Архивы: Мичиган

Непобедимые Шишкин и Расс II сразятся в битве на следующем мероприятии Salita Promotions Detroit Brawl Event, Суббота, Март 5, в Дирборне, МОИ

WBC #10- и 9-е место в рейтинге IBF в суперсреднем весе. Vladimir Shishkin (12-0, 7 КО), а также непобежденный представитель Детройта в полусреднем весе Горди Расс II (3-0, 3 КО) были добавлены в состав в отдельных боях для следующего боя Salita PromotionsДетройт Brawl" событие, Суббота, Март 5, 2022, в Бальный зал Линкольна из Форд Сообщество & Центр исполнительских искусств в Дирборн, Мичиган.

Переждать пандемию ради неизбежного громкого матча с чемпионом или соперником с высоким рейтингом., бывшая звезда любительского кино Шишкин, родом из Степного, Россия, сейчас живет и тренируется в тренажерном зале Kronk Gym в Детройте с супертренером Джаваном «ШугарХилл» Стюардом.. Талантливый россиянин будет стараться оставаться в форме в бою с эквадорским испытательным конем Джейсоном «Вердуго» Миндой. (14-6-1, 8 КО), в бою, рассчитанном на восемь раундов.

«Я рад добавить в карту еще одного усыновленного Детройтера.,- сказал промоутер мероприятия, Дмитрий Салита. «Как легендарная русская пятерка, который сыграл большую роль в завоевании Кубка Стэнли «величайшего города возвращения Америки» Детройта.. Я считаю, что партнерство Владимира с Шугархиллом вскоре приведет к еще одному титулу чемпиона мира для города Детройт.. И в качестве бонуса для местных любителей бокса, они получат шанс увидеть еще одного будущего чемпиона мира на этой стопке карточек Detroit Brawl.!"

Также тренируется со Стюардом и в счет Detroit Brawl добавлен его двоюродный брат., вышеупомянутый Расс II в суперсреднем весе, который будет надеяться сохранить свой рекорд в идеальном состоянии (в настоящее время 3-0, 3 КО) против соперника также будет объявлено позднее в течение четырех раундов.

Билеты на «Детройт Бравл» начинаются от $35 и могут быть приобретены, нажав ВОТ или позвонив или посетите сообщество Ford & Касса Центра исполнительских искусств (313.943.2354) на 15801 Мичиган-авеню. в Дирборне в часы работы кассы: Четверг и пятница с 11 Я в 4 вечер и 5 вечера до 8:30 вечер в день мероприятия.

В главном событии вечера в тяжелом весе из 10 раундов, Сагино, Мичиган, спойлер Роберт Симмс (11-3, 3 КО) испытает характер непобедимого жителя Нью-Йорка Мозес «Громовые Руки» Джонсон (8-0, 7 КО).

В ко-мэйн-ивенте 10-раундового турнира в суперсреднем весе будет поединок Детройта. Уинфред «Горячий мальчик» Харрис-младший. (21-1-1, 10 КО) сразиться с другим ветераном, известным тем, что время от времени преподносит сюрпризы, бывший чемпион NABA-США в суперсреднем весе Дэшон «Fly Boy» Джонсон Риверсайд, Калифорния.

Также мы увидим непобедимый террор в среднем весе. Марлон Харрингтон (6-0, 5 КО) выход в класс, чтобы встретиться с Монтевидео, Уругвай Андрес Виера (11-4, 8 КО) в шестираундовой драке.

В соответствующих показательных боях будут представлены популярные бои Гранд-Рапидс., Бывшие звезды-любители из Мичигана Джозеф «Саг» Хикс-младший. (1-0, 1 KO) принимая на Джастин Бэсман (0-2) из Херлонга, Калифорния, и Джошуа Пэган (1-0, 1 KO) в отдельных четырехраундах.

Дебютировать в Detroit Brawl против оппонентов будет 19-летний непобедимый левша Дирборна. Хусам Аль Машхади (2-0, 2 КО) в четырехраундовом бою в суперсреднем весе; и Детройт Вернон Уэббер будет надеяться, что его профессиональный дебют в тяжелом весе станет незабываемым в бою против Хаммонда., Индиана Габриэль Мота (1-2).

ПОЖАЛУЙСТА, ОБРАТИ ВНИМАНИЕ: Билеты, заказанные онлайн, будут отправлены по почте не позднее, чем за неделю до даты мероприятия.. Билеты, заказанные в течение недели после мероприятия, будут размещены в кассе, чтобы забрать их.. Ограниченное количество VIP-билетов также можно приобрести, позвонив Райану Неко.: 313.765.7698.

Сообщество Форда & Центр исполнительских искусств находится по адресу: г. 15801 Мичиган-авеню. в Дирборне. На бой ночью, Двери открываются в 6:00 вечера и действие начинается 7:00 вечера.


Миссия Дирборн Рекреэйшн & Департамент парков должен помочь выполнить социальную, образовательные и развлекательные потребности детей, взрослых и семей, предоставляя качественные программы и мероприятия в чистых и ухоженных помещениях и добиваясь этого за счет образцового обслуживания клиентов.. Для получения более подробной информации, посетить их ОФИЦИАЛЬНЫЙ САЙТ.

У суперзвезды бокса Кларессы Шилдс есть улица, на которой она выросла, во Флинте, честно переименованная в ее честь

Salita Promotions поздравляет суперзвезду боевых искусств Кларессу Шилдс с улицей, на которой она выросла, во Флинте., Мичиган, почетно посвящен от ее имени мэром города Флинт Шелдоном Нили.. Прошлое воскресенье, Щиты, 26, был удостоен награды, который превратил Спенсер-стрит в Кларессу Шилдс-стрит, в ее церкви Скинии Радости, где Шилдс был приглашенным спикером.

Мэр Нили говорит, что он очень рад возможности воздать честь боевой легенде города, и говорит, что следующие шаги - определить, будет ли это церемониальная смена имени или официальная смена имени.. Церемониал означал бы добавление названия Шилда к существующему названию, а официальное лицо означало бы удаление существующего названия улицы и замену его названием Шилда..

“Кларесса продолжает заставлять всех нас гордиться, демонстрируя, что значит быть настоящим чемпионом.,- сказал мэр Нили.. «Она так многого достигла, остается связанным с этим сообществом, и мы просто хотим почтить ее. Это уличное посвящение заслужено ».

Щиты (11-0, 2 КО), двукратный обладатель золотой олимпийской медали, чемпион в трех категориях профессионального бокса, первый боец, мужской или женский, объединить чемпионаты в двух дивизионах и самый быстрый боксер в истории, чтобы выиграть титулы в трех разных весовых категориях, говорит, что эта награда особенно трогательна для нее.

«Я не мог бы быть счастливее сегодня, вы все!- сказал Шилдс в Twitter.. «Я прекрасно провел время в церкви! Так благодарен всем, кто пришел поклониться со мной сегодня! Меня удивил мэр Флинта! Улица, которую я вырос на Спенсер-стрит, названа в честь меня «Кларесса Шилдс-стрит». Моя бабушка была бы так ГОРДОСТЬЮ!!!! Сегодня я доставил отличное сообщение! Я чувствую себя таким особенным!!! Я в восторге ».

«Это заслуженная честь для женщины и бойца, которая много сделала, чтобы помочь и поддержать свой родной город.,- сказал промоутер Шилдса, Дмитрий Word of Word Promotions. «Она никогда не перестает стремиться к успеху в своей карьере или в качестве общественного деятеля с вдохновляющим посланием.. Salita Promotions гордится тем, что представляет ее ».

Split-T Management’s Holmes, Miller and Dixon Get Big Wins on Saturday Night

НЬЮ-ЙОРК (Мая 20, 2019) –Three cites, three wins for Split-T Management fighters this past Saturday night as Ардреал Холмс и Ракель Миллеr remained undefeated while Carlos Dixon scored a big knockout in his hometown.

Holmes went to 9-0 with a six-round unanimous decision over veteran Lanardo Tyner in Dearborn, Мичиган.

The 24 year-old Holmes of Flint, Michigan was systematic in winning by shutout tallies on two cards at 60-54 и 58-56 to raise the former amateur star’s record to 9-0.

Miller moved a step closer to winning a world championship as she captured the NABF Middleweight title with a 7th round stoppage over Erin Toughill inHawaiian Gardens, Калифорния.

Miller of San Francisco knocked Toughill down in the 1st round with a body shot, and then she dropped Toughill with a vicious combination that was punctuated by a nasty left hook in the 7th round that sent Toughill to the canvas. Toughill got up, but was in no condition to continue, и бой был остановлен 1:01.


С победой, the fighter dubbed “Довольно Beast” сейчас 9-0 с четырьмя нокаутом.

Also on Saturday night in Louisville, Кентукки, 22 year-old super bantamweight, Carlos Dixon stopped Jeno Tonte in the 2nd round of their scheduled six-round bout.

With the win over the 17 Борьба ветеран, Dixon of Louisville, сейчас 8-1 с шестью нокаутом.

Holmes and Miller are promoted by DiBella Entertainment.

Претендент на титул в суперсреднем весе Тони Харрисон проведет праздничную игрушку & Раздача продуктов для малообеспеченных жителей Детройта

ВОЗ: Тони Харрисона, Претендент на титул в суперсреднем весе
ЧТО: До его декабря 22 титульный бой против чемпиона мира по версии WBC во втором полусреднем весе Джермелла Чарло., который представлен Premier Boxing Champions из Barclays Center в Бруклине и транслируется на канале FOX., Тони “Очень плохой” Харрисон проведет розыгрыш игрушек и продуктов, чтобы помочь малообеспеченному сообществу в родном городе Харрисона, Детройте..
КОГДА: Суббота, Декабрь 8
Мероприятие начнется в 10 a.m. ET и длится до тех пор, пока все игрушки и продукты не будут полностью распределены..
ГДЕ: Суперплохой фитнес-зал
8701 Пуританский проспект.
Детройт, МОИ 48238
# # #
Билеты на декабрь 22 бой карты, который продвигается Lions только Акции и TGB Акции в ассоциации с ДиБелла Entertainment, начинаются в $50 и уже в продаже. Билеты можно приобрести в ticketmaster.com,barclayscenter.com, или по телефону 800-745-3000. Билеты также можно приобрести в кассе American Express в Barclays Center.. Групповые скидки можно по телефону 844-BKLYN-GP.
Для получения более подробной информации: визит WWW.premierboxingchampions.com, ХТф://www.foxsports.com/PressPass / домашнюю и www.foxdeportes.com, Следуйте по щебетатьPremierBoxing, FutureOfBoxing, TwinCharlo, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, TGBPromotions, @BrooklynBoxing и @Swanson_Comm или стать поклонником на Facebook в www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, WWW.facebook.com/foxsports иwww.facebook.com/foxdeportes.

Training Camp Almost Complete; A Confident and On-Weight Claressa Shields Ready for Hannah Rankin DAZN Showdown on November 17

Women’s superstar and two-division world champion Claressa Shields is in Florida with trainer John David Jackson, finishing up preparations for her showdown with Glasgow, Scotland’s Hannahh Rankin on Saturday, Ноябрь 17, at the Kansas Star Arena and Casino in Mulvane, Канзас.




Щиты (6-0, 2 КО) will defend her IBF and WBA World Middleweight Championships, and be looking to add the vacant WBC title, against Rankin (5-2, 1 KO) in the 10-round co-featured bout to Salita Promotions stablemate Jarrell Miller’s heavyweight showdown against Romania’s Bogdan Dinu.




Both fights, along with former world champion Brandon Rios taking on Canelo’s brother, Рамон Альварес, in a super welterweight 10-rounder and former two-time world middleweight title challenger Gabriel Rosado going against once-beaten contender Luis Arias, will be broadcast live on DAZN.




23-летний Шилдс, a former two-time Olympic Gold Medallist, has reignited interest in women’s boxing and become a ratings favorite for her nationally televised championship exploits. A proud native of Flint, Мичиган, Shields mixes her brash pronouncements of greatness with a genuine and continued effort to inspire female athletes and render aid to members of her home community.




Shields was originally scheduled to face WBC and WBO World Middleweight Champion Christina Hammer on November 17, but the bout was postponed after Hammer withdrew due to medical reasons.


Did the change of opponents from Hammer to Rankin affect your training?




I don’t train for my opponents, I just push to get the best out of me, физически и психически. If I’m the best ‘me,’ I don’t have to worry about who the opponent is. The change of opponents didn’t bother me at all; the worst thing about this camp for me was just all the date changes – constantly having to get my mind focused on the pace and timing of training depending on the fight date. Я не могу дождаться выхода на ринг!


You’ve fought at super middleweight 168 and recently at middleweight 160 фунты. How is your training, diet and any other efforts different to make 160?




Training is always hard and I’m constantly learning. I’ve had a completely different diet this camp – a real change and a positive one for me. I’ve teamed up with Perfecting Athletes for my daily meals, and I feel great. I’ve always tried to eat healthy but these folks are pros and are more educated in that field than myself. I have this magic drink that makes my stomach smile – I love it! It’s watermelon mixed with a green vegetable. I’m not going to tell you what vegetable it is, but I’ve been drinking it everyday, and I feel GREAT.


Your viewership numbers have been very strong. Why do you think people are drawn to you?




I believe that people are drawn to how real and honest I am, как в и из кольца. I say what I mean and mean what I say. I’m hard but I have a soft side also. And I think people are drawn to how I fightnot only do I talk a good game but I fight my aoff too! Я даю 1000% every time – I want to change the game and bring a whole new generation of fans to women’s boxing and boxing overall.


What do you know about your opponent Hannah Rankin?




I know that my opponent Rankin is very tough and determined to be a world champion. I like her drive, I like her heart. I know that she has been in the ring as a sparring partner for many champions, one being Christina Hammer. So Rankin has seen some good fighters. But one thing is for sure – she has never seen a fighter like me. And since Hammer couldn’t fight because of her medical condition, in many ways the next best thing is to fight and beat her sparring partner and let Rankin tell Hammer what she’s in for when she returns!


What needs to be done to solve the Flint water crisis?



To solve the flint Water crisis, I think that people should continue to give water and also keep it in the news that there is a city in America where, unbelievably, US citizens don’t have clean water. And hopefully the president or our governor do something to fix all the pipes.


What’s the secret to becoming the best of the best in any sport?




I believe the secret starts with believing in yourself, being dedicated, working hard and just always striving to be better. I feel I’m my biggest critic when I train and box. It’s hard to watch film of my fights because even though I’m doing 97 things right I just can’t stand to see the 3 things I’m doing wrong. I’m a person who strives to pull out my full potential. It takes guts to be great. Nothing will stand in the way of achieving my goals, which includes being the GWOAT and creating equality for all women fighters when it comes to the money, opportunities and coverage the men get.





O’Quinn Wins Again! Undefeated Detroit Bantamweight Sends Mexico’s Esquivel Through the Ropes in Second Round TKO Victory

Undefeated bantamweight prospect Ja’Rico “Great Lakes King” O’Quinn continued building his reputation as one of Detroit’s most promising young fighters on Friday night with a second-round stoppage of former world-title challenger Christian “Italiano” Esquivel of Mexico.




Fighting at the MotorCity Casino Hotel in Detroit, О'Куин (сейчас 10-0-1, 7 КО) showed why he is so highly regarded by sending Esquivel through the ropes for a TKO victory at 2:56 два тура.




Эскивеля, a former NABF, WBC Continental Americas, WBC Youth Intercontinental, WBC FECOMBOX, and WBC Silver Bantamweight Champion, had no answer to the fast and powerful hands of O’Quinn. He falls to 30-16-1, 23 КО.




“Christian Esquivel was a world title challenger and an experienced fighter. My goal was to make a statement,” said a happy O’Quinn, после боя. “I did what was expected of me and rose to the occasion. I’m looking forward to having another impressive win before the year’s ends and starting next year with my TV debut. I am bringing world championship glory back to the city of Detroit. It’s just a matter of time!"




O’Quinn’s promoter, Дмитрий Салита, said he expected a strong showing from O’Quinn and says he got even more than he hoped for from the 23-year-old.




“Ja’Rico is one of the most gifted prospects in all of boxing! I was very impressed with his dominating performance. He is on his way to winning a world title and joining the list of the great champions from the city of Detroit.”

Women’s Superstar Claressa Shields to Defend IBF and WBA Middleweight Championships and Looks to Add WBC Belt Against Scotland’s Hannah Rankin, Live on DAZN on November 17

В Субботу, Ноябрь 17, at the Kansas Star Arena and Casino in Mulvane, Канзас, superstar two-division women’s world champion Claressa Shields of Flint, Мичиган, will defend her IBF and WBA World Middleweight Championships and be looking to add the vacant WBC title against Hannahh Rankin from Glasgow, Шотландия.




The 10-round Shields (6-0, 2 КО), and Rankin (5-2, 1 KO) battle will serve as the co-featured bout to Brooklyn-born heavyweight contender Jarrell Miller’s WBA World Heavyweight Championship showdown against Romania’s Bogdan Dinu.




These two fights will be broadcast live on DAZN, along with former world champion Brandon Rios taking on Canelo’s brother, Рамон Альварес, in a super welterweight 10-rounder and former two-time world middleweight title challenger Gabriel Rosado going against once-beaten contender Luis Arias.




Shields was originally scheduled to face WBC and WBO World Middleweight Champion Christina Hammer on November 17, but the bout was postponed after Hammer withdrew due to medical reasons. Hammer has been named a champion in recess during her recovery. The two champions are now projected to do battle in the first quarter of 2019.




“Claressa is a once-in-a-generation athlete that transcends the sport,"Сказал ее промоутер, Дмитрий Салита. “She will take another step in her goal to achieve the status of GWOAT as she makes the first defense of her middleweight world titles against the skilled and durable Hannah Rankin.”




A bonafide women’s superstar and TV ratings favorite, 23-year-old “T-Rex” Shields is a two-time Olympic gold medallist and already a world champion in two weight divisions. In her fourth professional fight, she won the IBF and WBC Super Middleweight Championships in August 2017 with a dominant stoppage of Germany’s Nikki Adler. Затем, in June of this year and in just her sixth pro fight, she dropped down to 160 pounds and won the IBF and WBA Middleweight titles with an exciting unanimous decision over Hannah Gabriels.




“I’m so excited to be able to give my fans another chance to see me defend my championship this year and to have the opportunity to win the WBC middleweight title on November 17,” said Shields. “I appreciate the efforts of Salita Promotions, my manager Mark Taffet, and Matchroom Boxing in putting this fight together so quickly. I will be in great shape and will provide a great performance.”




“I want to thank Salita Promotions and Matchroom Boxing for providing Claressa with another chance to fight this year and an opportunity to attain a third middleweight world championship,- сказал Марк Таффет, менеджер Claressa Shields. “Claressa is hungry and motivated to put on a great performance on November 17 on DAZN. Claressa has lofty goals and I have no doubt that she’s going to achieve every one of them, including fighting and defeating Christina Hammer early next year. I expect Shields vs Rankin to be an action-packed fight that fans will enjoy tremendously.




28-year-old Rankin put in an impressive and brave performance while losing a challenge for Alicia Napoleon’s WBA Super Middleweight Championship in August of this year. До этого, she picked up the WBC Silver Middleweight Championship with a dominant victory over Finland’s Sanna Turunen in June.




“I’m excited about the fight and proud to be representing Scotland on such a big stage,” said Rankin. “In boxing, nothing is impossible and on November 17, it will be just us in there when the bell rings and I think it’s going to be one hell of a fight.”

Tyner and Chambliss Grudge Match Ready to Explode on October 26 в Детройте

В боксе, there are “grudge” matches manufactured to sell fights, where the hostility is mostly acting. Например, there are indications of that in the buildup to Deontay Wilder and Tyson Fury’s upcoming showdown.




And then sometimes, two fighters really, really don’t like each other. Think Terence Crawford taking out Jose Benavidez Jr., в последнее время.




In Detroit, the latter type of grudge match, a real grudge match, has heated to a boil on social media. With insults and threats going back-and-forth daily, outspoken Detroit boxing staple Lanardo “Pain Server” Tyner (34-13-2, 21 КО) and upstart opponent Cortez Chambliss (4-0, 4 КО) have been escalating hostilities since the day their match-up was announced.




The two Detroit-based welterweights will finally settle their differences in the eight-round main event on Friday, Октября 26, at the MotorCity Casino Hotel.


Tickets priced between $180-$25 and are available through Ticketmaster outlets.




“He’s trying to bunny hop over me, but he’s not ready,” said an animated Tyner. The 43-year-old is known as a fearless and iron-jawed spoiler. A 14-year veteran, Tyner has been the 12-round distance with elite superstar Canelo Alvarez and world champions such as Lamont Peterson and Antonio DeMarco. He’s also taken out a number of prospects who found out too late they were in too deep.




“I can’t believe he even called me out,” continued Tyner. “He’s going to get a beating. This isn’t the amateurs and there are no shortcuts. This is not the door to come through.”




A heavily decorated former amateur, 21-year-old Chambliss has been flawless, до сих пор, как профессиональный. With power in both hands and above-average speed, Chambliss looks like a new face in the resurgent Motown boxing scene.




“This fight is personal to me,"Он сказал. “Not for the same reasons as my opponent; anger and hostility have nothing to do with it. Для меня, it’s all about the energy of the risk and challenge. That’s what life is about: ‘growth through challenge,’ so I’m excited for this opportunity.”




Событие, entitled “Night of Knockouts XIV” is presented by Carlos Llinas, in cooperation with Dmitriy Salita.




“Carlos Llinas has delivered a consistent, successful series, which has served as a development ground for many notable names in the sport,«Саид Дмитрий Салита. “This match between Chambliss and Tyner is a classic crossroads fight, with a young, undefeated contender and a proven veteran. A ‘must win’ for both that I know will deliver for the fans. I am happy to be involved with the upcoming event and working together towards producing top contenders and champions in the championship city of Detroit.”




“This is the number one boxing and MMA series in the country that has been going on for nine years and I’m glad to be working with Salita Promotions on this event,” said Carlos Llinas. “It’s good for fighters and everyone involved when promoters can work with each other and provide a platform for fighters to reach the next level.”




Кроме того, на карте, one of the most promising young fighters in Detroit’s resurgent boxing scene, undefeated bantamweight Ja’Rico “Great Lakes King” O’Quinn (9-0-1, 6 КО), will return to action six-round bout against former world-title challenger Christian “Italiano” Esquivel of Mexico (30-15-1, 23 КО).




The MotorCity Casino Hotel is located at 2901 Grand River in Detroit. На бой ночью, Двери открываются в 6:30 pm and the first bout begins at 7 вечера. All guests must be at least 21 years of age with valid photo ID.

Claressa Shields Named Top-10 Finalist for 2018 Individual Sport “Sportswoman of the Year” by the Women’s Sports Foundation


Women’s boxing sensation Claressa Shields has been named a top-10 finalist for the 2018 Individual Sport “Sportswoman of the Year” by the prestigious Women’s Sports Foundation.




The two-time Olympic Gold Medalist and now two-division professional World Champion will be looking to repeat as winner this year, as she already won the award in 2016, after her second gold medal victory.




Finalists were selected based on athletic performances between August 1, 2017, и июнь 30, 2018. The public and the Women’s Sports Foundation’s Awards Committee will select the award winner. She will be the athlete who receives the highest combined share of online public voting (50% of composite) and the Awards Committee vote (50% of composite). Online voting runs from July 23 в августе 3 на 11:59 p.m. (СТАНДАРТНОЕ ВОСТОЧНОЕ ВРЕМЯ).


Нажмите ВОТ to vote for Claressa Shields as the 2018 “Sportswoman of the Year.”




A pillar of her community in Flint, Мичиган, as well as a tireless advocate for women’s boxing and athletics in general, 22-year-old Shields has rocketed to superstardom and become the face behind the resurgence of women’s boxing.




In just six professional fights (6-0, 2 КО), the popular Shields has won the unified women’s 168-lb Super Middleweight and unified women’s 160-pound Middleweight championships. In her last ring appearance, held on June 22 and broadcast live on Showtime Championship Boxing, Shields’ match drew higher ratings than a World Heavyweight Championship unification match held earlier this year.




Основан в 1974 by tennis legend, Billie Jean King, the Women’s Sports Foundation is dedicated to creating leaders by ensuring all girls access to sports. Past winners of Women’s Sports Foundation awards include Venus and Serena Williams, Abby Wambach, Meryl Davis, Simone Biles, Yani Tseng and Candace Parker.




While a number of female athletes have received multiple nominations, few have been able to repeat… but Claressa Shields loves a good fight.




I am honored to be nominated by the Women’s Sports Foundation as a finalist for the 2018 Sportswoman of the Year,” said Claressa Shields. “It means the world to me to be in the company of such outstanding women and athletes being considered for this prestigious award. We all work hard and will not stop until every sportswoman achieves the equality we deserve.




I am thrilled for Claressa and so proud of her for all her accomplishments in and out of the ring as a woman, as an athlete, and as someone who is a mentor and role model to young women the world over,” Said Shields’ co-manager Mark Taffet. “As a once-in-a-generation athlete, Claressa Shields sets the bar high for herself and all female athletes, lifting the conscience of the sports world with every step she takes. It is a privilege to be part of her history-making journey, and I applaud the Women’s Sports Foundation for their work in raising the profile of these great athletes.




“Claressa’s journey from her days as a teenager growing up in Flint has been historic every step of the way,"Сказал ее промоутер, Дмитрий Word of Word Promotions. “She is unique combination of an elite athlete and a socially conscious hero of the people. Her record-breaking accomplishments inside the ring inspire fans and elevate women’s sports all around the world.”




The Women’s Sports Foundation’s 39th Annual Salute to Women in Sports will be held on Wednesday, Октября 17, at Cipriani Wall Street in New York City.



Click to Learn more about The Sportswoman of the Year Award.



Click to Attend the 39th Annual Salute to Women in Sports.


О предложениях Salita



Салит Акция была основана в 2010 Дмитрий Салита, профессиональный боксер и мировой титул чемпион, который видел необходимость в рекламную сущность, чтобы показать лучшую молодой бокс перспективы и устоявшиеся соперник в Северной Америке и по всему миру. Зрители смотрят бойцы на мировых телевизионных сетей, включая Showtime, ESPN, Spike TV, Универсальный Sports Network и MSG пользуются Салита Promotions бороться действие в последние годы. Мы гордимся тем, предлагая нашим бойцам возможность внутри и снаружи кольца. Салита Акции ожидает продолжения роста и удовлетворения потребностей любителей подраться по всему миру.

Split-T Management Signs Undefeated Power Puncher Anthony Barnes


Нью-Йорк, Нью-Йорк (Июль 9, 2018)-Split-T Management has signed undefeated super middleweight Энтони Барнс.

Barnes of West Bloomfield, Мичиган запись 10-0 с 8 нокауты.

The 27 year-old Barnes began boxing at the age of 15, and racked up an amateur record of 62-10 с 25 нокауты.

Barnes was a five-time Michigan Golden Gloves Champion.

Он стал профессионалом в октябре 12, 2012 with a 3rd round stoppage over Steve Wofford. Barnes has continued to win, and is coming off a 1st round stoppage over veteran Lenwood Dozier on April 13th in Detroit.

Барнс, who is trained by Javan “Сахар” Холм, has juggled his career with being a Process Server.

I signed with David McWater because he was a straight shooter,” said Barnes. “То, что вы видите, что вы получите. I asked people I know he manages and people who know him. Everyone says good things to about him, which confirmed by what I thought.

Сказал генеральный директор Split-T Management, Дэвид МакВотер, “Anthony has movie star looks, and one punch power that can knock any super middleweight out. We share similar thought and a plan on how he can become champion and in 3 годы. I see him not only as a champion, but one of the big attractions in boxing

Barnes will be back in action this Friday night, July 13th, when he takes on Dwayne Williams in a six-round bout on a show that is promoted by Carlos Llinas CLIP Promotions at The MotorCity Casino Hotel in Detroit.