Arkivji Tag: Luis Florez



Ħfief Dinja Champion Robert Għid Defeats Javier Fortuna

fil Showtime kampjonat boxing® Ko-Karatteristika


M'għandekx Miss Il replay It-tnejn, Jannar 22 fi




Ikklikkja HERE għal Ritratti mill Amanda Westcott / Showtime



Ikklikkja HERE għal Ritratti mill Ed Diller / DiBella Entertainment



BROOKLYN (Jan. 21, 2018) - champion tad-dinja welterweight Undefeated Errol Spence Jr. miżmuma titolu IBF tiegħu ma 'waqfien impressjonanti ta' qabel ċampjin żewġ diviżjoni Lamont Peterson fil-każ prinċipali ta 'Showtime kampjonat boxingIS-SIBT lejl minn Barclays Center, l-dar tal BROOKLYN boxing®.




Fl-ewwel difiża tiegħu peress dethroning Kell Brook fuq Showtime Mejju li għadda, Spence (23-0, 20 Kos) l boxed ta Peterson iebsa (35-4-1, 17 Kos) mill-bidu sat, vetrina firxa wiesgħa ta 'ħiliet, veloċità u l-qawwa. Il-ġlieda kienet waqfet qabel il-bidu tat-tmien rawnd wara trainer Peterson tal, Barry Hunter, sejjaħ għall-waqfien.




Il-ġlieda ssirx simili għal kif kemm ġellieda mbassra, li jibdew affari tattika cagey qabel ma jiddawwar ġlieda aggressiva fir-rawnds tan-nofs. fis tond ħamsa żewġ minuti, Spence użat ganċ xellug nfafet li tibgħat Peterson lill-kanvas (Ikklikkja HEREgħall jenfasizzaw). Il Washington, D.C. endemiċi lura lill saqajh u kompliet battalja, iżda Spence wera li wisq. Il 2012 U.S. l Olympian żbarkati Peterson 161-45, filwaqt konnessjoni fuq 49 mija tal puntelli enerġija tiegħu biss 31 mija għall Peterson.




Wara l-ġlieda Spence tkellem Showtime Isport reporter Jim Gray u kien malajr biex jagħtu kreditu lill-avversarju tiegħu. "Nixtieq nirringrazzja Lamont,"Huwa qal. "A lott ta 'guys rrifjutat l-ġlieda u ħa dan bħal gwerriera reali u jien ifaħħru lilu għal dak. He’s a tough fighter. He’s willing to die in there.” Click HERE biex tara l-qofol intervista.




Minkejja jaqilgħu l-rebħa fil kmandant moda, Spence xorta jemmen fih ikollu lok għal titjib. "I għadhom jistgħu jtejbu ħafna dwar id-difiża tiegħi,"Qal il-champion tad-dinja unbeaten. "I biss għandhom iżommu tipperfezzjona ħiliet tiegħi u iżommu progress. Inti qed tmur biex tara aħjar Errol Spence ħin li jmiss I nikseb fil-ċirku.




"Kulħadd jaf Stajt ilhom jistennew fuq" Xi Time "Thurman,"Qal Spence, tħares lejn it taqbila unifikazzjoni possibbli ma WBC u WBA welterweight Champion tad-Dinja Keith Thurman. "Peress I kien 15-0 I’ve been calling this guy out and he keeps making excuses. Ejja ġġibu fuq. Huwa għandu tnejn mill-ċinturini u tnejn irridu ismijiet kbar. Huwa ta 'ġlieda faċli biex jagħmlu u nixtieq. "




Peterson, li ġġieldu valiantly kontra l Spence iżgħar, rispettati d-deċiżjoni tal trejner tiegħu biex iwaqqaf il-ġlieda, "Jekk huwa jitlob lili biex jiġġieldu miljun ruħ, I se. Jekk huwa jitlob lili biex tieqaf. I se tieqaf. I qatt se kwistjoni deċiżjoni tiegħu. Naf huwa għandu l-aħjar interessi tiegħi fil-qalb. "




"Kien verament iebsa, imma jekk taf Lamont, inti taf huwa ma kienx ser jagħti,"Qal trainer Barry Hunter. "Kelli biex jitwaqqaf. Fl-aħħar tal-ġurnata, dan huwa tifel tiegħi dritt hawn. M'hemm xejn aktar importanti minn tiegħu benesseri. Jekk niġu għall lilu jew rebbieħa, I pick lilu. I kura dwar lilu. "



Undefeated 135-pound world champion Robert Għid (21-0, 14 Kos) earned a split decision victory over former world champion Javier Fortuna (33-2-1, 23 Kos) fil-każ ko prinċipali tal-telecast Showtime. L-imħallfin skorja l bout 114-113, 113-114 u 115-112.




Il bout-lura u quddiem esperjenzat żewġ ġellieda sengħa jibqgħu fil-but u jfittxu li jagħmlu ħsara minn ġewwa. It-tieni rawnd punt tnaqqis mill Fortuna wera għalja meta l Dominikana kien wissa u mbagħad penalizzati għal laqtu Għid wara l-ras. Mingħajr l-punt wieħed tnaqqis, il-ġlieda kien ikun skorja tiġbed. Filwaqt Għid Jr. kien ftit aktar mimlija, Fortuna ġew żbarkati l-puntelli aktar qawwija. Għid Jr, li kellhom vantaġġ f'għoli sinifikattiv, l żbarkati Fortuna, konnessjoni fuq 120 ta 383 (31 mija) puntelli enerġija filwaqt Fortuna konnessi fuq 113 ta 441 (26 mija).




"Kienet ġlieda iebsa, hu ex champion tad-dinja għal raġuni,"Għid qal Grey. "Aħna għamilha diffiċli jippruvaw biex jilqgħu punch. Hu ma kienx jitfg ħafna u għamilha diffiċli għalija li chase dan Guy madwar.




“I ma setgħux jiksbu l-eliminatorja iżda aħna ltqajna l-rebħa u li kollox li l-kwistjonijiet. Kont naf li kien se jimxu ladarba huwa ħass poter tiegħi. Huwa biss riedu li grab u jżommu l-ġlieda kollu. "




Inħarsu 'l quddiem, Għid magħmula intenzjonijiet tiegħu ċara kif hu jipprova unifikazzjoni bouts fil-futur qarib, "Irrid għall-ġlieda kontra l-champions u unifikati dawn iċ-ċinturini. Tissielet bħal dawn mhumiex fil-pjan logħba tiegħi. Jien lest għall Mikey Garcia u Jorge Linares li tiffirma l-kuntratt. "




A Fortuna disgruntled tkellem ukoll għall-griż, "Il-pubbliku jaf x'ġara hawn. Huma booed għaliex jafu li jien rebaħ din il-ġlieda.




"Jekk hu raġel ejja ġlieda mill-ġdid fil 135-liri,"Qal Fortuna, who failed to make weight on two attempts Il-ġimgħa, li fisser li ċinturin Għid ma tkunx fuq il-linja. "I se definittivament tagħmel il-piż. I ma jagħtu myself żmien biżżejjed biex iħarrġu. "




Unbeaten light heavyweight contender Marcus Browne (21-0, 16 Kos) xogħol ta 'malajr magħmula minn Francy Ntetu (17-2, 4 Kos) fl-azzjoni Showtime kampjonat boxing prelims, as he dropped and battered his opponent early to force referee Arthur Mercante to stop the bout at just 2:15 ta 'l-ewwel rawnd. Ġlieda għan tiegħu 12th time at the Barclays Center, l- 27 sena nattivi Staten Island jinżamm rekord qatt ma ġew kundannati tiegħu intatti billi jiġi utilizzat-xellug tiegħu qawwija fuq il-Ntetu overmatched.




Browne stabbiliti dominanza tiegħu mill-bidu, inżul ta 'overhand nadif xellug niżel Ntetu fin-nofs permezz-rawnd. il Montreal, Québec nattiva qatt ma kien kapaċi terga 'takkwista saqajh u misjuba ruħu cornered kontra l-ħbula biss tletin sekonda wara. A muntanja ta 'kombinazzjonijiet qawwija ġew żbarkati fit-Ntetu difiża ħalla l-perit bi ftit għażla ħlief li twaqqaf il-ġlieda ma 45 sekondi fadal rount wieħed numru.




“Ħdimna għal dan rebħa. Huwa mixi fi sparatura żgur u I magħmula lilu tħallas,"Qal Browne. "Ix-xellug overhand maqbuda lilu u li kien il-bidu tat-tmiem għalih. Kont naf li kien iweġġgħu.




“I bżonn xi sparatura titolu dinja. Jien lest li jieħu fuq kwalunkwe mill-ċampjins. Jien m'għandi l-ebda preferenzi. Ninsab kuntenta I jitpoġġew flimkien rendiment ieħor kbir hawn fuq Barclays Center. Jien ser ikomplu jtejbu sal I verament issir Sur. Barclays Center. "




kreditu, li ressaq sa l-diviżjoni heavyweight dawl għal din il-ġlieda, beda jsibha diffiċli biex jittrattaw ma 'taħlita Browne ta' veloċità u l-qawwa fi triqtu lejn it-tieni telf tal-karriera pro tiegħu.




"[Browne] tkun esplożiva ħafna, congrats lilu,” Said Ntetu. “Hu mgħaġġel, hu intelliġenti u jien ma jistennew lilu tkun dik splussiv. Huwa ltqajna lili ma ganċ dritt tiegħu u xellug dritta.




"I kien fil-forma biżżejjed għall-ġlieda għall 10 rawnds. Dan mhux il-klassi ta 'piż tiegħi, imma jien ma jridux jagħmlu skużi. "




Fil-bout ftuħ tal-Showtime kampjonat boxing prelims, undefeated Adam Kownacki (17-0, 14 Kos) delivered a brutal knockout of Iago Kiladze (26-2, 18 Kos) fi 2:08 of the sixth round of their heavyweight matchup. Kownacki, imwieled fl Lomza, Il-Polonja iżda ġlieda kontra minn Brooklyn, New York, jgawdu l-appoġġ ta 'folla Hometown tiegħu kif hu dejjem libes Kiladze isfel.




Kownacki kienet aktar aggressiva u preċiża taż-żewġ ġellieda, inżul 43 mija tal puntelli enerġija tiegħu u 35 mija tal puntelli totali tiegħu, mqabbla ma 'biss 30 mija u 18 mija, rispettivament, għall Kiladze. Minkejja imnieħer imdemmi li Kownacki sofra fl-ewwel rawnd, l heavyweight Pollakk beda ferragħ fuq u tyre Kiladze ma 'serje ta' uppercuts u one-żewġ kombinazzjonijiet fir-raba 'round. Il bout azzjoni ppakkjati ġie fi tmiemu meta Kownacki konnessi fuq taħlita ta 'żewġ uppercuts u lemin li bagħtu Kiladze fuq dahar tiegħu fil-minuta finali tas-sitt rawnd. Wara Kiladze storduti lura lill saqajh, referee Shada Murdaugh imsejjaħ il-ġlieda fuq suġġeriment ta 'l-tabib ringside.




“Jien hekk thankful kollha fannijiet Pollakki tiegħi li toħroġ u jagħtu me li appoġġ addizzjonali ", qal Kownacki, li ġġieldu quddiem ta 'mijiet ta' kompatrijotti tiegħu. "Jien ser jkompli jiġġieled għall-fannijiet u kulħadd jingħata juru kbira.




“I think I għamel l-ġlieda ħafna aktar diffiċli milli I għandu jkollhom. Huwa ieħor esperjenza ta 'tagħlim u sibt l-premju. Li kollox li l-kwistjonijiet. "




Ir-Repubblika tal-Ġeorġja tat-twelid Kiladze, li tissielet barra ta 'Los Angeles, ma setgħetx jkellem lill-midja kif hu kien meħuda biex NYU Isptar Luterana għal raġunijiet ta 'prekawzjoni.




Sibt telecast se replay fuq Il-Ħadd, Jannar 21 fi 9 a.m. U/PT fuq Showtime u It-tnejn, Jannar 22 fi 10 p.m. U/PT fuq Showtime ESTREM u se jkun disponibbli fuq talba Showtime FUQ® u ghaċ SHOWTIME®.


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Għal aktar tagħrif żur ,, ssegwi magħna fuq Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, LouDiBella, TGBPromotions, @BarclaysCenter and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at,,
u PBC kienet sponsorjata minn Corona Extra, ifjen Birra. This event was promoted by DiBella Entertainment and TGB Promotions.


Easter to Defend IBF Lightweight Title Against Javier Fortuna Għada
I’m going to show him why he didn’t want to take this fight.” – Robert Għid
Photo Kreditu: SHOWTIME

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X'INHU: SHOWTIME Sports reporter Jim Gray sat down with undefeated world champion Robert Għid Jr. at the famed Gleason’s Gym in Brooklyn ahead of his 135-pound title defense against former world champion Javier Fortuna. The pair discussed Easter’s motivations to enter the sport of boxing, his life outside the ring and future aspirations inside the ring.
The IBF Lightweight World Title Bout serves as the co-feature of the Jannar 20 SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP boxing, a Premier Boxing Champions event LIVE on SHOWTIME (9 p.m. U/6 p.m. PT) minn Barclays Center, the home of BROOKLYN BOXING™. The event is headlined by IBF Welterweight World Champion and 2012 U.S. Olympian Errol Spence Jr. making his first title defense against former two-division world champion Lamont Peterson.
Nothing concerns me about Fortuna”, said Easter. “He hasn’t been in the ring with no one like me with my attributes. I’m going to show him why he didn’t want this fight.
Looking ahead to what a successful title defense nhar is-Sibt night would mean for his career, Easter made it clear his goal was to unify the division. “Mikey Garcia, Jorge Linares – either or, ma jimpurtax. It’s all in these guyshands if they want to face me.
SHOWTIME Sports will stream two live boxing undercard bouts featuring Marcus Browne and Adam Kownacki nhar is-Sibt on SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING PRELIMS. Browne, an unbeaten 175-pound contender from Staten Island, will face Francy Ntetu in a 10-round fight while undefeated heavyweight Kownacki, fighting out of Brooklyn by way of Poland, will take on Iago Kiladze of Kiev, Ukraina fl bout 10-tond.


Spence Makes First Title Defense In Main Event Of SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® From Barclays Center In Brooklyn, Presented By Premier Boxing Champions


Ikklikkja HERE Għal Ritratti; Kreditu: Tom Casino / SHOWTIME

SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING – 9 p.m. U/6 p.m. PT fuq Showtime



IBF Kampjonat Dinji welterweight



Errol Spence Jr: 147 liri



Lamont Peterson: 146 ¾ £



Referee: Harvey Dock; Judges: Julie Lederman (N.Y.), Don Trella (Conn.), Steve Weisfeld (N.J.)



IBF Lightweight World Championship



Robert Easter Jr.: 134 ½ £



Javier Fortuna: 136 ½ pounds**



Referee: Ricky Gonzalez; Judges: Glenn Feldman (Conn.), John McKaie (N.Y.), Kevin Morgan (N.Y.)



**Fortuna does not make the 135-pound lightweight limit and cannot win IBF title. Fortuna initially weighed 136.8 pounds and measured 136.4 pounds after the two-hour allowance.



SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING PRELIMS – 7 p.m. U/4 p.m. PT On Facebook Live &YouTube



Light Heavyweight Bout – 10 Rawnds



Marcus Browne: 175 ¾ £



Francy Ntetu: 174 ½ £



Heavyweight Bout – 10 Rawnds



Adam Kownacki: 260 liri



Iago Kiladze: 220 ½ £







“This is a tough challenge. If you know Lamont, you know he’s a tough fight but I came to dominate the division and it started with Kell Brook. I’m going to get Lamont Peterson and then I’m going to get the other welterweights that are out there.



“It’s definitely important not just to win the fight, but how I win the fight. I came to dominate the division and I came here to look good. I’m the future of the division and I’m the future of boxing.”






“I wouldn’t say that Errol isn’t the bigger guy, I just believe that it doesn’t matter. It’s all about boxing skills.



“I think we’ll both make each other look pretty good, but I’m going to win.”

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Għal aktar tagħrif żur ,,

ssegwi magħna fuq Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, LouDiBella, TGBPromotions, @BarclaysCenter and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at,,
u PBC hija sponsorjata mill Corona Extra, ifjen Birra.

Errol Spence Jr. vs. Lamont Peterson Final Press Conference Quotes & Ritratti

Welterweight World Title Showdown Headlines IS-SIBT, Jannar 20 Live on SHOWTIME from Barclays Center in Brooklyn & Ippreżentat mill Premier Champions Boxing
Ikklikkja HERE for Photos from Tom Casino/SHOWTIME
Ikklikkja HERE għal Ritratti mill Ed Diller / DiBella Entertainment
BROOKLYN (Jannar 18, 2018) – Undefeated welterweight world champion Errol Spence Jr. and two-division world champion Lamont Peterson faced off Thursday at the final press conference before they enter the ring IS-SIBT, Jannar 20 in the main event live on SHOWTIME from Barclays Center, l-dar tal BROOKLYN boxing®, u preżentata mill Premier Champions Boxing.
Il telecast Showtime kampjonat boxing jibda fil 9 p.m. U/6 p.m. PT and features unbeaten lightweight world champion Robert Għid u eks champion dinja Javier Fortuna, who met face to face for the first time on Thursday.
Competing in SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING PRELIMS nhar is-Sibt will be unbeaten light heavyweight Marcus Browne and once-beaten Francy Ntetu, who meet in a 10-round bout, plus undefeated heavyweight Adam Kownacki and once-beaten Iago Kiladze, who step into the ring for a 10-round affair.
Biljetti għall-avveniment live, li hija promossa mill DiBella Divertiment u TGB Promozzjonijiet, huma pprezzati jibda $50, u huma fuq bejgħ issa. Tickets can be purchased at,, at the American Express Box Office at Barclays Center or by calling 800-745-3000. Iskontijiet grupp huma disponibbli billi ċċempel 844-Bklyn-GP.
“Dan ġlieda tfisser dak kollu għalija. I still have a chip on my shoulder. I want to be the last man standing. I want to beat the top fighters in my division. Lamont is the one standing in front of me, so it’s fight time.
I think it’s going to turn into a war. A lot of people have thought this would be an easy fight for me. But if you follow Lamont Peterson, you know this will be tough. He’s always in great shape and has a lot of skills. IT might be a dog fight and that’s what I wanted. He’s the guy who wanted to fight and I said of course. It’s going to be a rugged fight. Later on in the fights, he always gets rough and stands toe-to-toe.
There might not be a lot of talking and bad blood between us, but you know that the two of us always give a great fight for the fans.
I had to wait for my title defense and then I had a lot of guys not answer the call for this fight. I have a belt and I still have to call these other guys out. Lamont Peterson answered the call like a real fighter.
In a perfect world I’d be unifying with Keith Thurman this year. I’m going to fight three times this year though. You don’t get time back. I’m ready to strike now.
I’m just excited to fight. I simili għall-ġlieda kontra. I can’t wait to be in front of those bright lights in front of the fans. Brooklyn is a great place to fight and my family from the area can come see me live. I can’t wait to display my skills.
A true champion can’t fight everybody who calls them out, it’s still a business. But a true champion fights other champions, especially when they’re available. You can’t avoid questions and try to delay a fight. You fight the next champion that’s available, that’s what a true champion does.
When I got into boxing, I had goals. First I wanted to be a National Champion, then a world champion as a professional, but the ultimate goal is to be in the Hall of Fame. With that being my goal, I wouldn’t put myself in that conversation yet. With wins over a guy like Errol Spence and the other top welterweights, I think I’m right there in it. That’s my goal and I’ll give it my all to get there.
If you left it to me I’d fight every month. That’s how much I love the sport. I know a victory would help me get in the ring even more often. Sometimes if you lose at the top level, other top guys don’t want to take a chance against you. I can fix all of that this weekend
I don’t worry about any negativity. My resume is written in the history books. All I can do is respect the opinion of others and work hard to get this win.
I’m excited and looking forward to the skill level that’s going to be displayed this weekend. It’s going to be a rough fight for sure. But I look forward to the technique and skill level. Defense, offense and transitioning between the two. That’s the part of boxing that I love.
Errol even taking the Kell Brook fight was impressive to me. Most guys in his position take their time leading up to the first title shot, but he ended up fighting someone in his prime in his country. To will himself to that win was very impressive.
When you get to the big stages and those big fights, you have to win more than you lose. I think if I can win some big fights these next few years my career will be in a good place.
I have no concerns fighting a southpaw. I made my last fight hard, but this time I’m going to use my reach, my feet and my speed to dominate.
I’m looking for a great performance. This is going to be the best Robert Easter the fans have ever seen. We prepared to dominate this fight.
Javier Fortuna is an accomplished fighter but I don’t know too much about him. I know what I came to do. I’m a world champion and everyone knows what I bring to the fight game. I won’t leave without my strap.
I’m ready to fight the best in this sport. I want to become the man at this weight and I know I have to beat the other champions to do that.
Boxing is all about showing you’re the best and fighting the best. I just want to fight these other champions in my weight class. I’m looking to stay healthy in 2018 and remain on top.
I have no excuses on Jannar 20. I hope he doesn’t either. I will be taking that title to the Dominican Republic for my fans. I’ve been dreaming about it and I will take it.
I have the style and the skills to beat Robert Easter. I know how to make sure his height does not affect me at all. Everyone will see it on fight night.
I’ve prepared myself very well. I have a plan to win every round. If he’s able to stand there, I’m going to break him down round by round.
I am fighting for more than just myself and that is why I’ll be successful. I am going to prove that I’m truly one of the top fighters in the sport.
Robert Easter is a fighter I respect, but I believe I can defeat anyone in front of me. If he takes me lightly, it will go even worse for him. I’ve been training hard to make sure I’m at my absolute best on fight night.
A win would be great for my country, my fans and my family. Winning this title is everything for me. That’s why I’m here and I will not be stopped.
DERRICK JAMES, Trainer Spence s
I started training Errol about nine years ago but I never really knew just how special he was until about a year or so into our training. I thought Olympics were definitely possible, because I didn’t want to look too far ahead. Now that we’re here, I think he can beat any of the top guys. I want him to be undisputed welterweight champion just like he wants to be.
I never worry about comparing Errol to other guys in the sport. He’s a hard puncher who breaks ribs and breaks faces. The longer the fight goes, the more pain he inflicts. I’ve never seen anybody who punches that hard.
I think Lamont knew when he moved up to welterweight that this fight would be a possibility. It’s time for us to go to work because I know Lamont and Barry Hunter are working on a game plan. They have a great team and I know Lamont will be ready for what we bring.
BARRY Hunter, Trainer Peterson tal-
We stay in the gym all the time. We didn’t have to deal with the weight monster this camp. Weight issue can really derail a camp leading up to a fight of this magnitude. We didn’t have to deal with any of that.
There are several different things in Errol’s arsenal that I think we can exploit. Errol will make adjustments though, so I think strategy will be a key in this fight.
Lamont has always been a coach’s dream. He’s the type of athlete that you would love to coach. He does everything a coach asks of him. He will train until he passes out. All he wants is to work hard and compete.
Lou DIBELLA, President tal DiBella Entertainment
This is a great night for boxing. The first January date of the year drums up a lot of excitement and we expect a great turnout nhar is-Sibt lejl fil Barclays Center. It’s going to be a great crowd and an exciting night from top to bottom.
“Errol Spence Jr. is one of the best young fighters in the world testing himself against another great fighter in Lamont Peterson It’s the best fighting the best. Lamont Peterson is a guy with a tremendous resume. If anybody thinks Errol is going to take Lamont lightly, they’re mistaken and he would be too.
Both of these main event fighters are lucky to have trainers who are real teachers. They are old school and two of the best. Derrick James and Barry Hunter know the game inside and out.
Robert Easter is a beast, he’s got reach, power and boxing ability. He’s facing a guy in Javier Fortuna who is a confident former world champion. Javier has been talking a big game. He’s talking about knockouts. You want to see a guy come into a fight like this with that kind of confidence.
This year in boxing is starting out just like last year started, at Barclays Center with a great, even matchup like Badou Jack vs. James DeGale last year.
STEPHEN Espinoza, Viċi-President Eżekuttiv & General Manager, Showtime Sports
In terms of representing the sport, you don’t get any better than Errol Spence Jr. and Lamont Peterson. The professionalism of these guys is unmatched and they represent the best of the sport. I’m proud to have them on the network.
You can’t play boxing. You have to be dedicated and passionate. Those values are going to be reflected in the ring nhar is-Sibt.
This is a special fight. These are the best in the sport. They’re both top 10 guys. Errol Spence Jr. has grown up on SHOWTIME.
He made his pro debut on ShoBox and won his first world title on SHOWTIME. This is Lamont’s eighth appearance on SHOWTIME and he has one of the strongest resumes in the sport.
Robert Easter and Javier Fortuna is another matchup of top 10 guys. What we’re doing here is special. This isn’t just another network doing boxing, this is the cream of the crop.
BRETT YORMARK, CEO of Brooklyn Sports & Entertainment
I’m really excited about IS-SIBT lejl. We’ve been very fortunate to host the first big event of the year. There’s an appetite to get back into the game and we’re happy to be hosting it.
I want to welcome back Errol and Lamont to Barclays Center. Both have been there before and we’re thrilled to have you back. We’re pleased that Robert has finally decided to take his show to Barclays Center and give the fans a performance. Last time Javier won at Barclays Center he won his world title and we’re happy to have him back.
We’re going to create something great here in Brooklyn and it continues nhar is-Sibt night at Barclays Center.
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Aktar, Super Lightweight Contender Anthony Peterson Faces Luis Florez And Unbeaten Prospects Richardson Hitchins, Dylan Price & Keeshawn Williams Enter the Ring
in Separate Bouts
BROOKLYN (Jannar 12, 2018) – Unbeaten middleweight contender and IBF No. 1 isfidant Sergey Derevyanchenko (11-0, 9 Kos, WSB: 23-1, 7 Kos) will enter the ring for an eight-round bout as part of an exciting undercard on IS-SIBT, Jannar 20minn Barclays Center, l-dar tal BROOKLYN boxing®.
The Premier Boxing Champions event is headlined by welterweight world champion Errol Spence Jr. taking on two-division champion Lamont Peterson jgħixu fuq SHOWTIME (9 p.m. U/6 p.m. PT). Lightweight world champion Robert Għidsquares up against two-division champion Javier Fortuna.
The SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP telecast will be available in Spanish via secondary audio programming (SAP).
Biljetti għall-avveniment live, li hija promossa mill DiBella Divertiment u TGB Promozzjonijiet, huma pprezzati jibda $50, u huma fuq bejgħ issa. Tickets can be purchased at,, at the American Express Box Office at Barclays Center or by calling 800-745-3000. Iskontijiet grupp huma disponibbli billi ċċempel 844-Bklyn-GP.
Additional action inside of the arena will see the brother of Lamont Peterson, darba imsawta Anthony Peterson (37-1, 24 Kos), jiffaċċjaw Luis Florez (23-7, 19 Kos) in a 10-round super lightweight matchup plus once-beaten welterweight Ivan Golub (13-1, 11 Kos) in an eight-round fight against Colombia’s Fidel Monterrosa (38-14-1, 30 Kos).
Undercard fights continue with undefeated 2016 Haiti Olympian Richardson Hitchins(3-0, 1 KO) entering the ring for a four-round welterweight fight against Preston Wilson(4-2-1, 3 Kos), Philadelphia’s Dylan Price (4-0, 4 Kos) competing in a four-round super flyweight bout against Nestor Ramos (7-7, 3 Kos) and welterweight prospect Keyshawn Williams (1-0, 1 KO) tieħu fuq Denis Okoth (1-0, 1 KO) in a four-round matchup.
Rounding out the night is a four-round showdown between unbeaten Desmond Jarmon and Dallas-native Charles Clark plus New Jersey’s Matthew Gonzalez in a six round middleweight fight against Alexander Serna.
A highly decorated amateur who represented his native Ukraine in the 2008 Olimpjadi, Derevyanchenko now lives and trains in Brooklyn and most recently earned the top spot in the IBF rankings with an impressive 12th round stoppage over Tureano Johnson. The 32-year-old also defeated previously unbeaten Kemahl Russell in 2017 after his 2016 saw him earn a TKO victory over Mike Guy in March before stopping former champion Sam Soliman in the second round of a world title eliminator in July. The unbeaten fighter defeated a slew of experienced contenders in 2015 with wins over Elvin Ayala, Alan Campa, Vladine Biosse and a third-round stoppage of Jessie Nicklow.
Derevyanchenko and Golub make it a pair of Ukrainian sluggers fighting out of Brooklyn who will compete on the undercard looking to put on impressive performances in their adopted hometown.
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ssegwi magħna fuq Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, LouDiBella, TGBPromotions, @Brooklyn_Boxing, @BarclaysCenter and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at,,
u PBC hija sponsorjata mill Corona Extra, ifjen Birra.

Domonique DOLTON & Justin DeLoach Training Camp Notes

Super Welterweights Square-Off Il-ġimgħa, Seba. 16 in Premier Boxing Champions: The Next Round on Bounce TV Action From The Chelsea Inside The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas9 p.m. U/6 p.m. PT
LAS VEGAS (Settembru 12, 2016) – Rising contenders Domonique DOLTON u Justin DeLoach are set to meet in a pivotal matchup of highly regarded young fighters that serves as the co-main event of Premier Boxing Champions: L-rawnd li jmiss fuq Bounce TV Il-ġimgħa, Seba. 16 minn Il Chelsea ġewwa Il Cosmopolitan ta 'Las Vegas.
Televised coverage on Bounce TV begins at 9 p.m. U/6 p.m. PT u hija headlined mill-eks champion tad-dinja Ishe “Zokkor Shay” Smith battling once beaten contender Frank “Notorji” Galarza.
Biljetti għall-avveniment live, which is promoted by Mayweather Promotions, tibda fil $29 u huma fuq bejgħ issa. Tickets are available online at: or through Ticketmaster at (800) 745-3000 u
Hawnhekk huwa dak li l-ġellieda kellhom jgħidu dwar kamp ta 'taħriġ, their 10-round showdown and more:
How has training camp gone for this fight?
Domonique DOLTON: Training has been going well. My strategy has been to stick to conditioning. I swim twice a week and that’s something new that’s been added to my routine. It’s helped a lot with conditioning. I have a new coach, Theotrice Chambers, and we have great chemistry and the results will show come fight night.
Justin DeLoach: “Kamp ta 'taħriġ kien aqwa. It’s really been a great camp. We’re doing all the physical and mental things we have to do for this fight. I’m keeping my head in the game and I’m focused. This team has been with me since the amateur days.
What do you think of your opponent and how do you see this fight going stylistically?
DD: From what I saw, he looks like a tough guy. We are not on the same level though. He’s fought a couple of undefeated guys, but it doesn’t compare to my level of fighting. My skills will speak for me. I put in the hard work. I won’t be thinking about the crowd; it will be tunnel vision for me in the ring. My style is a boxer-puncher and I’m willing to get inside if I have to. I can adapt and adjust in the ring and that’s my advantage over him.
JD: This fight is not going all night. I will break him down early in the fight. I have been studying him and I know Domonique better than he knows himself.
What kind of problems does your opponent pose?
DD: I don’t see any problems. I’m been in the ring with all types of guys. I’ve gone toe-to-toe with a lot of guys and I’ve seen a lot. I have the experience advantage. I have what it takes and I’m just on a different level than Justin DeLoach.
JD: I don’t feel like there are any problems going into this one. I am my biggest challenge. The only person who can beat me, is me. He’s just another body in the ring. I’m going to outthink him in there. I have been keeping my mind right and that’s going to help me out on fight night.
What are you looking for in the future if you can get the win on Settembru 16?
DD: This will probably be my last fight in the division. I will go down and pursue my career at 147-pounds. I believe I am a better and more natural fighter at 147-pounds. I have my names on guys at that weight, but for now I just want to make a name for myself. I’m looking to get a win and become a better fighter.
JD: I don’t feel the need to call anybody out. But if you have a belt, then I’m coming for you. It goes without saying that I want a title shot and I think I’m ready.
Why do you believe you’ll be victorious on fight night?
DD: I am going to win this fight. My confidence is sky high from the team I have been working with. I’m happy with the work I’ve been putting in. I have been training really hard and I believe in my ability. I have what it takes to win. I’m ready to put on a show for my family. I’m motivated by the negativity so the people against me will see what I bring come fight night.
JD: I feel like I’m bringing peace into this fight. I have nothing to prove and I’m trying to make a statement. He has more to lose than I do. I can only be Justin DeLoach. I am in this sport to challenge myself. The loss turned me into a better fighter. It humbled me and took a lot of pressure off of my shoulders. I am better than I’ve ever been before.
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Għal aktar tagħrif żur: www.premierboxingchampions.comu Għall-biljetti, żjara: Segwi fuq TwitterPremierBoxing, BounceTV, @MayweatherPromo and @Swanson_Comm , isiru fan fuq Facebook fil:, u Follow the conversation using #PBConBounce.

Exciting Contender Alexis Santiago Takes On Mexico’s Jose Cayetano Friday, Seba. 16 in Premier Boxing Champions: The Next Round on Bounce TV Action From The Chelsea Inside The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas – 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT

Aktar! J’Leon Love vs. Dashon Johnson & Sharif Bogere vs. Luis Florez as Part of Exciting Undercard Lineup
LAS VEGAS (Settembru 8, 2016) – Super bantamweight contender Alexis “Beaver” Santiago (21-3-1, 8 Kos) will face Mexico’s Jose Cayetano (19-4, 9 Kos) in a 10-round showdown featured on Premier Boxing Champions: L-rawnd li jmiss fuq Bounce TV Il-ġimgħa, Seba. 16 minn Il Chelsea ġewwa Il Cosmopolitan ta 'Las Vegas.
The main event on Bounce TV will feature former world champion Ishe “Zokkor Shay” Smith battling once beaten contender Frank “Notorji” Galarza. Kopertura televiżjoni jibda fil 9 p.m. U/6 p.m. PT and features a super welterweight showdown between Domonique DOLTON u Justin DeLoach.
Biljetti għall-avveniment live, which is promoted by Mayweather Promotions, tibda fil $29 u huma fuq bejgħ issa. Tickets are available online at: or through Ticketmaster at (800) 745-3000 u
Additional undercard action features super middleweight contender J'Leon Imħabba (22-1, 12 Kos) battling Dashon Johnson (21-19-3, 6 Kos) in a 10-round showdown and exciting contender Sharif “Il Lion” Bogere (28-1, 19 Kos) taking on Colombia’sLuis Florez (21-4, 17 Kos) fi 10-round konkors super ħfief.
The stacked night of exciting matchups will feature light heavyweight Lionell Thompson (16-4, 10 Kos) in an eight-round bout against Chicago’s Donovan George (25-5-2, 22 Kos) plus super middleweight Lanell “KO” Minfaħ (16-1-1, 9 Kos) battling Mexico’s Fernando Castenada (18-10, 12 Kos) in an eight-round contest and undefeated Juan Heraldez (10-0, 7 Kos) teħid fuq l-Messiku Reyes Sanchez (28-8-2, 15 Kos) in eight-rounds of welterweight action.
Rounding out the night is Memphis-born prospect Ladarius Miller (10-1, 2 Kos) against unbeaten Maynard Allison (5-0, 4 Kos) in a six-round super lightweight bout and undefeated Sanjarbek Rakhmanov (4-0-1, 3 Kos) in a six-round welterweight contest.
A pro peress 2009, the 25-year-old Santiago is unbeaten in his last ten bouts and is coming off of a victory over Erik Ruiz in February. The Phoenix-native defeated Gustavo Molina, Javier Gallo and Antonio Tostado Garcia in 2015 and has not taken a loss since 2012. His most impressive triumphs came over once-beaten fighters Alex Rangel and Hanzel Martinez, both of whom he beat in 10-round bouts. He is set to take on the 29-year-old Cayetano who has fought professionally since 2009. Fighting out of Tijuana, Messiku, Cayetano lost a decision to Leo Santa Cruz in 2015 but has won his last two fights.
A konkorrent darba imsawwat fil 168-liri, the 28-year-old Love bounced back from his lone defeat to defeat Scott Sigmon, Jason Escalera and Marcus Upshaw in 2015 before stopping Michael Gbenga in April to begin his 2016. L Inkster, Nattiva Michigan tippossjedi jirbaħ aktar minn Marco Antonio Periban, Derrick Findley u Lajuan Simon fi triqtu lejn konkorrent istatus. He takes on the exciting 28-year-old contender Johnson out of Escondido, California. He enters this fight coming off of back-to-back victories over Decarlo Perez and Victor Palacios.
A winner of his first 23 tissielet pro, Bogere fights out of Las Vegas while proudly representing his native Uganda. The 27-year-old has picked up up victories over Raymundo Beltran, Francisco Contreras and Manuel Levya across his career that dates back to 2008. He enters this bout on a five-fight winning streak and will take on the 29-year-old Florez out of Magangue, Kolombja, who made his U.S. debut in February of this year.
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Għal aktar tagħrif żur: www.premierboxingchampions.comu Għall-biljetti, żjara: Segwi fuq TwitterPremierBoxing, BounceTV, @MayweatherPromo and @Swanson_Comm , isiru fan fuq Facebook fil:, u Follow the conversation using #PBConBounce.