Tag Archives: Matt Remillard



Matt Remillard (R) pokračoval vo svojom návrate včera večer veľkým víťazstvom vo Foxwoods
(všetky obrázky od Emily Harney / DiBella Zábava)

Mashantucket, CT (Jún 4, 2017) – Úžasný návrat z Matt “Ostrý strelec” Remillard pokračovalo včera večer, keď sa zastavila populárna ľahká váha Connecticutu Fatiou Fassinou v Broadway Boxing headliner sa konal v divadle Fox, v kasíne Foxwoods Resort, v Mashantuckete, CT.
The Broadway Boxing séria je propagovaná spoločnosťou DiBella Entertainment a prezentovaná spoločnosťou Nissan of Queens, Hodinky Azad, OPTYX, a Christos Steak House.
Remillard, 30, bol č. 2-v rebríčku pérovej váhy na svete v 2011, keď prehral s budúcim majstrom sveta Mikey Garcia (LRTD11). Boj z Manchestru, CT, Dnešný večer bol pre Remillarda prvým v jeho domovskom štáte po šesť a pol roku, kvôli nemu vo výkone päťročného trestu odňatia slobody. Do ringu sa vrátil vlani v apríli, prijímanie osemkolového rozhodnutia z Agustín Mauras, Worcester, MA.
V úvodnom kole, Remillard (25-1, 14 KO) a uhladený Benin-domorodec, bývalý šampión medzinárodného striebra organizácie WBC Fassinou (27-6-3, 14 KO) spoznali sa, keďže obaja bojovníci boli opatrní. Remillard otvoril v druhom kole, pomocou ľavice k telu, zhodil Fassinoua vo svojom rohu počas posledných sekúnd. Do tretice akciu stlačil Remillard, okoreniť Fassinoua okolo ringu jeho známym trestajúcim štýlom, uvedenie Fassinoua do jeho “Ostrý strelec” mieridlá na precvičovanie terčov vo štvrtom. Fassinou nedokázal odpovedať na zvonček pre piate kolo.
“Proti juhu, ľavý hák na pečeň je tam, úder, ktorým som známy,” Remillard komentoval po boji. “Bol trochu lajdáckejší, ako som čakal. Cítil som sa dobre; Ja som 24/7 v telocvični. Možno budem mať tento rok ešte jeden zápas, aby som sa dostal do niektorých kôl, a potom sa pripravte na veľkú 2018. Chcem odvetný zápas s Garciom, na 135 alebo 140 libier, 100-percento. Dlží mi odvetný zápas. Ten chlap, ktorého zbil, som nebol ja.”
Ruslan Šamalov (L) & George Arias sa zapojil do boja noci
V spolupráci funkcie, dve ťažké váhy so sídlom v New Yorku, 6'5″ Ruský Ruslan Šamalov (4-1, 3 KO) a dominikánsky “Gentleman” George Arias (7-0, 3 KO), bojovať z Brooklynu a Bronxu, príslušne, dať svoje neporazené rekordy na linku. Shamalovove silné údery otriasli oveľa kratšími 5:11” Árie v prvom kole, ale Arias zostal mimo povrazov a v druhom boxoval oveľa lepšie. Dvaja bojovníci si počas úžasného tretieho kola vymenili bomby, nejako, štvrtý bol ešte lepší s tam a späť, nonstop akcia. V piatom kole tempo mierne opadlo, pripraviť pôdu pre bombový šiesty a posledný frame, ktorý nesklamal.
Šamalov a Arias bojovali v zúrivom tempe, najmä pre ťažké váhy, v oprávnenom šesťkole “Boj roka” kandidát. Arias, vedúci Team Wash Em’ Hore v Bronxe, vyhral šesťkolové jednomyseľné rozhodnutie o skóre 60-54, 59-55, a 58-56.
“Táto výhra bola pre mňa obrovská,” povedal prešťastný Arias, po svojom prvom šesťkolovom súboji. “Mal som herný plán, ale raz mi ublížil v prvom kole, moje srdce sa prebralo a ja som len bojoval. Rád bojujem za ľudí, tak som sa držal v prvom namiesto toho, aby som vzal koleno.”
Mykquan Williams (R) oslávil maturitu o niečo skôr
Obľúbený davom “Podivuhodný” Mykquan Williams (7-0, 4 KO) daroval si predčasnú promóciu, keď bojovník z East Hartfordu porazil nikaragujskú welterovú váhu Ariel “Vojna” Vasquez (13-18-2, 9 KO) v prvom šesťkolovom súboji. 19-ročný Williams, päťnásobný národný amatérsky šampión, je začínajúca hviezda s obrovským vzostupom. Pripravený nad svoje roky, Williams kontroloval tempo proti svojmu bojovne skúšanému súperovi Southpaw, ktorý je 11 rokov Williams’ senior, predvádza svoj obrovský arzenál úderov, najmä jeho ľavo-pravá kombinácia, ktorá dôsledne pristávala. Williams’ rýchle ruky prvýkrát vybuchli na konci druhého kola, potom zachytil svoj útok v treťom, keď prešiel k šesťkolovému rozhodnutiu o odstavení, s tromi súčtami 60-54.
Williams maturuje na Jún 20 od Prince Tech. “Bol to dobrý darček k promócii,” Williams povedal,. “Rýchlosť mojej ruky hrala veľký faktor. Bol to tvrdý chlap, špeciálne pre moju prvú šesťkolku.”
Jennifer Salinas (R) mal toho na Marquitu Lee príliš veľa
šampión perovej váhy Jennifer “Bolívijská kráľovná” Salinas (20-4, 5 KO) porazený Marquita Lee (3-5) cestou tvrdo vybojovaného šesťkolového jednomyseľného rozhodnutia. Salinas, bojovanie mimo Providence, bol celý čas agresorom, ale Lee nikdy neurobil krok späť. Výsledkové listy 59-55 dvakrát, a 58-56, všetko pre Salinasa.
Boj s oveľa skúsenejším a vyšším súperom z Afriky, sľubná Lynn, MA vyhliadka Khyry “TNT” Todd (5-0, 5 KO) vyhral svoj piaty profi zápas, všetci knockout. A 2016 New England Golden rukavice majster, Todd získal neoceniteľné skúsenosti proti cagey super welterovej váhe Nicolas Sarouna (12-9-1, 9 KO), z Toga, ktorý si poranil koleno po tom, čo ho v treťom kole zasiahol záludný horný strih. Sarouna nedokázal prekonať 10-počet, keď Todd zlepšil svoj perfektný rekord, so zastávkou TKO na k 1:32 značka.
Radzhab Butaev nechal Abrahama Alvareza na žinenke s vážnymi bolesťami
Neporazený ruský vyhliadkový hráč strednej váhy Rajab “Python” Butaev (6-0, 4 KO) bolo na Mexičana priveľa Abraham “The Swift” Alvarez (20-11-1, 11 KO). Butaev predčasne zhodil Alvareza zlým ľavým hákom, z ktorého sa Alvarez nikdy úplne nespamätal. Brutálne právo na pečeň Mexičana opäť položilo na podložku, pri zjavnej bolesti, ako rozhodca Joey Lupino okamžite odmával z boja o 1:05 okrúhleho jedného.
Kubánska krížová váha Luis “Lev” Garcia (15-0, 12 KO) Svoj perfektný profesionálny rekord si udržal nedotknutý, keď v prvom kole knockoutoval svojho deklasovaného mexického súpera Felipe Romero (19-14-1, 13 KO), v boji zo San Diega. Teraz žije v Peekskill, NY, Garcia prehodil Romera hneď v úvodných sekundách presilou a ten nikdy nepoľavil, sústavne ubližovať Romerovi sériou devastujúcich práv. Garcia uzavrel prehliadku s prevratným výkonom, vedúci rozhodca Johnny Callas zastaviť akciu na 1:48 značka.
Trojnásobný člen portorického národného boxerského tímu Jose Roman (4-0, 3 KO) išiel na diaľku prvýkrát proti hre William Hill (2-3), Detroit. Zručný Portoričan super welterová váha vyvinul tlak z úvodného zvonu, pomocou prudkého telesného útoku na Hill, ktorý bol väčšinu boja uväznený na lane. Rozhodcovia sa spočítali 40-36 dvakrát, a 39-37, všetko pre Romana prostredníctvom jednomyseľného rozhodnutia.
Bojoval aj neporazený uchádzač o perovú váhu z DiBella Entertainment Luis Rosa v sobotu, headliner karty vo Floyd Little Athletic Center v jeho rodnom meste New Haven, CT, tvárou v tvár Carlosovi Osoriovi, Managua, Nikaragua. Rosa tlačil na svojho protivníka počas celej súťaže, utláčať ho stabilným útokom na telo. Osorio bol zver a mal tuhý úder, aj keď kombinácie obľúbeného domáceho mesta zvnútra pomohli znížiť výkon Nikaragujčanov. Veriť, že Osorio dostal veľký trest, rozhodca prerušil súťaž o hod 1:25 značka kolo šiestich, udelil Rose víťazstvo TKO. Vďaka víťazstvu, Rosa sa zlepšila 23-0 (11 KO), zatiaľ čo Osoriov rekord klesol na 13-7 (5 KO).
Kompletné výsledky Foxwoods nižšie:
Oficiálne výsledky
Matt Remillard (25-1, 14 KO), Manchester, CT
WTKO4 (3:00)
Fatiou Fassinou (27-6-3, 14 KO), Cotonou, Benin
George Arias (7-0, 3 KO), Bronx, NY
WDEC6 (60-54, 59-55, 58-56)
Ruslan Šamalov (4-1, 3 KO), Brooklyn, NY
Luis Garcia (15-0, 12 KO), Peekskill, NY
WTKO1 (1:48).
Felipe Romero (19-14-1, 13 KO), San Diego, AKO
Stredná váhy
Radžab Butajev (6-0, 5 KO), Brooklyn, NY
WTKO1 (1:05)
Abraham Alvarez (20-11-1, 11 KO), Ruženec, Mexiko
SUPER super-velterová váha
Khiry Todd (5-0, 5 KO), Lynn, MA
WKO3 (1:32)
Nicolas Sarouna (12-9-1, 9 KO), Lome, Ísť
Jose Roman (4-0, 3 KO), Bayamon, Portoriko
WDEC4 (40-36, 40-36, 39-37)
William Hill (2-3), Detroit, MY
Super-velterová váha
Myquan Williams (7-0, 4 KO), East Hartford, CT
WDEC6 (60-54, 60-54, 60-54)
Ariel Vasquez (13-18-2, 9 KO), Managua, Nikaragua
Jennifer Salinas (20-4, 5 KO), Prozreteľnosť, RI
WDEC6 (59-55, 59-55, 58-56)
Marquita Lee (3-5), Novato, AKO
Webové stránky: www.dbe1.com, www.foxwoods.com
Neštebotajú & Instagram: DiBellaEnt, LouDiBella, @FoxwoodsCT


Mashantucket, CT (Jún 2, 2017)All the boxers made weight today for today'S (Sat., Jún 3) Broadway Boxing event to be held in Fox Theater, v kasíne Foxwoods Resort, v Mashantuckete, CT,
The popular Broadway Boxing séria je propagovaná spoločnosťou DiBella Entertainment a prezentovaná spoločnosťou Nissan of Queens, Hodinky Azad, OPTYX, a Christos Steak House, will showcase some of New England’s top fighters.

Main Event – Ľahké — (8)

(L) Matt Remillard (24-1, 13 KO), Manchester, CT 135 lbs.

(R) Fatiou Fassinou (27-5-3, 14 KO), Cotonou, Benin 133 lbs.
Co-Feature – Ťažké váhy (6)
(L) Ruslan Šamalov (4-0, 3 KO), Brooklyn, NY by way of Russia 233 lbs.
(R) George Arias (6-0, 3 KO), Bronx, NY by way of Dominican Republic 230 lbs.
Super-velterová váha (6)
(L) Myquan Williams (6-0, 4 KO), East Hartford, CT 146 lbs.
(R) Ariel Vasquez (13-17-2, 9 KO), Managua, Nikaragua 147 lbs.
Female Super Lightweights (6)
(L) Jennifer Salinas (19-4, 5 KO), Prozreteľnosť, RI 135 lbs.
(R) Marquita Lee (3-4), Novato, AKO 132 lbs.
Super Welterweights (4)
(L) Khiry Todd (4-0, 4 KO), Lynn, MA 149 lbs.
(R) Nicolas Sarouna (12-8-1, 9 KO), Lome, Ísť 148 lbs.
Stredné váhy (8)
(L) Radžab Butajev (5-0, 4 KO), Brooklyn, NY by way of Russia 153 lbs.
(R) Abraham Alvarez (20-10-1, 11 KO), Ruženec, Mexiko 157 lbs.
Cruiserweights (6)
(L) Luis Garcia (14-0, 11 KO), Peekskill, NY by way of Cuba 194 lbs.
(R) Felipe Romero (19-13-1, 13 KO), San Diego, CA by way of Mexico 195 lbs.
Super Welterweights (4)
(L) Jose Roman (3-0, 3 KO), Bayamon, Portoriko 149 lbs.
(R) William Hill (2-2), Detroit, MY 148 lbs.
CO: “Broadway Boxing” professional boxing
KEDY: Sobota, Jún 3, 2017
KDE: Divadlo Fox, Foxwoods Resort Casino, Mashantucket, CT
Promotérov: DiBella Zábava
DOORS OPEN: 7:00 p.m. A
FIRST BOUT: 7:30 p.m. A
VSTUPENKY: Cena na $125, $75 a $45. Tickets can be purchased online at Foxwoods.com, Ticketmaster.com, na telefónnom čísle 800-200-2882, or visiting the Foxwoods box office
Webové stránky: www.dbe1.com, www.foxwoods.com
Neštebotajú & Instagram: DiBellaEnt, LouDiBella, @FoxwoodsCT
Sobota, Júna 3


Sobota, Júna 3
New York, NY (5/22/17) – Na Sobota, Jún 3, DiBella Entertainment will return to the Fox Theater at Foxwoods Resort Casino, v Mashantuckete, CT, for the latest exciting installment of its popular Broadway Boxing séria, presented by Nissan of Queens, Hodinky Azad, OPTYX, a Christos Steak House. The card will feature a bevy of New England talent, including fan favorite Shelly “Shelito Way” Vincent in an eight-round special attraction featherweight bout, as well as lightweight Matt Remillard on the comeback and welterweight prospect Mykquan Williams on the rise.
I am happy to bring another great card back to Foxwoods, which continues to be a terrific venue for Broadway Boxing,” povedal Lou DiBella, Prezident DiBella Entertainment. “Fans will not want to miss the always-entertaining Shelly Vincent, who is a great ambassador for women’s boxing. The stacked undercard will include local New England favorites Matt Remillard, Mykquan Williams, Jonathan Figueroa, and Khiry Todd, as well as Russian future world champion Radzhab Butaev and a battle between unbeaten heavyweight prospects Ruslan Shamalov and George Arias.
One of the most popular fighters out of the New England area, Škrupinový “Shelito Way” Vincent (19-1, 1 KO), born in New London, CT, but now residing in Providence, RI, will compete at Foxwoods for the seventh time, in an eight-round featherweight bout. Vlani v auguste, Vincent entered enemy territory to challenge rival Heather Hardy in her adversary’s hometown of Brooklyn, NY. Their highly publicized grudge match was nationally televised by NBC Sports Net and was hailed by Ring Magazine as theFemale Fight of the Year” pre 2016. Vincent was also honored by the Connecticut Boxing Hall of Fame as their “Fighter roka” pre 2016, becoming the first female recipient of the award. She rebounded from her only defeat with a unanimous decision victory on December 2, back home in Rhode Island. Before turning pro in October 2011, Vincent was a Connecticut State, Connecticut Golden rukavice, and National Golden Gloves champion as an amateur. Managed by Mike Criscio and trained by Peter Manfredo Sr., Vincent signed with DiBella Entertainment in 2016.
Matt “Ostrý strelec” Remillard (24-1, 13 KO), of Hartford, CT, will continue his comeback, following a six-year ring absence, v osem-guľaté ľahký záchvat. It will be his first fight in his home state since November 2010. Pre nakoľko 2005, Remillard is a former WBC Youth, WBC-USNBC, NABF and NABO featherweight champion. His only loss came in March 2011 to the unbeaten Mikey Garcia, now the WBC world lightweight champion. He is trained by Paul Cichon, a local legend and community leader, out of Manchester Ring of Champions Society boxing gym. Ako amatér, Remillard accumulated a record of 115-25, and was a two-time Everlast Under-19 National amateur champion.
Highly touted East Hartford welterweight prospect Mykquan Williams (6-0, 4 KO) has kept a busy pace since turning pro last April. Promoted by DiBella Entertainment and managed by Jackie Kallen, the 19-year-old Williams will return to Foxwoods, where he has built a strong following, for the sixth time, in his first scheduled six-rounder. Williams is also trained by Cichon, whom he’s known since he was a child and looks upon as a surrogate father. His biological father was murdered when Mykquan was just a week old. Williams was a decorated amateur with a 45-13 záznam, highlighted by three gold-medal performances at the Ringside World Championships, in addition to winning the PAL Tournament and Silver Gloves Championships.
Unbeaten New York-based heavyweights will collide in their toughest tests to date, when Russian Ruslan Šamalov (4-0, 3 KO) meets Dominican George Arias (6-0, 3 KO) v šiestich kole súťaže na.
Born in Cherkessk, Rusko, and now living in Brooklyn, the 6’5Shamalov was a two-time amateur MMA champion before switching to boxing and engaging in 30 amateur bouts while participating on the Russian National team. Shamalov turned pro in October 2016 and is trained by Eduard Kravtsov out of Wild Card Gym, v Los Angeles, AKO. Vo svojom poslednom zápase na Apríl 5, Shamalov returned home to Russia and registered a first-round knockout versus Oleksandr Nesterenko in 43 sekundy.
Arias was born in San Francisco de Macoris, Dominikánska republika, then moved to New York City in 1996, at four years old. Avšak, it wasn’t until graduating high school that Arias learned to box at Morris Park Boxing Gym near his home in The Bronx. He won the New York Golden Gloves tournament in 2014 then turned pro that October. Arias recently returned from a 13-month ring hiatus with a four-round unanimous decision versus Jamal Woods in Lawrenceville, GA, apríla 29.
Kubánska krížová váha Luis Garcia (14-0, 11 KO), based out of Peekskill, NY, will see action in a six-round bout. After being denied a berth on the Cuban Olympic team, despite winning in the Cuban Olympic qualifiers preparing for the Games in Beijing, Garcia defected from his native land and settled in Cork, Írsko, where he turned pro in September 2008. Having built his record to a perfect 11-0 over the next 26 mesiaca, Garcia then relocated to the United States to resume his career. On December 5, 2015, Garcia made his New York debut at Barclays Center, v Brooklyne, earning a 63-second knockout versus Willie Williams. Anther first-round knockout followed in his last bout on June 25, 2016, at Buffalo Run Casino, v Miami, OK.
Russian amateur prodigy Radžab Butajev (5-0, 4 KO), co-promoted by DiBella Entertainment and Fight Promotions Inc. and managed by Vadim Kornilov, will make his second appearance at Foxwoods in an eight-round contest. Na November 19, Butaev earned an eight-round shutout victory versus experienced Hungarian Gabor Gorbics to win the NABF junior middleweight title. Vo svojom poslednom záchvate, na Apríl 5, Butaev returned to Russia to stop Baxrom Payazov inside one round. The 22-year-old Butaev, born in Salsk, Rusko, and now living in Los Angeles, was a highly accomplished amateur, having compiled an incredible 304-12 záznam, s 164 priechodky. He participated in the World Series of Boxing as well, finishing at 9-1.
A native of the boxing rich city of Bayamon, Portoriko, Jose Roman (3-0, 3 KO) will make his US debut in a four-round welterweight contest. Roman began boxing at 13 years of age amassing a stellar 124-17 amateur record along the way. He joined the Puerto Rican National team in 2012, winning three consecutive National championships from 2013-2015.
Junior welterweight Jonathan Figueroa (2-1, 1 KO), of Hartford, CT, will fight in a four-round contest. Managed by Vinny Scolpino, Figueroa turned pro on a Broadway Boxing card held at Foxwoods on Septembra 1 vlani. Training out of Hartford PAL gym, Figueroa was a 2012 Golden Gloves champion as an amateur.
Welterweight Khiry Todd (3-0, 3 KO), od Lynn, MA, will make his Connecticut debut in a four-round contest. The 25-year-old Todd had 40 amateur bouts and won the New England Golden Gloves tournament before turning pro last December with a 42-second demolition of Patrick Leal.
Vstupenky na Jún 3 Broadway Boxing udalosť, which is promoted by DiBella Entertainment and presented by Nissan of Queens, Hodinky Azad, OPTYX, a Christos Steak House, sú ceny na $125, $75 a $45. Tickets can be purchased online at Foxwoods.com, Ticketmaster.com, na telefónnom čísle 800-200-2882, or visiting the Foxwoods box office. Dvere otvorené na 7:00popoludní, with the first fight scheduled for 7:30popoludní.

Vinnie Carita stops Gilberto Matheus Domingos In one round of body punches

Matt Remillard returns with impressive decision Over tough Augustine Mauras
Vinnie Carita punished Gilberto Matheus Domingos
(všetky obrázky od Emily Harney / Rivera Promotions Entertainment)
WORCESTER, Hmota. (Apríl 2, 2017) – Popular Massachusetts heavyweight VinnieAmerican NightmareCarita was too much for former South American champion Gilberto MatheusEl MagicoDomingos včera v noci “New England’s Future 2main event at Worcester Palladium. A capacity crowd of 1,700 rocked the vintage venue from start to finish.
New England’s Future 2was presented by Rivera Promotions Entertainment (RPE), which is owned and operated by retired three-time, dve divízie majster sveta Jose Antonio Rivera a jeho syn, dohadzovač Anthonee (A.J.) Rivera. Rivera announced thatNew England’s Future 3” sa bude konať June 10th at DCU Center, Exhibition Hall, Worcester.
Carita (16-1-1, 15 KO), fighting out of Pembroke (MA), unleashed a relentless body attack on his Brazilian foe, Domingos (22-7, 20 KO), who was unable to answer the bell for the second round due to damaged ribs.
I was hoping to get in more rounds but unfortunately I didn’t get ’em dnes večer,” Carita (pictured to the right) komentoval. “Based on his record, I thought he’d be more competitive, but that fell short. I keep stepping up (quality of his opponents) but they haven’t lasted with me.
Matt Remillard (R) was home once again in the ring.
The feel-good story of the evening was the long awaited return of Manchester (CT) ľahká váha Matt “Ostrý strelec” Remillard (24-1, 13 KO), who was incarcerated five years and hadn’t fought in six. Remillard pounded his opponent, Augustine “Nemilosrdný” Maura (6-2-3 3 KO), whose toughness showed throughout the contest as Remillard pounded his Lawrence (MA) opponent to the body and head en route to a eight-round unanimous decision (80-71, 79-72, 78-73) v čo-funkcie. Mauras was deducted a point in the fourth round for headbutting.
I was a little rusty but I got better as the fight went on,” Remillard said. “He’s a tough kid who was slippery inside. If the fight went a little longer, I think I would have gotten him out of there.
Worcester heavyweight Bryan Daniels (4-0, 2 KO) zostal neporazený, dropping “Peniaze” Mike Sawyer (7-8, 5 KO) four times in the opening round, the last coming on the end of a vicious left-hook, resulting in referee Mike Ryan immediatelty stopped the contest without counting.
Dorchester (MA) ťažká váha DonnieBig Nasty” Palmer (9-1-1, 8 KO) outclassed Bobby Favors (1-4, 1 KO), Cleveland, on his way to a first-round technical knockout win. Palmer has comeback from being shot in the stomach last summer by his sister’s abusive boyfriend. He recently served as a sparring partner for Wladimir Klitschko.
Hartford junior welterweight Anthony Laureano (3-0, 2 KO), a 2016 New England Golden rukavice majster, continued to impress with a third-round technical knockout victory over battled-tested upstate New Yorker Bryan “Tehla” Abraham (6-25-1, 6 KO).
Hot junior welterweight prospect “Podivuhodný” Mykquan Williams (6-0, 4 KO), the 18-year-old high school senior from Manchester (CT), lived up to his nickname with an explosive first-round knockout of Mexican veteran fighter Izrael “TigreRojas (10-16, 3 KO).
Three-time USA Boxing Nationals champion elvis Figueroa (1-0, 1 KO), from New Haven (CT), turned in a strong professional debut, stopping Brazilian super middleweight Devision Ribiero (0-4), who was unable to continue after two rounds.
Worcesterská welterová váha Andy Gonzalez (6-1, 5 KO) cruised to a four-round unanimous decision over a game Antonio Chavez Fernandes (7-30-4, 2 KO), z Brocktonu (MA).
Lawrence (MA) mušia vyhliadky AdrianTonka” Sosa (2-0, 2 KO), thre 2015 Nový… England Golden Gloves champion, vyradení Oscar Diaz (0-11), of Hartford, v polovici otváracieho kola.
Pro-debuting Luis “Pancho” Santiago (0-0-1), bojovať zo Springfieldu (MA), a alex Montes (1-2-1), Lawrence (MA), fought to a hard-fought four-round draw.
Springfield junior middleweight Žeriav “double Impact” jjjas (10-16, 3 Whitley (1-0) won his pro debut in an entertaining opener with a four-round unanimous decision over Anthony Everett (1-5), Lawrence.
Oficiálne výsledky
Vinnie Carita (16-1-1, 15 KO), Pembroke, MA
WTKO1 (3:00)
Gilberto Matheus Domingos (22-7, 20 KO), Sao Paulo, Brazília
Matt Remillard (24-1, 13 KO), Manchester, CT
WDEC8 (80-71, 79-72, 78-73)
Augustine Mauras (6-2-3, 3 KO), Lawrence, MA
Ťažké váhy
Bryan Daniels (4-0, 2 KO), Worcester, MA
WTKO1 (2:54)
Mike Sawyer (7-8, 5 KO), Winter Park, FL
Donnie Palmer (9-1-1, 8 KO), Dorchester, MA
WTKO1 (2:06)
Bobby Favors (1-5, 1 KO), Cleveland, OH
SUPER strednej váhy
elvis Figueroa (1-0, 1KO), New Haven, CT
WTKO2 (3:00)
Devision Ribiero (0-4), Tampa, FL
Derrick Whitley (1-0), Springfield, MA
WDEC4 (40-36, 40-36, 39-37)
Anthony Everett (1-5), Lawrence, MA
Super-velterová váha
Andy Gonzales (6-1, 5 KO), Worcester, MA
WDEC4 (39-37, 39-37, 39-37)
Antonio Chavez Fernandes (7-31-4, 2 KO), Brockton, MA
Adrian Sosa (2-0, 2 KO), Lawrence, MA
WKO1 (1:34)
Oscar Diaz (0-11), Hartford, CT
Anthony Laureano (2-0, 1 KO), East Hartford, CT
Bryan Abraham (6-24-1, 6 KO
Mykquan Williams (6-0, 4 KO), Manchester, CT
WKO1 (2:05)
Israel Rojas (10-16, 3 KO), Aqua Prieta, Sonora, Mexiko
Luis Santiago (0-0-1), Springfield, MA
D4 (40-36, 36-40, 38-38)
alex Montes (1-2-1), Lawrence, MA
Sponsors included Lundgren Honda, Championsofhealth.usana.com, TKO Auto Repair, John Young Tree Service and Royal Cleanup.
Neštebotajú: @RiveraPromoEnt @joseriverachamp @KingRivera_


WORCESTER, Hmota. (Marec 31, 2017) – Rivera Promotions Entertainment (RPE) held the official weigh today at Ballot Box for zajtra noc je “New England’s Future 2show at Worcester Palladium.
Below are the official weights and pictures by Emily Harney:
(L) Vinnie Carita (15-1-1 (14 KO), Pembroke, MA 195.2 lbs.
(R) Gilberto Matheus Domingos (22-6, 20 KO), Sao Paulo, Brazília 196 lbs.
(R) Matt Remillard (23-1, 13 KO), Manchester, CT 136.8 lbs.
(L) Augustine Mauras (6-1-3, 3 KO), Lawrence, MA 138 lbs.
Ťažké váhy (4)
Bryan Daniels (3-0, 1 KO), Worcester, MA 199 lbs.
Mike Sawyer (7-7, 5 KO), Winter Park, FL 200 lbs.
Donnie Palmer (8-1-1, 7 KO), Dorchester, MA 275 lbs.
Bobby Favors (0-5), Cincinnati, OH 377 lbs.
SUPER strednej váhy (4)
elvis Figueroa (pre debut), New Haven, CT 167 lbs.
Devision Ribiero (0-3), Tampa, FL 167 lbs.
Derrick Whitley (pre debut), Springfield, MA 152 lbs.
Anthony Everett (1-4), Lawrence, MA 155 lbs.
Super-velterová váha (4)
Andy Gonzalez (5-1, 5 KO), Worcester, MA 151.4 lbs.
Antonio Chavez Fernandes (7-30-4, 2 KO), Brockton, MA 151.4 lbs.
Adrian Sosa (1-0, 1 KO), Lawrence, MA 145 lbs.
Oscar Diaz (0-10), Hartford, CT 143 lbs.
Anthony Laureano (2-0, 1 KO), East Hartford, CT 138 lbs.
Bryan Abraham (6-24-1, 6 KO 141 lbs.
Mykquan Williams (5-0, 3 KO), Manchester, CT 141 lbs.
Israel Rojas (10-15, 3 KO), Aqua Prieta, Sonora, Mexiko 141 lbs.
Luis Santiago (pre debut), Springfield, MA 127 lbs.
alex Montes (1-2), Lawrence, MA 133 lbs.
Lístky, cena na $65.00 (prvý rad) a $35.00 (všeobecné prijatie), sú v predaji a sú k dispozícii na kúpu na www.ThePalladium.net alebo Palladium pokladnica (len všeobecné prijatie), alebo kontaktovaním Jose Rivera (elgallojar@gmail.com/508.864.6954), AJ Rivera (anthoneerivera@gmail.com/774.272.2269) alebo niektorý z bojovníkov. A portion of the proceeds will go to Make A Change Inc.
Dvere otvorené na 6 p.m. A, prvý zápas 7 p.m. A.
Sponzormi patrí Lundgren Honda, Championsofhealth.usana.com, TKO Auto Repair, John Young Tree Service and Royal Cleanup.

Matt “Ostrý strelec” Remillard’s Ring comeback no April Fool’s Joke

New England’s Future 2”, Apríl 1 Worcester

Matt Remillard (centrum) is prepared to make up for lost time
(photo by Emily Harney / Team Remillard)
WORCESTER, Hmota. (Marec 20, 2017) – The long trip back begins April 1st pre Matt “Ostrý strelec” Remillard, 12 years to the day from his professional debut, na “New England’s Future 2show at the Palladium in Worcester, Massachusetts.
Remillard (23-1, 13 KO), fighting out of Manchester, Connecticut, hasn’t boxed for the six years, kvôli nemu vo výkone päťročného trestu odňatia slobody. He takes on Lawrence (MA) ľahká váha Augustine “Nemilosrdný” Maura (6-1-3, 3 KO) in the eight-round co-feature. If their tense, near volatile stare-down at a recent press conference is a true indication, Remillard vs. Mauras is not going the distance, to put things mildly.
New England’s Future 2is presented by Rivera Promotions Entertainment (RPE), which is owned and operated by retired three-time, dve divízie majster sveta Jose Antonio Rivera a jeho syn, Anthonee (A.J.) Rivera.
I am excited to have a boxer of Remillard’s caliber on our ‘New England’s Future 2’ box udalosť,” promoter Jose Antonio Rivera remarked. “He has a tough match against August time Mauras for his first fight back. Knowing Remillard, hoci, he wouldn’t have it any other way. I want to thank Matt, Paul Cichon (Hlava tréner) and their team for trusting Rivera Promotions Entertainment for Matt’s first boxing match back from his long layoff.
Remillard is a former World Boxing Council (WBC) Spojené štáty americké & Youth World, North American Boxing Federation (NABF) a Svetová boxová organizácia (WBO) šampión perovej váhy. His lone pro loss came in his last fight, Marec 23, 2011 in Atlantic City to then rising star Mikey Garcia (24-0), when Remillard retired after 11 kolesá. He won’t make excuses; však, he never should have taken the fight with Garcia, facing the impending court case that sent him to prison and working with a new head trainer he’d only met two weeks prior to the fight.
I’m confident I can get back to where I was in about a year,” the 30-year-old Remillard said. “A dream come true would be a rematch with Garcia, at any weight, but I have to earn that shot. Everybody wants a rematch with the guy who gave you the first loss. It seldom happens but, Ak nie je uvedené, in time I believe there will be other big fights out there for me.
I’m fighting an opponent who fought by buddy, Chip Perez, trikrát (0-2-1), so I’m familiar with his style. He doesn’t back down. I don’t expect him to back down against meuntil he feels my power. I’m going to take out those five years that I was away on him. I’ve been through so much the last six year but I’m most comfortable in the gym. The past is past and this is my last run. Paul and I have a lot of unfinished business to take care of.
Seventeen years ago, Chicon first met Remillard at the Manchester PAL gym, but he made the 13-year-old aspiring boxer earn his opportunity to be trained. Paul made Matt clean the bathrooms, take care of spit buckets, etc. before he started training him.
When he returned to the gym a few months back, I saw that his work ethic hadn’t faded,” Cichon commented. “I don’t believe he’s really that far away from where he was six years ago. He was idle five years but his first day back he sparred 12 kolesá. He stayed in good physical shape and is hungrier than ever. He thinks he has something to prove after his last fight, but he really doesn’t have anything to prove to me or anybody else. He is fighting a tough kid but Matt’s going to be victorious. I think in four or five more fights he’ll be back where he was in boxing.
Pembroke (MA) Cruiserweight VinnieAmerican NightmareCarita (15-1-1, 14 KOs will headline against Brazilian KO specialist Gilberto MatheusEl MagicoDomingos (22-6, 20 KO), the former South American light heavyweight champion, v osemkolovom hlavnom turnaji.
Dorchester (MA) ťažká váha DonnieBig Nasty” Palmer (8-1-1, 7 KO) faces unbeaten Quian Davis (4-0-2, 2 KO), of Mays Landing (NJ), in a four-round bout.
2016 New England Golden rukavice majster Anthony Laureano (2-0, 1 KO), fighting out of East Hartford (CT), meets Schenectady (NY) veterán Bryan “Tehla” Abraham (6-23-1, 6 KO) v šiestich kole stretnutí.
Fighting on the undercard in four round bouts are Worcester cruiserweight Bryan Daniels (3-0, 1 KO) proti. Mexican invader Jose HumbertoOlympicoCorall (19-23, 12 KO), Worcester mušia Andino Rans (1-0) proti. Mike Hellenfinger (0-2), Harrisburg (PA), three-time USA Boxing Nationals champion elvis Figueroa, New Haven (CT) makes his pro debut vs. Brazilian super middleweight Devision Robiero (0-3), Worcesterská welterová váha Andy Gonzalez (5-1, 5 KO) proti. Brockton’s Antonio Chavez Fernandes (7-30-4, 2 KO), 2014 N.E. Golden rukavice majster, Lawrence junior welterweight Adrian Sosa (2-0, 1 KO) proti. TBA), Worcester’s pro-debuting super middleweights Neal Sullivan proti. Nathan Schulte, Springfield (MA) junior middleweight Derrick Whitley proti. Anthony Everett (104), Lawrence, pro-debuting Springfield featherweight Luis “Pancho” Santiago proti. alex Montes (1-2), Lawrence, and unbeaten Manchester (CT) junior welterweight “Podivuhodný” Mykqyan Williams (5-0, 3 K0s) proti. TBA..
Všetky boje a bojovníci sa môžu zmeniť.
Lístky, cena na $65.00 (prvý rad) a $35.00 (všeobecné prijatie), sú v predaji a sú k dispozícii na kúpu na www.ThePalladium.net alebo Palladium pokladnica (len všeobecné prijatie), alebo kontaktovaním Jose Rivera (elgallojar@gmail.com/508.864.6954), AJ Rivera (anthoneerivera@gmail.com/774.272.2269) alebo niektorý z bojovníkov. A portion of the proceeds will go to Make A Change Inc.
Dvere otvorené na 6 p.m. A, prvý zápas 7 p.m. A.
Sponzormi patrí Lundgren Honda, Championsofhealth.usana.com, TKO Auto Repair, John Young Tree Service and Royal Cleanup.
Neštebotajú: @RiveraPromoEnt @joseriverachamp @KingRivera_

New England’s Future 2Press Conference quotes & pictures April 1 Worcester


(photo by Emily Harney)
WORCESTER, Hmota. (Marec 9, 2017) – Rivera Promotions Entertainment (RPE) held a press conference last night at Ballot Box in Worcester (MA) to formally announce its April 1stNew England’s Future 2show at the Palladium in Worcester, Massachusetts.
New England’s Future 2is presented by Rivera Promotions Entertainment (RPE), which is owned and operated by retired three-time, dve divízie majster sveta Jose Antonio Rivera a jeho syn, Anthonee (A.J.) Rivera.
Pembroke (MA) Cruiserweight VinnieAmerican NightmareCarita (15-1-1, 14 KOs will headline against Brazilian knockout artist Gilberto MatheusEl MagicoDomingos (22-6, 20 KO), the former South American light heavyweight champion, v osemkolovom hlavnom turnaji. Carita, like promoter Rivera, is a court officer in Brockton (MA) and Worcester, príslušne.
Manchester (CT) ľahká váha Matt “Ostrý strelec” Remillard (23-1, 13 KO) returns to the ring for the first time in six years obloženie Augustine “Nemilosrdný” Maura (6-1-3, 3 KO), Lawrence (MA), V ôsmich kole ko-funkcie,
Dorchester (MA) ťažká váha DonnieBig Nasty” Palmer (8-1-1, 7 KO) spĺňa Alando Pugh (1-10-1, 1 KO) in a four-round bout. Bradley was shot in the stomach last summer by his sister’s abusive boyfriend.
2016 New England Golden rukavice majster Anthony Laureano (2-0, 1 KO), fighting out of East Hartford (CT), takes on veteran Bryan “Tehla” Abraham (6-23-1, 6 KO) v šiestich dokola záchvat.
Fighting on the undercard in four round matches are Worcester cruiserweight Bryan Daniels (3-0, 1 KO) proti. Tracey Johnson (4-5-4, 1 KO), Boston, Worcester mušia Andino Rans (1-0) proti. Mike Hellenfinger (0-2), Harrisburg (PA), three-time USA Boxing Nationals champion elvis Figueroa, New Haven (CT) makes his pro debut vs. Brazilian super middleweight Devision Robiero (0-3), Worcesterská welterová váha Andy Gonzales (5-1, 5 KO) proti. pre-debutovať Irving Veloz, 2014 N.E. Golden rukavice majster, Lawrence junior welterweight Adrian Sosa (2-0, 1 KO) proti. Jimmy Rosario (2-4, 1 KO), pro-debuting super middleweights Neal Sullivan, z Worcesteru, proti. Nathan Schulte, Springfield (MA) junior middleweight Derrick Whitley proti. Anthony Everett (104), Lawrence, pro-debuting Springfield featherweight Luis “Pancho” Santiago proti. alex Montes (1-2), Lawrence, and unbeaten Manchester (CT) junior welterweight “Podivuhodný” Mykqyan Williams (5-0, 3 K0s vs. TBA..
Všetky boje a bojovníci sa môžu zmeniť.
Lístky, cena na $65.00 (prvý rad) a $35.00 (všeobecné prijatie), sú v predaji a sú k dispozícii na kúpu na www.ThePalladium.net alebo Palladium pokladnica (len všeobecné prijatie), alebo kontaktovaním Jose Rivera (elgallojar@gmail.com/508.864.6954), AJ Rivera (anthoneerivera@gmail.com/774.272.2269) alebo niektorý z bojovníkov. A portion of the proceeds will go to Make A Change Inc.
Dvere otvorené na 6 p.m. A, prvý zápas 7 p.m. A.
Sponzormi patrí Lundgren Honda, Championsofhealth.usana.com, TKO Auto Repair, John Young Tree Service and Royal Cleanup.
Vinnie Carita: “I saw the last (RPE) show and it was great. I’m happy to be on this show. This is a great show with a lot of New England talent. There’s going to be fireworks!”
Matt Remillard: “Bol som na (RPE’s) last fight and it sold out. That’s awesome. They’re making boxing better, not only in Worcester, but throughout New England. Apríl 1, 2005, I turned pro. I never fought in Worcester before. It’s a great atmosphere. This has been a long time coming, six years I’m going to punish him for. It will not go the distance, I can promise that. He won’t recognize himself after the fight. After I knock him down, I hope he gets back up because I want to punish him. This isn’t a game. I’m in the hurt business.
Augustine Mauras: “I truly thank Matt Remillard for fighting somebody like me. I’m not an easy cookie. He’s going to be in the toughest fight of his life. I’m going to put you (Remillard) on his ass. I’m here to fight this man! It’s going to be a helluva fight.
Jose Antonio Rivera, CEO/promoter: “I appreciate the support we received for our last show and we’re looking ahead to booking our next show in June. I can’t really say anything about that, ešte. I want to thank our sponsors. My roots are here in Worcester and that’s why so many of the fighters on this show are from here. We aren’t signing fighters, just giving them a platform to fight. We’re happy, momentálne, helping to provide them with a platform to go on to bigger and better things. Rivera Promotions Entertainment hopes to move fighters and allow them to showcase their skills. We’re very happy about this show. Remillard versus Mauras alone is worth the price of admission.
Anthonee Rivera, President/matchmaker: “It’s been a lot of fun for us so far. We’re proud to bring boxing back to New England. There are a lot of great fighters on our April 1st card with top prospects, former Golden Gloves champs, top fighters like Matt Remillard and future world champions. All of these guys took the opponents they were offered, no cherry-picking, and that shows what kind of fighters they really are. Máme 13 fights and don’t blink during any one of them.
Bryan Daniels: “I’m a student of Worcester boxing and Jose Rivera was the most established fighter. He came from nothing to become world champion. Never in a million years did I think I’d be fighting on his card. I’m humbled. I was hoping to get an opponent with experience to bring the best out of me. This will be my first time fighting in Worcester to showcase my skills. I’m originally from Illinois but Worcester has a lot to offer, including Rivera Promotions Entertaining giving us a platform.
Anthony Laureano: “I’m very thankful to be fighting on another Rivera Promotions Entertainment card. They did an awesome job last show and I’m grateful to be fighting again on their card. This will be a big test. Rivera Promotions gave me a platform to be signed by Star Boxing. Jose Rivera was a fighter and he knows what we need.
Andino Rans: “I have a fulltime job, go to the gym, and take care of my son. I want to thank Rivera Promotions Entertainment for allowing me to fight. I also want to thank Carlos Garcia, he’s the man! Jose’s been my idol since I first stepped into the gym.
Neal Sullivan: “I grew up with AJ and Jose has always been good to me. I wouldn’t be fighting if I didn’t trust them. They look out for fighters. I’m a student of the game and know the history of Worcester boxing. I look forward to bringing it Apríl 1st.”
Derrick Whitley: “My father was a professional boxer and I’ve been around boxing my whole life watching him. To je môj čas, the beginning of my journey.
Luis Santiago: “I want to thank Rivera Promotions Entertainment this opportunity. I’ve been ready since the last show (his opponent failed the pre-fight medical exam) and haven’t stopped working. Apríl 1st will be the start of my pro career. It’s going to b e a great show and I’m going to end-up with a win.
Mykqyan Williams: “Som veľmi nadšený. Tréningový kemp bola vynikajúca. Matt (Remillard) and myself have helped each get ready. I’m looking forward to putting on a good show.
Neštebotajú: @RiveraPromoEnt @joseriverachamp @KingRivera_

Vinnie Carita headlines April 1 & Matt Remillard returns to ring

“Nová Anglicko je Future” series continues Apríl 1 Worcester
WORCESTER, Hmota. (Február 23, 2017) – Popular cruiserweight VinnieAmerican NightmareCarita will headline the second installment of the “Nová Anglicko je Future” séria v sobotu noc, Apríl 1, at the Palladium in Worcester, Massachusetts.
New England’s Future 2is presented by Rivera Promotions Entertainment (RPE), which is owned and operated by retired three-time, dve divízie majster sveta Jose Antonio Rivera a jeho syn, Anthonee (A.J.) Rivera.
Carita (15-1-1, 14 KO), fighting out of Pembroke (MA), is riding a 12-fight win streak (11-0-1) into his Apríl 1st eight-round main event against Brazilian knockout artist Gilberto MatheusEl MagicoDomingos (22-6, 20 KO), the former South American light heavyweight champion.
V ôsmich kole ko-funkcie, Manchester (CT) ľahká váha Matt “Ostrý strelec” Remillard (23-1, 13 KO) returns to the ring for the first time in six years. The former NABF and NABA featherweight champion faces Augustine “Nemilosrdný” Maura (6-1-3, 3 KO), Lawrence (MA).
We are excited to be promoting our second boxing event so quickly and with the great lineup of talented boxers who will be showcasing their talents on Saturday, Apríl 1st,” promoter Jose Rivera said. “It’s great to have fellow court officer, Vinnie Carita and longtime friend Matt Remillard, príslušne, as our main and co-feature fighters. We are also excited that we will have three Worcester boxers on the card. Bryan Daniels a Andy Gonzales fighting for the first time at home, spolu s Ranse Andino who fought on our first event this past January 19th. With only the buzz about our next event and no real promoting to this point, the amount of tickets already sold leads us to believe that there will be another packed house at the Worcester Palladium come fight night.
2016 New England Golden rukavice majster Anthony Laureano (2-0, 1 KO), fighting out of East Hartford (CT), meets veteran Bryan “Tehla” Abraham (6-23-1, 6 KO) v šiestich dokola záchvat.
Fighting on the undercard in four round matches are pro-debuting Springfield (MA) mušia Luis “Pancho” Santiago proti. alex Montes (1-2), Lawrence (MA), Worcester featherweight Andino (1-0) proti. Mike Hellenfinger (0-2), Harrisburg (PA), 3-time NE Golden Gloves champion elvis Figueroa, New Haven (CT) makes his pro debut vs. Brazilian super middleweight Devision Robiero (0-3), pro-debuting Springfield junior middleweight Derrick Whitley proti. Anthony Everett (104), Lawrence, Haverhill (MA) junior welterweight Carlos “The DragonCandelario (9-1, 4 KO) proti. TBA, Lawrence junior welterweight Adrian Sosa (2-0, 1 KO) proti. TBA, Worcester junior middleweight Gonzalez (5-1, 5 KO) proti. TBA, Worcester cruiserweight Daniels (3-0, 1 KO) proti. Michael Shipp (1-4, 1 KO), of Michigan, and Dorchester (MA) ťažká váha Donnie Palmer (8-1-1, 7 KO). proti. Alando Pugh (1-10-1, 1 KO), Washington D.C..
Všetky boje a bojovníci sa môžu zmeniť.
Lístky, cena na $65.00 (prvý rad) a $35.00 (všeobecné prijatie), sú v predaji a sú k dispozícii na kúpu na www.ThePalladium.net alebo Palladium pokladnica (len všeobecné prijatie), alebo kontaktovaním Jose Rivera (elgallojar@gmail.com/508.864.6954), AJ Rivera (anthoneerivera@gmail.com/774.272.2269) alebo niektorý z bojovníkov. A portion of the proceeds will go to Make A Change Inc.
Dvere otvorené na 6 p.m. A, prvý zápas 7 p.m. A.
Sponzormi patrí Lundgren Honda, Championsofhealth.usana.com, TKO Auto Repair, John Young Tree Service and Royal Cleanup.
Neštebotajú: @RiveraPromoEnt @joseriverachamp @KingRivera_