Tag Archives: Maine


Bangor, Maine (Agosto 6, 2017) –Não havia lugar como o lar Sábado noite para C.J. Jarro, Ryan Sanders e Fred Lear do MMA de Young em Bangor.

Lutando em frente a um salão de baile lotado a poucos passos de seu quartel de treinamento, os três lutadores no topo do card em “NEF 30” Rumble in Bangor ”, todos registraram vitórias impressionantes no Cross Insurance Center.

Ewer derrotou Mike “The Mustache” Hansen por finalização em 1:46 da primeira rodada para capturar o título vago NEF pro dos médios. Lear conquistou o cinturão de peso galo amador do NEF, enquanto Sanders apertou seu controle sobre a cena profissional leve da Nova Inglaterra em um triunfo sem título.

Foi a segunda lotação esgotada de agosto consecutiva em Queen City, uma tradição que começou com “NEF Presents Dana White: Olhar dentro’ For a Fight ”no verão passado.

Depois de sua difícil vitória sobre o viajado Jay Ellis, Sanders campeão dos leves profissionais do NEF, Não classificados. 1 na região, manteve seus comentários curtos e amáveis ​​enquanto chamava o supracitado Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) presidente.

“Você pegou o cara errado ano passado,”Sanders disse. "Venha me buscar agora."

Sanders (15-8) não teve um caminho fácil contra Ellis, um veterano de mais de 80 lutas profissionais. Ellis manteve Sanders sob controle durante a maior parte da luta, mas se deixou vulnerável a um estrangulamento em triângulo em 2:34 do primeiro turno.

Ewer despachou Hansen com uma manobra igualmente rápida.

“É uma sensação ótima vencer na frente da torcida,”Ewer disse. “Por mais que trabalhemos (no acampamento de treinamento), Não achei que nada pudesse me impedir. "

O final repentino estragou as esperanças de Hansen de ganhar um título pela primeira vez em seus 13 anos de carreira em artes marciais mistas.

“Este foi de longe o melhor campo de treinamento que já tive. Nós estávamos apenas nos aquecendo,”Hansen disse. “Eu tinha muito mais para dar, e tenho certeza C.J. tinha muito mais para dar. Mas ei, poderíamos fazer de novo. ”

Lear destacou a parte amadora do card com um nocaute oficial no segundo assalto de Walt Shea.

Apenas o sino salvou Shea do ataque de Lear no final do capítulo de abertura. Lear ganhou a vantagem com um chute na cabeça no meio dessa rodada. Depois de quase travar em uma barra de braço que poderia ter encerrado a luta, Lear ensanguentou Shea, até então invicto, com uma série de ataques.

O fim parecia inevitável quando Shea precisava da ajuda de Lear para encontrar seu canto entre as rodadas, e outro ataque interrompido acelerou o final apenas 14 segundos mais tarde.

Um Lear emocionado elogiou seu treinador, Chris Young do MMA de Young, antes de colocar o cinto em volta da cintura do professor.

“Muita gente por aqui sabe o nome dele, mas eles não conhecem o homem,”Lear disse. “Ele é o primeiro cara na academia pela manhã e o último a sair à noite. Ele é a razão de estarmos todos aqui. Ele é a razão de nosso sucesso. Ele é a razão de alguns de nós não estarmos na prisão. "

Nas duas primeiras lutas de Josh Jones’ carreira de MMA amador, Jones despachou seus oponentes por nocaute com um soco em um total de 24 segundos. Carlton Charles levou um tique-taque a menos para derrubar Jones na impressionante conclusão de um emaranhado de ex-atletas universitários famosos.

Charles, um produto do programa de futebol da Universidade do Maine em sua caminhada inicial até a jaula do NEF, virou o jogo em Jones (2-1) em uma sucata de peso médio. Jones novamente foi para a paralisação antecipada com um par de tiros em loop, mas Charles calmamente os abaixou antes de pousar um dos seus e levar a questão para o tapete.

“Eu simplesmente amo a competição,”Charles disse. “Você não leva uma pancada na cara assim no campo de futebol.”

Quando os combatentes se recuperaram, Charles apoiou Jones contra a gaiola e acertou a mandíbula com as duas mãos direitas. Jones se ajoelhou e acertou um golpe de esquerda na cabeça. Isso convenceu o árbitro a intervir e parar a luta, um veredicto que deixou Jones e seu campo de MMA de primeira classe visivelmente confusos.

Era o charles’ segunda vitória unilateral em esportes de combate em uma semana. Anteriormente, ele entregou um nocaute técnico no primeiro round no ringue de boxe amador. Jones sofreu sua primeira derrota desde a transição do basquete, que jogou profissionalmente na Europa depois de estrelar na Universidade Husson de Bangor.

Um olhar para Sexta-feira Pesagem oficial sugeriu que a luta entre Roger Ewer (251 libras) e Dustin Freeman (220) pode ser o típico stand-up, caso de peso pesado. Em vez, transformou-se em uma vitrine de peso e peso que ficava bem na casa do leme de Ewer. Irmão mais velho de C.J., fazendo sua estreia no hexágono NEF em 44 anos de idade, martelou a vantagem ao longo e ganhou um nocaute técnico por meio de ataques sem resposta em 2:31 da segunda estrofe.

Nate Boucher melhorou para 2-0 com uma paralisação na primeira rodada de Jeremiah Barkac, quem estava fazendo sua estréia na gaiola. Barkac ganhou uma vantagem inicial na luta do galo com uma enxurrada de ataques, mas Boucher habilmente ganhou vantagem com as pernas e travou em um estrangulamento triangular.

Ganhar ou perder, Angela Young de Bangor anunciou que sua batalha com Jessica "The Black Widow" Borga seria a luta final de sua carreira. Pagamento (6-3) apagou qualquer esperança de um final de Hollywood com um nocaute técnico decisivo em 2:16 da rodada de abertura. Jovem (2-3), esposa de chris, nunca tinha ido menos do que a distância em qualquer uma de suas vitórias ou derrotas anteriores.

Em uma estreia mútua entre NEF e MMA, Zach Faulkner encantou sua torcida com uma vitória no segundo turno sobre David Hart, com mata-leão. O fim veio em 1:42.

Jesse Hutchinson também teve uma estreia triunfante nas fileiras amadoras. Ele parou Anthony LaPointe em 2:43 do primeiro turno em uma escaramuça de meio-médio.

NEF também anunciou que o próximo evento de artes marciais mistas da promoção, “NEF 31: O porto antigo,” verá a empresa fazer sua tão esperada estreia em Portland, Maine no novo, espaço moderno Aura. O evento está programado para acontecer em Sexta-feira, Novembro 3, 2017. Os ingressos estarão à venda nesta quarta-feira, Agosto 9 em www.auramaine.com.

Sobre Fights Nova Inglaterra

Lutas da Nova Inglaterra ("NEF") é uma luta promoção de eventos empresa. A missão da NEF é criar os eventos de alta qualidade para lutadores e fãs do Maine tanto. A equipe executiva da NEF tem uma vasta experiência na gestão de esportes de combate, produção de eventos, relações com a mídia, marketing, legal e publicidade.



Matt Andrikut v Mike Hansen square off in MMA action from NEF 25.

PARA DIVULGAÇÃO IMEDIATA: Rumford, Maine (Agosto 3, 2017) – New Mike Hansen’s dreams of becoming a mixed martial arts (MMA) champion were admittedly premature. Then they were derailed for nearly a decade by a combination of injuries, service to his country and fatherhood.


The teenage ambition that made Hansen believe he could conquer the world, or at least his little corner of it, never went away, embora.


Twenty-nine months after resurrecting his career with New England Fights, Rumford’s Hansen (5-5) finally gets that coveted title shot. He will battle hometown favorite C.J. Jarro (2-0) em “NEF 30: Rumble in Bangor” this Sábado, Agosto 5 at Cross Insurance Center for the organization’s vacant middleweight title. The card starts at 7 p.m.

Hansen, que virou 32 em julho 21, says the opportunity fulfills an early goal while living and fighting in Massachusetts back in 2005.


“I was 19 years old and thought I had a great head on my shoulders, so I called out the (Liga Mundial de Luta) champion at the time, who was John “Doomsday” Howard,”Hansen disse. “I said that I wanted that belt and that I was coming after him. Knowing what I know now, he probably would have whipped the (porcaria) out of me.”


Howard went on to compete at the highest level with Ultimate Fighting Championships (UFC) and is now a veteran of 37 journeys into the cage. Hansen’s career path had many more stops, starts and detours.


He started with six amateur wins out of the gate and won his initial professional foray with ease. The title fight will take place on the eve of the 12th anniversary of that pro debut.


“Being 19 anos, I was kind of cocky. I remember telling my dad nobody could compete with my wrestling,”Hansen disse. “Back then, MMA hadn’t really evolved. The wrestler had the advantage over the jiu-jitsu guy. You could just hold a guy down and snuggle and hug and sweat out a win.”


After his first knockout loss, Hansen promised his father he would quit the sport. But he had already caught the fever, and his confidence was sky high.


Hansen was training for a bout at Laconia, New Hampshire’s bike week when he suffered a broken ankle two weeks before the weigh-in. He recovered and was in training for another fight when he was stabbed and beaten with a baseball bat in what could have been a fatal case of mistaken identity.


He remarkably walked out of the hospital a day later and soon embarked on a more structured path as a combat engineer in the United States Army. While enlisted, Hansen suffered a serious shoulder injury. Even after retirement, a return to the MMA cage seemed unlikely.


Then came a fateful call from an old friend and neighbor, NEF co-owner and matchmaker Matt Peterson, and the rest is history. Hansen has carved out a reputation as one who will take on any opponent in any weight class at any time, and perhaps there is no greater example than the Ewer matchup.


“The belts are vacant at 170, 185 e 205 (libras). I can make weight for all those if I have enough time,”Hansen disse. “I guess Peterson thought it made sense to kill two birds with one stone and put me in with Ewer at 185. Six weeks ago is when they called me, and at first they asked me about 170. I really liked the fight, but the weight didn’t make sense. I was sitting on the couch at 248.”


Hansen has spent most of his time in the heavyweight and light heavyweight divisions. He was glaringly outweighed in his last bout, a February loss to Ras Hylton.


Only once previously has he downsized to the middleweight threshold, a February 2016 loss to Zach Elkins. In the case of Ewer, who has done most of his work at 170, meeting in the middle might play to Hansen’s advantage.


“We’re two different styles of fighters. He’s coming up in weight and I’m coming down,”Hansen disse. “He’s never been in the cage against anybody with my kind of power. When I’m hitting somebody at 200 libras, I’m hitting them with the force of somebody who’s 245. My opponents have told me they’ve never been hit harder by a guy my size. I feel like it’s my fight to lose, as long as I don’t make any mistakes and go in there with the stamina I need to have.”


Hansen is confident against Ewer, who had a 5-2 amateur record with notable wins over Ricky Dexter and Crowsneck Boutin before turning pro. He knows better, contudo, than to underestimate any fighter out of the Young’s MMA stable.


“I feel like I’m the more talented fighter and that I have more tools in my tool box. But I know Young’s MMA is a great camp and that he trains with a lot of great guys,”Hansen disse. “Chris (Jovem) finds a way to set you up to fight the fight you need to win. Look at the Pat Kelly fight (against Rafael Velado). They prepared to turn that into a kickboxing fight, and then he went out and did just that.”


Hansen has seen his name rise into the New England top-five conversation. Most of the fighters ahead of him have experience with larger promotions.


He said a win over Ewer could inspire him to travel and continuing to pursue the dream. That’s consistent with the personality he has shown through this second act of his career.


“I’ve been fighting the top-level guys in NEF for about the past two-and-a-half years,”Hansen disse, “I always told Peterson to set me up with a guy who’s in the top 10 or just above me. I wanted to work my way up.”


From his days as a high school state wrestling champion at Mountain Valley High School, Hansen flaunted a distaste for winning that served him well.


In those days, he wore a T-shirt that read, ‘Nobody remembers second place,’ with four gold medals beneath it. Hansen’s attitude remains, but the mainstay of Berserker’s MMA out of the Greater Rumford Community Center noted that it is never only about himself.


“I want to win the title for all the people who have supported me and trained with me in Rumford. I also want it for my gym. We’ve done this three times in the amateurs and now we’re going to do it with a pro,"Ele disse. "(GRCC is) just a little on-profit that helps people pursue their dreams. I’d love to hang that belt on the wall. It shows people in the community what we’re capable of here, and hopefully it gets them interested and grows the gym. That’s my goal.”


Ingressos para “NEF 30: Rumble in Bangor” are available at CrossInsuranceCenter.com. For more information on the fight card and event updates, please visit NewEnglandFights.com.


Sobre Fights Nova Inglaterra

Lutas da Nova Inglaterra ("NEF") é uma luta promoção de eventos empresa. A missão da NEF é criar os eventos de alta qualidade para lutadores e fãs do Maine tanto. A equipe executiva da NEF tem uma vasta experiência na gestão de esportes de combate, produção de eventos, relações com a mídia, marketing, legal e publicidade.



PARA DIVULGAÇÃO IMEDIATA: Bangor, Maine (Julho 21, 2017) - Fights Nova Inglaterra (NEF) retorna ao Cross Insurance Center no sábado noite, Agosto 5, 2017 com o próximo evento misto de artes marciais da promoção luta, “NEF 30: Rumble em Bangor.” Hoje cedo, NEF anunciou o cartão de luta completo para o evento.

No evento principal da noite, Do próprio Bangor CJ Ewer (2-0) vai se reunir Mike Hansen (5-5) de Rumford, Maine em uma competição de cinco rounds para coroar um novo campeão dos médios do NEF MMA Pro. Ewer é membro da academia local de Young’s MMA, enquanto Hansen representa o Berserkers MMA com base na região de River Valley, no estado. Ewer teve um nocaute no carretel de destaque sobre Ruben Redman (0-1) em sua última luta na cruz – exatamente um ano antes do dia em que ele conhecerá Hansen.

O co-evento principal da noite terá o companheiro de equipe de Ewer’s Young, perspectiva invicta de Bangor Aaron Lacey (4-0) enfrentar o veterano do Bellator Bryan Goldsby (17-16). Goldsby representará o desafio mais experiente de Lacey até agora. Lacey tem sido nada menos que “Implacável” – o apelido dele – desde que se tornou profissional. Ele finalizou três de seus quatro oponentes no primeiro round. Só joão santos (3-5) conseguiu sobreviver a três rodadas completas com Lacey no verão passado em Bangor. Lacey venceu a luta por decisão dividida em um acidentado, vai e volta, “luta da noite” atuação.

Completar o card profissional será outra pedra angular de Young, “O” Ryan Sanders (14-8), quem vai conhecer Milwaukee, Veterano de Wisconsin Jay Ellis (14-68) em um concurso welterweight. Sanders é o atual campeão dos leves do NEF MMA Pro, tendo derrotado Jon Lemke (6-8) em uma final de torneio em abril passado para reivindicar o título. A luta com Ellis será um caso sem título. Sanders tem uma seqüência de quatro vitórias consecutivas que começou há um ano no Cross.

A atração principal da parte amadora do card de luta será uma luta pelo título de peso galo amador do NEF MMA. Fred Lear (5-2) de Bangor vai lutar com Jefferson, Maine de Walt Shea (2-0) para o campeonato vago de 135 libras. Lear e Shea continuarão uma rivalidade competitiva que se desenvolveu nas fileiras amadoras nos últimos anos entre o MMA Young’s de Lear e a equipe de MMA de Primeira Classe de Shea com base em Brunswick, Maine.

A abertura da noite será uma luta de mulheres entre Angela Jovem (2-2), esposa do fundador do MMA de Young e treinador principal Chris Young, e Flórida Jessica “A viúva negra” Pagamento (5-2). Espera-se que a sucata seja empolgante. Jovem, uma enfermeira registrada no Eastern Maine Medical Center (EMMC), colocou vários “luta da noite” apresentações que levaram o público ao frenesi. Borga fará sua terceira viagem ao Maine no ano passado para competir na jaula do NEF.

O cheio “NEF 30” cartão da luta (sujeitas a alterações):


185*TÍTULO C. J. Jarro 2-0 (MMA de Young) vs Mike Hansen 5-5 (Berserkers MMA)

170 Ryan Sanders 14-8 (MMA de Young) vs Jay Ellis 14-68 (Knockout da equipe)

145 Aaron Lacey 4-0 (MMA de Young) vs Bryan Goldsby 17-16 (Jorge Gurgel)

MMA amador

135*TÍTULO Fred Lear 5-2 (MMA de Young) vs Walt Shea 2-0 (First Class MMA)

265 Roger Ewer 0-0 (MMA de Young) vs Dustin Freeman 0-0 (Independente)

185 Josh Jones 2-0 (First Class MMA) vs Carlton Charles 0-0 (Família Charles Briga / Incêndio&Iron Athletics)

170 Anthony Lapointe 0-1 (Titan Athletics) vs Jesse Hutchinson 0-0 (CMBJJ)

160 Zachary Faulkner 0-0 (Titan Athletics) vs David Hart 0-0 (MMA de Kenney)

145 Robbie Kiah 1-0 (MMA de Young) vs Robert H. Norris III (Independente)

135 Nate Boucher 1-0 (CMBJJ) vs Jeremiah Barkac 0-0 (Independente)

135 Angela Jovem 2-2 (MMA de Young) vs Jessica Borga 5-3 (Campeões MMA)

"NEF 30: Rumble in Bangor ”será realizado no Cross Insurance Center em Bangor, Maine no sábado, Agosto 5, 2017. Os ingressos já estão à venda emwww.CrossInsuranceCenter.com.

Para mais informações sobre as atualizações de cartões de eventos e de luta, por favor visite o site da promoção no www.NewEnglandFights.com. Além, você pode assistir a vídeos no NEF www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, siga-os no Twitter @nefights e aderir ao grupo oficial do Facebook “Lutas da Nova Inglaterra."

Sobre Fights Nova Inglaterra

Lutas da Nova Inglaterra ("NEF") é uma luta promoção de eventos empresa. A missão da NEF é criar os eventos de alta qualidade para lutadores e fãs do Maine tanto. A equipe executiva da NEF tem uma vasta experiência na gestão de esportes de combate, produção de eventos, relações com a mídia, marketing, legal e publicidade.


PARA DIVULGAÇÃO IMEDIATA: Bangor, Maine (Julho 3, 2017) - Fights Nova Inglaterra (NEF) retorna ao Cross Insurance Center no sábado noite, Agosto 5, 2017 com o próximo evento misto de artes marciais da promoção luta, “NEF 30: Rumble em Bangor.” Hoje cedo, NEF anunciou a adição de uma luta de peso galo amador feminino para o cartão de luta. Angela Jovem (2-2) vai se reunir Jessica “A viúva negra” Pagamento (5-3) com um peso de luta de 135 quilos.

Se houver alguém que saiba como fazer lutas emocionantes, é angela jovem. A esposa do fundador do MMA de Young, Chris Young, uma mãe, e uma enfermeira em tempo integral, ela trouxe o calor em todas as quatro competições anteriores para NEF, ganhando vários “Luta da Noite” honras. Young deixou a multidão na beira de seu assento para seu emocionante encontro com Christine Brothwell no início deste ano – uma luta que ela venceu por decisão unânime. Ela nunca desistiu, mesmo quando no final perdedor de um slugfest como o que ela teve com Kylie O’Hearn em Cape Cod no ano passado, e isso a tornou uma das lutadoras mais populares do público do NEF. Com base em seus estilos, Young prevê mais uma greve festiva cheia de fogos de artifício quando ela conhece Borga em 5 de agosto.

“Estou muito animado para a partida com Borga para NEF em Bangor,” disse Young. “Eu a respeito como lutadora e mais ainda por viajar para o Maine mais uma vez lutar. Nenhum de nós tem medo de ficar de pé e bater, fazendo desta uma luta que as pessoas não vão querer perder.”

Jessica Borga, da Flórida, fará uma viagem ao norte para competir no Maine pela terceira vez em menos de um ano. Ela fez sua estréia no NEF em setembro passado e rapidamente se tornou uma das favoritas dos fãs de luta em Pine Tree State. Novembro passado, Borga teve uma atuação dominante em Lewiston, vencendo na decisão unânime sobre a faixa-preta Brianne Genschel. Ela conquistou vários títulos regionais na porção sudeste do país. Borga espera voltar para lutar na frente de seus fãs do Maine mais uma vez.

“Mal posso esperar para voltar ao NEF em 2017,” exclamou Borga ao ser contatado para comentar. “Estou esperando para voltar e mostrar o que aprendi. Agradeço a Angela Young por se apresentar para dar um show para todos. Estarei pronto e mal posso esperar para mostrar minhas melhorias.”

"NEF 30: Rumble in Bangor ”será realizado no Cross Insurance Center em Bangor, Maine no sábado, Agosto 5, 2017. Os ingressos já estão à venda em www.CrossInsuranceCenter.com.

Para mais informações sobre as atualizações de cartões de eventos e de luta, por favor visite o site da promoção no www.NewEnglandFights.com. Além, você pode assistir a vídeos no NEF www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, siga-os no Twitter @nefights e aderir ao grupo oficial do Facebook “Lutas da Nova Inglaterra."

Sobre Fights Nova Inglaterra

Lutas da Nova Inglaterra ("NEF") é uma luta promoção de eventos empresa. A missão da NEF é criar os eventos de alta qualidade para lutadores e fãs do Maine tanto. A equipe executiva da NEF tem uma vasta experiência na gestão de esportes de combate, produção de eventos, relações com a mídia, marketing, legal e publicidade.


PARA DIVULGAÇÃO IMEDIATA: Gorham, Maine (Junho 30, 2017) - Fights Nova Inglaterra (NEF) announced earlier today that the fight promotion would once again sponsor an athlete at this year’s BrawlinLobsta Wrestling Clinic & Tournament. The camp is set to take place at the Gorham campus of the University of Southern Maine (USM) a partir deJulho 18 to July 22. As it has done in years past, NEF will select one winner for which the fight promotion will cover tuition to the program.

This is one of the most important things we do in the community every year,” said NEF matchmaker and co-owner Matt Peterson of Rumford, Maine. “So many of our promotion’s competitors came from a wrestling background. Wrestling instills in young athletes a lifelong sense of discipline and hard work, and that is exactly what we want the winner of this contest to take away from the camp this summer.

Camp instructors Mike Morin and Jon Deupree are both veterans of the MMA cage. Morin is the head wrestling coach at USM and a two-time All-American during his days competing for the Huskies. Deupree is an assistant coach with USM and was a two-time NCAA national qualifier.

“Myself and my staff would like to thank NEF for once again sponsoring a local wrestler to attend the Brawlin’ Lobsta Wrestling Camp,” exclaimed Morin. “This is not only directly helping raise the level of wrestling in the state of Maine, it has also helped us at USM jump levels. We look forward to working with all of the wrestlers this year at the camp and in the future.”

Interested contestants are asked to submit a photograph of themselves wrestling to either the NEF Facebook page or via email to newenglandfights@gmail.com along with a brief statement of 100 words or less detailing why they believe the clinic will help them achieve their goals.

Lutas da Nova Inglaterra’ next mixed-martial arts event, "NEF 30: Rumble in Bangor,” will be held at Cross Insurance Center in Bangor, Maine em Sábado, Agosto 5, 2017. Os ingressos já estão à venda em www.CrossInsuranceCenter.com.

Para mais informações sobre as atualizações de cartões de eventos e de luta, por favor visite o site da promoção no www.NewEnglandFights.com. Além, você pode assistir a vídeos no NEF www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, siga-os no Twitter @nefights e aderir ao grupo oficial do Facebook “Lutas da Nova Inglaterra."


PARA DIVULGAÇÃO IMEDIATA: Bangor, Maine (Junho 28, 2017) - Fights Nova Inglaterra (NEF) retorna ao Cross Insurance Center no sábado noite, Agosto 5, 2017 com o próximo evento misto de artes marciais da promoção luta, “NEF 30: Rumble em Bangor.” Hoje cedo, NEF announced the addition of an amateur middleweight contest to the fight card. Josh Jones (2-0) will take on the debuting Carlton Charles (0-0) com um peso de luta de 185 quilos.

It has taken Jones a mere 24-seconds combined to polish off his first two opponents. His four-second victory over Anthony Spires (0-3) earlier this month set an all-time NEF record for fastest knockout. Video of the punch went viral almost immediately, giving Jones worldwide notoriety with exposure on major sports websites like Bleacher Report.

Prior to joining First Class MMA of Brunswick, Maine, Jones was known for his exploits on the basketball court. He led Erskine Academy to a class B Maine state championship in 2004. Mais tarde, as a senior at Husson University in Bangor, Jones averaged 19 points and 11 rebounds per game and was namedplayer of the yearby the Maine Basketball Writers and Coaches Association. He was drafted by the Rio Grande Valley Vipers of the NBA Developmental League (NBDL).

For all his accomplishments on the hardwood and the MMA cage, Jones is not resting on his laurels. His focus now is on the future and his upcoming fight on Agosto 5 with Carlton Charles.

Carlton Charles is another opponent that I have to respect and I know my teammates and coaches at First Class will have me prepared for everything,” disse Jones. “I am trying to be well-rounded so that I can win anywhere in the cage. I look forward to another opportunity to showcase my talents.

Where Jones excelled on the basketball court, his opponent Carlton Charles was a star on the football field. Charles played for Windham High School and was later an assistant coach of the team when they won a class A Maine state championship in 2009. He would go on to play for the University of Maine Black Bears Division I NCAA team. Charles had a career season in 2011, playing in all 13 games for the Black Bears that year with a series of receptions and special teams tackles to his credit.

The Charles family name will be familiar to longtime NEF fans as Carlton is the younger brother of MMA and boxing veteran Nate Charles. Carlton has been training with Nate for his MMA debut as a member of team Charles Family Fighting.

I’m just really excited, thankful and extremely blessed for the opportunity to fight,” said Carlton Charles when reached for comment. “It’s always been something that I’ve wanted to do, but with football it was hard to be able to find the time to train. I’ve seen the videos of Josh’s first two fights and it is impressive what he has been able to do in the short amount of time that he has been training. I feel it should be a fun matchup with both of our athletic backgrounds and hopefully we can put on a great fight.

"NEF 30: Rumble in Bangor ”será realizado no Cross Insurance Center em Bangor, Maine no sábado, Agosto 5, 2017. Os ingressos já estão à venda emwww.CrossInsuranceCenter.com.

Para mais informações sobre as atualizações de cartões de eventos e de luta, por favor visite o site da promoção no www.NewEnglandFights.com. Além, você pode assistir a vídeos no NEF www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, siga-os no Twitter @nefights e aderir ao grupo oficial do Facebook “Lutas da Nova Inglaterra."

Sobre Fights Nova Inglaterra


PARA DIVULGAÇÃO IMEDIATA: Bangor, Maine (Junho 23, 2017) - Fights Nova Inglaterra (NEF) retorna ao Cross Insurance Center no sábado noite, Agosto 5, 2017 com o próximo evento misto de artes marciais da promoção luta, “NEF 30: Rumble em Bangor.” Hoje cedo, NEF anunciou a adição de um ataque pluma profissional para o cartão da luta. Aaron “Implacável” Lacey (4-0) vai assumir Bryan Goldsby (18-15) com um peso de luta de 145 quilos.

Goldsby will be the most experienced fighter Bangor-area prospect Aaron Lacey has ever faced in the cage. He has four Bellator bouts under his belt and has faced national stars such as Will Campuzano (14-6) and Jeff Curran (36-17-1). Goldsby made his NEF debut earlier this month, not in the MMA cage but in the boxing ring. O 5 de agosto bout will represent his return to the cage after more than a three year absence.

Lacey put on a “luta da noite” performance last year in Bangor in a brutal back-and-forth war against John Santos (3-5). It was the only fight of Lacey’s pro career thus far to make it to the judges’ scorecards. He has finished all three of his other opponents via first-round submission. The fight with Goldsby will be Lacey’s first since last November.

Fighting in Bangor last year was a dream come true, but it also showed me I have a lot to work on,” said Lacey. “I have been nonstop since then and have made giant improvements. Goldsby is a seasoned opponent who has fought at some of the highest levels the sport has to offer. This will be a big test for me and I’m looking forward to showing everyone just how dangerous I can be!”

"NEF 30: Rumble in Bangor ”será realizado no Cross Insurance Center em Bangor, Maine no sábado, Agosto 5, 2017. Os ingressos já estão à venda em www.CrossInsuranceCenter.com.

Para mais informações sobre as atualizações de cartões de eventos e de luta, por favor visite o site da promoção no www.NewEnglandFights.com. Além, você pode assistir a vídeos no NEF www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, siga-os no Twitter @nefights e aderir ao grupo oficial do Facebook “Lutas da Nova Inglaterra."

Sobre Fights Nova Inglaterra

Lutas da Nova Inglaterra ("NEF") é uma luta promoção de eventos empresa. A missão da NEF é criar os eventos de alta qualidade para lutadores e fãs do Maine tanto. A equipe executiva da NEF tem uma vasta experiência na gestão de esportes de combate, produção de eventos, relações com a mídia, marketing, legal e publicidade.


PARA DIVULGAÇÃO IMEDIATA: Bangor, Maine (Junho 21, 2017) - Fights Nova Inglaterra (NEF) retorna ao Cross Insurance Center no sábado noite, Agosto 5, 2017 com o próximo evento misto de artes marciais da promoção luta, “NEF 30: Rumble em Bangor.” Hoje cedo, NEF announced the addition of an amateur championship bantamweight contest to the fight card. Fred Lear (5-2) deve se reunir Walt Shea (2-0) for the vacant NEF MMA Amateur 135-pound championship.

A member of Young’s MMA based in Bangor, Lear is riding a two-fight win streak into the first hometown fight of his career. Em fevereiro deste ano, Lear defeated Shea’s First Class MMA teammate Michael Crespo (3-3) with a second-round technical knockout. He is a finisher, with all but one of Lear’s five victories coming by way of technical knockout or submission. He is promising local fans a crowd-pleasing fight against Shea on 5 de agosto.

Walt Shea has shown tremendous poise and fortitude in his back-to-back wins,” proclaimed Lear. “My job over the next eight weeks is to work hard, stay humble, and listen to my teammates and coaches who have carried me to this point in my career. This is an extraordinary opportunity and it is my responsibility to seize it. This isn’t about myself or an ammy title. This is about Bangor and delivering on the fight this town deserves.

Walt Shea has been to the judgesscorecards twice in his time with NEF, and twice Shea has emerged victorious. He made his debut last September with a split decision win over Joel Downing (0-1). Shea followed up that appearance with a unanimous decision over Alan Bustamante (0-1) earlier this year atNEF 27.He is a member of First Class MMA based in Brunswick, Maine, as well as The Foundry in Farmington, Maine.

It’s an honor to be fighting for the amateur 135-pound title atNEF 30,'said Shea. “Honestamente, it’s hard to believe considering almost two years ago I was just an overweight fan watching my cousin Nick Shea compete in the cage. Meu oponente, Fred Lear, is a tough kid who comes from another tough gym in Young’s MMA and always brings a ton of energy into the cage, so be ready for a war of cardio and willpower from each of us. I’d like to thank my family for standing behind me in this adventure, along with my head coach at First Class MMA, John Raio, and all my other outstanding coaches and my talented teammates.

"NEF 30: Rumble in Bangor ”será realizado no Cross Insurance Center em Bangor, Maine no sábado, Agosto 5, 2017. Os ingressos já estão à venda em www.CrossInsuranceCenter.com.

Para mais informações sobre as atualizações de cartões de eventos e de luta, por favor visite o site da promoção no www.NewEnglandFights.com. Além, você pode assistir a vídeos no NEF www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, siga-os no Twitter @nefights e aderir ao grupo oficial do Facebook “Lutas da Nova Inglaterra."

Sobre Fights Nova Inglaterra

Lutas da Nova Inglaterra ("NEF") é uma luta promoção de eventos empresa. A missão da NEF é criar os eventos de alta qualidade para lutadores e fãs do Maine tanto. A equipe executiva da NEF tem uma vasta experiência na gestão de esportes de combate, produção de eventos, relações com a mídia, marketing, legal e publicidade.


PARA DIVULGAÇÃO IMEDIATA: Bangor, Maine (Junho 20, 2017) - Fights Nova Inglaterra (NEF) retorna ao Cross Insurance Center no sábado noite, Agosto 5, 2017 com o próximo evento misto de artes marciais da promoção luta, “NEF 30: Rumble em Bangor.” Hoje cedo, NEF announced the addition of a professional championship middleweight contest to the fight card. CJ Ewer (2-0) vai assumir Microfone “O Bigode” Hansen (5-5) for the vacant NEF MMA Pro 185-pound championship.

CJ Ewer serves as a member of the United States Air Force security forces. When not defending the nation overseas, Ewer trains at Young’s MMA in Bangor. He is an accomplished wrestler, with two Maine state high school championships and a New England district championship to his credit. Ewer wrestled under legendary coach Ted Reese while attending the University of Southern Maine (USM). Upon joining the MMA circuit, he put together a 5-2 gravar como amador antes de se tornar profissional. Ewer’s last fight was one year ago to the day in Bangor atNEF PresentsDana White: Olhar dentro’ for a Fight.” He dropped Ruben Redman (0-1) with a highlight reel knockout that brought White and his web series co-stars to their feet at ringside.

Mike is a tough-as-nails opponent, and I look forward to testing myself against him,” said Ewer of the upcoming title fight with Hansen. “No final da luta, the most prepared fighter will win. Mike will not out work me in preparation, nor does he have training partners that I have. I look forward to bringing the 185-pound belt back to Young’s MMA on 5 de agosto.”

Mike Hansen, like CJ Ewer, proudly served his country. Hansen was a combat engineer in the United States Army before retiring from the service. Also like Ewer, Hansen comes from a wrestling background with a Maine state title earned during his time with Mountain Valley High School in Rumford, Maine. A founding member of team Berserkers MMA, Hansen has a reputation for taking on all comers. He has never backed down from a challenge, sometimes battling behemoths two weight classes larger than himself.

I’ve been working towards this moment for years now,” stated Hansen. “I busted into the Maine MMA scene just over two years ago and have been fighting top ranked fighters and the guys that everyone else runs from to prove that I can fight. CJ Ewer is a great competitor coming from the best camp in the state at Young’s MMA. I have nothing but respect for them up there, and I know he will come ready to fight. Com isso dito, I will be ready for war, and I’m coming home with the gold that night. He’s just another man locked in the cage with me, and anyone who has had that caged locked behind them across from me knows I’m not an easy win.

"NEF 30: Rumble in Bangor ”será realizado no Cross Insurance Center em Bangor, Maine no sábado, Agosto 5, 2017. Os ingressos já estão à venda em www.CrossInsuranceCenter.com.

Para mais informações sobre as atualizações de cartões de eventos e de luta, por favor visite o site da promoção no www.NewEnglandFights.com. Além, você pode assistir a vídeos no NEF www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, siga-os no Twitter @nefights e aderir ao grupo oficial do Facebook “Lutas da Nova Inglaterra."

Sobre Fights Nova Inglaterra

Lutas da Nova Inglaterra ("NEF") é uma luta promoção de eventos empresa. A missão da NEF é criar os eventos de alta qualidade para lutadores e fãs do Maine tanto. A equipe executiva da NEF tem uma vasta experiência na gestão de esportes de combate, produção de eventos, relações com a mídia, marketing, legal e publicidade.




PARA DIVULGAÇÃO IMEDIATA: Lewiston, Maine (Junho 14, 2017) – Derek Daley believes that his mixed martial arts training gives him an edge in his career. He also recognizes that training with First Class MMA makes him a better mixed martial artist.


It’s a busy life for Daley, a law enforcement officer and father of a 6-year-old daughter, Ella. He will break away for a few frenzied moments on the night ofSábado, Junho 17, when he returns to the New England Fights hexagon for the first time in a year.


Daley, 27, is one of seven fighters who will represent his Brunswick gym at “NEF 29: Stars & Stripes.” The opening bell is set for 7 p.m. at Androscoggin Bank Colisee in Lewiston.


“I’ve improved in every area, and I’ve really improved my cardio,"Daley disse. “My first fight I was worried about what might happen if I got to the third round.”


There was barely time to break a sweat. Daley, a two-time Maine high school wrestling champion at Dirigo High School in Dixfield who later played college football at Husson University, dispatched Johel Stephenson in only 55 segundos.


“We had a game plan to hit him with a straight jab to set him up for an overhead right, then get it down to the mat and finish it with ground-and-pound,"Daley disse. “It actually went exactly as we planned it, which was great.”


Desta vez, Daley (1-0) takes on the more seasoned Frank Johanson (2-2) of Lewiston’s Central Maine Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu in a featherweight amateur scrap.


Daley joins Ras Hylton, Dominic Jones, Rafael Velado, Josh Jones, Jake Deppmeyer and Jon Tefft in the First Class contingent on the docket. He was lured to the training center and the MMA phenomenon by another local police officer with fighting in his blood, Nick Gulliver of Jay.


“I had been training jiu-jitsu at the Foundry in Farmington,"Daley disse. “Nick said (MMA) would translate well to law enforcement, and he was right. Mais, John and Jody (Raio) are just great people.”


Raio’s experience on the high school and college wrestling mat has made him a natural mentor for Daley, who hit the 100-win plateau early in his junior year at Dirigo.

Daley won the 119-pound state title as a sophomore and backed it up as a senior at 135 libras, not far from where he fights today at 145.


“Derek is a tremendous athlete and one of our best wrestlers,” Raio said. “He has a solid attitude and gives 100 percent every class and sparring session.”


It’s admittedly difficult for Daley to balance his competitive passion with his blossoming police career.


He began as an officer in Wilton. After moving to Richmond, he applied for work in three surrounding cities. Augusta was first to make him an offer.


“I’ve been there since November and it’s a perfect fit for me,"Daley disse. “I have a great sergeant and a great team.”


Police work is a family tradition. Daley’s father, Veado, is Chief Deputy of the Oxford County Sheriff’s Department.


It was not a case of a father wanting his son to fill his shoes.


“I majored in physical education,” Daley noted. “Dad said, ‘Be a teacher. Don’t go into law enforcement.But it’s one of those things that must be pretty stubborn in the family, because my brother and I both are police officers. The schedule is tough and unpredictable.”


First Class MMA helps Daley bring his commitments as cop and fighter under one roof. “It’s a great workout. I’m not really into traditional weight lifting. Quero dizer, I did it when I played college football (Husson). This way I get a workout, but it doesn’t feel like I’m working,"Ele disse. “It definitely makes me feel more comfortable if I ever have to get into a physical confrontation as an officer.”


Raio, now retired from the cage after a run as one of NEF’s most popular fighters in its infancy, understands the home vs. work vs. family balance. He is the father of two and was employed full time with the U.S. Postal Service when he got the itch to try combat sports once again.


Ainda, he is high on his pupil’s potential if Daley ever decides to focus fully on the cage.


“The sky is the limit for him in this sport. I can see him getting to the UFC or Bellator if that is the path he chooses,” Raio said. “He is an outstanding police officer and a great father as well. He puts his daughter first in everything he does.”


Daley returns the compliments, insisting that even if his foray into MMA winds up being a cup of coffee, he will continue to train at First Class for fitness purposes. He describes the atmosphere as a tight circle of friends and a brotherhood.


“It’s a great group of guys. There are no egos,"Daley disse. “I was kind of worried about that when I first showed up. Was I going to be (a target) because I’m a police officer, or were there a bunch of guys all looking to be the alpha dog? But it’s quite the opposite. It’s like a big family. You’re punching a guy in the face, but you’re family.”


That goes double for his friendship with Gulliver, who is undefeated as an amateur heavyweight.


“I feel like a baby gorilla with its mom when I’m working out with Nick,” he quipped. “I think for him it’s enjoyment just to pound on me.”


It certainly reduces the stress when he gets the opportunity to pick on someone his own size at an NEF card, although Daley knows better than to take the veteran Johanson lightly.


The CMBJJ fighter enters on a two-fight winning streak, and he defeated First ClassDeppmeyer in February.


“Frank is a tough opponent. I saw his fight against Jake,"Daley disse. “He has a tough chin. He takes shots and just keeps coming forward.”


Even though he fought in front of thousands at the state wrestling showcase four times as a high school student, Daley is humble enough to acknowledge that an NEF show is a different animal.


“I was a complete nervous wreck, like almost to the point where I was ready to puke behind the curtain,” he said of his debut. “Then once I stepped in the cage, it went away and I just did what I had to do. I was able to shake off the rust a little bit.


“But it’s still different from wrestling. Back then I wasn’t getting punched in the face.”


O Junho 17 card features four professional MMA fights, four pro boxing matches, and seven amateur skirmishes in the cage. Tickets to “NEF 29: Stars & Stripes” start at $25 e estão disponíveis pelo telefone (207) 783-2009 ext. 525 ou pelo www.thecolisee.com. For more information on the fight card, visitewww.newenglandfights.com.