Tag Archives: Michael Conlan

2016 Olympic Bronze Medalist MURODJON AKHMADALIEV To Start Training Alongside Fellow Olympic Teammate Shakhram Giyasov in Las Vegas

LAS VEGAS, NV (Ianuarie 3, 2018)Uzbekistan’s highly decorated armature standout, Murodjon Akhmadaliev, o 2016 Olympic Bronze Medalist in the bantamweight division, has arrived in Las Vegas to start his professional boxing career, alongside fellow countryman and Olympic teammate, Shakhram Giyasov.
Akhmadaliev, vârstă 23, will have every opportunity to become a big star in the United States. His aggressive style is sure to be fan-friendly, as was the case when he floored Ireland’s Gold Medalist, Michael Conlan, în 2015 AIBA Men’s Boxing World Championships. Akhmadaliev, a southpaw with power in both hands, believes his style will suit him well as a professional.
Everyone who has seen me fight, knows I like to be bring intense pressure to my opponent,” saidMurodjon Akhmadaliev, who will campaign as a featherweight in the pro ranks. “I have faith that my power will be one of my best attributes when I turn pro, especially at featherweight, where my body feels the strongest. I can’t wait to let my hands go with the little gloves and no headgear. I want to be known as the knockout king, and when I see my opponent hurt, I’m going to do my best to end the fight.
America will get a nice treat when they see Akhmadaliev in action,” stated International sports agent, Ruslan Husinov, who will be managing the careers of both Akhmadaliev and Giyasov, “Akhmadaliev will be one of boxing’s most exciting fighters, just like Giyasov. La social media, they are very popular with their countrymen. They have close to 200,000 combined followers. The people of Uzbekistan are eager these two become world champions. Akhmadaliev is a monster.
Training Akhmadaliev, va fi Justin Gamber, best known for his role as head coach of undefeated super-middleweight contender, Caleb “Mâini dulci” Plantă (16-0, 11 KO). Gamber feels Akhmadaliev has the talent to be a force in the featherweight division.
After working the mitts with Akhmadaliev, I can see why he’s so popular, the kid has electrifying punching power,” Justin Gamber said. “With his immense amateur experience, I feel Akhmadaliev will make an immediate impact in the featherweight division.
Both Akhmadaliev and Giyasov are promotional free agents, but are sought out be several U.S. promotori.
There is excitement and interest with multiple promoters who want to sign Akhmadaliev and Giyasov,” Ruslan Khusinov concluded. “I feel the same excitement when I came to the States with Gennady Golovkin, who is my good friend. These kids are very hard workers and they are hungry to become world champions. Whoever we decide to sign with, will be very happy.

31stannual Ring 8 Eveniment de vacanță & Premierea Această duminică după-amiază la New York

NEW YORK (Decembrie 5, 2017) – bilete limitate sunt încă disponibile pentru această duminică după-amiază 31st Inel anual 8 Eveniment de vacanță și Ceremonia de decernare, între 12:30 și 5:30 p.m. ȘI, la Russo On The Bay din Howard Beach, New York.
Șase campioni mondiali vor participa, inclusiv trei câștigători de atribuire: WBO Junior Ușoare Campion mondial și de două ori medaliat cu aur olimpic Vasyl “Înaltă tehnologie” Lomachenko (Muhammad Ali Fighter international al anului), Sala-de-Famer Michael Spinks (Premiul istoric), si de cinci ori campion mondial Amanda “Real Deal” Serrano (New York de stat Feminin Fighter al anului).
Un alt Hall-of Fame stele, Evander “Real Deal” Holyfield, este în imposibilitatea de a participa la festivitățile din cauza unui conflict de călătorie, dar el a primit premiul lui Legends la ultimul Ring 8 întâlnire.
campioni mondiali Vito Antuofermo, Iran Barkley Luis Collazo sunt coinvitați speciali nfirmed.
Alte 2017 Inel 8 de atribuire câștigători includ două ori irlandeză Olympian Michael Conlan (Prospect Internațional al Anului), 2012 S.U.A.. Olimpic “Domn” Marcus Browne(New York State Fighter al anului), de Staten Island.
“Anticiparea continuă să crească pe măsură ce ne apropiem de Ring 8 premii banchetduminică,” Inel 8 Președintele Jack Hirsch a spus. “Suntem onorati ca Vasyl Lomachenko și Michael Conlan va participa în ciuda faptului că a luptat la Madison Square Garden cu o noapte înainte. Mulți consideră Lomachenko cel mai bun luptator lire-pentru-lire în lume, și Conlan cea mai bună perspectivă. Și va fi un tratament special pentru fanii pentru a vedea Michael Spinks, care vor fi recunoscute ca fiind primul campion la categoria grea lumină în istorie care a câștigat coroana la categoria grea.
“Premiile Banchetul este un preț foarte rezonabil. Nu numai că va ajunge oamenii să se amestece cu mari luptători, dar mâncarea de la lui Russo în Golful este superb, iar rata atmosfera prima.”
2017 RING 8 Premiul Câștigătorii
Muhammad Ali Fighter international al anului: Vasyl Lomachenko
Premiul istoric: Michael Spinks
Prospect Internațional al Anului: Michael Conlan
NYS Fighter al anului: Marcus Browne
NYS Femeie Luptatorul anului: Amanda Serrano
Sunnyside Gardens Premiul:: Bobby Cassidy, Sr.
NYS Prospect anului: Devaun Lee
Rising Contender Premiul: Skender & Enver Halili
Sam Kellerman Media Award: Matt Christie
NYS Trainer al anului: Hector Rosa
Lung & Serviciul Meritoriu: Edwin Torres
NYS Oficial al anului: Robert Perez
NYS Promotor al anului: Mercedes Vasquez Simmons
Champion neîncoronat: Richard Kiley
Ringside medic al anului: Dr. Regele Osric
Premiul Good Guy: Joanne Doyle Hutchins
Inel 8 Membru al anului: George Newman
Comunitate Service Award: Mike Reno
David Diamante încă o dată va servi ca maestru al evenimentului de Ceremonii.
Biletele sunt $125.00 și includ un brunch complet cu ora cocktail la intrarea, urmată de relaxare la ceremonia de premiere, cina si desert, și top-raft bar deschis pe tot parcursul după-amiaza. Inel de contact 8 președinte Jack Hirsch (516.790.7592 sauAjhirsch5@aol.com) să cumpere bilete.
Du-te online pentru a www.Ring8ny.com Pentru informații suplimentare despre Ring 8 sau anuale Evenimente de vacanță și premii ceremonia de.
Russo On The Bay este situat la 162-45 Blvd Crossbay. în Howard Beach(718.843.5055).
DESPRE RING 8: Formata in 1954 de un ex-prizefighter, Jack Grebelsky, Inel 8 a devenit a opta filiala a ceea ce a fost apoi cunoscut sub numele de Asociația Boxerii Nationala Veteran – prin urmare, RING 8 – și astăzi motto-ul organizației rămâne: Boxerii Ajutarea Boxerii.
RING 8 este pe deplin angajat sa sprijine oamenii mai puțin norocoși în comunitate box care poate solicita asistență în ceea ce privește plata chiriei, cheltuieli medicale, sau orice nevoie justificabil.
Du-te on-line pentru www.Ring8ny.com pentru mai multe informații despre RING 8, cel mai mare grup de acest gen din Statele Unite, cu mai mult de 350 Membrii. Cotizații anuale de membru este numai $30.00 și fiecare membru are dreptul la o cină bufet la RING 8 întâlniri lunare, cu excepția lunilor iulie și august. Toate boxeri activi, amator și cel profesionist, au dreptul la un nucleu gratuit 8 membru anual. Oaspeții de la Ring 8 Membrii sunt binevenite la un cost de numai $7.00 per persoană.

31stannual Ring 8 Eveniment de vacanță & Ceremonia de decernare decembrie. 10 în New York

Vasyl Lomachenko, Evander Holyfield, Michael Conlan,
Marcus Browne, Amanda Serrano printre 2017 Câștigătorii de atribuire
Vasyl Lomachenko (R) – 2017 Inel 8 Muhammad Ali Fighter international al anului)
(Fotografie prin amabilitatea Rank Top – mai multe imagini de mai jos)
NEW YORK (Octombrie 31, 2017) – The 31st Inel anual 8 Eveniment de vacanță și Ceremonia de decernare va avea loc Duminică după amiază (12:30-5:30 p.m. ȘI), Decembrie 10, la Russo On The Bay din Howard Beach, New York.
Inel 8 a anunțat de 2017 Câștigătorii de atribuire (vezi lista completa de mai jos), WBO Junior Lighweight Campion mondial și de două ori medaliat cu aur olimpic Vasyl “Înaltă tehnologie” Lomanchenko (Muhammad Ali Fighter international al anului), Sala-de-Famer Evander “Real Deal” Holyfield (Premiul legende), de doua ori irlandez Olympian Michael Conlan (Prospect Internațional al Anului), 2012 S.U.A.. Olimpic “Domn” Marcus Browne (New York State Fighter al anului), de Staten Island, și cinci divizie campion mondial Amanda “Real Deal” Serrano, din Brooklyn, prin Puerto Rico.
“Există o sumă incredibil de interes pentru premii de vacanță nostru banchet în acest an” Inel 8 presedintele Jack Hirsch a spus. “Vasyl Lomachenko este probabil cel mai mare luptator din lume, si Evander Holyfield este o legenda vie. Acestea sunt ambele confirmate pentru a participa ca sunt viitoarele superstaruri Michael Conlan și Marcus Browne. Vor fi alte Onorate de profil înalt și personalități de box pe mana precum. Acesta va fi un deliciu pentru fanii care vor avea posibilitatea de a interacționa cu ei.
“Russo pe Bay este un loc excelent; mâncarea este fantastic. Toți participanții ar trebui să vină departe cu amintiri minunate ale evenimentului. Biletele sunt foarte preț rezonabil pentru o afacere de o asemenea magnitudine. De obicei vinde, așa că am sugera că oricine intenționează să participe la cumpere biletele lor, cât mai curând posibil. profiturile noastre de după-amiază du-te înapoi la fraternitatea de box, ajuta pe cei mai puțin norocoși, care au nevoie de asistență.”
2017 RING 8 Premiul Câștigătorii
Muhammad Ali Fighter international al anului: Vasyl Lomachenko
Premiul legende: Evander Holyfield
Prospect Internațional al Anului: Michael Conlan
NYS Fighter al anului: Marcus Browne
NYS Femeie Luptatorul anului: Amanda Serrano
Sunnyside Gardens Premiul:: Bobby Cassidy, Sr.
NYS Prospect anului: Devaun Lee
Rising Contender Premiul: Skender & Enver Halili
Sam Kellerman Media Award: Matt Christie
NYS Trainer al anului: Hector Rosa
Lung & Serviciul Meritoriu: Edwin Torres
NYS Oficial al anului: Robert Perez
NYS Promotor al anului: Mercedes Vasquez Simmons
Champion neîncoronat: Richard Kiley
Ringside medic al anului: Dr. Regele Osric
Premiul Good Guy: Joanne Doyle Hutchins
Inel 8 Membru al anului: George Newman
Comunitate Service Award: Mike Reno
Invitati speciali vor include Teddy Atlas, Vito Antuofermo, Iran Barkley, Tommy Gallagher și multe altele.
David Diamante încă o dată va servi ca maestru al evenimentului de Ceremonii.
Biletele sunt $125.00 includ un brunch complet cu ora cocktail la intrarea, urmată de relaxare la ceremonia de premiere, cina si desert, și top-raft bar deschis pe tot parcursul după-amiaza. Nu va fi, de asemenea, o licitație tăcut de memorabilia box. Acest eveniment este de așteptat să vândă-afară și toată lumea este îndemnat să cumpere bilete cât mai curând posibil, pentru a asigura locuri favorabile. Donatii de orice denumire sunt binevenite pentru cei care nu pot participa la festivitățile.
programul de anunțuri sunt disponibile pentru capacul din spate ($500.00), În interiorul față sau capacul din spate ($400.00), Pagină plină ($200.00), O jumătate de pagină ($100.00), și Quarter-Page ($60.00). Termenul limită pentru toate anunțurile este Noiembrie 26, 2017, și trebuie să fie prin e-mail (Ajhirsch5 @ aol) sau prin poștă la Ring 8, P.o. Cutie 153, Rockaway Park, NY 11694. Toate controalele pentru biletele sau anunțurile jurnal ar trebui să fie plătit Ring 8 (Carduri de credit sunt acceptabile).
Pentru informații suplimentare despre Ring 8 sau anuale Evenimente de vacanță și premii ceremonia de, Inel de contact 8 președinte Jack Hirsch (516.790.7592 sau Ajhirsch5@aol.com) sau du-te on-line la www.Ring8ny.com pentru mai multe informații.
Russo On The Bay este situat la 162-45 Blvd Crossbay. în Howard Beach(718.843.5055).
Vasyl Lomachenko (Fotografie prin amabilitatea Rank Top)
Evander Holyfield (Fotografie prin amabilitatea Real-Deal Sport și divertisment)
Michael Conlan (Imagine de curtoazie Top Rank)
Marcus Browne (Fotografie prin amabilitatea Premier box Campionilor)
Amanda Serrano (curtoazie imagine de divertisment Dibella)
DESPRE RING 8: Formata in 1954 de un ex-prizefighter, Jack Grebelsky, Inel 8 a devenit a opta filiala a ceea ce a fost apoi cunoscut sub numele de Asociația Boxerii Nationala Veteran – prin urmare, RING 8 – și astăzi motto-ul organizației rămâne: Boxerii Ajutarea Boxerii.
RING 8 este pe deplin angajat sa sprijine oamenii mai puțin norocoși în comunitate box care poate solicita asistență în ceea ce privește plata chiriei, cheltuieli medicale, sau orice nevoie justificabil.

Du-te on-line pentru www.Ring8ny.com pentru mai multe informații despre RING 8, cel mai mare grup de acest gen din Statele Unite, cu mai mult de 350 Membrii. Cotizații anuale de membru este numai $30.00 și fiecare membru are dreptul la o cină bufet la RING 8 întâlniri lunare, cu excepția lunilor iulie și august. Toate boxeri activi, amator și cel profesionist, au dreptul la un nucleu gratuit 8 membru anual. Oaspeții de la Ring 8 Membrii sunt binevenite la un cost de numai $7.00 per persoană

Michael Dutchover Dishes on Sparring Sessions with Oscar Valdez & Jessie Magdaleno

ORANGE, Calif. (Șapte. 21, 2017) – Top junior lightweight prospect Michael Dutchover (5-0, 4 KO) marks his return to the ring acest vineri noapte împotriva Carlos Flores (4-5-1, 3 KO) in a featured 6-round bout on the “Sange nou” Undercard.

The five-fight show, promoted by Thompson Boxing Promotions, takes place at the Doubletree Hotel in Ontario, California.

Bilete pentru “Sange nou” sunt la pretul de $40, $60, & $100 and are available for purchase by calling 714-935-0900, or visiting ThompsonBoxing.com.

Dutchover, an accomplished amateur who earned a bronze medal at the U.S. Olympic Trials in 2015 and a runner-up finish at the National Golden Gloves competition a year later, turned professional last year and already possesses a fan friendly style.

Thompson Boxing caught up the with Midland, Tex. native and got his take on relocating to the Los Angeles area, what it was like to spar with two world champions, and his outlook pe vineri luptă.

Your training camp was unlike any other in that you sparred against world champions Oscar Valdez and Jessie Magdaleno, as well as blue-chip prospect Michael Conlan. What was it like going against such high-level talent?

Sparring against world champions elevates your game and boosts your confidence tremendously. I held my own the first few sessions with Oscar and Jessie and they called me back for other sessions. These guys expect solid work so I was glad that they brought me back. I’m gaining experience from some of the best so it’s awesome. It was also great sparring with Michael. With those three I was able to see different styles that will help me in my development.

Your opponent Carlos Flores has had an uneven career. How do you get up for a fight where you are the clear favorite?

You can’t think that every fight is going to be easy. If you’re not ready for a fight then anyone can make you look bad. This sport is unforgiving in that way. I’m going to be on my “A” game and it will show Vineri.”

Earlier this year you made the decision to relocate to the Los Angeles area and leave your hometown of Midland, Tex. What has been the toughest part of this move?

I’m doing what I love to do and that always involves sacrifices. The most difficult part is being away from friends and family and being far from home. I knew moving to Los Angeles was the right choice because if you want to get better, especially in the lower weight classes, this area is the place to be. On any given day you can spar with contenders and world champions so it’s been great for me.

How do you see Friday’s fight going down?

I can predict a solid win for me and my team. I’m going to let my punches go and just be active. I’ll work off the jab to open things up and I’m going to show an improved defense. I’m going to look the best I’ve looked so far. That much I know.

Dutchover is promoted by Banner Promotions and Thompson Boxing.

All five fights will be livestreamed on TB Presents: New Blood via our Facebook page and ThompsonBoxing.com.

The livestream starts at 8:00 p.m. PT / 11:00 p.m. ȘI with Beto Duran as the blow-by-blow announcer and Steve Kim providing expert color commentary.


Manny Pacquiao speaks at today’s Final press conference in Australia
EDMONTON, Alberta, Canada (Iunie 28, 2017) – The final [press conference was held today forsâmbătă noapte “Battle in Brisbane,” featuring World Boxing Organization (WBO) Welterweight World champion Manny “Pacman’ Pacquiao (59-6-2, 38 KO) and his title challenger, Jeff Horn (16-0-1, 11 KO).
Battle of Brisbane: Pacquiao vs. Horn,” presented by Top Rank and Duco Events. va fi difuzat sâmbătă seară, exclusiv în Canada pe Super canal, live from Suncorp Stadium in Brisbane, Australia.
Super Channel subscribers will be able to watch four exciting fights, începând de la 9 p.m. ȘI / 6 p.m. PT, pe “Battle of Brisbane” card, headlined by Pacquiao vs. Horn.
As a warm-up to theBattle of Brisbane” pe Iulie 1, Super Channel will present two replays of previous Pacquiao bouts on Vineri Iunie 30începând de la 7 p.m. ȘI / 4 p.m. PT on SC1:

Manny Pacquiao vs Oscar de la Hoya
– Decembrie. 6, 2008

Manny Pacquiao vs Ricky Hatton
– Mai 2, 2009 (IBO World super lightweight title)
These fights will also be available on Super Canal On Demand.
Here is a link to Pacquaio’s interview today with official press conference host Ben Damon:
Sâmbătă night’s Super Channel telecast will also feature two-time Irish Olympian Michael Conlan (2-0, 2 KO), from Belfast, in a six-round featherweight bout against Jarrett “Juarez” Owen (5-4-3, 2 KO), of Brisbane.In the 12-round co-feature,Federația Internațională de Box (IBF) junior bantamweight world champion Jerwin “Destul Boy” Ancajas (24-1-1, 16 KO), of Cavite City, Filipine, will defend his title against top-rated contender Teiru Kinoshita (25-1-1, 8 KO), of Kobe, Japonia. The live telecast will open with an eight-round middleweight bout between Shane Mosley, Jr. (10-1, 7 KO), de Pomona, Calif. and son of former three-division world champion “Zahăr” Shane Mosley, și David Toussaint (10-0, 8 KO), of Canberra, Australia.
Toate luptele și luptători sunt supuse schimbării.
Stare de nervozitate: @SuperChannel
Instagram: @SuperChannelTV
Facebook: /superchannel

Manny Pacquiao & Freddie Roach Workout quotes from Australia

EDMONTON, Alberta, Canada (Iunie 27, 2017) – Organizația Mondială a box (WBO) Welterweight World champion Manny “Pacman’ Pacquiao (59-6-2, 38 KO) and his Hall-of-Fame trainer, Freddie Roach, held a media workout today in Australia, preparing for sâmbătă night’s showdown between Pacquiao and his title challenger, Jeff Horn (16-0-1, 11 KO).
Battle of Brisbane: Pacquiao vs. Horn,” presented by Top Rank and Duco Events. va fi difuzat sâmbătă seară, exclusiv în Canada pe Super canal, live from Suncorp Stadium in Brisbane, Australia.
Super Channel subscribers will be able to watch four exciting fights, începând de la 9 p.m. ȘI / 6 p.m. PT, pe “Battle of Brisbane” card, headlined by Pacquiao vs. Horn.

As a warm-up to theBattle of Brisbane” pe Iulie 1, Super Channel will present two replays of previous Pacquiao bouts on Vineri Iunie 30începând de la 7 p.m. ȘI / 4 p.m. PT on SC1:

Manny Pacquiao vs Oscar de la Hoya
– Decembrie. 6, 2008

Manny Pacquiao vs Ricky Hatton
– Mai 2, 2009 (IBO World super lightweight title)
These fights will also be available on Super Canal On Demand.
See Pacquiao and Roach quotes below from today’s workout:
Manny Pacquiao: We have a really good plan for this fight. We worked hard in training camp both in Manila and in General Santos City. I’m totally focused for this fight. I am not looking past this fight because at this point in my career, every fight is the most important. There are no tomorrows if I don’t win today.
Jeff Horn is OK. I’ve watched video of his fights. He brings a lot of action into the ring.
I know what he is feeling. I remember everything about my first world title fight.
Being a senator and training for a fight is hard. It takes discipline and time management. Luckily, the Senate has been in recess for the past few weeks and I have been able to focus on training for my world title fight.
A Senator’s job is to defend his peopleto fight for their rights.
I know Jeff Horn used to be a teacher. In inelul, I’m a teacher too.
I am ready for Jeff to come out and be aggressive. If he does that it will be a great fight for the fans.
The biggest crowd I ever fought in front of was at Cowboys Stadium against Joshua Clottey. I’m told this could be bigger [51,000+]. I am very excited for doing that, even though they may not be rooting for me. I am also very happy that ESPN will be televising it live.to SUA. Now everyone can see it. It’s good for boxing.
FREDDIE ROACH: Manny is a performer. He loves people, loves a big audience. Brisbane has all that for this fight. He’ll be fighting in front of the biggest crowd of his career.
Not everyone gets the opportunity to fight for a world title. It was always my dream but I never fought for one. Este un mare lucru. Jeff Horn earned this opportunity. He is the WBO’s mandatory challenger.
Manny gave me 110% in training camp. He always does. No one works harder in the gym. The difference in this camp from recent ones has been his aggression. He’s scored several knockdowns and I haven’t seen that in years. He has kept his foot on the pedal throughout, even when he’s had a sparring partner in trouble. After his ring work he is singing and dancingnot wellbut that’s not the point. He is really hungry to make a statement in this fight against Horn. He’s even playing Shakira during his workouts again and he hasn’t done that in years.
Sâmbătă night’s Super Channel telecast will also feature two-time Irish Olympian Michael Conlan (2-0, 2 KO), from Belfast, in a six-round featherweight bout against Jarrett “Juarez” Owen (5-4-3, 2 KO), of Brisbane.In the 12-round co-feature,Federația Internațională de Box (IBF) junior bantamweight world champion Jerwin “Destul Boy” Ancajas (24-1-1, 16 KO), of Cavite City, Filipine, will defend his title against top-rated contender Teiru Kinoshita (25-1-1, 8 KO), of Kobe, Japonia. The live telecast will open with an eight-round middleweight bout between Shane Mosley, Jr. (10-1, 7 KO), de Pomona, Calif. and son of former three-division world champion “Zahăr” Shane Mosley, și David Toussaint (10-0, 8 KO), of Canberra, Australia.
Toate luptele și luptători sunt supuse schimbării.
Stare de nervozitate: @SuperChannel
Instagram: @SuperChannelTV
Facebook: /superchannel

Super Channel to airBattle of BrisbaneManny Pacquiao vs. Jeff Horn International Card July 1st live from Australia


(L-R) – Manny Pacquiao & Jeff Horn
(picture courtesy of 7 News Brisbane)
EDMONTON, Alberta, Canada (Iunie 26, 2017) – Super Channel is pleased to announce that it has acquired the exclusive rights in Canada to air the July 1st Organizația Mondială a box (WBO) World Welterweight Championship bout between reigning champion, future Hall-of-Famer Manny “Pacman’ Pacquiao, și challenger Jeff Horn, începând de la 9 p.m. ȘI / 6 p.m. PT, live from Suncorp Stadium in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.
Battle of Brisbane: Pacquiao vs. Hornis a presentation of Top Rank and Duco Events. Super Channel will air four exciting fights from this card, headlined by Pacquiao vs. Horn, exclusiv în Canada.
Super Channel is ecstatic to be bringing a non-pay-per-view Pacquiao bout to Canadian fight fans as a follow up to the exciting Brook vs Spence IBF Welterweight Championship we brought them in May” a spus Troy Wassill, Director de programare, Domestic Distributors and Sports. “We keep hearing from our viewers that they want more boxing on Super Channel and the ‘Battle of Brisbaneis going to deliver exactly what they are looking for.
The world has followed amazing Manny since he burst onto the scene in his U.S. debut în 2001, where he knocked out Lehlo Ledwaba to win his second of a record eight division world titles,” Sala de promotor Fame Bob Arum adăugat. “It’s going to be an unbelievable event.

As a warm-up to theBattle of Brisbane” pe Iulie 1, Super Channel will present two replays of previous Pacquiao bouts on Vineri Iunie 30începând de la 7 p.m. ȘI / 4 p.m. PT on SC1:

Manny Pacquiao vs Oscar de la Hoya
– Decembrie. 6, 2008

Manny Pacquiao vs Ricky Hatton
– Mai 2, 2009 (IBO World super lightweight title)
These fights will also be available on Super Canal On Demand.
Pacquiao (59-6-2, 38 KO), a former two-term congressman, was elected to a Philippine Senate seat in May 2016, capturing more than 16 million votes nationally. An international icon, Pacquiao is the only fighter to win eight world titles in as many different weight divisions. A three-time Fighter of the Year and the reigning BWAA “Fighter Deceniului,” CV-ul lui Pacquiao are victorii asupra prezente și viitoare Galeria fermieri, inclusiv Oscar De La Hoya, Ricky Hatton, Marco Antonio Barrera, Erik Morales, Miguel Cotto, Shane Mosley, Juan Manuel Marquez și Timothy Bradley.
De la 2008 pentru 2010, five of his seven victories were in world title fights, in five different weight classes, variind de la 130 pentru 154 de lire sterline. No active boxer has sold more live tickets in the U.S. decât Pacquiao, care este, de asemenea, creditat cu mai mult de 18 million domestic pay-per-view buys. After his disappointing unanimous decision loss to Floyd Mayweather, Jr. pe data de 2, 2015, a world championship fight that generated a record 4.5 million pay-per-view buys and more than $400 million in television revenue alone, a healthy Pacquiao (he had suffered a torn rotator cuff in his right shoulder during the fourth round of the Mayweather fight) returned to the winner’s circle on April 9, 2016, winning the rubber match against five-time world champion Bradley. In a battle of Top-10 pound for pound fighters, Pacquiao sent Bradley to the canvas twice en route to a dominant 12-round unanimous decision victory. Pe Noiembrie. 5, Pacquiao regained the WBO welterweight title for a third time when he shellacked the once-defeated defending champion Jessie Vargas via another dominant 12-round unanimous decision. Pacquiao has been trained by Hall of Famer Freddie Roach de cand 2001.
Unbeaten hometown-favorite Horn (16-0-1, 11 KO), fighting out of Brisbane (Queensland, Australia), enters the fight of his life having won his last three battles — toate în 2016 — împotriva Ali Funeka, Rico Mueller și Randall Bailey, în interiorul distanta. They had a combined record of 105-14-4 when he fought them. The 2012 Australian Olympian’s background belies the warrior he has become inside the ring. Well-schooled inside and outside the ring, Horn received his Bachelor of Education degree from Griffith University and taught high school Physical Education even as he embarked on his professional boxing career.
Horn started boxing at age 18 after being picked on by bullies and he has been an advocate of anti-bullying campaigns. Immensely popular throughout Australia, the 29-year-old Horn has become a national gate attraction in his own right. Selected as the 2015 Australian Boxer of the Year, Horn is trained and managed by Glenn Rushton, the only trainer he has ever had, and assisted by former WBC super welterweight world champion Ioan “Bestia” Mugabi.
The Iulie 1 telecast will also feature Irish Olympic hero Michael Conlan (2-0, 2 KO), from Belfast, in a six-round featherweight bout against Jarrett “Juarez” Owen (5-4-3, 2 KO), of Brisbane, și Federația Internațională de Box (IBF) junior bantamweight world champion Jerwin “Destul Boy” Ancajas (24-1-1, 16 KO), of Cavite City, Filipine, defending his title against top-rated contender Teiru Kinoshita (25-1-1, 8 KO), of Kobe, Japonia. The live telecast will open with an eight-round middleweight rumble between Shane Mosley, Jr. (10-1, 7 KO), de Pomona, Calif. and son of former three-division world champion “Zahăr” Shane Mosley, și David Toussaint (10-0, 8 KO), of Canberra, Australia.
Some of the greatest boxers in history have confirmed they will be ringside, inclusiv Roberto Duran, Evander Holyfield, și Thomas Hearns.
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