Tag Archives: Las Vegas


Box Fan Expo on ülim fännikogemussündmus, mis annab poksifännidele võimaluse kohtuda ja tervitada tippvõitlejaid, praegused ja endised maailmameistrid, poksi kuulsused ja tööstuse inimesed lähedases isiklikus keskkonnas.
Piletid on müügil nüüd EventBrite'is

Las Vegas (Juuli 3, 2018) – Kolm korda maailmameister Jessie Vargas kinnitas, et ta ilmub ja korraldab Meet & Tervitage oma fännidega Las Vegase konverentsikeskus neljandat aastat Kasti Fan Expo edasi Laupäev september 15, 2018 pärit 10 AM TO 5 PM, Mehhiko iseseisvusnädalavahetusel. Poksinäitus langeb kokku ka Saul ‘Canelo väga oodatud kordusmatšiga’ Alvarez vs Gennadi ’GGG’ Golovkin, mis toimub hiljem samal õhtul.




Vargas ilmub taas selle aasta näitusele, kus ta allkirjastab kindaid, fotod ja kaubad Box Fan Expo poe boksis 11 AM kuni 1 PM. Poksisõpradel on ka suurepärane võimalus selle poksitähega pilte teha. Vargas tuli just megavõitluses suurejoonelisest esitusest, mille tulemuseks oli eelmisel aprillil Brooklynis Barclays Centeris viik Adrien Broneriga, New York.




Vargas on Mehhiko elukutseline poksija, kes on endine kahe kaalu maailmameister, omades WBA-d (Regulaarne) aastal IBO superkerged tiitlid 2014 aastal WBO poolkaalu tiitel 2016.




Vargas liitub Erik Moralese ja Fernando Vargasega selle aasta Box Fan Expo varasemate kohustuste seas.

Box Fan Expo kohta
Box Fan Expo on fännide ja poksitööstuse inimeste seas olnud suur edu. Viimasel kolmel Expos on käinud paljud poksi staarid, näiteks Floyd Mayweather, Mike Tyson, Roberto Duran, Tommy Hearns, Marco Antonio Barrera, Roy Jones noorem, Marcos Maidana, Sergio Martinez, Keith Thurman, Danny Garcia, Tim Bradley, Deontay Wilder, Amir Khan, Shawn Porter, Fernando Vargas, Zab Juuda, James Toney, Vinny kannatlikkus, Mikey Garcia , Mia St.Johns, Leo Santa Cruz, Badou Jack, Terry Norris , Riddick Bowe , Earnie pardlid, Leon Spinks, Danny Jacobs, Abner Mares, Jorge Linares, Brandon Rios ja palju muud…




Näytteilleasettajat nagu poks käik, rõivad, uued seadmed, energiajoogid, alkohol, täiendada tooteid, ringhäälingumeedia, sanktsioonide kehtestamise organitel ja teistel osaleda soovivatel ettevõtetel on taas võimalus oma fänni fännidele näidata, meedia ja poksitööstus.


Piletid Box Fan Expo on saadaval internetis aadressil:





Box Fan Expo on ülim poksifännide kogemussündmus, mis võimaldab fännidel kohtuda ja tervitada poksi superstaare tänapäeval, praegused ja endised maailmameistrid, Legendid spordist ja muud poksi kuulsused nende boksis. Kohapeal, fännid kogevad erinevaid tegevusi autogrammide seanssidest, Fotosessioonid, FaceOff koos oma lemmik poksijatega, samuti võimalus osta oma boksist kaupu ja mälestusesemeid, pluss veel palju muud… te ei soovi sellest kohustuslikust Expon käimata jätta!




Box Fan Expo esindab ka tipp-poksiorganisatsioone, edendajaid, ringkaardi tüdrukud, kuulsad treenerid ja kommentaatorid ning poksivarustuse ettevõtted “KÕIK Ühe katuse all”.




Järgmise paari kuu jooksul enne üritust, toimuvad iganädalased värskendused paljude staaride kohta, kes panevad oma välimuse Boxing Expo'le. Ja kõigile boksitööstuses või muudele eksponentidele (mittetööstus), kes tahaks olla kaasatud ja reserveerida putka, pöörduge Box Fan Expo poole:




Telefoninumber: (514) 572-7222 või Las Vegase number (702) 997-1927




Sest küsimusi saatke palun: boxfanexpo@gmail.com




Rohkem infot Box Fan Expo on saadaval: http://www.boxfanexpo.com




Võite järgib Box Fan Expo puperdama juures: https://www.twitter.com/BoxFanExpo




ja Facebookis aadressil: https://www.facebook.com/BoxFanExpo


Box Fan Expo on ülim fännikogemussündmus, mis annab poksifännidele võimaluse kohtuda ja tervitada tippvõitlejaid, praegused ja endised maailmameistrid, poksi kuulsused ja tööstuse inimesed lähedases isiklikus keskkonnas.
Piletid on müügil nüüd EventBrite'is

Las Vegas (Juuni 28, 2018) – Neli-divisjoni maailmameister Erik “Kohutav” Morales on kinnitanud, et ta ilmub, on putka ja pea Meet & Tervitage oma fännidega Las Vegase konverentsikeskus neljandat aastat Kasti Fan Expo edasi Laupäev september 15, 2018 pärit 10hommikul kuni 17.00, Mehhiko iseseisvusnädalavahetusel. Poksinäitus langeb kokku ka Saul ‘Canelo väga oodatud kordusmatšiga’ Alvarez vs Gennadi ’GGG’ Golovkin, mis toimub hiljem samal õhtul.




Moralesil on kaupu, mida oma fännidele müüa, samuti fotosid, allkirjad ja mälestusesemed. See on Moralesi esmakordne esinemine Boxing Expos ja ootab põnevusega oma fännidega kohtumist.




Erik Morales Hüüdnimega “Kohutav,” on pensionil olev Mehhiko poksilegend ja teda võetakse 10. juunil Canastotas rahvusvahelisse poksikuulsuste halli, 2018).Morales koostas a 52-9 salvestada aastal 61 võitleb, koosnedes 41 Karjääri alustamiseks võidab sirge, ja võitis maailmatiitlid neljas erinevas kaalukategoorias (noorem sulekaalu, sulgkaallaseks, noorem kerge, junior race). Aastal lõpetas ta ka Manny Pacquiao kuueaastase kaotuseta seeria 2005 ühehäälse otsusega võiduga.




Moralese tähelepanuväärsed võitlused käisid Marco Antonio Barrera vastu (hüüdnimega “Beebinäo palgamõrvar”). Morales versus Barrera triloogia on üks pokside kõigi aegade kuulsamaid võitlustriloogiaid, kaasates kahte Mehhiko austatumat poksijat. Nende meeldejäävad võitlused nimetati ka ajakirja Ring ajakirja aasta võitluseks 19, 2000 ja veel kord novembris 27, 2004.


Box Fan Expo kohta


Box Fan Expo on fännide ja poksitööstuse inimeste seas olnud suur edu. Viimasel kolmel Expos on käinud paljud poksi staarid, näiteks Floyd Mayweather, Mike Tyson, Roberto Duran, Tommy Hearns, Marco Antonio Barrera, Roy Jones noorem, Marcos Maidana, Sergio Martinez, Keith Thurman, Danny Garcia, Tim Bradley, Deontay Wilder, Amir Khan, Shawn Porter, Fernando Vargas, Zab Juuda, James Toney, Vinny kannatlikkus, Mikey Garcia , Mia St.Johns, Leo Santa Cruz, Badou Jack, Terry Norris , Riddick Bowe , Earnie pardlid, Leon Spinks, Danny Jacobs, Abner Mares, Jorge Linares, Brandon Rios ja palju muud…




Näytteilleasettajat nagu poks käik, rõivad, uued seadmed, energiajoogid, alkohol, täiendada tooteid, ringhäälingumeedia, sanktsioonide kehtestamise organitel ja teistel osaleda soovivatel ettevõtetel on taas võimalus oma fänni fännidele näidata, meedia ja poksitööstus.


Piletid Box Fan Expo on saadaval internetis aadressil:





Box Fan Expo on ülim poksifännide kogemussündmus, mis võimaldab fännidel kohtuda ja tervitada poksi superstaare tänapäeval, praegused ja endised maailmameistrid, Legendid spordist ja muud poksi kuulsused nende boksis. Kohapeal, fännid kogevad erinevaid tegevusi autogrammide seanssidest, Fotosessioonid, FaceOff koos oma lemmik poksijatega, samuti võimalus osta oma boksist kaupu ja mälestusesemeid, pluss veel palju muud… te ei soovi sellest kohustuslikust Expon käimata jätta!




Box Fan Expo esindab ka tipp-poksiorganisatsioone, edendajaid, ringkaardi tüdrukud, kuulsad treenerid ja kommentaatorid ning poksivarustuse ettevõtted “KÕIK Ühe katuse all”.




Järgmise paari kuu jooksul enne üritust, toimuvad iganädalased värskendused paljude staaride kohta, kes panevad oma välimuse Boxing Expo'le. Ja kõigile boksitööstuses või muudele eksponentidele (mittetööstus), kes tahaks olla kaasatud ja reserveerida putka, pöörduge Box Fan Expo poole:




Telefoninumber: (514) 572-7222 või Las Vegase number (702) 997-1927




Sest küsimusi saatke palun: boxfanexpo@gmail.com




Rohkem infot Box Fan Expo on saadaval: http://www.boxfanexpo.com




Võite järgib Box Fan Expo puperdama juures: https://www.twitter.com/BoxFanExpo




ja Facebookis aadressil: https://www.facebook.com/BoxFanExpo


Box Fan Expo on ülim fännikogemussündmus, mis annab poksifännidele võimaluse kohtuda ja tervitada tippvõitlejaid, praegused ja endised maailmameistrid, poksi kuulsused ja tööstuse inimesed lähedases isiklikus keskkonnas.
Piletid on müügil nüüd EventBrite'is

Las Vegas (Juuni 26, 2018) – Kolmekordne maailmameister Fernando Vargas on kinnitanud, et tema ja tema Feroz Fight Factory jõusaal ilmub, on putka ja pea Meet & Tervitage oma fännidega Las Vegase konverentsikeskus neljandat aastat Kasti Fan Expo see toimub Laupäev september 15, 2018 pärit 10hommikul kuni 17.00, Mehhiko iseseisvusnädalavahetusel. Poksinäitus langeb kokku ka Saul ‘Canelo väga oodatud kordusmatšiga’ Alvarez vs Gennadi ’GGG’ Golovkin, mis toimub hiljem samal õhtul.




Vargasel ja Ferozi võitlusvabrikul on kaupa, mida oma fännidele müüa, samuti fotosid ja mälestusesemete.




Fernando Vargas, on pensionil American poksija Mehhiko päritolu ja 3 Aja maailmameister Pro rekordiga 31 võitu 5 kahjud ja 22 KO poolt. See, kes võitis amatöörina pronksmedali 1995 Üle-Ameerika mängud Mar del Platas. Tema hüüdnimed hulka “Metsik”, “Asteekide Warrior” ja “El Feroz”. Aastal oli Vargas noorim avatud maameister 16 vanad. Noorim poksolümpialane, 18-aastane, omab poksiajaloo rekordit, kui noorim, kes on noorem. keskkaalu meister kl 21 aastane.




Mõned Fernando märkimisväärsed võidud tulid vastu 5 maailmameistrid, kuhu kuulub ka, Raul Marquez, Yori Boy Campus, Ike Quartey, Javier Castillejo ja Winky Wright. Tema kaotused Oscar De La Hoyale, Félix Trinidad, Shane Mosley, ja Ricardo Mayorga jäävad tema ainsateks kaotusteks karjääris ning ta on Ameerika kaabeltelevisiooni hiiglase HBO lemmik.


Box Fan Expo kohta
Box Fan Expo on fännide ja poksitööstuse inimeste seas olnud suur edu. Viimasel kolmel Expos on käinud paljud poksi staarid, näiteks Floyd Mayweather, Mike Tyson, Roberto Duran, Tommy Hearns, Marco Antonio Barrera, Roy Jones noorem, Marcos Maidana, Sergio Martinez, Keith Thurman, Danny Garcia, Tim Bradley, Deontay Wilder, Amir Khan, Shawn Porter, Fernando Vargas, Zab Juuda, James Toney, Vinny kannatlikkus, Mikey Garcia , Mia St.Johns, Leo Santa Cruz, Badou Jack, Terry Norris , Riddick Bowe , Earnie pardlid, Leon Spinks, Danny Jacobs, Abner Mares, Jorge Linares, Brandon Rios ja palju muud…






Näytteilleasettajat nagu poks käik, rõivad, uued seadmed, energiajoogid, alkohol, täiendada tooteid, ringhäälingumeedia, sanktsioonide kehtestamise organitel ja teistel osaleda soovivatel ettevõtetel on taas võimalus oma fänni fännidele näidata, meedia ja poksitööstus.


Piletid Box Fan Expo on saadaval internetis aadressil:





Box Fan Expo on ülim poksifännide kogemussündmus, mis võimaldab fännidel kohtuda ja tervitada poksi superstaare tänapäeval, praegused ja endised maailmameistrid, Legendid spordist ja muud poksi kuulsused nende boksis. Kohapeal, fännid kogevad erinevaid tegevusi autogrammide seanssidest, Fotosessioonid, FaceOff koos oma lemmik poksijatega, samuti võimalus osta oma boksist kaupu ja mälestusesemeid, pluss veel palju muud… te ei soovi sellest kohustuslikust Expon käimata jätta!




Box Fan Expo esindab ka tipp-poksiorganisatsioone, edendajaid, ringkaardi tüdrukud, kuulsad treenerid ja kommentaatorid ning poksivarustuse ettevõtted “KÕIK Ühe katuse all”.




Järgmise paari kuu jooksul enne üritust, toimuvad iganädalased värskendused paljude staaride kohta, kes panevad oma välimuse Boxing Expo'le. Ja kõigile boksitööstuses või muudele eksponentidele (mittetööstus), kes tahaks olla kaasatud ja reserveerida putka, pöörduge Box Fan Expo poole:




Telefoninumber: (514) 572-7222 või Las Vegase number (702) 997-1927




Sest küsimusi saatke palun: boxfanexpo@gmail.com




Rohkem infot Box Fan Expo on saadaval: http://www.boxfanexpo.com




Võite järgib Box Fan Expo puperdama juures: https://www.twitter.com/BoxFanExpo




ja Facebookis aadressil: https://www.facebook.com/BoxFanExpo


Photos by Team Sanginov

LAS VEGAS, NV (Juuni 25, 2018)Undefeated WBC Youth middleweight prospect Mekhrubon Sanginov (6-0, 4 Kos), scored an impressive third round TKO over Carlos Lopez, this past Saturday in Tijuana, MX.




Sanginov, who trains out of Las Vegas by way of Dushanbe, Tadžikistan, took the fight to Lopez from the opening round. Sanginov, who has power in both hands, landed some devastating hooks to the head of Lopez in the first two rounds, softening up him up. After landing a powerful straight right cross to the face of Lopez in the middle of round three, Sanginov was able to end the fight with a TKO victory. Mis win, Sanginov extends his winning streak to six in a row.




This was my first time fighting in Mexico and I wanted to make it a memorable one,” said Mekhrubon Sanginov. “I landed some powerful blows in the early rounds and got him out of there in round three. Just nüüd, I’m focused on getting back in the gym to get ready for my next fight. There is no time to relax, I need to stay busy.




Sanginov is a promotional free agent. His goal is to sign with a promoter and stay busy, fighting at least three more times before the end of the year.




I want to prove to all the promoters in boxing that I’m a special fighter who will work hard to get to the top,” Sanginov continued. “I’m dedicated and I’m willing to fight anyone. All I need is a chance to prove myself.


in celebration of the 100th Year Anniversary of Joint Base Langley-Eustis
Reede, JULY 27th LIVE'is AXS TV
Piletid on müügil kaudu Eventbrite.com

LAS VEGAS, Nevada – LFA CEO Ed Soares announced today that the promotion will head east at the end of July with a welterweight world title fight that will headline the promotion’s first event to take place at a U.S. military facility. The live nationally televised event will be part of the 100th Anniversary celebration of Joint Base Langley-Eustis.




Põhiturniiri LFA 46 will bring the top two welterweight prospects in the world to southeastern Virginia. The headliner will see undefeated LFA welterweight champion James Nakashima defend his title against undefeated U.S. Marine Corps Sgt. Kyle “Gunz UpStewart. LFA 46 – Nakashima vs. Stewart takes place Friday, July 27th at the Felker Field Hangar at Joint Base Langley-Eustis in Newport News, Virginia. The main card will be televised live and nationwide on AXS TV at 9 Pärastlõunal. JA / 6 Pärastlõunal. PT.




I am excited to bring an LFA world title fight to Joint Base Langley-Eustis on July 27th,” Väidetav Soares. “James Nakashima has been one of the most formidable fighters in our promotion’s history. He will defend his title against #1 contender and U.S. Marine Corps veteran Kyle Stewart. Nakashima and Stewart train about 30 minutes from each other and this has been a fight MMA fans have been wanting to see for a long time. It will finally happen with the LFA welterweight title on the line at LFA 46. This will also be part of the 100 Year Anniversary celebration for Joint Base Langley-Eustis, and I can’t wait to show the troops what the LFA is all about!”




Piletid LFA 46 – Nakashima vs. Stewart are available for purchase NOW at Eventbrite.com.




Nakashima (8-0) has long been regarded as a special talent. Those prodigious abilities were finally realized by the masses when he was crowned LFA welterweight champion this past fall. His wrestling pedigree, shrewd striking ability, and willingness to learn every aspect of martial arts has made him the undefeated welterweight champion that he is today. The Illinois native and University of Nebraska wrestling standout has taken the 170-pound division by storm since making his professional MMA debut for RFA in 2015. He has defeated opponents that have a staggering combined record of 54-17 with half of those wins coming against undefeated fighters. Now sitting at 8-0 with the LFA welterweight title around his waist, Nakashima is eager to get back in the cage after healing up some injuries. The John Crouch protégé, who trains at The MMA LAB in Arizona, is once again eager to test himself against the best. That next challenge will come against fellow undefeated prospect and #1 contender Kyle Stewart.




Stewart (10-0) has been on a collision course with Nakashima since making his own professional MMA debut in 2015. The U.S. Marine Corps sergeant has amassed his own undefeated record, while training with Trevor Lally at Arizona Combat Sports just 30 minutes away from Nakashima. The decorated war veteran who saw action in Afghanistan, while serving multiple tours overseas, has successfully brought his combat skills to the cage where he is considered one of the top two welterweight prospects in the world. The other would be Nakashima, the man Stewart has long had his eye on since their careers began three years ago. The reality of them finally meeting in the Octagon became even more real when Stewart won his LFA debut last year. Stewart made a final statement for a title shot when he handed fellow top prospect Jaleel Willis his first loss in the main event of LFA 33 Möödunud veebruar. Next up forGunz Up”, Nakashima for the title, in front of his fellow soldiers and veterans at Joint Base Langley-Eustis.


Main Card (Televisioonis kohta AXS teleri 9 Pärastlõunal. JA / 6 Pärastlõunal. PT):


Põhiturniirile | Welterweight Title Bout (170 lb)



James Nakashima (8-0) vs. Kyle Stewart (10-0)




Co-põhiturniirile | Featherweight Bout (145 lb)



Alexandre Bezerra (20-5) vs. Mike Pope (7-3)




Middleweight Bout (185 lb)



Dashawn Boatwright (3-1) vs. Matt Semelsber (3-1)




Kääbus sarjalainen Bout (135 lb)



Ahmet Kayretli (7-2) vs. Shaun Spath (4-1)




Featherweight Bout (145 lb)



Damon Minor (3-1) vs. Michael Lawrence (5-4)




Naiste Kärpässarja Bout (125 lb)



Salina Rowland (0-0) vs. Whittany Pyles (0-1)




Featherweight Bout (145 lb)



Cody Maltais (3-1) vs. Thomas Blair (3-1)





LFA 46 will serve as the third LFA event to take place on the east coast. It will also be the first time that LFA has traveled toThe Old Dominionof Virginia before or after the merger. Kogu põhikaardi LFA 46 otseülekande ja üleriigiliselt AXS telerit 9 Pärastlõunal. JA / 6 Pärastlõunal. PT.




Palun külastage LFAfighting.com jaoks hooaeg uudiseid ja teavet. LFA on Facebook juures Legacy vastane allianss. LFA on ka Instagram at @LFAfighting ja Twitteris @LFAfighting.




Sisse 2017 RFA ja Legacy FC liideti LFA, Premier arenguhäireid organisatsiooni Mixed Martial Arts. Ühendatud jõududega LFA käivitas karjääri jooksul 130 sportlastel jõuda UFC-s võisteldes MMA tippu. Mais 2018 edendamise liitus Londoni Trust Meedia Holdings kontserni.


LAS VEGAS, NV (Juuni 12, 2018)Undefeated super-welterweight prospect Mekhrubon Sanginov (5-0 3 Kos), from Dushanbe, Tadžikistan, has moved to Las Vegas, Nevada to continue his dream of becoming a world champion. The highly decorated amateur returns to action June 23, 2018Tijuanas, Mehhiko.




I am excited to take my training to a new level working in Las Vegas,” said Sanginov. “Las Vegas is the fight capital of the world and I feel that training in Las Vegas will take my career to the next level.




Sanginov, who captured the WBC Youth Middleweight title in his last bout, has begun training with Justin Gamber, the well-respected trainer of undefeated super middleweight contender, Caleb “Sweethands” Taim (17-0, 10 Kos). Mekhrubon is looking forward to taking his career to new heights, as he will campaign at super-welterweight moving forward. Sanginov is currently a promotional free agent.




I am excited to be training with Justin Gamber,” Sanginov continued. “He is an experienced coach, who is making me into a world champion. The sparring I am getting is top notch sparring as well. I’ll be looking to be signing with a credible promoter in the near future.




Sanginov was an outstanding amateur, amassing a record of 105-14, which made him a heavy fan favorite in his native country of Tajikistan. His hometown fans are wanting to see how he progresses as a professional.




I am going to make a statement in the world of boxing, especially in the super-welterweight division, and the world will know my name after my upcoming performances.Mekhrubon concluded.

Canadian heavyweight Oleksandr Teslenko Bringing power & Ukrainian magic to Kansas

Inaugural Event

Kõrgete panustega
Laupäev, Mai 19, 2018 * 9:00 Pärastlõunal. JA / 6:00 Pärastlõunal. PT
LIVE on Super Channel & Pay-Per-View (US)
Hernandez-Kanalas IBA World flyweight title fight Headlines solid card this Saturday night in Kansas

Oleksandr Teslenko (courtesy of DiBella Entertainment
LAS VEGAS (Mai 15, 2018)Undefeated Toronto heavyweight prospect Oleksandr Teslenko is bringing his vaunted power and Ukrainian magic to Kansas this week for his fourth pro fight in the United States, this Saturday night on theSUPERBOX LIVE: High Stakespay-per-view card, airing live from Kansas Star Arena in Mulvane, Kansas.




The 12-round main event pits 2016 Olympic pronks ja kodulinna kangelane, Nico Hernandez (4-0, 3 Kos), against former WBF super flyweight world champion Szilveszter “Silent Assassin” Kanalas (14-7, 9 Kos), Ungarist, for the vacant International Boxing Association (IBF) World flyweight title. Hernandez vs. Kanalas will be fighting in the first world championship boxing match ever held in Kansas history.


SUPERBOX LIVE: High Stakes will launch Super Channel’s new live boxing series, SUPERBOX LIVE, koos KO Night Boxing LLC, airing live exclusively in Canada on Super Channel.




Integreeritud spordimeedia levitab “SUPERBOX LIVE: High Stakesin the United States on cable, satelliit- ja digitaalne maksa-vaatamise kaudu iN Demand, Vubiquity, DIRECTV, DISH and live-streamed worldwide on FITE.TV rakendus ja veebisait (excluding Canada) soovitusliku jaehinnaga ainult $19.95.




The 25-year-old Teslenko (12-0, 10 Kos), who is promoted by DiBella Entertainment, is the latest in a growing list of boxing talent out of Ukraine. Teslenko faces dangerous TerranceBig JimMarbra (9-5, 7 Kos), fighting out of Saint Petersburg, Florida, aastal kaheksa vooru hooaeg.




Kui co-Objekte sündmus, 2011 Russia Junior Championships gold medalist Andrey Afonin (5-0, 2 Kos) meets former World Boxing Association (WBA) Fedalatin cruiserweight champion PedroEl Reguilete” Rodriguez (23-4, 19 Kos), Kuuba, in a eight-round heavyweight battle.




Undefeated Washington featherweight Victor Morales, Jr. (8-0, 4 Kos) probleemideta koos David Berna (15-3, 14 Kos), Ungarist, in an eight-round throw-down to open the televised segment of the program.




Also fighting on the undercard, kõik neli ringi hood, is popular Wichita junior welterweight Jeff Sturm (2-0, 1 KO) vs. Nigeria-native Archie Weah (2-10), and Kansas City, KS cruiserweight Chris Harris (2-2-2, 2 Kos) vs. Leroy Jones (2-3, 2 Kos), of Saint Louis (MO.


Kõik võitleb ja võitlejad võivad muutuda.




Piletid hinnaga $120.00 (VIP), $80.00, $50.00 ja $30.00 (Hinnad ei sisalda teenustasud) and available to purchase online at www.ticketmaster.com, Kansas Star Casino and .. Piletid hinnaga $120.00 (VIP), $80.00, $50.00 ja $30.00 (Hinnad ei sisalda teenustasud) and available to purchase online at www.ticketmaster.com, Kansas Star Casino and US Logo, Inc. (520 N. West St., Wichita / 316.264.1321).




See on kõik-vanuses näidata. Uksed avatakse kell 6:00 Pärastlõunal. CT with the opening bout scheduled at 7:00 Pärastlõunal. CT. The first televised fight will air at 9 Pärastlõunal. JA / 6 Pärastlõunal. PT.



To watchSUPERBOX LIVE: High Stakeslive in Canada, showcasing undefeated Canadian heavyweight Teslenko, in addition to more exciting boxing to come in 2018, fight fans can contact their local cable provider to subscribe to Super Channel and all that it offers, sealhulgas premium seeria, filme ja palju muud, nii madalale kui $9.95 kuus.




Venum (www.venum.com) has been named the official gloves and apparel of SUPERBOX LIVE






www.konightboxing.com, www.internationalboxingassociation.com




Puperdama: @NicoMHernandez, @KONightBoxing, @SCSportsTV, Kansas_Star, @KansasStarArena, @IntegratedPPV, @Fitetv, @NeonStarSE, @DiBellaEnt, LouDiBella,


Tony Harrison Edges Former World Champion Ishe Smith With Split Decision Victory

Top Contender Andrew “Beast” Unleashes a 6th Round KO Over Lateef Kayode
Vajuta SIIN jaoks Fotod Chris Farina / Mayweather Promotions
Vajuta SIIN for Photos From Premier Boxing Champions


LAS VEGAS (Mai 11, 2018) – Former super welterweight champion Kas Ta On “Sugar Shay” Sepp suffered a split decision loss to Detroit’s Tony Harrison live from Sam’s Town in Las Vegas. In koostöö põhiturniiri, Andrew Tabiti scored a sixth round KO overLateef Kayode to remain undefeated in the Premier Boxing Champions on Bounce main event.




Pärast 10 rounds of action, Harrison (27-2, 21Kos) came out on top over Sepp (29-10, 12 Kos) to gain the victory by split decision. Harrison’s speed and reach allowed him to land his shots and avoid Smith’s punches. This made it difficult for Smith to get into a groove and execute his game plan. Judges saw the bout: 97-92 Harrison, 95-94 Sepp, 96-93 Harrison.




It’s difficult for me to rate my performance,” Said Smith. “I think we put on a great show, but overall his reach made it hard for me to land my punches. I don’t think his speed or his age affected my plan, it all comes down to me. I fought a great fight and as you can see, judges ruled it a split decision.




I followed the instructions my corner gave me, they asked me to move and box, ja see, mida ma tegin,” Said Harrison. “I thought I could’ve put a lot more shots together offensively. Ishe is a vet and he showed it each and every round. Each round that I thought I could stop him, he came back. I just had to put the pressure on him a little more. Kokkuvõttes, I rate my performance a B+, my guard, my defense and offense was on point, my legs were on point. I stood up after the 3rd round all the way to the end and proved to everybody I could finish like a champ.




In the co-main event of the Bounce telecast, featured undefeated top contender, Tabiti(16-0, 13 Kos), who impressed hometown fans by defeating Kayode (21-3, 16 Kos) with a 6th round KO. The fight started off calm, but Tabiti was patient. By the 6th round, Tabiti was comfortable and found the perfect opportunities to land his power shots. Pärast 1 minute and 8 seconds of action in the 6th ümber, Tabiti landed a clean uppercut sending Kayode to the canvas for the KO win.




I’m hard on myself, but I’d give my performance a solid nine,” said Tabiti. “I think I came out and did what I told everyone I would; I showed my skillset, kept a steady pace, and got the KO. I was working on that body shot uppercut combo in the gym, the Mike Tyson 1-2. Järgmine, I’m coming for a title shot. After a nine-month layoff, I’m pleased with my performance. I just want to continue bringing the fans exciting shows.




I feel that my performance was good, I wasn’t tired,” said Kayode. “I felt that with our style of fighting we kept clashing and hugging, we should’ve been able to keep our heads up and put on a show. I was there showing I was ready to fight, but he wanted to fight too, but the way he was coming we just kept clashing and it didn’t make the show look good. I just want to get back in the gym, keep training, and I hope Mayweather Promotions brings me back for another fight.




In the matchup between Ecuador’s Erick Bone (20-5, 8 Kos) and Las Vegas fan favorite Cameron Krael (13-13-3, 3 Kos), Bone defeated Krael by a close split decision, judges scoring the bout 95-94 Krael, 95-94 Luu, 96-94 Luu. This fight between two hungry fighters started off very measured with both guys choosing their shots wisely but turned into an all-out brawl as both fighters gave electrifying performances. Bone got the best of Krael in the early rounds, and Krael caught a second wind and started to put the pressure on Bone. He seemed to dominate the final rounds, hurting Bone several times but it wasn’t enough to up the scorecards in his favor.




Bone reflects on his performance by saying, “When seeing a record like his, one might trust it, but he is a great fighter, real fast and technical and loves to throw punches. He is a boxer that can cause a problem to any fighter. In the ring it was much more difficult than what I had imagined and Krael made me box more. I feel that I didn’t give it the 100 percent that I am capable of, and this fight taught me a lot. Ma ei ole USA-s võidelnud. since June and that’s almost a year, so this was a test that I learned a lot from, I’m happy judges saw this fight in my favor.




I don’t agree with the judgesdecisions at all,” says Krael. “I was caught earlier in the rounds, aga ma usun, et ma ei piisa, et võita võitlus. I should’ve won by split decision. My downfall was allowing myself to be open when I was trying to figure him out, and that’s when he caught me with those combinations. Ma olen pettunud, because I really thought I was the better guy at the end. My plan is to get back in the gym and keep my stamina up and work on boxing these guys out.




Tõusvad väljavaade, Ladarius Miller (16-1, 5 Kos) ja Jose Marrufo (10-8, 2 Kos) went the distance in 8 rounds of brutal action. Miller took control early in the rounds and slugged it out with Marrufo. Although battered and bruised Marrufo refused to back down without a fight and continued to fight back until the last bell. Judges scored the bout: 78-72, 77-74, 79-71 for a unanimous decision victory to Miller.




Tonight’s fights were opened with a welterweight showdown between Maurice Lee (8-1, 3 Kos) ja Joel Guevara (3-4-1, 2 Kos) which ended in a TKO stoppage over Joel Guevara, Lanell Lõõtsa, fighting out of Las Vegas battled it out with Naim Terbunja and after 8 rounds of action, judges ruled the bout in a draw.


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Bounce is the fastest-growing African-American network on television and airs on the broadcast signals of local television stations and corresponding cable carriage. The network features a programming mix of original and off-network series, teatri filmides, eripakkumist, Spordiürituste ja rohkem. Bounce has grown to be available in 99 million homes across the United States and 95% of all African-American television homes.



Lisateavet: www.premierboxingchampions.com ja www.mayweatherpromotions.com jälgida puperdamaPremierBoxing, BounceTV, MayweatherPromo, TGBPromotions JaSwanson_Comm , saada fänn Facebookis juures: www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions ja www.Facebook.com/BounceTV. Follow the conversation using #PBConBounce. PBC on Bounce is sponsored by Corona: Finest Beer.




Bounce is the fastest-growing African-American (AA) network on television and airs on the broadcast signals of local television stations and corresponding cable carriage. The network features a programming mix of original and off-network series, teatri filmides, eripakkumist, Spordiürituste ja rohkem. Bounce has grown to be available in more than 94 million homes across the United States and 93% of all African American television homes, sealhulgas kõik top AA televisiooni turud. Among the founders of Bounce are iconic American figures Martin Luther King, III and Ambassador Andrew Young.




Kohalike kanali asukohta, külastada BounceTV.com.




Ishe Smith vs. Tony Harrison Media Workout Quotes & Fotod

Super Welterweight Showdown Headlines Premier Boxing Champions on Bounce Action Friday, Mai 11 from Sam’s Town in Las Vegas
Vajuta SIIN jaoks Fotod Chris Farina / Mayweather Promotions

LAS VEGAS (Mai 9, 2018) – Fight week events kicked off Wednesday with a media workout for the Premier Boxing Champions on Bounce card headlined by former world champion Ishe Smith taking on super welterweight contender Tony Harrison sel reedel, Mai 11 from Sam’s Town in Las Vegas.




Coverage on Bounce begins at 9 Pärastlõunal. ET / 6 Pärastlõunal. PT and also features unbeaten cruiserweight Andrew “Beast” Tabiti, who participated in Wednesday’s workout, kohtumine Lateef Kayode jaoks 10 rounds of action.




Piletid sündmus, which is being promoted by Mayweather Promotions, begin at $25, are on sale now and will be available at www.samstownlv.com/entertain.




Siin on, mida pidid osalejad ütlevad kolmapäev:






I’ve been in there with some great fighters throughout the year. My mentality is that no fighter is going to beat me who’s been stopped every time he’s stepped up. I have to do whatever I can to make sure that happens.




This is the first time in my career that I’ve had a strength and conditioning coach for two fights in a row. I feel really good right now. I hate clichés and I hate saying this is the best camp of my life, but I really do feel like this is one of the best camps I’ve had. I felt like that last fight too, but I know I’ll sound like everybody else




What motivates me is watching guys like LeBron James who have been doing this nearly as long as I have, and they’re still at the top of their game. That kind of longevity is what I strive for and that’s because I live that life inside and outside of the gym.




I’ve been training for three months for this fight and I just want a fair shake on fight night. I thought the scorecards in the Julian Williams fight were terrible. I can’t control it but it’s definitely something I want to avoid on fight night.




Nobody has put on for Las Vegas like I have. I’ve done everything in my career the hard way. I took Cornelius Bundrage’s belt in his hometown. I’m not going to be beat on Friday night.




I’ve been in this game two decades and I’ve seen the highs and the lows. If everything works out, I’ll be victorious on Friday night. I’m ready to go on the road and take on anyone.






Every time I step into the ring I’m extremely motivated. I’m fighting to feed my family. I’m from Detroit so we go through wars all the time. I was ready to jump on this fight as soon as they asked me about it.




This is a fight that will get me back to a world title fight. This can get me right back into a title eliminator. What better place to do it than the boxing capital of the world? Everybody who fights wants to be in the main event fighting in Las Vegas.




Ishe Smith has been in a lot of tough fights and he’s fought most of the top guys in the division. If I can get him into some danger, I want to see how his will is at that moment. I’m going to push him from round one and I think it makes for a good fight.




It’s part of my mental game to make him work round after round. If I see him slow down, it will make me push more. I appreciate what he’s done, but I don’t know how much more he has left. I want to be a champion like he was.




Being the first person to stop Ishe would be an opportunity I have to take. It would make a statement. But if I go the distance, it would answer all of the questions the critics have had about my motor. I’m going to be fresh until the end of this fight.






I’m excited to put on a good show and take care of a solid durable opponent. I know that my time is coming and this another chance to show off my skills.




Once I fight the top tier cruiserweights, they’re going to see what I’m capable of. I basically used Steve Cunningham’s game plan against him. I’m very adaptable.




I’m focused on showing a versatile side of my boxing skills. I’m not going straight for the knockout. I want to show people that I have boxing IQ and the ability to knock anyone out in the ring. I want to show both sides of my skill set.


LEONARD Ellerbe, Tegevjuht Mayweather Kampaaniad




It’s always important to have great fights like this to Las Vegas. With Ishe Smith being a native it’s even better. This is a good fight that could put Ishe back into the thick of things. People don’t raise their hand to fight Ishe. I think Ishe has a second wind right now and he’s refreshed at this point in his career.




Ishe doesn’t fight like he’s 39. There isn’t going to be anything that Tony Harrison can bring that Ishe hasn’t seen. Ishe has picked it up and I think the rest of the division knows that. It’s a deep weight class with a lot of possibilities out there. He has the ability to beat anyone out there.




The future is very bright for Andrew Tabiti. It’s all in his hands. He has all the attributes that you need. He has a good team around him and it’s just a matter of finding ways to help him get to the next level. This is a great opportunity for him to showcase his skills against a very durable, tough guy in Kayode. Tabiti is looking to make a statement to all the other cruiserweights out there. He’s a guy they’re going to have to deal with in the very near future.


Premier Boxing Champions on Bounce will also be available to be streamed live via Bounce’s new subscription-video-on-demand service Brown Sugar, which features an extensive and one-of-a-kind library of iconic black movies as well as Bounce original programming and series. Brown Sugar is available on Apple TV, Aasta, Amazon Channels, Amazon Fire TV, Amazon Kindle, Android and Apple smartphones and tablets and web browsers via BrownSugar.com. Brown Sugar also has Google Chromecast capabilities which allow video to play on televisions directly from mobile devices and tablets for consumers with Android and iOS devices. There is a free initial trial period for subscribers with a retail price of $3.99/month thereafter.


Bounce (@bouncetv) is the fastest-growing African-American network on television and airs on the broadcast signals of local television stations and corresponding cable carriage. The network features a programming mix of original and off-network series, teatri filmides, eripakkumist, Spordiürituste ja rohkem. Bounce has grown to be available in 99 million homes across the United States and 95% of all African-American television homes. Visit BounceTV.com for more information.


# # #




Lisateavet: www.premierboxingchampions.com ja www.mayweatherpromotions.com jälgida puperdamaPremierBoxing, BounceTV, MayweatherPromo, , and @Swanson_Comm , saada fänn Facebookis juures: www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, Facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions ja www.Facebook.com/BounceTV. Follow the conversation using #PBConBounce. PBC on Bounce is sponsored by Corona: Finest Beer.




Kohalike kanali asukohta, külastus BounceTV.com.

Ishe Smith & Tony Harrison Training Camp Quotes & Fotod

Super Welterweight Showdown Headlines Premier Boxing Champions on Bounce Action Friday, Mai 11 from Sam’s Town in Las Vegas

Vajuta SIIN for Ishe Smith Photos from Mayweather Promotions

Vajuta SIIN for Tony Harrison Photos from Superbad Gym

LAS VEGAS (Mai 3, 2018) – Endine maailmameister Ishe Smith and 154-pound contender Tony Harrison spoke about their respective training camps and upcoming matchup just over a week before they square off in the Premier Boxing Champions on Bounce main event Friday, Mai 11 from Sam’s Town in Las Vegas.




Coverage on Bounce begins at 9 Pärastlõunal. ET / 6 Pärastlõunal. PT and also features unbeaten cruiserweight Andrew “Beast” Tabiti kohtumine Lateef Kayode jaoks 10 rounds of action.




Piletid sündmus, which is being promoted by Mayweather Promotions, begin at $25, are on sale now and will be available at www.samstownlv.com/entertain.





Sepp, a native of Las Vegas fighting in his hometown, shared thoughts on his training camp at the Mayweather Boxing Club while Harrison, a former title challenger, gave insight into the work he’s put in at the Superbad Gym in Detroit.





Siin on, mida võitlejad oli öelda:


What kind of problems does your opponent pose?


Ishe Smith: I look at all of my opponents the same honestly. Tony is a good kid and a good fighter who’s fought for a world title. He had a lot of hype behind him back in the day before suffering his first loss. I’ve been in this game for so long and sparred so many future and current Hall of Famers, I look at each opponent the same.


Tony Harrison: “I know that Ishe is a rugged fighter who likes to get inside, and that sometimes causes things like accidental head butts and also just makes for a grittier fight overall. He’s willing to dig deep and get muddy. He comes in with a lot of experience, which you can never take lightly.


How do you expect this fight to look?


TH: “I’m just going for the win, but if I have a shot to stop him I’m going go for it. I want to be the first one to do what nobody else has been able to do, and that is stop Ishe Smith. I think doing that would put me right back in the conversation at the top of the division. But I’m just going in there to win by any means necessary against an experienced opponent.


IS: “Well my biggest opponent at my age, with the wisdom I’ve gotten, is the man in the mirror. I have to make sure that man is ready to fight. That will dictate the direction this fight goes. I’ve been on a roll of showing up ready to fight recently. If I’m proud of that man in the mirror, it’s going to be a memorable fight,”


How has this training camp gone? Have you made any recent adjustments to your camp?


IS: I’ve had a nearly 20-year career but until now, I’ve never had a strength and conditioning coach for two consecutive fights. Being able to stay with one guy for the Julian Williams fight and then having him again, that’s going to be key. It helped me last fight and it’s going to keep me going forward.


TH: “This camp has been amazing. This has been the first camp that I’ve felt like I haven’t overdone it and run my body into the ground. I’ve always tried to go over and beyond what I’ve needed to do. This camp has just been more calculated and methodical. I’ve gotten rest when I needed it. I feel great.


Who have you been sparring with and what have you been looking to get from your sparring partners?


TH: “The atmosphere at the gym has been at a world championship level. My sparring partners have been a really versatile bunch of quality fighters. We’ve done work with U.S. Olympian Charles Conwell, Leon Lawson, William Williams, Lanardo Tyner, Antonio Urista and a couple others. I think we’ve covered just about whatever Ishe could throw at me on May 11.


IS: I’ve sparred everybody you can think, especially for this camp all of the guys on the Mayweather Promotions team. I’ve been sparring big guys, little guys and I’ve even joked with Andrew Tabiti about getting in there with me. I’m really having fun and enjoying my time in the gym.


Do you think the 12-year age gap will make a difference in this fight? Why or why not?


IS: Absolutely not. He’s been knocked out twice. I’ve never been stopped. I do a good job of ignoring the outside noise. Age is nothing but a number. It’s totally different when you’re actually in the ring with me. I’ve always been about challenging myself. I live a fighter’s life inside and outside of the ring. I’m set up to deal with anything that’s thrown my way in this game.


TH: “I don’t really know how he lives his life, so I’m not really sure how his age may or may not play a factor. But I’ll be coming in at an aggressive pace, and then we’ll see how things play out. It’s a mystery for now though until we get in there and figure him out a bit. But he looked good and fresh against Julian Williams and Williams is one of the top guys in the division. So I think he’ll be confident coming off of that performance, but I’ll be ready for him.


What kind of improvements have you made in recent fights and how will you implement that in the ring on May 11?


TH: “My main thing is my confidence. I don’t think anybody can beat me when I’m at the top of my game. When it’s fight time, I’m able to implement that and motivate myself. I know in my heart that these guys can’t beat me.


IS: I’ve been able to develop a really strong support system in my life that’s helped my career stay strong. By using that and treating my body well, I’ve been able to last. This recent work with a new strength and conditioning coach has really been a game changer and I think can take me to another level in this portion of my career.


What can a win on May 11 do for you going forward? Who would you like to go after next with a win on May 11?


IS: A win on May 11 is the only option. I want to have my hand raised at the end of the night. The win can mean a lot. Julian Williams was in a title eliminator after beating me, so I know anything is possible. Mul on võita. It just means everything to me. I’m never going to look past what’s on my plate. No dessert for me until I finish my dinner.


TH: A win against Ishe would get me back to the truly meaningful fights, championship fights. I’d love another shot at a title holder like Jarrett Hurd. The goal is to get back to the top to face the best fighters in this stacked division.


Premier Boxing Champions on Bounce will also be available to be streamed live via Bounce’s new subscription-video-on-demand service Brown Sugar, which features an extensive and one-of-a-kind library of iconic black movies as well as Bounce original programming and series. Brown Sugar is available on Apple TV, Aasta, Amazon Channels, Amazon Fire TV, Amazon Kindle, Android and Apple smartphones and tablets and web browsers via BrownSugar.com. Brown Sugar also has Google Chromecast capabilities which allow video to play on televisions directly from mobile devices and tablets for consumers with Android and iOS devices. There is a free initial trial period for subscribers with a retail price of $3.99/month thereafter.


Bounce (@bouncetv) is the fastest-growing African-American network on television and airs on the broadcast signals of local television stations and corresponding cable carriage. The network features a programming mix of original and off-network series, teatri filmides, eripakkumist, Spordiürituste ja rohkem. Bounce has grown to be available in 99 million homes across the United States and 95% of all African-American television homes. Visit BounceTV.com for more information.


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Lisateavet: www.premierboxingchampions.com ja www.mayweatherpromotions.com jälgida puperdamaPremierBoxing, BounceTV, MayweatherPromo, , and @Swanson_Comm , saada fänn Facebookis juures: www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, Facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions ja www.Facebook.com/BounceTV. Follow the conversation using #PBConBounce. PBC on Bounce is sponsored by Corona: Finest Beer.




Kohalike kanali asukohta, külastus BounceTV.com.