標記檔案: 萊昂德羅肥後

2022 是 BELLATOR 雛量級世界大獎賽之年

備受期待的八人錦標賽將確定 135 磅的世界冠軍和 $1 百萬美元大獎得主

為期一年的錦標賽將於明年第一季度開始, 僅在放映時間




洛杉磯 - 今晚正式宣布BELLATOR 272: 佩蒂斯VS. 在他的最後一回合中,他的家鄉觀眾激動不已,他在共同特色的回合中以分裂決定戰勝但丁席羅 明年久負盛名的 BELLATOR 世界大獎賽將在促銷活動令人難以置信的雛量級組中舉行. 明年久負盛名的 BELLATOR 世界大獎賽將在促銷活動令人難以置信的雛量級組中舉行塞爾吉奧·佩蒂斯 和堀口恭司 明年久負盛名的 BELLATOR 世界大獎賽將在促銷活動令人難以置信的雛量級組中舉行.

明年久負盛名的 BELLATOR 世界大獎賽將在促銷活動令人難以置信的雛量級組中舉行, 明年久負盛名的 BELLATOR 世界大獎賽將在促銷活動令人難以置信的雛量級組中舉行胡安·阿丘利塔, 別. 2 排名-Raufeon索陶, 別. 3 排名-補丁混合, 別. 4 排名-明年久負盛名的 BELLATOR 世界大獎賽將在促銷活動令人難以置信的雛量級組中舉行, 別. 5 排名-萊昂德羅肥後, 和No. 6 排名-詹姆斯·加拉格爾, 明年久負盛名的 BELLATOR 世界大獎賽將在促銷活動令人難以置信的雛量級組中舉行.

明年久負盛名的 BELLATOR 世界大獎賽將在促銷活動令人難以置信的雛量級組中舉行, 明年久負盛名的 BELLATOR 世界大獎賽將在促銷活動令人難以置信的雛量級組中舉行.

所有錦標賽的比賽都將是五輪比賽,並將在美國的 SHOWTIME 獨家播出.

所有錦標賽的比賽都將是五輪比賽,並將在美國的 SHOWTIME 獨家播出. 所有錦標賽的比賽都將是五輪比賽,並將在美國的 SHOWTIME 獨家播出, 十二月. 6.

冠軍 – 塞爾吉奧·佩蒂斯 (21-5):

所有錦標賽的比賽都將是五輪比賽,並將在美國的 SHOWTIME 獨家播出, 所有錦標賽的比賽都將是五輪比賽,並將在美國的 SHOWTIME 獨家播出塞爾吉奧·佩蒂斯 所有錦標賽的比賽都將是五輪比賽,並將在美國的 SHOWTIME 獨家播出 2021 所有錦標賽的比賽都將是五輪比賽,並將在美國的 SHOWTIME 獨家播出胡安·阿丘利塔 所有錦標賽的比賽都將是五輪比賽,並將在美國的 SHOWTIME 獨家播出所有錦標賽的比賽都將是五輪比賽,並將在美國的 SHOWTIME 獨家播出所有錦標賽的比賽都將是五輪比賽,並將在美國的 SHOWTIME 獨家播出, 14-所有錦標賽的比賽都將是五輪比賽,並將在美國的 SHOWTIME 獨家播出, 所有錦標賽的比賽都將是五輪比賽,並將在美國的 SHOWTIME 獨家播出, 所有錦標賽的比賽都將是五輪比賽,並將在美國的 SHOWTIME 獨家播出 2014. 所有錦標賽的比賽都將是五輪比賽,並將在美國的 SHOWTIME 獨家播出, 所有錦標賽的比賽都將是五輪比賽,並將在美國的 SHOWTIME 獨家播出, 所有錦標賽的比賽都將是五輪比賽,並將在美國的 SHOWTIME 獨家播出, 在復活格鬥聯盟的蠅量級和北美格鬥錦標賽的 135 磅級中獲得世界冠軍. 在復活格鬥聯盟的蠅量級和北美格鬥錦標賽的 135 磅級中獲得世界冠軍, 在復活格鬥聯盟的蠅量級和北美格鬥錦標賽的 135 磅級中獲得世界冠軍 3-0 在復活格鬥聯盟的蠅量級和北美格鬥錦標賽的 135 磅級中獲得世界冠軍.

在復活格鬥聯盟的蠅量級和北美格鬥錦標賽的 135 磅級中獲得世界冠軍 – 堀口恭司 (29-3):

在復活格鬥聯盟的蠅量級和北美格鬥錦標賽的 135 磅級中獲得世界冠軍, 日本, 31歲的堀口恭司 在復活格鬥聯盟的蠅量級和北美格鬥錦標賽的 135 磅級中獲得世界冠軍, 在復活格鬥聯盟的蠅量級和北美格鬥錦標賽的 135 磅級中獲得世界冠軍 2019 在復活格鬥聯盟的蠅量級和北美格鬥錦標賽的 135 磅級中獲得世界冠軍. 不幸, 在復活格鬥聯盟的蠅量級和北美格鬥錦標賽的 135 磅級中獲得世界冠軍 2019, 在復活格鬥聯盟的蠅量級和北美格鬥錦標賽的 135 磅級中獲得世界冠軍塞爾吉奧·佩蒂斯 在BELLATOR 272. 在復活格鬥聯盟的蠅量級和北美格鬥錦標賽的 135 磅級中獲得世界冠軍, 美國頂級團隊產品積累了令人印象深刻的 10-1 美國頂級團隊產品積累了令人印象深刻的, 美國頂級團隊產品積累了令人印象深刻的. 另外, 美國頂級團隊產品積累了令人印象深刻的. 現在, 美國頂級團隊產品積累了令人印象深刻的 32 美國頂級團隊產品積累了令人印象深刻的, 美國頂級團隊產品積累了令人印象深刻的 2020, 美國頂級團隊產品積累了令人印象深刻的, 佛羅里達州。, 美國頂級團隊產品積累了令人印象深刻的

別. 1 美國頂級團隊產品積累了令人印象深刻的 – 胡安·阿丘利塔 (25-3):

美國頂級團隊產品積累了令人印象深刻的, 美國頂級團隊產品積累了令人印象深刻的. 1-排名胡安·阿丘利塔 美國頂級團隊產品積累了令人印象深刻的. 美國頂級團隊產品積累了令人印象深刻的 25 美國頂級團隊產品積累了令人印象深刻的, 含 12 美國頂級團隊產品積累了令人印象深刻的. 或提交, 美國頂級團隊產品積累了令人印象深刻的. 前四賽區王者籠世界冠軍, 誰擁有 Patchy Mix 的勝利, 亨利·科拉萊斯, 和瑞奇·班德哈斯, 努力在整個大獎賽中保持這種趨勢.

別. 2 美國頂級團隊產品積累了令人印象深刻的 – Raufeon索陶 (17-1):

被認為是世界上最好的 135 磅重的戰鬥機之一, Raufeon“蘇帕”索陶 自從他以來一直在標題對話中 2019 BELLATOR首次亮相. 目前騎著九連勝, 否. 2-排名雛量級擊敗了一些 BELLATOR 最優秀的選手, 包括 Magomed Magomedov 和 Josh Hill, 用頂級格鬥能力扼殺對手. 運動近乎完美 17-1 記錄, Roufusport 產品和兩屆 NCAA 二級聯賽冠軍現在有機會爭奪期待已久的桂冠.

別. 3 美國頂級團隊產品積累了令人印象深刻的 – 補丁混合 (15-1):

將在 BELLATOR 旗下進行第六次宣傳, 安哥拉的驕傲, 紐約州, 在編譯一個 4-1 以 Scott Coker 為首的促銷活動記錄. 28歲的布法羅, 紐約州. 本機希望在他最近的勝利基礎上再接再厲BELLATOR 270 在對手的家鄉都柏林擊敗詹姆斯·加拉格爾, 愛爾蘭, 上個月. 在加入 BELLATOR 之前, Mix在區域賽場上通過收集他的九個 15 美國頂級團隊產品積累了令人印象深刻的, 包括五場首輪比賽. 現在, 提交專家將面臨他職業生涯中最嚴峻的挑戰, 參加比賽 $1 百萬獎金和 BELLATOR 的 135 磅錶帶.

別. 4 美國頂級團隊產品積累了令人印象深刻的 – 明年久負盛名的 BELLATOR 世界大獎賽將在促銷活動令人難以置信的雛量級組中舉行 (18-2):

在不同組織中奪取腰帶後, 達吉斯坦現象明年久負盛名的 BELLATOR 世界大獎賽將在促銷活動令人難以置信的雛量級組中舉行 希望通過帶回家 BELLATOR 黃金來增加他的收藏. 積累了令人印象深刻的 18-2 職業記錄與 12 通過完成, 自去年 12 月以來,“老虎”對 BELLATOR 135 磅的部門產生了迅速的影響 2020 通過攀登到No的促銷首次亮相. 4 在排名中. 擁有驚人的速度和出色的格鬥, Magomedov 有可能成為 BELLATOR 雛量級世界大獎賽中任何人的噩夢對決.

別. 5 美國頂級團隊產品積累了令人印象深刻的 – 萊昂德羅肥後 (21-5):

體重下降到 135 磅後, 萊安德羅·希戈(Leandro Higo)連續贏得三場比賽並讓整個雛量級部門受到關注. 在著名的比特犬兄弟訓練營的指導下, 巴西人正在經歷一場艱苦的戰鬥, 對前雛量級世界冠軍達里恩·考德韋拉特的分裂決定勝利BELLATOR 259 在五月 2021. 作為 12 海戈的 21 勝利來自順服, 整個括號都知道 No. 5-最輕量級排名將不是一件容易的事.

別. 6 美國頂級團隊產品積累了令人印象深刻的 – 詹姆斯·加拉格爾 (11-2):

來自斯特拉班, 愛爾蘭, MMA 最聰明的年輕戰士之一努力在一項擁有 135 磅天賦的錦標賽中取得他職業生涯的第 12 場胜利. Following a finish over Anthony Taylor atBELLATOR 169 十二月 2016 and a pair of first-round submissions the following year, “The Strabanimal” has tallied four victories over his past six contests, including three first-round finishes and a highlight reel 35-second win atBELLATOR 227. Poised for the biggest test of his young career, the former SBG Ireland-product aims to shed the shadow of former training partner, 康納爾麥格雷戈, and add to his own legacy with a shot at BELLATOR bantamweight gold.

請訪問Bellator.com 了解更多信息.



A picture containing person, 在他的最後一回合中,他的家鄉觀眾激動不已,他在共同特色的回合中以分裂決定戰勝但丁席羅


Ç-克里斯機器俠 (24-2, 1 NC) 打敗 #4-萊斯利·史密斯 (12-9-1) 通過TKO (罷工) 在 4:51 五輪的

Cris Cyborg after retaining the title:

“I knew she was tough and I’ve fought her before. I know her and respect her and she’s a real fighter. I knew with her it would be a great match, because she’s capable and she’s tough.

“I was really working in sparring to keep going and going because I knew it was going to be this way. I noticed I enjoyed it a little more. It’s going to be 16 years as a professional fighter this month so I started to enjoy it in there.

“I’ve been working on grappling my whole life but I just feel like I’m getting better and better every day. I got a black belt, but it’s like a white belt because I’m always learning.

“I’ve been doing this 16 歲月, I’ve got four titles. But before you can be a G.O.A.T. you have to fight the ‘Cat.’ So, I’d like to fight with Cat Zingano and I will ask Scott Coker. Because before you can be a G.O.A.T. you have to fight the ‘Cat.’”

#6-萊昂德羅肥後 (20-5) 打敗 Darrion考德威爾 (15-5) 通過分裂的決定 (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)

“I’ve been waiting for this fight for three years now. It’s exactly how I wanted it to go. I used my wrestling and I used my jiu-jitsu. I’m a complete fighter and I’m ready for any fighter on the planet because I believe I’m the best. I knew I had lost the first round, but in the second when he was throwing all those elbows and cut me open, I’m from a poor family in Brazil and that was nothing I hadn’t seen before. I felt happy being in that cage with blood all over me.

“He ended up taking me down in the second and I went for a kimura, which is something I’m very accustomed to doing, but he reversed it but then he didn’t do anything and I hit him with a lot of strikes on bottom. A lot of elbows and strikes and I stayed very on bottom and he wasn’t doing anything. That’s why I won the second and third round.”

“I think that I deserve a title shot. I just beat three of the biggest names in the game and I just beat a former world champion. And nobody has beaten the top three guys of this world-class caliber like I have done in three consecutive wins. I’m going for that world title and that’s what’s next for me. So let’s make it fast.”

#3-奧斯汀Vanderford (11-0) 打敗 #4-法比安·愛德華茲 (9-2) 通過一致決定 (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)

Austin Vanderford following his unanimous decision win:

“I like my fights bloody, whether it’s me or my opponent. I’ll get a scab. But hats off to Fabian who cut me up a little bit. But happy to get the win.”

“He was a big, strong guy. I started feeling him give me that head and arm choke. 不幸, I didn’t capitalize on it. But I knew what I was going to do. I was going to just grind it out. He’s a good striker so I had to be careful but I felt good. Wrestling … it’s my heart. I’m ready for the next step.”

Jaleel Willis (15-2) 打敗 Maycon Mendonca (11-5) 通過一致決定 (29-28, 30-27, 30-27)

Hannah Guy (3-1) 打敗 #8-瓦萊麗Loureda (3-1) 通過一致決定 (30-27, 29-28, 29-28)

Hannah Guy following her first win inside the BELLATOR cage…

“I felt like I had really good cardio, so that was awesome because I was really worried about that a little bit. I’m so thankful she took the fight and I’m so thankful BELLATOR gave me this opportunity.

“I thought I was going to finish with the triangle (嗆), 老老實實. She just slipped right out of there, so that was awesome of her. Her defense was really good. I was really impressed with that. I didn’t know what her ground game was but it was a lot better than I thought it was going to be.

“Grappling is just where I want to be if you’ve seen any of my other fights. My striking has really improved a lot though so I’m hoping to change that. But grappling has always been my strong suit. I didn’t want to just depend on my grappling, but I thought I landed some shots pretty well a few times. In this fight I thought I could see when the punches were coming. And I was able to defend a little bit better and how I’ve grown. So I’m just really proud of myself right now.”

你阿瓦德 (24-13, 1 NC) 打敗 內特·安德魯斯 (16-4) 通過KO (罷工) 在 3:16 圓一個
#7-尼爾·格蘭特 (6-0) 打敗 #8-泰裡財富 (5-1) 通過提交 (後方裸體扼流圈) 在 4:20 圓一個
Sumiko Inaba (2-0) 打敗 Kristina Katsikis (1-2) 通過TKO (罷工) 在 3:35 第三輪
特拉維夫維多多 (6-0) 打敗 Sean Felton (5-3-1) 通過提交 (腳後跟鉤) 在 1:17 圓一個
#9-戴維·富蘭克林 (3-0) 打敗 泰勒·金 (12-10) via KO at 2:02 圓一個
#7-BELLATOR 加入了幾場偉大的戰鬥 (5-1) 打敗 6-Janay哈丁 (6-5) 通過提交 (三角阻氣) 在 2:42 第二輪的
Danny Sabatello (11-1) 打敗 布雷特·約翰斯 (17-3) 通過一致決定 (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)
亞歷山大·沙布利 (20-3) 打敗 #9-Alfie Davis (14-4) 通過一致決定 (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)

請訪問 Bellator.com 了解更多信息.



包含文字的圖片, person, 人, clothing

Description automatically generated

LOS ANGELES– BELLATOR MMA has confirmed the full fight card forBELLATOR MMA 259: 半機械人 vs. Smith 2星期五, 五月 21 在金神體育館. The event caps off an exciting month of action for BELLATOR, and airs LIVE on SHOWTIME at9 P.M. ET /下午6時. PT.

With plans to continue her dominance over the women’s featherweight division克里斯機器俠(23-2, 1 NC) will put her world championship on the line against No. 4 羽量級排名萊斯利·史密斯(12-8-1) in a rematch to crown the world’s top 145-pound female athlete.

BELLATOR MMA 259 main card on SHOWTIME is loaded from top to bottom, including former bantamweight champion Darion Caldwell (15-4) rematching 別. 6 ranked bantamweight 萊昂德羅肥後 (20-5) in a 135-pound contest, a top-five middleweight clash between the undefeated No. 3 排名 奧斯汀Vanderford (10-0) 和No. 4 排名 法比安·愛德華茲 (9-1), and a welterweight matchup that will see the streaking Jaleel Willis (14-2) face off against former LFA champion Maycon Mendonca (11-4), who’ll be making his promotional debut. Capping off the main card action will be the undefeated Jackson Wink-product and No. 9 ranked light heavyweight 克里斯蒂安·愛德華茲 (4-0) challenging Mississippi’s Ben Parrish (4-1).

As part of the launch of BELLATOR MMA on SHOWTIME, the network is offering viewers who are new to the SHOWTIME streaming service a 30-day free trial, 其次是未來六個月每月 4.99 美元的折扣訂閱費. 觀眾可以在SHO.com/BellatorMMA. 訂閱者將在整個月內獲得兩次首屈一指的 BELLATOR MMA 賽事 2021 超越, 所有活動都安排在現場直播 9 P.M. ET /下午6時. PT anywhere the SHOWTIME service is available.

The nine-fight preliminary card has no shortage of action-packed bouts, featuring a top-10 light heavyweight matchup between No. 7 排名尼爾·格蘭特(5-0) 和No. 8 排名泰裡財富(5-0) and the return of Israeli lightweight superstar特拉維夫維多多 (5-0), as he looks to add to his five first round finishes and record breaking 11-second submission win. 更多, the charismatic No. 8 ranked women’s flyweight瓦萊麗Loureda (3-0), the always-exciting你阿瓦德(23-13, 1 NC), 和No. 6 ranked Australian featherweightJanay哈丁 (6-4), who takes on No. 7 ranked Irish sensationBELLATOR 加入了幾場偉大的戰鬥(4-1). 最後, 別. 9 ranked lightweightAlfie Davis (14-3) makes his sixth promotional appearance against BELLATOR newcomer亞歷山大·沙布利 (19-3).

All prelims will stream live at5:30 P.M. ET/2:30 P.M. PT 在 BELLATOR MMA YouTube 頻道上, SHOWTIME Sports YouTube 頻道和 Pluto TV. 完整的回合列表如下:

BELLATOR MMA 259: 半機械人 vs. Smith 2主卡:


9 P.M. ET /下午6時. PT

Featherweight World Title Main EventÇ-克里斯機器俠(23-2, 1 NC) VS. #4-萊斯利·史密斯(12-8-1)

最輕量級聯合主賽事: Darrion考德威爾 (15-4) VS. #6-萊昂德羅肥後(20-5)

中量級回合: #3-奧斯汀Vanderford (10-0) VS. #4-法比安·愛德華茲 (9-1)

次中量級回合: Jaleel Willis (14-2) 與Maycon Mendonca (11-4)

輕重量級回合: #9-克里斯蒂安·愛德華茲 (4-0) 與Ben Parrish (4-1)


BELLATOR MMA YouTube Channel | SHOWTIME Sports YouTube Channel | 冥王星電視

5:30 P.M. ET/2:30 P.M. PT

輕量級回合: 你阿瓦德 (23-13, 1 NC) 與內特·安德魯斯 (16-3)

輕重量級回合: #7-尼爾·格蘭特 (5-0) VS. #8-泰裡財富 (5-0)

飛錘布特: Sumiko Inaba (1-0) 與Kristina Katsikis(1-1)

輕量級回合: 特拉維夫維多多 (5-0) 與Sean Felton (5-2-1)

飛錘布特: #8-瓦萊麗Loureda (3-0) 與Hannah Guy(2-1)

重量級回合: 戴維·富蘭克林 (2-0) 與泰勒·金 (12-9)

羽量級布特: #6-Janay哈丁(6-4) vs. #7-BELLATOR 加入了幾場偉大的戰鬥 (4-1)

輕量級回合: #9-Alfie Davis(14-3) 與亞歷山大·沙布利(19-3)


請訪問Bellator.com 了解更多信息.

FULL拼牌和廣播詳細介紹了本週五的BELLATOR 241: PITBULL VS. 卡瓦略事件中的金神體育館 - LIVE ON DAZN

安卡斯維爾, 康涅狄格州. - 回合的充分的板岩為Bellator回歸 金神體育館星期五, 三月 13 是官方用層疊六打主牌, 由目前的兩分裂冠軍標題 帕特里西奧鬥犬 (30-4) 衛冕他的145磅. 標題反對新貴SBG產品和比賽的黑馬羽量級世界女排大獎賽四分之一決賽 佩德羅·卡瓦略 (11-3).

Bellator 241: 比特犬VS. 卡瓦略 將進行視頻直播獨家上 DAZN 在 10 P.M. ET /下午7時. PT, 而初步行動將在流 Bellator MMA的YouTube頻道, 以及 DAZN, 在開始 7:30 P.M. 及/ 4:30 P.M. PT.

令人興奮的主卡也將看到在合作的主要事件Bellator羽量級大獎賽四分之一決賽起飛的地方,什麼時候 丹尼爾Weichel (40-11) 的rematches 伊曼紐爾·桑切斯 (19-4) 在世界冠軍的射擊未來. 此外, 前紐約巨人隊的前鋒 馬特·米特里恩 (13-7, 1 NC) 將採取上 羅尼Markes的 (19-7) 在一個重量級的主卡回合, 而英格蘭的 保羅·戴利 (42-17-2) 和重手 早晨的主頁 (13-8) 去腳趾到腳趾在一個170磅重的對決,是一定要生產煙花. 四捨五入出主卡會看到康涅狄格自己 尼克·紐厄爾 (16-3) 承擔 扎克 - 贊恩 (14-9) 夏威夷輕量級和必看量級比賽中陳列宣傳 阿納托利Tokov (29-2) VS. 法比奧·阿吉亞爾 (17-1).

初步卡 Bellator 241: 比特犬VS. 卡瓦略 將串流直播流上 Bellator MMA的YouTube頻道DAZN 在 7:30 P.M. 及/ 4:30 P.M. PT. 預賽有來自Bellator前景和其他熟悉的名字出現 嬰兒切片 (3-2, 1 NC), 羅布森格雷西JR. (3-0), 萊斯利·史密斯 (11-8-1), 羅梅羅棉 (4-0), 邁克Kimbel
(3-2), 和 萊昂德羅肥後 (19-5) 會議 多米尼克Mazzotta (15-3) 在輕量級.

完成 Bellator 241: 比特犬VS. 卡瓦略 主卡:


10 P.M. ET /下午7時. PT

羽量級決賽WGP世界冠軍布特: 帕特里西奧鬥犬 (30-4) VS. 佩德羅·卡瓦略 (11-3)

羽量級世界女排大獎賽四分之一決賽布特: 丹尼爾Weichel (40-11) VS. 伊曼紐爾·桑切斯 (19-4)

重量級主卡布特: 馬特·米特里恩 (13-7, 1 NC) VS. 羅尼Markes的 (19-7)

重量級主卡布特: 保羅·戴利 (42-17-2) VS. 早晨的主頁 (13-8)

輕型主卡布特: 尼克·紐厄爾 (16-3) VS. 扎克 - 贊恩 (14-9)

中量級主卡布特: 阿納托利Tokov (29-2) VS. 法比奧·阿吉亞爾 (17-1)


Bellator的YouTube頻道 | DAZN

7:30 P.M. 及/ 4:30 P.M. PT

重量級初步回合: 羅布森格雷西JR. (3-0) VS. 比利·高夫 (2-2)

160-磅. 合同重初步回合: 嬰兒切片 (3-2, 1 NC) VS. Kaheem穆雷 (3-3)

中量級初步回合: 喬丹·紐曼 (2-0) VS. 帕特McCrohan (4-3)

中量級初步回合: 羅梅羅棉 (4-0) VS. 賈斯汀薩姆特 (7-3)

140-磅. 合同重初步回合: 邁克Kimbel (3-2) VS. 肯尼·里維拉 (2-2)

輕量級初步回合: Killys莫塔 (12-1) VS. 內特·安德魯斯 (16-3)

羽初步回合: 萊昂德羅肥後 (19-5) VS. 多米尼克Mazzotta (15-3)

羽初步回合: 萊斯利·史密斯 (11-8-1) VS. 傑西美諾 (9-3)

重量級初步回合: 離子帕斯庫 (18-10) VS. 馬克旅鼠 (10-1)

輕量級初步回合: 弗拉基米爾Tokov (7-0) VS. 馬庫斯·蘇林 (6-2)


請訪問 Bellator.com 了解更多信息.

BELLATOR 195 結果 & 照片


Full Event Photos Here

Darrion考德威爾 (12-1) 打敗 萊昂德羅肥後 (18-4) 通過提交 (斷頭台扼流圈) 在 2:36 圓一個


Joe Taimanglo (24-8) 打敗 喬·沃倫 (15-7) 通過分裂的決定 (30-27, 28-29, 30-27)


克里斯蒂娜·威廉姆斯 (2-0) 打敗 Emily Ducote (6-4) 通過分裂的決定 (29-28, 27-30, 29-28)

胡安·阿丘利塔 (19-1) 打敗 William Joplin (17-15) 通過一致決定 (30-26, 30-24, 30-23)


Aaron Webb (2-0) 打敗 Thomas Lopez (1-4) 通過TKO (拳) 在 3:11 圓一個


凱文·霍蘭德 (12-3) 打敗 Teagan Dooley (6-3) 通過提交 (三角阻氣) 在 2:59 圓一個


丹尼爾·凱里 (4-2) 打敗 Cris Williams (4-1) 通過一致決定 (29-28 X3)


羅梅羅棉 (2-0) 打敗 Justin Reeser (1-2) 通過提交 (後方裸體扼流圈) 4:35 第二輪的


岡薩雷斯 (3-0) 打敗 Armando Servin (4-6) 通過提交 (arm-bar) 在 2:24 圓一個


賈斯汀·帕特森 (10-4) 打敗 布萊恩·格林內爾 (10-8) 通過TKO (knee to body) 在 4:49 圓一個


Ky Bennett (1-1) 打敗 Morgan Solis (2-1) 通過提交 (美洲) 在 3:37 第二輪的

FNU搏擊運動展: Boxing Deaths, Jon Jones Gets Fined, 事件預覽和重述要點

This week’s FNU Combat Sports Show features some discussions on the latest deaths in boxing, Jon Jones getting a $205k fine and upcoming and past combat sports events. We preview Bellator and UFC events coming up this weekend while looking back at the UFC Fight Night last week that saw Jeremy Stephens put himself in title contention with a vicious KO of Josh Emmett. For Boxing we have some huge fights with the biggest one featuring Luis Ortiz and Deontay Wilder squaring off with undefeated records and heavyweight titles on the line. Listen to the full broadcast by following the link below:








LOS ANGELES – The Bellator bantamweight championship will be up for grabs 星期五, 三月 2 什麼時候 Darrion考德威爾 (11-1) makes his first title defense against 萊昂德羅肥後 (18-3) 在 Bellator 195 inside WinStar World Casino and Resort in Thackerville, 俄克拉何馬州。, the same venue where “The Wolf” captured the belt earlier this year.


“Darrion Caldwell is an exciting young fighter that has worked his way to the top of a very competitive bantamweight division to become a world champion,“Bellator總裁Scott Coker的說. “I’m excited to see what he can do in his first title defense against Leandro Higo, who is an incredibly tough competitor with the ability to submit his opponent at any time. The fans are in for a great matchup between these two grapplers.”


本次活動將進行現場直播,並免費派拉蒙網絡上的 9 P.M. AND/8 P.M. CT, 而初步行動將在流 Bellator.com 和全球的 Bellator移動應用. 門票 Bellator 195: 考德威爾VS. 無花果 開始銷售這種 星期五, 十二月. 22 在 10 A.M. CT and can be purchased at the WinStar World Casino and Resort box office, 以及通過特瑪和Bellator.com. 另外的較量將在未來幾週內公佈.


Caldwell has been on a steady ascension to championship status since signing with Bellator in 2014. Ahead of his championship victory over 愛德華多·丹塔斯Bellator 184, which brought his Bellator record to 8-1, the 30-year-old collected five wins by way of first-round knockout or submission. The run was highlighted by a remarkable stoppage of former multi-division champion 喬·沃倫. Hailing from Rahway, N.J. and training alongside Bellator standouts 菲爾·戴維斯賈斯汀·勞倫斯 at Alliance MMA in San Diego, 加利福尼亞州。, “The Wolf” also serves as one of the main sparring partners of former UFC bantamweight champ Dominick Cruz.


Higo signed with Bellator in February riding an eight-fight win-streak and earned the Legacy Fighting Alliance 135-pound crown in the process. Fresh off animpressive win 針對 Joe Taimanglo, the 28-year-old Pitbull Brothers product also competed on 終極戰士: 巴西 4 在 2015. A proud carrier of the Olympic torch ahead of the 2016 Summer Games in Brazil, “Pitbull” will now set his sights on carrying the torch in Bellator’s bantamweight division.


更新 Bellator 195: 考德威爾VS. 無花果 戰卡:

Bantamweight World Title Main Event: Darrion考德威爾 (11-1) VS. 萊昂德羅肥後 (18-3)





Darrion考德威爾 (11-1) 打敗 愛德華多·丹塔斯 (20-4) 通過一致決定 (48-47, 48-47, 50-45)


Quote from Darrion Caldwell: “I have been waiting for this moment for my whole life. Darrion Caldwell is the Bellator bantamweight champion, that has a nice ring to it doesn’t it? I want to be an active champion, I want to bring some prestige to this belt. You’ll be hearing from me very soon.”


伊曼紐爾·桑切斯 (16-3) 打敗 丹尼爾·斯特勞斯 (24-8, 1 NC) 通過提交 (三角阻氣) 在 1:56 第三輪


Quote from Emmanuel Sanchez: “Since I signed with Bellator I’ve always taken on everyone Scott Coker has put in front of me. Nothing is changing now, so tell me, who’s next? It doesn’t matter what weight class, or who it is, I’ll fight anyone.”

(23-7) 打敗 John “Macapa” (21-3-2) 通過一致決定 (29-28, 30-27, 30-26)


Quote from Pat Curran: “It felt so great to get back inside the Bellator cage. This was the calmest, most composed I’ve ever felt while competing. 現在, one job is done and I can focus on my other. But let me make one thing clear, I want that belt.”


萊昂德羅肥後 (18-3) 打敗 Joe Taimanglo (23-8) 通過一致決定 (29-28, 30-27, 30-27)


Quote from Leandro Higo: “Tonight was my first step towards getting back to where I belong. During my debut, I was filling in on short notice and unfortunately missed weight. 這場鬥爭, I made sure to come in at 135-pounds to show my commitment to becoming a world champion. It doesn’t matter who wins tonight’s main event, the bantamweight belt will be mine.”


曼尼穆羅 (9-3) 打敗 Emmanuel Rivera (6-2) 通過一致決定 (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)

肖恩·霍爾登 (6-2) 打敗 Shakir McKillup (7-6) 通過TKO (拳) 在 4:39 第二輪的

Carrington Banks (7-0) 打敗 Steve Kozola (8-1) 通過一致決定 (30-27, 30-25, 30-25)

Chance Rencountre (11-2) 打敗 賈斯汀·帕特森 (9-4) 通過提交 (D’Arce choke) 在 2:58 圓一個

Teagan Dooley (6-2) 打敗 DeMarcus Simmons (1-1) 通過提交 (美洲) 在 2:12 第二輪的

Westin Wilson (5-2) 打敗 L.J. Hermreck (3-3) 通過提交 (後方裸體扼流圈) 在 :55 第二輪的

Kendall Carnahan (6-1) 打敗 丹尼爾·凱里 (3-2) 通過一致決定 (29-28, 30-27, 30-27)

Ernest James (1-0) 打敗 Ray Jones (0-1) 通過TKO (拳) 2:53 圓一個




官方 Bellator 177: Dantas vs. 無花果 主卡結果 & 引號:

愛德華多·丹塔斯 (20-4) 打敗 萊昂德羅肥後 (17-3) 通過分裂的決定 (30-27, 30-27, 28-29)

Eduardo Dantas Quote:

It was tough to stay motivated for this fight once he missed weight. There was nothing to gain whether I beat him fast or slow. It wasn’t for the belt, it wasn’t going to change my ranking in Bellator,” Dantas said. “什麼時候 [Darrion] Caldwell got injured, I asked Scott Coker to bring in tough bantamweights and they brought in a tough fighter, but you have to make weight. I train hard for several months, I don’t go out, 我訓練. It’s the very minimum you can do. You have to make weight. Be a professional. I don’t think Caldwell is injured. I think he just doesn’t want to fight out of America. I am looking forward to getting my hands on him.

丹尼爾Weichel (39-9) 打敗 約翰·馬卡帕 (21-2) 通過分裂的決定 (29-28, 29-28, 28-29)

Daniel Weichel Quote:

Macapa is definitely a tough opponent. He was almost undefeated coming into this with only one loss and I took him as seriously as I can take an opponent. At this time I treat everyone I fight as if it’s a championship fight. I think he is one of the top featherweight opponents that I could face so I’m pretty happy that I was able to beat him,” Weichel said. “I have to give a big shout out to all of my friends and family that drove 17-18 hours from Frankfurt and Cologne to be here and support me. They’ve been there for me and believed in me since day one and it’s difficult for me to even put into words how much it means to have them in my corner. I have to thank Bellator for putting me on this card and giving them the opportunity to come and watch me fight. I’m hoping that Bellator brings me to Mohegan Sun next week and puts me cage side so I can see who I will get to beat up next when (丹尼爾) Straus and (帕特里克·) ‘Pitbull’ 戰鬥.

Lena Ovchynnikova (12-4) 打敗 Helen Harper (4-2) via doctor stoppage at 5:00 第二輪的

Lena Ovchynnikova Quote:

Before the fight I was a little bit nervous, and I felt that my first round wasn’t quite as good as I would of liked. But when the second round started she was going to feel my power and I knew that I would win,” Ovchynnikova said. “When the judges stopped the fight I couldn’t believe it. I was ready for a third round and I wanted to win with a knockout but we have what we have.

亞當Borics (6-0) 打敗 安東尼·泰勒 (1-3) 通過提交 (後方裸體扼流圈) 在 4:12 圓一個

Adam Borics Quote:

When the fight started, I felt a great deal of pressure from the crowd and I was in a bit of a rush. It took me a while to settle down and regain my composure, but once I did that I was able to see the fight much better. I’ve been working on my striking with Henri Hooft and I really was hoping to win with a knockout, but I saw my opening for a submission and I was able to end the fight with the choke,” Borics said. “I’m very happy that I was given this great opportunity to represent Hungary in MMA. This is very important for me to support the development of this sport in Hungary. It is my plan to continue to be an ambassador for the sport here and to continue to bring victories like this in the future.

BELLATOR 加入了幾場偉大的戰鬥 (10-5) 打敗 Michal Horejsi (5-3) 通過在將軍澳 3:57 第二輪的

Brian Moore Quote:


“我真的, really happy that I got the call back from Bellator. To be honest I begged for the call back because Bellator is where I want to be. I want to be signed with Bellator, I want to be a household name. I really believe I’m one of the better featherweights in this division. I was given a guy who is very unpredictable. I was patient in my approach but I cut him down and was able to finish him. 今晚 I wanted to make a statement with a knockout because my dream is to fight at Madison Square Garden. I want to open up the show. My teammate James (加拉格爾) is already on the card and we’d put on a super camp together and we’d tear that place apart,” Moore said. “My hero, Sugar Ray Robinson used to own the Garden. I’ve watched every bit of footage I can get my hands on of Sugar Ray, he’s my idol. So to fight in the same arena as he has – and obviously my teammate Conor (麥格雷戈) has fought there tooit would be a dream come true. But I want to open up the card and set the tone for the night because when you see a fighter that is as exciting as I am that’ll set the tone. Give me anyone, I don’t give a f-ck.

Mate Kertesz (3-0) 打敗 Patrick Szombat (1-3) 通過在將軍澳 4:37 第二輪的






BUDAPEST, HUNGARY – Several fighters from both Bellator 177: Dantas vs. 無花果Bellator跆拳道 6 gathered in Budapest this morning to speak with the media about their upcoming fights 這個星期五 night inside the Budapest Sports Arena.

Two titles will be on the line, as Eduardo “Dudu” Dantas defends his Bellator bantamweight belt against former LFA champ Leandro Higo, while Bellator kickboxing welterweight titleholder Zoltan Laszak takes on Karim Ghajji in a championship rematch.


Bellator 177: Dantas vs. 無花果 will be broadcast 星期五, 四月 14 on SPIKE at 9 P.M. AND/8 P.M. CT, 而 Bellator跆拳道 6 will air immediately following the MMA portion of the event, 在開始 11下午ET/10pm CT.

下面, you can find quotes from today’s press conference.

Bellator Bantamweight World Champion Eduardo Dantas:

“Thank you to Bellator for supporting me and thank you Budapest for the opportunity.”

“I’m very happy to be here. I want to say thank you to my opponent for accepting this fight. And I’m ready to show you what I do best, which is to punch his face.”


“Thank you to Bellator for the opportunity. 謝謝, Budapest, for the reception. I’m very happy to be here and I’m looking forward to putting on a good show 這個星期五!”

“I feel no extra pressure because I’m here to do what I love, which is fighting. I’m looking forward to winning another championship belt.”


“I’d like to welcome all of you. This is one of the biggest opportunities of my life. I’m very much looking forward to the fight and I’m well prepared, so I can’t wait. I was fortunate enough to prepare for this fight in America with great professional coaches like Henri Hooft.”

“我準備好了. I can hardly wait for my arm to be lifted at the end.”


“Welcome! Welcome! How’s it going? I am the “Pretty Boy”, the prettiest of them all. I definitely want to thank Budapest and Bellator for bringing me in. 當然, I bring numbers, 你知道, so I’m expecting this should bring over a million viewers, hands down.”

“I want to thank you all for coming here and showing the support. 我們要作秀 – one hell of a show. We’re going to get these ratings up and have so much fun. Definitely.”

“Hands down, pound for pound, everyone knows I am the strongest 145-er in the division and if anybody stands in my way or stands in the middle of the cage and wants to bang with me, they’re gonna get knocked out. I kid you not! Anybody in the featherweight division stands toe to toe with me is going to get knocked out.”

“I’m not going to take nothing from this man. He has a 9-0 record so he’s definitely put in work. He beat up nine people, but it doesn’t mean he’s going to beat up me. I tell you that! But I give him credit because he’s coming out here and sacrificing his time and being away from his family to put in his work just as I am. We’re going to put on a show for all you fans out there and all you media out there.”

“You know in my eyes, this is the main event: The Hungarian versus the American. Everyone wants to see this fight. They want to see what is this man can do with a record of 9-0. He earned his wins and I respect him as a fighter. But after 星期五 he will be 9-1.”

Bellator Kickboxing Welterweight World Champion Zoltan Laszak

“I’d like to thank Bellator very much for this opportunity and I’m looking forward to this this rematch with Ghajji. This is a great chance to really entertain and I appreciate the support from all of the Hungarian fans. I feel their cheers and support every day.”

“This is the most important fight of my life because there has been much more promotion here in Budapest leading up to the event. I realize that most people in the arena will be cheering for me, and for Hungary. I’ve done my preparation and my homework. I’m excellently prepared and I’m looking forward to this challenge.”

Karim Ghajji

“Thank you for the rematch. It was a big mistake in the first fight. Now I’m going to make it right and bring the belt back home to France.”

“Two days before the first fight I was sick and I had dealt with injuries during that camp, but this time I had a great camp, I’ve prepared myself very well, and this will be an explosive fight 在週五.”

完成 Bellator 177: Dantas vs. 無花果 主卡:

最輕量級世界冠軍布特: 愛德華多·丹塔斯 (19-4) VS. 萊昂德羅肥後 (17-2)

Featherweight Feature Bout: 丹尼爾Weichel (38-9) VS. John “Macapa” (21-1-2)

輕量級功能回合: Lena Ovchynnikova (11-4) VS. Helen Harper (4-1)

Featherweight Feature Bout: 亞當Borics (5-0) VS. 安東尼·泰勒 (1-2)



羽初步回合: BELLATOR 加入了幾場偉大的戰鬥 (9-5) VS. Michal Horejsi (5-2)

輕量級初步回合: Patrick Szombat (1-2) VS. Mate Kertesz (3-0)

完成 Bellator跆拳道 6 主卡:

Welterweight World Title Bout: Zoltan Laszak (83-2-2, 1 NC) VS. Karim Ghajji (23-5-1)

中量級功能賽: 喬·希林 (20-9) VS. Alexandru Negrea (9-2)

次中量級功能回合: 雷蒙德·丹尼爾斯(Raymond Daniels) (10-3) VS. Gyorfi Csaba (20-5)

Women’s Featherweight Feature Bout: 喬琳娜·巴爾(Jorina Baars) (40-0-3) VS. Irene Martens (20-9-2)

Featherweight Feature Bout: 加布里埃爾瓦爾加 (13-4) VS. 加伯·高比奇斯(Gabor Gorbics) (30-10)