直到很晚才意識到整個錄取是多麼荒謬, 手術結束很久之後,. 這是一位執業醫生,他不知不覺地承認,當他知道有一個更安全的替代方法時,他故意向我父親推藥。. 我也不明白這種侵入性手術如何對父親真正的肺炎問題有所幫助. 這位俄羅斯醫生堅持說,自從我父親在紙上心髒病發作以來,就必須做導尿管. 結果表明相反. 在導管手術期間,他們對他的心臟無能為力, 他們發現對他的心臟造成的傷害極小.

後來我在父親去世前幾天與ICU護士交談, 我告訴他們我擔心他們給他服用的所有鎮靜劑和血液稀釋劑會震驚他的系統. 這是一個他們沒有照料藥物歷史的男人, 他們不斷用毒藥轟炸他, 強效藥物. 最終,他們使用了類似的止痛藥和芬太尼這樣的鎮靜劑,像家養寵物一樣將他放倒.

當我拜訪父親之前,我見過一個拼命想要生活的人. 他意識到所有監視器上的數字,並對它們顯示出改善的事實感到自豪. 肺炎沒有殺死我父親. 插管, 通風, 導管程序, 他身體已經虛弱所面臨的其他醫療問題,實際上使康復變得不可能. 他們淹沒了他的有毒化學藥品使他擺脫了本該為自己的生命而奮鬥的意識.

我們人類攝取的毒素通常不來自大自然, 除非你住在活火山附近. 這些毒素會毒害我們的系統並感染我們的血液. 一個地方的毒素傾向於聚集並阻止正常的流動,並且在淋巴系統中過濾液體. 病人的淋巴液經常停滯不前, 導致退化性疾病或狀況. 那麼,用於液化淋巴液並分解被困在那裡的毒素的醫療產品在哪裡??

上圖是索馬底週期的圖形表示, 是加拿大生物學家加斯頓·納森斯(Gaston Naessens)在發明並製造了一種特殊顯微鏡後首次發現的.

Naessens recognized that there were tiny particles in the blood which moved ordancedin a particular rhythm between the blood cells. These particles had 16 stages they would go through in a life cycle, and Naessens discovered that only the first three stages appeared in healthy people with no underlying diseases or conditions. He subsequently invented 714-X to fortify something he calledthe protection gatethat theoretically would prevent somatids from transitioning from a third stage healthy state to a 4th stage onset of disease.

I took a cycle of 714-X myself that began on March 16th, 2020. Although the start date of 3/16 seems to hint at a religious message, I am actually agnostic, but I did go to Catholic School up until 6th grade. 約翰· 3:16 reads: “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Sonthat whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

The quote is about faith, which is a more powerful healer than most people will admit, especially if they wear the white robe of a doctor. I do have spiritual faith and believe in human kindness and taking up righteous causes for worthy people. I just do not choose to worship any particular god or supreme being. Faith is not religion in that context. Faith is often just the strongly held belief that everything is going to work itself out and be fine.

During my cycle of 714-X I encountered an employee in my logging business who had all the symptoms of Covid-19. His entire family was infected with the bug, or at the very least they all had serious flus. My co-worker was even staying in my house during the days he suffered the worst fever and body aches. I continued to work with him, and I developed no symptoms of my own.

I also made great strides in my workout routines during my 21 days on 714-X. My daily runs became more effortless, my aches and pains from old injuries dissipated, and my reflexes improved. Then I sustained a pretty serious injury to the tip of my index finger while splitting wood. It was the third week of injections, so I knew that 714-X would play a role in my recovering from what appeared to be a shattered bone.

The injury happened while I was holding onto a piece of wood I just split, just about to lift it off the ground. Another worker split a piece of wood near me at the exact same time, sending the split piece smashing into the one I was holding. My index finger above the first knuckle was caught in the middle when the two butt ends of the wood pieces collided.

The pain was immediate and severe, especially when I decided I needed a splint for it to heal correctly. Just taping the popsicle stick to my finger was difficult and extremely painful. I slept a little bit that night, but not much. By the end of the second day there was almost no pain at all. I removed the splint and tape. I could run a chainsaw without a problem on the third day. It is now about a week later, and I have to bump it pretty hard to get any pain from it. It is only slightly swollen, and there is no visible bruising. I really don’t think it would have gone so smoothly for me with this injury if I was not taking 714-X.

The most daunting part of injecting yourself with 714-X is getting the needle in the right spot. You have to locate a spot that is between your belly button and your femoral artery pulse in your waistline. Missing the spot is painful, because it gives off a burning sensation when it hits the bloodstream instead of being introduced into the lymph node. The first two weeks might require repeated measurements and marking the spot with a circle before the lymph node actually raises up and solidifies as a round lump just under the skin.

Here are some video tutorials I filmed when I did my 3rd cycle in 2009:


I apologize in advance for the out of focus moments and the audio quality. I will be doing a new video series for the next cycle I plan to take later this year.

I definitely felt real effects from taking this product, namely an energy burst and a feeling of damage being repaired at an aggressive pace. A nagging shoulder injury went away completely during the cycle. I lost a total of 10 pounds and gained some significant muscle from running and my other workouts.

It is important to note that I also typically enjoyed up to three years without any sickness whatsoever after each of my three prior 714-X cycles. I am not taking my chances with this Corona Virus likely to mutate and come back around for another run at the US population later this year. I’ll take my second cycle in December, starting on what would have been my father’s 76th birthday.

The next cycle will be the one I obtained originally because I wanted my father to take it. The hospital would not even touch the stuff when I offered it when there was still time left. They said they could only offer him drugs from their own pharmacy. Those drugs killed him in the end, and the broken health care system that made it happen didn’t even blink. Nurses apologized and pretended to care, but it was obvious to me that if they cared they would have taken my warnings to heart.

I know everyone who reads this can tell their own horror story about their own or a loved one’s treatment at the hands of traditional medicine. “First do no harmis the greatest lie ever told. I’m here to tell you the only harm you can do with 714-X is when you miss the injection spot. Even then, you won’t suffer any horrible side effect. It’s just a temporary burning feeling you can eliminate by keeping your ice pack on.

The only issue I experienced was some minor bruising and slight pain in the injection area from all those stabs with the needle in the same small vicinity. The benefits definitely outweigh the risks.

The true promise in this treatment is as a preventive measure to avoid sickness. If every citizen of this country took a cycle of 714-X, I don’t think we’d have any problem with viruses like the one that recently shut the country down. We would all have an immune system that would react positively and efficiently to virtually any threat.

714-X can be ordered directly from Canada through the web-site www.cerbe.com. You will also get a pack of 24 needles for injection and a packet of instructions. The company does not advertise at all, but the word of mouth reports from users who benefit from it speak for themselves. One thing you won’t ever read about 714-X is any complaints from people saying they lost someone close to them who took only 714-X.

714X has been used in Canada for the last 19 years in a compassionate use program not unlike what US President Donald Trump signed into law last year. 多於 21,000 cycles were authorized by the Canadian Government over these two decades. 714X has never had any negative side effects reported. This has been confirmed during a Class Action Suit of patients against Health Canada.

Though injection is the preferred method, the product is also available in a form that can be inhaled through a nebulizer. This is always suggested only as an extra measure on top of injections, and it is only needed in cases where the upper lymphatic system is impacted by a degenerative disease or condition.

For more information about 714-X, please visit the following links:

