Таг Архива: Малик Хокинс

Сергеј LIPINETS: „НИКОГАШ НЕ ПРОПУШТИвме ќотек во подготовка, Дури и со ПРОТИВ ПРОМЕНА “

Поранешниот светски шампион Липинец битки без пораз
Кустио Клејтон за привремена титула во тешка категорија во IBF
Во живо на Showtime® Сабота, Октомври 24 Заглавие a
Премиер настан во боксот на шампиони

ЊУЈОРК (Октомври 20, 2020) – Дури и со промена на датумот, а потоа и противник, Поранешниот светски шампион Сергеј Lipinets останува врвно уверен во својот тренинг камп и целокупните подготовки додека се подготвува да се избори за непоразен Custio Клејтон за привремената титула во тешка категорија IBF во живо во SHOWTIME оваа сабота, Октомври 24 (9 вечер. ЕТ / 6 вечер. Португалија) насловот на настанот во Премиер бокс шампиони.

„Никогаш не промашивме никаков ритам на подготовки, дури и со промена на противникот,”, Рече Липинец. „Мојата борба со Кудратило Абдукахоров беше и траеше толку долго што веќе имав идеја дека тој ќе биде принуден да се повлече, па не бев шокиран. Баш не ми е гајле, иако. Кој и да треба да се борам, подготвен сум да се борам, па не размислував да се повлечам од борбата дури ни една секунда “.

Липинец е заслужен за неговиот тренер, реномираниот eо Гусен, за психички помагање на неговиот борец низ промените, покрај физичката обука, тие ја презедоа и борбата.

„Да се ​​има Joо Гусен е како да имаш психијатар, како и тренер,”, Рече Липинец. „Тој беше исклучително корисен за тоа како да му пристапи на сето ова. О ми помогна да останам смирен и да разберам дека нешто добро секогаш може да дојде од лоша или тешка ситуација, и поради тоа, Никогаш не го изгубив фокусот “.

Клејтон е канадски олимпиец со беспрекорно продолжение на програмата оди во оваа пресметка. Додека Липинетс забележува дека постојат разлики во стиловите на борба помеѓу Абдукахоров и Клејтон, ништо од тоа не ја менува неговата намера во октомври 24.

„Знам дека Клејтон има одлично потекло од аматери,”, Рече Липинец. „Го проверив неговиот стил, а главната разлика е во тоа што Абдукахоров е поактивен и Клејтон е попрецизен. Абдукахоров е исто така малку поагресивен и Клејтон е пострплив.

„Не мислам дека едниот е потежок или полесен од другиот. Мислам дека секој што се бори на ова ниво е тежок противник. Абдукахоров повеќе се движи и може да биде понезгоден со различните стилови што ги користи. И двајцата се многу тешки момци, но јас сум подготвен за Клејтон и се фокусираше само на него во овој момент “.

И покрај единствениот фокус на Клејтон, Lipinets knows that this fight brings a big opportunity to make a loud proclamation to the rest of the stacked welterweight division with a big performance to capture the interim IBF title.

“I’m prepared to make one statement – I belong here,”, Рече Липинец. “I want to fight the best. I want to make my imprint on this sport and build my legacy. I’ve had to do it the hard way, but I’m not complaining. I fought for my first championship in just my 13та pro fight. I believe that I belong right there at the top of this sport. People need to start mentioning my name with the top guys and after this fight they’ll have to. You can’t look past me anymore.”

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Lipinets vs. Clayton will see former world champion Сергеј Lipinets face unbeaten Custio Клејтон за привремената акција на насловот во тешка категорија IBF во живо во SHOWTIME сабота, Октомври 24 од Мохеган Сан Арена во Некасвил, Конектикат. во настан презентиран од Премиер боксерскиот шампион.

СОВЕТНИОТ БОКСИ: Телевизијата за СПЕЦИЈАЛНО ИЗДАВА ќе започне во 9 вечер. ЕТ / 6 вечер. ПТ и ќе видиме непоразен кандидат Ксавиер Мартинез битка тешка Клаудио „Матрикс“ Мареро во 12-круг ВБА Супер перо категорија Елиминатор во ко-главниот настан. Расте супер лесна категорија Малик „Ледениот“ Хокинс ќе дуел нокаут уметник Субриел Матијас во пресметка од 10 круга за да ја започне телевизиската акција.

Настанот е промовиран од ТГБ Промоции, Промоции на Ли Бакстер и Промоции на Мејведер.

За повеќе информации посетете ја страницата www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampion.gr, следат на Твитер @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @TGBPromotions или станете обожавател на Фејсбук на www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing

Кит “The BountyHunter Recovered from Hand Injury Ready to Face Top Contenders

LAS VEGAS, Н.В. (Мај 15, 2020) - Prince Ranch Boxing’s undefeated super lightweight contender, Кит “The Bounty” Ловец (12-0, 7 КО), has fully recovered from a hand injury suffered in his last fight with Sanjarbek Rakhmanov (12-3-1, 6 КО), a 10-round bout that headlined on ShoBox back in February of this year.

Ловец, a Las Vegas native, is eager to face all top contenders when boxing returns. The super lightweight contender is currently ranked #13 од страна на WBA, meaning his shot at the top of the division is coming soon.

I am ready to face the best in the division and I feel even better since my hand has fully healed with this time off,” explained Hunter, who ready to prove himself once again. “I was supposed to fight Shonjahon Ergashev и Малик Хокинс, so I’d like to fight them first, но искрено, a fight with any of the world champions is a challenge I’m ready for now. I willing and ready to face the best!”

Ловец, кој раководи Greg Hannley, is staying ready as he awaits a phone call that boxing is back.

Keith Hunter is ready for his shot at the best in the division,” said manager Greg Hannley, Извршен директор на принцот ранчот Бокс. “Keith has defeated two fighters signed by Mayweather Promotions in his last three consecutive bouts. He is getting national attention and his ranking in the WBA gets him closer to a world title shot. Now is Keith Hunter’s time.

I just know that I am gifted and want to win a world title to further my father’s legacy,” Hunter continued. “I am so focused, I just want to bring great entertainment to people who are in need of things to do, and if I can fight for a title, that’d even be better.

Keith Hunter is promoted by Грег Коен, founder, and CEO of Грег Коен Промоции.


Hunter Faces Fellow Unbeaten Malik Hawkins in Main Event of ShoBox: The New Generation Friday, Февруари 28 Во живо на Showtime®

Кликнете ТУКА for Hunter Photos; Кредитни: Team Prince Ranch Boxing

LAS VEGAS – February 19, 2020 – Undefeated super lightweight sensation and Las Vegas native, Keith “The Bounty” Hunter (11-0, 7 КО), talks about training camp in advance of his upcoming showdown against fellow undefeated prospect Malik Hawkins (18-0, 11КО) во главниот настан на ShoBox: Новата генерација во петокот, Февруари 28 во живо на Showtime (10:45 вечер. ЕТ / PT) од Sam’s Town Live во Лас Вегас.

Во ко-главен настан, 2016 Olympian and undefeated super lightweight prospect Richardson Hitchins (10-0, 5 КО) takes on Rhode Island’s Nick DeLomba (16-2, 5КО) in a 10-round bout and once-beaten Las Vegas native Kevin Newman II (11-1-1, 6 КО) faces Albania’s Genc Pllana (7-1-1, 4 КО) in a 10-round super middleweight matchup that opens the telecast.

Tickets for the Mayweather Promotions’ Градот на Гревот конфронтација со почеток во $25 и може да се купат: https://mayweatherpromotions.com/events/.

Ловец, 27, се враќа Sam’s Town Live after an impressive 2019, in which he won a decisive 10-round unanimous decision against Cameron Krael and scored an upset victory over former amateur standout Sanjarbek Rakhmanov. He comes from a family of fighters, he’s the younger brother of heavyweight contender Michael Hunter and his father was a well-respected boxer who sparred with Mike Tyson. Hunter has spent the entirety of his training camp at Prince Ranch Boxing Gym in Las Vegas, where he trains alongside undefeated welterweight Blair Cobbs.

Here is what Hunter had to say about his recent training camp and upcoming battle with Hawkins:

On his opponent…

This is my time to shine. Hawkins is a good fighter, he is talented, but he stands in my way. I am not just fighting for myself, but for my family. Ако го погледнете мојот запис, I’ve fought some very tough guys. I know I’m battle ready to take my career to the next level. Hawkins is going down. I am going to make people respect the Hunter name once again

“I have nothing bad to say about Malik Hawkins. He is a hard-working fighter. I just feel that I am better. Ова е моето време, and no one can take this opportunity away from me. The problem for Hawkins is, I have trained harder than ever to get the win. I am more focused than ever.”

On training camp…

“I wanted this camp to be very specific. I get good sparring at Bones Adams’ gym and a lot of top pros have come through there like Shakur Stevenson, Мани Pacquiao, и многу други. I have watched how they trained, and I have used that same work ethic and principles for this camp with the supervision of my coaches.”

On his status as a contender…

“I’m now ranked 13 од страна на WBA, which makes me a contender. I must get past Hawkins, so believe me when I tell you I’m going to leave everything in the ring. I’m looking at this fight like it’s a world title. Losing is not an option.”

On making his SHOWTIME debut…

“I am excited to headline on ShoBox: Новата генерација. It’s a platform that launches fighters’ careers, and SHOWTIME has a fantastic and professional production crew. One goal from the beginning was to showcase my talent on a big stage like this, now I’m here. This is a very big opportunity for me, I’m not going to let it slip away.”

Hunter is managed by Greg Hannley of Prince Ranch Boxing, advised by former two-time heavyweight world champion Hasim Rahman promoted by Greg Cohen, Founder and CEO of Greg Cohen Promotions.

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За повеќе информации: посета www.sho.com/sports, www.mayweatherpromotions.com/events, следат на Твитер @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, MayweatherPromo, и на Instagram @mayweatherpromotions, @showtimeboxing, #SinCityShowdown и #ShoBox, или да стане фан на Фејсбук на www.Facebook.com/SHOSports и www.Facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions, илиwww.bit.ly/sincityshowdown.

RICHARDSON HITCHINS и Ник DELOMBA ДИСКУТИРААТ камп за обука ПРЕД супер лесни кандидатот ЗА SHOBOX: Новата генерација петок, Февруари 28 Во живо на SHOWTIME®

Кликнете ТУКА за Слики од Mayweather Промоции

LAS VEGAS - Февруари 12, 2020 - Брзо зголемување на супер лесни изгледите Ричардсон Hitchins (10-0, 5 КО) и Ник DeLomba(16-2, 5 КО) отвори за камп за обука во пресрет на нивниот ShoBox: Новата генерација ко опремен рунда петок, Февруари 28 во живо на Showtime (10:45 вечер. ЕТ / PT) од град во живо Сем во Лас Вегас.

Во ShoBox Главниот настан, изгледите пораз Mayweather Промоции ' Малик Хокинс (18-0, 11 КО) ќе се врати за својот втор настап на Showtime како што оди пети до пети со непоразен Вегас мајчин јазик Кејт Хантер (11-0, 7 КО) во 10-круг супер лесни рунда. рунда на отворањето на предавам ќе видите Кевин "Второ пришествие" Њуман (11-1-1, 6 КО) во однос на противникот да биде објавен во 10-рунда супер средна рунда. Претходно најави противник, Kalvin Хендерсон, се откажал од борбата поради повреда.

Билетите за Mayweather Промоции "Градот на Гревот конфронтација со почеток во $25 и може да се купат: https://mayweatherpromotions.com/events/.

Hitchins, од Бруклин, N.Y., се враќа за неговиот втор по ред тестирање на серија изгледите за развој. Во неговата последна турнеја, тој се стекнал со едногласна одлука над Кевин Џонсон на град Сем. Hitchins, 22-годишниот 2016 Хаити олимпиец, има стана озлогласен по тоа што на skillset на ветеранот со тврд и масна стил во внатрешноста на прстен. Hitchins е заслужен некои од неговите развој бокс на совети и совети што го добиле од светски првак Даниел Џејкобс и Шакур Стивенсон, и stablemate Gervonta Дејвис.

"Убаво" DeLomba, се борат надвор од Кранстон, R.I., е излетаат победа редеа пет борба со три од пет победи со нокаут. Тој е најдобро познат по неговата slickness и elusiveness во рингот и бара да се направи моќна изјава во туѓа територија како што тој го прави својот Лас Вегас и ShoBox дебитира.

Овде е она што Hitchins и DeLomba имаше да каже пред Февруарската 28 натпревар-up:

Како има камп за обука се одвива во рамките на подготовките за февруари 28?

Hitchins: "Камп е добро, но јас сум секогаш во камп. Таму никогаш не е време кога јас не сум се подготвува и усовршување на мојот занает, Навистина сум студент на играта. Знам дека јас сум се приближува следното ниво во мојата кариера, па морам да остане остар и во салата да настапи на тој следното ниво.

"Јас сум на чело на Колорадо до крај камп за обука. Тоа е каде што центарот за обука на Олимписките е, и тоа е место јас сум качил на неколку пати за да се заврши мојот табор. Воздухот е подобро таму и дека навистина ми помага да се добие во подобра форма одат во борба. "

Madelon: "Камп за обука се случува прекрасно. Јас сум добивање на сè што е потребно за да се подготви за борба: исхрана, оброк планови, и сила и климатизација. Јас додадов нова сила и климатизација тренер и јас сум tweaked работи кои треба да се прилагоди на стилот Hitchins ". Јас сум подготвен да одам и јас не можат да чекаат за борба ноќ. "

Која е вашата игра план да навлегуваме во оваа борба?

Hitchins: "Мојата игра план е иста за секоја борба. Остане составен и да биде прв на штрајк. Јас сум во момент во мојата кариера каде што конкуренцијата станува сè посилно па главната работа за мене е да се задржи мојата одбрана тесни. Мојата одбрана ќе ме задржи во добра форма за време на борбите како конкуренција добива стрмни. но, генерално, Јас секогаш имаат начин на размислување дека јас сум подобар, попаметни, и побрзо борец.

"Јас го опкружуваат со шампиони. Тоа е единствениот начин да се стануваат едно, и оваа борба мене добива еден чекор поблиску. "

Madelon: "Планирам да одат и да се борат паметни; се држи до планот за играта на мојот тим има за мене и изврши и. Мојата цел е да се надмине она што тој се обидува да се фрли во мене. "

Што знаеш за вашиот противник?

Hitchins: "Јас не знам многу. Тој е кој мојот тим бере за мене, па јас сум само ќе одам на работа и го извади. Во борбата ноќ, Јас ќе имаат појасна идеја за тоа како да го добие од. Јас може да се прилагоди на ништо. "

Madelon: "Знам дека мојот противник има брз раце и сака да се фрли брзо снимки. Јас сум целосно фокусирана на мене и мојата обука. Јас верувам во моите способности како борец. Јас не сум исплашена ".

Што ќе се победа во февруари 28та направи за вашата кариера оди напред?

Hitchins: "Уште една победа за да ме носи дека следното ниво. Јас сум гладен, Јас доаѓам од ништо, па јас ќе остане со чип на моето рамо. Јас сум благодарен на мојот тим, Mayweather Промоции, и да Showtime за мене обезбедување со оваа можност да се изгради моето име во спортот и покажеме на светот она што можам да направам. "

Madelon: "Една победа над Hitchins ќе ме катапулт да дека следното ниво. Тоа е телевизиското рунда и тоа ќе ми донесе изложеност треба да филијала надвор и изложувам на нова публика. Тоа ќе го подобри мојата кариера неверојатно. "

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За ShoBox: Новата генерација

Од своето основање во јули 2001, на критиката Showtime бокс серија, ShoBox: Новата генерација е опремен млади таленти исти тешки. На ShoBox филозофија е да се телевизиски возбудливи, публиката веселат и сениорски натпревари истовремено обезбедувајќи полигон на подготвени изгледите решен да се бори за светската титула. Некои од растечката листа на 81 борци кои се појавија на ShoBox и напреден за да добие светски титули вклучува: Ерол Спенс Џуниор, Андре Вард, Deontay Вајлдер, Erislandy Лара, Шон Портер, Гери Расел Јуниор, Ламонт Петерсон, Гилермо Rigondeaux, Nonito Donaire, Девон Александар, Карл Froch, Роберт Гереро, Тимоти Бредли, Џеси Варгас, Хуан Мануел Лопез, Чад Досон, Paulie Malignaggi, Рики Хатон, Кели Pavlik, Пол Вилијамс и повеќе.

За повеќе информации: посета www.sho.com/sports, www.mayweatherpromotions.com/events, следат на Твитер @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, MayweatherPromo, и на Instagram @mayweatherpromotions, @showtimeboxing, #SinCityShowdown и #ShoBox, или да стане фан на Фејсбук на www.Facebook.com/SHOSports и www.Facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions, или www.bit.ly/sincityshowdown.


Top Mayweather Promotions Prospects Hawkins, Ричардсон Hitchins, and Kevin Newman II Featured in Separate Bouts Live on SHOWTIME® From Sam’s Town Live in Las Vegas


LAS VEGAS – January 30, 2020 – Undefeated super lightweight prospect Малик Хокинс returns to the ring to make his ShoBox: Новата генерацијаseries debut as part of a three-fight telecast when he faces fellow undefeated Vegas native Кејт Хантер in the main event that is scheduled for 10 rounds on Friday, Февруари 28 во живо на Showtime (10:45 вечер. ЕТ / PT) од Sam’s Town Live во Лас Вегас.

Two other Mayweather Promotions’ top prospects will face tough challenges, како 2016 Олимпиец Ричардсон Hitchins (10-0, 5 КО) and once-beaten Las Vegas native Kevin Newman II (11-1-1, 6 КО) both return for their second ShoBox appearances fighting in separate bouts. Hitchins, the undefeated super lightweight prospect, will take on Rhode Island’s Ник DeLomba (16-2, 5КО) во 10-круг рунда, while Newman will seek his fifth consecutive victory when he steps in the ring with undefeated Kalvin Хендерсон (12-0-1, 8 КО) во 10-круг супер средна рунда.

Tickets for the Mayweather Promotions’ Sin City Showdown go on sale Friday, Јануари 31 на 12 вечер. Португалија, со почеток во $25 and can be purchased by visiting: https://mayweatherpromotions.com/events/.

“As we kickstart another year, I’m confident that we will continue to exceed expectations and bring top tier events to the sports and entertainment world,” says Leonard Ellerbe, Извршен директор на Mayweather Промоции. “Our first stop of the year is at our home venue for club shows and a stacked Friday night ShoBox картичка. These prospects are looking to put on impressive performances to start their year off. They’re putting in the work to take their fight game to the next level, and on February 28 we will see them challenge themselves against tough opponents at Sam’s Town Live and live on SHOWTIME.”

Hawkins, (18-0, 11 КО) known as “Ice Man” in the ring, fights out of Baltimore, Md., and is coming off the heels of two back-to-back knockout victories. His most recent came via fifth-round stoppage against Darwin Price on SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING COUNTDOWN on the Davis vs. Gamboa undercard on December 28. The 24-year-old Hawkins is trained by the highly touted Upton Gym coaches’ trio of Calvin Ford, Kenny Price, and Russ Blakey. Hawkins turned professional in 2014 with a knockout victory, which foreshadowed what was to come from the young fighter. Како аматер, Hawkins amassed an impressive 160-15 record while competing in the 2012 и 2013 National Championships and won a bronze medal in the 2012 Џуниор. Олимписки игри. Best known for his gritty and powerful fighting style, Hawkins joined the Mayweather Promotions team in late 2019 with a knockout decision win over Al Rivera at Cannery Casino & Hotel.

“It feels great to headline my first ShoBox Настанот,” says Hawkins. “This is something I wanted to do since I was a kid. A win in this fight and the exposure fighting on a platform like SHOWTIME only brings more recognition to my talent and skills and bigger and better opportunities. I have more than myself to fight for. I have the kids who look up to me at Upton Gym. I fight for them they’re my real motivation.

“I can’t say much about my opponent. I know he’s also undefeated. He is a durable opponent and he’s coming to fight, but if you watched my last fight you know I come in to take my opponents 0.”

Twenty-seven-year-old Keith Hunter (11-0, 7КО е) comes from a fighting background. He’s the younger brother of heavyweight contender Michael Hunter, and his father was a well-respected boxer who sparred with Mike Tyson for many years before his tragic death. Hunter didn’t have a long amateur career, electing to turn professional after just 28 тепачки

“I feel confident coming into this fight,” said Hunter. “My last two bouts, I defeated Mayweather fighters and I’m confident with the insight I have. We’re both 6-feet tall, but he’s missing components as a fighter. He has trouble fighting on the outside. He is more comfortable on the inside. I feel I’m the better more skilled fighter going into the fight.

“Anytime I get to fight on a big stage like SHOWTIME, I invest a piece of my heart and soul, so hopefully my fans and anyone who watches my fight will see a genuine kid fighting for legacy and not money. This opportunity will help me connect with more people and I’m forever thankful for it.”

Hitchins (9-0, 5 КО), од Бруклин, is a former two-time Golden Gloves champion who represented his parents’ home country of Haiti in the 2016 Rio de Janeiro Olympic Games. One of boxing’s top young prospects, Hitchins has sparred and trained with several world champions including Terence Crawford and stablemate Gervonta Davis. Just 21-years-old, Hitchins boasts incredible hand and foot speed and the boxing IQ of a veteran contender. Having fought eight out of his 10 professional fights in his hometown, Hitchins will travel to Las Vegas for a second time looking for a statement win in his follow-up ShoBoxизглед.

I’m hungrier than ever,” said Hitchins. “I see my brother Tank winning and prospering and I feel that same energy around me when I’m training for hours in the gym and perfecting my craft. I’m made to be great and I have the right people around me who keep my focus, keep me training at the highest level, and push me outside my comfort zone to be victorious. That’s what will show on fight night when I’m inside the ring.”

“Nice” Nick DeLomba (16-2, 5КО е), се борат надвор од Кранстон, РИ, е излетаат победа редеа пет борба со три од пет победи со нокаут. Тој е најдобро познат по неговата slickness и elusiveness во рингот и бара да се направи моќна изјава во туѓа територија како што тој го прави својот Лас Вегас и ShoBox debuts next month.

“What a great opportunity this is to fight on SHOWTIME,” said DeLomba. “I’ve been fighting my way up to this point and now it’s about showing the world who I am and growing my brand. That’s what I plan on doing come fight night. I take every fight and lesson with me to the gym and train harder than the day before and push myself to really be the best fighter. I know I’m coming in as the underdog, but it’s only going to make me want the win more and to be that guy who gives Hitchins his first defeat.”.

Las Vegas’ own Kevin Newman (11-1, 6КО е) started boxing when he was nine-years old and built up an amateur record of 25-5 before turning pro in 2014. Impressed by Newman’s skills and technique in the ring as an amateur, Floyd Mayweather signed the rising super middleweight to his stable of fighters in the summer of 2014. Newman made his professional debut on the Mayweather vs. Maidana II undercard, where he fought to a draw against Azamat Umarzoda. Newman returns to ShoBox having avenged the only loss of his career against Mark Anthony Hernandez. Newman defeated Hernandez on November 1 at Sam’s Town Live, redeeming himself from their first matchup in 2017 on the Mayweather vs. McGregor undercard. Newman remains humble and hungry as he climbs the ranks in the super middleweight division.

“It’s always good to get that weight off your shoulders,” said Newman of his recent victory over Hernandez. “I work hard day in and day out to be the best me and I follow God’s plan. I understand that there’s more for me on my journey now and I’m past that and I’m looking to the future on February 28.

“I’ve seen Kalvin fight. There isn’t anything particular that stands out about him. I’ve been in the ring with top tier guys as an amateur and a professional and I have fought tougher opponents. I’m always the smarter opponent.

“Fighting on SHOWTIME does a lot for me. It’s not about the win, it’s about how Јас победувам. I’m going to put on another dominant performance, something that will set me apart from the rest, and I’m going to take advantage of every opportunity that continues to come my way.

Originally from Fayetteville, Ark., but fighting out of Fort Worth, Tx., Хендерсон (12-0-1, 8 КО е) doesn’t have a typical background for a professional fighter. He’s a University of Arkansas alumni who pursued a career in music when he was awarded a scholarship as a percussionist. He never lost sight of boxing since he was first introduced at 15 years old and quickly after graduating in 2012, he shifted his focus back to boxing. Henderson has quickly established himself as one of the faster rising super middleweights in the division and welcomes the challenge to continue his pursuit in becoming a world class boxer.

“Fighting in other people’s backyard is not a big deal,” says Henderson. “There’s no pressure on me to do anything. I take care of business and I go home. I will say that it brings a different motivating factor. It forces me to train harder and it affects my game plan because we can’t leave the rounds too close.

“I’m excited to get in the ring and execute my game plan in front of wide audience. I want to show the world what me and my team already know. I make it hot in the ring. That’s why they call me, ‘Hot Sauce’.”

# # #

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Hawkins decisions Serrano to wins NABA-USA Welterweight title




Wins by Hard Hitting Promotions fighters Pizarro, Cuevas & Је


Rock, Елис, Williams and Alday remain undefeated



Филаделфија, Па (Април 2, 2018)This Past Friday night, Малик Хокинс remained undefeated by winning a 10-round unanimous decision over Raymond Serrano to capture the NABA-USA Welterweight title that headlined an action-packed 8 bout card at The Fillmore in Philadelphia.




The sold-out show was promoted by Hard Hitting promotions.




Hawkins used his length to pick and land shots on the inside. Hawkins raced to the early lead, but the veteran Serrano got going in the middle rounds as he used his experience to get himself back into the fight by winning scrums on the inside and an occasional long right hand. Down the stretch, Hawkins dug down deep and took control of the fight as seemed to be the fresher fighter. Hawkins who had never been past seven rounds, paced himself well against a tough Serrano, who never showed any signs of retreating as the two stood and fought until the final bell.




Hawkins of Baltimore, MD won by scores of 98-92, 97-93 и 96-94 to raise his perfect mark to 13-0. Serrano of Philadelphia was urged on by his loyal fan base, but fell just short, and now drops to 24-5.




Heavyweight prospect Darmani Rock landed a hard right to the body that dropped Ronny Hale down and out at 1:27 of round two of their scheduled six-round bout.




Rock of Philadelphia is now 11-0 со 7 капачките. Hale of Austin, Texas falls to 4-12.




Good looking prospect Brandon Pizarro rebounded nicely from his 1st professional defeat by pounding out a 4-round unanimous decision over Pablo Cupal in a lightweight fight.




Pizarro, 18 years-old of Philadelphia won by shutout scores on all cards of 40-36, и сега 9-1. Cupul of San Diego is 9-24.


Самуел Seah dropped Orlando Rizo three times in the 1st round, and their lightweight bout was stopped at 2:35 of that opening frame.




Teah dropped Rizo with a right hand early in the round. He followed that up with hard body shot that sent Rizo to the canvas, and finished off Rizo with another right hand.




Teah of Philadelphia is now 13-2-1 со 6 капачките. Rizo of Managua, Никарагва е 19-13.





Undefeated prospect Jeremy Cuevas got off the deck to come back to win a six-round unanimous decision of Erain Cruz in a super lightweight bout.




Early on it looked like it could have been a rough night for Cuevas as he ate a perfect right hand that sent him to the canvas in round two. A round later, Cuevas had blood dripping from his nostrils, but the young veteran got himself together and put his combinations together to come to take the rest of the fight, and win by scores of 59-55 на сите картички.




Cuevas of Philadelphia is now 8-0. Cruz of Ocala, FL is 4-5.




It looked like undefeated super middleweight Ronald Ellis would have a short night as he battered Taneal Goyco all over the ring in the first round of their scheduled six-round bout. Ellis continued to have Goyco in trouble throughout their affair, and dropped Goyco with a right hand in round three. Goyco hung tough, but took many power shots, and Ellis looked impressive in winning by shutout scores of 60-53 на сите картички.




Ellis of Lynn, МА е сега 15-0-2. Goyco of Philadelphia 9-11.


Tramaine Вилијамс won a six-round unanimous decision over Antonio Rodriguez in a featherweight bout.




Williams landed quick combinations, and cut Rodriguez over his right eye in the final round.




Williams of New Haven, КТ освои голем број 60-53, 59-55 и 58-56 да се подигне својот белег на 15-0. Rodriguez of Mexico is 12-21.


Joey Alday, Џуниор. kept his knockout streak intact by stopping Michael Crain at 1:28 of round three of their scheduled 4-round junior middleweight bout.




Alday dropped Crain round two with a hard combination, and finished him off with a hard left to the body in round three.




Alday of Odessa, Тексас сега е 7-0. Crain of Smyrna, DE is 1-2.




For the latest info at @hardhitpromo on or







Hard Hitting Promotions presents stacked card this Friday Night at The Fillmore in Philadelphia



Raymond Serrano vs Malik Hawkins in Main Event


Plus a plethora of the best prospects in boxing


Филаделфија, Па (Март 29, 2018)Утревечер!!! на The Fillmore во Филаделфија, Hard Hitting Promotions will present an outstanding 10 bout card that has a can’t miss main event, and will feature some of the most talented fighters in the country.





In the aforementioned featured attraction, Рејмонд Серано of Philadelphia will battle undefeated Малик Хокинс Балтимор, MD in a ten-round battle for the NABA-USA Welterweight Championship.





Серано, 28 years-old has a record of 24-4 со 10 капачките. The former amateur standout is riding a three-fight winning streak. На 11 годишен ветеран, who is managed by Mark Cipparone has wins over Ashantie Henrickson (1-0), Jay Krupp (12-1), Ronnie Warrior Jr. (13-2-1), Ayi Брус (15-2-1), Jerome Rodriguez (6-1-3), Zack Ramsey (8-1), and his last bout when he won via 8th round disqualification over previously undefeated Enver Halili (10-0) on November 18th in Atlantic City.





Hawkins, 22 годишна возраст, has record of 12-0 со девет капачките. The four-year professional exploded onto the scene with a 2nd round destruction over previously undefeated Carlos Soto (13-0-2) април 14, 2017 in Oxon Hill, Maryland in a bout that was nationally televised on ShoBox: Новата генерација. Hawkins is coming off a 7th round stoppage over Juan Jesus Rivera on November 4th.





One of the most talent laden undercards in recent memory has been put together.





Во шест круг на напади:


Darmani Rock (10-0, 6 КО) Филаделфија битки Ronny Hale (4-11, 4 КО) од Остин, Texas in a heavyweight bout.





Hard Hitting Promotions elite-prospect Branden Pizarro (8-1, 4 КО) Филаделфија битки 32 борбата ветеран Пабло Cupul of San Diego in a lightweight bout.





Hard Hitting Promotions Самуел Seah (12-2-1, 5 КО) of Philadelphia fights Орландо Ризо (19-12, 11 КО) на Манагва, NIC in a lightweight bout.





Hard Hitting Promotions rising prospect Jeremy Cuevas (7-0, 6 КО) Филаделфија битки Efrain Cruz (4-4-1, 1 КО) of Vieques, Puerto Rico in a lightweight bout.





Непоразен супер средна категорија Ronald Ellis (14-0-2, 10 КО) на Лин, Massachusetts battles Taneal Goyco (9-10-1, 4 КО) Филаделфија.





Hard Hitting Promotions fighter, Gadwin Rosa (5-0, 4 КО) of Ocala, FL battles an opponent to be named in a super featherweight bout.


Tramaine Вилијамс (14-0, 5 КО) Њу Хевн, CT battles Antonio Rodriguez(12-20-1, 5 КО) of Durango, MX in a featherweight bout.





Во четири напади круг:


Romuel Cruz (1-0, 1 КО) of Philadelphia takes on an opponent to be named in a bantamweight bout.


Joey Alday, Џуниор. (6-0, 6 КО) of Odessa, TX takes on Mike Crain (1-1) of Smyrna, DE in a junior middleweight bout.


VIP Tickets are sold out; General Seats are sold out


There’s only some Ringside and Second-floor standing available.


The Fillmore is located at 29 И. Allen Street, Филаделфија, Па. 19123






For the latest info at @hardhittpromo on Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter View on Instagram или






Raymond Serrano looks to continue career upswing against Malik Hawkins This Friday night in Philadelphia

Филаделфија, Па (Март 27, 2018)Овој петок ноќ, боксер од полусредна категорија кандидат, Рејмонд “Тито” Serrano will look for his 4th consecutive victory when he takes on undefeated prospect Malik Hawkins in the 10-round main event at The Fillmore in Serrano’s hometown of Philadelphia.
Serrano whose winning streak has coincided with his changing of training venues to Los Angeles, has defeated three fighters in a row that sport a combined record of 25-4.
Во неговата последна турнеја, на 28 year-old Serrano was impressive in defeating previously undefeated Enver Halili via 8th round disqualification.
I had a great training camp. Freddie Roach trained me and I will be cornered by his assistant Ernie Zavala во петокот,” Саид Серано. “Training in Los Angeles is a big part of my winning streak. Out there, I am always around big fighters, and I can focus on boxing 100% of the time.
Another big part of his resurgence is his manager Mark Cipparone of Club 1957 Управување со. Cipparone has helped put Serrano in the best possible situation for Serrano to succeed, and Serrano fully acknowledges that.
Mark is certainly a big part of this. He makes sure that I get tested in each fight. The reason that I am around such good training is because of him. With all that, I feel that I can compete with anyone at welterweight, and I will continue to show it.
In Hawkins, Serrano is facing an undefeated but untested foe, and he feels with his confidence at a sky high level and ring experience will prove to be the difference.
Hawkins is undefeated, but this is not the first undefeated fighter that I have fought (It will be his 6th undefeated opponent). I know he is young, so I want to see what he has. I am more experienced, and that will be a huge factor во петокот. Experience is everything. I know what it takes to beat these guys. I don;t think he will be able to do to me what he has to his previous opponents.
Cipparone has been seeing the steady improvement in the 11 year-veteran Serrano.
His last four fights have developed him further then he has at any point in his career. I would even say beginning with his fight against (Undefeated Prospect) Alex Saucedo. Raymond would have won the fight if he didn’t get caught in the 2nd round. Look at the scores. I think that fight was a turning point for him. It gave him the confidence that he could compete on the level of the top of the division,” said Cipparone, who also manages heavyweight Joey Dawejko.
Raymond has the natural ability to go along with a tremendous ring I.Q. He is such a sophisticated fighter in there, and now he has found that warrior inside of him. I feel it is his time to get to the top of the welterweight division. This fight is a gift to the promoters as it is for the NABA-USA title with the winner not only going to get the belt, but a ranking in the WBA. You don’t see fights like this on the club level shows.


Undefeated Prospects Malik Hawkins & Glenn Dezurn Victorious In Co-Featured Bouts

Фати на реприза Понеделник, Април 17 На 10 вечер. И/PT На Showtime EXTREME®

Кликнете ТУКА За да преземете фотографии; Кредитна Аманда Westcott / Showtime

OXON HILL, Д-р. (Април 15, 2017) – Undefeated WBA Interim Light Heavyweight Titlist Dmitry Bivol knocked down Samuel Clarkson three times en route to a fourth-round TKO Петок во главниот настан наShoBox: Новата генерација live on SHOWTIME from MGM National Harbor.


Bivol (10-0, 8 КО) is now the mandatory challenger for WBA (редовно) Light Heavyweight World Champion Nathan Cleverly.


Bivol stalked Clarkson from the opening bell. The former Russian amateur standout floored Clarkson in the opening 30 seconds with a series of shots and then knocked him down again a minute later with a straight right. Кларксон (19-4, 12 КО) survived the round but didn’t respond well to trouble and was unable to upset Bivol’s rhythm and incredible accuracy.


Clarkson was knocked down for a third time when he appeared to walk into a big right midway through the fourth, forcing referee Harvey Dock to halt the contest at 1:40 as Clarkson struggled to get to his feet. Bivol landed 46 percent of his power shots over the four rounds compared to just 17 percent for Clarkson.


“I thought I would finish him in the first round, but I think it was better that it went to four rounds because the fans were able to see the way I fight,” Bivol said.


“I’m definitely ready for my title shot against (Натан) Cleverly in my next fight. Јас сум подготвен. "


Clarkson had entered the ShoBox main event on a nine-fight winning streak.


He caught me with a good body shot for the first knockdown,” Clarkson said. “I thought I was back in the fight in rounds two and three. In round four I got caught, I stumbled and my balance was off.


Welterweight prospect Malik Hawkins kept his undefeated record intact with a dominating second-round TKO of previously undefeated Carlos Soto in the ShoBox ко-функција.


Hawkins (11-0, 8 КО) attacked early and virtually closed Soto’s left eye late in the first round. Soto took a knee in the closing seconds of the round but survived, although his vision was clearly impaired.


Hawkins out-landed Soto 39-15 во втората, Вклучувајќи 15-1 in the final minute. The ringside physician ruled that Soto (13-1-2, 7 КО) could no longer see out of his left eye following the second round and waved off the contest.


Hard work and dedication. I had a strong camp and believe in my team,” said Hawkins, who is trained by Baltimore’s Calvin Ford and is a stablemate of IBF Junior Lightweight Champion Gervonta Davis. “What makes it even more special is the blessing of my first-born child.


I want to give a shout-out to my opponent. He was big, he was strong, he was durable and he was undefeated.


Soto became the 163 fighter to suffer their first defeat on ShoBox.


In a matchup of undefeated super bantamweights in the opening bout of the ShoBox предавам на телевизија, Glenn Dezurn narrowly edged Leroy Davila to hand the latter his first career loss in a back-and-forth fight scored 78-74 by all three judges.


The Baltimore native Dezurn (9-0, 6 КО) seemed to throw the harder punches and was more effective while fighting on the inside against Davila (5-1, 3 КО), who was the naturally smaller of the two. While Dezurn was the more active fighter – he threw nearly 100 more punches over the eight-round bout – the final rounds were extremely difficult to score as the fighters landed within eight total punches across the last three rounds.


I came into the fight with the best trainers in the world, I train at the best gym in the world. I have the best team in the world and, најважно, I have the best wife and sparring partner in the world,” said Dezurn, who trains under Barry Hunter in Washington, D.C., and spars with his wife, female professional boxer and former eight-time national amateur champion Franchon Crews.


My team told me that all of the training and sparring I do is harder than this fight itself. The sparring I do every day is harder. I wasn’t going to shortchange myself during this fight when what I do every day is harder and when all of my friends and family came out to support.


Davila became the 162 fighter to suffer his first defeat on the prospect developmental series.


"Вечерва wasn’t about winning or losing I showed that I have dog in me. I answered that question,” said Davila. “I went off the game plan and should have listened to my corner. The size played a small part in the fight, but I am not making any excuses. I have seen small men knock out big men before.”


Настанот беше промовиран од страна на Грег Коен Промоции и Банер Промоции во соработка соСветот на Бокс и Uprising Promotions.


Во петокот tripleheader will replay on Понеделник, Април 17 на 10 вечер. И/PT on SHOWTIME EXTREME and will be available on SHOWTIME on DEMAND® and SHOWTIME ANYTIME®.


Бери Томпкинс наречен ShoBox акција од ringside со Стив Farhood и поранешниот светски шампион Раул Маркес служат како експерт аналитичари. Извршен продуцент беше Гордон сала соБогата Gaughan производство и Рик Филипс Режијата.


# # #


За повеќе информации посетете ја страницата www.sho.com/sports следат на Твитер @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, and @GCPBoxing or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.facebook.com/GCPBoxing/ и www.facebook.com/BannerPromotions/.




Утре/Петок, Април 14 на 10 вечер. И/PT from MGM Grand National Harbor in Maryland


“I know what people expect of me – they want the KO – and if the opportunity comes I’ll try to finish him.” – Dmitry Bivol

“I want to see what the hype is about. His whole career is my winning streak.” – Samuel Clarkson


Кликнете ТУКА To Download Weigh-In Photos; Кредитна Аманда Westcott / Showtime


OXON HILL, Д-р. (Април 13, 2017) – Undefeated WBA Interim Light Heavyweight Titlist Dmitry Bivol and streaking challenger Самуел Кларксон made weight во четвртокот for their 12-round main event утре/Петок на ShoBox: Новата генерација во живо на Showtime® (10вечер. И/Португалија) од MGM Grand National Harbor in Oxon Hill, Мериленд.


The fast-rising Bivol (9-0, 7 КО) earned his interim belt in just his seventh professional fight while Clarkson (19-3, 12 КО е) enters Во петокот main event on a nine fight winning streak.


Undefeated welterweight prospects Малик Хокинс (10-0, 7 КО) и Carlos Soto (13-0-2, 7 КО) meet in the eight-round co-feature. Hawkins, a Baltimore native trained by Calvin Ford, is a stablemate of IBF Junior Lightweight Champion Gervonta Davis.


Во отворањето рунда од предавам на телевизија, Baltimore native Glenn Dezurn (8-0, 6 КО) takes on former amateur standout Leroy Davila (5-0, 3 КО), of New Brunswick, N.J., in an eight-round matchup of undefeated super bantamweights.


Билети за настан, кој е промовиран од страна на Грег Коен Промоции и Банер Промоции во соработка со Светот на Бокс и Uprising Promotions, се по цена од $103, $73 и $48 and can be purchased at Ticketmaster.com or by phone at 800.745.3000.


Dmitry Bivol: 174 ½ Pounds

Самуел Кларксон: 173 ½ Pounds

Малик Хокинс: 146 Фунти

Carlos Soto: 148 ¼ Pounds

Glenn Dezurn: 120 ¾ Pounds

Leroy Davila: 119 ¾ Pounds

ЗАВРШНИ цитати:



“The plan was to become world champion in my first 10 тепачки. We’re almost there.


“Clarkson is a big light heavyweight, but I have fought bigger guys. Ова е тешка борба, but we were willing to take a risk for this opportunity to fight on TV.


“I did have a transition from amateur to pros. The WSB helped that transition and gave me experience. I’ve been able to learn from fight to fight, and I’ve gained experience in each fight.


“I’ve been trying to be more aggressive and control the pace of the fight. I’m comfortable going forward and backward.


“We’ll feel out the power and timing in the beginning. I know what people expect of me – they want the KO – and if the opportunity comes I’ll try to finish him.


“Working at Wild Card has been a big difference. Training in the U.S. is completely different. In Russia it’s mostly amateurs, so you get used to the wrong style. Most of what I’ve learned has been from sparring with pros here in the U.S.


“Clarkson usually comes forward. He seems uncomfortable moving back. We think we can use our advantages to cap on his mistakes and get him out of his comfort zone.”



“I’m not an underdog. I’ve fought my way up here to this position and the winning streak. I feel like I’ve proven myself to be here. My losses have helped me get to where I am. I know I belong here.


“I’ve never been one to get knocked down and stay down. I’m ready for whatever comes. The pressure isn’t on me. I just need to do my thing.


“I’ve been in some wars. I know what it’s like to get knocked down. He hasn’t been there before. I need to stand my ground. I’m not backing up.


“I want to see what the hype is about. His whole career is my winning streak.


“I’ve been sparring with top quality guys. Јас сум подготвен за оваа борба. It’s a big opportunity and I don’t feel any pressure.


“He hasn’t been in wars like we have. It’s hard when you face a guy like me that isn’t afraid of you. He’s one dimensional. We want to make him as uncomfortable as possible.


“We’re coming to take his belt. He’s going to have to stop us from taking it. He’s never faced anyone like me – a really fast fighter with a lot of power.”


“I’ll do whatever it takes. If I have to come forward, I’ll come forward. If I have to box, I’ll box.


“Hawkins a smart fighter, брзо, tall. He likes to fight at a distance. I need to pressure him to win the fight.


“I’ve faced fighters as tall as him before. This isn’t new for me.


“I’ve only been in the U.S. once before, and I’ve never fought here. I need to take advantage of this experience.


“My goal is to go for it. I want to be the best in my weight class. Everything starts now for me.”



“I grew up with Gervonta (Дејвис). I saw him win the title, I’ve seen his success, and now it’s my turn. It’s been great motivation for me. For him to become a champion motivated me even more.


“We’ve sparred 1,000’s of rounds with Gervonta. We’ve been in there with the champ and know it’s our time.


“We’re here to prove we’re ready. We don’t want to take any shortcuts. We’re taking this one fight at a time. We’re building and building.


“I’m tall, but I have an inside game. I fight inside better than a short fighter.


“People don’t want to take the chance to fight me. Credit to Soto for taking the fight, but he’s going to learn the hard way why no one wants to fight me.”




“We knew this was coming some day and now it’s here. We know all about Dezurn. He’s the perfect opponent for us. We know can break him down.


“When I didn’t make the Olympic team, I got right over it. But I wasn’t sure I was going to turn pro. I have a family to take care of and I can’t let anything distract me from being a father. But now I’m 5-0 and fighting on national TV. This is the moment I’ve been waiting for.


“Dezurn is an aggressive and has a lot of heart, but I’m not worried about him. I need to focus on myself.


“A win puts me in the conversation with the other up-and-coming fighters. A win could really change my career.”




“Sparring with my wife helps me. She hits like a dude. She’s taught me a lot – she taught me discipline. We push each other in the gym; we make each other better fighters.


“If you can make an adjustment with a sharp female woman, there’s no reason you can’t do it with a man.


“I like to break down my opponents. I become aggressive when I see a weakness.


“I’m ready to fight. I’m ready to get in there. I worked hard and now it’s time to have fun.


“I sparred with Rau’Shee (Ворен) for this fight. He has tremendous talent. He’s an inspiration for me. We also sparred with Vasyl Lomachenko for this fight. You have to be physically and mentally in shape to fight him.”


# # #


За повеќе информации посетете ја страницата www.sho.com/sports следат на Твитер @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, and @GCPBoxing or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.facebook.com/GCPBoxing/ иwww.facebook.com/BannerPromotions/.