标记档案: 洛杉矶

德昂泰·怀尔德洛杉矶媒体日语录 & 照片

WBC 重量级冠军德昂泰·维尔德 (Deontay Wilder) 周六对阵直系重量级冠军泰森·富里 (Tyson Fury), 12 月 1 日在 SHOWTIME PPV 上® 从洛杉矶斯台普斯中心出发
点击 这里 从以斯帖林/ SHOWTIME照片
点击 这里 来自 Ryan Hafey 的照片/


LOS ANGELES (十一月 5, 2018) – WBC重量级世界冠军 Deontay怀尔德 周一在洛杉矶举行了一场拥挤的媒体日,他在那里讨论了他与直系重量级冠军的轰动对决 泰森怒 发生星期六, 十二月 1 在放映时间 PPV® 从斯台普斯中心在洛杉矶.




维尔德抵达洛杉矶, 与教练 Jay Deas 一起, 在圣莫尼卡丘吉尔拳击俱乐部的媒体面前展示他的技巧. 美国最重要的重量级赛事. 在以上 15 岁月, 怀尔德VS. 富里测试了身高 6 英尺 7 的维尔德的原始力量,以及 6 英尺 9 的富里无与伦比的体型和机动性.




门票活动, 由BombZquad Enterprises和Queensberry Promotions推广, 与 DiBella Entertainment 和 TGB Promotions 合作, 现已公开发售. 门票价格在开始 $75, 加上适用的费用,可通过 AXS.com. 怀尔德VS. 愤怒将由SHOWTIME PPV制作和发行.




以下是维尔德和迪斯周四在媒体日上所说的话, 怀尔德和他的女朋友泰莉·斯威夫特以及他们八个月大的女儿卡奥里一起参加了比赛:






“我觉得我现在处于最佳状态. 精神上, 身体上和情感上我都准备好了. 一切都是完美的. 我只是想进入擂台并展示行动. 泰森·富里不知道自己陷入了什么困境.




“作为真正的冠军, 我知道如何适应我面前的任何战斗机. 我面对各种风格的拳手的经验让我为这场特殊的战斗做好了准备.




“我经历过激烈的争吵. 每天我都在做出调整,让自己变得正确,这样我就能准确地掌握自己需要的时间和风格. 如果战斗是在这个周末, 德昂泰·维尔德准备出发.




“路易斯·奥尔蒂斯是重量级中最受回避的拳手,我理解为什么他以前从未获得过冠军头衔. 我是那种给别人机会的斗士,而他是我需要面对的斗士,向世界证明我的一切.




“这不是一个适合我的游戏. 每个人都听说过和我一起打擂台的感觉, 但直到你进入那里, 你不确定你所听到的是不是真的. 我在世界上最好的. 我认为没有哪个重量级人物经历过我所经历的事情.




“我正在为某种类型的任务进行训练. 作为一名战士,我必须有这样的心态:我必须为任何事情做好准备. 然后, 一旦铃声响起, 我成为“青铜轰炸机”.




“Fury和我一样身高,也和我一样带来尴尬的风格. 他身材魁梧, 移动,他相信自己是世界上最好的. 您将得到两位运动能力出众的巨人,他们在拳击场上的移动速度在这项运动中无人能出其右.




“他们说我有力量,他有拳术. 我们12月见 1. 这是拳击手与拳击手的较量. 我认为打孔者会把他的灯关掉, 然后我会把他的灯关掉.




“我不会看太多电影或研究人们过去的风格,看看他们如何使用他们的风格. 我的教练观看影片并利用这些知识在整个比赛过程中为我提供建议. 我发现我的对手根据他们面对的是谁而采取不同的战斗方式, 所以我不能过多关注过去的比赛。”


JAY不错, 怀尔德的教练




“泰森·富里有点像魔方. 但魔方是可以解决的. 弗瑞是一位多才多艺的战士,可以移动, 他可以远距离拳击和格斗. 他是一名战士的全部,最重要的是他有坚强的精神意志.




“我们忙得不可开交, 但我知道德昂泰·维尔德是对付泰森·富里的人. 德昂泰是接管拳击界的合适人选,这是迈出的第一步.




“Deontay 有一个很棒的训练营,我们有非常好的陪练伙伴. 弗瑞是一位身材高大的战士, 但真正让他成为现在这样的人的是他的运动能力. 我们相信我们最好找到更多比弗里矮一点、运动能力强的人, 而不是像他一样高的雕像.




“幸运的是,德昂泰一直是一名专注的战士, 所以让他保持良好的心态我认为永远不会成为问题. 德昂泰比我见过的任何人都能更好地处理周围的混乱. 当他说他适合这份工作时, 他是真心实意的.




“为泰森·富里做准备的困难之处在于,即使他也不知道自己到底要做什么. 他可以对抗左撇子, 右倾, 脏或干净. 我们正在努力为所有这些事情以及更多事情做好准备.




“两个人都非常运动,但风格上却很尴尬, 但一旦这场战斗爆发, 这将是惊人的. 你不想眨眼或去洗手间, 椒盐卷饼可以等, 因为你会想抓住每一秒。”


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欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.SHO.com/Sports, www.premierboxingchampions.com斯台普斯中心.在 Twitter 上关注 @ShowtimeBoxing, @SHOSports, @PremierBoxing @BronzeBomber, @泰森_弗瑞, @TGBPromotions,@STAPLESCenter 和 @Swanson_Comm 或成为 Facebook 粉丝:www.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampionswww.facebook.com/STAPLESCenter.


泰森·富里洛杉矶媒体日语录 & 照片

直系重量级冠军泰森·富里周六对阵 WBC 重量级冠军德昂泰·维尔德, 十二月 1 在 SHOWTIME PPV 上® 从洛杉矶斯台普斯中心出发
点击 这里 从以斯帖林/ SHOWTIME照片

LOS ANGELES (十月 25, 2018) – 直系重量级冠军 泰森怒 周四,他在圣莫尼卡的丘吉尔拳击俱乐部举办了洛杉矶媒体日活动,准备挑战 WBC 重量级冠军 Deontay怀尔德 星期六, 十二月 1 在 SHOWTIME PPV 上从洛杉矶斯台普斯中心出发®.




愤怒, 谁在大熊训练, 乘直升机抵达附近参加媒体训练,与怀尔德讨论对决,然后跳入拳击场展示使他成为 IBF 的技能, WBA和WBO重量级拳王.




门票活动, 由BombZquad Enterprises和Queensberry Promotions推广, 与 DiBella Entertainment 和 TGB Promotions 合作, 现已公开发售. 门票价格在开始 $75, 加上适用的费用,可通过AXS.com. 怀尔德VS. 愤怒将由SHOWTIME PPV制作和发行.




弗瑞穿着 Oddball 的短裤锻炼, 一家将所有收益捐赠给睾丸癌研究的公司, 弗瑞所倡导的事业. 这是弗瑞和他的教练的内容, 本·戴维森, 周四必须在圣莫尼卡丘吉尔拳击俱乐部说:






“这是一场重要的拳击比赛, 因为这是两个不败冠军的对峙. 有些人出于某种原因未能与顶级选手一起进入擂台, 但这里有两名战士站上队伍.




“这是一场很容易分析的战斗, 德昂泰·怀尔德需要用他那只大右手来击倒我, 我不能让他这么做. 我需要尽一切努力摆脱右手, 让他担心我的拳头防守.




“我已经成为统一冠军了; 我已跨入这项运动的最高梯队. 这次我回来了,我永远在这里.




“我回来夺回我的王位. 尽管我经历过调整战斗, 我觉得这才是我真正的复出之战.




“我已经习惯了敌意, 训练营的孤独环境. 为了与弗拉基米尔·克里琴科(Wladimir Klitschko)的比赛,我在荷兰, 在森林里 10 距离任何商店或城镇数英里. 我在大熊的条件下茁壮成长.




“在大熊训练中没有任何干扰. 这是完美的. 除了几只熊和响尾蛇什么也没有. 就干扰而言,就是这样.








“我经常在公共场合穿这些时髦的短裤,今天我穿它们是因为它们代表了一家名为 Oddballs 的公司, 花在这条裤子上的每一分钱都用于对抗睾丸癌的研究. 我的一个朋友最近经历过, 我想提高人们对他和这项事业的认识。”


本·戴维森, 愤怒的教练




“我对泰森·富里有很强的感觉,当他每天醒来走进健身房时,我能感觉到他需要什么. 我们的关系在最后确实已经融为一体 12 个月.




“毫无疑问,这将是一场充满动作的战斗. 老实说,这两个人都是天生的暴力怪胎. 这将是一场史诗般的战斗.




“我认为仅凭身体你就可以看到泰森·富里已经走了多远. 这需要很大的意志力和奉献精神. 他在身体上付出了很多努力, 这实际上只是他在健身房展示的一小部分.




“所有重量级人物都可以出拳, 如果他们中的任何一个打到你的下巴, 你将会遇到问题. 我们关注的不是维尔德的力量, 这是敏捷性, 他带来的速度和笨拙. 我们正在研究他的习惯并观察他在擂台上所做的每一件小事.




“泰森·富里需要这样的战斗才能发挥出最好的水平. 他是一名斗士,能够将自己的比赛水平提升到眼前。”




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欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.SHO.com/Sports, www.premierboxingchampions.comwww.staplescenter.com 在Twitter上关注@ShowtimeBoxing, @SHOSports, @PremierBoxing @BronzeBomber, @泰森_弗瑞, @TGBPromotions,@STAPLESCenter 和 @Swanson_Comm 或成为 Facebook 粉丝:www.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampionswww.facebook.com/STAPLESCenter.

痴迷狂vs. 泰森·富里洛杉矶新闻发布会语录 & 照片

重量级巨头在十二月前连续第三天交锋,国际新闻发布会最后一站气氛火爆 1 WBC 重量级世界冠军赛在 SHOWTIME PPV 上直播 ®

“当我击倒他时,我可以说我击倒了一个无所畏惧的人。” ——德昂泰·维尔德


点击 这里 对于照片; 信用阿曼达韦斯科特/欣欣

观看完整的新闻发布会 这里


LOS ANGELES (十月 3, 2018) – 热闹的三天, 紧张局势加剧的国际媒体之旅周三在洛杉矶市中心结束,重量级巨头 Deontay怀尔德泰森怒 在怀尔德和富里的一大群支持者面前,言语争吵有可能演变成肢体冲突,因此不得不被保安分开.




在 12 月之前连续第三次举行的新闻发布会的最后时刻 1 WBC重量级世界拳王争霸赛在斯台普斯中心展开, 由于两名战士都必须被阻止,情绪似乎沸腾了 (看混战 这里). 观看周三新闻发布会的完整内容, 访问 SHOWTIME Sports YouTube 频道: https://s.sho.com/2QiGaPg




随着后视镜中旋风般的新闻巡演, 战士们现在有 58 为美国最大的重量级拳击比赛做准备的日子. 自六月伦诺克斯·刘易斯击倒迈克·泰森以来的土壤 2002. 怀尔德VS. Fury 是在南部地区举行的最新大型重量级赛事, 名人堂成员乔·路易斯 (Joe Louis) 拓展了重量级拳击业已深厚的历史, 穆罕默德·阿里, 伦诺克斯·刘易斯和维塔利·克里琴科, 最后一场在斯台普斯中心对决 2003, 克里琴科还在斯台普斯中心阻止了克里斯·阿雷奥拉 2009.




门票活动, 由BombZquad Enterprises和Queensberry Promotions推广, 与 DiBella Entertainment 和 TGB Promotions 合作, 现已发售. 门票价格从 $75, 再加上适用的费用, 并可通过 AXS.com.




以下是今天在洛杉矶 The Novo by Microsoft 举办的活动的简短引述. 直播:






“我与最优秀的选手之一进行了比赛,我认为我正在与重量级中第二优秀的选手进行比赛, 我确实认为他很坚强. 关于泰森的事, 他精神上很坚强. 他是吉普赛国王,你知道他们如何评价吉普赛人; 他们是旅行的人,他们是无所畏惧的人. 这就是为什么他是这种情况下的完美对手, 为了这次重回重量级赛场. 所以当我击倒他时我可以说我击倒了一个无所畏惧的人.




“他在重量级比赛中表现出色. 他很有魅力, 他会说话, 我有一个很棒的舞伴. 他在拳击场上无所畏惧,他的血液中流淌着拳击的血统; 他以迈克·泰森的名字命名,这一切都很棒. 很高兴他来自另一个国家,这样你就可以看到不同的文化, 我们两个人性格不同. 你有一张来自美国,还有一张来自英国. 所以当我击倒他时这会让我更加高兴.




“所有这些加起来. 这对我来说很令人兴奋,我迫不及待地想回到洛杉矶. 我想说的是我要把他打倒.




“你知道我来做什么,你也知道我十二月要做什么 1. 当你来看战斗时,你就是来看有人被击倒的. 你不会来看 12 回合的比赛. 我知道你是来看看一些技巧,但你是来看看画布上这个人的身体,这就是我要传达给你的。”






“泰森·富里并不害怕从母亲生出来的人, 尤其是一个每天都扎着辫子的男人. 我不害怕他的任何事情; 我不害怕他能做的任何事.




“这是一场战斗. 我们可以在舞台上做所有这些事情, 我可以在这里走来走去,我可以像这个国家的任何人一样说话. 但到了打架的时候, 这将是一个战斗的地狱. Deontay怀尔德: 巨大的打孔器. 我: 熟练的拳击手. 这将是一个史诗般的夜晚. 这是一场遗产之争,我相信这是真的. 当我赢了之后, 他将聘请我作为他的公关人员,因为我相信我可以立即将德翁泰·怀尔德提升为世界重量级冠军. 但输给我并不丢脸,因为我是这一代人中最伟大的拳击手,我无法被击败, 尤其不是他.




“已经有很多, 之前有很多像德昂泰·维尔德这样的拳击手, 但拳击史上从未有过泰森·富里. 我知道这一点,因为我彻底研究了这个游戏.




“我给予 [怀尔德] 与吉普赛国王战斗的机会. 我对王位的要求可以追溯到很多年前,所以我给他机会成为一些人.




“只有在梦中,德昂泰·维尔德才能将泰森·富里击倒. 只在他的梦里




“德昂泰·维尔德需要泰森·富里,但泰森·富里不需要德昂泰·维尔德. 我选择 Deontay Wilder 作为一个容易受害的人. 这将是我职业生涯中最轻松的一场比赛。”






“这将是一场伟大的战斗. 最近, 我看过泰森·弗瑞唱这首歌, “只有一个泰森·富里”. 我认为他是从瑞奇·哈顿那里偷来的,你也看到了发生在他身上的事. 我认为这种趋势将会持续下去。”






“我认为泰森是最好的之一, 他无疑是英国最丰富多彩的重量级人物之一. 他的技艺高超, 他做了不可能的事. 他去了德国, 他带克里琴科去学校; 一个好的克里琴科. 他和那家伙打了一架,就像他说的, 他是直系冠军. 他喜欢挑战并且是一名旅行者. 这就是他来到德昂泰后院的原因. 他要来美国, 他正在与近年来最具爆炸性的重量级人物之一进行战斗, 一个会打拳的人. 我认为风格会引发战斗, 每个人都在说泰森会跑步,而德昂泰会追随他. 我认为这不会发生; 我想在晚上, 你会看到泰森坚持自己的立场,你会看到一些精彩的烟火表演.




“这是一个伟大的斗争, 这是一场为粉丝而战的比赛, 很高兴来到洛杉矶. 进行这场战斗. 很高兴我们能在美国带来另一位英国人来这里夺回金腰带.




“这是最好的战斗; 世界上的两位顶级重量级人物都站出来进行了这样的战斗。”






“我们有一个非常特别的活动. 是什么让它如此特别? 清楚地, 这是一场大型的重量级冠军争夺战,但重量级冠军争夺战有一种不同的神秘感和喧嚣. 我们将在两位精英运动员之间展开一场重量级冠军争夺战. 我们的对手是拳击界最厉害的拳击手,对手是这项运动中最熟练的拳击手之一, 当然是重量级的. 这是一场令人着迷的风格搭配. 我们有两位伟大的人物和两位重量级最高的拳手.




“在一个经常举办大型活动的城市, 我们有最盛大的活动. L.A. 肯定有过激烈的战斗——亨利·阿姆斯特朗, 艺术阿拉贡, 鲍比·查孔, 霍亚, 肖恩·莫斯利——他们都曾在这里战斗过. 还有洛杉矶. 甚至举办过重量级比赛. 吉姆·杰弗里斯, 杰克·约翰逊曾在这里战斗过, 穆罕默德·阿里也曾在这里战斗过. 但就洛杉矶的主要重量级冠军争夺而言, 名单很短. 维塔利·克里琴科 (Vitali Klitschko) 与. 克里斯Arreola, 科里·桑德斯和伦诺克斯·刘易斯. 就是这样. 历史上有四名拳手在洛杉矶争夺重量级世界冠军. 这在洛杉矶是罕见的事件. 自从之后没有 2009 我们在洛杉矶看过一场重量级冠军赛吗. 在一座充满不容错过的活动的城市, 这是顶峰. 利害攸关的不仅仅是 WBC 冠军头衔, 不仅仅是骄傲, 这是关于遗产和历史的。”





Bellator 206: 穆萨西 vs. 麦当劳 主卡 结果:

Gegard Mousasi (44-6-2) 打败 罗里·麦克唐纳 (20-5) 通过TKO (拳) 在 3:23 第二轮的

昆顿“横冲直撞”杰克逊 (38-13) 打败 万德雷·席尔瓦 (35-14) 通过TKO (拳) 在 4:32 第二轮的

道格拉斯·利马 (30-7) 打败 安德烈Koreshkov (21-3) 通过技术提交 (后方裸体扼流圈) 在 3:04 五轮的

亚伦微微 (4-1) 打败 莱昂德罗肥后 (18-5) 通过KO (拳) 在 3:19 of round one

Keri Taylor-Melendez (3-0) 打败 Dakota Zimmerman (0-1) 通过分裂的决定 (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)

加斯顿·博拉尼奥斯 (4-1) 打败 Ysidro Gutierrez (4-3) 通过淘汰赛 (拳) 在 1:37 第二轮的


初步卡 结果:

亚当Piccolot (11-2) 打败 詹姆斯·特里 (20-10) 通过一致决定 (29-28, 30-27, 30-27)

耶利米·莫纳汉 (12-6) 打败 Justin Smitley (10-8-1) 通过TKO (拳) 在 3:28 of round one

Arlene Blencowe (11-7) 打败 琥珀Leibrock (3-2) 通过TKO (slam, 拳) 在 1:23 第三轮

Josh San Diego (8-4) 打败 乔·尼尔 (6-4) 通过分裂的决定 (29-28, 27-30, 29-28)

查克·坎贝尔 (1-0) 打败 Joseph Ramirez (1-2) 通过一致决定 (30-27 X3)

Anthony Figueroa Jr. (1-0) 打败 Samuel Romero (0-2) 通过一致决定 (29-27, 28-26, 29-26)

卡斯贝尔 (2-0) 打败 Ty Costa (3-4) 通过口头提交 (armbar) 3:06 第二轮的

Isaiah Gonzalez (2-0) VS. 伍武 (2-1)

Jacob Ycaro (1-0) VS. 伊格纳西奥·奥尔蒂斯 (1-0)

Laird Anderson (0-0) VS. Ahmed Abdelaziz (0-0)


BELLATOR 206: MOUSASI vs. 麦克唐纳称重结果 & 照片





完成 Bellator 206 称量结果:

中量级世界冠军主赛事: Gegard Mousasi (184.4) VS. 罗里·麦克唐纳 (184.9)

重量级的合作主要事件: 昆顿“横冲直撞”杰克逊 (254.4) VS. 万德雷·席尔瓦 (226.9)

Welterweight World Grand Prix First Round Bout: 道格拉斯·利马 (170) VS. 安德烈Koreshkov (169.3)

羽主卡布特: 亚伦微微 (145.7) VS. 莱昂德罗肥后 (145.1)

Women’s Strawweight Main Card Bout: Keri Taylor-Melendez (116) VS. Dakota Zimmerman (115.6)

羽主卡布特: 加斯顿·博拉尼奥斯 (145.2) VS. Ysidro Gutierrez (145.3)



160-英镑Catchweight初步回合: 亚当Piccolot (159.1) VS. 詹姆斯·特里 (160)

羽初步回合: 耶利米·莫纳汉 (144.9) VS. Justin Smitley (144.2)

女子轻量级初赛: 琥珀Leibrock (145.4) VS. Arlene Blencowe (145.3)

羽初步回合: Josh San Diego (139.2) VS. 乔·尼尔 (139.9)

轻量级初步回合: 卡斯贝尔 (136) VS. Ty Costa (136)

轻量级初步回合: Isaiah Gonzalez (135.8) VS. 伍武 (136)

羽初步回合: Jacob Ycaro (145.3) VS. 伊格纳西奥·奥尔蒂斯 (144.9)

羽初步回合: Laird Anderson (145.8) VS. Ahmed Abdelaziz (147.3)*

轻重量级的初步回合: 查克·坎贝尔 (205.6) VS. Joseph Ramirez (202.4)

轻量级初步回合: Anthony Figueroa Jr. (156) VS. Samuel Romero (156)



Brandon Adams Journey on The Contender begins Tomorrow Night on EPIX®


费城 / LOS ANGELES – AUGUST 23, 2018 – Middleweight Brandon Adams will be featured on The Contender that will begin Tomorrow Night, August 24th on EPIX® at 10 PM ET / PT.




亚当斯, 17-2 同 12 knockouts fights out of Los Angles, California was finalist in the Boxcino Middleweight and Junior Middleweight tournaments in 2014 和 2015.





Adams will attempt to come through in the 16-man competition that in previous years has sprung fighters like Sergio Mora and Cornelius Bundrage to world titles.




About MGM Television

MGM Television is a leading producer and global distributor of premium content for television and digital platforms, with distribution rights to original productions and a robust catalog of television episodes and feature film titles including such premiere entertainment franchises as James Bond, 洛基, Stargate and The Hobbit trilogy. Current scripted and unscripted projects include Fargo (FX); Vikings (HISTORY); The Handmaid’s Tale (葫芦); Get Shorty (EPIX); 语音 (NBC); 幸存者 (CBS); 创智赢家 (ABC); Teen Wolf (MTV); Steve Harvey’s FUNDERDOME (ABC); Beat Shazam (FOX); Signed (VH1); 卢恰(Lucha)地下 (The El Rey Network); and through its distribution entity, Orion TV Productions, the syndicated daytime courtroom series Lauren Lake’s Paternity Court and Couples Court with The Cutlers. 此外, MGM owns Evolution Media, the innovative unscripted television producers of The Real Housewives of Orange County, The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, Vanderpump Rules, Vanderpump Rules: Jax and Brittany Take Kentucky, and Sweet Home Oklahoma (做得好); Botched (和!); Bug Juice (Disney Channel) and Growing Up Supermodel (Lifetime).MGM’s television programming regularly airs in more than 100 countries worldwide. 欲了解更多信息, visit www.mgm.com.




About EPIX

EPIX, an MGM company, is a premium pay television network, delivering the latest movie releases and biggest classic film franchises, plus original programming including series, 纪录片, and comedy specialsall available on TV, on demand, online and across devices. Launched in October 2009, EPIX became profitable in its first year of existence and is now available nationwide to 70 million homes through cable, telco, satellite and emerging digital distribution platforms. A pioneer in the development and proliferation of “电视无处不在,” EPIX was the first premium network to provide multi-platform access to its content online at EPIX.com and to launch on Xbox, PlayStation®, Android phones and tablets, and Roku® players. EPIX is also available across hundreds of consumer devices including Apple TV, iPhone and iPad, 亚马逊消防电视, TiVo, 的Chromecast, and Android TV, delivering more movies than any other network with thousands of titles available for streaming. For more information about EPIX, go to www.EPIX.com. Follow EPIX on Twitter @EpixHd (HTTP://www.twitter.com/EpixHD) and on Facebook (HTTP://www.facebook.com/EPIX), YouTube的 (HTTP://youtube.com/EPIX), Instagram的 (HTTP://instagram.com/EPIX) and Snapchat @EPIXTV.




About Paramount Television

Paramount Television is a leading studio, developing and financing a wide range of cutting-edge and entertaining television content across all media platforms for distribution worldwide. The studio’s robust slate includes Tom Clancy’sJack Ryan” (亚马逊), “13 Reasons Why” (Netflix), “Maniac” (Netflix), “Shooter” (美国), “Berlin Station” (EPIX), “The Alienist” (TNT), “The Haunting of Hill House” (Netflix), “Catch-22” (葫芦), “First Wives Club” (派拉蒙网络), “Looking for Alaska” (葫芦), “Briarpatch” (美国), “Boomerang” (赌注), “Shantaram” (苹果), “Dream Team” (赌注), “竞争者” (EPIX) 和 “Snow Crash” (亚马逊), 等等. Paramount Television is part of Paramount Pictures Corporation (PPC), a global producer and distributor of filmed entertainment. PPC is a subsidiary of Viacom (纳斯达克: VIAB, VIA), a global content company with premier television, film and digital entertainment brands.









LOS ANGELES – Bellator, a leading global combat sports franchise owned by Viacom, home to the world’s premier entertainment brands, and DAZN, the world’s largest dedicated live sports streaming service and part of Perform Group, today announced a multi-year landmark distribution agreement.




The nine-figure deal will feature seven exclusive stacked fight cards per year on DAZN and another 15 that are simulcast across Paramount Network and DAZN. All fights will stream in any country where DAZN is available. As part of the platform’s global expansion, DAZN will launch in the U.S. and Italy in 2018, with the service already live in Canada, 德国, 奥地利, Switzerland and Japan.




“The exciting new partnership with DAZN is a game-changer for Bellator,” Bellator总裁Scott Coker的说. “The investment will enable us to continue expanding our roster with free agents that make sense, so we can put on PPV-worthy fight cards that fans want to see. 更多, on DAZN’s worldwide platform, our fights will be seen live for the first time to new audiences around the globe.”




“It’s simple; fans want to see great fighters in competitive fights so we’ve handed the keys to Scott Coker and his venerable team to go out and recruit even more top-level talent to further stack Bellator fight cards and build on their success,” said DAZN CEO James Rushton. “With the combination of this investment and our recent announcement to bring more than 30 nights of boxing to the platform annually, DAZN will be a must-have for fight fans in the U.S.”




“The DAZN partnership speaks to the incredible growth of Bellator into a global sports powerhouse and high-valued franchise in the Viacom portfolio,” said Kevin Kay, 总统, 派拉蒙网络, TV Land and CMT.




The deal begins with an epic event on 星期六, 七. 29 from SAP Center at San Jose. The card features a highly anticipated middleweight title fight pitting Gegard Mousasi (44-6-2) 针对 罗里·麦克唐纳 (20-4), who is moving up a weight class for a title shot against the 185-pound champ, along with the fourth fight in the legendary rivalry between 昆顿“横冲直撞”杰克逊 (37-13) 和 万德雷·席尔瓦(35-13).




Also included on 七. 29, will be the opening fight of Bellator’s first-ever Welterweight World Grand Prix, which will feature eight of the best welterweight fighters on the planet. The Bellator Welterweight World Grand Prix will be a major component of the first year of the multi-year agreement between Bellator and DAZN.




An exclusive online presale for this event takes place tomorrow, 六月 27 至周四, 六月 28, with tickets going on sale to the general public on 星期五, 六月 29 在 10 A.M. PT. 门票开始只是 $30 and will be available at the ThreatMetrix Ticket Office at SAP Center at San Jose, 以及 Bellator.com and Ticketmaster.




The event will air live on DAZN at 10 P.M. AND/7 P.M. PT. 另外的较量将在未来几周内公布. DAZN, which now streams 15,000 live events and 100 million hours of sports content globally each year, will be available in the U.S. this September with exact pricing and dates being announced this summer.


穆萨西 vs. 麦当劳:




Gegard Mousasi impressed in his promotional debut over former Bellator middleweight champion Alexander Shlemenko, a win that earned him a shot at Rafael Carvalho, where 185-pound gold was on the line. 现在, after a decisive victory against Carvalho at Bellator 200, Mousasi will defend his crown against Rory MacDonald, entering the bout with his current unbeaten streak at seven fights. “捕梦网,” who trains out of The Netherlands, holds one of the most impressive resumes in all of the sport, at one time winning the STRIKEFORCE light heavyweight title, as well as the DREAM light heavyweight and middleweight titles.




Over the last several years, “The Red King” Rory MacDonald has become the most popular Canadian mixed martial artist due to his classic stand-up wars and wins over some of MMA’s best in Paul Daley, 内特 - 迪亚兹, 泰伦·伍德利, B.J. Penn and Demian Maia. Bellator’s welterweight champion joined the Viacom-owned promotion in 2016 and went on to defeat Douglas Lima for the welterweight title at Bellator 192. 现在, the Tristar Gym-trained fighter sets his sights on winning gold in not one, but two separate weight classes.


“Rampage” vs. 席尔瓦:



A six-fight veteran of Bellator, “狂暴”杰克逊的传奇生涯已经看到他同场竞技的一些顶级品牌的运动, 生成的球迷忠诚的军队前进的道路上. 前PRIDE和UFC冠军是许多史诗集锦抨击骄傲的主人和击倒,他已经累积了在他的史诗战役与查利德尔的喜欢, 丹·亨德森, “莫王,” Kevin Randleman和, 也许最显着, his trilogy with fellow Bellator athlete Wanderlei Silva, who he now meets at heavyweight on 七. 29.



Wanderlei Silva’s wars with “Rampage,” Tito Ortiz, 米尔科·克罗马警察, 维托尔贝尔福, 丹·亨德森, 樱野合, Chuck Liddell and Michael Bisping remain some of the more memorable bouts in MMA history. “The Axe Murderer” is far from ready to close the book on his illustrious career, returning to action against a man he has already competed against three times before. In addition to the PRIDE middleweight title, Silva’s trophy case includes awards for “Fight of the Year” (2003, 2004, 2007), 年度KO (2008) and multiple “Fight of the Night” awards. 最近, the Brazilian native made his Bellator debut against Chael Sonnen in the main event of Bellator: NYC.


Updated Bellator Fight Card:

量级世界冠军布特: Gegard Mousasi (44-6-2) VS. 罗里·麦克唐纳 (20-4)

重量级特征回合: 昆顿“横冲直撞”杰克逊 (37-13) VS. 万德雷·席尔瓦 (35-13)

Welterweight World Grand Prix First Round Bout





Unbeaten Stars Collide Saturday, 七月 28 住在Showtime® from STAPLES Center in Los Angeles in an Event Presented by 总理拳击冠军
Tickets on Sale Today at 12 P.M. PT!




LOS ANGELES, (六月 11, 2018) – WBC Lightweight World Champion 米奇·加西亚 和IBF轻量级世界冠军 罗伯特·JR复活节. will square-off in a 135-pound unification showdown between unbeaten stars Saturday, 七月 28 live on SHOWTIME from STAPLES Center in Los Angeles in an event presented by Premier Boxing Champions.




The main event of the SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® 电视节目 (10 P.M. ET /下午7时. PT) will see Garcia look to become a unified champion for the first time in a career that has seen him win titles in four weight classes. 复活节, who enters with a 5-inch height and 8-inch reach advantage, looks to stamp his name amongst boxing’s elite by unifying titles at 27 岁, less than two years after capturing his first belt.




门票现场活动, 这是由Ringstar体育和TGB促销推广, 开始于 $50, 再加上适用的费用, 并在销售中今天 12 P.M. PT. 购买门票, visit AXS.com.




SHOWTIME Sports continues to lead the industry with the biggest events, the most important matchups, week after week, 月复一月,” 斯蒂芬说埃斯皮诺萨, 总统体育 & 活动编程, 欣欣网络公司. “米奇·加西亚VS. 罗伯特·JR复活节. is the third world championship unification match on SHOWTIME this year. A consensus top-10 pound-for-pound champion facing an undefeated young champion while both are in the prime of their careers. 七月 28 has all the makings of an instant classic.




“米奇·加西亚VS. Robert Easter is an outstanding lightweight matchup that is sure to deliver drama for fight fans at STAPLES Center and on SHOWTIME,” Said Tom Brown, TGB促销总统. “Garcia will look to unify in his hometown and further solidify his credentials as boxing’s pound-for-pound best. He’ll have perhaps the toughest test of his career in the unbeaten Easter, who has a lethal combination of size, speed and power that he brings to the ring. With both fighters defending their titles and undefeated records, this is shaping up to be a can’t-miss night of boxing in downtown Los Angeles.




This is the kind of matchup that boxing fans love and a fight that I believe will certainly live up to expectations,” 理查德·谢弗说, 主席 & Ringstar体育的CEO. “With two undefeated world champions, and two of the top guys at 135 英镑, this fight is guaranteed drama. Mikey Garcia will look to become a unified world champion and add another accolade to a career that is already shaping up to be historic. 罗伯特·JR复活节, a proud champion in his own right, is coming to STAPLES Center on July 28 to upset Mikey Garcia in his hometown. This is the quality of matchup that fans watching on SHOWTIME have come to expect and I suspect they will be fulfilled once again when these two warriors meet in the ring.




We are really looking forward to this incredible fight at STAPLES Center,” Lee说Zeidman, 总统, 斯台普斯中心. “These two fighters will undoubtedly headline an amazing night of fights for boxing fans in Los Angeles and we are looking forward to welcoming back Premier Boxing Champions and SHOWTIME for the second time in just two months.




One of Southern California’s most popular fighters, Garcia returns to STAPLES Center for his first fight since becoming a world champion, and his first in California in seven years. Easter returns to the site of his professional debut, having started his career at STAPLES Center in 2012 after serving as an alternate in the London Olympic Games.




加西亚 (38-0, 30 科斯), of Moreno Valley by way of Oxnard, 加利福尼亚州。, became only the third fighter in modern history to become champion at 126, 130, 135 和140磅, joining future Hall of Famers Juan Manuel Marquez and Manny Pacquiao, when he defeated Sergey Lipinets for the IBF 140-pound title in March. The 30-year-old relinquished that title so that he can unify the WBC Lightweight World Championship that he won in January 2017 with a highlight reel knockout of Dejan Zlaticanin (点击这里 to watch Garcia-Zlaticanin KO video)




These wins, combined with a summer 2017 victory over Adrien Broner, have seen Garcia return to the top of pound-for-pound lists after a layoff of two and a half years. Garcia accrued wins over a list of notable names while winning his first two titles at 126 and 130-pounds, including Orlando Salido, Roman Martinez and Juan Manuel Lopez.




This is the toughest fight of my career to date,” said the four-division champion Garcia. “罗伯特·JR复活节. is an undefeated world champion who presents serious challenges that I’m going to have to work hard to overcome. Unifying titles is something I’ve dreamed of doing for many years, and to do it at STAPLES Center in Los Angeles will make it even more special. This is the kind of fight that will help my legacy. To be the best you have to beat the best, and Easter is certainly one of the best out there. I’m very thankful to have this opportunity and I’m going to make the most of it on July 28.




Representing his hometown of Toledo, 俄亥俄, 复活节 (21-0, 14 科斯) has made three successful defenses since winning his world title in an exciting contest over Richard Commey in 2016. The 27-year-old delivered a fifth-round destruction of former champion Argenis Mendez to earn the title shot, and since winning the title has held off challenges from Javier Fortuna, Denis Shafikov and Luis Cruz to retain his 135-pound belt.




Easter will be making the move to work with Kevin Cunningham for the first time for this fight and conducting training camp in West Palm Beach with him. 坎宁安, the longtime trainer of former world champions such as Devon Alexander and Cory Spinks, spurred Adrien Broner to a strong performance in a draw against Jessie Vargas and Gervonta Davis to a dominant knockout of Jesus Cuellar in their first fights together in April.




This is a fight I’ve been waiting for and I’m really excited that the time is now,” 说复活节. “这是最好的战斗最好的. These are the fights that boxing is all about. I made the move to train with Kevin Cunningham down in Florida and I think it’s going to help me reach another level. It’s just eat, sleep and train down there. We’re going to be ready on July 28 to put on a show and deliver fireworks.


# # #





欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.SHO.com/Sports, www.premierboxingchampions.comwww.staplescenter.com 在Twitter上关注@ShowtimeBoxing, @SHOSports, @PremierBoxing @MikeyGarcia, @RobertEaster_Jr, @Ringstar, @TGBPromotions@STAPLESCenter 和 @Swanson_Comm 或在 Facebook 上成为粉丝www.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampionswww.facebook.com/STAPLESCenter.PBC由电晕赞助, 最好的啤酒.




住在 10 P.M. AND/PT On SHOWTIME From 2300 竞技场在费城





纽约 (四月 5, 2018) – Highly regarded undefeated lightweight Devin Haney will face the toughest test of his career in veteran Mason Menard in the 10-round main event of 的ShoBox: 新一代 星期五, 五月 11 住在Showtime (10 P.M. ET / PT) 从 2300 竞技场在费城.





The 19-year-old Haney, who was a seven-time national junior amateur champion, has been considered a blue-chip prospect since turning professional at the age of 16 在墨西哥. 哈尼 (18-0, 12 科斯) will face by far the toughest opponent of his career in his 的ShoBox debut against Menard (33-2, 24 科斯), a two-time 的ShoBox veteran whose only loss in nearly a decade came to current WBO Lightweight Champion Ray Beltran.





The boxing world will see something they’ve never seen a 19-year-old professional boxer do,” Haney said. “I’m intimidating and I know it. I’m thankful to SHOWTIME and Mason Menard for giving me this opportunity, unfortunately for him, he will get a chance to see first-hand what all the hype is about. I’ve been sparring with former world champions like Jesse Vargas in preparation for this fight. The fact that I’m fighting in the main event is bringing out the best in me. It’s my time to show the world what I’m made of and I’m coming to make a statement in this fight. Mason Menard is in trouble!”





The young and flashy Haney fights out of Las Vegas, where he has earned a reputation as a prodigy having sparred with Floyd Mayweather, 肖恩·波特, Jessie Vargas and Rances Barthelemy. 他编写的业余纪录 130-8 and received a special exception from the Nevada State Athletic Commission when he was just 17 years old to make his U.S. debut on the undercard of Manny Pacquiao vs. Timothy Bradley III.





哈尼, who is trained and managed by his father, 威廉·哈尼, has been active since turning pro with nine fights in 2016 and seven in 2017. In his last fight on Nov. 4, he scored a fifth-round TKO against Hamza Sempewo in Atlanta.





Menard had an emphatic win in his 的ShoBox 在首次亮相 2016 with a brutal Knockout of the Year nominee of previously unbeaten Eudy Bernardo. He returned later that year with a knockout victory of Bahodir Mamadjonov before facing Beltran on short notice. Prior to the 2016 loss to Beltran, Menard’s only blemish was a 2008 defeat in just his third professional fight.





It’s a privilege for me to be able return in a fight on national television again,” Menard said. “My all-around game will be different. I have a new team, a repaired shoulder and a different outlook on things. Haney may be undefeated, 但他从来没有遇到过像我这样的人. If everyone expects me to fold against an untested prospect they are in for a big surprise.





After facing Beltran, Menard changed trainers and is now based in Los Angeles with trainers John Pullman and Buddy McGirt.





门票活动, which is promoted by Greg Cohen Promotions, 德文 - 哈尼促销 & 强力促销, 售价为 $125 对于VIP, $75 用于马戏团和 $50 for general admission and are available at the 2300 Arena Box office or online at www.HardHittingPromotions.com.

The Debut premieres to rave reviews at First Glance Film Festival

Beverly Hills, 加利福尼亚州. (三月. 20, 2018) – Independent movie The Debut Premiered last week to rave reviews at the renowned First Glance Film Festival in Los Angeles.
The film which chronicles 21 year-old Shane Shapiro, a cancer survivor, desire to become a boxing manager. The movie document’s Shapiro and the unique relationship with his first fighter, middleweight Cem Kilic, one week before their professional debut.
Cem Kilic and Shane Shapiro
The film performed in front of a sold out crowd of more than 300 人, which forced the festival to move the showing of the film to a larger theater which which was The Laemmle Theater in North Hollywood.
The film finished in the top four films out of 16 entered in the festival.
This experience of having our film shown on a big screen is beyond words. This moment is much bigger than me, this is for every one who has been touched by Cancer in some way, with a dream a desire there is No Limit to one’s success. I want to thank my family who have always been by my side and my biggest inspiration in life, my grandfather David Wiener, a holocaust survivor who inspires me everyday.” – 肖恩·夏皮罗.
The Los Angeles premiere at Shapiro’s alma mater, Beverly Hills High School will be announced shortly.
Shapiro is the Executive Producer. Matt Conrad is the director.
For more information on the movie, access www.thedebut.life
Below is the official trailer for the film.
About the First Glance Film Festival
First Glance Film Festival 2018: HTTP://firstglancefilms.com/
Since our inception in 1996, First Glance Film Festival’s have become one of the fastest growing truly independent film fests in Philadelphia and Los Angeles.
Named five times as one of theBest Film Festival Investments” 和 “50 Film Festivals Worth the Entry Feeby Movie Maker Magazine andOne of the Festivals for the Rest of Usby Time Magazine, First Glance has become a leader in mid-sized film festivals.