Архівы: Марк Гарднер



ПРЭС-РЭЛІЗ: Портленд, Мэн (Кастрычнік 22, 2021) – Калі звоніць у 7 вечара EST, каб пачаць шоу ў пятніцу, Лістапада 5, гэта будуць першыя баі ў Новай Англіі (NEF) прадставіў змешаныя баявыя мастацтва (MMA) падзея ў сваім родным штаце Мэн у 21 месяцаў. Неўзабаве пасля шаноўнай акцыі бою, якая прайшла ў лютым «NEF 42» у Merrill Auditorium у Портлендзе 8, 2020, пандэмія Covid-19 ахапіла дзяржаву і нацыю. Адключэнне ў выніку прымусіла перанесці на нявызначаны тэрмін "NEF 43", які павінен быў адбыцца ў Арона, Мэн пазней той вясной. Пры тым, што дзяржава не цалкам адкрыта для спартыўных спаборніцтваў, пакуль не ўступае 2021, NEF вырашыў звярнуцца ў суседні Нью-Гэмпшыр, каб правесці «NEF 44» мінулым летам. «NEF 45: Паўстанне» лістапада 5 убачыць, як прасоўванне бою вернецца ў строй у Мэн, а таксама закрыць сваё першае дзесяцігоддзе дзейнасці. Мерапрыемства адбудзецца з Aura ў Портлендзе.

Раней сёння, NEF абвясціў поўную баявую карту для «NEF 45». У агульнай складанасці плануецца паказаць 21 паядынкі з чатырма чэмпіянатамі будуць вырашаны.

У галоўным падзеі вечара, Джош «Hook On» Харві(7-1-1) будзе абараняць тытул чэмпіёна NEF у паўлёгкай вазе ад выклікуАгіланда Брандао(9-8).  Харві трымае чэмпіянат з лютага 2019 года. Брандао - жорсткі ветэран з больш чым 15 гадоў вопыту ў клетцы.

Су-галоўнае мерапрыемства ўбачыцеМарк «Кішэні» Гарднер(1-2)набывацьНік Алей (7-4) у прафесійным спаборніцтве ў паўлёгкай вазе. Абодва канкурэнты - ветэраны глабальнага прасоўвання клеткі Bellator. Абодва будуць імкнуцца адыходзіць ад страт у адпаведных папярэдніх паядынках.

Zac «Рокі» Рычард (0-0) зробіць свой прафесійны дэбют супрацьКарл Langston(0-5) пасля паспяховай аматарскай кар'еры, у выніку якой Рычард заваяваў тытул NEF у вазе 155 фунтаў. Лэнгстан дамагаецца сваёй першай перамогі ў якасці прафесійнага байца.

У іншых прафесійных паядынках, Мэт «Кен Дол» Дэнінг(5-10) сустракаецца з былым выдатнікам барацьбы з Універсітэта Паўднёвага штата МэнДжон Дьюпры (0-0) у прафесійным дэбюце Deupree, у той час як былы чэмпіён NEF у сярэдняй вазеCJ Ewer(3-3) баіШон Рэй (2-1) у паўлёгкай вазе.

Аматарская частка баявой карты будзе ўключана ў тры тытульныя баі: Калеб Осцін(5-0) асобыТайлер Смайт (2-1) за вакантны пояс у лёгкай вазе; Фэліпэ Гюнтэр(3-0) плануецца разабрацца зТэдзі Паліт (2-0) за вакантны чэмпіянат у легчай вазе; іНатаніэль Грымар(4-0) будзе абараняць свой нядаўна выйграны рэмень у паўлёгкай вазеБілі Уілсан(6-1).

Адзіны жаночы паядынак вечара таксама пройдзе на аматарскай карцеBJ Garceau(1-1) сустракае дэбютантаХэйлі Марцін (0-0) у саламяным паядынку. Апошні раз Гарсо з'яўляўся ў клетцы NEF трыма гадамі раней на "NEF 36".

«Здаецца, што назаўжды з таго моманту, як мы пабіліся ў Мэн, і з якой картай можна вярнуцца,"Сказаў NEF саўладальнік і свацця Мэт Петэрсан.  «У гэтым складзе так шмат перспектыў, столькі непераможных байцоў, якія ставяць свае ідэальныя запісы на карту, так шмат пастаўлена на карту для многіх уражлівых спартсменаў, якія выпрабоўваюць сябе 5 лістапада. Чатыры тытульныя баі. Для хэдлайнера Джоша Харві, яго наступны бой можа стаць апошнім шанцам убачыць яго на спаборніцтвах, перш чым ён атрымае выклік у UFC - ён так блізкі. Перад галоўнай падзеяй у нас ёсць некалькі непераможных спартсменаў-аматараў, якія знаходзяцца на парозе стаць прафесіяналамі і спрабуюць ісці па слядах Харві. AURA - гэта месца, дзе будзе 5 лістапада!"

Поўная баявая карта «NEF 45». (могуць быць зменены):

Прафесійны ММА

145 НАЗВА ФУНТ: Джош Харві (з) супраць. Агіланда Брандао

170 Фунтаў: Нік Алея супраць. Марк Гарднер

140 Фунтаў: Карл Лэнгстан супраць. Зак Рычард

170 Фунтаў: Джон Дьюпры супраць. Мэт Деннинг

160 Фунтаў: Джэй Эліс супраць. Радрыга Алмейда

170 Фунтаў: CJ Ewer супраць. Шон Рэй

Аматары ММА

125 НАЗВА ФУНТ: Калеб Осцін супраць. Тайлер Смайт

145 НАЗВА ФУНТ: Білі Уілсан супраць. Натаніэль Грымар (з)

135 НАЗВА ФУНТ: Феліпе Гюнтэр супраць. Тэдзі Паліт

115 Фунтаў: BJ Garceau vs. Хэйлі Марцін

200 Фунтаў: Дэвід Макарці супраць. Дэні Дрэй

170 Фунтаў: Браян Коска супраць. Тайлер Кінгсберы

265 Фунтаў: Такер Алінскі супраць. Джордж Пісімісіс

170 Фунтаў: Керціс Уэллет супраць. Дэрэк Ламберт

185 Фунтаў: Браянт Уэйд супраць. Брэндон Олдэнберг

185 Фунтаў: Брэт Марцін супраць. Джасцін Філбрук

155 Фунтаў: Джонас Райерсан супраць. Р.Я.Янечэк

165 Фунтаў: Осцін Гамільтан супраць. Дэвід Харт

115 Фунтаў: Джуліян Менжывар супраць. Мэт Майлз

155 Фунтаў: Джэйкаб Рутан супраць. Эммет Huber

135 Фунтаў: Тайлер Бацька супраць. Рэндал Хаторн

"NEF 45: Паўстанне” адбываецца ў пятніцу, Лістапада 5, 2021, у Aura ў Портлендзе, Мэн. Дзверы адчыняюцца ў 6 вечара з першым боем у 7 вечара. Квіткі цяпер у продажы па адрасеwww.Ticketmaster.com.  Мерапрыемства таксама будзе транслявацца ў прамым эфіры з платай за прагляд па цане $29.99 наwww.CombatSportsNow.com.

Аб Новай Англіі баёў

Нью-Ингленд Баі ("NEF") з'яўляецца барацьба Рэкламныя акцыі кампаніі. Місія NeF заключаецца ў стварэнні самага высокага якасці мерапрыемствы для байцоў і прыхільнікаў. Выканаўчая каманда NeF мае шырокі вопыт у галіне кіравання адзінаборстваў, вытворчасць падзеі, па сувязях са СМІ, маркетынг, прававой і рэклама.


Three prior forays into the New England Fights cage demanded all of five minutes and nine seconds from Zac Richard.

That was the aggregate time it took for the native of Waterboro, Мэн, to accumulate three wins by knockout or submission and earn a shot at the vacant NEF amateur featherweight title at NEF 37 у пятніцу, Лютага 1.

Richard probably only now fully appreciates how the odds were stacked against him that frosty evening. He was paired with Fred Lear, a veteran of eight previous fights who won the bantamweight belt in his previous outing. Both Lear’s home and training center sit a stone’s throw away from the Cross Insurance Center, scene of the showdown.

While draws are a rare turn of events in mixed martial arts, and ties are universally maligned as an unsatisfying outcome to any sporting endeavor, Richard can appreciate the judgesindecision after the first true donnybrook of his budding career.

“Before the fight when they announced our names, I thought the place was going to explode. It was wild,” Richard said. “And then the fight was pretty even the whole time. I kept thinking to myself, you’re not losing, but you’re not winning by much. That’s all I kept thinking about.”

Рычард, a Maine state wrestling champion in high school, has worked on the finer points of his stand-up game with UFC veteran Devin Powell and other instructors at Nostos MMA in Somersworth, Нью-Гэмпшыр.

Pride and practicality persuaded Richard to engage in slug-it-out tactics with Lear, but old habits die hard.

“It started out good. I felt in control from the beginning. I wanted to stay on my feet and really show off how much my striking has come,” Richard said. “And I knew Fred was a really game opponent on the ground and has been training a lot longer than I have. So I wanted to keep it on my feet. But staying a wrestler is such habit. The first combination I threw, I went down for a shot.”

Lear’s assault to the body admittedly took a physical toll on Richard. The newcomer obviously never experienced such blunt trauma in his pre-MMA combat days and hadn’t been touched in his career-opening win streak against Gabriel Diaz, Clifford Redman and Chris Lachcik.

“I got really gassed and winded, because he kept landing knees and punches to the body,” Richard said, “I kept waiting for my second wind to come and it never did. I tried to get in a combination or a good slam every once in a while.”

Even sitting on the stool in his corner between rounds was surreal.

Of course there were thoughts of Richard’s sister, Lacy, who lost her battle with cancer in 2012 but continues to inspire Zac with her fighting spirit. Having time to get in touch with one’s thoughts and survey the scenery aren’t the norm when you’re finishing opponents before the echo of the opening bell fades.

“Most of my fights have been pretty quick. It was definitely a weird experience,” Richard said. “I’ve never had that between rounds. I was looking out in the crowd and would see one certain friend or family member or training partner every time. It was a lot bigger deal than what I’m used to.”

When it became obvious Lear wasn’t ripe to be knocked out, Richard tried to balance self-defense while keeping the scorecards in mind.

“Going into the fourth and fifth round, I knew I was tired, and I knew Fred could punch and kick just as well,"Ён сказаў. “I was thinking to myself, ‘You’ve got to keep your hands up. This is dangerous when you’re tired.All I kept thinking about was don’t get hit. Hit him.

“Every time the clackers went off, when there was 10 seconds left, I tried to get up from the bottom or get in a kick or land one last good strike. That was different, because I never had that—I’ve never even heard the 10-second clackers. I definitely could hear it more than the buzzer, because the last few seconds it would get so chaotic and everyone would get so loud. The ref would just grab us I’m like, ‘Is it over?’ I never experienced anything like that in wrestling.”

Those back-and-forth battles in regional and state mat affairs did serve Richard well. He felt that he was mentally prepared for the championship rounds, even as the physical toll increased.

Richard acknowledged that he has a bad habit of training without using his mouth guard and that it may have affected his breathing in the bout.

“I’ve been in some pretty long wrestling matches, as many different types as you can get in,” Richard said. “I was always a really good wrestler in overtime. I don’t think I ever lost in overtime. If I did, it was like once. But the thing with wrestling is you’re not getting punched and kneed in the stomach and other things that are taking your wind. I was just so tired. I knew the whole time I wasn’t proud of my performance, but you’ve got to do what you’ve got to do. I kept telling myself I had to get up and do something.”

While unhappy with the draw, Richard takes encouragement from many details that have come to light in the aftermath of the fight.

The mixed result surely entitled Richard to an immediate rematch. That won’t explicitly happen, as Lear informed him that he intends to turn professional.

“I remember February 14 of last year was the first NEF fight I ever went to. I had only been training for a month and (NEF саўладальнік і свацця) Matt Peterson asked me to go,” Richard said. “So I went, and here it is a year later I’m fighting for a belt against a kid that fought for the belt a year and a half ago. Finding out after the fight that he’s going pro, it really made me a lot prouder of how I did. If he can pro after that fight, and I’ve only been fighting for a year, then I’ve got pretty good hope for my future.”

That future will include another crack at the belt, красавіка 27й.

“I’m the Number 1 супернік, and he’s going pro, so it’s whoever’s next,” Richard said. “I don’t know if they’re going to bring in someone from somewhere else or what. Matt said he’s working on opponent. I’ll be ready.”

NeF ў наступным змешаных баявых мастацтваў падзея, “NEF 38: STORMBORN,” адбудзецца ў суботу, Красавіка 27, 2019 у Aura ў Портлендзе, Maine with a bell time of 7 вечара. Квіткі цяпер у продажы па адрасеwww.AuraMaine.com.


Bangor, Мэн (Лютага 2, 2019) – While the polar vortex froze solid the nearby Penobscot River, Нью-Ингленд Баі (NEF) had the mercury rising with some wild mixed-martial-arts (MMA) action inside the Cross Insurance Center on Friday night. The popular fight promotion brought its latest event to Bangor with yet another sold-out crowd of more than 1200 on hand. It was the fourth event, and fourth sell-out, in Bangor for NEF since 2016. The event was aptly titledSUB ZEROin anticipation of the bone-chilling weather raging outside.

The main event saw Josh Harvey (6-0-1) claim the NEF Professional Featherweight strap when he defeated Bill Jones (13-11) in the first round via technical submission. In so doing, Harvey made history as the first competitor to win titles in two different weight divisions in NEF. He previously held the NEF Amateur Lightweight title.

Марк Гарднер (1-0) was victorious over CJ Ewer (3-3) in Gardner’s professional debut. Ewer was unable to continue after the first round due to a cut above his eye.

In the amateur headliner, Фрэд Лір (6-2-1) and Zac Richard (3-0-1) fought to a five-round draw on the judgesscorecards in a bout for the vacant NEF Amateur Featherweight Title. Lear had a point taken away in the first round by referee John English for grabbing the cage. The amateur featherweight championship remains vacant.

Catie Denning (2-1) and Glory Watson (3-0) both picked up wins for Young’s MMA in their respective women’s bouts. Denning defeated Amanda Bennett (0-1) via split decision while Watson submitted Wisconsin’s Rachael Lippert (4-3) у трэцім раўндзе.

The results from Bangor, Мэн:


Джош Харві Def. Bill Jones via technical submission, круглы 1

Mark Gardner def. CJ Ewer via technical knockout, круглы 2


Fred Lear fought Zac Richard to a five-round draw

Devin Corson def. Taylor Bartlett via unanimous decision

Catie Denning def. Amanda Bennett via split decision

Jake Bagley def. Brady MacDonald via unanimous decision

Брайс Бэмфорд выразнасці. Roger Ewer via KO, круглы 1

Glory Watson def. Rachael Lippert via guillotine submission, круглы 3

Nate Boucher def. Dillon Henry via rear-naked submission, круглы 1

Jordan Young def. Clifford Redman via rear-naked submission, круглы 1

Роб Kiah Def. Joe Howard via rear-naked choke submission, круглы 2

NeF ў наступным змешаных баявых мастацтваў падзея, “NEF 38: STORMBORN,” адбудзецца ў суботу, Красавіка 27, 2019 у Aura ў Портлендзе, Maine with a bell time of 7 вечара. Квіткі ўжо ў продажы ў www.AuraMaine.com.


Bangor, Мэн (Студзеня 18, 2019) - New England Баі (NEF) will hold its next mixed-martial-arts event, “NEF 37: Sub Zero,” у пятніцу, Лютага 1, 2019 at the Cross Insurance Center in Bangor, Мэн. Раней сёння, прасоўванне абвясціла аб поўнай карты змагацца за падзеі.

У галоўным падзеі вечара, Лагодная жарт “Hook OnHarvey(5-0-1) сутыкнеццаBillJonesi” Джонс(13-10) for the vacant NEF MMA Professional Featherweight Title. Harvey is coming off a very controversial majority draw in Massachusetts last fall against UFC veteran Joe Giannetti (6-1-1).  Many observers felt that Harvey had dominated Giannetti for three rounds and Giannetti was only saved by a hometown decision. Prior to that time, Harvey had a perfect professional record with five straight wins in the NEF cage. Bill Jones is a pioneer of the New England MMA scene. Jones, a member of Nostos MMA, vanquished Matt Denning (5-8) last spring atNEF 33in Portland, Maine via second-round technical knockout.

Harvey’s Young’s MMA teammateCJ Ewer (3-2) will be in action in the co-main event against The Academy’sМарка “PocketsGardner (0-0) at a catchweight of 180-pounds. Ewer is the reigning NEF MMA Professional Middleweight Champion. Gardner makes his pro debut after a stellar amateur career that saw him finish all three of his opponents.

Рыкі Dexter (1-0), also of Young’s MMA, rounds out the professional portion of the card against Ruben Redman (0-2) in a welterweight contest. Both fighters have not competed in the cage in two years. Dexter is the former NEF MMA Amateur Welterweight Champion.

Фрэд Лір(6-2) will headline the amateur card withЗак Рычард(3-0) in a bout for the vacant NEF MMA Amateur Featherweight Title. Lear has previously held the amateur bantamweight strap and will look to make NEF history as the first athlete to win titles in different weight divisions within the promotion. Zac Richard was voted the “2018 Пачаткоўцам Года” by NEF fans after cutting down all three of his previous opponents in the first round last year.

It will be a family affair asRoger Ewer(1-0), brother and Young’s MMA teammate of co-main-event competitor CJ Ewer, адпавядаеБрайс Бэмфорд (2-0) of First Class MMA in an amateur heavyweight fight. This will be the second time the Ewer brothers have fought together on a card in Bangor, the first being in August 2017 на “NEF 30.

Also featured on the amateur portion of the fight card will be two women’s fights. “2018 Rookie of the Yearrunner-upGlory Watson (2-0) will face her toughest challenge to date in the form of Wisconsin’s Rachael Lippert(4-2), у той час якCatie Denning (1-1) takes on the debutingAmanda Bennett (0-0) of First Class MMA. Watson and Denning are two members of the group known affectionately among teammates and fans asChris’s Angelsas they train under Chris Young at Young’s MMA in Bangor.

Tickets are sold-out at the box office and Ticketmaster, but fans can still contact NEF through its Facebook page, “Нью-Ингленд Баі,” as the promotion still has a very limited number of tickets available for direct sale. Tickets will be sold on a first-come/first-served basis until they run out.

поўны “NEF 37” бой карты (могуць быць зменены і зацвярджэнне спартыўных адзінаборстваў органа Мэн):


145*НАЗВА Джош Харві 5-0-1 (MMA Юнга) vs Bill Jones 13-11 (Nostos)

180 CJ Ewer 3-2 (Young’s MMA) vs Mark Gardner 0-0 (Акадэмія)

170 Рыкі Dexter 1-0 (MMA Юнга) супраць Рубена Redman 0-2 (Незалежны)


145*TITLE Fred Lear 6-2 (Young’s MMA) vs Zac Richard 3-0 (Nostos)

155 Taylor Bartlett 1-1-1 (CMBJJ) vs Devin Corson 1-1 (аутлет)

145 Catie Denning 1-1 (MMA Юнга) vs Amanda Bennett 0-0 (Першы клас MMA)

130 Brady Macdonald 1-1 (Pictou County Jiu-Jitsu) vs Jake Bagley 0-0 (Nostos)

265 Roger Ewer 1-0 (MMA Юнга) vs Bryce Bamford 2-0 (Першы клас MMA)

135 Jordan Young 1-2 (MMA Юнга) супраць Кліфарда Redman 0-7 (Незалежны)

135 Nate Boucher 3-3 (CMBJJ) vs Dillon Henry 0-0 (Першы клас MMA)

125 Glory Watson 2-0 (MMA Юнга) vs Rachael Lippert 4-2 (Fearless MMA)

145 Роб Kiah 1-0 (Young’s MMA) vs Joe Howard 1-1 (CMBJJ)

NeF ў наступным змешаных баявых мастацтваў падзея, “NEF 37: SUB ZERO,” will take place on Friday, Лютага 1, 2019 at Cross Insurance Center in Bangor, Maine with a bell time of 8 pm. A very limited number of tickets are still on-sale by contacting NEF directly through its Facebook pageNew England Fights.

About New England Fights

Нью-Ингленд Баі ("NEF") з'яўляецца барацьба Рэкламныя акцыі кампаніі. NEF’s mission is to create the highest quality events for fighters and fans alike. NEF’s executive team has extensive experience in combat sports management, вытворчасць падзеі, media relations, маркетынг, прававой і рэклама. ��


Bangor, Мэн (Снежні 17, 2018) - New England Баі (NEF) will hold its next mixed-martial-arts event, “NEF 37: Sub Zero,” у пятніцу, Лютага 1, 2019 at the Cross Insurance Center in Bangor, Мэн. Раней сёння, the promotion announced the addition of a professional catchweight bout to the card.CJ Ewer(3-2) возьме на сябеМарка “PocketsGardner (0-0) at a fight weight of 180-pounds.

CJ Ewer is the reigning NEF Professional Middleweight Champion, having submitted Mike Hansen atNEF 30” у жніўні 2017 to claim the title. It was a special night for Ewer, not only as a night he would capture his first gold as a professional, but also as the night he got to compete on the same card with his brother Roger (1-0) in front of their many friends and family.NEF 37will be the second time the Ewer brothers fight on a card together as Roger is scheduled to be in amateur heavyweight action against Bryce Bamford (2-0).  The Ewers represent Young’s MMA of Bangor.

Mark has proven himself as a very tough competitor, and I have all the respect in the world for his gym and his coaches at The Academy,” said CJ Ewer.It will be a very tough, great fight for the fans. The last time Roger and I fought on the same card was the most memorable night of my MMA career when I won the middleweight title. I’m looking forward to having another memorable night February 1st.

Mark Gardner will make his professional debut atNEF 37after an amateur career that saw him put together a perfect 3-0 record. He finished all three of his opponents, including a pair of first-round submissions. Gardner, who trains with The Academy of MMA in Portland, Мэн, was scheduled to make his professional debut atNEF 35” раней у гэтым годзе, but his opponent pulled out on the day of the fight. That setback has made Gardner more determined than ever to get back in the cage for battle.

“I’m pretty excited to get in there and fight again in February,” said Gardner.  “I’ve been training hard since the last one. I’ve seen CJ fight a couple times now and the dude’s tough for sure. It’s going to be a good one.”

NeF ў наступным змешаных баявых мастацтваў падзея, “NEF 37: SUB ZERO,” will take place on Friday, Лютага 1, 2019 at Cross Insurance Center in Bangor, Maine with a bell time of 8 pm. Tickets are on-sale now atwww.CrossInsuranceCenter.com.




Bangor, Мэн (Жнівень 20, 2018) - New England Баі (NEF) will hold its next mixed-martial-arts event, “NEF 35: Wicked Season,” верасня 8 at the Cross Insurance Center in Bangor. Раней сёння, the fight promotion announced the addition of a professional middleweight bout to the card. Crowsneck Бутин (2-3) will return to the cage to take on Марка “PocketsGardner (0-0) у барацьбе вагі 185 фунтаў.




It will have been two years almost to the day since Boutin last competed in the NEF cage. That September night in 2016 he was defeated by Jesse Erickson (9-7) на “NEF 25.” З гэтага часу, Boutin has become an instructor with a new team, Bad Little Falls Dojo, based in Machias, Maine and has concentrated on raising his young daughter. He will look to recapture the glory of his 2014 season when he went 3-0, including two first-round knockouts, in the NEF cage and was voted “Знішчальнік года” by fans.




“I am blessed with this opportunity to go to war inside the NEF cage,” сказаў Бутин. “Past two years, I’ve been fighting for my sweet princess, Iola Soule. I possess new light, and I’d whoop the old me’s ass. I am still aboard this ride. I am a revenant.”




Mark Gardner has had a stellar first year with NEF. У мінулым лістападзе, he debuted with a second-round technical knockout of Carlton Charles (2-2) на “NEF, 31.” He would follow up that success with a pair of first-round finishes this year, including a submission victory by arm bar earlier this summer atNEF 34.” За ўсё, he finished his amateur career a perfect 3-0. Gardner is a product of the Academy of Mixed Martial Arts based in Portland, Мэн.




“I can’t wait to fight Crowsneck in September,” said Gardner. “To be able to make my pro debut so soon after three good fights is pretty rad. I’ve been training hard for this and I can’t wait to see it pay off in there.”




NeF ў наступным змешаных баявых мастацтваў падзея, “NEF 35: Wicked Season,” will see the company make its return to the Cross Insurance Center in Bangor, Мэн. The event is scheduled to take place Субота, Верасня 8, 2018 with a bell time of 7 вечара. Квіткі ўжо ў продажы ў www.CrossInsuranceCenter.com.




Портленд, Мэн (Красавіка 4, 2018) - New England Баі (NEF) returns to Aura in Portland on Красавіка 14, 2018 з наступным падзеяй змешаных баявых мастацтваў у прасоўваецца змагацца ў, “NEF 33: Riptide.” Раней сёння, NEF announced the addition of an amateur middleweight bout to the card. Марка “PocketsGardner (1-0) сустрэнецца Brandon Schwink (0-0) у барацьбе вагі 185 фунтаў.



Mark Gardner impressed many in attendance at his debut fight last November in Portland. Gardner took on top middleweight prospect Carlton Charles (2-1) at Aura. He absorbed everything Charles threw at him in the first round, eventually scoring a technical knockout victory in the second. Gardner is a member of The Academy of Mixed Martial Arts based in Westbrook, Maine where he trains under early MMA pioneer Jay Jack. Gardner will return to the cage after a setback earlier this year when an opponent pulled out on him prior to a scheduled bout atNEF 32.



“I’m pumped to get back into the cage in April for this next fight,” said Gardner. “I’ve been training hard, і я не магу чакаць,. It should be a really fun fight.”



Gardner’s opponent, Brandon Schwinck, is a 43-year-old, lifelong martial artist from Windham, Мэн. He has been a regular contestant in grappling, karate and kickboxing tournaments across the state over the years. Schwinck has trained with several different gyms, including The Academy where he worked with Gardner on the mats. Паядынак на Красавіка 14 will be his first regulated MMA fight, a moment that Schwinck says he has waited years to realize.



I’m familiar with the MMA fighter and grappler, Марк Гарднер,” said Schwinck when reached for comment. “We used to train together at the Academy of MMA a few years ago. I respect Mr. Gardner’s strengths and abilities on the ground, and he has an amazing team to prepare him for this fight. I recall me and Mark being fairly well-matched on the ground. We’ve submitted each other on the mats. Аднак, he’s a tough, галодны, young buck with lots of weapons at his disposal, so I won’t take him lightly. I know Mark’s surely stepped-up his striking game and stand-up over the last few years, but I’ve been a fighter all my life and feel the bout will be competitive. I believe my NEF debut will be far from a cake walk, though I’m always prepared to put up an exciting fight in any venue I enter. I have no intentions of letting Mark walk over me and I’ll do my best to stop him. Neither of us will achieve a victory easily. I’m looking forward to competing against this dangerous, таленавіты баец, be it on the ground or standing. I think it will be a great match-up. I’m totally psyched about being part of NEF 33, and in the end, may the best man win.



NEF returns to Portland, Мэн, at Aura on Субота, Красавіка 14, 2018. Квіткі ўжо ў продажы ў www.AuraMaine.com. For more information on the event, калі ласка, наведайце www.NewEnglandFights.com.


Аб Новай Англіі баёў


Нью-Ингленд Баі ("NEF") з'яўляецца барацьба Рэкламныя акцыі кампаніі. Місія NeF заключаецца ў стварэнні самага высокага якасці мерапрыемствы для байцоў і прыхільнікаў. Выканаўчая каманда NeF мае шырокі вопыт у галіне кіравання адзінаборстваў, вытворчасць падзеі, па сувязях са СМІ, маркетынг, прававой і рэклама.


ПРЭС-РЭЛІЗ: Льюистон, Мэн (Лістапада 30, 2017) - New England Баі (NEF) вяртаецца ў LEWISTON наСубота, Лютага 3, 2018 з наступным падзеяй змешаных баявых мастацтваў у прасоўваецца змагацца ў, “NEF 32: Супер Субота.” Раней сёння, NEF announced the addition of an amateur middleweight bout to the card. Josh Jones (2-2) запланавана сустрэча Марк Гарднер (1-0) у барацьбе вагі 185 фунтаў.

Josh Jonesrise to the top of the NEF middleweight division in 2017 was nothing short of meteoric. A former basketball star at Erskine Academy in South China, Maine and draftee of the Rio Grande Valley Vipers of the NBA Developmental League, Jones has honed his craft in the martial arts at First Class MMA of Brunswick. It took him a mere 24-seconds combined to knock out his first two opponents this past year. Джонс’ four-second knockout of Anthony Spires (0-3) went viral worldwide and was featured on major websites like Bleacher Report. After back-to-back losses to finish the year, Jones is looking to rebound with a win to open 2018.

I am very honored and blessed to have the opportunity to compete against Mark,” said Jones. “Mark has shown to be an awesome competitor. I look forward to the challenge on 3 лютага. As an MMA fighter and competitor, it is always a privilege to step into the cage and perform under the lights for New England Fights.

Mark Gardner made his debut in the NEF cage earlier this month in Portland. Gardner faced another up-and-coming middleweight in the form of Carlton Charles (1-1). Last summer, it was Charles who handed Josh Jones his first loss. Gardner impressed many in attendance with his gutsy performance against Charles. He had an answer for everything Charles threw at him early in the fight, dispatching Charles in the second round by technical knockout. For those who have followed Maine combat sports for some time, Gardner’s toughness comes as no surprise. His gritty, workmanlike style has been the hallmark of his team, the Academy of MMA in Portland, for many years.

I’m excited to get back in the cage for my next fight,” declared Gardner. “I learned a lot from my first fight and have been working on my technique. I can’t say much about my opponent, I don’t really know anything about himI just fight who my coach tells me to fight.

NeF ў наступным змешаных баявых мастацтваў падзея, “NEF 32: Супер Субота,” будзе бачыць, што кампанія робіць яго вяртанне да Androscoggin Bank Colisee ў Льюистона, Мэн. The event is scheduled to take place on Субота, Лютага 3, 2018. Tickets are on-sale now online atwww.TheColisee.com.