Tag Arsip: Lavelle Hadley

Aom “Jus” Young defeats Eduardo Flores in front of sold out crowd at The Claridge in Atlantic City

LaManna stops Valenzuela in one

Pasciolla, Carto, Meng, Zhilei. Adang, Holden and Smith all gain victories in front of Sold Out Crowd
Atlantik Kota, NJ (Juli 22, 2016)-Welterweight Aom “Jus” Ngora won a six-round unanimous decision over veteran Eduardo Flores in the featured bout of a nine-bout card Baheula ieu Jumaah wengi di Claridge in Atlantic City.
The bout headlined a sold out night of boxing that was promoted by Rising Promotions. It was the fourth consecutive sold out event in the last eight months that Rising Promotions has staged.
The co-feature saw welterweight Thomas “Cornflake” LaManna tuned up for a major bout in the fall with a first round destruction of Engleberto Valenzuela in a super welterweight bout.
Ngora, of Atlantic City systematically took apart Flores, despite Flores trying to frustrate Young by coming in with wild shots for which some strayed behind the head.
Tungtungna, It was Young, who was not headlining for the first time, but being spurred on by his hometown fans and he was able to get the victory to the tune of 60-54 & 59-55 dua kali.
Young of Atlantic City is now 13-2. Flores of Ecuador is 23-22-5.
LaManna tina Millville, New Jersey took apart his Mexican opponent with a hard combination that sent Valenzuela into the corner. The popular New Jersey Product wasted no time in getting Valenzuela out of the fight by landing a thunderous body punch that sent him to the canvas. The fight was halted at 2:17 of buleud hiji.
LaManna will take on a highly-regarded opponent (To be announced this week) dinaSeptember 16th at Taj Mahal in Atlantic City.
This wasCornflake’sfifth consecutive win and second consecutive inside the distance to raise his record to 21-1 jeung sapuluh knockouts. Valenzuela is 10-8.
Heavyweight Dan Pasciolla avenged his only pro defeat by winning a six-round unanimous decision over Dante Selby.
Pasciolla was credited a knockdown in round two as he landed a flurry in the corner and it was ruled that only the ropes stopped Selby from hitting the canvas.

Pasciolla of Brick, New Jersey won by scores of 60-53 dua kali jeung 59-54 jeung ayeuna 8-1-1. Selby of Philadelphia, was coming off a two and a half year layoff is 2-2-1.

Exciting bantamweight prospect Christian Carto made it two consecutive stoppages by halting debuting Christopher Nelson in round three of their scheduled four-round bout.

Carto of Deptford, NJ floored the Indiana native in each of the three rounds and the bout was stopped fifty-one seconds into the third frame.
Carto is now 2-0 jeung dua knockouts.

Marvin Johnson scored a third-round knockdown en route to a four round unanimous decision over Lamont White in a lightweight bout.

Skor éta 40-35, 40-36 jeung 39-36 for Johnson of Atlantic City who is now 1-0-1. White of Washington, DC anu 0-2.
Dallas Holden of Atlantic Cit won a four round unanimous decision over Kevin Asmat in a bantamweight bout featuring New Jersey based pro debuters.
It was a close fight with each fighter making a case for the victory.
Tungtungna, all three cards read 39-37 in favor Holden of Atlantic City over the North Bergen native.
In a battle of pro debuters, Donald Smith of Philadelphia won his pro debut by winning a four-round unanimous decision over Cameron Cain of Indiana. in a junior lightweight bout.
Smith controlled the action and won by scores of 40-35 jeung 40-36 dua kali.
Chinese light heavyweight Fanlong Meng scored a knockdown and was ruled the winner via 5th round stoppage over former contender Daniel Judah in a scheduled eight round bout.
Meng sent Judah into the ropes with a left hand that was ruled a knockdown and Meng and the referee ruled that Judah could not continue at the bout was stopped at 2:08.
Meng is now 8-0 jeung 6 knockouts. Judah of Brooklyn, NY is 24-11-3.
Zhang Zhilei of China won a six round unanimous decision over Rodney Hernandez in a heavyweight bout.
Skor éta 60-53 jeung 59-55 twice for Zhilei of China, anu kiwari 11-0. Hernandez is 10-5-1.
Instagram: risingpromo

GH3 promosi skor Keenan Smith 2nd buleud stoppage over saméméhna undefeated Lavelle Hadley di Atlantik City

Nutley, NJ (Agustus 19, 2015) – This past Saturday night at the Playground in Atlantic City, Welterweight Keenan Smith (8-0, 3 KO sacara) tetep sampurna ku nyetak hiji buleud stoppage 2nd over saméméhna undefeated Lavelle Hadley dina bout dijadwalkeun pikeun genep rounds.

Smith badarat a flurry awak jeung sirah punches nu dikirim Hadley turun ka tuur nu manehna teu ngéléhkeun golongan cacah wasit nu aya di 1:56 of buleud dua.

“Manéhna jangkung tapi he he didin't geus jauh keur kuring. It was an easy fight. I used my jab and I saw he was open for the left hand. I diterapkeun tekenan sarta nempo yen manehna teu bisa ngalawan dina jero,” Ngadawuh Smith.

Jeung meunang, fans sakuliah nagara bisa ngaharepkeun nempo leuwih Smith salaku anjeunna penciled ka ngalawan dina September 18 dina BPS Sports Network jeung November 6 dina ShoBox.

“Abdi sumanget. I get to show the world my talent. This is what I have been waiting for. It is a blessing. I want to thank GH3 Promotions for the opportunity to be on television. I have a lot of tricks up my sleeve that I am ready to show everyone. I also want to thank my managers D & D Management and Hotty M & M tinju Gym.”

Ceuk GH3 promosi Vito Mielnicki, “Urang gumbira jeung Keenan. He is always ready to fight. We are looking to move him at a nice pace and he is up for the two television fights that he will participate in the next three months. He has the talent to do big things.

GH3 promosi pitur undefeated Middleweight Antoine Djati, Super Middleweight sacara Jerry jaradi & Derrick Webster, undefeated Super Bantamweight Adam Lopez ogé Boxcino 2015 JR. Jawara Middleweight John Thompson, Jr, undefeated Welterweight Jerrell Harris,undefeated Super Bantamweight Qa'id Muhammad, Wilujeng sumping Diaz lightweight, Heavyweight Natu Visinia, Cahaya Heavyweight Lavarn Harvell, JR. Lightweight O'Shanique Asuh & Super Middleweight Andrew Hernandez ka GH3 promosi stabil.

Lennox Romadhon pikeun comeback ieu sabtu malam ngalawan Dan PASCIOLLA di tempat kaulinan IN Atlantik Kota


Atlantik City, NJ (Agustus 12, 2015)–John Lennox dijieun telepon dina Pébruari nepi ka manager lila sarta babaturan alus Beunghar Masini. Telepon ieu kawilang lila.

Eusi télépon éta gairah dina kadua sisi sabab dua guys anu geus miboga tujuan anu sarua jeung misi nu sarua pikeun taun, Meunang judul! Pangatur jeung tempur masing neundeun kaluar kasus maranéhna, tapi crux panggero ieu antara dua babaturan gede anu boga ajen gede keur nu séjénna tur duanana sapuk ulah bagian maranéhanana dina pacarian gawang.

Pacarian nu dimimitian Saptu peuting ieu lamun Lennox (13-2, 5 KO Kang dicokot Dan Pasciolla (3-1) dina 6-buleud bout Heavyweight di The tempat kaulinan di Atlantik City.

Teu lila, John walked kana gim sarta papanggih kalayan palatih longtime nya Charles Thomas jeung Masini.

John ieu sabeurat 249 pounds jeung rupa lila ti tarung beurat ideal nya.

“Mah ngajak waktu off. Kuring meunang kawin jeung miboga anak plus kuring gawe di Manhattan salaku Lost Pencegahan Manager di Barneys. Hal anu bade oge ayeuna.”

Naon transpired over genep bulan ka hareup ieu epitome gawé teuas jeung kumawula jeung hiji visi nu bakal datang ka fruition Saptu peuting peuting di Atlantik City.

Lennox bakal asup cingcin sanggeus 22 bulan layoff, waktu anjeunna dicokot tina Pacsiolla formidable.

“Mah emang naon masalah mah nya éta ayeuna eta waktu pikeun meunangkeun deui ka tinju. Abdi hoyong anu kaluar ti tinju.”

Lennox mangrupakeun dilakonan professional jeung siap indit sanggeus layoff lila.

Masini geus Isro catetan nyarios yén John aya dina bentuk badag jeung urang geus miboga southpaw gede sparring. Dina tanggal 15 di Atlantik City, bakal Kang Iwan peuting ngabuktikeun manéhna deui.

“Kuring teu apal Pasciolla nyaéta southpaw jangkung tapi anu kudu jadi teu masalah Kami digawé pikeun nunda dina pintonan alus.”

“I love kid ieu lamun manéhna dina cingcinna, Kami jeung manéhna,” Ceuk mesin. “Kuring boga rasa hormat utmost for jajang jeung urang ngaharepkeun peuting gede ngalawan hiji lawan solid. Urang ngaharepkeun John boga grup pangrojong badag jadi dina riungan rooting manéhna dina.

John geus miboga trainers gede leuwih ti taun, kaasup lila jeung mimiti palatih Charles Thomas. John ogé geus dilatih dina Sobat McGirt. Kusabab kawajiban lianna, Sobat moal bisa ka dieu jeung urang dina fight peuting tapi manéhna téh dipiharep aya di juru John dina gelut datang.

Masini gushes over Thomas karya gedé jeung Lennox. Thomas jeung Lennox mibanda beungkeut lila anu méré Lennox tingkat kanyamanan agung .

“Kuring hayang ngapak dihijikeun jeung palatih mah masih percanten di kuring. Atuh ieu keur maranehna saloba atuh ieu keur kuring. Kami nyokot ieu pisan serius salaku Kami perencanaan lungsur ka handap pikeun

Dina kajadian utama Heavyweight 10 buleud, Chazz Witherspoon (33-3, 25 KO sacara) dicokot Nicholas Guivas (11-2-2, 9 KO sacara)

Dina bouts 6-buleud:

Keenan Smith (7-0, 2 KO sacara) tina Philadelphia, Pa bakal tarung Lavelle Hadley (2-0, 2 KO sacara) of Youngstown, OH.

Anthony Young (10-1, 5 KO sacara) of Atlantik City, NJ bakal nyokot Jonathan Garcia (4-14, 1 KO) dina bout Welterweight.

Wang Zhimin (3-0, 1 KO) Cina bakal tarung Rashad Bogar (4-5-1, 2 KO sacara) of Tasikmalaya, NJ dina JR. Welterweight bout.

Zhang Zhilei (4-0, 2 KO sacara) tina Las Vegas, NV bakal diperangan Dennis Benson (2-6-1, 1 KO) of Norfolk, VA dina bout Heavyweight.

Dina bouts 4-buleud:

Scott Kelleher of Philadelphia bakal nyieun debut pro ngalawan Xzavier Ford (0-1) tina Concord, Nc dina JR. Welterweight bout.

Jerome panalukan (2-1) of Philadelphia bakal diperangan pro debuting David Perez of Pittsburgh, Pa bout Lightweight.

Parris Chisholm (2-0, 1 KO) tina Washington, DC bakal tarung Ronnie Jordan (1-5-1) of Cincinatti, Ohio di gelut Welterweight.

Dustin Fleischer (3-0, 3 KO sacara) of Monmouth County, NJ bakal ningali aksi dina bout Welterweight ngalawan David Ratliff (0-1) of Propinsi Sulawesi Tenggara.

Kashif Mohamed (0-1) New York, Ny bakal kotak Samuel Ellsworth (2-0, 2 KO sacara) of Farmersville, LA dina bout Middleweight.

Eric Kitt (5-1, 2 KO sacara) tina Pensacola, FL bakal nyokot on Gilbert Alex Sanchez (5-6-1, 2 KO sacara) tina Camden, NJ dina bout Middleweight.

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Tiket keur peuting agung ieu tinju bakal dibasajankeun $75, $100 jeung $150 sarta bisa dibeuli di www.ticketmaster.com

Lawang kabuka di 6:30 PM jeung bel 1st di 8 PM