Tag Archives: Mkango Mtima Maseŵera a nkhonya munapanga

Mkango Mtima Zimbabwe Maseŵera a nkhonya Project amadwala inanso kovuta

New York, NY, March 26, 2015-Mkango Mtima Maseŵera a nkhonya munapanga’ gallant effort to resuscitate professional boxing in Zimbabwe may have been dealt a fatal blow. The Zimbabwe Boxing Board’s unexplained failure to act on a request by the company for permission to stage a boxing tournament in Harare may be the final straw that broke the camel’s back on the company’s “Gerizimu Project.


Mu December a 2014, Lion Heart’s Board of Directors met and resolved to have one final go developing Boxing in Zimbabwe by exploring the possibility of promoting a quarterly boxing series in Harare starting in April 2015. Zotsatira zake, kampaniyo anaganiza kutumiza ake CFO, Edward Mendy, kuti Zimbabwe tasked limodzi lokha cholinga-kufufuza kuthekera kwa kuchititsa ndi nkhonya ya mpikisanowu ku Harare kunyamulidwa pa April 16 kapena April 23, 2015 molumikizana ndi Gerizimu a 35th wodzilamulira Tsiku chikondwerero, or other date as feasible. Ancillary to same, Mendy anali tasked ndi zotsatirazi: (1) kutsimikizira tsiku, (2) malo bwaloli, (3) book Zim boxers to feature in the Main Event, ndi / kapena Co-waukulu chochitika, ndipo (4) otetezeka bolodi chilolezo mwamantha chochitikacho.


The Main mwambo zimanena kuti zichitike May 2015 inaugural event was slated to feature Former Two Time British Champion and Two Time Commonwealth Champion Danny Williams (46-18) kutenga KuBulawayo a Thamsanqa Dube (12-3), a former WBA Pan-African Champion. In the Co-Main Event, Namibian ndi kale World Ngwazi Harry Simon (30-0) was selected to take on an opponent to be announced. The Undercard was to be highlighted by a special feature boutWBC Africa Welterweight Charles Manyuchi (15-2) anali kuteteza ake udindo pa nyumba nthaka kwa nthawi yoyamba konse kapena kuchita nkhondo mlingo (linayenera kuvomerezedwa ake Zambian kulimbikitsa Chris Malunga ndi anzake). Manyuchi is currently the most internationally recognized Zimbabwean Boxer and has been plying his trade in neighboring Zambia since 2012 for lack of options at home. The event would have been broadcasted live on ZTV and streamed live worldwide on the Internet. Komanso, chochitikacho akanakhala rebroadcasted pa anachedwa maziko kudzera dera masewera njira mu USA, amene kufika pa 165 Miliyoni American chingwe m'nyumba (zoposa 100 Miliyoni wapadera m'nyumba) ntchito Mkango Mtima Maseŵera a nkhonya munapanga’ established contractual relationships. Kuwonjezera, mwambowu anali ndandanda kuti syndicated regionally komanso misika, padziko lonse monga zotheka.


Kupititsa patsogolo kampani Zimbabwe zokhumba, Mendy anasiya New York kwa Harare pa February 26, 2015 on exploratory mission. He was received warmly by Zimbabweans of walks of life and spent a very enjoyable and productive ten days in Zimbabwe, visiting various cities and meeting with people. Lion Heart was able to achieve all of the stated goals except the last one, m'chitetezo ZBB kuthandiza zimanena kuti zichitike chochitika, ngakhale msonkhano woyamba inakonzedwa pa Mendy a kutsogoza anali Board. Mwatsoka, osati chiyani Zimbabwe Maseŵera a nkhonya Board osati kupereka requisite Nodi, icho sichikanakhoza ngakhale msonkhano boma msonkhano wa Board kulandira Mendy kapena gome Mkango Mtima zolinga. Mpaka pano, ndi milungu itatu, Lion Heart has not received any correspondence from the Board on its application to host an event in May. The only information it has received relative to the event is from media reports, chakuti bungwe amafunika nthawi yambiri dala.


Chifukwa cha ZBB a sanali Kuyankha, Lion Heart regrettably has decided to put its Zim Project on hold indefinitely. Says Lion Heart Event Coodinator Sporty Smith, “We have no choice but to put our Zim Project on hold since the ZBB has failed to afford us the smallest of professional courtesy. We can understand a Board’s refusal to sanction an event it does not like it. A failure by a Board to reply, kukakumana deadlines izo akufuna ndipo mwinamwake amalephera communcate, Komabe, is unheard of. Not only was the board frosty in its welcome of Edward Mendy, it would not even convene a meeting of the board even though advance arrangements were made with it. Komanso, the Board would not even give us the courtesy of a response despite numerous follow-up inquiries. What is most shocking about the whole thing, ndi ZBB anachita (kapena inactions), ndiye kuti si lofanana ndi ZBB wakhala chinavomerezedwa kwenikweni nkhonya zochitika zake panopa akuti, zaka zitatu mawu amene amatha mu December, kapena aliyense nkhonya zochitika inakonzedwa pa kalendala. Ngakhalenso kuti aliyense ochirikiza ena kuposa Mkango Mtima kugogoda pa Board pamakomo kapena kuyesera kulimbikitsa nkhonya zochitika Zimbabwe. Choncho, Tikagwirizana nzeru anapatsidwa kwambiri manja awiri ndi unabashed changu chathu ntchito ayi analandira kuchokera boxers, ophunzitsa, ena a nkhonya ammudzi, atolankhani, tourism and other government officials as well as ordinary Zimbabweans. Basically we have a Boxing Board that has seen no boxing events in its current term, koma sakuchita pa yokha yeniyeni nkhonya chochitika tabled lisanayambe, ndi akufuna yaikulu ya mpikisanowu ndi padziko lonse lapansi anazindikira chiyambi pa.”


Mkango Mtima akuyesetsa adzatithandize pa masewera nkhonya ku Zimbabwe, ndi “Gerizimu Project,” wakhala wachita pa zaka khumi. In addition to sponsoring various tournaments in Zimbabwe over the last decade, Mkango Mtima Maseŵera a nkhonya chuma ndi eni akewo kuti anayesa kuthandiza pasadakhale ntchito zambiri Zimbabwe boxers, kuphatikizapo ndiye undefeated Thamsanqa Dube ndi Isimaele Kuckocha, ndi ukulipirira iwo kupititsa patsogolo maphunziro awo ndi ntchito mu USA. Komabe, ngakhale zimene amakhulupirira kuti kwambiri khama, Mkango Mtima Maseŵera a nkhonya munapanga wakhala kwambiri yochepa chabe ndi Gerizimu Project ndipo ali wamng'ono kapena kanthu kusonyeza zake Herculean pofuna kuthandiza patsogolo Maseŵera a nkhonya ku Zimbabwe.


Nkhonya osiyanasiyana ku Zimbabwe kuti Mkango Mtima yokonzedwa chiyani kukwaniritsa kufunika Zotsatira za chuma. Komanso, zosiyanasiyana m'dera ochirikiza ndi Zimbabwe abwenzi (ena kuposa Gilbert Munetsi) that Lion Heart Boxing Productions had contracted with over the years had turned out to be unreliable and unproductive. Many of local promoters and partners promised much and delivered little. Komanso, the Zimbabwe Boxing Board would not approve the signing of any of the fighters that Lion Heart had interest in the 2000’s. Ambiri posachedwapa, Mkango Mtima anavomera kuthandiza ing'onoing'ono kulimbikitsa, Delta Force Zokwezedwa, with an event he planned by securing the event’s purse money and depositing same with the Boxing Board. The local Promoter, Komabe, was unable to organize the event to the Board’s satisfaction. After that experience, Mkango Mtima potsiriza anatsimikiza 2014 to give up on its Zim Project. Komabe, Mkango Mtima anali kukhulupirira mwa Chit Town zochokera wolemba ndi kale ZBB Board M'Bungwe Gilbert Munetsi angapitirize ake Gerizimu amayesetsa ndi kupitiriza kugwira ntchito pa Gerizimu Project.


Anati kampani CFO Edward Mendy, “Kunena zowona, equal credit for our perseverance on the Zim Project should go to Gilbert Munetsi and I. But for our continued pleading and my obstinacy in the face of adversity, Mkango Mtima akanati yaitali kutsazikana ake foray ku Zimbabwe masewerawa.”


Added Mendy, “Pambuyo pa zaka khumi ntchito osaphula wathu Gerizimu Project, yathu kupanda bwino pofuna kulemba zosiyanasiyana Gerizimu boxers kubweretsa ku USA mu 2004-2005, ndi fiasco ndi Cox Chigwana mu 2013 ndipo athu aposachedwapa zinalephereka pofuna kuthandiza Clyde Musonda ndi Delta Maseŵera a nkhonya chuma chawo mwambo malo mu 2013-14, ife amangowerenga adzayang'anizana Zimbabwe sangakhale ife. Our trials and tribulations in Zimbabwe are well-documented, covered in great part by the Zim media and well-known to members of the current Board. While I am not one to give up easily, I learnt a long time ago that there is really no sound business reason for force a promotion in a jurisdiction with an unfriendly board. This is very unfortunate considering the scale of the proposed May event, umatha jumpstart Maseŵera a nkhonya ku Zimbabwe ndi kutumikira monga galimoto kuti zisathe Sports Tourism, achangu ena okhudzidwa ndi lalikulu kuchuluka kwa ntchito kale mu Project Gerizimu.”


About Mkango Mtima Maseŵera a nkhonya Zokwezedwa (ndi kulimbikitsa)

Mkango Mtima Maseŵera a nkhonya chuma ndi padziko lonse Maseŵera a nkhonya kulimbikitsa ndi Sports Entertainment Company zochokera mu US. Kampani unakhazikitsidwa mu 2001 n'cholinga potipatsa pamwamba khalidwe zochitika ndi apamwamba zosangalatsa mtengo ndi walimbikitsa nkhonya zochitika pa anayi m'makontinenti. Kampani mwamsanga ndalama mbiri monga sewerolo mwambambande ndewu ndipo kuwalemekeza zake wosakondera womenya nkhondo ndi kudzipereka kwa ozimitsa’ ufulu.


Mkango Mtima Maseŵera a nkhonya munapanga wakhala monga mmodzi wa mizati kwa makampani udindo wapadera chidwi kuthandiza kukhala ndi masewera a nkhonya ku Africa. Zimenezi zinachititsa chidwi izo kulimbikitsa nkhonya ku Zimbabwe ndi theka la dazeni Africa, onse ndi osiyana bwino.


Zambiri Zamalumikizidwe

Kuti mudziwe zambiri za Mkango Mtima Maseŵera a nkhonya munapanga, Ltd., Thursday Night ndewu @ Yas Island, kapena Thursday Night ndewu zino, chonde kuitana Edward B. Mendy, Chief Financial Officer, pa +973-650-9721 kapena kulemba kwa iye paebmendy@gmail.com kapena 11 Eric Thamangitsa, Kinnelon, NJ 07405.