الوسم المحفوظات: ملفين جويلارد

بطولة Bare Knuckle Fighting للاستفادة من التسجيل في الوقت الحقيقي في BKFC 11 في ويتشيتا, كانساس يوم السبت, مارس 14

فيلادلفيا, بنسلفانيا
مارس 10, 2020

باري المفصل بطولة القتال (BKFC) سوف تستخدم نظام التسجيل في الوقت الحقيقي الثوري الجديد, كما عرضته لجنة كانساس الرياضية, في BKFC 11: هيرنانديز مقابل. ويلسون, هذا السبت, مارس 14, في INTRUST Bank Arena في ويتشيتا, كانساس. في القيام بذلك, سيصبح BKFC ثاني عرض ترويجي على الإطلاق في كانساس, وأول ترقية جرداء لتوظيف النظام الذي يسمح للمقاتلين على الفور, زواياهم, والمشجعين لمعرفة الحكام’ جولة بعد جولة عشرات.

“BKFC 11” ستبث عبر الولايات المتحدة وكندا, حصريًا على الدفع مقابل المشاهدة (9 مساءً بالتوقيت الشرقي / 6 مساءً بتوقيت المحيط الهادئ) من خلال MultiVision Media, شركة, على جميع منافذ التوزيع تلفزيونية رئيسية ل $29.99. سيكون متاحًا أيضًا لشركاء البث الدولي لـ BKFC في جميع أنحاء العالم وعبر البث لجميع الأجهزة المتصلة داخل المنزل وخارج المنزل من خلال FITE.

تذاكر الحدث المباشر معروضة للبيع الآن ويمكن شراؤها عبر الإنترنت علىwww.selectaseat.com, عبر الهاتف على الرقم 855-733-SEAT (7328) وشخصًا في Select-A-Seat Box Office في INTRUST Bank Arena.

“لقد كنت مفتونًا جدًا عندما علمت أن لجنة كانساس الرياضية ستبدأ العرض في مارس 1 جميع المروجين يقاتلون بأحداث في حالتهم مع خيار استخدام تسجيل النقاط في الوقت الفعلي, لكنني أردت رؤيته قيد الاستخدام أولاً قبل أن أتخذ قرارًا بشأن BKFC 11 ،” مؤسس سعيد BKFC والرئيس ديفيد فيلدمان. “بعد رؤيته يتم تنفيذه بشكل لا تشوبه شائبة من قبل لجنة كانساس في حدث Invicta MMA يوم الجمعة الماضي, إلى جانب الاستجابة الإيجابية الساحقة التي أعقبت ذلك العرض من المقاتلين والمشجعين المقاتلين, كنت أعرف أن هذه كانت الطريقة الصحيحة تمامًا للذهاب إلى BKFC.”

تسجيل النقاط في الوقت الحقيقي, يُعرف أيضًا باسم التسجيل المفتوح, يتم تقديمه حاليًا حصريًا في أمريكا الشمالية من قبل لجنة كانساس الرياضية. تم استخدام الاختلافات في هذا النظام من قبل World Boxing Council و Glory Kickboxing.

“بعد الشراكة مع Shannon Knapp و Invicta Fighting Championships للاستفادة من Real Time Scoring يوم الجمعة الماضي, لم نتلق سوى ردود فعل إيجابية من المقاتلين ومعسكراتهم,” قال المدير التنفيذي للجنة كانساس الرياضية آدم رورباخ. “بينما ليس إلزاميًا على الإطلاق, التسجيل في الوقت الفعلي متاح لجميع مروجي القتال والعروض الترويجية في ولاية كانساس. نحن فخورون باستضافة BKFC 11, ونتطلع إلى استخدامهم لهذا النظام.”

تقدم بطولة قتال العقدة العارية بطاقة محملة تم تسليط الضوء عليها من قبل المواهب المحلية التي دخلت الحلبة يوم السبت, مارس 14 في ويتشيتا, مايو.

BKFC 11 الإعلان عن التشكيلة الكاملة للحدث تحت عنوان Wichita Native & 2016 الحائزة على الميدالية البرونزية الأولمبية للولايات المتحدة. نيكو هيرنانديز يعيش على نظام الدفع مقابل المشاهدة من INTRUST Bank Arena

ويتشيتا, مايو. (فبراير 27, 2020) – التشكيلة الكاملة من الإثارة باري المفصل بطولة القتال (BKFC) المواجهات يوم السبت, مارس 14 سيضم أفضل المواهب المحلية وأكثر من ذلك, كل ذلك يؤدي إلى BKFC 11 الحدث الرئيسي مع المشجعين في مسقط رأسهم المفضل, ويتشيتا الأصلي و 2016 الحائزة على الميدالية البرونزية الأولمبية للولايات المتحدة., نيكو هيرنانديز يخطو إلى الحلبة ضد مواطنه ويتشيتا تشانسي ويلسون في INTRUST Bank Arena في ويتشيتا, قد. والعيش بنظام الدفع مقابل المشاهدة.

“BKFC 11” ستبث عبر الولايات المتحدة وكندا, حصريا على الدفع لكل عرض من خلال وسائل الإعلام MULTIVISION, شركة, على جميع منافذ التوزيع تلفزيونية رئيسية ل $29.99. سيكون متاحًا أيضًا لشركاء البث الدولي لـ BKFC في جميع أنحاء العالم وعبر البث لجميع الأجهزة المتصلة داخل المنزل وخارج المنزل من خلالFITE.

تذاكر الحدث المباشر معروضة للبيع الآن ويمكن شراؤها عبر الإنترنت علىwww.selectaseat.com, عبر الهاتف على الرقم 855-733-SEAT (7328) وشخصًا في Select-A-Seat Box Office في INTRUST Bank Arena.

“منذ وقت طويل حتى الان, كنا نرغب في جلب BKFC إلى كانساس, لذلك لا يمكنني أن أكون أكثر حماسًا لأننا وصلنا أخيرًا إلى هنا,” مؤسس سعيد BKFC والرئيس ديفيد فيلدمان. “لا أشك في أن المقاتلين الأكثر شهرة والأكثر شهرة في كانساس سيقدمان لمحبيهما. ستكون ليلة رائعة من BKFC في ويتشيتا, كانساس!”

مواطن ويتشيتا ومحارب قديم سابق في بيلاتور ديف “رجل الكهف” Rickels يتنافس في مباراة وزنها 175 رطلاً في الحدث الرئيسي المشترك, بينما كان من الصعب ضرب المنافس في الوزن الثقيل سام شيوميكر يعود إلى العمل ليواجه صدارة هواة Kronk Gym السابقة جوش بيرنز في جاذبية خاصة.

تستمر النكهة المحلية مع زوج من المواجهات بين Wichita كمحارب قديم في Bellator, لعبة الكيك بوكسر المحترفة و الملاكم المحترف كودي كاريو يواجه 10 قتال للمحترفين في الملاكمةإرميا الصفحة في معركة وزنها 155 رطلاً, بينما بيلاتور و Strikeforce المخضرم جو وولف مباريات ضد المخضرم بيلاتور إل جيه. هيرمريك في عمل 165 رطل. أكثر, مواطن ويتشيتا ومنافس سابق في بطولة القتال النهائي جيك ليندسي المعارك كيني هاي, الذي هزم هاريس ستيفنسون بواسطة KO في عمل BKFC في نوفمبر,في مباراة وزنها 165 رطلاً.

تتضمن التشكيلة أيضًا المخضرم في UFC جوش “طبيب الاسنان” أسفل في جاذبية 185 رطلاً ضد الضربات القاسية روني فورني, الذي سيبدأ BKFC للمرة الثانية. بالإضافة, كريستين فيريا و هيلين بيرالتا سيجتمعون في مباراة إعادة بوزن 125 رطلاً من BKFC 7 مباراة في أغسطس أن بيرالتا فازت بالقرار.

تقريب البطاقة المكدسة هو إرجاع BKFC لـ داكوتا كوكرين و ملفين جويلارد في مباراة وزنها 185 رطلاً. هزم كوكرين كريس ليبن على BKFC 6 في حزيران, بينما اعتزل جيلارد بسبب إصابة في يده بعد الهزيمة أمام BKFC 7 ضد إسحاق فالي فلاغ. أكثر, يعقوب أكين سيضيف القتال المفصل العاري إلى السيرة الذاتية التي تتضمن MMA المحترف, الملاكمة والكيك بوكسينغ, عندما يأخذ على محارب بيلاتور المخضرم ميل ماكدونالدز في مواجهة وزنها 130 رطلاً.

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معلومات عن بطولة القتال باري المفصل
في يونيو 2, 2018, بطولة باري المفصل القتال مقرها فيلادلفيا (BKFC) صنعوا التاريخ القتالية الرياضية عندما روجت القانوني الأول, عقوبات وينظم الحدث مفصل عارية في الولايات المتحدة منذ عام 1889. “BKFC 1: البداية” وقعت في شايان, وايومنغ واردة 10 نوبات المهنية, كل ذلك تحت إشراف ومراقبة لجنة الرياضة القتالية وايومنغ. BKFC يستخدم أنشئت فقط المقاتلين الذين تنافسوا سابقا مهنيا في الملاكمة, MMA, الكيك بوكسينغ و / أو الملاكمة التايلاندية. ويعاقب كل نوبات BKFC والتي ينظمها أعضاء اللجان ABC الرياضية. لمزيد من المعلومات، يرجى زيارةwww.bareknuckle.tv أو تابعنا على Twitter على HTTPS://twitter.com/bareknucklefc على إينستاجرام في HTTPS://www.instagram.com/bareknucklefc/ على موقع يوتيوب فيHTTPS://www.youtube.com/
قناة / UCEeMsInLdrUbIkbEcNm7g-A
وفي الفيسبوك فيHTTPS://www.facebook.com/bareknucklefc.

WBKFF Results: Chris Leben destroys Phil Baroni in one round Dakota Cochrane stuns Johny Hendricks in two

Chris Leben vs. Phil Baroni
Johny Hendricks vs. داكوتا كوكرين
تشرين الثاني 9, 2018 * Casper Events Center * Casper, وايومنغ
بيان صحفي
للنشر الفوري
World Bare Knuckle Fighting Federation
Chris Leben destroys Phil Baroni in one round
Dakota Cochrane stuns Johny Hendricks in two

Rise of the Titans
النتائج الرسمية & PICTURES
The Crippler” (R) توقفت “The New York Bad Ass” – Chris Leben stops Phil Baroni
(all pictures by Christopher Cook)
CASPER, وايومنغ (تشرين الثاني 10, 2018) – Bombs away was the theme last night (الجمعة) as combat sports veterans made their bare-knuckle fighting debuts on the excitingRise of the Titansworldwide pay-per-view event, presented by the World Bare Knuckle Fighting Federation (WBKFF), at Casper Events Center in Casper, وايومنغ.
Blood was flying, fighters were dropping, and fans and a near capacity crowd was really into the constant brawling throughout an evening entertaining, competitive and memorable fights.
The main event showcased a pair of combat sports icons, كريس “The CripplerLeben وThe New York Bad AssPhil Baroni, in a special light heavyweight attraction. Left-handed Leben, يقاتلون من سان دييغو, shook off Baroni’s early roughhouse tactics, floored him, and then put his lights out midway through the first round.
He was clinching and I wanted to stand in the middle of the ring and bang,” Leben remarked. “Down he went from a big left hand. He does have a hard head.
(L) Dakota Cochrane finished off Johny Hendricks
في حال المواصفات المشتركة, former UFC welterweight champion JohnyBiog RiggHendrickscame out of a one-year retirement from fighting to take on dangerous MMA veteran داكوتا كوكرين, أوماها, NE. Hendricks was originally scheduled to fight in the main event against “الإيرلنديون” برينان وارد, who withdrew earlier this week. Cochrane was already fighting on the card and he quickly agreed to replace Ward and take on his popular Fort Worth opponent in a middleweight special attraction.
Hendricks suffered a cut under his right eye in round one, then Cochrane suddenly and shockingly ended the fight 21-seconds into the second round with an explosive, straight right that silenced the pro-Hendricks crowd.
“هو (bare knuckle fighting) was definitely different,” a jubilant Cochrane said after the fight. “I love my big right hand, I’ve been practicing it.:
“بصراحة, I’m movedsaid an elated WBKFF CEO and founder Tom Stankiewicz after the conclusion of his organization’s inaugural show. “I was very surprised by the underdog, مونوز, and a new star was born tonight, داكوتا كوكرين. Everybody fought their best, they were all warriors. I hope all these fighters stay with us. We are planning our second show for February 9 at a site to be determined.
الكفاح من الليل: جوليان لين (L) and Joey Angelo each won a new Ford Mustang (see picture below)
Always tough Ohioan fighter جوليان “HellboyLane ولاس فيغاس’ المتوسط جوي أنجيلو had the ultimate showdown, which broke out into a fire-fight in the third round, at least until Lane connected with a straight right on the chin to drop Angelo. Trailing on the scorecards, Angelo opened the fifth round going for broke, but Lane was the aggressor from start to finish, as well as the more efficient puncher, كسب انتصار قرار منقسم. Lane overcame a broken left hand he suffered in the third round.
Christina Marks (L) bloodied Jasmine Clark en route to an impressive win
San Diego MMA fighter Christina Marks, 2017 The Ultimate Challenge runner-up, and former world boxing title challenger Jasmine Clark, تكساس, squared off in a female bantamweight match. Marks, who celebrated her 33rdbirthday in style, cut Clark over the right eye midway through the opening round. Marks swarmed her opponent in the second, keeping her distance and landing stinging shots on Clark’s damaged eye, until she was no longer able to defend herself and retired.
ال $100,000 WBKFF Lightweight Tournament launched last night with two black-and-blue type fights. Former UFC and Strikeforce fighter RobbieProblems” بيرالتا, من إسكنديدو, مثل, caught Ireland-born أبو زريق طائر “The Mellow FellowCucciniello, now living Spain, in the second round with an overhand right that dropped him. Blood dripping down his face like a badge of courage, the gutsy Irishman finished the third round strong, and the two fighters battled on equal turf in the fourth. Despite Cucciniello’s vision obviously hampering him, he kept coming forward in the fifth, but Peralta maintained control, effectively picking his spots, en route to an impressive win by unanimous decision.
South African ليون “The Iron LionMynhardt, now living in Fairfield, مثل, was too much for Texan شق “الشبح” غونزاليس in the other tournament match, and the fight was eventually halted by the referee in the second round because of excessive punishment.
مقاتل سابق في UFC و Bellator جوش “طبيب الاسنان” أسفل, fighting out of Des Moines, أيوا, had not fought in 2-½ years, when he entered the ring to fight boxer MadMax Alderete, من البوكيرك. Neer needed a round for the rust to wear off, after which he walked down Alderete and unloaded on his head and body, mostly throwing upper cuts, one putting him down near the end of the third round. Alderete was unable to answer the bell for the fourth round.
Brazilian MMA veteran مارسيلو “MelloAlfaya put late replacement Joey Munoz on his back with the first punch he threw, but his Nebraska opponent showed tremendous heart, resulting in the crowd getting behind him. Attrition started to play a role in the third round, as both fighters slowed down, but they battered each other in a wild fourth round. In the fifth and final round, Alfaya was penalized a point for hitting after the break, and Munoz closed the show, pulling off the first upset of the evening by way of a five-round majority decision. Munoz took the fight on one-day notice, lost 17 جنيه, and drove three hours to Casper.
Former UFC and Strikeforce fighter Issac Vallie-Flagg and upset minded Cory Simpsonopened the PPV segment of the night fighting at a 175-pound catchweight. After a somewhat strategic first round the pace changed abruptly in the second round as both fighters opened-up. Class soon prevailed as Vallie-Flagg, من البوكيرك, knocked down a game Simpson early and he then finished him off with a barrage of brutal body shots for a second-round knockout.
Hall of Fame ring announcer Jimmy Lennon, الابن. joined WBKFF’s all-star announcing teamباس روتن, who is also WBKFF president, كيني رايس و Jessica Penne -for the pay-per-view and Preview airings, distributed by Integrated Sports Media.
Super heavyweight CJ. “Big CakeLeveque suffered a cut to his right eye in the opening round, courtesy of Houston’s خوان توريس, لكن ال 288 ½ pound Californian immediately responded by decking Torres, who spotted his opponent 212-pounds, with a roundhouse right early in the second. Torres bounced right back, رغم أن. He drilled Leveque with a vicious shot in tight-quarters, sending him face-first to the canvas for a second-round knockout to conclude the preliminary card.
The first preliminary card fight set the tone right from the opening bell in a 160-pound catchweight fight. Long-haired favorite Jeff Chiffens, fighting out of Delaware, came out firing shots and 15-seconds in the opening round, Chiffens drew blood first, opening-up a cut overFred Pierce‘s right eye. After the ring doctor examined and cleared Pierce to fight, the action resumed and Chiffen dropped Pierce with a powerhouse right. Pierce beat the count, but referee stopped the fight at the 1:04 علامة من جولة واحدة.
Newly adopted rules including holding and striking, spinning backfists and hammer fists were allowed, and a traditional boxing ring was used for optimum viewing and safety. All men and women’s matches were scheduled five (two-minute) جولات.
Complete results and more pictures below:
الحدث الرئيسي – الثقل خفيف
كريس اللبن, سان دييغو, مثل
WTKO1 (1:19)
Phil Baroni, لونغ آيلاند, NY
داكوتا كوكرين, Omaha, NE
WKO2 (0:21)
جوني هندريكس, فورت وورث, TX
جوليان لين, مانسفيلد, OH.
WDEC5 (49-46, 49-46, 47-48)
جوي أنجيلو, لاس فيغاس, NV
Christina Marks, سان دييغو, مثل
WDEC2 (1:54)
ياسمين كلاركسون, Cedar Hill, TX
روبي بيرالتا, Escondido, مثل
WDEC5 (50-45, 49-46, 49-46)
Jay Cucciniello, ملقة, إسبانيا
Leon Mynhardt, فيرفيلد, مثل
WTKO2 (0:56)
نيك غونزاليس, أوستن, TX
جوش نير, الرهبان, IA
WTKO3 (2:00)
Mike Alderete, البوكيرك, NM
Joey Munoz, Scotts Bluff, NE
WDEC5 (48-46, 48-47, 47-47)
Marcelo Alfaya, ريو غراندي دو سول, البرازيل
Issac Vallie-Flagg, البوكيرك, NM
WKO2 (1:20)
Cory Simpson, لاس فيغاس, NV
بطاقة أولية
ارتفاع الوزن الثقيل
خوان توريس, Las Cruces, NM
WKO2 (1:33)
CJ. Leveque, Brentwood, مثل
Jeff Chiffens, ويلمنجتون, DE
WTKO1 (1:04)
Fred Pierce, Talihina, حسنا
The two participants in the Fight of the Nightwinner Julian Lane and Joey Angeloeach won a new, high-powered Mustang from WBKFF
Lane floored Angelo before he broke his hand in third round
(L) Robbie Peralta and Jay Cucciniello put on a show
Jeff Chiffens (R) landed a picture-perfect punch on Fred Pierce
Joey Munoz (back on ropes) pulled off the upset of the night
الموقع: www.WBKFF.com
الفيسبوك: /WBKFF
تغريد: @WBKFF
إينستاجرام: @WORLDBKFF
ABOUT WORLD BARE KNUCKLE FIGHTING FEDERATION (WBKFF): Based in Chicago, WBKFF’s mission is to become the worldwide leader in combat sports. The WBKFF stable of fighters already exceeds 100. Bare knuckle fighting is one of the fastest growing sports in the world. Only the strong will survive when the gloves are off and all that stands between opponents is their will and determination.

World Bare Knuckle Fighting FederationRise of the Titans” WEIGHTS الرسمية & PICTURES

Chris Leben vs. Phil Baroni
Johnny Hendricks vs. داكوتا كوكرين
تشرين الثاني 9, 2018 * Casper Events Center * Casper, وايومنغ
This Friday night on Worldwide PPV Live from Casper, وايومنغ
Things got a little heated at today’s WBKFF between main event fighters (L) Phil Baroni and Chris Leben (all pictures by Christopher Cooks)
CASPER, وايومنغ (تشرين الثاني 8, 2018) — The official weigh in was held today at Hilton Garden Inn for tomorrow night’sRise of the Titanspay-per-view event, presented by World Bare Knuckle Fighting Federation (WBKFF), at Casper Events Center in Casper, وايومنغ.
Below find fightersofficial weights, pictures and pertinent information:
(الكل 5 X 2-minute rounds)
الحدث الرئيسي – الثقل خفيف
(R) كريس “The CripplerLeben, سان دييغو, مثل 200 رطل.
(L)The New York Bad AssPhil Baroni, لونغ آيلاند, NY 196 lbs/
(R) JohnyBig RiggHendricks, فورت وورث, TX 186 رطل.
(L) داكوتا كوكرين, Omaha, NE 185 رطل.
(R) جوي أنجيلو, لاس فيغاس, NV 184.2 رطل.
(L) جوليان “HellboyLanه, مانسفيلد, OH 180.2 رطل.
(R) Christina Marks, سان دييغو, مثل 133.4 رطل.
(L) ياسمين كلاركسون, Cedar Hill, TX 134 رطل.
استيفان “الرهيب” بايان, تيمبي, THE 155.8 رطل.
ميكروفون “The Greek AssassinBronzoulis, هيوستن, TX 155.8 رطل.
RobbieProblems” بيرالتا, Escondido, مثل 154 رطل.
أبو زريق طائر “The Mellow FellowCucciniello, ملقة, إسبانيا 154.8 رطل
شق “الشبح” غونزاليس, أوستن, TX 155.6 رطل.
ليون “The Iron LionMynhardt, فيرفيلد, مثل 156 رطل.
جوش “طبيب الاسنان” أسفل, الرهبان, IA 185.4 رطل.
MadMike Alderete, البوكيرك, NM 184.8 رطل.
Joey Munoz, Scotts Bluff, NE 180.8 رطل.
مارسيلو “MelloAlfaya, ريو غراندي دو سول, البرازيل 176 LBS.
PAY-PER-VIEW INFORMATION: سيتم توزيع الوسائط الرياضية المتكاملة “Rise of The Titans” في أمريكا الشمالية, ابتداء من الساعة 10 عصرا. و / 7 عصرا. PT, في كابل, الأقمار الصناعية و رقمي دفع مقابل المشاهدة عبر الطلب في, الشهرة, DIRECTV and DISH in the United States, وكذلك روجرز, شو, Bell TV and SaskTel in Canada, and live-streamed worldwide on the FITE.TV التطبيق وموقع الويب, لسعر البيع بالتجزئة المقترح $29.95
بطاقة أولية
Issac Vallie-Flagg, البوكيرك, NM 173.6 رطل.
Cory Simpson, لاس فيغاس, NV 175.6 رطل.
ارتفاع الوزن الثقيل
CJ. “Big CakeLeveque, Brentwood, مثل 288.6 رطل.
خوان توريس, Las Cruces, NM 266.8 رطل.
Fred Pierce, Talihina, حسنا 161 رطل.
Jeff Chiffens, ويلمنجتون, DE 154.6 رطل.
FREE PRELIMINARY CARD VIEWING INFORMATION: A free Preview will be available to watch with three preliminary cards, ابتداء من الساعة 8:30 عصرا. و / 5:30 عصرا. PT, يعيشون على FITE.TV as well as via DIRECTV and DISH pay-per-view channels leading up to the PPV event.
متى: الجمعة, نوفمبر. 9, 2010 – 10 عصرا. و 6 عصرا. PT
أين: Casper, وايومنغ
المروج: World Bare Knuckle Fighting Federation (WBKFF)
المعلقون: باس روتن (color commentator), كيني رايس (blow by-blow announcer) وJessica Penne (post-fight interviewer) will work the PPV and Preview.
المذيع الدائري: Jimmy Lennon, الابن.
TICKETS: $200.00 – $500.00 لالصف الأول في الحلبة, $50.00, $30.00, $20.00, $10.00 في 100 Level Grandstands and available to purchase at the Casper Events Center box office or by going online here:HTTPS://ev9.evenue.net/cgi-bin/ncommerce3/SEGetEventInfo?ticketCode=GS%3ACEC%3ACEC19%3ABKB%3A&linkID=cec&shopperContext=&pc=&caller=&appCode=&groupCode=C&cgc=&RSRC=WEB_PR&RDAT=WBKFF
الابواب المفتوحة: 5 عصرا. MT
الموقع: www.WBKFF.com
الفيسبوك: /WBKFF
تغريد: @WBKFF
إينستاجرام: @WORLDBKFF
ABOUT WORLD BARE KNUCKLE FIGHTING FEDERATION (WBKFF): Based in Chicago, WBKFF’s mission is to become the worldwide leader in combat sports. The WBKFF stable of fighters already exceeds 100. Bare knuckle fighting is one of the fastest growing sports in the world. Only the strong will survive when the gloves are off and all that stands between opponents is their will and determination.

World Bare Knuckle Fighting FederationRise of the Titans” اقتباسات مؤتمر صحفي & PICTURES

Johnny Hendricks vs. داكوتا كوكرين
WBKFF Middleweight Championship
Chris Leben vs. Phil Baroni
WBKFF Light Heavyweight Championship
تشرين الثاني 9, 2018 * Casper Events Center * Casper, وايومنغ
بيان صحفي
للنشر الفوري
This Friday night on Worldwide PPV Live from Casper, وايومنغ
كريس اللبن (speaking at podium) and Phil Baroni exchanged pleasantries at today’sRise of the Titanspress conference in Casper, وايومنغ. (المزيد من الصور أدناه, all courtesy of Christopher Cook)

CASPER, وايومنغ (تشرين الثاني 7, 2018) — The final press conference for Friday night’sRise of the Titans,” pay-per-view event, presented by the World Bare Knuckle Fighting Federation (WBKFF), was held today at Hilton Gardens Inn in Casper, وايومنغ.




The entertaining main card is headlined by a WBKFF middleweight title fight between former UFC welterweight champion JohnyBig RiggHendricks and MMA veteran داكوتا كوكرين, who has replaced original title challenger “الإيرلنديون” برينان وارد.




The spotlight will also be on the co-featured event, متى كريس “The CripplerLeben و The New York Bad AssPhil Baroni battle for the WBKFF light heavyweight crown, in what is expected to be a highly entertaining fight.




Integrated Sports Media will distribute theRise of the Titansmain card throughout North America, commencing at 10 عصرا. و / 7 عصرا. PT, on cable, الأقمار الصناعية والدفع لكل عرض رقمي عبر iN Demand, الشهرة, DIRECTV and DISH in the United States, وكذلك روجرز, شو, Bell TV and SaskTel in Canada, and live-streamed worldwide on the FITE.TV التطبيق وموقع الويب, لسعر البيع بالتجزئة المقترح $29.95.




The PPV main card will also feature Las Vegas middleweight جوي أنجيلو against Albuquerque’s جوليان “NitraneLane, Ultimate Fighter runner-up Christina Marks ضد الملاكم المحترف ياسمين كلاركسون for the WBKFF Women’s Bantamweight Championship,برازيلي مارسيلو “MelloAlfaya يأخذ على Joey Munoz at a 177-pound catchweight, andformer UFC and Bellator fighter, المتوسط جوش “طبيب الاسنان” أسفل, faces Albuquerque boxer MadMike Aldrete.




A blind draw will be held at today’s weigh in (7 عصرا. MT at Hilton Garden Inn) to determine the match-ups for the WBKFF’s launching of its $100,000 بطولة خفيفة الوزن, kicking-off with three fights: MMA veterans شق “الشبح” غونزاليس, Ireland-native أبو زريق طائر “The Mellow FellowCucciniello, استيفان “الرهيب” بايان, RobbieProblems” بيرالتا, ميكروفون “The Greek AssassinBronzoulis, and South African ليون “The Iron LionMynhardt




ال “Rise of the Titanspreliminary card will precede the PPV event, which will be available to watch on a free Preview, ابتداء من الساعة 8:30 عصرا. و / 5:30 عصرا. PT, يعيشون على FITE.TV, as well as via DIRECTV and DISH pay-per-view channels leading up to the main card on PPV.




The preliminary card’s fights are former UFC fighter Issac Vallie-Flagg مقابل. Cory Simpson at a 175-pound catchweight, California super heavyweight CJ. “Big CakeLeveque مقابل. New Mexico’s خوان توريس, و Fred Pierce مقابل. Jeff Chiffens fighting at a 160-pound catchweight.




كل المعارك والمقاتلين عرضة للتغيير.




Hall of Fame ring announcer Jimmy Lennon, الابن. joins WBKFF all-star announcing team comprised of باس روتن, كيني رايس و Jessica Penne, who will all work the PPV and preliminary cards.




Newly adopted rules including holding and striking, spinning backfists and hammer fists will be used in all WBKFF fights, which will be contested in a traditional boxing ring for optimum viewing and safety. All men and women’s matches will feature five (two-minute) جولات.




Limited tickets are on sale available to purchase by going online here: HTTPS://www.caspereventscenter.com/events/detail/world-bare-knuckle-fighting-federation-championship




Ticket prices range between $200.00 – $500.00 لالصف الأول في الحلبة, $50.00, $30.00, $20.00, $10.00 في 100 Level Grandstands.


Press conference quotes and additional pictures are below

BAS RUTTEN, WBKFF president: “Two and one-half months ago I was asked to be the color commentator for this show. I was told that they do anything for me to work it I did some research and felt bare knuckles has a good future, so I met with the WBKFF officials in Chicago, and now I’m president.


TOM STANKIEWICZ, WBKFF CEO & founder: “This is going to be a a great show. We have a great ring announcer, Jimmy Lennon, الابن, and great announcing team with Bas, Kenny Rice and Jessica Penne. I want to thank the people of Wyoming for supporting us. All the fighters are ready, and this is going to be a great show.


PHIL BARONI: I’m always the main attraction. انها ستكون معركة جيدة. Good luck to you (Leben).”


CHRIS الحياة:It’s been a long road. I saw the bout sheet and thought it was rad. I was called to fight Phil Baroni. He comes out wining, I come out swinging. I’m sorry you’r (Baroni) going to be the guy in the ring Friday night.

JOSH NEER:I haven’t fought for almost three years, but I’ve been training every day. I was approached to fight on this card. When I saw Leben and Baroni were fighting, I knew this was going to be a sick card.


MIKE ALDERETE: “أنا سعيد لوجودي هنا. I’m fighting a name opponent. WBKFF is giving us this opportunity. I’m a boxer and I want to show everybody what I can do.


ISSAC VALLIE-FLAGG: I’m excited to be here and fight without gloves, stand-up with no takedowns. Cory is a tough guy. I’m sure we’re going to beat the hell out of each other.

CORY SIMPSON: “I’m excited to show what I can do. I’m going to scrap.




L-R: (front) Christina Marks and Jasmine Clarkson; (rear) WBKFF president Bas Rutten and

WBKFF CEO Tom Stankiewicz



WBKFF $100,000 Lightweight Tournament Kickoff participants


L-R – (front) نيك غونزاليس, Leon Mynhardt, Estevan بايان, Jay Cucciniello and Robbie Peralta; (rear) WBKFF president Bas Rutten. WBKFF CEO Tom Stankiewicz and Mike Bronzoulis




الموقع: www.WBKFF.com




الفيسبوك: /WBKFF




تغريد: @WBKFF

إينستاجرام: @WORLDBKFF


ABOUT WORLD BARE KNUCKLE FIGHTING FEDERATION (WBKFF): Based in Chicago, WBKFF’s mission is to become the worldwide leader in combat sports. The WBKFF stable of fighters already exceeds 100. Bare knuckle fighting is one of the fastest growing sports in the world. Only the strong will survive when the gloves are off and all that stands between opponents is their will and determination.

World Bare Knuckle Fighting FederationRise of the TitansStacked final card from top to bottom

Johnny Hendricks vs. برينان وارد
WBKFF Middleweight Championship
Chris Leben vs. Phil Baroni
WBKFF Light Heavyweight Championship
تشرين الثاني 9, 2018 * Casper Events Center * Casper, وايومنغ

This Friday night Worldwide PPV Live from Casper, وايومنغ

شيكاغو (تشرين الثاني 5, 2018) — The World Bare Knuckle Fighting Federation’s (WBKFF) inaugural event, “Rise of the Titans,” is set for this Friday night (نوفمبر. 9) at Casper Events Center in Casper, وايومنغ.




A stacked main card, headlined by a WBKFF middleweight title fight between JohnyBig RiggHendricks و “الإيرلنديون” برينان وارد, طالما كريس “The CripplerLeben و The New York Bad AssPhil Baroni for the WBKFF light heavyweight crown, will be available to watch LIVE on pay-per-view.




Integrated Sports Media will distribute theRise of the Titansmain card throughout North America, commencing at 10 عصرا. و / 7 عصرا. PT, on cable, الأقمار الصناعية والدفع لكل عرض رقمي عبر iN Demand, الشهرة, DIRECTV and DISH in the United States, وكذلك روجرز, شو, Bell TV and SaskTel in Canada, and live-streamed worldwide on the FITE.TV التطبيق وموقع الويب, لسعر البيع بالتجزئة المقترح $29.95.




The PPV main card will also feature Ultimate Fighter runner-up Christina Marks ضد الملاكم المحترف ياسمين كلاركسون for the WBKFF Women’s Bantamweight Championship, Las Vegas middleweight جوي أنجيلو takes on Albuquerque’s جوليان “NitraneLane, former UFC and Bellator fighter جوش “طبيب الاسنان” أسفل faces light heavyweight Albuquerque boxer MadMike Alderete, and California heavyweight CJ. “The NightLeveque مقابل. New Mexico’s خوان توريس is the PPV swing bout.




Retired All-Pro linebacker Shawne “إطفاء الأنوار” Merriman has withdrawn from fighting on Friday evening’s show.




WBKFF will also launch its $100,000 بطولة خفيفة الوزن, showcasing eight fighters on the PPV main card in four separate quarterfinals bouts, on the PPV main card. The loaded tournament field includes MMA veterans شق “الشبح” غونزاليس, Ireland-native أبو زريق طائر “The Mellow FellowCucciniello, استيفان “الرهيب” بايان, RobbieProblems” بيرالتا, ميكروفون “The Greek AssassinBronzoulis, South African ليون “The Iron LionMynhardt و Zach “العصير” Juusola, in addition to Kazakh boxer Radmir Akhmediyev.






A blind draw to determine the quarterfinals matchups will be held this Wednesday (نوفمبر. 7) في “Rise of the Titansfinal press conference in Casper.



A solid three-fightRise of the Titanspreliminary card will precede the PPV event, available to watch on a free Preview, ابتداء من الساعة 8:30 عصرا. و / 5:30 عصرا. PT, يعيشون على FITE.TV, as well as via DIRECTV and DISH pay-per-view channels leading up to the main card on PPV.




The preliminary card’s entertaining match-ups are Issac Vallie-Flagg مقابل. Cory Simpson, contested at a 175-pound catchweight, Brazilian middleweight MarcelMelloAlfaya مقابل. داكوتا كوكرين, and super lightweight Fred Pierce مقابل. Jeff Chiffens.




كل المعارك والمقاتلين عرضة للتغيير.




Hall of Fame ring announcer Jimmy Lennon, الابن. and the WBKFF all-star announcing teamباس روتن, كيني رايس و Jessica Penne will work the PPV and preliminary cards.




جميع المعارك والمقاتلين عرضة للتغيير.




Newly adopted rules including holding and striking, spinning backfists and hammer fists will be used in all WBKFF fights, which will be contested in a traditional boxing ring for optimum viewing and safety. All men and women’s matches will feature five (two-minute) جولات.




Limited tickets are on sale available to purchase by going online here: HTTPS://www.caspereventscenter.com/events/detail/world-bare-knuckle-fighting-federation-championship




Ticket prices range between $200.00 – $500.00 لالصف الأول في الحلبة, $50.00, $30.00, $20.00, $10.00 في 100 Level Grandstands.




الموقع: www.WBKFF.com




الفيسبوك: /WBKFF




تغريد: @WBKFF

إينستاجرام: @WORLDBKFF


ABOUT WORLD BARE KNUCKLE FIGHTING FEDERATION (WBKFF): Based in Chicago, WBKFF’s mission is to become the worldwide leader in combat sports. The WBKFF stable of fighters already exceeds 100. Bare knuckle fighting is one of the fastest growing sports in the world. Only the strong will survive when the gloves are off and all that stands between opponents is their will and determination.

World Bare Knuckle Fighting Federation Announces Inaugural PPV card

Johnny Hendricks vs. برينان وارد
Chris Leben vs. Phil Baroni
Shawn Merriman vs. Mike Bourke
تشرين الثاني 9, 2018 * Casper Events Center * Casper, وايومنغ
بيان صحفي
للنشر الفوري
Johny Hendricks vs. برينان وارد
Chris Leben vs. Phil Baroni
To headlineRise of the Titans
Airing Nov. 9 on Worldwide PPV
Live from Casper, وايومنغ
Bas Rutten named WBKFF president
Godspeed and bareknuckle on!”

شيكاغو (أكتوبر 11, 2018) – World Bare Knuckle Fighting Federation (WBKFF) has officially announced the Pay-Per-View fight card for its inaugural event, “Rise of the Titans”, to be headlined by a WBKFF middleweight title fight between JohnyBig RiggHendricks و

“الإيرلنديون” برينان وارد, طالما كريس “The CripplerLeben وThe New York Bad AssPhil Baroni, الجمعة, تشرين الثاني 9, at Casper Events Center in Casper, وايومنغ.




سيتم توزيع الوسائط الرياضية المتكاملة “Rise of The Titans”, ابتداء من الساعة 10 عصرا. و / 7 عصرا. PT, in North America on cable, الأقمار الصناعية والدفع لكل عرض رقمي عبر iN Demand, DIRECTV and DISH in the United States, وكذلك روجرز, شو, Bell TV and SaskTel in Canada, and live-streamed worldwide on the FITE.TV التطبيق وموقع الويب, لسعر البيع بالتجزئة المقترح $29.95.




Tickets go on sale tomorrow (الجمعة) and will be available to purchase by going online here:








Ticket prices are between $200.00 – $500.00 لالصف الأول في الحلبة, $50.00, $30.00, $20.00, $10.00 في 100 Level Grandstands.





(L-R) – WBKFF President Bas Rutten & WBKFF CEO Tom Stankiewicz




I am super excited about our first show on November 9عشر,” newly named WBKFF President باس روتن قال. “Every single person I’ve talked to me who has heard about this event let me know what a crazy good card we have. I must admit, they are correct! I would love to talk about each fight on the card, but will do that in interviews coming up, so I will just mention a few right now. Brennan Ward versus Johny Hendricks as main event; two KO artists going at it, can’t get any better than that. Chris Leben versus Phil Baroni, both known for their KO’s in MMA, ولكن الآن, bareknuckle? Sign me up! Shawne Merriman versus Mike Bourke; Merriman is a former NFL Linebacker with a crazy vertical leap of 41.5” (he’s a heavyweight!) facing off against Mike Bourke, a guy who everybody knows can hit. And let’s talk about our lady’s fight. Pro boxer Jasmine Clarkson versus Christina Marks, من لديه 10 MMA wins with 8 التشطيبات. هكذا, expect great competitive fights, and I hope to see you in Casper Wyoming on November 9عشر. If you can’t make it, please watch on PPV! Godspeed and bare-knuckle on!”




Hendricks, fighting out of Fort Worth, تكساس, is a former UFC middleweight champion. A past NCAA wrestler out of Oklahoma State University, Hendricks is a powerful striker who was the original WEC middleweight champion. The Oklahoma native captured the coveted UFC title belt in 2014, taking a unanimous decision from روبي لولر في UFC 171 in Dallas.




جناح, who comes from Waterford, كونيتيكت, is a powerful striker, كذلك, who was a top contender in Bellator for several years. A collegiate wrestler, كذلك, he was the Bellator Season 9 بطل الوزن المتوسط




The previously announced Nov. 9 co-featured event is a much-anticipated, entertaining showdown between a pair of legendary MMA fighters, كريس “The CripplerLeben, بورتلاند, و The New York Bad AssPhil Baroni, for the WBKFF light heavyweight title.




MMA veteran ميكروفون “The RhinoBourke will be the opponent for retired All-Pro linebacker Shawne “إطفاء الأنوار” Merriman, who recently signed with WBKFF to make his combat sports pro debut onRise of The Titans”, in a Special Heavyweight Attraction.




The 34-year-old Merriman played eight seasons in the NFL between 2005 و 2012 for the San Diego Chargers and Buffalo Bills. He was drafted out of the University of Maryland in the first round, 12عشر overall pick, by the Chargers in the 2005 NFL draft. The six-foot, 275-pound Bourke, hailing from La Habra, كاليفورنيا, knocked out living legend كين شامروك in the opening round of his most notable career fight.




WBKFF will also launch its $100,000 بطولة خفيفة الوزن, showcasing eight fighters in four separate bouts to determine the semifinalists for WBKFF’s second event, culminating with the championship final in its third event. A draw to determine the quarterfinal matches will soon be conducted.




Tournament contestants include UFC veterans Issac Vallie Flagg, along with veteran MMA fighters شق “الشبح” غونزاليس, Ireland-native أبو زريق طائر “The Mellow FellowCucciniello, استيفان “الرهيب” بايان, RobbieProblems” بيرالتا, ميكروفون “The Greek AssassinBronzoulis, and South African ليون “The Iron LionMynhardt.




Las Vegas middleweight جوي أنجيلو squares off with Albuquerque’s جوليان “NitraneLane, while last year’s Ultimate Fighter runner-up Christina Marks, سان دييغو, takes on professional boxer ياسمين كلاركسون for the WBKFF Women’s Flyweight Championship.




The PPV opener will feature Internet MMA sensation كريس “مايتي ماوس” Yarboroughmeets fellow Virginian, Brandon Dunivan, in a middleweight clash for home state bragging rights,




كل المعارك والمقاتلين عرضة للتغيير.




Additional undercard fights will be live-streamed prior to the PPV broadcast with full details to be announced.




Newly adopted rules including holding and striking, spinning backfists and hammer fists will be used in all WBKFF fights, which will be contested in a traditional boxing ring for optimum viewing and safety. All men and women’s matches will feature five (two-minute) جولات.






الموقع: www.WBKFF.com




الفيسبوك: /WBKFF




تغريد: @WBKFF




إينستاجرام: @WORLDBKFF

World Bare Knuckle FF: Rise of the Titans (WATCH ON FITE):

Legendary 3x All-Pro NFL linebacker Shawne Merriman signs to fight in World Bare Knuckle Fighting Federation Inaugural event this fall

Airing on worldwide PPV live from Casper, وايومنغ

شيكاغو (أغسطس 1, 20-18) – Retired National Football League 3x All-Pro linebacker and 3x Pro Bowl fan-favorite Shawne “إطفاء الأنوار” Merriman has signed to fight on World Bare Knuckle Fighting Federation’s (WBKFF) inaugural event, “Rise of the Titans,” airing on worldwide pay-per-view (full details to come) هذا الخريف, live from Casper Events Center in Casper, وايومنغ.




The 34-year-old Merriman, fighting out of Los Angeles, played 8 seasons in the NFL between 2005 و 2012 بين 2005 و 2012 for the San Diego Chargers and Buffalo Bills. He was drafted out of the University of Maryland in the first round, 12عشر overall pick, by the Chargers in the 2005 NFL draft.




Known as an extremely physical football player, 6′ 4″ Merriman will take his powerful presence into the ring as a bare-knuckle fighter, against his heavyweight opponent to be announced.




This is really exciting for me,” Merriman said. “It’s a real privilege and honor for me to come out and fight. Thank you to everyone at the World Bare Knuckle Fighting Federation for your support. It’s time for Lights Out!”




We are thrilled to have Shawne as part of our team,” WBKFF CEO Tom Stankiewicz علق. “It’s a very exciting time for everyone. Shawne was a proven warrior on the field and we look forward to seeing him in the ring. We feel that Shawne’s signing with WBKFF opens the doors to champions from all sports and shows that he has the guts and courage to step into this gladiator sport. Bare knuckle fighting is the combat sport for the 21st century. We welcome Shawne as part of our family!”




WBKFF will host a star-studded meet-and greet for fans during fight week, “Fandamonium”, featuring an appearance by women’s MMA superstar, كريس سايبورغ, along with former UFC champions and other celebrities.




The announced co-featured event is a showdown between a pair of legendary MMA fighters, كريس “The CripplerLeben و The New York Bad AssPhil Baroni, for the WBKFF light heavyweight title.




Ultimate Fighter contestant and UFC veteran Christina Marks and professional boxer ياسمين كلاركسون will square off for the WBKFF Women’s Flyweight Championship.




WBKFF will also launch its $100,000 Grand Prize 8-Man Lightweight Tournament, showcasing eight fighters in four separate bouts to determine the semifinalists for WBKFF’s second event, culminating with the championship final in its third event.




Tournament contestants include UFC veterans ميلفين “The Young Assassin” جويلارد, توم “Da TankGallicchio, جوش نير و Issac Vallie Flagg, as well as undefeated professional Joey Bryant (16-0, 12 كوس).




Newly adopted rules including holding and striking, spinning backfists and hammer fists will be used in all WBKFF fights, which will be contested in a traditional boxing ring for optimum viewing and safety. All men and women’s matches will feature five (two-minute) جولات.




سيتم قريبا الإعلان عن معارك إضافية. كل المعارك والمقاتلين عرضة للتغيير.





الموقع: www.WBKFF.com



الفيسبوك: @WBKFF



تغريد: @WBFFF



إينستاجرام: @WORLDBKFF

World Bare Knuckle Fighting Federation Inaugural event set for October 20

Airing on worldwide PPV live from Casper, وايومنغ

شيكاغو (يوليو 26, 2018) – World Bare Knuckle Fighting Federation (WBKFF) announced today that its inaugural event, “Rise of the Titans”, will be held Saturday night, أكتوبر 20, to air on worldwide pay-per-view live from Casper Events Center in Casper, وايومنغ.

Full PPV details will soon be announced.

WBKFF also announced it will host a star-studded meet-and greet for fans during fight week, “Fandamonium”, featuring an appearance by the Queen of MMA, كريس سايبورغ, along with former UFC champions and other celebrities.

The co-featured event is a dream match-up between two of the most polarizing MMA fighters of all time, كريس “The CripplerLeben و The New York Bad AssPhil Baroni for the WBKFF light heavyweight title.

The 37-year-old Leben, who lives in Portland, Oregon, is coming out of a five-year retirement

A veteran UFC title contender, Leben’s victims include Wanderlei سيلفا, يوشيهيرو أكياما,اليسيو سقارة, Patrick Cote, Terry Martin و Mike Swick

Baroni, 42, came out of a four-year retirement earlier this year. Fighting out of Long Island, نيويورك, he is a former pro kickboxer (7-0) and wrestler, who has successfully fought in the UFC, Bellator, PRIDE, سترايك, Dream and other MMA organizations.

Another sighed fight will match Ultimate Fighter contestant and UFC veteran Christina Marks and professional boxer ياسمين كلاركسون for the WBKFF Women’s Flyweight Championship.

WBKFF will also launch its $100,000 Grand Prize 8-Man Lightweight Tournament, showcasing eight fighters in four separate bouts to determine the semifinalists for WBKFF’s second event, culminating with the championship final in its third event.

Tournament contestants include UFC veterans ميلفين “The Young Assassin” جويلارد, توم “Da TankGallicchio, جوش نير و Issac Vallie Flagg, as well as professional boxers Nick Casal (23-4, 18 كوس) ومهزوم Joey Bryant (16-0, 12 كوس).

Newly adopted rules including holding and striking, spinning backfists and hammer fists will be used in all WBKFF fights, which will be contested in a traditional boxing ring for optimum viewing and safety. All men and women’s matches will feature five (two-minute) جولات.

سيتم قريبا الإعلان عن معارك إضافية. كل المعارك والمقاتلين عرضة للتغيير.


الموقع: www.WBKFF.com

الفيسبوك: /WBKFF

تغريد & إينستاجرام: @WBKFF

منفاخ كامل 171 النتائج, اقتباسات & الصور


Video Highlights Here

شيدي Njokuani (17-4) مهزوم ملفين جويلارد (32-17) عبر قرار بالإجماع (30-25, 30-24, 30-26)

Quote: I felt like the fight was pretty good, I had taken it on short notice, so I didn’t really have a lot of time to prepare for it,” Chidi Njokuani said. “شامل, I thought I did alright, but like I said, I just didn’t have a full camp and I could tell the difference.

صور: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/per4k86majpp5m7/AACAUkbQzegBSRD_TQ6OVkl0a?dl=0

ديفيد Rickels (18-5) مهزوم Aaron Derrow (14-9) عبر TKO في :45 جولة ثلاثة

Quote: I can’t wait to re-watch that walkout. Shoutout to everyone that helped with that, including Sean Grande,” David Rickels said. “الآن, give me the fun fights. Give me whoever wants it. I dropped him with a good combination 30 seances in and set the tone, I really wanted to get the finish and after هذه الليلة, I’m one step closer to being the best of the best.

صور: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/km0yv4a45r6tiee/AAAZ8aLX6To6KuU1zIOrtMKCa?dl=0

المقاتلون الإسرائيليون نواد لاهات وهايم غوزالي يمشيان بعيدًا منتصرين أمام بيلاتور المباع (2-0) مهزوم أليس Yauger (4-5) عبر قرار بالإجماع (29-28, 30-26, 30-26)

Quote: Blood and pain, isn’t that what you guys wanted? She was tough, after the first round I was like ‘holy crap,’ Jessica Middleton said. “I’m not truly happy with my performance, I want to get better and I will come back stronger and more efficient. Emily Ducote is great, I’d love to fight her, but I’m ready for any flyweight, انا مستعدة للذهاب.”

صور: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/qx27fz4n49oakqx/AAAvwiCrRmPgTVdzb0eI9MRga?dl=0

A.J. ماكي (6-0) مهزوم Brandon Phillips (6-2) عبر قرار بالإجماع (29-28, 29-28, 30-27)

Quote: I thought the night went well. It’s a fight and you never know what result you’re going to get in a fight. End of the day, I’m coming home with the victory,” A.J. McKee said. “I knew I could go out there and wrestle, but I wanted to do something different and entertain the fans.

صور: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/492bpnr154drzqo/AACkb5DI-_f1oB5lHXFFK6jTa?dl=0

Preliminary Photos Here:

للشمس. (2-0) مهزوم Kevin Woltkamp (1-3) via knockout at 3:17 جولة اثنين

Quote: “ذهب كل شيء وفقا للخطة هذه الليلة. I told my coaches that I have the best left hook in the world and my opponent better watch out for it,” Jarod Trice said. “I’m going to take fights from 185 إلى 265 pounds and best believe that they all can catch these hands

تيريل فورتشن (2-0) مهزوم Will Johnson (0-1) عبر TKO في 4:27 جولة اثنين

Quote:It was a good fight and a good win, but I took a few shots the groin that really made it difficult for me هذه الليلة,” Tyrell Fortune said. “I’ll take the win, but I paid for it.

للشمس. (6-0) مهزوم كريس هاريس (7-1) عبر قرار بالإجماع (30-26, 30-27, 30-27)

Justin Overton (4-2) هزيمة غاستون رينو (6-2) عبر التقديم الفني (المجردة الخلفي خنق) في :34 جولة اثنين

برونا إلين (3-1) مهزوم Carmella James (0-1) عبر قرار بالإجماع (29-28, 30-27, 30-27)

Domo Garcia (1-0) مهزوم Will Lavine (0-1) عبر تقديم (مثلث خنق) في 2:08 جولة اثنين

Chance Rencountre (9-2) مهزوم Jake Lindsay (11-6) عبر قرار تقسيم (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)

جوني ماريغو (3-0) مهزوم Joe Fulk (4-5) عبر TKO في 1:23 من جولة واحدة

Manny Meraz (9-3) مهزوم Scott Heston (4-2) عبر قرار بالإجماع (29-27, 29-28, 29-28)

Mike Breeden (1-0) مهزوم Craig Farley (0-1) عبر TKO في 4:38 جولة 1