Tag Arsip: Lamont bodas

Baltimore tinju Presents Snap, Crackle jeung Dangdut Maret 27!

Baltimore, MD (Maret 4, 2015) - Baltimore tinju promosi baris hadir peuting nu lian dina gelut aksi-dipakétkeun lamun "Snap, Crackle jeung Dangdut "nyokot leuwih ti Michael sacara kadalapan Avenue di Glen Burnie, MD Jumaah, Maret 27.


Tiket anu diobral ayeuna ku nelepon 410-375-9175 atawa bade Baltimoreboxing.com. Tiket individu mimitian jam $25 jeung tabel VIP tina 10 nu sadia pikeun $500. Sadaya ticketholders VIP bisa ngarasakeun bébas hors d'oeurves ti 7-8 WIB jeung anu pangalusna korsi di imah. Ticketholders VIP oge bakal bisa ilubiung dina hiji amprok husus jeung salam jeung jawara dunya 5-ayeuna Vinny Paz, nu bakal Signing autographs, nyawalakeun film jeung anggur pausahaan upcoming-Na.


Lawang kabuka di 6:30 PM jeung bout kahiji dimimitian di 8.


On Januari 23, Baltimore tinju promosi entertained hiji imah full di Michael sacara kadalapan, nyieun hiji paménta luhur pikeun mulang gancang.


Dina acara utama tunggang gunung, middleweight SMP populér Angga "Bazooka Joe" Veazey tina Baltimore tinju Gym nyanghareup Lamont bodas tina Washington, DC. Nu dipikanyaho keur basa kipas satia-Na, Veazey ieu dijadwalkeun tarung dina 23Rd tapi kapaksa mundur alatan tatu. Taun kamari, Veazey direbut medal pérak di National Junior Golden Sarung. Sanggeus meunang loba turnamén saprak manéhna dimimitian tinju salaku anak ngora, Veazey nyaéta dina jalur ka stardom.


Veazey Putih perang kaluar pikeun makuta Basisir Wétan Junior Middleweight.


Slugger Heavyweight jeung urut standout maén bal Sam "Vanilla gorila" meuntas bakal membela judul Basisir Wétan-Na vs Jeff Ksatria dina bout ko-diulas tunggang gunung. Dina 2013, Meuntas dijieun headline nasional ku nyetak nu knockout panggancangna dina sajarah, demolishing Adrian Bean dina opat detik.


Allen "The Hampden Hammer" Burris meets Tyrone "kutu Jitter" Kabayan jeung rina Hartlove kuadrat off ngalawan Somer "guludug" Smith dina Ladies atraksi husus bout.


Urut standout baskét kuliah Stefon McCray, Joe Nolan, Ed Park, Steve Layer, Melad Attashy jeung 2015 Sarung Golden Jawara Tommy Coe JR. ogé bakal nembongan di kartu.


Dina pakaitna jeung peuting padet ieu gelut, Baltimore tinju ieu hosting husus 50/50 raffle pikeun Fund Scholarship Brooke jeung Nathan Fenush. Dana ieu dijieun pikeun mantuan Létnan Baltimore County Dinas Fire Paul Fenush, nu pamajikan anyar diliwatan jauh.


"Kuring nempo maju ka kajadian gede sejen dina 27th,"Ceuk promoter Jake Smith. "Tukang waktu, urang tadi hiji imah nu dipak jeung everybody hayang kenal kana basa pintonan urang ka hareup ieu. Kami oge bangga jadi assisting kulawarga Paul Fenush sacara. Jalma nyokot for teu dibales nu patugas pemadam kebakaran nu pahlawan nyata American nu geus disimpen countless kulawarga tina kaayaan bahaya. Ieu pelesir jeung ngahargaan mah pikeun ngabantu dina whichever jalan mah bisa. "

Record Knockout Holder Crossed Replaces Injured Veazey January 23

Baltimore, MD (Januari 11, 2015) – World record knockout holder Sam “Vanilla Gorilla” Crossed is replacing Joey Veazey in the main event of “Slugfest”Januari 23 di Michael Kang kadalapan Avenue di Glen Burnie, MD.


Veazey was forced to withdraw due to an injury suffered in training.


An exciting heavyweight and former college football player, Crossed set a record by knocking out Adrien Bean in an astonishing four seconds in August 2013. Crossed, a former college football player who continues to improve inside the squared circle, meetsGlen Burnie native Jeff Knight for the East Coast Super Heavyweight Championship.


“Slugfest” is promoted by Baltimore Boxing Promotions and tickets starting at $25 are available at Baltimoreboxing.com or by calling 410-375-9175. VIP seats for $50 jeung tabel VIP tina 10 keur $500 are also available. All VIP ticketholders get free hors d’oeuvres from 7-8 WIB. Lawang kabuka di 6:30 and the first bell will sound at 8:15.


Baltimore native Allan Burris of Baltimore faces Lamont White in the co-feature. The two fought in December, with Burris taking home the victory. Like Crossed, Burris trains out of the Baltimore Boxing Gym.


Young phenom Tommy Koe Jr. will appear on the card in a special attraction bout. Koe Jr. is slated to appear in this year’s nationals. Fans will also be treated to a special showdown between Courtney Hartlove and Melissa “Million Dollar Baby” Wilson. Hartlove and Wilson, who both work in the Federal Hill section ofBaltimore, will do battle for local bragging rights.


“While I’m disappointed that Joey Veazey is no longer on the card, I’m very pleased with our new main event,"Ceuk Smith Jake, CEO of Baltimore Boxing Promotions and President of the South Atlantic Boxing Amateur Boxing Program. “Fans love heavyweights and Sam Crossed has been creating a buzz around the area since his record-setting knockout. Ticketholders also get to see a future champion in Tommy Koe Jr., a guaranteed slugfest between two popular young ladies, the Burris-White rematch and other locals. Ticket sales have been great and we’re expecting a sellout on the 23Rd."


To help with their continued community efforts throughout the Charm City, Baltimore Boxing is hosting a 50/50 raffle. 100 percent of the proceeds will go towards Baltimore Boxing’s amateur program, which has helped keep kids off the street and in the gym for more than 20 taun.


Inpo nu leuwih lengkep, buka Baltimoreboxing.com