Arkivji Tag: Meldrick Taylor



Tune In Illejla Fil 10 p.m. U/PT Fuq SHOWTIME ESTREM® To Relive Chavez vs. Hector “Macho” Camacho; Watch Round 12 NOW:

Aktar, Chavez vs. Pernell “Sweet Pea” Whitaker, vs.Frankie Randall II and vs. Meldrick Taylor II On “Throwback Thursdays” This Month


NEW YORK (Lulju 7, 2016) – Widely acknowledged as the preeminent Mexican-born fighter in history and one of the greatest prizefighters of all time, Julio Cesar Chavez will be honored as Showtime Sports® airs classic Chavez fights in continuation of its year-long celebration of 30 years of SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP boxing.


The month will be highlighted by four of the incomparable Chavez’ most memorable fights – against Hector “Macho” Camacho, Pernell “Sweet Pea” Whitaker, the second of three fights with Frankie Randall and the rematch with Meldrick Taylor. All four fights will air Thursdays at 10 p.m. U/PT fuq Showtime ESTREM (full schedule below).


Għal snin, the revered ring legend was considered the world’s best pound-for-pound fighter. In an amazing 25-year-career (1980-2005), Chavez fought 115 ħinijiet (107-6-2 ma 88 knockouts). At the highest level, he competed in four weight classes – 130 pounds to 147 pounds – and was a six-time world champion in three divisions.


He holds records for the most world title successful defenses (27), most title fight victories (31), most title fights (37) and the second-most title defenses won by eliminatorja (21, wara Joe Louis ma 23). Chavez was 31-4-2 ma 21 KOs in world title fights. A multiple Fighter tas-Sena rebbieħ, Chavez was inducted into the International Boxing Hall of Fame in 2011.


The fights will air on “Throwback Il-Ħamis” during the month of July at 10 p.m. U/PT fuq Showtime ESTREM® and are available on SHOWTIME ON DEMAND®, Ghaċ SHOWTIME® and via the network’s online streaming service.


Below is the schedule of SHOWTIME EXTREME premieres for the month of July:

  • Tonight/Il-Ħamis, Lulju 7: Chavez vs. Camacho
  • Il-Ħamis, Lulju 14: Chavez vs. Whitaker
  • Il-Ħamis, Lulju 21: Chavez Randal II
  • Il-Ħamis, Lulju 28: Chavez vs. Taylor II


“Throwback Il-Ħamis” Tidbits

  • WBC super featherweight champion Chavez (81-0) and his WBO counterpart, Camacho, fought on Sept. 12, 1992, fil Las Vegas. JCC turned back a determined bid by “Macho” to take a unanimous 12-round decision.


  • Chavez had an 87-fight winning streak end when he and WBC welterweight champion Whitaker fought to a highly controversial 12-round majority draw in Sept. 10, 1993, at the Alamodome in San Antonio. One judge scored it for “Sweet Pea” by 115-113; the others had it 115-115.


  • Chavez was dealt his initial defeat on a 12-round split decision to nemesis Randall on Jan. 29, 1994. In the rematch the following Mejju 7, Chavez won a razor-thin, split eight-round technical decision after the fight was stopped because of a large cut over Chavez’ eyebrow. Chavez and Randall would fight a third time, with Chavez taking the rubber match on a clear, unanimous 10-round decision on May 22, 2004.


  • Chavez went 2-0 against Taylor, winning by eighth-round knockout in a rematch on Sept. 17, 1994. In their initial fight four-and-a-half years earlier, Chavez rallied to win by 12th-round stoppage.

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Connecticut Boxing Hall of Fame Klassi ta 2015 imħabbra uffiċjalment

Lou DiBella, Shelly Finkel, Arnie Bayer, Carey Mace, George Russo, Peter Timothy & Mewt Sharnik
UNCASVILLE, Conn. (Settembru 15, 2015) – Promotur Lou DiBella u l-maniġer / promotur Shelly Finkel jwassal għal Klassi b'seba 'membri tal 2015 fil-Connecticut Boxing Sala tal-Eroj (CBHOF). New members will be inducted at the 11THannwali Dinner CBHOF Gala induzzjoni nhar il-Ġimgħa lejl,Novembru 13 fil-Ballroom UNCAS fil Mohegan Sun.
Il inductees CBHOF ġodda jinkludi wkoll kummissarju boxing eks Peter Timothy u, wara mewtu, boxers Carey Mace u George Russo, boxing kittieb Mewt Sharnik u boxing avukat Arnie Bayer.
“Aħna fil-Connecticut Boxing Sala tal-Eroj huma eċċitati ħafna li jħabbar klassi din is-sena ta 'inductees,” new CBHOF president John Laudati qal. “We have a great mix of internationally recognized boxing legends and a wonderful and most deserving group of Connecticut’s boxing royalty. Personalment, I am so kuntent li jintroduċu din il-klassi fl-ewwel sena tiegħi bħala President ta 'din l-organizzazzjoni inkredibbli. Ninsab ħerqan li jara fannijiet boxing Connecticut tagħna fuq Mohegan Sun ta 'Novembru 13th.”
Bbażati fi New York City, DiBella (isaffru għax-xellug) huwa l-eks kap tal Boxing għall HBO, ħolqien l-suċċess kbir “Boxing Wara Dark” serje. Kumpanija promozzjonali tiegħu, DiBella Entertainment, has promoted countless boxing events at Mohegan Sun Arena and Foxwoods Resort Casino during the past two decades. DiBella also owned the Connecticut Defenders minor league baseball team that was based in Norwich. His top fighters have included Sergio Martinez,Bernard Hopkins, Paulie Malignaggi, Jermain Taylor, Inductee CBHOF “Irlandiż” Micky Ward, u Andre Berto fost l-notables aktar. A graduate Harvard Law School, DiBella huwa wkoll produttur movie suċċess.
Finkel (stampa li lemin bl-Emanuel Steward tard), ukoll minn New York City, huwa Internazzjonali Boxing Sala tal-Eroj inductee li kien il-muntaġġ fuq Connecticut tissielet għal ħafna snin bħala jew promotur jew manager. He is also a successful manager in the music industry. In the early 1990s, Finkel was arguably the most powerful manager in boxing. His most celebrated clients included Mike Tyson, Evander Holyfield, Manny Pacquiao, Pernell Whitaker, Meldrick Taylor u Wladimir Klitschko.
Timothy (stampa li ħallew l Sugar Ray Leonard) kien kummissarju boxing tal-Kummissjoni Tribali Nazzjonali Mashantucket Pequot fil Foxwoods minn 1995 biex 2009. He was mentored by the late John Burns, who was the founder of the CBHOF of which he is also an inductee. During his tenure at Foxwoods, Mijiet Timothy regolati ta 'avvenimenti pro, Inklużi 90 ġlieda titolu. Highlights of his reign included CBHOF inductee John RuizEvander Holyfield III għall-kampjonat WBA heavyweight dinja u, forsi, l-akbar ġlieda fl-istorja Foxwoods, il-ġlieda titolu cruiserweight dinja IBF bejn James Toney u Vassily Jirov. Other stars who fought at Foxwoods when Timothy was in charge include Roy Jones, Jr., Diego Corrales, Shane Mosely u Acelino Freitas, flimkien ma 'inductees CBHOF Dana Rosenblatt, Peter Manfredo, Jr. u U.S. Olympian Lawrence Clay-Bey.
Mace (72-18-2), imwieled fl Hartford, started fighting professionally in the late 1940s. His most notable victory came in 1950, waqfien eks champion tad-dinja Joe Giardello. Mace was a member of CBHOF charter member Willie Pep's stabbli u ġiet ikklassifikata fuq punt wieħed għoli daqs Nru. 8 welterweight in the world. Mace, aħħar bout li kien telf lil membru CBHOFGaspar Ortega fil 1962, għexu fil Manchester meta miet fl-età ta 73 fil 2003.
Russo kellu 85 tissielet pro bejn 1922 u 1934. He moved to Bridgeport when he was six and he eventually became a local legend in boxing, gyms operattivi bħall Red Man Hall, Acorn Club and East Washington Avenue. Fl 1992, huwa ppreżenta boxing lura wara għaxar snin tul assenza għall-bini PAL Old fil Bridgeport. Russo kien ukoll rikonoxxut bħala l- “Johnny Duka ta 'Southern Connecticut.”
Imwieled fi New Haven, l Sharnick tard għexu kważi ħajtu kollha fl Norwalk, qabel jirritornaw lejn Florida, fejn kien elett fil-Florida Boxing Sala tal-Eroj fil 2012, largely for founding the Smart Boxer Institute. Sharnik was a boxing writer for 23 sena fil Sports Illustrated, enfasizzat mill-kopertura tiegħu ta ' Cassius ClaySonny Liston I, ikkwotat wildly biex tgħid, “Liston għandha fists bħal cannonballs.” He moved on to become the chief for consultant at CBS for nine years and was chief advisor and the lone true believer in George Foreman‘s comeback bid eventually leading to another world heavyweight title. Sharnick also was an advisor for CBHOF member and two-time world champion Marlon Starling, tipperswadi l champion dinja futur li żżid Eddie Futch as his head trainer. Futch’s assistant, Membru CBHOF Freddie Roach, eventwalment ferrovija Starling meta sar welterweight champion tad-dinja.
Bayer kienet rispettata ħafna bħala avukat vera ta 'boxing, dejjem malajr biex jagħtu daqqa t'id, kif ukoll il-ftuħ kartiera biex tgħin fl-appoġġ boxing gyms fil-bliet bħal Subien Club Gym inductee CBHOF Johnny Duka fil Bellevue Pjazza, Hartford.
Biljetti għall-CBHOF 11th annwali Pranzu Gala induzzjoni, bi prezz raġonevoli fil $90.00, huma għall-bejgħ issa billi ċċempel Kim Baker fil Mohegan Sun (1.860.862.7377) jew Sherman Cain fil-Manchester Ġurnal Inquirer (1.800.237.3606 X321). Bibien miftuħa fi 5:30 p.m. U, cocktails fil 6 p.m. U, segwit minn pranzu.
Mur online biex għal informazzjoni addizzjonali dwar il Connecticut Boxing Sala tal-Eroj, 11t tagħhah annwali Pranzu Gala inductee, opportunitajiet sponsorizzazzjoni avveniment, jew inductees CBHOF passat.
Bob Trieger, ISTAMPA Full Qorti,,978.590.0470, fightpublicist
ABOUT CBHOF: The Connecticut Boxing Hall of Fame was founded in 2004 li tonora u tiċċelebra l-karrieri ta 'individwi pendenti involuti fl-isport tal-boxing. Ċerimonja tagħha induzzjoni inawgurali & Pranzu saret 2005. Istorja Connecticut tal boxing sinjuri qatt ma seta 'iffjorixxiet li kieku ma kienx għall-kisbiet ta' dawk stabbiliti fil-Hall of Fame.
Bħala organizzazzjoni li ma tagħmilx profitt, l Connecticut Boxing Hall of Fame hu deċiż li jżommu l-ispirtu ġlied tal Connecticut b'saħħitha permezz ta 'kontribuzzjonijiet ta' karità varji.

Link għall CBHOF Website