Tag Архив: Lee Селби


Непобеждаван британската сензация Джо Джойс е изправена Бившият световен шампион Bermane Stiverne

Защитава Commonwealth заглавие заедно с връщането на Бившият световен шампион Лий Селби на масивна Дегал срещу Eubank младши. карта, нА ЖИВО в Офис ITV Box

Бързо изгряваща звезда прави безстрашен ход само ОСМИ про битка за бързо пътя към световната титла

Stiverne казва, че ще бъде кошмар, когато Джойс той е нокаутиран

Легендарният промоутър Дон Кинг обещава да "Re Джойс ", когато Stiverne пресъздава Маккол победа над Люис в Лондон

Лондон(23 Януари 2019) Poxon Спорт и PBC сме щастливи да обявим, че тежката сензация Джо Джойс ще защитава титлата си от Британската общност в най-големия тест на неговата непобеден кариера, когато той взема гигантски скок нагоре да се изправи срещу бившия WBC Световният шампион Bermane Stiverne в събота 23 февруари в O2, изключително живеят на ITV Box Office.

Джойс срещу. Stiverne, насърчавани от Poxon Sports във връзка с Ringstar Спорт и Дон Кинг Productions, ще включва заедно с връщането на бивша IBF Световната Перо шампион Лий Селби като един от най-главен подкрепа конкурси за екшън шоу, оглавени с вълнуващите, изцяло британска сблъсък между свирепи съперници Джеймс Дегал и Крис Eubank младши.

На 6 фута 6in "Juggernaut" от Пътни, South West London, е унищожил всички седем от неговите опоненти, тъй като превръщайки професионалния през октомври 2017 след улавяне на сребърен медал на Рио олимпийски игри и се е нарочени като един от най-страховитите таланти в тежката категория.

Това е монументална тест за Джойс да бъдат изправени пред бившия световен шампион в осмото просто му битка, на непоклатима и ковашки чук удря Stiverne, роден в Монреал, Канада, на Хаитянски произход и въз основа от Лас Вегас, се е борил някои от най-големите и Най-добрият в разделението, включително Дионтей Уайлдър и Крис Arreola.

Борбата е добавил лошо кръв хвърлен в резултат на спаринг сесия между Джойс и Stiverne в което Джойс е бил ядосан от коментари от Stiverne в интервю след това, когато той каза, че се Джойс на училище.

Джойс каза, "Имах Зачитането на Bermane Stiverne. Ние спаринг в Лас Вегас; той каза, че ме заведе до училище в интервю и т.н., го грозен и да го направи тази борба се случи. опитах да се отнасят с уважение за него, но той е груб и беше като нищо от това. Той е Бившият световен шампион, който е попаднал 12 кръга с Дионтей Уайлдър и ще даде ми истинско предизвикателство; но ми и мощността на двигателя ми ще бъде твърде много за него, а Всъщност той трябва да знае!"

Джойс промоутър Ричард Шейфър, Председател и главен изпълнителен директор на Ringstar Sports, каза, "След само седем борби Джо Джойс е станал номер пет класирани Тежка категория в света. Но ефектен начин, по който той е спечелил всичко от седем мачовете си с нокаут го правят фаворит на фен номер едно в на тежка дивизия. Като за непохватни Бившият световен шампион Stiverne показва, че не е предизвикателство е твърде голям за Джо, той продължава да марширува към Световното първенство в тежка категория. Просто казано: Джо Джойс има превърне трябва да видите телевизия, така че не забравяйте да настроите на 23 февруари или идват и го гледат на живо в O2 в Лондон!"

Stiverne Dirita, "Аз казах моят промоутър Дон Кинг да ме вземе някой на земята и ще се борят за правото да докажа себе си пред света. След това телефонът звъни, това е Дон, Той ми казва, Джо Джойс – боксьор с едва седем двубоя – се съгласи да се срещне с мен! "Седем пристъпи?". Седем битки и той има наглостта да ми се боксира? Спрях Крис Arreola, Рей Остин, тогавашния непобеден Kerston Manswell – и един боксьор със седем борби иска да ме боксира?!."Казах на дон" Вход то, Вземи го, Хвани го,' Готов съм. Седем боеве – и той иска да кутията ми? За мен това е една сбъдната мечта – но за Джойс, че ще бъде кошмар. Ще нокаутирам Джо Джойс и стъпка над него, за да KO Антъни Джошуа. Сигурен съм, грундирани и готови. Истинският Bermane Stiverne ще бъде там на 23 февруари и ще нокаутира Джо Джойс на път за въдворяване на моя тежката корона. "

Stiverne легендарния промоутър Дон Кинг, добави, "Това е с най-голямо удоволствие, че Дон Кинг Productions могат да съобщят за завръщането ни Jolly Old Англия – на "Люлката на бокс” където боксьорски ми гигант – Бившата шампион в тежка категория на Световната Bermane Stiverne започва завръщането си за сметка на Giant Joe Джойс. за жалост, за местните феновете на Джо ще има не "отново Joycing’ – като ми веднъж – и бъдещата шампионка Bermane Stiverne ще убия Джойс точно като St. Джордж направил драконът на стар. Но без значение, ние ще се вдигне парчета и върнат Джойс, точно както аз съм върнал и помогна в създаването на много по- бъдеще заедно. Спомням си, когато дойдох тук с Оливър Маккол и той е бил даден никакъв шанс срещу Ленъкс Люис. Тогава аутсайдера стана топ кучето когато Оливър KO'd преди непобеден шампион и отидохме у дома с заглавие. Историята ще се повтори на 23, когато Bermane февруари изпраща друг непобеден англичанин да победят. Сега префасонира, реанимирано, продължен, подмладени и recommitted Bermane Stiverne ще възкреси кариерата си на 23 февруари, когато "Властелинът на пръстен” смазва “Властелинът на света” – "Juggernaut” Джойс на неумолимата си марш да си възвърне титла в тежка категория на свят. Благослови всички британски фенове, Бог да пази кралицата – но небето помагат Джо Джойс! Ще се видим на 23 февруари.”

WBC World Heavyweight Шампион Дионтей Уайлдър също представи своите мисли относно интригуващ мач, той каза, “Джо Джойс ще бъде добър тест за него (Stiverne). Виждал съм Джо Джойс преди. Той е добър боец. Джо Джойс борил Джо Ханкс в моя undercard с Тайсън Фюри, но аз не се получи шанс да го видя борим тази нощ. Но аз очаквам с нетърпение да го видя срещу Stiverne.”

Ричард Poxon, Великобритания Инициатор за PBC, каза, "Познавам Джо от аматьори си дни в Шефилд. Успехът му по време на Олимпиадата не ме изненадва. Той е прехвърлен добре за плюсовете сега и е ясно в бързаме. Най-тежката категория е тази, че всеки гледа отново и очаквам Джо, за да бъде в разгара на действието през следващата година. Като на бивш световен шампион WBC в само Вашата осми борба ясно показва какво амбиции на Джо са. "

От качването на неговата про кариера в стремежа си да се превърне в световна шампион в тежка категория, спокойно говорил Джойс е нека разрушителни юмруците му да говори при вземането на смели отчети, за да направят света на бокса седне и да си вземат бележка на бързо нарастващите звезда.

През октомври 2017 той удивени критици, когато решат да се бори втвърдената Бившият британски титлата претендент Иън Lewison, който току-що бе удължен голям пробиване Dillian Уайт до десет кръга, за неговата про-дебют и го заби в осем кръга.

След това само в четвъртата си се бори само с 12 кръгове под колана си и вътре седем месеца на завъртане професионалист, Джойс разрушила Commonwealth шампион в тежка категория Lenroy Томас само два кръга – за определяне на нов рекорд от тежка категория боксьор, за да спечели Британската колан.

В последния си двубой, Американските фенове битки имаха кратка дегустатор на това, което британската звезда е всичко за когато той разби Джо Ханкс в кръгла, за да спечели титлата на WBA Continental в Staples Center в Лос Анджелис при вземането на блестящия си северноамерикански дебют.


oyce, сега се класира #5 в света от WBA и напредва бързо към стреля световната титла, лица безспорно си строгия кариера тест до момента срещу много опитни и също толкова големи удари Лас Вегас базирани Хаити, който е нокаутиран 21 противниците на неговия 25 победи в своята 29 бори кариера.

Stiverne по-рано проведе короната на WBC в продължение на две години, след като победи Крис Arreola на пункта през април 2013 да спечели титлата и след това в реванша го разрушава отвътре шест кръга в първата защита на титлата май 2014.

Твърдият Stiverne рок натисна динамит пробиване Дионтей Уайлдър пълната дванадесет кръг Разстоянието в следващия защитата на титлата си от сблъсък WBC Световната тежка категория през януари 2015. Stiverne стана първият човек, за да Wilder отвъд който в този момент е имал заличи всичките си опоненти вътре четири кръга. В реванша почти три години по-късно, Stiverne намеси в последния момент, когато оригиналната Уайлдър противник Луис Ортис неуспешен тест за наркотици и поради неговото бездействие е бил спрян в кръгла.

Stiverne сега търси да се върне в елита тежка категория микс и победа над Джойс ще задвижи го обратно в светлината на прожекторите и на път към потенциална световна титла възможност.

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Тази борба ще бъде показан изключително на ITV Box Office. За допълнителна информация и новини, Моля те тръгвай да сеwww.itvboxoffice.com 

В края на миналата година, ITV съобщи новаторска нова сделка с Haymon Спорт и Premier Бокс Champions (PBC) да донесе изключително отразяване на вълнуващо PBC от световна класа по бокс събития на ITV зрители и фенове се бият в Обединеното кралство.

Уникалното сътрудничество За първи път, че Haymon Спорт и PBC в партньорство с Великобритания телевизионен оператор да организират редовно боксови събития във Великобритания. от плажната тригодишен договор ще гарантира минимум 15 телевизионни събития всяка година,, черпейки от несравнима група от над PBC е 160 от най-добрите боксьори в свят, която включва повече от 60 настоящи и бивши световни шампиони в мачове организираха както във Великобритания и САЩ. PBC, по-изчистена боксов спорта " марка, се излъчва по кабел и телевизионна мрежа в Съединените -Членки.

Действието на световно ниво от събития за следващите три години ще включват безплатни-въздух предавания на канали на ITV, включително главен канал ITV и ITV4 и ITV Hub, и също така ще включва заплащане на мнения по PPV канал на ITV, Офис ITV Box.

Тази нова сделка за бокса добавя към портфолиото си от първите прояви класа ITV Sport е, which includes exclusive free to air coverage of the England football team’s qualifiers for both the European Championship and World Cup, на 6 Nations and exclusive coverage of the Rugby World Cup, UK horse racing, the Tour de France and the French Open. rell, ‘����Gb�


WATCH THE FULL FIGHT: https://s.sho.com/2L5dV4G


NEW YORK (Май 19, 2018) – Josh Warrington became the new IBF featherweight world champion by upsetting Lee Selby in a split-decision victory. The bout was streamed live to U.S. audiences via the SHOWTIME Sports YouTube Channel and SHOWTIME Boxing Facebook Page from Elland Road Football Ground in Leeds, U.K. Съдиите отбелязаха за схватката 116-112, 115-113 и 113-115.




Warrington (27-0, 6 Нокаута), from Leeds, used the energy of the home crowd and established control of the fight from the onset. He was the more aggressive fighter, catching Selby with a clean left hook to the jaw and an equally powerful right hand in the second round. In the same round, Селби, who was making the fifth defense of the IBF title that he earned in 2015, suffered a substantial cut above his left eye from an accidental headbutt. The cut would plague him for the remainder of the fight. В средните кръга, Warrington continued the barrage to the head of Selby, who was taken to the corner in the sixth round for inspection after a second accidental headbutt but was allowed to continue. (Кликнете ТУК to watch the accidental headbutt)




Селби (26-2, 9 Нокаута), of Cardiff, Уелс, showed the experience and skills that made him champion in the later rounds despite the blood flowing down his face. He was able to regain his composure, establish his jab and land several impressive combinations, doing enough to earn the win in the eyes of one judge. But in the eyes of Warrington, who becomes Leeds’ first ever world champion, it was clear who the victor was. (Кликнете ТУК to watch Warrington’s reaction to victory)




“I can’t put into words how I feel. I got into the ring tonight with the expectation of the city on my shoulders,” said Warrington. “I outboxed the boxer tonight.




“I’m overcome with emotion. We worked on gameplans but that all went out of the window and it was sheer grit and determination and this crowd got me through tonight.”




Following Carl Frampton’s победа над Nonito Donaire миналия месец, Warrington’s victory was the second of four high-stakes featherweights’ fights in quick succession on SHOWTIME platforms featuring seven of the consensus top-10 ranked featherweights, including three world champions and four former multi-division champions. Also on Saturday night, Световният шампион WBC Гари Ръсел Jr. защитава пояса си срещу Joseph Diaz live on SHOWTIME and on June 9, Лео Santa Cruz и Авенировите Mares will meet live on SHOWTIME in a highly anticipated rematch for the WBA Featherweight World Title.


Това Събота, Май 19 LIVE on SHOWTIME Sports® YouTube Channel & SHOWTIME Boxing Facebook Page


NEW YORK (Май 15, 2018) – Featherweight world champion Lee Селби and undefeated contender Джош Warrington took questions from the media at Tuesday’s final press conference days ahead of their clash for the IBF Featherweight World Title this Saturday, Май 19. The main event bout from Elland Road Football Ground in Leeds, England will stream live to U.S. audiences via SHOWTIME Спортен канал в YouTube и SHOWTIME Boxing Facebook Page. (See links and embed codes below).




The SHOWTIME BOXING INTERNATIONAL® livestream will begin at 5:00 p.m. И / 2:00 p.m. PT with coverage provided by BT Sport and BoxNation and featuring commentary by U.K. sportscasters John Rawling (blow-by-blow) and former featherweight world champion Barry Jones (analysis).




Селби (26-1, 9 Нокаута), of Cardiff, Wales has held the IBF Featherweight Title since 2015 when he wrested it from Evgeny Gradovich with an eighth-round TKO. He has since made four successful defenses, the latest being a unanimous decision over Eduardo Ramirez last December.




Warrington (26-0, 6 Нокаута), who will be fighting in his hometown of Leeds, won the British Featherweight Title in just his twelfth outing in 2012 and the Commonwealth Championship in 2013. He defeated Dennis Ceylan via stoppage in the 10th round in his last outing to earn his shot at the IBF title.




Following Carl Frampton’s победа над Nonito Donaire миналия месец, this will be the second of four high-stakes featherweights’ fights on SHOWTIME® platforms featuring seven of the consensus top-10 ranked featherweights, including three world champions and four former multi-division champions. Also on Saturday night, Световният шампион WBC Гари Ръсел Jr. will defend his belt against Joseph Diaz live on SHOWTIME and on June 9, Лео Santa Cruz и Авенировите Mares will meet live on SHOWTIME in a highly anticipated rematch for the WBA Featherweight World Title.




The livestream of Selby vs. Warrington will precede Saturday evening’s SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® split-site telecast (10:05 p.m. ET / PT) that features Russell Jr. срещу. Diaz from the MGM National Harbor in Maryland and WBC Light Heavyweight World Champion Адонис Стивънсън defending his title against two-division world champion Badou Jack from Air Canada Centre in Toronto.




Below is what Selby, Warrington and their respective trainers had to say at today’s press conference:

Lee Селби

“I’m the world champion and a world champion should be ready and willing to defend his title anywhere in the world. It’s only five hours up the road from where I live so it’s not so much of a lion’s den to me.




“This is just another defense for me. It’s another fight. I treat every opponent the same. I don’t train for a certain style or a certain opponent. I prepare to get myself right and whatever happens that night, I know I’ve done the best I can to make myself ready.




“Some experts say that his style is going to give me a problem but other experts say his style is tailormade for me. That’s the great thing about boxing. It’s an opinionated sport.




“I’m no Muhammad Ali, I can’t predict the round I’m going to win in, but I just see myself winning. Ако не го направих, then I shouldn’t be here. If you’re a professional boxer and you don’t have the determination to become a world champion, then you shouldn’t be in the game.




“Having Carl Frampton in attendance won’t be a distraction at all. But if I come out on top on Saturday, he is who I want next. I would want to go straight into that fight in Belfast.




“I’m not going to instigate an argument like he’s been doing. I’m a humble guy. He was running his mouth in the first press conference. Maybe the guys in Leeds want you to win, but the rest of the country is hoping that I win. People dislike you.”

Джош Warrington

“I’m very relaxed. We had a bit of fun at the last press conference and the interviews. I feel like I don’t need to say anything else. The past few months, I’ve put my body through hell. I give absolutely everything I have every time I go into the gym. аз давам 100 на сто. After all the talk about me and Lee potentially fighting, it came down to this camp and I gave it everything.




“I talk a lot about destiny. Преди няколко години, we had the chance to fight for a world title and it didn’t come off for me, and now I have an opportunity again. With how things have gone, anything could have happened in those couple of years. Lee could have moved weight or gotten beat but it’s come around how I always dreamed it and planned it. I always wanted to fight for a world title at Elland Road and it’s here.




“I’ve dreamt about this so many times, Просто съм готов да отида. There’s no more need for talking. В събота вечер, I get to punch him in the face. This is beyond dreams, especially since I’ve been written off. I’m just carried on going and the fans have stuck behind me. They’re very loyal and we do this together. After Saturday night I’ll be known as Leeds’ first world champion.




“I’m able to adapt to any style. I’m known as a come-forward pressure fighter but I’ve always been able to adapt and do what I have to do to win. I’m willing to go so far. I just want this so bad. For everything I’ve been through, it all leads up to this fight. I’m going to give every ounce of energy in my body to win that world title.




“Carry on with your pictures and everything else with that belt this week, because it’s staying here pal. Once it comes here, that world title is staying.”


Tony Borg, Lee Selby’s Trainer

“Training has been first class. He’s put everything into it, he doesn’t mess around outside of the gym. His life is all boxing. Training has gone perfectly as it always does. I think a lot is being put on how he’s going to deal with this hostile crowd – he’s going to thrive on it, Вярвай ми.




“I’m not just confident, Аз съм 101 percent certain that Lee Selby will go out there and thrive on the hostilities. Josh is very good fighter, but Lee’s an elite fighter. He’s a level above Josh, I believe.”

Sean O’Hagan, Josh Warrington’s Trainer

“Every trainer will tell you that they’ve had the best camp ever. What I will say is that you prepare for the fight in front of you. We’re preparing for Lee specifically. This camp has been so relaxed, it’s flowed so well. There’s been no flaws. We’re all very relaxed.




“We’ve done a little bit extra sparring because Lee has a style that requires it. Let’s not forget, he’s a very good fighter. Our preparation has been so good. We’ve had really good sparring and have covered every aspect of training. We’ve done more. We’ve thought about it more. We’ve gone deeper into things. I can count on one hand the amount of times he’s been hit clean in all of the rounds we’ve done of sparring.”


Събота FIGHT: 5:00 p.m. И / 2:00 p.m. PT (Забележка: start time is approximate)

Шоу Спорт събитие в YouTube Page: https://s.sho.com/2L5dV4G





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GCP Signs Romanian Contenders, Undefeated Heavyweight Bogdan Dinu and All-Action Featherweight Viorel Simion, to Promotional Contracts

Florea, Dinu and Cohen


Greg Cohen Promotions proudly announces the signing of a pair of Romanian contenders, world-rated heavyweight Bogdan Dinu and world-class featherweight Viorel Simion, to promotional contracts.





Undefeated WBA #14-rated Dinu (18-0, 14 Нокаута) is a powerful boxer/puncher with enormous potential. Standing six-foot five and weighing in at 250 паунда, Dinu has the size and strong amateur pedigree to compete with any big man in the world.





The only career losses for all-action featherweight Simion (21-2, 9 Нокаута) came against world champions Scott Quigg and Lee Selby in their backyards and both fights could have gone either way. A world-class talent with amade for TV” стил, Simion never stops throwing punches.





Целта, says Greg Cohen, is to relocate both to Las Vegas and begin the next phase of their career journeys by training under the tutelage of highly respected former world champion Eddie Mustafa Muhammad.





Bodgan Dinu is the real deal and is ready to take on the top talent in the world. He has the size, power and boxing skill to win the heavyweight title now,” каза Коен. “And Simion just needs the promotional backing to become champion. Both fighters are very welcome additions to my promotional stable.





The signing of both fighters comes as a result of a chance meeting with Romanian business magnate, and both fighters’ мениджър, Sorin Florea.





Sorin and I met in Bucharest two months ago,” продължи Коен, “and we instantly hit it off. He is the most committed, knowledgeable, and passionate manager in the sport. We both agree that in order for Bogdan and Viorel to realize their maximum potential/exposure, they need to relocate to the US. I am happy to make that happen for them.

Jose Haro fighting for a break in 2018

WEST JORDAN, Юта (Декември 18, 2017) – Боксова асоциация на САЩ (USBA) шампион в перо Jose “PepitoHaro (14-1-1, 8 Нокаута) is suffering from unfair blowback for the accidental role he played this past summer, in which his opponent, Daniel Franco, nearly died from injuries resulting from their nationally televised fight in Idaho.
The 3-2 underdog Haro, fighting out of West Jordan, Юта, dropped Franco with a chopping right in the eighth round, soon followed by a crisp combination of devastating punches, which resulted in a knockout victory and the USBA title for Haro.
Печално, Franco (16-2-3, 11 Нокаута) was sent to Mercy Medical Hospital, where he underwent two brain surgeries to relieve pressure caused by brain bleeds. He came out of a medically induced coma and, fortunately, Franco continues to recover at home in California from what his father/trainer, Al Franco, has described as a miracle.
I can’t forget it,” Haro said about his last fight. “It’s been traumatic. I’m very happy Franco is recovering but, every time something comes up about him on social media, a lot of people tag me. I don’t answer, I just need to deal with it. My victory was taken away, I couldn’t enjoy it. I fought a clean fight, but some people blame me for what happened.
Haro hasn’t fought since that fateful night in Iowa last June. Whitfield Haydon, who serves as Haro’s agent, is a veteran Southern California matchmaker, може би, best known for discovering under-the-radar boxing talent such as Haro. It appeared that Haro was finally going to catch a big break in late October, when Haydon was contacted about a non-mandatory title fight for Haro with International World Boxing (IBF) Световният шампион по перо “Мълния” Lee Селби (26-1, 9 Нокаута). The Selby vs. Haro world title fight contract was reportedly being drawn up and Team Haro had agreed to promotional options in the event of him winning. Suddenly, въпреки че, communications with Team Selby went dark. Team Haro later learned that Selby had gone in another direction, Едуардо Рамирес, who Selby defeated by way of a 12-round unanimous decision December 9 в Лондон.
We were going to London for short money because the world title shot was worth it,” Haydon explained. “Haro would have been one helluva live dog in that fight. I must not have been the only one thinking that way. I’ve been hearing that, within the boxing industry, Haro has become a hot potato after his Franco fight. How ridiculous is this? Last time I checked, Haro’s a featherweight who’s also capable of fighting at junior lightweight or super lightweight. My phone has been silent, въпреки че, other than for a late notice fight or a fight at lightweight. Boxing sometimes eats its own. This is a joke.
Haro, who was a member of the USA Junior Olympic Boxing Team during his amateur days, isn’t 100-percent sure why he’s not being offered good fights, but he does blame most of it on boxing politics.
After the Franco fight,” Haro remarked, “I feel like I’ve been benched. I think I’m not getting good fights is because I’m a high risk, no reward fighter. I’m depressed right now about it. I love boxing but, Аз съм 30 with a wife and five kids. Boxing politics is the reason!”
Boxing is the most unforgiving sport, boxers risk their lives every time they walk up the three steps into the ring. The aftereffects of a boxing tragedy like this is traumatic for all parties involved. Nobody knows that better than the 30-year-old Haro.
Класиран №. 15 в света от IBF, Haro works fulltime for Pepsi, putting product on shelves at supermarkets in Utah. The father of three girls and two boys, the hard-working Mexican-American starts at 3 А.М. and works until 12 обед, then goes home to watch his children because his wife, Yesenia, also needs to work to make ends meet.
Haro has overcome so many obstacles during his career that some refer to him as, “Hard Luck Haro.In addition to repercussions from the Franco fight, обратно в 2015, he was shot in both feet (see accompanying picture) in a parking lot after shopping by a stranger for no apparent reason. Haro noted, “I was tainted by that because only bad guys get shot, надясно?”
Losing the opportunity to fight in his world title fight against Selby was another example of what Haro’s been facing the past six months. “I’m not much of a talker,” той призна,, “but I won’t be used for leverage. I won’tbe used as piece of meat. I’m not taking a fight just for the money, I’m going in the ring to give it my all to win for me, my family and team.
I’m riding this out (boxing career) for my wife and children. I’m teaching my kids to never give up and to continue working hard no matter what life may throw you. It’s been rough. We’ve had our ups and downs, but I have to continue working until, да се надяваме, I get a big payday.
For Haro and Haydon, they’re both due for a big break in 2018.



James DeGale & Lee Selby World Championship Bouts To Be Streamed Live Exclusively To U.S. Audience This Saturday From London Via SHOWTIME Sports YouTube & Facebook

YouTube Link & Embed Code Below – Live Stream Begins At Approximately 2:45 p.m. И/11:45 p.m. PT

КАКВО: SHOWTIME Sports will live stream two world championship bouts as part of a four-bout card free to the U.S. audience on social media platforms this Събота, Декември 9. YouTube links and embed codes are below for media via the SHO Sports YouTube channel.

Live coverage from Copper Box Arena in London, provided by BoxNation and BT Sport, will begin at approximately 2:45 p.m. И/11:45 А.М. PT with U.K. sportscasters John Rawling and Richie Woodhall calling all the action.

IBF Super световен шампион в средна James DeGale (23-1-1, 14 Нокаута) will headline as he defends his title against former world title challenger Caleb Truax (28-3-2, 18 Нокаута) in DeGale’s first fight since a thrilling bout with Badou Jack in a 168-pound world championship unification match last January on SHOWTIME.

In the streaming co-feature, IBF Featherweight World Champion Lee Selby (20-1, 9 Нокаута) will take on undefeated contender Eduardo Ramirez (20-0-3, 7 Нокаута), while undefeated light heavyweight Anthony Yarde (13-0, 12 Нокаута) will face former world title challenger Nikola Sjekloca (32-4-1, 11 Нокаута). The opening fight of the live stream will feature the U.S. introduction to 20-year-old undefeated heavyweight Daniel Dubois (5-0, 5 Нокаута) as he takes on former Anthony Joshua foe Dorian Darch (12-5-1, 1 Нокаута).


Събота FOUR-FIGHT CARD: 2:45 p.m. И / 11:45 А.М. PT (Забележка: start time is approximate)

YouTube Link: HTTP://s.sho.com/2AgHUVi


SHOWTIME Remains The Only Network To Offer Live Boxing On Social Platforms In The U.S.

Live Coverage From London Includes DeGale vs. Caleb Truax And Selby vs. Едуардо Рамирес, Plus 175-Pound Prospect Anthony Yarde And The U.S. Introduction To Unbeaten Heavyweight Daniel Dubois

NEW YORK - Ноември 29, 2017 – SHOWTIME Sports will live stream a world-class boxing event – including two world championship bouts – free to the U.S. audience on social media platforms Събота, Декември 9 to close out the network’s industry-leading 2017 boxing schedule. The digital-only offering will be exclusive in the U.S. on the SHOWTIME Sports YouTube канал и SHOWTIME Бокс Facebook страница.

IBF Super световен шампион в средна James DeGale (23-1-1, 14 Нокаута) will headline as he defends his title against former world title challenger Caleb Truax (28-3-2, 18 Нокаута) in DeGale’s first fight since a thrilling bout with Badou Jack in a 168-pound world championship unification match last January on SHOWTIME.

In the streaming co-feature, IBF Featherweight World Champion Lee Selby (20-1, 9 Нокаута) will take on undefeated contender Eduardo Ramirez (20-0-3, 7 Нокаута), while undefeated light heavyweight Anthony Yarde (13-0, 12 Нокаута) will face former world title challenger Nikola Sjekloca (32-4-1, 11 Нокаута). The opening fight of the live stream will feature the U.S. introduction to 20-year-old undefeated heavyweight Daniel Dubois (5-0, 5 Нокаута) as he takes on former Anthony Joshua foe Dorian Darch (12-5-1, 1 Нокаута).

Live coverage, provided by BoxNation and BT Sport, will begin at approximately 2:50 p.m. И/11:50 А.М. PT with U.K. sportscasters John Rawling and Richie Woodhall calling all the action.

SHOWTIME is the only network to offer live streaming coverage of boxing on social media platforms in the U.S., having first done so in 2016 with the presentation of two heavyweight world championship bouts live on YouTube.

В 2017, SHOWTIME was the first network to offer live boxing on Twitter with Adrien Broner vs. Adrian Гранадос (Февруари 18). SHOWTIME also live streamed two other boxing events in 2017: super middleweights George Groves vs. Fedor Chudinov on Май 27 and heavyweights Jarrell Miller vs. Gerald Washington on Юли 29.

Showtime Networks Inc. (SNI), изцяло притежавано дъщерно дружество на CBS Corporation, притежава и експлоатира премия телевизионни мрежи Showtime®, Филмовия канал и FLIX®, и също така предлага SHOWTIME по поръчка®, Филмовия канал ПО ПОРЪЧКА и FLIX ПО ПОРЪЧКА®, и Authentication Service SHOWTIME ВСЯКО ВРЕМЕ на мрежата®. Showtime Digital Inc., изцяло притежавано дъщерно дружество на SNI, експлоатира самостоятелно стрийминг услугата SHOWTIME®. В момента SHOWTIME е на разположение на абонатите по кабел, DBS и доставчици на телекомуникационни, и като самостоятелна услуга за стрийминг чрез Apple®, Година®, Амазонка, Google, Xbox One и Samsung. Потребителите могат също така да се абонирате за SHOWTIME чрез Hulu, TV YouTube, Слинг телевизия, DirecTV Сега, Sony PlayStation Vue and Amazon Channels. SNI управлява Smithsonian Networks, джойнт венчър между SNI и Смитсъновия институт, която предлага Smithsonian Канал, и предлага Смитсониън Земятачрез SN Digital LLC. SNI пазари и разпространение на спортни и развлекателни събития за изложба на абонатите на база заплащане-на-виж чрез SHOWTIME PPV. За повече информация, отидете www.SHO.com.

CHRIS EUBANK JR. срещу. ARTHUR ABRAHAM IBO Super Middleweight World Championship

За незабавно освобождаване
Chris Eubank Jr. срещу. Arthur Abraham card
Проветряване тази събота live on PPV in US & in Canada on Super Channel

TENAFLY, Ню Джърси(Юли 13, 2017) – The International Boxing Organization (IBO) World super middleweight title fight тази събота (Julky 15) between defending champion Chris Eubank Jr.и Challenger “Цар” Артур Абрахам will be available to watch on Pay Per View in the United States, as well as in Canada exclusively on Super Channel, като се започне от 2:30 ч ET / 11:30 am PT, live from SES Arena, Уембли в Лондон, Англия.
“Eubank младши. срещу. Abraham”, promoted by Poxon Sports in association with Team Sauerland, is presented in the United States by Integrated Sports Media and Protocol Sports Marketing, Ltd.
Интегрирана Sports Media ще разпределя “Eubank младши. срещу. Abraham” live in the United States on cable, satellite and online PPV via iN Demand, Vubiquity, DISH and FITE TV for a suggested retail price of only $29.95.
Outside of North America, “Eubank младши. срещу. Abraham” is being distributed to broadcasters worldwide by leading boxing television rights distribution firm, Протокол Sports Marketing Ltd.
In Canada, the event will be available on television to fight fans that subscribe to premium pay television network Super Channel. Contact the local cable provider to subscribe to Super Channel and all that it offers, включително премиум серията, филми и още много други, за толкова ниска, колкото $9.95 на месец.
The winner of the 12-round main event fight, matching Eubank Jr. (24-1, 19 Нокаута) against 3-time, 2-division world champion will earn a spot in the World Boxing Series for the inaugural Muhammad Ali Trophy.
Also on the PPV card, Международната федерация по бокс (IBF) Световният шампион по перо “Мълния” Lee Селби (24-1, 9 Нокаута) defends his title for the third tine, versus former WBA Featherweight World Champion and IBF No. 1 класирана претендент, Argentinian challenger Jonathan VictorYoniBarros (41-4-1, 22 Нокаута), in the 12-round co-featured event.
Two other 12-round title fights will air on the broadcast from London as No. 11-класирана Kid Galahad (22-0, 13 Нокаута) defends his IBF Inter-Continental featherweight title against Mexican challenger Jose “El Tigre” Cayetano (21-5, 10 Нокаута), while undefeated WBA Continental super lightweight champion Robbie Davis Jr. (15-0, 11 Нокаута), Не е класиран. 4 от IBF, придобива Michal Syrowatka (18-1, 6 Нокаута), Полша.
Всички битки и бойци подлежат на промяна.
Кикотене: @IntegratedPPV, @SuperChannel, @fitetv

World Boxing Super Series spot at stake for Chris Eubank Jr. срещу. Arthur Abraham winner

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Проветряване тази събота live on PPV in US

(L-R) – Chris Eubank Jr & Артур Абрахам
(photo by Sebastian Heger)
TENAFLY, Ню Джърси(Юли 11, 2017) – Much more is on the line than a world title and bragging rights for rising British Chris Eubank Jr. and 3-time, 2-разделение световен шампион “Цар” Артур Абрахамтази събота (Юли 15), available to watch on Pay Per View in the United States, като се започне от 2:30 ч ET / 11:30 am PT, live from SES Arena, Уембли в Лондон, Англия.
“Eubank младши. срещу. Abraham”, promoted by Poxon Sports in association with Team Sauerland, is presented in the United States by Integrated Sports Media and Protocol Sports Marketing, Ltd.
Интегрирана Sports Media ще разпределя “Eubank младши. срещу. Abraham” live in the United States on cable and satellite and online PPV via iN Demand, Vubiquity, DISH and FITE TV for a suggested retail price of only $29.95.
Outside of North America, “Eubank младши. срещу. Abraham” is being distributed to broadcasters worldwide by leading boxing television rights distribution firm, Протокол Sports Marketing Ltd.
In Canada, the event will be available on television to fight fans that subscribe to premium pay television network Super Channel. Contact the local cable provider to subscribe to Super Channel and all that it offers, включително премиум серията, филми и още много други, за толкова ниска, колкото $9.95 на месец.
Eubank младши. (24-1, 19 Нокаута) will make his first International Boxing Organization (IBO) super middleweight world title defense against Abraham (46-5, 30 Нокаута), but it has just been announced that the winner will now move on to compete in the World Boxing Series for the inaugural Muhammad Ali Trophy.
The super middleweight division of the World Boxing Series (WBC) already includes a star-studded field: Световна асоциация Boxing (WBA) Super champion Джордж Гроувс (26-3, 19 Нокаута), former WBA and World Boxing Organization (WBO) шампион Юрген Braehmer (48-3, 35 Нокаута), Erik Skoglund (26-0, 12 Нокаута), Jamie Cox (23-0, 13 Нокаута), Callum Smith (22-0, 17 Нокаута), Rob Брант (22-0, 15 Нокаута) и Avni “Г-н. RobotYildirim (16-0, 10 Нокаута).
The official WBS draw was held this past weekend in Monaco and the No. 3 seeded Eubank Jr-Abraham winner is matched against Yildirim, the 25-year-old Turk and reigning World Boxing Council (WBC) International Silver champion, in the quarterfinals.
I look forward to testing myself against the best fighters out there,” Eubank младши. каза. “The Muhammad Ali Trophy is a great idea and I am thrilled to participate. I am taking one step at a time and right now all my focus is on the fight with Arthur Abraham. With just one win between me and the World Boxing Series, I am extremely motivated.
The World Boxing Series, which also features eight elite cruiserweights competing in the other division, will be conducted in a bracket-style elimination tournament. There will be four quarterfinals (September/October 2017), two semifinals (рано 2018) and one final in May 2018.
All my focus is on the difficult and spectacular fight in Wembley,” Abraham commented. “I have to and I will defeat Eubank in a big fight. Then things will take off with the World Series of Boxing, which really is amazing. There are so many great fights in such a short period of time, like blow-by-blow. The boxing fans will really love it. I have been dreaming of having a tournament with the world’s best boxers. I will become the world’s best super middleweight. This really is the Champions League of Boxing and I am really looking forward to it.

Международната федерация по бокс (IBF) Световният шампион по перо “Мълния” Lee Селби (24-1, 9 Нокаута) makes the third defense of his IBF Featherweight World title, which he originally captured May 30, 2015, taking an eighth-round technical decision over previously unbeaten Evgeny Gradovich (19-0-1, 9 Нокаута), in the 12-round co-feature against former WBA Featherweight World Champion and IBF No. 1 класирана претендент, Argentinian challenger Jonathan VictorYoniBarros (41-4-1, 22 Нокаута).
Also scheduled to air live are a pair of 12-round championship bouts as IBF No. 11-класирана Kid Galahad (22-0, 13 Нокаута) defends his IBF Inter-Continental featherweight title against Mexican challenger Jose “El Tigre” Cayetano (21-5, 10 Нокаута), in addition to undefeated WBA Continental super lightweight champion Robbie Davis Jr. (15-0, 11 Нокаута), Не е класиран. 4 от IBF, поемането наMichal Syrowatka (18-1, 6 Нокаута), Полша.
Всички битки и бойци подлежат на промяна.
Кикотене: @IntegratedPPV, @SuperChannel, @fitetv

Chris Eubank Jr. срещу. Arthur Abraham IBO Super Middleweight World Championship

За незабавно освобождаване
Изключително на SUPER CHANNEL
Едмънтън, Alberta, Канада (Юли 9, 2017) – In a continuing campaign to make it a network destination for Canadian boxing fans, Super Channel has announced its subscribers across Canada will be able to watch тази събота action from London, headlined by International Boxing Organization (IBO) Супер световен шампион в средна Chris Eubank Jr. against 3-time, 2-division world titlist “Цар” Артур Абрахам, като се започне от 2:30 p.m. И / 11:30 А.М. PT, live from The SES Arena, Уембли, в Лондон.
Four championship fights on the exciting “Eubank младши. срещу. Abraham” карта, promoted by Poxon Sports in association with Team Sauerland, will air live on Super Channel.
Super Channel has recently aired Brook vs. Спенс Jr. and Pacquiao-Horn, live from the UK and Australia, съответно.
We are delighted to have yet another world-class bout to bring to Canadian fight fans,” каза Трой Wassill. Dorector of Programming, Вътрешни дистрибутори & Спорт за Super Channel. “The phenomenal response on social media we had to the Pacquiao vs Horn bout we recently aired, goes to show that Canadian viewers are hungry for more great boxing action and we intend to deliver.
27-годишният, British-born Eubank Jr. (24-1, 19 Нокаута) is the son of Chris Eubank Sr., (45-5-2, 23 Нокаута), Бившата световна Boxing организация (WBO) super middleweight and middleweight world champion, who co-trains and manages his son.
Eubank младши. is a former Interim World Boxing Association (WBA) В средна World Champion. The rising British star captured the IBO title this past February, спиране Renold Quinlan (11-1, 7 Нокаута) в 10тата кръг. His July 15тата fight versus Abraham will be his first IBO title defense.
Eubank is also world rated No. 5 от Световната Бокс съвет (WBC), Do Not. 8 от Международната федерация по бокс (IBF).
The far more experienced Abraham (46-5, 30 Нокаута), fighting out of Berlin, Германия, Is the IBO No. 1 класирана претендент. The tough Armenia-native is a two-time WBO super middleweight world champion, in addition to being a former IBF Middleweight World Champion. Remarkably, той е 18-4 (9 Нокаута) in world championships, 7-4 (4 Нокаута) against former or current world champions.
Past world champions Abraham has defeated during his 17-year professional career includes Раул Маркес, Hector Javier Velazco, Джърмейн Тейлър, Robert Stieglitz три пъти, и Giovanni De Carolis. “Цар” Arthur also holds victories over world-class opponents such as Martin Murray, Paul Smith два пъти, Lajuan Simon, Edison Miranda два пъти, Khoren Gevor, Sebastian Demers, Kofi Jantuah, Kingsley Ikeke, Robin Krasniqi и Howard Eastman.
Four of Abraham’s five career losses have been to world champions Carl Froch, Андре Уорд, Gilberto Ramirez and Stieglitz, who is the only opponent to stop Abraham, winner of 10 на неговата последна 11 битки, the most recent a 12-round unanimous decision win over Krasniqi (46-4, 17 Нокаута) this past April in Germany.
Abraham is the No. 1 ranked WBO super middleweight, WBA No. 4, и Не. 7 от IBF и The Ring списание.
Welshman “Мълния” Lee Селби (24-1, 9 Нокаута) makes his third defense of his IBF Featherweight World title, which he originally captured May 30, 2015, taking an eighth-round technical decision over previously unbeaten Evgeny Gradovich (19-0-1, 9 Нокаута).
В съвместно функцията 12-кръг, the popular Selby will face his stiffest challenge in former WBA Featherweight World Champion Jonathan VictorYoniBarros (41-4-1, 22 Нокаута), of Argentina, номерът на IBF. 1 претендент.
Also scheduled to air live on Super Channel on July 15тата are a pair of interesting 12-round match-ups as highly-touted Kid Galahad (22-0, 13 Нокаута) defends his IBF Inter-Continental featherweight title against the stiffest test of his young career, Mexican challenger Jose “El Tigre” Cayetano(21-5, 10 Нокаута), as well as undefeated WBA Continental super lightweight champion Robbie Davis Jr. (15-0, 11 Нокаута), Не е класиран. 4 от IBF, puts his belt on the line versus Michal Syrowatka (18-1, 6 Нокаута), Полша.
За да видите “Eubank младши. срещу. Abraham” живея, както и по-вълнуващо бокса да дойде, fight fans in Canada can contact their local cable provider to subscribe to Super Channel and all that it has to offer, включително премиум серията, филми и още много други, за толкова ниска, колкото $9.95 на месец.
Кикотене: @SuperChannel
Instagram: @SuperChannelTV
Facebook: /SuperChannel